Time Bandits Solution Sheet for Castle Greymoon and Ghost Town -------------------------------------------------------------- By Doctor Who Infinity Base One 20+ Megs - Speakezy BBS 20+ Megs (405)-793-7971 (405)-799-5656 -------------------------------------------------------------- Castle Greymoon: To get the artifact from the Castle, you must deal with the Mad Hermit, found on all "C" levels,(1C,2C,3C,4C). On the first level, He will ask you to play cards, tell him yes, and then he will ask you to find something that best resembles a club. So go over to the wall, and you will see a torch, when it asks you if that is your selection, type yes. That will get you past the first round. On 2C go back in, and this time you will be playing for the suit of hearts. He has some wine from the kings room, next door. Go get the wine, (There is one more bottle of it in the room below the old hermit) and exit out of the room. Then go to the shepard and do business with him. Give him the wine, and then he will tell you he is going to give you one of his sheep. But before he does, he will ask you if it is for the Mad Hermit. Tell him yes then instead he will drink the wine, and get some blood and put it in the bottle. Return to the lair and give the blood to the Hermit. This will complete the 2nd level. On 3C, the suit will be spades, and he will have the shovel, used to break the ground for Castle Greymoon, he says the only thing that he thinks would be better is some fresh grave dirt. Luckily, there is a tombstone with some fresh dirt on it in the next room. When you try to get the dirt though, the spirt will want something in return. Go back to the entrance, then go up, and you will see a boulder, shoot it and get the rubble and then go back and give him the rubble. Get the grave dirt and give it to the Hermit, thus completing level 3C. For the final level, 4C you will need to go through the sorceress's transportation level. If you go the right way, you will come upon a room where the is a crate and some gold coins, and the necessary key. Go to the crate and it will say you see 4 magic potions and you can only get one. The first potion will make you temporarily unbeatable. The second will kill you. The third will make a very small diamind appear in your hand. And the forth will give you a green slip of paper worth 25,000 cubits. Get the 3rd potion and exit to the Hermits Lair. This time the suit is diamonds and he has alittle splinter of the Kings Diamond. Tell him you have the diamond and he will say you win, and allow you to pass, and he will also give you cubits for solving all of his ryddles. Now go up and you will fight 3 yellow cubes and then you will see Kevelshaw, the great Unicorn. Do as you like then. Ghost Town You must find 9 outlaws bones to unscramble a 9 letter word that will help you later in the game. The bones in Ghost Town are everywhere, look in the jail cells and places like that, and also be sure to check out the Lost Maverick mine. If you are doing O.K. a ghost will appear every "C" level, as in Castle Greymoon. The first ghost is "Molly" and she asks you to bury her bones. So go get her bones and bury them and you will see one of the outlaws bones. Do this with each ghost, finding outlaws until you met a Ghost named "Tom Vern" or "The good outlaw" when you see him, tell him you will bury him, and he will let you into his secret hideout. You will see his bones and a huge tar pit swirling around. The nine letter word unscrambled is TERRORIZE. After typing it in, a bridge will appear over the pit and you will be able to cross. You will see the artifact, a old watch and then you can get out of there. Some tips I have learned are that if you are playing 2 player and the other guy insists on not sharing the treasure, tell him to go in one of the jail cells and when he walks in, shut the door on him, and there is nothing he can do about it. Another thing, after rescuing the 3rd ghost, you will see a book. It will have the combination to the lock, and it's 95-29-06. Well I hope this has helped, If you have figured out any of the other lands, I wish you would leave me some mail on Compuserve to Wade-74226,2114 or I can be reached at either Infinity Base One or Speakezy BBS. From the Who's Who at telling you, ? Doctor Who ?