In article (Israel Pinkas ~) writes: >1) Is there any way to get a 1040ST (TOS 1.4) to use HD (1.4M) disks? I > tried to format one and the machine refused. (Gave the same error as > when you try to format a write-protected disk. Yes. It is possible; it requires hacking the hardware: 1.4 Megabyte drives use 300 rounds per minute rotation speed and a 500 kBit per second data rate; twice the data rate/density as the regular drives do. If You get a HD drive (TEAC FD135 HFN for example) and wire it up to the ST, it will work just as a 720 k-drive, cause the controller chip is still fixed to 250 kBit per second. We have to speed up the controller; looks easy: the controller manual says all time constants of the controller are take from its 8 MHz clock. If we would just switch it to 16 MHz? That is, what I have done to my ST. I use the 16 MHz output of the SHIFTER as clock source and switch the controller clock between 16 and 8 MHz based on the High-Denity-Enable output of my TEAC FD 135HFN (Shugard BUS pin 2). It works fine, if the step-rate (the time between 2 consecutive Step pulses sent to the drive) is set to 6 milliseconds. The controller will now step every 3 milliseconds (since we doubled the his clock) in HD mode, and every 6 milliseconds in DD mode; this does not hurt the drive or performance too much. I have some problems with it: no program will load from HD disks and access to folders does not seem to work too well from DESKTOP. Everything works fine from msh, as far as I can tell. Even copying files from HD to DD disks (DD disk in drive B; not tested for single drive copy) works fine. All we still need is the software to set the step rate to 6 milliseconds and to format a drive with 18 Sectors per track. Here ist goes: seek6.s: set seek rate for all (both) drives to 6 milliseconds / module name seek6 .shri .globl main_ main_: clr.l -(sp) move.w $0x20,-(sp) trap $1 addq.l $6,a7 move.l d0,_save_ssp move.w $0,0x440 / 0 => 6 ms, 1 => 12 ms, 2 => 2 ms, 3 => 3 ms lea 0x46a,a0 move.l (a0),d0 movea.l d0,a0 jsr (a0) move.l _save_ssp,-(sp) move.w $0x20,-(sp) trap $1 addq.l $6,a7 .even _save_ssp: .blkl 1 ----------------------- formath.c: format high density disk /* formath.c Formatter fuer High Density Disketten */ /* nur fuer angepasste Hardware! Floppycontroller und Laufwerk */ /* muessen High-Density tauglich sein! */ /* Hartmut Semken, Lupsteiner Weg 67 1000 Berlin 37 */ /* hase@netmbx.UUCP */ /* 03-SEP-89 */ /*formath.c: format High Density disks on modified ST (controller clock switcheble to 16 MHz) using HD disks and drive. Quickly hacked in from example given in Mark Williams C documentation */ #include #include #include #define SLEEPTIME 1 /* 1: Zeitschleife, 0: Taste */ #define BLANK (0xE5E5) #define MAGIC (0x87654321L) #define BUFSIZE (20*1024) /* Platz fuer mehr als 18 Sektoren... */ #define DEVICE 0 /* 0 = Floppy A, 1 = Floppy B */ #define SIDES 2 /* je */ #define SECTORS 18 /* nach */ #define TRACKS 80 /*Belieben */ #define TOTSEC (TRACKS * SIDES * SECTORS) extern int errno; main(){ int track; int side; int status; short *bf; register char reply; short *middle; char buffer[512]; printf("\033E\n"); printf("Public Domain High Density Mini Formatter\n"); printf("von H. Semken\nDer Autor garantiert in keiner Weise fr die Funktion\nDieses Programmes.\nBenutzung auf eigene Gefahr.\n"); printf("\n\n\n"); printf("\007\033pFormatiere Diskette in Drive %c\033q\n%d Seiten\n%d Sektoren pro Spur\n%d Spuren\n\n", (65+DEVICE), SIDES, SECTORS, TRACKS); printf("Wirklich formatieren? "); fflush(stdout); if ((reply = Crawcin()) != 'y' && reply != 'Y' && reply != 'j' && reply != 'J') { printf("Nein. Floppy nicht formatiert.\n"); sleep(1); Pterm0(); } printf("Ja.\n"); printf("Diskette einlegen; Taste drcken..."); fflush(stdout); Crawcin(); printf("\n"); bf = malloc(BUFSIZE); for (track = TRACKS-1; track >= 0; track--) { for (side = 0; side < SIDES; side++) { printf("Formatiere Spur %d, Seite %d", track, side); fflush(stdout); status = Flopfmt(bf, 0L, DEVICE, SECTORS, track, side, 1, MAGIC, BLANK); if (status) { middle = bf; printf("\t%d\n", status); while (*middle) { printf("\tDefekter Sektor %d\n", *middle++); } } else { printf("\tokay\r"); } } } printf("\n\nAlle Spuren formatiert\n"); printf("Initialisiere Directory\n"); for (track = 0; track < (BUFSIZE>>1); bf[track++] = 0); for (track = 0; track < 2;track++) { for (side = 0; side < SIDES; side++){ if (status = Flopwr(bf, 0L, DEVICE, 1, track, side, SECTORS)) { errno = -status; perror("Write Error"); } } } Protobt(buffer, (long)Random(),3,0); /* Prototyp Bootsector fr * 80 * 2 * 9 Sektoren */ /* Prototyp Bootsektor fr das neue Format anpassen */ /* Bytes 19 und 20 enthalten die Sektoren pro Disk */ /* unteres Byte von TOTSEC */ buffer[19] = (char)(((TOTSEC>>8)<<8)^TOTSEC); /* oberes Byte von TOTSEC; es lebe das Intel int-Format */ buffer[20] = (char)(TOTSEC>>8); buffer[24] = (char)SECTORS; /* Sektoren pro Spur */ status = Flopwr(buffer, 0L, DEVICE, 1, 0, 0, 1); if (status) { errno = -status; perror("Write Error (Bootsector)"); } status = Flopver(buffer, 0L, DEVICE, 1, 0, 0, 1); if (status) { errno = -status; perror("Verify Error (Bootsector)"); } printf("Diskette in Laufwerk %c formatiert\n", (65+DEVICE)); sleep(1); Pterm0(); } sleep(seconds) int seconds; #if SLEEPTIME { clock_t t; for(t = clock();clock() < (t + CLK_TCK*seconds);); } #else { printf("Taste druecken\n"); fflush(stdout); Crawcin(); } #endif /* end of formath.c */ -- Hartmut Semken, Lupsteiner Weg 67, 1000 Berlin 37 hase@netmbx.UUCP Dennis had stepped up into the top seat whet its founder had died of a lethal overdose of brick wall, taken while under the influence of a Ferrari and a bottle of tequila. (Douglas Adams; the long dark teatime...) End of list. Download another file (Y/N)?n