Misfire animation instructions The following is a set of instructions to create the animation called misfire. I hope you enjoy it. If you should build upon it or add to it with great results please upload in compuserve's antic cybermate section. Sincerely, David L. Snyder 1) Make a backup disk (double sided of course) 2) copy the ORBIT.PI1, ORBIT2.PI1, ORBIT3.PI1, MLAUNCH2.PI1, MISFIRE.TXT and the .3D2 files to a seperate disk. This will now be referred to as the data disk. 3) Delete these same files from the original disk (to make room for the animation files) This is now your animation disk. 4) Okay let's start shooting. Run CAD3D. Load ORBIT.PI1 as the background and SHUTTLE.3D2 as the objects. 5) Place the animation disk in drive A and click the PD3DCTL accessory. when the directory appears select SDIDEPLY.CTL . That's it for about three to four hours while your 1040 is shooting the animation. Why not turn off the monitor and go to bed for the night while your ST does the work. 6) Okay, your back and the first animation (also the longest) is done. Now load ORBIT2.PI1 as the background and SDI_SAT.3D2 as the objects from your data disk. Done? Good, now be sure the animation disk is in drive A, click PD3DCTL accessory and this time select MLAUNCH.CTL . This sequence takes two to three hours so go watch a movie. 7) Okay, one more scene to record. Load ORBIT3.PI1 as the background and MISSLES.3D2 as the objects. Be sure the animation disk is in drive A. Click the PD3DCTL accessory and select COLLIDE.CTL . This scene takes one to two hours to record. 8) Well we are all done shooting. With your animation disk delete the following files : SDIDEPLY.PI1, MLAUNCH.PI1 and COLLIDE.PI1. Copy the following files from your data disk to your animation disk : ORBIT.PI1, MLAUNCH2.PI1 and ORBIT3.PI1 . Now change the names of these files on your animation disk as follows : from ORBIT.PI1 to SDIDEPLY.PI1 from MLAUNCH2.PI1 to MLAUNCH.PI1 from ORBIT3.PI1 to COLLIDE.PI1 The reason this was done was to preserve color-cycling data that was lost when using the files as backgrounds in CAD3D . If Tom Hudson should read this " Please allow cycling data from a background be written to the .PI1 file of the animation. " 9) Not much more to go. Copy ORBIT3.PI1 from the data disk to the animation disk. The animation disk should now contain over 710 K. 10) Now we get to run the animation. Load the animation disk into drive A and be sure the screen is set to low resolution. Double click MISFIRE.PRG and enjoy.