========================================================================= (C) 1993 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie are *official* information services of Atari Corporation. To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt.Type XTX99437,GENIE and press [RETURN]. The system will prompt you for your information. ========================================================================== Category 25, Topic 4 Message 1 Thu Sep 19, 1991 J.WENZEL2 [ J R ] at 04:48 EDT On behalf of Lee Seiler and the LEXICOR staff we welcome your questions and comments regarding Prism-Paint: The powerfull resolution-independent drawing program form LEXICOR Software. We're hear to surve you... Just ask and we will do our best to provide help and information to help you get the most out of our products. Thank you Lee Seiler and the LEXICOR staff ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 2 Fri Sep 20, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 20:11 EDT JR, thank you for the information. We will provide helpfull information for Prism-Paint. Remember Prism-Paint is resolution independent! Ringo Monfort ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 3 Fri Sep 20, 1991 S.FEENEY at 23:35 EDT I saw a picture done with Prism Paint on the front cover latest Atari Interface magazine. It was a really cool drawing, any chance this might be animated? I am refering to a dinosaur skeleton which looked likes it could be the terminators pet :). I am really impressed with this one, anyone else seen this picture? ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 4 Sat Sep 21, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 00:45 EDT S.Feeney Thanks for stoping by. The dinosaur skeleton picture on the cover of the latest ATari Interface Magazine was created by Lee Seiler using Prism- paint on a TT with a Matrix Graphic card at 800 X 600 Res with 256 colors. He did this by hand. Yes you can great an animation. With the Lexicor products you will be ablable to create that quality of animations and more. The 3D2 objects can be created with ScyberSculpt and load into Chronos. I will give you a discription on how Lee created that great picture. If you need information about chronos check out topic 3 in this category. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 5 Sat Sep 21, 1991 REALM [Joey] at 03:27 EDT Ringo, I've got a picture of Yoda that came from Prism Paint but I also have the same picture in a book of Michael Whelan artwork. How did you guy's manage to get the picture into Prism Paint? I think it's TT low res and it looks exactly like the one the book, too cool!:-) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 6 Sat Sep 21, 1991 L.SEILER [LEXICOR] at 04:45 EDT Relm(joey) The original was done on an atari by someone at ILM or so I was told., and we don't give out how we "did it" :-) seariously we just used a file translation power of prism to convert the 24bit IFF to GIF. really no big deal. Feeney Given some time and you will be able to animate the "Lexisaurus". We will be opening a 3d2 object topic and up loading all sorts of objects for all to use. There will also be >ANM files with which you will be able to walk them around. There is lots more to come. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 7 Sat Sep 21, 1991 REALM [Joey] at 17:14 EDT Thanks for the info Lee! This book I have is about the art work of Michael Whelan. I've had it for a long time but I just noticed Yoda last night. I think it was probable scanned somewhere along the way. The original was 22"x28" Acrylic done in 1983. It's the cover from "My Jedi Journal" and he was commissioned by Del Rey Books and Lucasfilm Ltd. Speaking of ILM they've got one of the coolest logos I've ever seen. I thought you might have had a scanner hidden in the secret developers room.:-) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 8 Sat Sep 21, 1991 L.SEILER [LEXICOR] at 23:45 EDT RELM(joey) Not yet but if I did I would have said so. We get many uploads and art- disk. We use and upload what we have to show what is currently possible on the ATARI. You will see in the comming weeks wounderful art and animations from all major computer systems: right here on the ATARI. We may not be the most popular computer platform but we are one of the most flexible and powerful desk top systems around. Lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 9 Sun Sep 22, 1991 S.SCHAPER [Meneldil] at 00:59 EDT Resolution independant? ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 10 Sun Sep 22, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 14:44 EDT S.SCHAPER Prism-Paint will run from an AtariST to a TT and also the Graphic boards. The Lexicor Tablet is a great tool for drawing in any resolution. s* s ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 11 Sun Sep 22, 1991 REALM [Joey] at 15:04 EDT Lee, You don't have to sell me on Atari computers I'm right here looking at one.:-) Thanks again for the offer on Phase 4! I did manage to get the guys phone number from somebody else Online. I was reading that you've done a lot of artwork where can I find some of it? ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 12 Sun Sep 22, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 16:04 EDT Realm, Lee is a professinal animator, I have samples of his work. I will be uploading it. The Lexicor tablet was use to create the cover of AIM magazine. I use Prism-Paint on my TT system and it does some very good work. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 13 Sun Sep 22, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 18:04 EDT Joey, keep in mind that Phase-4 will create PIXAR RenderMan files. So now on the ATARI we can now export to other systems. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 14 Wed Sep 25, 1991 J.WENZEL2 [ J R ] at 22:03 EDT N O T I C E : It has come to our attention that the Anti-Gravity BBS ( 408-223-7630 ) has an eliegal copy of Prism-Paint ( serial # 70 ) posted in it's download area. If you are the purtchaser of theis product you will be contacted shortly by bouth the telephone company and the FBI in regards to copyright violations. The legal owner of the telephone listed above and the purchacer of Prism-Paint ( serial # 70 ) will be held fully responcible for all costs and legal fees in regards to this copyright violation. LEXICOR Software will proscicute any and all violaters of it's copyrights to the fullest extent of the law. It is worth noting, that once notified telecommunications systems, such as telephone companies, on line services, and radio or television networks are required by law to persue and prosicute all cilants using their services in the commition of a crime ( i.e. copyright infingment unedr title 17 ) Further it is worth noting that the telrphone conpany maintains all telephone number contacts, and that all presons involved with this suspected copyright infirngment, will be traced and included in any copyright proscicution. Lee Seiler LEXICOR Software. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 15 Thu Sep 26, 1991 REALM [Joey] at 00:02 EDT Sorry to here it.:-( ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 16 Thu Sep 26, 1991 GORDON at 11:43 EDT Go getem Lee.. Let us know how it all works out.. Especially what the phone company does. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 18 Fri Sep 27, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 03:25 EDT Well, software piracy is a Killer for many software companies and should not happen. This type of work is realy stupid, the programmer and developer have spend time and money in creating this wonderful product for all to use, at a very low price. So buy the product. BUT do not copy it. This thing about Pirate BBs are getting to be a real pain. Later. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 19 Sat Sep 28, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 00:41 EDT A new Lexicor Prism-Paint PNT file is now ready at library 39. This file is BOY2.LZH. 256 colors. Check it out. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 20 Tue Oct 01, 1991 D.MATLOCK3 [Dan] at 01:20 EDT Sure hope he doesn't SELL any copies of what he has... he'll really be a PIRATE then... otherwise, well you don't want to hear it! Just suffice it to say that ANYONE, that has been around say since NOLAN built the first one... KEPT THIS COTTIN' PICKIN' COMPUTER COMPANY ALIVE! (Then again... maybe those people should have just let it die!) P.S.-Remember Mr. Purves? When you sold RETAIL versions of BACKDOOR---EXPRESS BBS? Oh how soon we forget! Take your gripes somewhere else, and grow up. Oh ya, to all the programmers out there! Try staying with one company long enough to exhaust the TOTAL use of a program before packing your bags and moving somewhere else so users can't find you to get support! KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK! ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 21 Tue Oct 01, 1991 DARLAH [RT~SYSOP] at 07:19 EDT From Lee Seiler: In regards to Prism Paint: Until Lexicor gets it's new Copy protection in place, all UPdates and new releases are being delayed. Thank you for your understanding. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 22 Tue Oct 01, 1991 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 19:03 EDT Well, I didn't understand a word of Dan's message. Did anyone else? -- John ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 23 Tue Oct 01, 1991 M.LEE3 at 21:29 EDT No I don't think I did! Mike L. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 24 Tue Oct 01, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 22:50 EDT M.Lee3, Towns well Dan's message is some what clear but not to me. Now how is using Prism-Paint on a ST,STe, MegaSTe, or TT? Let us know and tell us what you are doing with the program. Sample Editing pictures or animation Frames from Chronos or has anyone use the SEQ to FLM program and loadthe flm file into Prism-Paint. Later! Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 25 Wed Oct 02, 1991 J.WENZEL2 [ J R ] at 05:08 EDT John T, Perplexed the heck out of me. L8er J R ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 26 Sun Oct 06, 1991 M.LEE3 at 00:35 EDT Ringo, Like some people have said, Prism-paint is just basically used to touch up pictures. I feel it has to mature yet. I've ran in on my ST, I just got my TT so I haven't run it yet on the TT What I'm hoping for is somehow in the near future, someone will develop a 24- bit digitizer so I can use Prism-paint to do my editing. Mike L. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 27 Mon Oct 07, 1991 J.WENZEL2 [ J R ] at 02:06 EDT Mike, Prism-Paint realy shows off some of it's more interesting capabilities in TT low resolution, give it a try. L8er J R ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 28 Wed Oct 16, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 23:39 EDT Mike, try running Prism-Paint in TT low RES but from the Desktop run the program but hold the ALT key down and you should get a dialog box asking to run Prism-Paint in TT RAM and/or Animation in TT RAM. TT RAM will speed-up the program. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 29 Thu Oct 17, 1991 TIMPURVES [Griffin] at 22:13 EDT Dan, what in the world are you talking. I never had anything to do with express BBS. And worked for MichTron for over 8 years. I expect an apology or an explanation. -tim ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 30 Fri Oct 18, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 01:09 EDT I have uploaded a new Prism_Paint picture file to the Lexicor Library 39. This is a new 256 color PNT/GIF file for the ST/STE/MEGA/MEGASTe/TT. system. Enjoy! ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 31 Mon Oct 28, 1991 L.SEILER [LEXICOR] at 01:32 EST TO ALL: A new and exciting upgrade to Prism Paint is on the way! Many new features are included! More on this aftere I play with it for a bit. This version will be released with the new Key protection system. Fo any one who wants the current version and trust us to properly upgrade we will include a special 24bit goodie just for you. Lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 32 Sun Nov 03, 1991 M.LEE3 at 21:45 EST R. Monfort!, Thanks........but I knew that!. Mike L. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lee, 24 bit goodie!?!?! My eyes are o`EnGime! gime! Mike L. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 33 Fri Nov 15, 1991 REALM [Joey] at 03:33 EST Lee or Ringo, any chance Prism paint might have a screen independent drawing mode in the future? I can see why you would stick to the screen for animation but when your loading GIF files they get clipped and you really have no control over where. I'd like to be able to scroll large pictures and edit them free of the screen resolution. Of coarse when the Prism 24 comes out I won't have such a puny color resolution.:-) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 34 Sun Nov 17, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 16:39 EST Joey, well an Prism-Paint UPGRADE is comming out very soon. Also with the "Prism 24" board you should realy see some killer pictures or create you own. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 35 Tue Nov 19, 1991 P.RITCHIE at 20:14 EST Is there anywhere on GEnie that happens to outline the file format for Prism Paint files. What I've seen hasn't gone into them at all and would be very interested. -- Peter ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 36 Tue Nov 19, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 20:47 EST Peter, the file formats that Prism-paint support are: PNT, GIF, NEO, DEGAS PI1, PI2, PI3, PC1, PC2, PC3, IFF, ALSO to the clip board, and for programming you have C, S, BAS. Prism-Paint runs on the ST/STe/Mega/MegaSTe/TT and 24 bit graphic board. It also takes the FLM and DLT animation file format. I hope this helps you. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 37 Wed Nov 20, 1991 REALM [Joey] at 00:26 EST Ringo, I think he was asking for the format of .PNT files on a programming level. The header bits on all that other stuff I don't understand.:-) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 38 Wed Nov 20, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 01:08 EST Joey & Peter. Peter if yo need information about the PNT Prism-Paint file format please call lexicor at 1-415-453-0271 pr if you like send E-mail. I am sure Lee will take care of it. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 39 Fri Nov 22, 1991 P.RITCHIE at 23:02 EST Ringo: Well, that's not quite what I was after. I'm, looking for the format of PNT files... But, I assume Prism-Paint works with all resolutions of the TT? -- Peter ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 40 Fri Nov 29, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 11:16 EST Peter, yes Prism-Paint works in all the TT Resolutions and the 24bit graphics. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 41 Sat Dec 07, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 03:47 EST J New ROSETTA, CHRONOS, PRIsm-PAINT file in the library! It is a file of a F18 full color 3D2 sample render on a TT aT TT-small, TTMedium-Res. I hope you like them!!!!!!!!! Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 42 Tue Dec 10, 1991 N.STEEL at 01:34 EST Lee, It would be nice to see some of the features that Cyberpaint & Deluxe Paint have, added to Prism Paint. My wish list is: 1) The ability to spread changes across some or all frames. (CybPnt) 2) Different brush modes; Smear, Half Smear, Smooth etc. (DlxPnt) 3) Separate buffer or work screens for holding different user designed brushes. Then you could load up one or more screens of brushes, switch to one, cut out your brush, then return to paste into the foreground or background. Then maybe even spread it across multiple frames. 4) The ability to cut or copy whilst zoomed. It doesn't strain the eyes so much and it's more accurate. 5) Maybe a grid overlay, so when flipping between two frames, it's easier to position a cut brush object more accurately. Specifically, I was working on the iron & kettle FLM and was trying to add a fireball, not a laser blast. Due to fact that the other two objects were moving, I was continually flipping between two frames to try and put the moving fireball in the right place. I feel an On/Off grid switch would have helped. Personally I'd prefer to work in CyberPaint at present, but it gets messed up with an STE's colour palette. (Oops, that should be color but I'm a Brit and therefore I spelt it correctly) I should have a TT by Christmas and I doubt if it will work at all on that machine. I do like some parts of Prism Paint but I feel it needs to make a major leap forwards to be really useful as a post production package and finishing touches package. On the other hand, maybe I'm stupid and PP will already do all these things, and I just missed them. Bob ps, Can't wait to get the colour board & render. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 43 Tue Dec 10, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 15:16 EST Bob, a new Prism-Paint is in the works but that is all I can tell you for now. Maybe lee will say some more but it sure is going to be a a major rework. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 44 Wed Dec 11, 1991 N.STEEL at 06:54 EST Ringo, That's good news. I for one would be more than willing to part with some extra cash for a much improved package. I was seriously thinking about buying DevpacTT and writing one myself, now I won't have to. I was talking to Lee last week about sources for 3D objects and he suggested I ask around here. Any ideas? N.Steel ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 45 Wed Dec 11, 1991 REALM [Joey] at 19:02 EST N.Steel, I've got a bunch of 3D stuff that came from Antic originally. I know it used to be available but I'm not sure if there still carried by anybody or not? One of the last ones they had was dinosaurs! Looked pretty cool but the evaporated before I got to buy it.:-( You could probable make most of it yourself if you buy Cybersculpt. It does some pretty incredible things. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 46 Wed Dec 11, 1991 N.STEEL at 21:36 EST Ringo, That's good news. I for one would be more than willing to part with some extra cash for a much improved package. I was seriously thinking about buying DevpacTT and writing one myself, now I won't have to. I was talking to Lee last week about sources for 3D objects and he suggested I ask around here. Any ideas? N.Steel ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 47 Wed Dec 11, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 21:50 EST N.Steel, you could also get some of the 3D2 files here in the libraries. Samples F18 and the MusBot from Lee. or the Assorted files in the animation library. With cyber-sculpt you can create very good files and they are not very difficult to do. With the Wiz-Tablet you can trace an image for templete. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 48 Thu Dec 12, 1991 S.SCHAPER [Meneldil] at 23:30 EST Not to mention the Enterprize D. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 49 Thu Dec 12, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 23:49 EST YES! The Enterprice D. is also in the library also the Space Station. S.Schaper and all lets talk 3D2 objects at the Cyber-Sculpt topic 2 please. Thanks. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 50 Sat Dec 21, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 21:18 EST I have uploaded a new Prism-Paint & Wiz-Tablet file to the library. The Wiz- Tablet from Lexicor is very easy to use. Prism-Paint makes a good convination for the tablet. I did use some of the new tools for this PNT file but not all of them! I will upload a new file soon. Using more tools. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 51 Mon Dec 23, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 23:26 EST Oh, the Outline fonts from FSMGDOS will work with the new Prism-Paint! The clip board funtion are now funtions. Boy cnn you do some nice effects with this ones. I am a spoiled TT users so I get to play with colors but with the new Lexicor Leonardo board you should do the same and better. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 52 Tue Dec 24, 1991 REALM [Joey] at 00:13 EST My friend brought some way cool GIF pictures over this weekend. He found them in the Photography RT here online. Prism Paint wouldn't load them so I checked out the header in Bit Mechanic and they said 89a instead of 87a so I changed it (couldn't hurt?) and they loaded fine. I thought that was kind of interesting. Theres also a program in the Atari Library that will strip the Mac Header off the Mac GIF files. It's called Macvert. Lee, I would like to see support added for the Spectrum format. I think the 24bit card should be able to handle all 512 colors at once.:-) Speaking of Spectrum, theres always been one thing about that program I've liked that hasn't shown up anywhere else. It has a color editor that gives you the ability to increase Red, Green, Blue and Brightness through the use of an Airbrush tool. I'd love to see something like that added to the upgrade. Ringo, Does the tablet work with a pen only? I always that it would be great if you could actually paint with a static brush. