========================================================================= (C) 1993 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie are *official* information services of Atari Corporation. To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt.Type XTX99437,GENIE and press [RETURN]. The system will prompt you for your information. ========================================================================== Category 16, Topic 20 Message 1 Tue Jul 27, 1993 POTECHIN [Nathan @ DMC] at 19:52 EDT Released in February, 1992, Calamus SL has proven to be a first class desktop publishing solution for the Atari platform. Compatible with all Atari computers, from a 1 meg 520 ST to the TT030 to the latest Atari Falcon030, Calamus displays in a variety of resolutions on all available graphic cards in 1, 4, 8 and 24/32 bit color or monochrome, above 640 x 350 resolution. Calamus SL is the centre of a modular universe, based on the WYNIWYG (What you need is what you get) concept. A great many optional modules are currently available with more scheduled to arrive shortly. Additional topics in DMC's Category 16 can be listed by typing TOPic. For those of you enjoying Calamus, whether professional or just for fun, all the topics in this Category will be of interest. A complete list of Calamus' features can be found in our own library 30: file #27367 compares Calamus 1.09N to Calamus S, #17426 compares 1.09 to everything a few years back, as did file #16892, #10521 is a 20 page list of Calamus 1.09N and Calamus SL features. A series of archived files of questions asked and answered in this Category from the initial release of Calamus up to and including messages archived last week, can be found and downloaded from the Atari RT Archive library #13. Just SEArch by the keyword Calamus. The Calamus 1.09 DEMO version is file #10521 while the Calamus SL DEMO version is file #24683. The Calamus Printer Driver Generator is also available for downloading, file #24135. As always, there are many of us that would be pleased to answer any question related to Calamus and desktop publishing on the Atari. Believe me, between those of us at DMC and the many 100's of customers of ours that also enjoy Category 16, we can usually handle about anything you can throw at us and remember, no question is too simple or too hard. Please do not hesitate to ask. Sincerely Nathan Potechin DMC Publishing ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 2 Sun Aug 29, 1993 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] at 09:33 EDT A Parting Shot in the DataFormer Discussion: A recent post here stated that "PostScript is not the center of the Universe." This appears to be the ISD position. While I agree that some of the Calamus solutions are more elegant and certainly less error-prone than PostScript, the fact remains that for the rest of the world PostScript has become a standard. So why all the fuss about DataFormer? Let me put it in perspective. Mr. Big Account comes my direction. We talk. No problem... can do easy! Mr. Big Account's parting comment -- "Oh yes, we'll also need you to provide the finished files in PostScript format." . This is a true story. The question: Would _you_ rely on the fact that DataFormer will perform in this scenerio? The problem is clear. For a fleeting moment PostScript has become the center of the universe. -- Dave @ Binary Ink ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 3 Sun Aug 29, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 11:52 EDT Dave, I agree with your last point. No one likes to lose sales. I just re-read your comment about having a 'beta' copy. I think this is part of the reason for your disappointment. The only version of DF I have where the word 'beta' appears is one that I received after the release version. It sounds like you did get a beta version by mistake. What is the date stamp on that copy, please? Does it appear on both modules? ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 4 Mon Aug 30, 1993 D.GORDON2 [DENNIS] at 01:05 EDT Lou: you mentioned a while back that vertical justification is fully implemented in the 8/92 version. Well I've tried every which way to activate the block functions, but still can only get the copy to top, center or bottom align in a frame. Has anybody had success in getting a text frame to justify the full height of the frame? ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 5 Mon Aug 30, 1993 D.GORDON2 [DENNIS] at 01:18 EDT Oh forget that Lou...that message was written over a month ago and sometimes mysteriously pops up when I run Aladdin. I'll delete it... Never mind..... ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 6 Mon Aug 30, 1993 T.HENRY12 [Tom Jr.] at 21:19 EDT To anyone: I've noticed something. I was trying out the new cache functions from the Miscellaneous Settings Section, set at 50% for Vector, Grayscale, and Text frames. Well, I observed that white text disappears at smaller zoom levels (full page), but shows correctly at 1:1 zoom. Any one else experience this? I also imported a .CVG with a 50% gray color but transparent background. I superimposed this on a text frame, and on screen the .CVG picture was on top of the text frame. But when I printed it out, the .CVG was behind the text frame on the printout. Some fooling around with send to front/back and transparent/opaque/inverse functions allowed it to print correctly. I'd like to know what else I could try to verify a screen display problem, so I'm open to suggestion. A point to be made here is that I feel it's crucial to have WSIWYG display when doing a layout, so as to eliminate guessing where an item is layered or how it's going to show up on paper. Also, is there any way to screen a bit-mapped image in SL? If not, Nathan, should I wait for Cranach (I assume it does this at some level)? Thanks, Tom P.S. I would also like to thank Doug Walter for the *excellent* U2U file on the Raster Generator. Haven't finished it yet, but what I read so far has been more than just informative, but revelatory in showing the power of this small module. Thanks also for the dummy Lino printer driver file. This will help to check out pre-film output on screen. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 7 Tue Aug 31, 1993 D.WALTER7 [Doug Walter] at 00:48 EDT Tom, Thanks for the kudos :-) The Ultre 'dummy' printer driver _is_ an excellent tool to have. It's great for WYSIWYG pre-press work on everything from HP's LJ4 to the Linotype-Hell and Ultre imagesetters. BTW, DMC also has other drivers for the few odd resolutions not covered by the Ultre system. I received Email asking me if the RasGen tutorial had any relevance to "us lowly 300 dpi laser users..." Oh oh, I guess I didn't make this clear enough. Yes, yes, yes! In fact most examples use 300 dpi to make experimentation easier. The rules governing the module's logic are consistant across all resolutions and screen frequencies. All you need to understand are 3 simple rules. ;-) Re: Caches. Tom, on my TT with _raster_ caches turned on, any text over a raster frame disappears at printer 1:1, and reappears at full page. Doug7 ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 8 Tue Aug 31, 1993 S.BLACKBURN [STEVE] at 10:07 EDT Nathan, A long time ago I remembered seeing someone use two monitors with Calamus. I thought that was so hot. Now I have my Moniterm back I thought I'd give it a try. With 1.09n I was able to get the second monitor to fire up, but you can't take the mouse over there and make any changes. You have to make the changes on the other monitor and hit the "second monitor" icon. Then the big screen redraws with the new image. Almost there... In SL, I get an error message that tells me the module is not loaded. I've never heard of this module, is it out there somewhere? I know it works, I saw it with my own eyes...but how? It would be a lot easier to have the icons and menu bar on the SM147 and work on the full page monitor for manipulating the page. For one thing the icons are bigger. Also... I've come accross something strange. I've created a CKT file (Key Bindings) and the word "Cancel" has disapeared from the box at the lower right that sends you back into your document. It's there for some of the other CKT files that I use however. Everything works fine, its just a little weird thing... Amazing stuff homer.... ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 9 Tue Aug 31, 1993 C.ONGSTAD [CDO] at 18:05 EDT Nathan, The system parameters module was already set for the numbers you gave me. SL is painfully s-l-o-w on the ST, especially in text and graphic redraws. 1.09N was much faster. Has the code been optimized in the update? Question #2-> Wanted to print out the guidelines as well as the text for a document with SL- couldn't do it. Is there a trick to include these in the printing of the document? Thanks much, Chris ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 10 Tue Aug 31, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 19:36 EDT Steve, is it the COL_GREY.CXM that you need to load? I don't know either but Nate has your config on his desk and I think it works. Chris, the upgrade was further optimized but it will be slow on any 8 mhz computer. Do you have any caches turned on? This will slow the redraw if you are constantly changing display sizes. Another suggestion is to make some of the the frames invisible until you need them. For example, most of the redrawing occurs when you are editing or styling text. Why not have _only_ text frames visible until you are finished this part of your work? Turn everything else off. If you are using some master page elements for headers and footers or design purposes, make them invisible. Each thing you turn off makes the redraw that much faster. Solution #2 - get a Fast Tech accelerator. The Tiny Turbo is going for 600.00 and brings