Dark-Elven Abilities: Immunities: 90% resistance to sleep and charm spells Combat: Can fight with two weapons without penalty. Infravision: 120 feet Detection: Secret doors - 2 in 6 Concealed doors (if searching) - 3 in 6 (if merely passing by) - 1 in 6 Grade or slope in passage - 3 in 4 New construction - 3 in 4 Sliding/Shifting walls - 4 in 6 Stonework traps - 3 in 6 Approximate depth - 3 in 6 Surprise: Surprise other on a 4 in 6 chance, unless a portal needs to be opened in which case 2 in 6. Is surprised only 1 time in 8 Innate spells (once per day): dancing lights faerie fire darkness 5-foot radius /l4 detect magic know alignment levitate \ /l4&f clairvoyance detect lie (or reverse) dispel magic \ Daylight Penalties: No enhanced surprise ability -2 dexterity -2 to hit, opponents gain +2 to hit When in darkness but fighting creatures illuminated by light, penalties are: -1 to hit, opponents gain +1, but no other penalties are suffered.