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 54 Mon Dec 30, 1991 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 20:01 EST Realm and to all. I got better infomation about the new Prism-Paint! The GIF format will support GIF/89 and Realm remember your question about selecting an area of the GIF for viewing in the TT 256. Well you will have a larger screen mode that you can scroll around so load up that large GIF file. Lets see use the clipboard as a brush and spray etc. Edit color menu: Blend, sort, Remap and some others. New bushes and selections. You can now go to the ACCs. Clipboard: Rotate, Resize, etc. Animation merge, and a many other things. The FSMGDOS support is now in and you can use Outline fonts. But we have a question here! Printer support will be added but we need to know if you need color printer support or you you like a Dither black support for picture printing? Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 55 Tue Dec 31, 1991 REALM [Joey] at 00:18 EST Good to hear, Ringo! I would say support both Color and Black & White printing. Black & White would be my first choice since the majority of printers at this point are black. With the new 300dpi color printers coming out I'm sure color will be desired in the near future. Make sure ISD has the PNT file format so we can print from Calamus SL too, please.:-) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 56 Tue Dec 31, 1991 ISD [Nathan] at 09:48 EST I second that request. :-) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 57 Wed Jan 01, 1992 N.STEEL at 03:16 EST I agree with all of the above:-) N.Steel ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 58 Wed Jan 01, 1992 S.KALEITA [SAK] at 23:07 EST That sounds like a dream come true :-D That was A question that I had posted previously . boy-oh-boy-oh-boy-oh-boy-oh-boy-oh-boy-oh-boy... that would be just peachie keen-o-cool,neato groovie. 256 color T-shirt designs! sak ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 59 Thu Jan 02, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 19:18 EST Nathan, any chance there might be some color scanner support for SL (anytime soon may be closer). I'm not exactly in the wrong topic I just figured you where the closest to providing scanner software for Prism Paint.:- ) I've seen the Serial 256 Color Hand Scanners for around $400. Not a bad price when you consider how much time you can save scanning a tree as opposed to creating one from scratch.:-) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 60 Fri Jan 03, 1992 ISD [Nathan] at 11:51 EST Joey, I have seen a working color scanner driver for Calamus SL and the 800 dpi AGFA color scanner but I believe it is a specific driver for SL. I will ask what is involved to also have it work with Prism Paint. SL also has scanner drivers for Microtek, Sharp, Optotech (my personal favourite .. 5000 dpi) :-) and Epson. Nathan @ ISD ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 61 Fri Jan 03, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 19:54 EST Nathan, your almost there!:-) Get me to SL with a GIF, IFF or PNT export driver and we'll have a Prism Paint scanner. 5000dpi may be an overkill on a 512x512 screen.:-) I was thinking along the lines of a Logitech Scanman 256 low budget under $300 type. I think it's 400dpi tops. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 62 Fri Jan 03, 1992 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 21:03 EST Joey. That is good for persons like us that also use Calamus but not all other use it. At least not at the moment. And if you think of the price to use that type of scanner and software. I am sure we can all fine some very good way to have both the scanner driver and the PNT format. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 63 Sat Jan 04, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 01:05 EST Ringo, I'd like to see a scanner accessory for Prism Paint but you guys seemed really busy with your current stuff (I'm not implying Nathans standing around doing nothing:-]). Since SL is due out anytime and might be able to support a cheap hand scanner I thought it the most likely route in the near future. Like you, I'd like to see something everyone can afford and use. SL is kind of an expensive front just for scanning.:-) Seems like a Generic Accessory that used device drivers could be created. Then you could write drivers for computer eyes, Vidi ST and a slew of scanners. The product would then appeal to anybody seeking to do any kind of scanning or digitizing. Use output drivers and all is well. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 64 Sat Jan 04, 1992 J.WENZEL2 [ J R ] at 01:16 EST \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\////////////////////////////////// \\ // \\ In aprox 1 week to 10 days Lexicor Software will be // \\ releasing an "Animator's Toolset" for Prism-Paint users. // \\ The toolset will contain tools for Overlaing, Splitting, and // \\ Splicing FLM animations, and will also include a SEQ to FLM // // converter and a complementery disk of Star Wars / Star Trek \\ // objects. \\ // \\ // The price for the Animator's Toolset will be aprox. $30.00 \\ // \\ ///////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 65 Sat Jan 04, 1992 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 09:21 EST Joe. No problem I will pass that info to the Prism-Paint programmers maybe that will be included in the next version of the product. At the momment they have many new things to get done. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 66 Sat Jan 04, 1992 S.KALEITA [SAK] at 18:10 EST RINGO, I agree with Joey: COMPUTEREYES to the ST, conferted to spectrum format, then converted to GIF or IFF; to be able to use on the TT in prism paint: is just not what I call user friendly. Currently as you should know, it's what I am still trying to accomplish.(Calamus SL will do it) P.S. I finally found a Spectrum to GIF converter. SAK :-) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 67 Sat Jan 04, 1992 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 20:50 EST SAK. The Scanner support will be in the future for now all Lexicor developers are working to get the new upgrades and software out as soon as possible once that is done new development will start for new items. We can only go one step at a time but you will see some very excellent results. As you know I am a Calamus user also and I like the software very much or you could ask Nathan. He will tell you. A demo version of Prism-Paint & Chronos will be ready for the Lexicor Classes so that you can have a taste of this powerful tools. If you have not seen Prism-Paint once you see it you will like it. Take care. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 68 Sun Jan 05, 1992 M.ABDULKAREE [ASX] at 16:22 EST I've glanced at Prism Paint (it's fast) but I'd really love to have the drawing area in a window with tool boxes. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 69 Sun Jan 05, 1992 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 17:26 EST ASX. Something with a window and dropdown menus and tool boxes something like that? Only thing I can say is that I have send Robert B. a list of items for the next version of the Program now that is for the one that is after the one that is comming soon. The new version will have some new tools that you will like. More info. about them very soon. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 70 Sun Jan 12, 1992 P.CARMACK [CASMOCK] at 19:49 EST Will Lexicor be sending out upgrade notices for Prism Paint? I bought mine back in the summer and was told by Rio Computers that an upgrade was coming soon. Casmock ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 71 Sun Jan 12, 1992 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 20:17 EST P.Carmack. Prism-Paint 1.1 is the new update to the program. Please call Lexicor software for more details. Phone is 415-453-0271. The Animator Tool-Chest is a Prism-Paint ACC. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 72 Mon Jan 13, 1992 L.SEILER [LEXICOR] at 03:00 EST RINGO...You ment to say "Animators ToolSet" which is a series of ACC/Prg which provide for Animation Overlay or Merging, animation splitting and animation splicing. These functions were left out of the current update to PrismPaint by the Author. These functions are basic to any complete and functional animation program. Because these functions were left out of the Update by the Author and because I felt that these features were required at a bear minimum for any up date I created these additions and added them. For all those who purchased from RIO, once you get your PrismPaint1.1 update Contact me at Lexicor and We will send you the ToolSet for the cost of shipping. For those who purchased direct from lexicor and who sent in your warranty cards you will get the ToolSet very soon. All new purchases of PrismPaint 1.1 will find the ToolSet included. Lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 73 Fri Feb 21, 1992 C.WILLARD [CLIF] at 19:54 EST Anybody, I must say that Prism Paint is just not a very adaquate program. I have been trying to create some graphics and work on some animations and have been fighting Prism Paint all day. There is no system for integrating (inter-cutting, overlay-underlay, mixing paletts, etc.) animation files in either FLM or DLT formats and no way to get text except with the system fonts which are not acceptable especially when all the other paint programs import fonts. Why the authors decided to import FMS GDOS fonts is beyond my understanding. Who needs FSM GDOS fonts in a paint program that has resolutions of the ST and TT. Also Atari has not releasd FSM GDOS yet and there is no indication that it will in the near future. If you load a pic that has a black background you loose your screen. This is inexcusable in this day and age of programing and from these programers. The block function distortes so badly that it is not usable in any real quality animation. The limit of one palette is extremely limiting and makes obsolete all of my Cyber Paint animations as they all use more then one palette. The lack of tweening makes it nothing more than a little above Degas Elite. At the moment though it is the only color paint program for the TT. Well that's the bad news. The GOOD NEWS is that a new paint program is on its way that promises to supersede Cyber Paint. It is from Lexicor and will be of the quality of Chronos. It will enable full editing, importing, tweening, and creative functions. So keep your eyes open. It really is a shame that Prism Paint falls so short expecially when one of the authors wrote a great program called Cyber Texture which is a real asset to creative animation. Unfortunately though it too was never completed. There were supposed to be several features added that never materialized. Clif ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 74 Sat Feb 22, 1992 E.KRIMEN [Ed Krimen] at 13:55 EST Clif, The current version of Prism Paint is adequate. I finished a 1.7meg, 16-color animation with Prism Paint and Chronos and it looks pretty good. :^) Perhaps you should download it and take a look (TOWERHAN.LZH). Sure, Prism Paint doesn't have all the features of Cyber Paint or Degas Elite, but it works well for what it does now. