How to install BATFAX ½ 1994 BATSoftware: 1. Place all BATFAX files in root directory of a write enabled disk. A blank floppy disk is sufficent. 2. Select INSTALL.TOS icon. 3. A text message will display the license agreement. 4. If you agree to use BATFAX for the 7 day demonstration period, enter AGREE then . Otherwise just . Note about a certain version of BATFAX. There is a Public Domain version of BATFAX in circulation. This version has been installed already. Therefore, the 7 day time period has expired. Originally that version was distributed in a LZH library ready to be installed. By decompressing the library, one would have all the necessary files, program and documentation to install BATFAX. I, the author, have no idea who is distributing the installed version. BATFAX should be distributed in the uninstalled state (after extracting from the .LZH). Then the user can install the program and start tolling the 7 day period. If one runs into this version, I would suggest setting the system clock to the date stamped on BATFAX.PRG. If that does not solve the problem, try this newer version. By running INSTALL.TOS, one can reinstall BATFAX reguardless if the original time has expired. For those of you smart enough to figure out that you can always reinstall this version of BATFAX once the time period expires and never have to send money to the author, you get a cookie. But when judgement day arrives, please note that you will have a nasty mark on your record - possibly sufficient to ensure you a rather steamy perpetual existance.