<=========================================================================> This font was converted from the IBM format by Dennis Hommel, using various Double Click, ISD and MegaType utilities: (1) DC Xtract Plus (DCX_PLUS.PRG), part of the DC Utilities 2.0 package (Double Click), to unZIP the original downloaded file; (2) Type 1 Converter (TYP1CNV.PRG), part of the Font Designer Plus package (MegaType), to convert the IBM Type 1 .PFB file to the .ECF (Editable Computer Font) format; (3) FontVerter 1.70(beta) (FV_1_70.PRG), courtesy of Don Turnock (MegaType), to convert the .ECF file to .CFN format; (4) Calamus Font Editor (FONTED.ACC), the original, never updated version 1.0 NR., from ISD, to set the spacing and bitimage font name; (5) Cal Ed 1.5(beta) (CAL_ED15.PRG), again courtesy of Don at MegaType, to check and edit the font info, to adjust the font lines (base, top, ascent, etc.) and to automatically kern the complete character set. Over the next few weeks, I hope to be uploading several ShareWare or PD fonts converted from both the IBM and Mac worlds. If you have any special requests, or even comments, please leave MAIL on the following services: CompuServe (CI$) Dennis Hommel 75126,3311 GEnie TPHOMMEL (attn: brother Denn) Put these fonts to good use, support the shareware creators, and, above all, ENJOY!! Dennis Hommel Windsor, Ontario Canada