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 75 Sat Feb 22, 1992 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 15:40 EST It sure will be very nice when the new 24bit paint program arrives with all the bells and whistles that we all want. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 76 Sun Apr 12, 1992 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 19:03 EDT ============================================================ Lexicor Software Corp. Genie Conference April 15th. ============================================================ Topics: Leonardo and also current 24bit software developments from Lexicor Software, Monalisa, Chronos 24, and the future of ATARI in DTV for professional users. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 77 Sun May 17, 1992 LEXICOR [Lexicor] at 01:50 EDT Just a bit of clarification (sic) prism paint is not being upgraded into a 24Bit application because the Author walked out on us and refused to finish Version 1.5 of prismpaint. This is most unfortunate because apart from any contractual problems this causes, we had to get a new author to begin a 15/24 Bit paint application. because we have become Silicon graphics venders we now have the new Iris Indigo system for 24Bit color development. Our new paint application with the working title of MonaLisa will be developed on the iris and Atari under TOS and Unix. We have three new developers who are assigned to this development team. One is some one you all Know mr. Bob Steel now living in Hawii and soon to be joining us on the mainland. The other is paul Furgison who has his Iris Indigo and working on our new applications now. And lastly the design team of John Cole18 and tom P. who are doing the tools and DSP side of the applications. We will be offering our next "Phase-4 " systems application -s on both Atari (when available) and Silicon graphics at the same time, just to different customer bases. The will be file and system compatability where possible between these two systems. Lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 78 Mon May 18, 1992 ATARIAUSTRIA [J.Widi] at 12:48 EDT Lee, I'm quite happy to hear about Your involvement with Silicon Graphics. I just came back from a major computer show in Austria. There I had an occasion to look at a couple of animations which were rendered on Iris workstations - that was absolutely breathtaking! It is incredible what already can be done today and I hope that some of these tools will be available for current and future ATARI machines - although I'm aware that rendering will take slightly more time there ;-) I also like the idea that I'll probably be able to rerender my current ANM-files on an Iris someday. -Johannes ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 79 Sat May 23, 1992 S.SCHAPER [Meneldil] at 13:51 EDT Hmm, selling Falcon's and the Lexicor package and rendering and animation set- up workstations for doing IRIS graphics. You could sell a good number of these workstations to studios for the price of an IRIS, then they could radically cut the number of IRIS's that they buy and devote the ones that they do get to the actual rendering. And let the animators and designers work on the Falcons. If that won't hurt your relationship with SG, think about it. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 81 Sun May 24, 1992 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 00:05 EDT Meneldil. Well you got the right Idea. Now it would very nice if someone else would agree with use. Like a company maybe? Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 82 Sun May 24, 1992 S.SCHAPER [Meneldil] at 19:07 EDT Ringo, Well, you _do_ have to advertise it that way if you want to sell it that way. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 83 Mon May 25, 1992 LEXICOR [Lexicor] at 01:24 EDT SS, Just to make a distinction: Lexicor does not sell Falcons or any other Atari computer. We Have no Official position or comment on any ATARI computers with Bird names appended. Further lexicor does not sell any atari in conjuction with it's software. lexicor is a software developer and manufacturer. We have begun porting our software to SGI and will include direct compatability between Atari and SGI on a UNIX basis and tag TOS has hard as is practical. SGI has already begun working with lexicor on advertising and will be including demos and samples of Phase-4 on their next CD sampler and demo, which they Give away to all exicting owners of SGI HWD and which they use in all sales efforts. Advertising by Atari to drw the connection you refer to is the business of Atari only. If they feel that some benifet might accrue to them by mentioning the connection possible between ATARI owners and SGI owners using our software then I am confident that Atari will put as much effort in that direction as they have in their past and current advertising programs. The main advantage to current Lexicor users will be that they will upon upgrade to SGI compatablity be able to use "some materials created on in SGI enviornments" provided that the target Atari system is capable of handling the resolution and colors. Lexicor ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 84 Mon May 25, 1992 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 11:11 EDT Meneldil. Well you are correct to a point. We have the plans all setup and ready to go but I cannot tell you more. Oh, only one thing we are ready to provide all you with wonderful tool. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 85 Tue Jun 02, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 18:42 EDT Lee or Ringo, I finally came across the removable menu section! I was going to suggest having the tools in there own box. Never had something added before I suggested it.:-) My Prism won't use the TT Ram. It's set to Use and Run in TT RAM but I keep running out of Memory messages. I checked in the Xcontrol panel (now that I found out I can) and it's only grabbing my ST RAM (which I need more of any way:-]) but my TT's only missing the size of the Program. It wasn't a problem but I was dying to try it in 800x600x256 but there isn't enough memory to even load it. 640x480x256 is really nice though! Aladdin works in it too!:-) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 86 Tue Jun 02, 1992 R.MONFORT1 [LEXICOR] at 23:18 EDT Joey. What version of Prism-Paint? 800x600 256 colors, is that Crazy Dots or something else? I haven't had memory problems with my current version of Prism- Paint but I will double check for you. Ringo. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 87 Tue Jun 02, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 23:54 EDT I picked up a used Matrix Card. I haven't quit mastered it yet all the docs are in German. I took two years but I didn't think I would ever actually need it.:-) I have version 1.5B and it apears to only grab the ST RAM. The control panel still shows approx 3200K of TT RAM free and only a small bit of ST RAM free. I also have TOS 3.06... ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 88 Fri Jun 05, 1992 LEXICOR [Lexicor] at 02:26 EDT Realm: We have the matrix docs in english! Lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 89 Mon Jun 29, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 20:03 EDT Lee, Prism keeps changing my pallete around on the Matrix card is there away around this? Thought, I was finally going to do some 256 color doodling. I can load a file, repack it and adjust the colors but it loads in really screwed up.:-) I don't remember if it did this with the older version of the Matrix software or not? Didn't have anything worth saving before. Just gives me more time to mess with Chronos.:-) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 90 Mon Jun 29, 1992 LEXICOR [Lee] at 21:56 EDT REALM, The new Matrix drives are indeed different. They made some major changes in the palette management and haven't provided any Developer support doc's. In fact they don't even answer their phone...no matter what time of the say you call. We had the same problem when we first started with them. They don't consider the US market worth answering the phone? I can only suggest that you use the old drivers for now. Lexicor ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 91 Tue Jun 30, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 18:58 EDT Lee, Do you know which SYS driver is to blame or is it the Auto software? I'll probable get a chance to mess with it tonight but any head start info would be a help. I'm hoping I can get the tablet and palette working at the same time.:-) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 92 Tue Jun 30, 1992 LEXICOR [Lee] at 23:22 EDT Realm: I don't know...I am sorta like a purest when it comes to basic system. I only have three things in my auto folder, no accesories and no desk top replacements at all save my own custom desk top and system Icons. I think Ringo let you a detailed guide here a week or so ago? you might check and see if I recall that correctly? otherwise The best I can do is have you call me durring the day and talk you through installiation. Lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 93 Wed Jul 01, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 03:02 EDT Lee, I don't remember seeing anything lately by Ringo... Maybe I don't visit enough during the day.:-) I used to be a purest but lately I've gotten so many gadgets it's gotten really hard to stay that way. Everything keeps coming with configure ACC's and Auto PRG's plus the TT itself isn't exactly friendly. I'll wait for the English directions before giving you a call...again.:-) Thanks! ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 94 Sun Jul 12, 1992 LEXICOR2 [Ringo] at 18:46 EDT New PNT TTlow-256 color pictures file is now in the Lexicor Library #39. Two pictures of Monalisa, the painting and not the program. Ringo ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 95 Wed Jul 22, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 00:16 EDT I noticed Prism will save a clip as a Basic file. Since I'm just getting started in GFA is there any info available on what to do with the Data? Any display code you can point me too? ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 96 Thu Aug 13, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 05:23 EDT Any chance you could make the .PNT format public? I can't see where it would hurt to upload it to the library. Unless you just want to avoid a lot of questions.:-) There needs to be an Atari multi-res format for us weekend programmers to use. I think we've out grown Degas and Neo, especially with new things pending release. I'd like to support it and Prism Paint with my own stuff. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 97 Thu Aug 13, 1992 S.SCHAPER [Meneldil] at 20:55 EDT What's wrong with GIF? ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 98 Thu Aug 13, 1992 LEXICOR [Lee] at 23:11 EDT I thought we did that already, John Cole18 will check and see? If not we will. Lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 99 Fri Aug 14, 1992 M.POCHE [Mick] at 00:41 EDT Meneldil - I think the biggest drawback to GIF is that it's limited to 256 colors. Maybe a GIF2 format could be created though for full color? ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 100 Fri Aug 14, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 03:39 EDT GIF?, I'm having a hard enough time with Degas PC files.:-) I prefer PNT because it is a true Atari platform format. I want to support those formats first with the rest later. With the first release I'm shooting for PI?,PC?, NEO and PNT. I think everyone can currently get something into those formats. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 101 Fri Aug 14, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 03:49 EDT Thanks Lee! I just went and checked the library but I didn't see it. Possible, I didn't search correctly? Next time I'll look first, ask second anyway.:-) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 102 Fri Aug 14, 1992 LEXICOR [Lee] at 04:29 EDT Drop a note to John Cole18, He has the formats and can upload them any time....I am not sure that they are up, I recall being asked and giving permission, but I never do this stuff my self = it's way to dangerous for me to begin uploading, Genie could be scrambled for weeks as a result! Lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 103 Fri Aug 14, 1992 S.KALEITA [SAK] at 08:29 EDT What Joey said! SAK:) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 104 Fri Aug 14, 1992 J.NESS [Jim] at 11:57 EDT Mick - My understanding is that CompuServe is indeed looking at updating the GIF spec to something more than 256 color. It's probably not high on the priority list, though, since going larger would about double the file size of any pics, making them so large that few would download them. And, downloads make the world go around, on any online service. -JN ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 105 Fri Aug 14, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 20:04 EDT Cool!:-) I'll give him a couple days before dropping him a note he usually drops by every now and then. Glad it won't be a problem, I really would like to start off on the right foot! ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 106 Fri Aug 14, 1992 S.SCHAPER [Meneldil] at 21:05 EDT Mick, MPEG? ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 107 Sat Aug 15, 1992 J.COLE18 [John Cole] at 00:32 EDT Lee, I'll upload the specs this weekend. I think I was suppoesed to send them to Scott Sanderson at SDS too :-) oooppss... :-) John ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 108 Sat Aug 15, 1992 E.WELLS at 02:14 EDT ACTUALLY, gentlemen, the [D [D [Dto the best of my knowledge, Compuserve already has a 24bit gif format. I don't know if they are yedt [D [Dt using or [D [D [Dit or have made it available, but I have a good source. Someone witha compuserve account might want to poke around... ehw ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 109 Sat Aug 15, 1992 S.KALEITA [SAK] at 13:27 EDT Joey...What about ST/TT color IMG's (Seurat format). SAK:) Lee or someone...Make sure that ISD gets the PNT format also, for output through Calamus SL. Also what is the file number for the DEMO of Prism Paint? ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 110 Sat Aug 15, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 23:44 EDT I want to add every format I can find, problem is at this point I don't understand about half of them.:-) I'm working on it though... ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 111 Mon Aug 17, 1992 S.ZIEGLER4 [Shane] at 02:37 EDT Hi, I am new in here, and I was wondering if it would be possible for me to get the specs on the .PNT format. I have a TT and old Degas and Neo formats are obsolete for me... I want it so I can load and save in my own programs... Thanx ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 112 Tue Aug 18, 1992 LEXICOR [Lee] at 00:27 EDT The formats will be up loaded in the next day or so...check our LIBS ... Lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 113 Tue Aug 18, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 01:10 EDT Thanks Lee! Something else I can try and figure out!:-) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 114 Fri Aug 21, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 19:38 EDT Has the .PNT format been uploaded? I'm not trying to be incredibly pushy, it's just Aladdin skips files sometimes and I don't want to miss it. How's Monalisa progressing? Any hints or coming soon rumors available?:- ) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 115 Fri Aug 21, 1992 LEXICOR2 [Ringo] at 22:40 EDT Joey, the PNT format is file number 25382. Ringo ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 116 Sat Aug 22, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 01:56 EDT Thanks Ringo! Haven't gotten that high yet with my list I'll go check now and see if it's appeared yet. Thanks a lot for getting that uploaded. Doesn't mean I'll be able to use it but at least I'm closer then before.:-) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 117 Thu Sep 17, 1992 ATARIAUSTRIA [J.Widi] at 11:08 EDT Hi Lexicor people, I just had the opportunity to test the ATARI Falcon030 for a few days and I am amazed. (I may also be slightly biased because I happen to work for ATARI ;-) Trying to impress people I tried to show some Prism Paint animations using the PLAYER.PRG (V.1.01). I switched to 640x480x16 mode and started to load some good demos that were created on a TT. PLAYER then informed me that I could not run this Demo because it is a TT-resolution file and 'this machine is not a TT'. Do you have a smarter version of the player available, that recognizes that the Falcon _does_ have the required resolution to run this demo? I need something to show this machine off! ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 118 Thu Sep 17, 1992 LEXICOR2 [Ringo] at 13:11 EDT Atari-Austria! We do have a player that runs in the Falcon. We had a large number of animations and Phoenix 512 TGA render files that we DEMO at the show. Lee and John Cole have the player. P.S. the Falcon is one great machine. Ringo ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 119 Thu Sep 17, 1992 S.STANDIFORD [Praetor] at 23:41 EDT I was wondering, would it be possible for somebody to upload a working gamma correction file, or would Lexicor frown on that? If not, would somebody do so, please? I bought Prism Paint just to view targa pics, and I can't without that file... -Scott ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 120 Fri Sep 18, 1992 LEXICOR2 [Ringo] at 01:48 EDT Scott. I will send you the files. Check e-mail! Ringo ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 121 Fri Sep 18, 1992 J.COLE18 [John Cole] at 04:57 EDT J.Widi, Well, we do have a player that works with 640x480x256 .FLM's, but you need the newest version of Chronos (not yet relesed) to use it. Unfortunately, Chronos only operates on a rev 2 Falcon, not the production machines ;-( So untill we get it fixed the player isnt much good to you. Bill Rehbock may have some falcon FLM's and the player, so you might try him ;- ) untill our falcon get's shipped back :-) (BTW, you need to get the FLM's on a syquest as they are almost all over 2 meg's each!) John @ Lexicor ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 122 Fri Sep 18, 1992 ATARIAUSTRIA [J.Widi] at 11:45 EDT John, all I wanted to do for the moment is to play my 320x480x256 .FLMs and my 640x480x16 .FLMs on the Falcon, but my player refused because 'This is not a TT' :-( So if Your player can do THAT for me I would be happy. Unfortunately I don't have much spare time to do much with CHRONOS at the moment but the new release You mentioned definitely will make me update :-) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 123 Sat Sep 19, 1992 LEXICOR [Lee] at 02:10 EDT J.WIDI, As mr. Cole commented, we are waiting for several current Falcon030 Rev 4 machines promised by Bill Rechbock at the Glendale show last weekend. Untill we receive these machines and finish porting into the new Falcon TOS their is little we can do. Mr. Cole will be happy to send you what we have but as he mentioned this requires a syquet disk due to the large size of the files. If you would like to send us a Disk Mr. Cole will send you everything available that we have. Lee Seiler President ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 124 Tue Sep 22, 1992 S.STANDIFORD [Praetor] at 00:59 EDT Thank you sir... -Scott ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 125 Sun Sep 27, 1992 B.KOLINS1 [Brian] at 02:12 EDT Lex, Does the possibility of seeing a FLM player exist that'll allow for batch files to be read entirely from disk (like .RUN is to Animate4) Or... Does the splice function provided with PrismPaint's Desk Accessory provide one with the capability of splicing together films regardless of the system's available RAM? I'd like to be able to view some of the stuff I'm working on in it's entirety (or reasonably close to it) without falling prey to the constraints of my meager 4mb. I've got lots of eager hard drive space but each file size is limited to about 2.5mb(approx. 