you up to TT speed. You will cry tears of joy if you see one working. :-) ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 11 Tue Aug 31, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 22:08 EDT About Doug's Raster Generator U2U, I haven't seen the finished version, but unless he deleted it you'll find my name listed as one of the beta testers. I have 2 300 dpi lasers, and you would not believe how much I learned, not only about the Raster Generator module and SL, but the abilities of lasers in general. I basically new nothing about rasters, lpcms, biases, etc., and I can honestly say that I learned a lot helping Doug with the project. Doug and I had quite a few email discussions about the module and lasers. I definitely came away better off. Any one who dnloads the generator U2U would be well advised to get the Rast-a- Matic file also. Wonderful tool for determining the true number of grey scales you can have for different raster settings. Right now I am making myself a custom CDK of different grey scales with different generator settings. I will then print it on both lasers. Then I will have a visual reference of what I can expect from the lasers for the settings I choose. And I can guarantee you no 2 lasers seem to be equal. I have an 804 and an old Fujitsu RX7100, an HP LJ+ clone. It is amazing the difference between the outputs. I'm not saying one is better than the other (as long as you don't count speed ), they are just different. I've even printed some stuff using both printers, by turning of the appropriate frames when doing the printing. This has been a long winded way of saying: If you have a laser, you need this U2U! Ken S. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 12 Tue Aug 31, 1993 J.RENNER1 [Kheldar] at 22:13 EDT Before i do any bashing i'd like someone (hint! hint! Lou!) to try something for me. Create a new doc. set up create a raster area that covers the entire page (8.5 x 11) except for a 1/2 inch border. Then print this out on an HP Laserjet or compatible (i'm using Panasonic). You will notice that the top, left and right margins are correct. the bottom margin will be off by 1/16 of an inch. this is because SL stretches the page. It has been this way since 1.09 (which was off by 1/8 of an inch). I just figure that if the left/right margins are correct, why can does SL stretch the top/bottom area? My other problem is with the upgrade. Why can't i save my PKS settings. I get some strange dialog box when i use [CL][Z]. Help?! Jim. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 13 Tue Aug 31, 1993 T.HENRY12 [Tom Jr.] at 23:16 EDT Doug, Thanks for the reply. You know, that white text was on top of a raster frame (but I guess you already figured that out). However, like I said, my results are exactly opposite from yours. At 1:1, it shows the white text, at full page, no. Boy, that's weird. Tom ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 14 Wed Sep 01, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 00:07 EDT Hi Jim. Don't bash me, please :-) I am sorry I can't try that test for you. I don't have an LJ. Maybe Joe Meehan? Did you always have this problem? I wonder if it is paper transport- related? I ask because SL images from the top left. Any 'stretching' would have to be towards the bottom right... but it shouldn't be done by the imaging process. I save PKS setting with Control Shift Z. You must have Mike Valent's PKSWRITE.MAC file loaded. It is the one with 3922 bytes. It may not have been shipped with the upgrade. Get it from the last upgrade or I can email it to you. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 15 Wed Sep 01, 1993 J.RENNER1 [Kheldar] at 01:36 EDT Lou, I don't have that MACro file. Mine is dated 1992. I checked my update disks and it wasn't on them. could you Email me the appropriate files. Others, Anyone who has a working laserjet driver, can you try the example in my previous post. The 1/2 inch border around a raster area. then measure the printout. You will notice that the bottom margin is long by about 1/16 of an inch. This is really anoying when you need precision, like labels and forms. Thanks for checking in advance. Jim. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 16 Wed Sep 01, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:57 EDT Message 201-204, Wed Sep 01, 1993 J.RENNER1 [Kheldar] > Before i do any bashing i'd like someone (hint! hint! Lou!) < > to try something for me. < > Maybe Joe Meehan? < > Anyone who has a working laserjet driver, can you try the < > example < Will do. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 17 Wed Sep 01, 1993 POTECHIN [Nathan @ DMC] at 09:20 EDT The missing PKS files are in our library 30. Any of you that did not receive them, please download them from there. Thanks. