It was suggested to me that I release XS FX/D'Artiste in a crippled format to enhance my chances of receiving registration fees for the program. I considered for a long while that I might disable the save functions from the program, thereby allowing complete use of the program but prohibiting anyone from saving his or her work. Past experience has taught me to forget receiving money for a program that a user already has in hand. It's a shame. Much work goes into some of the fine shareware available to the ST owner. I still put my copyright notice on my shareware and suggest in the documentation that it would be nice to see some money come my way. I still plot ways by which to get the user to register his copy of a program. I still receive no money. So I could have crippled XS FX/D'Artiste. Everyone insisted I do so. Everyone suggested I ask more than the $20.00 registration fee. But I've always had a mind of my own. I tend to listen to suggestions, then do whatever the devil I want. So here's the uncrippled version of XS FX/D'Artiste. Here's notice that I'd like twenty bucks for the program. And here's to the user, whether he pays up or not, because we're all users in the end. Some of us play games, some program, some use our computers for very useful chores. What I finally decided was this: I want my program to be used. I want it to be appreciated. Yeah, and I want twenty bucks, but your twenty bucks will neither make me nor break me. Shareware will never make anyone wealthy. So use my program. And if you can find it in your heart (or in your wallet) to drop me a check for around twenty bucks, then bless your generous heart, but if you don't ever send me a registration fee, bless your heart anyway. Use me. Just make sure when showing your friend how superior your ST is to his computer that you show him some of the fine PD and shareware programs available. And if you're into art programs, it wouldn't hurt to show him XS FX/D'Artiste! D. L. Edwards