Breach 2 Scenario Index for "Battle Campaign #1" The following is an index to the twenty-one Breach 2 scenarios in "Battle Campaign #1." Technically, this IS a complete campaign, but each scenario is a stand-alone mission, completely independant of any other (i.e., the "campaign" aspect is never mentioned in any of the individual mission briefings). In this index, next to the name of each scenario, there is a number. This is the proper order when following the campaign sequence. The first scenario is "Embassy Takeover" (01) and the final scenario is "Time Lab Rescue" (20). The scenarios are listed below, grouped by difficulty (like Breach 2's main menu does) and then alphabetically within the groups. Scenarios with a '+' next to their sequence number are new, and previously unreleased into the public domain. *--- Easy ---* Name: "FWSF Practice Range" (**) Difficulty Rating: Easy. Strategy: Eliminate all targets, using various weapon systems and tactics. *--- Medium ---* Name: "Refueling Station" (15) Difficulty Rating: Medium. Strategy: Your squad is required to destroy five datapacks, that control automated docking and refueling procedures for UDP transports. The landing pads are bio-shielded, so you'll have to use distance weapons to eliminate the datapacks. Name: "Road 423" (14) Difficulty Rating: Medium. Strategy: Your squad must simply cross the road. If you can blow the radar site, things should go well. The Quantarg river is your largest obstacle. It is crossable at only one point. Name: "Time Lab Rescue" (20)+ Difficulty Rating: Medium. Strategy: The UDP have already stolen the datapacks you need. It is therefore necessary to use the time machine, and travel back in time to before the UDP launched their attack. Collect the datapacks, and get out fast. Time is limited. Name: "Tower Assault" (11) Difficulty Rating: Medium. Strategy: You must invade a UDP communications fort. The main bulk of UDP Forces are housed in the basement. Otherwise, the tower is lightly manned, and easily capturable. Name: "UDP Cruiser Boarding" (02) Difficulty Rating: Medium. Strategy: Upon boarding the ship, resistance could be quite heavy. Sensors indicate a Seeker on board. It might be possible to return to your own ship for resupply, should that be necessary. *--- Hard ---* Name: "Breach..." (09) Difficulty Rating: Hard. Strategy: Your squad must recall the old ways. Head to the upper deck of your ship, and have faith in a shot (or rocket?) in the dark. Use your GravShoes to cross the void, and take over the UDP vessel. Name: "Coastal Supply Depot" (18)+ Difficulty Rating: Hard. Strategy: The FW bombing of the area was extensive. There are some datapacks remaining, however. The bulk of the UDP forces are hiding in the sewers. The village area is extensive -- you should send your scouts to search for datapacks, while you take your marines into the sewers. Name: "CPU Core 27" (13)+ Difficulty Rating: Hard. Strategy: Infiltrate the CPU Core, which is four levels deep. Opposition shouldn't be that heavy, as the UDP are in retreat. Use your demo charges to destroy each level of the Core, then proceed down the river, eliminating UDP resistance, and await further orders. Name: "Embassy Takeover" (01) Difficulty Rating: Hard. Strategy: The embassy is heavily manned, on both of its levels. Sensors indicate there may be an alternate route into the building, but it is not clear where this entrance is located. Name: "The Insanity Complex" (19)+ Difficulty Rating: Hard. Strategy: Not much is known about this area. Deep scanning has revealed the presence of several chambers underground. The nature of these is unknown. Extreme caution is urged. Name: "Raid on Rudrach" (16) Difficulty Rating: Hard. Strategy: Your squad is set down southeast of Rudrach Village, recently overtaken by UDP Forces. Your goal is to retake the town. The best way in is to blast through the southeast wall, and engage the enemy from behind. Watch out for the hidden enemy! Name: "Serla 12" (03) Difficulty Rating: Hard. Strategy: Your squad must be cautious. The underground complex is badly damaged, and can slow your squad and restrict movement. Sensors indicate the lowest level is almost entirely collapsed. Extensive use of transporters may be necessary. Name: "Tactical Assault #1" (04) Difficulty Rating: Hard. Strategy: Your objective is due north. The intervening terrain may be mined. Following the river may be the path of least resistance. Name: "Tactical Assault #2" (08) Difficulty Rating: Hard. Strategy: Your objective is due north. It is possible to drastically reduce the enemy's number by staging a "long range" attack, using rockets. The fields on either side of the UDP canal are heavily mined. *--- Very Hard ---* Name: "Assault on Dr. Lenz" (17) Difficulty Rating: Very Hard. Strategy: Use the detector and crack unit as soon as possible. The enemy is sparse, but has the advantage in power and surprise. If you are cautious, you'll find the traitorous Dr. Lenz in no time. However, beware his final vile trap! Name: "Dragon Claw Trail" (10) Difficulty Rating: Very Hard. Strategy: The Dragon Claw Trail has finally been found! Your squad must engage the enemy in a sweep and clear operation. The UDP are using a tunnel network, and are highly trained and equipped. Beware the shadows in the trees. Name: "Island Takeover" (06) Difficulty Rating: Very Hard. Strategy: An extremely difficult task lies before your squad. How to infiltrate the underground complex that controls the island? The UDP Forces have dug many ambush tunnels. Keep a close watch on foxholes. There is the possibility that the tunnel systems only cover one side of the island. Name: "Raid a UDP Prison" (05) Difficulty Rating: Very Hard. Strategy: Your squad must rescue a large number of prisoners. Enemy personnel are light, but heavily armed. Use the prison cells for cover. The prison itself seems large, but is easy to navigate. Name: "Tactical Assault #3" (12) Difficulty Rating: Very Hard. Strategy: Your objective is the mountain in the northwest. It is heavily defended. Sensors indicate strange readings from the lake. You might investigate there first, before staging a frontal assault. Name: "UDP Prototype Theft" (07) Difficulty Rating: Very Hard. Strategy: Your sqaud is trapped in a stolen ship. If you're not cautious, the UDP Forces will overwhelm you. If you are too cautious, they'll never appear. They'll be beaming in. Stay alert. All scenarios created with Breach 2, v2.0. Feedback is more than welcome! James V. Kracht (JAMES800)