71762 2-MAR 14:46 Desktop Publishing Calamus SL's new PhotoFX Module From: DMCPUBLISH To: ALL ~~ NEWS RELEASE ~~ NEWS RELEASE ~~ NEWS RELEASE ~~ NEWS RELEASE ~~ March 2, 1995 For further information, contact: Toronto, Ontario, Canada Nathan Potechin - President DMC Publishing DMC announces the PhotoFX Tel: (905) 479-1880 Module for Calamus SL Fax: (905) 479-1882 ********************* Compuserve: 76004,2246 Delphi/GEnie: DMCPUBLISH DMC, who bring you Calamus SL, the Internet: DMCPUBLISH@GENIE.GEIS.COM premier desktop publishing program on the Atari computer, is pleased to announce a new member in the family. The newest addition to the Calamus SL family of modules, PhotoFX is now available. This new module allows you to apply special effect filters to images from within Calamus. Four filters, for use in the Calamus PhotoFX Module, come standard; Sharpen/Blur, Effect, Emboss and Generic (Matrix). Sharpen/Blur allows you to increase the detail or to Blur the currently selected image. The Effects filter creates a variety of special effects such as texturise, exposure and image streaking. The effects will vary depending on the image. The Emboss module will create an emboss affect on any image. The Generic Matrix filter is based on a user definable mathematical matrix that allows you to define your own filters. It is quite powerful and allows an enormous amount of possibilities. Six Matrix filters are included. Sample images with some PhotoFX's applied to them, have been uploaded to a few of the main bulletin boards. Your cost for the new PhotoFX Module for Calamus SL is US $50.00, $70.00 Cdn. Note: You must have the latest version of Calamus SL (Oct. 94) to use this or any other new module.