HDVIEW3.PRG by Walt Sullivan CIS: 76367,200 DELPHI: WALTSULLIVAN HDVIEW3.PRG is a direct-from-disk animation viewer that plays ".DLT" files created by programs in the CYBER series and others. It differs from the ANIMATE?.PRG players in that it can display an animation of any size. It does this by reading the delta information from a disk file and displaying the animation 'on the fly'. Needless to say, it can't approach the 30 frames per second speed of the RAM resident players, but it can display that 900K animation that you slaved over and then found out wouldn't fit in your 1040ST. It will show low rez files if you are in low or medium rez and high rez files if you are in high rez. HDVIEW3.PRG always operates in the Forward mode, i.e. frame #'last' is followed by frame #1. It also always operates in Double Buffered mode. I found that there was no discernable speed difference between single & double buffering, and the display didn't look as good in single mode since you could see the 'wave' of screen updates proceed down the screen. Other than those two exceptions, HDVIEW3 operates in a similar way to the ANIMATE? programs. The Function keys control the speed of display where F10 = full speed and F1 = 1.5 seconds per frame. The SPACE bar pauses the display and any key resumes. The HELP key brings up the file selector box, and the UNDO key takes you back to the desktop. The file selector box show ".PI1" files when you are in low or medium rez and ".PI3" file when in high. It should catch incorrect rez files and selecting a "PI?" when there is no ".DLT" file to go with it. I would like to thank Tom Hudson for publishing the DLT file spec here on Compuserve. And I also want to thank Dan Matejka for his article "Al and C Routines..." in STart #1. I am a C programmer and not very familiar with 68000 Assembly Language. In this article he discussed longword memory_move and initialization routines in 68000 AL. I modified these routines to do a fast screen copy from a work area to the viewable area and to erase the screen by init'ing it to zeros. This program was developed with the Megamax C Development System on an Atari 1040ST with color & monochrome monitors.