Barbarian Abilities: Weapons: Initial weapons chosen must include the hand axe, knife, and spear. Primary Abilities: Climb cliffs and trees: 84% + 1% per level Hide in natural surroundings: Familiar: 20% + 5% per level Unfamiliar: 5% + 5% per level Surprise: Others on a 3 in 6 chance, 4 in 6 if in familiar terrain. Surprised by others 1 time in 10, 1 time in 20 if in familiar terrain. Back protection: Any back attack may be detected (5% chance per level). The barbarian can counter the attack regardless of attacks/round limits. Leaping and springing: Standing start: 10 feet forward, 3 feet back or up. Running start: 15+d6 feet forward, 4+d4/2 feet back or up. Detect illusion: 5% chance per level, maximum of 75% Detect magic: 20% chance + 5% per level, maximum of 90% Leadership: When dealing with other barbarians, add level to the charisma score. Secondary Abilities: (not well useable in unfamiliar surroundings) Survival: Hunting, gathering, shelter and fire building, small animal trapping, and body covering. First aid: Binding wounds: The barbarian can bind wounds for an immediate 1 hit point, plus an additional hit point per day. Curing: The barbarian has a 10% chance of curing any natural poison or disease. If the poison or disease is known, the chance is 50% +the victim's constitution. Outdoor Craft: Plant and animal detection, direction determination, and predict weather, as cast by a 3th level druid. Tracking Outdoors: 10% chance + 10% per level. Terrain modifiers: Soft enough to hold prints.............. +20% Allows occasional signs of passage...... +10% Allows rare signs of passage............ +0% Prevents all but the minutest traces.... -50% Other modifiers: For each creature beyond the first...... +2% For every 12 hours past................. -5% For every hour of precipitation past.... -25% If intelligent effort is made to hide the trail, consider terrain to be next lower category. If the category was already -50%, tracking is impossible. Tertiary Abilities: (dependent on area of origin) Animal handling: The barbarian can domesticate wild animals. Horsemanship: Skilled in using a horse in combat. Long distance signaling: The barbarian can communicate over long distances. Running: The barbarian can move at full speed for up to 3 days. Boat building: Skilled in building and piloting small boats. Sound imitation: The barbarian can mimic bird and animal calls. Snare Building: The barbarian can build pits and traps. Strictures: Distrusts magic and those who use it. /l2- May associate freely with clerics. \ /l3- May use magic potions. \ /l4- May use magic weapons. \ /l5- May use magic armor. \ /l6- May associate with magic-users, if necessary. \ /l7- May use weapon-like miscellaneous magic items. \ /l8- May associate with magic-users, occasionally. \ /l9- May use protection scrolls. \ /l10- May use most magic items useable by fighters. \ /l4-5 Combat: May strike creatures hit only by +1 or better weapons. \ /l6-7 Combat: May strike creatures hit only by +2 or better weapons. \ /l8-9 Combat: May strike creatures hit only by +3 or better weapons. \ /l10-11 Combat: May strike creatures hit only by +4 or better weapons. \ /l12- Combat: May strike creatures hit only by +5 or better weapons. \ /l6-10 Attacks/Round: 3/2 \ /l11- Attacks/Round: 2/1 \ /l8- Barbarian Horde: When in his/her native land, the barbarian can summon a horde of barbarians form his/her tribe. A horde can number as many members as the character's experience points divided by 1000. A horde takes a week to gather, and must have a stated purpose. The horde can be kept together the same number of weeks that its leader has levels. This may be extended by the promise of treasure, high charisma, or if the goal is close within reach. \