200 frames). Or... Should I think about getting a couple of VO9850s or something? :) Cheers, BK ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 126 Mon Sep 28, 1992 LEXICOR [Lee] at 02:41 EDT Brian, Yes and yes...you can splice to HD now and make the animation as big as you like. Just choose "Run from Disk" and you are all set. We will have a batch mode player for FLM/s soon. We now have one for LEO files, but as you know it looks like ATARI is not going to keep their long standing promis on the True color VDI they agreed to furnish! Lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 127 Mon Sep 28, 1992 B.KOLINS1 [Brian] at 18:37 EDT Lee, Thanks for the reply, that's very encouraging. Sorry to hear it doesn't look like Atari's going to ante up. Will we also see double buffering and multiple palette support in the new players? Brian ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 128 Tue Sep 29, 1992 LEXICOR [Lee] at 00:24 EDT Yes and Yes! lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 129 Tue Sep 29, 1992 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 21:42 EDT I just got a TT with color monitor and am very much looking forward to getting some TT medium PNT pics to use with Warp 9. But I'm having trouble finding such creations!! I have ordered Prism Paint directly from Lee at Lexicor -- I was wondering if anyone can suggest specific files to go for that would be TT medium PNT pics or if anyone is moved by the spirit of sweet chariot, maybe upload some of those jewels to me via GEmail --- better yet, upload them to the Lexicor library (FREE UPLOADS) so that we all can benefit. Thanks in advance, kind souls! - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Tuesday, September 29, 1992 3:32 pm ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 130 Wed Sep 30, 1992 B.KOLINS1 [Brian] at 00:40 EDT Lee, Cool and Cool! The check's in the mail for the Desk Accessory. Thanks, Brian ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 131 Wed Sep 30, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 01:18 EDT Jason, Did you search for PNT? I think there was about 15 or so last time a looked. Also go over in the MAC RT or the Photo RT and search for GIF files, theres some good ones. I got some way cool Dinosaur skeletons from the Smithsonian collection.:-) Prism Paint will load those fine. You may also want to try GEMview for viewing pictures it's here in the library. It'll let you load SPC pictures in TT Low amoung other things. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 132 Wed Sep 30, 1992 LEXICOR2 [Ringo] at 01:35 EDT Jason. Check in the Lexicor Library number 39, I uploaded a large number of PNT files a few months ago and now I have some new ones at will be uploaded tomorrow. I also made a nice company logo with Prism-Paint that looks very nice with Warp- 9. Ringo ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 133 Sat Oct 03, 1992 ATARIAUSTRIA [J.Widi] at 06:59 EDT John (J. Cole), Lee said You can send me some nifty animations and a player to run them on a Falcon030. I only have to send You a Syquest cartridge because these files are so big. (I hope that is about what You said, Lee. Aladdin ate the message before I could reply to it.) Now my question is: can You also write to a SONY- MO-128 MB cartridge if I send You one of these? They are light and less expensive to send and there is also much more room for demos on them. -Johannes ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 134 Sat Oct 03, 1992 J.COLE18 [John Cole] at 13:01 EDT J.Widi, Sorry, I cant handle whatever it is :-) I dont have a Magneto-optical drive, only a syquest (and that only occasionally :-) Not to worry, If you give me 3 weeks, I could fill up the entire Syquest, but right now, I could only fill half of it (well, maybe not 3 weeks, a few of the .FLM's are tipping 4 megs :-) I'll be happy to fill up a syquest for ya. Leave me email if your intersted! :-) John @ Lexicor ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 135 Sat Oct 03, 1992 S.STANDIFORD [Praetor] at 16:49 EDT Just bought myself a copy of Prism Paint for my TT... This is a nice program! I *LOVE* it's ability to load, save, and edit GIF files, which is something I've never had the ability to do before. I have a couple of questions, though. First, my version is 1.1, what's the latest version out there, and is it worth my $25 to upgrade? Second, my warranty card says "Rio Computers" on it. Just curious, but does RIO handle the distribution of Lexicor products or something? Well, I'm happy as a clam with Prism Paint, I've got two phases down (Prism Paint, and Prism Render), just two more to go! -Praetor ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 136 Sat Oct 03, 1992 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 18:13 EDT Ringo and others....thanks for the input so far in my plea to obtain PN pics in TT medium res on this color system. I'm finding it very difficult to obtain such pictures to use as desktop backgrounds. I'm wondering, Ringo in particular if you might more specifically give me some help on this. I've scanned and browsed the files listings in the Lexicor library to try and find PNT pics for TT MEDIUM RES in particular and haven't had much luck. I would absolutely LOVE IT if folks would upload into the library their favorite PNT pics for TT medium. You will make a new TT owner very happy!! I've got Prism Paint on the way so I am figuring that I will be able to convert GIF pics, for example, into TT med res, yes? And also be able to convert TT low res pics into med res, yes? But in the meantime, PLEASE HELP -- upload those TT med res specific files! Thanks much, and good karma to you all you kind souls!.....Jason s ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 137 Sat Oct 03, 1992 J.STANFORD2 [John@Lexicor] at 18:45 EDT Praetor: I'm sure Ringo can answer your questions about the latest version and the differences, as I don't have that information handy. However you MUST send your registration card directly to Lexicor to register your copy. We are no longer doing business with Rio. John Stanford - Lexicor ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 138 Sat Oct 03, 1992 LEXICOR2 [Ringo] at 19:53 EDT Jason I talked to Lee yesterday and I am going to give you a list of the PNT files that display on TT-medium res, I will be uploading some new TT-medium res files to the library very soon. Hope this helps you with Prism-Paint and Warp-9 Ringo ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 139 Sun Oct 04, 1992 B.KOLINS1 [Brian] at 00:54 EDT Praetor, (To the best of my knowlege) PrismPaint is up to version 1.5 -- There also exists a nice desk accessory for $49 that allows for splicing and overlays and such. My understanding, regarding the $25 upgrade fee, is that it's a fixed price covering _all_ Lexicor products you own. Not necessarily for _each_ product. So the more you own, the better the deal! So go buy the rest! ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 140 Sun Oct 04, 1992 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 01:49 EDT Ringo, bless your heart. I really look forward to your list of PNT files that display on TT medium and I also look forward to your upload of some new TT-med res files to the library. I deeply appreciate your response. - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Saturday, October 3, 1992 10:36 pm ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 141 Mon Oct 05, 1992 S.STANDIFORD [Praetor] at 21:32 EDT >However you MUST send your registration card directly to Lexicor to register >your copy. We are no longer doing business with Rio. LEE- Oh DRAT! I just mailed my card to Rio this morning! That's not very bloody fair! I guess there's not much chance of me getting my card back from them, is there? Well, looks like I'll be sending my Prism Paint disks to you guys just like my Prism Render disks... By the way, how long does it usually take to process a user registration? I sent my Prism Render disks over two weeks ago, and am wondering if they made it okay? RINGO- Is there anyway to convert a 640x480x256 GIF into TT Medium without going to gray scale? Or would it look stupid even if it could? >So go buy the rest! BRIAN- I've got two of the phases, now... Now once I finish paying tuition I'll go for the rest. Word is my local dealer here in SLC (J&J Computers) is looking into becomming a Lexicor-Authorized dealer... That would be really cool! JASON- I've been furiously converting GIFs ever since I bought Prism Paint, on Saturday. I'll upload some good TT MED pics for ya... -Praetor ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 142 Tue Oct 06, 1992 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 02:30 EDT Praetor -- you are thrice blessed. Thanks very much for thinking of uploading the GIF pics you made into TT med PNTs. I very much look forward to them. Ringo, thanks for your e-mail! I also look forward to your pics. - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Monday, October 5, 1992 10:08 pm ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 143 Tue Oct 06, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 05:29 EDT S.STANDIFORD, I just downloaded your two TT LOW pictures. Pretty cool! I was gonna tell you to compress them but I see you did that on the TT Medium one. Do you have something against LZH.:-) Your messing up Arcshell using ZIP, I have to do it the hard way.:-) Thanks for taking the time to upload! Jason, The Prism Paint pictures I thought where in the library where FLM files... opps.:-) I went back and checked my RT archive and there all FLM files. There should be about 10 or so in the library however. I know Yoda is a good one! ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 144 Tue Oct 06, 1992 LEXICOR2 [Ringo] at 08:35 EDT Preator. Please, please, how about uploading the Prism-Paint files to the Lexicor graphics Library #39. Jason. Most PNT files in the Lexicor Graphics Library are 256 PNT or GIF files. all 256 PNT files are TT-low resolution files and the GIF files convert to grayscales if you load them to TT-Med using Prism-Paint. Ringo ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 145 Tue Oct 06, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 19:31 EDT Heres a list of files from the library. I searched for about 5 different things. Hope this helps some! ------------ 25993 AMBWOMAN.PNT X S.STANDIFORD 921003 122112 10 5 Desc: Excellent TT lowres Prism Paint file 25994 ATRIUM.PNT X S.STANDIFORD 921003 139008 8 5 Desc: Excellent TT Low Res picture 22002 BART.LZH X R.MONFORT1 911221 23040 49 39 Desc: WIZ Tablet, Prism-Paint, TT & GIF. 17557 BOY.LZH X L.SEILER 901211 27720 62 39 Desc: Prism Paint ISAC Japanese cartoon 17500 EGG.PNT X L.SEILER 901207 94500 97 39 Desc: TT PNT picture of raytraced sphere. 