ProTracker ST v2.1 -= USA =- registration form. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Please check one: ( ) Yes! I would like to be registered as a user of ProTracker ST. I have enclosed $15 in some variety, made payable to the authors. Please update me with your latest version of ProTracker ST as soon as humanly possible! ( ) But of course! ProTracker ST is an excellent piece of software, and it is my pleasure to donate 15 US dollars in currency (well-wrapped, so as not to be found or discovered by persons of questionable character) to the well-being of the authors and the continual development of ProTracker ST, which, by the way, is an exceptionally well crafted piece of software. In return for this humble gesture of gratitude and admiration, I will undoubtably receive my very own and personal copy of ProTracker ST. ( ) No. But, since I seem to have enclosed 15 bucks, send me a copy of ProTracker ST anyway. ( ) I am shocked and outraged! It is a disgrace that such a stupendously great program should be available for as little as a measly 15 dollars, so I have included a vastly greater amount of money. For this I expect that the authors promptly and without delay send me a copy of the most supremely excellent music program, ProTracker ST, as well as remember me in their wills. Full name: ___________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Country: _________ Phone #: ___________ Computer I possess: ( ) Atari ST ( ) Atari STe ( ) Atari Mega ST ( ) Atari Mega STe ( ) Atari TT ( ) Falcon ( ) Other: ________________ Where I got hold of my shareware copy of ProTracker ST: [ ] DELPHI [ ] An anonymous ftp site [ ] A close friend [ ] Some other bbs [ ] My what? [ ] Directly from the authors And, by the way, I'd just like the authors to know that: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Tranquility upon thee! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mail to: Karl Anders ²ygard Box 8 N-6180 S’B², Norway e-mail to: