______________________ / DeskTracker History / ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ The core song player in DeskTracker is based on Replay STe, a NoiseTracker player written by Wizzcat in May 1991. Work on the GEM interface began in April '92 when I got my Mega/STE... a working version of it was completed in three weeks! DeskTracker was written in GFABASIC 3.5 and provided a dialog box interface, but it did look quite like the version you see here. After a year of work I've added a lot and refined a lot. Don't be deceived by its relatively small size - I'd call it finely chizelled artwork! This version is written in Lattice C 5.52. I really do recommend Lattice to anyone who is serious about Atari software production in the future... if Atari Corp use it I'd say that's a pretty good guarantee of its longevity. ============================================================================ ___________________ / Revision History / ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ Date Version Comments 26/04/93 1.00 First released version: main features were: Control panel runs in a window, animation bars and oscilloscope in separate windows, Memory functions, User allowed to change play frequency at any time DeskTracker can read in ICE packed MOD files as created by using the DATA pack in JAM Packer 4.0 Load and decompress a new song while the previous one is playing Information bar Iconise DtMt by clicking on the Full-box Load old type 15-sample Noisetracker songs files as well as 31-sample 28/04/93 1.01 ACC now installs correctly; Fixed animation bars; Now informs user if ATrak isn't running 05/05/93 1.02 Now runs under MultiTOS. RUN_MOD.APP program for MTOS(see separate file) 18/05/93 1.03 If DT finds a DTMT.INF file (usually in the root of A:\ or C:\ then the contents provides the default directory. Lower memory usage 01/06/93 1.1 ATrak boot program integrated into main ACC. Playback speeded up for cache memory users (Mega/STe, TT, Falcon). Hopefully works correctly on the Falcon. Select multiple files to add to memory using *.* Options and Shortcuts dialogs. Save default setup in DESKTRAK.INF. Arpeggio fixed Lower memory usage while playing Better compatability Coünect bug fixed Protracker compatability 15/07/93 1.11 Oscilloscope and Spectrum windows can be iconised StarTracker compatability ___________________ / This program is / / SHAREWARE! / ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ DeskTracker has taken a lot of work by an overstressed university student! If you like this program, please do send a donation. I will try to reply to all mail within a month, even if it's just a postcard to say I'm getting round to it. The address is... David Oakley 6 Watlands Road Bignall End Stoke On Trent ST7 8QQ England If you register for œ5 sterling, you get... o The current version of DeskTracker with all the trimmings left on o Versions of the Tracker-player used in DeskTracker which can be included as object files in your Lattice-C or GFABASIC-3 compiled programs or as a stand-alone program to provide the facilities to interpreted GFA-3 or other languages o Put on our mailing list ready for when I finish my MOD-Editor later this summer (1993). It will work in any GEM mode with at least a 640 pixel wide screen and will be fully MultiTOS compatible or runnable as an accessory with all the background playing features you've seen in DeskTracker! Please make all cheques payable to David Oakley and in sterling only. For international registrations, you must send travellers cheques, sterling cheques or cash, preferably by registered post. When registering please state which model of Atari you have and which monitor you use. Also mention which version of DeskTracker you are using at the moment. The MOD Editor mentioned above will be available from... Goodman Enterprises 16 Conrad Close Meir Hay Estate Longton Stoke On Trent ST3 1SW ENGLAND