26029 FALLS.ZIP X S.STANDIFORD 921005 40064 2 5 Desc: Good Prism Paint TT Med picture 17501 GLASS.PNT X L.SEILER 901207 120960 91 39 Desc: TT PNT picture of glass spheres! 19461 HURRICAN.GIF X C.STANFORD 910524 14976 89 5 Desc: .GIF pix of a hawker hurricane 17556 ICTHYO.LZH X L.SEILER 901211 21420 101 39 Desc: Prism Paint TT Low Resolution Fish 20577 LEXICOR1.LZH X R.MONFORT1 910821 149888 89 39 Desc: New Picture Files. GIF and PNT 19626 LSCAPE1.GIF X J.WENZEL2 910607 91008 62 5 Desc: TT medium rez. landsacpe 20612 LSCAPE2.GIF X J.WENZEL2 910824 75008 40 39 Desc: A landscape done in TT low res. 17499 PNTVIEW.ARC X L.SEILER 901207 17640 266 39 Desc: Prism Paint PNT picture viewer. 26027 SIDNEY.ZIP X S.STANDIFORD 921005 103424 1 5 Desc: Prism Paint TTMedium picture 19442 SPIT_PNT.ARC X C.STANFORD 910524 89216 22 39 Desc: Prizm Paint Spitfire 1024*768 16col 25301 ST2TTPIC.LZH X S.SMITH65 920815 26624 55 28 Desc: Spectrum/Raytrace to TT .PNT convert 23740 TGATOSPC.LZH X J.STANFORD2 920416 13312 86 39 Desc: Targa to Spectrum picture converter 17502 YODA.PNT X L.SEILER 901207 161280 95 39 Desc: TT PNT picture of Yoda 17558 YODAGRAY.LZH X L.SEILER 901211 115920 60 39 Desc: Prism PNT Yoda TT medium 16 gray 21086 BOY2.ARC X R.MONFORT1 910927 27776 33 39 Desc: PRISM-PAINT TT 256 color file. 21463 CANDLE.LZH X R.MONFORT1 911103 130816 33 39 Desc: Prism-Paint PNT file format Image! 21032 GIRL.LZH X R.MONFORT1 910921 18688 97 39 Desc: Lexicor Prism-Paint GIF file. 21282 KINGTUT.LZH X R.MONFORT1 911017 143872 46 39 Desc: Prism-Paint 256 color picture. 20243 LEXICOR.GIF X R.MONFORT1 910721 14464 65 39 Desc: A Frame render with Chronos. 23452 MASK.LZH (LH5)LZH X R.MONFORT1 920328 101120 35 39 Desc: Detail Egyptian Mask Shadow Casting! 19732 MONFORT.ARC X R.MONFORT1 910613 212608 56 39 Desc: Prism-Paint Chronos Files for all. 20744 PLANET.LZH X L.SEILER 910902 65408 57 39 Desc: One more 256 Color TT picture! 20742 REFLEX1.LZH X L.SEILER 910902 58368 48 39 Desc: New 256 color TT file. 20763 STATIONA.LZH X L.SEILER 910902 3328 62 39 Desc: Chronos Render SpaceStation. 20764 STATIONB.LZH X L.SEILER 910902 55040 80 39 Desc: SpaceStation GIF format1 20368 WOMAN.GIF X R.MONFORT1 910801 46848 151 39 Desc: Woman Picture file 256 colors. 21837 F18RENDR.LZH LH5 X R.MONFORT1 911207 18688 44 39 Desc: F18 Render in Chronos-3D. 19972 STARSHIP.LZH X R.MONFORT1 910630 528896 42 39 Desc: STARSHIP-TREK Planet Skull! 22726 3DOBJECT.ARC X R.MONFORT1 920215 191616 51 39 Desc: Large collection of great 3D objects 22627 TABLET.ARC X R.MONFORT1 920208 36864 49 39 Desc: First 16 color TT pictures. 20316 256COLOR.ARC X R.MONFORT1 910728 525184 39 5 Desc: TT256 color pictures! 24871 MONALISA.LZH X LEXICOR2 920712 292608 13 39 Desc: 2 PNT 256color Monalisa pictures 17499 PNTVIEW.ARC X L.SEILER 901207 17640 266 39 Desc: Prism Paint PNT picture viewer. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 146 Thu Oct 08, 1992 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 01:48 EDT Ringo and Joey, thanks much for your info on PNT pics. I look forward to playing around with the low res and GIF (converting them to TT med res). My version of Prism Paint just arrived yesterday!! - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Tuesday, October 6, 1992 10:11 pm ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 147 Fri Oct 09, 1992 LEXICOR2 [Ringo] at 22:58 EDT I have uploaded two new GIF graphic files to the Lexicor Library #39. Both files are artwork created by Lee Seiler for an Atari magazine cover and a Lexicor Ad. Artwork was done with ATARI systems using different graphic cards, Prism-Paint and the WIZ-Graphics Tablet. I hope all of you enjoy them. file names. MUSHRM.GIF & LOKI.GIF. 1. A Mushroom Planet! 2. Loki, Alien Warrior with swords and shield in hand! Note: We would also like to see sample images of your work done with Prism- Paint or any other Lexicor Product, so please let other Atari users enjoy your artwork. Ringo ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 148 Fri Oct 09, 1992 LEXICOR [Lee] at 23:08 EDT Ringo John Cole18 needs you to send Gif images like this to him at the WAACE show, Maby to Darlah? she could down load them and give them to John, He is staying at the sharton hotel in reston Va. Under his name or Lexicor. I don't know if he took a modem, if so he might be able to DL in his room? Thanks Lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 149 Mon Oct 12, 1992 S.STANDIFORD [Praetor] at 01:54 EDT Jason, You're very welcome. I will upload more in a few days. Gotta get some good GIF's first! Joey, Yeah, I know, I know... Nobody likes ZIP but me! Ringo, OOPS! I was afraid to put them there, thought that was just for Lexicor's uploads... Duh... Okay, all PNT files will go to #39 from now on. -Praetor ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 150 Mon Oct 12, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 05:52 EDT Praetor, How about uploading the GIF if it's not coming from somewhere else on GEnie? I'd much rather have the original color files since Paint converts it anyway. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 151 Fri Oct 23, 1992 S.STANDIFORD [Praetor] at 20:27 EDT JOEY- Okay, I'd be happy to upload my GIF files! -Praetor ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 152 Mon Nov 09, 1992 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 22:47 EST Is there a way to save the configuration so that Prism Paint will ALWAYS boot up using TT ram versus ST ram? I see in the manual how to press the alternate key upon running the program, but when I go back and run the program again, PP has reverted to ST ram. Any suggestion? Also, in going through the first tutorial, the directions indicate that I should "click the Set Write Mode tool," but I can't find such a function. I'm using the latest version, 1.5B (I believe it is) so I know the manual is for version 1.0. Any help on how to locate and utilize the Set Write Mode tool. As you can tell, I'm very much a beginner with this type of program. - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Monday, November 9, 1992 5:24 pm ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 153 Tue Nov 10, 1992 REALM [Joey] at 00:19 EST Jason, Do you have PRGFLAGS.PRG? It's in the GEnie library. It will allow you to set the flags to Fast Load, Run in TT RAM and Use TT RAM. I just checked though and it doesn't help.:-) I never noticed the ALT key thing before! Be nice if it would use both TT RAM and ST RAM. I've got 6.5 Megs free but the most I can get is about 3.5 megs for the actual animation. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 154 Tue Nov 10, 1992 LEXICOR2 [Ringo] at 00:34 EST Jason. Prism-Paint manual page 6-35 Set Write Modes Tools. Write: Replace - Transparent Paste: Replace - Transparent Version 1.5 you will find the same functions next to Use Brush/Use Clipboard. Under the color palette. Almost all of the tools/interface were reworked and position in defferent areas. All of the "Frame Control" functions are now at the bottom of the displays. "Spline Control" is now "Set Spline Type" "Set Copy/Paste" & "Set Spray/Blend" are new. Clip Board functions. Flip Horizontally Flip Vertically Skew Horizontally Skew Vertically Tile Resize Rotate Minimize Boundary. -------------------------- Hope this helps but if you need more info. "No Problema" we are here to help. Ringo ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 155 Fri Dec 18, 1992 B.KOLINS1 [Brian] at 03:40 EST Lee, Thanks for the updates -- All is in working order. Tell me... Is there a readme file available that covers PrismPaint changes/additions from version 1.1 to 1.5B? If not, can I purchase a new manual from you -- or should I just assault you with questions? Thanks, Brian ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 156 Fri Dec 18, 1992 LEXICOR2 [Ringo] at 08:19 EST Brian, Just assault us with questions. Currently no read_me file is included, I may work on one this weekend. Here is a sample for you: 1. Run the program. 2. Load or create an images go the bottom of the menu to the frame control area. 3. In the frame control menu you will see a "1" to the far right click on it and you will get the "Multiple Flames" and click OK we are only only going to add 10 frames for this sample. Now we have 11 frames. 4. Same menu to the far left you will see a 0 click on it untill it changes to "A". 5. Next to the "A" are two 1 1. click on the second one so that it changes to 11. This selects All frames from 1 to 11. 6. Now use the copy command and copy a small section of your image but donnot paste it down on the screen just go back to the menu screen. 7. From the frame menu use the "Paste+" command and now the program takes you the image area paste your image to the left side of your screen, release mouse button and move/drag your mouse until you paste the next image to the right side of the screen. You will notice a a white line with little boxes will show when pasting from first image to left to pasting second image to the right. 8. What this does is create an animation using the clipboard and the Paste+ function. Well that is all for now. If the above was not clear please let me know and I will try to assist you one more time. Later. Ringo ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 157 Sun Jan 03, 1993 J.KOSIOREK1 [Jack.K] at 16:31 EST Hi - I purchased a copy of Prism Paint about a year ago from RIO. I understand that my registering with them was useless. The question I need answered is what am supposed to do to re-register with Lexicor. I like the program and would be interested in registering it correctly and also what advantage is it for me to re-register it at this late "year old" date? Thanks - Jack ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 158 Mon Jan 04, 1993 LEXICOR [Lee] at 03:17 EST Jack, Simply send us a postcard with you name, address ect... and program sr#. Lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 160 Sat Jan 09, 1993 J.KOSIOREK1 [Jack.K] at 18:39 EST Lee, Thanks, I will sent you the registration info this week Jack ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 161 Wed Feb 24, 1993 ATARIAUSTRIA [J.Widi] at 03:02 EST Does anybody know if Prism Paint will work with the Matrix CoCo 256 color card? Are we going to see an update to a more resolution independent version or do we have to update to Mona Lisa (Meridian?)