GENERAL INFO Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to download my program. RTRNLBL.PRG is, amazingly enough, a program that prints out return address labels. This program is based on a program for the 8-bit Atari that appeared in Antic magazine about five years ago. There are probably a few other programs similar to this one already out for the ST. I wrote mine as an exercise in learning Personal Pascal. LIMITATIONS Using the program is pretty much self explanatory. You can create, load, save, and print out return address labels. The TEST button is the only item that might need an explanation. It prints out a pre-defined test label so that you can line up your printer before printing out the actual labels that you need. I would not recommend saving an incomplete label. I do not check for the length of file being correct in this version. If you don't have a complete label saved, including a border character, you might get a runtime error when you try to load that particular file. The current version of RTRNLBL.PRG is hardwired for Epson compatible printers. If you're using something else, you'll have to look elsewhere for labels for the time being. You can only print out up to nine labels at a time. The counter box must be incremented after it returns from a printout. E.G. You print out 6 labels. When the dialog box reappears after printing, there is a "6" in the counter box. It is not a good value. You will have to either click on the up or down box before you can print again.That's all the problems I can think of at this time. If you discover any in the use of the program, please contact me. SUPPORT There are three levels of support available for this software. 1. Regular support. Download RTRNLBL.PRG and use, abuse, don't use, or misuse it as you see fit. I make no copyright claims or any other silly ownership B.S. It's yours to do with as you see fit. 2. Enhanced support. Download RTRNLBL.PRG and find you like it enough to send me the shareware fee that I'm asking. The suggested retail price is a postcard from your hometown that I can tack to my bulletin board. Suggestions for improvement are welcome. 3. Developer support. Download RTRNLBL.PRG use it and send me five bucks. This makes you a registered RTRNLBL developer with all the benefits that entails. I'll send you back a disk with the latest version of the software and the Pascal source code. I'm not a programmer so don't expect anything earthshaking. But, it's available if you want it. If you can't afford five dollars, send me E-Mail and I'll send it to you free. DISCLAIMER I make no warranties of any type for this software, so don't bother to get all PO'd at me if it screws up your computer. This program should not lock up or crash. If it does please let me know so that I can try to fix it. The program does write files to the disk drive, so my recomendation is to run it from a floppy. Actually, it defaults to drive A: so that would be the logical place to have the program and its resource file. THE FUTURE I just bought a used copy of Prospero Pascal so the next version of this program is going to be written with that. I like the environment and ease of using GEM with Personal Pascal but Prospero has a debugger and more extensive GEM libraries. So, I'm going to give it a go and see what I come up with. There's lots of things I want to do to enhance RTRNLBL.PRG. For one thing, I would like for the next version to be completely GEM based, including a menu bar. So, if there are improvements you would like to see, please contact me at the address listed below. Rusty Purifoy 2108 Williamsburg Ct. So. League City, TX 77573