THE COUNTRYSIDE =============== Rampart is set in a strange landscape of different terrain types. The land is surrounded in part by a mystic sea of chaos which it is probably a good idea to avoid. Screen characters have a different meaning in the countryside than they do elsewhere, by the way, and there is a different command set (accessible by '?' when out of the city). Time passes much more quickly in countryside movement; you will have to bring a lot of food with you, though you may wish to hunt ('H' command) to supplement your food reserves; many of the animals that you may encounter, for example, are edible. Since each countryside site is quite a large area, you may have to search ('s' command) to learn of interesting sites nearby. Countryside Map Example: ++----.--- The @ as usual is the player; the +'s are an arm of the Sea of +++++O--^^ Chaos; the O is the city of Rampart; the ^'s are mountains; ----@----^ the .'s are a road; the -'s are plains and meadows; ---.-^^^^^ and the * is a dungeon entrance. ...-^*^^^^ The countryside can be rather dangerous for low level characters to explore at random. However, maps of the surrounding areas can be purchased at the villages which can be found mostly at the ends of the roads. Each village has a "special" magical site somewhere inside its borders. These sites may be beneficial or harmful depending how they are approached and the circumstances of their activation. There are a number of "special" locations in the countryside; these are basically one-level screens of various sorts, or they may be multi-level dungeons. If you follow the advice of the oracle, who may be found somewhere in Rampart, you will wind up visiting most of these sites. A special site or dungeon may be entered from the Countryside environment by means of the '>' command. Depending whether or not it is a multilevel or single level site, it may be exited simply by moving off the edge of the screen, or by ascending or descending a stairway from the first level of the dungeon.