Construction Estimator ver. 1.8 MONO. This is my latest update to my construction estimation program. You will find a lot of new changes to my program. Saving,loading estimates are now possible, you can also save estimates in ascii format, this will let you load estimates into a word processor, so you can make custom printouts. All files that are saved in the reloadable format are interchangable with the files that are created with my MS-DOS estimate program also ver. 1.8 This way if you have a MS-DOS computer at work, you can make estimates on either computer and load them. (I realy don't think that is a BIG factor, the ability to load files between the two computers, but it just so happens that in C saving and loading files are the why change the format?) Doing a printout from the program is now possible, so you don't need to do screen dump. I'm sure you will notice the size of the program, it went from about 68k to 206k mono (175k color)...Well. I decided to add some drawings and other trick things...everything adds up. There are now two versions of Estimator, Mono and Color, sorry about that. I realy wanted only one version, but my drawings don't look very well when they are converted on the fly. So I have seperate drawings for each versions. The answer is NO.... the houses that you see on the title screen are not houses that I have built (by the way I have built a few houses and am building another one now) The houses that you see have been digitized from drawings on a scanner that I used on a IBM, so was the the twenty dollar bill. And YES that is me. I almost look that good. I hope you like the program, I have worked at it a lot and am now going to make a very complete update to the MS-DOS version, and sell it. Then I will do the same for the Atari ST. If you do use my program then send away for the book and send me some money $20. Michael C. O'Massey 9910 U.S. 395 north Reno Nevada 89506