? -Johannes ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 162 Wed Feb 24, 1993 LEXICOR [Lee] at 04:53 EST J.W yes it does work with that card. I have one here and while I dont use it very often I have never had any problems with it. Lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 163 Thu Feb 25, 1993 REALM [Joey] at 02:22 EST Lee, How did you get Prism Paint to work on the COCO? I haven't had any luck. I can do everything but save and load a file correctly. I can almost save a GIF but the Palette is saved incorrectly and the only way to correct it seems to be by remapping the image and swapping colors. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 164 Thu Feb 25, 1993 ATARIAUSTRIA [J.Widi] at 03:09 EST Lee fine to hear that Your CoCo works. A friend of mine uses it and whenever he saves a picture or an animation and loads it back in the palette is garbled. He is trying to do a 640x480 animation in 256 colors. Anything obvious he might be doing wrong? Johannes ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 165 Sat Feb 27, 1993 LEXICOR [Lee] at 03:47 EST Well I am not sure about what I am doing different? as a matter of normal day to day practice I load in my own pal. this is because I like my colors set up just acertin way. I have noticed that the problem you describe appears on my TT in the regular TT palette. the problem is that if for some reason you disturb the first 32 colors, prism paint will think that the back ground and forground colors are to close or the same so it automatically incresaes the values of the for ground by 2 and decreases the back ground by 2, or something like that? Otherwise I just always save final palettes with animations and pictures and load them back in if I get a screwed up palette, what ever the reason. BTW I generally use my leo card and not the Coco........In fact I think my Coco card is packed away with ReTouch at the moment. lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 166 Sun Mar 14, 1993 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 14:26 EST I obtained a number of .pnt pics the other day that I believe were originally prepared as TT Low resolution pics. When I use Prism Paint to load them (running in TT Med res), I get a box that says that the picture is a compressed pic with X resolution of 320 and Y resolution of 480, with 256 colors. What I would like to do is convert or save this picture in TT med resolution so I can use it with Warp 9. But when I click on OK in the the window that shows the specifications, then nothing seems to happen -- no picture. I've tried finding this in the manual with no luck. Is there a way to load a TT low res picture while in TT med res and then to save it as a TT med res pic? - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Sunday, March 14, 1993 11:20 am ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 167 Sun Mar 14, 1993 LEXICOR2 [Ringo] at 16:22 EST Jason. First load the PNT in TTlow resolution and resave it as GIF files. Next reload them in TTmedium resolution and save it as PNT. Now the PNT will be in monchrome but if you like recolor it in Prism-Paint with the 16 colors. Now you are ready to use the PNT with Warp 9. I have some cartoon figures that I use as backgrounds with Warp 9. Hope this helps. Ringo ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 168 Sun Mar 14, 1993 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 19:54 EST Ringo, thanks for your reply about converting TT low and TT med res pics so I can view them in Warp 9. I'm hoping there is an easier way!! Is there any simple way to recolor the pictures. I have to confess to not being too familiar with the program so if there's a helpful tip you can give me. I'm thinking that it will be too much to re-color each and every part of each picture. Please advise. Thanks much....Jason ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 169 Tue Mar 16, 1993 ATARIAUSTRIA [J.Widi] at 07:47 EST Jason, I think You could do the folowing: go to TT low res, load the .PNT file, save as GIF. Now You could use GEM View (search for GVIEW in the ST library) to load the GIF in TT medium. GEM View dithers the pic for You and You can save it as a 16 color GIF now (the registered version does this, I'm not sure about the one in the library. Has anybody tried it?). If Warp 9 can use GIFs, You're done. If not, load it back into Prism Paint and save as PNT. So there is no need to recolor the pictures. -Johannes ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 170 Thu Mar 18, 1993 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 01:58 EST Johannes, thanks very much for the tip. I'll give that method a whirl and see how it flies!!....Jason ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 171 Mon Mar 22, 1993 E.WELLS at 23:45 EST John Cole Lee directed me to you about a batch program that would display consecutive FLM files in sequence without having to append them. He said you would probably know where I could obtain such a beast. I would appreciate any help you can administer... thanks Everett (HG) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 172 Tue Mar 23, 1993 LEXICOR2 [Ringo] at 00:21 EST E.Wells. Yes, the utility does exist. The Batch FLM program is partly use within the Vendors SyQuest disk display/utilities package. I have use it and it works great. Ringo ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 173 Tue Mar 23, 1993 LEXICOR [Lee] at 05:10 EST Ringo, Please send a copy of it with support documentation to HG' via E-Mail as an attached file or what ever it is called. Thanks Ol'e GREAT RINO ! BTW for those interested there will be a Prism Pant V2.0 comming soon. More info on this in the comming weeks. Lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 174 Tue Mar 23, 1993 LEXICOR2 [Ringo] at 14:09 EST Prism-Paint 2.0!!! I wonder what it may be. E.Wells. check your email-box the batch player is waiting for you! Ringo ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 175 Tue Mar 23, 1993 J.BRENNER1 [See Flat] at 19:12 EST Prism Paint 2.0 ! Now I hope I'm not getting too exicted. I'm not even using Prism Paint at this point. Mainly because I only have an ST and 16 colors and I just can't live without pallette support. I have been rebdering ANM as DLT and porting them to CYBERPAINT to them save as SEQ files. The only thing I've ever disliked about Cyber Paint is the 2040 frame limit. Looking forward to upgrade! I know Lee has respect for CyberPaint.....will Prism Paint 2.0 be as worthy. :-) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 176 Tue Mar 23, 1993 LEXICOR2 [Ringo] at 20:12 EST J.Brenner Biting my "lips and fingertips" wish I could say more. So I just have a no comment. Ringo ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 177 Wed Mar 24, 1993 J.BRENNER1 [See Flat] at 00:12 EST Ringo, :-) I think you said too much. Any prospective release date on this re-incarnation. Out of curiousity is it written by Birmingham and Ramsden ? ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 178 Thu Mar 25, 1993 LEXICOR [Lee] at 01:14 EST No comment is no Comment......and No the Update/Grade is not written by either former lexicor author. The new version will have a face lift and some very impressive capabilities. We are now showing it at CeBit and will have more information aftere the show closes next week. Lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 179 Thu Mar 25, 1993 M.POCHE [Mick] at 02:33 EST AH HA!! I think I have a prety good idea of what Prism Paint 2 is now. Lee practiaclly gave it away in his latest messages. If I'm right, I think that we all "know" the author from another current Lexicor program, will make full use of the Falcon's high-color modes, 3D buttons, etc. Am I close Lee? Should I shut up now? - Mick ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 180 Mon Mar 29, 1993 J.KUDRON [Jim~ST Sysop] at 21:05 EST Ringo, With all this talk of Prism Paint 2.0, can you give us an idea of the upgrade price. Jim Kudron 29Mar93 18:45:34 ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 181 Tue Mar 30, 1993 LEXICOR [Lee] at 21:23 EST Not at this time, it is more or less finished and is being shown at CeBit, once I get a look at the final version then I will post more details. Lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 182 Tue Mar 30, 1993 J.STANFORD2 [John@Lexicor] at 22:33 EST To the best of my knowledge I'm not working on Prism Paint 2.0. Course I've been wrong before! :-) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 183 Wed Mar 31, 1993 LEXICOR2 [Ringo] at 01:25 EST No, comments.... Just that we will have some more comments later on. Ringo ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 184 Wed Mar 31, 1993 LEXICOR [Lee] at 04:26 EST John S. thats right your are not! :-) Lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 185 Wed Mar 31, 1993 J.BRENNER1 [See Flat] at 19:09 EST Here is my comment concerning Prism Paint 2.0 I will order it as soon as it is available. ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 186 Wed Apr 14, 1993 J.BRENNER1 [See Flat] at 00:53 EDT Is Prism Paint II still on the no comment list ? ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 187 Wed Apr 14, 1993 LEXICOR [Lee] at 03:38 EDT J.B No Comment on the NO COMMENT LIST! There will be more information RSN :-) Lexicor ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 188 Wed Apr 14, 1993 E.WELLS at 21:15 EDT Lee, How about a comment on Meridian? I've seen it mentioned twice now: once by Bill Rehbock in the T DRTC and once in the Phoenix manual. EHW -s ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 189 Thu Apr 15, 1993 LEXICOR [Lee] at 02:10 EDT Here is a comment on Meridian, very nice approach to a paint application for the falcon. Lee ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 190 Tue Apr 20, 1993 C.ROUNTREE2 [RoadKill] at 04:06 EDT Lee: Your comments are worse than no comments. NO COMMENT leaves us mildly curious. But, a skimpy comment leaves us slavering!!! ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 191 Tue Apr 20, 1993 REALM [Joey] at 18:35 EDT Roadkill, He knows it!!:-) ------------ Category 25, Topic 4 Message 192 Tue Apr 20, 1993 LEXICOR2 [Ringo] at 20:20 EDT All I know is that Lee is very please with the program and he is having lots of fun with it. Ringo ------------