YOUR PRIORITY-RECORD Do you want to prove to anybody exactly what the priorities of your life are? Show them your check-record. The things upon which you spend your finances, labors, emotions and thoughts are the things which are most important to you. "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:19-21 NIV) This very emphatic Hebrew expression does not necessarily outlaw having a savings account. The point is that God calls us to make the investments of our life in heavenly things, the things of the kingdom of God. Part of spreading the Kingdom of God is the command in Genesis 1 to "have dominion" over the world and every legitimate area of human life. This includes flooding the world with strong Christian doctors, jurists, entrepreneurs, artists and musicians, etc., who will pursue excellence in their fields to the glory of God. This "cultural mandate" is restated in the New Covenant as the Great Commission: to preach the Gospel to every creature and to disciple all nations to obey Jesus Christ. Only two things on earth will endure throughout eternity: the Word of God and, either in heaven or hell, the souls of people. The best investments we can make in the "market" of earth are those which build the Word, life and character of Jesus Christ in the lives of people. The work of the local church and mission and parachurch organizations which are truly obeying the Great Commission are the best long term investments in the universe. Nothing else will last. [Clyde Price--Scraps20] FACE VALUE SPEECH Facial expression, body language and vocal inflection can change the meaning of our words 180 degrees. Sarcasm, exaggeration, and just plain lying are standard means of vocal communication in our society. We are so used to it that we automatically table much that we hear to see later what the speaker meant by it. The Bible teaches that words are VERY important, and the ways we use words are important. "Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes', and your 'No', 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one." (Matthew 5:37 NIV) According to the Lord Jesus, the evil one is delighted when our "yes"es and our "no"es mean something else. The prophet Isaiah pronounces a Woe on those who confuse darkness and light, good and evil, sweet and bitter (Isaiah 5:20). For many of us, this is a profound and difficult change of thought and lifestyle: using words in such a way that the meaning conveyed is consistent with the face-value meaning of the words we are using. We north Americans live in a media-saturated society which blares at us, "I'm BAD, I'm BAD..." "He's a BAD dude." et cetera, ad nauseam. For those of us taught to use sarcasm from early childhood, this switch is a fight. When the Lord Jesus says "Yes", He means it. The Bible says that all of God's promises are "Yes" in Christ (II Corinthians 1:20). When Jesus says "NO one comes to the Father but through Me", He means NO ONE. We challenge you to read the Gospel of John, and the rest of the New Testament for yourself, and keep this in mind: These aren't just pretty words; it means what it says. [Clyde Price--SCRAPS21] RELIGIOUS FOLK You probably know a person who is very religious, yet continually offends people, takes friends and family for granted, and constantly self-justifies insensitive self-centeredness. (Could this person be sitting in YOUR chair?) It may shock you that Jesus Christ is more concerned about your personal relationships than He is about your outward religious activities. "If you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother, then come and offer your gift." (Matthew 5:23-24 NIV) This does not mean you should put off receiving Jesus as Savior and Lord. But clearing up debts, either moral or financial, should be a top priority after conversion, and a prerequisite for consecration to Christian service. Clearing up personal offenses is considered a prerequisite to sharing in the Lord's Supper (see also I Corinthians 11). If you are not a Spirit-born, blood-washed member of the Forever Family, just remember that Christians don't claim to be perfect, just forgiven. Please don't let sanctimonious religionists fence you away from the true and living God revealed in Scripture. You can find the freedom of forgiveness through faith in our King Jesus, and you will in turn receive the grace in your own heart to forgive others. Put your trust in Jesus, and receive the gift of forgiveness. [Clyde Price--SCRAPS22] ARE YOU A FOLLOWER OF JESUS? "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "And I will make you fishers of men." (Matthew 4:19 NIV) Are you a "fisher of people"? Are you actively seeking to help people in YOUR world find eternal, abundant life in Jesus? "Well, I don't believe in trying to cram the gospel down somebody else's throat." That is a cop-out for disobedience. Jesus said to His followers, "Preach the gospel to EVERY CREATURE." (Mark 16:15) This means YOU, and "every" includes the people around you. One aspect of the gospel is like telling folks about the only exit from a burning building. People NEED to hear, whether they WANT TO or not. Another aspect of the gospel is sharing the most exciting, interesting, captivating Person in the universe. Certainly you would tell an acquaintance about a nice place to eat, a good sale, a special event, or another interesting person. How much more would you share about your Friend, Lover, Betrothed Husband, and King? Christian, picture yourself looking into the eyes of your next-door neighbor on Judgment Day and being asked, "Why didn't you TELL me?" [Clyde Price--SCRAPS23] A CRAVING SATISFIED Have you ever had a CRAVING for something, but you weren't sure exactly WHAT it was you wanted? Maybe even after you had just glutted out on pizza and ice cream, you felt somehow unsatisfied, unfulfilled. Perhaps