672 Degas Elite Fill Patterns for MONOCHROME monitor ---------------------------------------------------- It's hard to find fault with DEGAS ELITE, but I found myself becoming disgruntled with the way fill patterns are saved to disk. I was wishing that you could save an entire fill "palette" rather than having to save each pattern as a separate file. The difficulty was in trying to assign a meaningful name to each file so that I could recall which pattern I wanted from the ever growing hundreds of fill files I had. This ARChive contains one DEGAS Elite monochrome picture file named "FILLS.PC3". This provides a much easier way of accessing HUNDREDS of fill patterns instantly from within DEGAS Elite. Just load this picture into one of your unused work screens. Whenever you need a unique fill pattern, simply select the screen containing this picture, go up to the "MAKE" menu, select "Make fill," then "Grab" one of the 672 fill patterns from the screen. You will find that the "GRAB BOX" is exactly the same sized area that each pattern is contained within. When you have the GRAB BOX positioned correctly it should be completely white. If, after clicking, the pattern seems to have a verticle line, a horizontal line, or both that do not seem to belong, then just select "Grab" a second time and try again. With a little practice you will find GRABing patterns to be a snap. This sample of patterns is by no means exhaustive of the possible patterns which could be generated on this 16x16 grid. Each row has a total of 65,536 possible pixel combinations. With sixteen rows, the number exceeds 1 x 10^75 different patterns. However, most of these would not meet "properly" at the edges, so the number of patterns that are pleasing to the eye is vastly smaller. Each pattern provided can also be FLIPPED, INVERTED, TOGGLED or any combination of these for a total of 5376 patterns, plus they can be altered in any way you see fit. One of the best ways to create fill patterns (and the way I used to generate all of these) is to combine two or more fills using X-RAY Block mode. Because the original Degas Elite fill patterns are lost when new patterns are GRABed, I included these fills on the screen for easy retrieval. I hope that this picture and approach to accessing monochrome fill patterns speeds up your production of DEGAS Elite monochrome graphic artworks. Todd Redden (GEnie T.Redden) (CIS 72467,2007) (STATUS 203-289-1839 E.Hartford, CT) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@