************************* * * * PURE LOGIC * * ---------- * * version: 1.1 * * * * (c)1992 A.Martin * * * ************************* This version released March 1992. Public Domain. Please include all files when distributing. >>>> For details of other Software, please see end of text.... ~~~~~~~~~~ PURE LOGIC ~~~~~~~~~~ Have you ever wondered what a Vulcan like Mr.Spock on 'STAR TREK' would do in his Leisure Time?!? Chances are he wouldn't play a shoot 'em up on his mega power- ful computer, but he may well play a game like PURE LOGIC. As the title suggests, PURE LOGIC is a Logic puzzle game. Those of you who have a good grounding in computers will understand the concept of this game very quickly. The game is based on the 'Logic' used in computers which is called BOOLEAN LOGIC. This is explained in more detail later, but first let me give you a simple example. Suppose you have two variables, A and B. These variables are Logic variables, which means they can only have two values - they can either be a '1' or a '0'. This could also be looked at by saying the variable is either ON (a '1') or OFF(a '0'). This is the basis of Binary, the computer's own language. In Boolean Logic, variables take on values according to certain expressions, for example..... G= A OR B Here, the value of G is dependant on the values of A and B. All three are LOGIC VARIABLES. For G to be ON or a logic '1' requires EITHER A OR B to be ON (logic '1'). Imagine G as a light bulb which requires either switch A OR switch B to be turned on. If both A and B are ON (logic '1'), G is still ON. So, that's the basis of Boolean Algebra - expressions of Logic Variables taking a value of '1' or '0'. This is also the basis of PURE LOGIC -the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PURE LOGIC - The Game ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In PURE LOGIC, you are presented with 8 Logic expressions like the example given. You then have to decide what values a set of Variables takes depending on the expressions given. To make the game more tricky, there is a count down timer which limits the time you have to work the expressions out. There are 8 Levels of play. As the level goes higher, the time allowed decreases, and the complexity of the Logic expressions increases. On the lowest level, you get about 2.5 Minutes to work out the expressions, but on the highest level, you get just 3O seconds. A score is awarded at the end of each round depending on the time taken. At the end of the game, the score totals are shown. You will find it more difficult to get a high score on the higher levels. The game can be played by upto 8 players, or you can play it alone. Upto 8 rounds can be played in each game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PURE LOGIC - Typical expressions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The 8 Logic variables whose value you have to work out are labelled L to S. These variables are dependant on the values taken by another 8 variables, A to H. So, for example, you may be presented with the following.... L= A or C M= E or H N= D or F O= B and C P= D and H Q= A or G R= D and E S= B and H As in the previous example, L= A or C ..... L is ON if EITHER A OR C OR BOTH are ON (ie.Logic '1') M= E or H ....... M is ON if EITHER E OR H OR BOTH are ON etc. etc. now we come to O=B and C ...... For O to be ON (Logic '1'), requires BOTH B AND C to be on. So, if only B or only C was on, O would be OFF (Logic '0') etc. etc. Other more difficult Logic expressions will come up on later levels. These will be explained at the end of the text. ~~~~~~~~ CONTROLS ~~~~~~~~ There are a number of Buttons on the main screen of PURE LOGIC, the functions of which are explained below...... All controlled by the MOUSE: >QUIT< You guessed it, QUIT exits the game and returns to the Desktop. After pressing your mouse on QUIT, you are asked to confirm this. If you now press the right mouse button on QUIT, you will exit. Anything else will continue the game. >CANC< CANCels current game and goes back to the start ready for a new set of values for the number of players, number of rounds, and difficulty level. >PASS< PASS current go. If you get stuck, and you want to pass the go, press here. The game continues with the next player or round. You will not get any points on this round. >RST< Stands for ReSeT. This button is a short cut to reset all your answers for the values L to S. If you press here with the Left mouse key, your answers are all reset to OFF (Logic '0'). If you press here with the Right mouse key, all answers are set to ON (Logic '1'). >CHK< This stands for CHecK. The button allows you to check how many of your answers are correct. This button can only be used TWICE by each player on each round. >TRY< When you think your answers are all correct for the expressions L to S, press here to try your answers. If they are correct, your score will appear, and it will be the next player's turn. If incorrect, you are asked to try again. Any number of tries can be made whilst time permits. You do not lose points for having too many guesses, other than the time it takes to enter your attempts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Playing the Game ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, now you know the basis of the game , and the controls. To play the game, you are first prompted to enter the number of players, the number of rounds and the difficulty level. Level 1 is the easiest level, and the expressions you have to work out are all 'OR' types ie L= A OR D etc. If you are playing against someone else, you can decide whether the CHK button should be used or not, as this makes the game a little easier. On level 2, AND type expressions will appear also. The actual expressions are chosen at random, but the complexity of the random expressions is dependant on the difficulty level chosen. At the top of the screen, you will see the letters A to H. Under these appears an '*' to represent a logic '1' or ON. If it is blank under the letter, a logic '0' or OFF is assumed. These values are then used to calculate the expressions L to S. On the right of the screen are 8 buttons for L to S. Press- ing on these will change the appropriate letter to its opposite logic value ie/ if the letter is OFF (logic '0'), pressing on it will turn it ON, and Vice versa. This is called INVERTING the Logic level. If you use the right mouse to do this, you will also get a Bell sound to acknowledge the press. Initially all the values L to S are set to OFF. As you build up these values, your answer appears on the Right of the screen under another set of letters L to S. Again, an '*' represents a Logic '1' ie/ ON. Press on TRY when you think you have got these letters correct. So, suppose you had the expression, L= D OR F, you would look at the top of the screen to see if EITHER D or F (or BOTH) are ON (an '*' appears). If this is the case, You would click the mouse on L to make L ON also. An '*' appears below the set of letters L to S. You do the same for all 8 expressions, then enter your answer using TRY. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MORE COMPLICATED EXPRESSIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X= A OR B is one of the easiest type of expressions to understand. In Boolean Algebra, the Logic expressions can also be represented symbolically...... X=A OR B would be represented by the expression..... X= A + B Here are a few more complicated ones that appear...... ================================================================ X= A NOR B 'NOR' stands for NOT OR which means it is the opposite or INVERSE of OR, so whereas X= A OR B requires either A OR B to be ON for X to be ON, X=A NOR B requires Neither A NOR B to be on if X is to be ON. So, with NOR, if either A or B is ON, X is OFF _____ Symbolically represented by: X= A + B ================================================================ X=A NAND B Like NOR standing for NOT OR, NAND stands for NOT AND. ie/ NAND is the opposite of AND. So, X=A NAND B will give X is OFF only when BOTH A AND B are ON (compare this to AND where the answer would be X is ON only if A AND B are ON) All other situations will give X is ON. ___ Symbolically represented by: X= A.B ================================================================ X=A OR (B AND D) This is an example of a combination expression which will appear on higher levels. To work out a value for X, you first work out the answer to the expression in brackets ie. B AND D, then you 'OR' this answer with A. So, X will be ON if either A is ON OR the answer to B AND D is on or logic '1'. X is ON if A is ON or BOTH B AND D are ON. This expression would be represented by: X= A + (B.D) ================================================================ **************************************************************** ******************** NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR ******************** I hope you enjoy this program which has been placed in the PUBLIC DOMAIN and can be copied and distributed freely. I would be pleased to receive comments, ideas and suggestions from users. I would like to hear from other programmers (STOS or other Languages). >Tony Martin. March 1992 >>>>> OTHER PROGRAMS BY THE AUTHOR <<<<< Ask your PD Library if they stock a disk called GAME MAKER KIT 1....... This is a LICENSEWARE DISK which allows anyone with an Epson compatible printer to print out their own pocket card game. If your Library hasn't got it, then send direct to the Author, The disk costs just œ2-50 (1 Double-sided disk) You will need a colour monitor/TV Single-sided Disk owners send œ3-10 (FOR 2 SS DISKS) >>>> PD LIBRARIES Who would like to distribute this LICENSWARE DISK (Game Maker Kit 1), or any of my programs, please contact me at the address below....... **** WATCH OUT FOR OTHER PROGRAMS! **** ORDERS FOR DISK, COMMENTS TO: ---------------------------- Mr.A.Martin 28 Neston Road LEICESTER LE2 6RD ENGLAND ---------------------------- ****************************************************************