Psycehdelic Pack #1 DISCLAIMER These images are provided for enjoyment only. If you happen to see these images under the influence of various legal, and/or "illegal" substances, and you have a fit, it's not our fault. CONTENTS This archive (PSYPACK1.LZH) should contain: 1. PSYCHE_1.IFF - the psychedelic man! 2. PSYCHE_2.IFF - a spaced-out time tunnel just for you! 3. PSYCHE_3.IFF - a weird psychedelic grotto thingy! 4. PSYCHE_4.IFF - behold the hypnotic eye! 5. TRIP_IFF.PRG - viewer program for .IFF files. 6. PSYCHE.TXT - this. Run TRIP_IFF.PRG to view the files, or use your favorite paint program (provided it can load .IFFs and do color cycling). When viewing a picture, press TAB to start the "ColorTrip!" Images ˝ 1991, New Modern Hippież Images by the Jumping Pumping Machine Brain! Pallette created with NeoChrome Master, v2.10. Touched-up with Cyber Paint v2.1. Color-cycled with Deluxe Paint ST v1.0.