Double click on RELATIVE.TXT to show the "It's All Relative" manual on your monitor screen. For a formatted printout of the manual, double-click on PRINTDOC.PRG after turning on your printer and lining up your paper to top of form. The manual will run 16 pages. The REL_HD.PRG is not included in this arc. If you downloaded this demo from the GEnie system, you will be given a $5.00 credit towards the purchase price of $25.00. This $5.00 credit and introductory price of $25.00 is good through September 15, 1988 only. A utilities disk will also be sent to you in mid-September for use with your "It's All Relative" data files. A birthday book and family time-line are two of the features planned for the utility disk. To order "It's All Relative", enclose a check or money order for $20.00 along with a mention of GEnie to: Greg Kopchak 2233 Keeven Lane Florissant, MO 63031 GEnie address: GREG