there's a dietary requirement you've missed. "Jesus answered, 'It is written, "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."'" (Matthew 4:4 NIV) God created the human race to be not only physical and psychological beings, but also eternal spiritual beings capable of being (becoming) containers of the very nature of Deity (see I Peter 1). No human being can be complete apart from a personal relationship with God, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. No believer can ever be complete, healthy, "normal", without a balanced, complete diet for the SPIRIT as well as the mind and body. Our minimum requirements include every bit of the Word of God, the Holy Scriptures: NOT just favorite verses and passages. We would like to give you a one-year Bible reading schedule, free of charge. Contact us... [Clyde Price SCRAPS24] STAY AWAY! The Bible teaches that we believers are to love people, but that does not mean necessarily that we can, or should, spend time with just anybody. The Bible actually warns believers to AVOID some types of people. "He who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets, Therefore, DO NOT ASSOCIATE with a gossip." (Proverbs 20:19 NAS) Want everybody to know your secrets? Tell a gossip. Some of these warnings are good to remember when you are thinking about people to go into business with or to date/marry. "DO NOT ASSOCIATE with a man [person] given to anger; Or go with a hot-tempered man [or woman], Lest you learn his ways, And find a snare for yourself." (Proverbs 22:24-25) If you shouldn't associate with them, it would probably be a good idea not to marry them, either. Angry people tend to do things that are not wise, not right (see James 1:20). We are warned against involvements with those given to (unnecessary) change (Proverbs 24:21), and against business connections with heavy drinkers and gluttons (Proverbs 23:20f.). Obviously, this would affect our choice of employers, partners, friends, and spouse. God's Word gives good guidelines for living. If you happen to BE in one of these "avoid" categories, don't become a hermit. Repent, and come in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ, and learn how to follow Him into abundant life. He can clean you up, turn you around, set you straight, and get you going on the right track with His mighty power. The Gospel of John will tell you how to start. Do it today. Put your trust in Jesus. [Clyde Price--SCRAPS25] WHERE ARE YOU HEADED? "God! Why did You do this to me?!" Because we live in a sin-polluted world, sometimes things happen around us or to us that we believe we had nothing to do with, but which cause us pain. Often, though, we see the working of a spiritual law: "Do not deceive yourselves; no one makes a fool of God. A person will reap exactly what he plants. If he plants in the field of his natural desires, from it he will gather the harvest of death; if he plants in the field of the Spirit, from the Spirit he will gather the harvest of eternal life." (Galatians 6:7-8 Good News Bible) Usually we are doing what we are doing, where we are, and with whom we are, because of the general direction WE have set for our lives. "Some people ruin themselves by their own stupid actions and then blame the Lord." (Proverbs 19:3 GNB) In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives the remedy, "Instead be concerned above everything else with the Kingdom of God and what He requires of you, and he will provide you with all these other things." (Matthew 6:33 GNB) Happiness and contentment are byproducts of serving the Lord Jesus Christ. Even genuine children of God have problems, but we also have God's power to deal with them. Don't blame God for the messes you and others have gotten yourself into. What "field" have you been planting in? Read the Gospel of John, and find out how to transfer to God's field. Put your trust in Jesus. [Clyde Price--SCRAPS26] COMPARISON-SHOPPING FOR A CHURCH? The Bible teaches that adultery, fornication, theft, dishonest business practices, murder of the post-born or pre-born, homosexual acts and involvement in the occult or witchcraft are all very clearly SIN. Some people practice and justify activities such as these and yet try to maintain an appearance of religious involvement. In many places, it's considered "nice" to attend church, even if you have to shop around for a church that doesn't cramp your lifestyle. Some of these folks think, or maybe just claim, that they have a personal relationship with God, and "talk with Him all the time." The book of Proverbs tells us, "He who turns away his ear from listening to the law, even his prayer is an abomination." Right and wrong have never changed. The ceremonial law of the Old Testament was a picture of the complete redemption from sin accomplished by the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, in His death on the cross for sinners and his resurrection from the dead. The moral law remains God's standard of righteous behavior for people. God has never changed His mind about what He calls SIN. Some well-meaning church people respond immediately to this, "But this is the NEW Covenant; we're NOT UNDER THE LAW!" Paul said repeatedly that no one in all of time would be saved by the works of the Law. Salvation is by grace through faith from the exit of Eden to the last tribulation convert. If you still object to this, read through the Old Testament, and make a list of all the laws you want to break. "If I regard (or cherish) wickedness in my heart, the Lord will not hear." (Psalm 66:18) Stop fooling yourself. Repent (turn) from your sin, and flee in faith to the risen and living King, Jesus Christ. He will forgive you, free you, cleanse you, and give you power to live an abundant, joyful and CLEAN life. Put your trust in Jesus. [Clyde Price--SCRAPS27]