Modifications to QuickRUN by Robert Jung Written 6/24/1989 For those of you already familliar with QuickRUN v.1.0, here's a quick, no-nonsense list of what's been changed in version 2: * APPlication programs. Programs with an .APP extension (like TEMPUS and TIMEWORKS PUBLISHER) are now supported. Sorry for not having it sooner, I didn't know about it! (grin) * The list is now bigger. 20 entries should be more than enough, I hope. * There is now a new command, ORDER. This alphabetically sorts the current QuickRUN list, so you can find your stuff easier. This is not an automatic process, so your list won't be organized if you don't want it to be. * You can now double-click on a program to RUN it immediately. * All QuickRUN commands have keyboard equvalents. Press the first letter of a command to activate it. Use the up/down arrows (and shift + up/down) to scroll the list. Use F1-F10 and shift + F1-F10 to choose a filename. * The mouse cursor is now properly restored when leaving badly-written GEM programs (Alan Page, shame on you! B-) Everything else is the same as QuickRUN 1.0. Version 2 will even read version 1 lists, so go wild! As usual, I welcome feedback and comments, see the file QUICKR_2.DOC (or call the O-Mayer V BBS! [grin]) TRIVIAL CHITCHAT AND INCOMPATABILITY PROBLEMS Some people have asked, so let me set things straight here: QuickRUN is a NO-NONSENSE, GET IT DONE program, optimized for size and performance. Its only purpose is to put your most-commonly-used programs in one place, so you don't waste time looking for your tools. If you want hundreds of features, look elsewhere. If you just want to get programs started really fast, I hope you use QuickRUN. --- Most properly-written programs should work with QuickRUN. The only incompatabilities I know of so far are: EASY-DRAW. Fans of Easy-Draw will be used to the problems of getting it to work with anything besides the Desktop. Sorry, I haven't changed the story. The problem is that Easy-Draw uses the GEM shel_write() command, and when Atari ported GEM to the ST, it wasn't done right (if this is fixed in TOS 1.4, will someone let me know?). The only way this will work is from the Desktop. I believe Codehead Software's HOTWIRE will handle this fine, since that works by tapping directly into the Desktop. Check it out. G+PLUS ACCESSORY. Running a QuickRUN program with the G+Plus accessory installed *will not* cause the proper ASSIGN.SYS file to be loaded. That's not my fault; The G+Plus accessory works by tapping into the Desktop directly (does Codehead have an obsession with the Desktop?). Since QuickRUN is not the Desktop, the G+Plus accessory doesn't know when to kick in. The only solution is for Codehead to rewrite their accessory, or tell me how to tap into their code (fat chance). Anyway, I hope you like this. I'm not asking for money or anything, just a little respect and attention out here in the ST community (Hey, competing with guys like David Small, Bill Teal, and Charles Johnson is HARD! [grin]), is that too much? I'm always here for feedback and letters, just dig up my address in the file QUICKR_2.DOC, or call the O-Mayer V BBS (213-732-0229). See ya!