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 18 Wed Sep 01, 1993 S.KALEITA [SAK] at 20:18 EDT Nathan, I've been working on at T-Shirt design in SL that included an B&W IMG a CVG and a GIF. I was attempting add some vector masks to make opaque certain areas of the IMG. In order for me to do this accuratly I applied one of Marios CK3's to the IMG to change its color to magenta,( for easier viewing & editing of the vector mask). Afterwords I would change the color back to black and then print the CDK. I kept getting the error message...NOT ENOUGH MEMORY FOR THIS OPERATION. Well after trying all kinds of things like striping down the system to minimum, I learned that my CDK would not print (and the error message would appear), only if I applied the CK3 to the IMG and back again. If I just left the IMG alone the CDK would print fine with a fully loaded system. I find that Marios CK3's can be very useful for editing purposes, however this memory thing kinda screws things up. I can't recall if I had this problem with the previous of SL, However I have used this technique before with success (I think..it's been a while). Also... just a suggestion for an added feature in SL and OL3... Sometimes I find that it would be nice if the grid and guide lines could be set to different colors. I realize how easy it is to turn them on and off, but when constantly changing zoom levels to see the grid because the black grid conflicts with the images at lower zoom levels, having the grid color set to say red or magenta would make it much easier to see and easier on the eyes. With all the image pasting I do in SL,I use the grid and guide line systems as visual layout and measuring aids more they for snaping to. SAK ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 19 Wed Sep 01, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 21:09 EDT Jim, the Valent version of the PKSWRITE.MAC file is dated 11.29.92 and is 3922 bytes. I will email one to you. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 20 Wed Sep 01, 1993 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] at 22:02 EDT Lou: Sometime back we were discussing method to achieve full bleeds (to the page edge) using Calamus and I spoke of a method for scaling things to allow it. I've just discovered a slightly different means that's more elegant and faster. In the page module simply set your page size to something greater than 8.5" x 11" (I use 10.5" x 13") and the layout area to 8.5" x 11". Do the layout as you normally would, and place crop/bleed/registration marks at teh corners. Next go in the printer functions and set scaling for 80% or so. Now in the frame module create a tiling frame. You'll not that the size of the frame is altered by the % scaling in the printer dialog. Position the tiling frame to encompass the entire layout area. Go to the print dialog and turn the "Selected option for tiling ON and away you go. I have tried using the built in crop & registration marks, but I've only met with partial success. If the built in layout marks would work this really would be a slick way to do full bleeds. I'm continuing to experiment, and considering a U2U on the topic (thanks for the inspiration Doug! ). -- Dave @ Binary Ink ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 21 Wed Sep 01, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 22:43 EDT Doug, sounds intriguing. Yes, a definited USER to USER project is possible. Please continue. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 22 Wed Sep 01, 1993 ISD [Mario] at 23:24 EDT SAK ... You can set up coloured guidelines within SL, but to do this you need the Toolbox module. How you do it, is you take a number of line frames and position them where the guidelines are positioned, you then colour the guideline according to your preferences, and activate the toolbox module. after selecting all the coloured guideline frames you then turn them into non printing frame (one of the options in the toolbox module). Hope this helps ... Mario @ DMC Publishing ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 23 Thu Sep 02, 1993 M.SHANNON [Morgan] at 00:30 EDT Lou, I load a file called ESSAYFRM.CDK (48532k) about 100 blank pages with text boxes on them. When I want to import an 81 page WordPERFECT file (223478k) I don't have enough memory (I have 4MBytes on my 1040ST) althought my settings are the recommended 128000 bytes in both spots. Have you any insights here. Please advise. Thanks Morgan ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 24 Thu Sep 02, 1993 D.WALTER7 [Doug Walter] at 00:38 EDT Lou, I think you meant "Dave", right? "Dave", I'd, like to see a U2U on your bleed and cropmark methods. "Doug" ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 25 Thu Sep 02, 1993 J.RENNER1 [Kheldar] at 01:03 EDT Lou, thanks for the file. I put it in my modules folder, but i kept getting that silly font dialog. So i checked the keybindings and the PKS save is in the keybindings and i was using the old bindings file. Duh! So i loaded the new bindings and everything is peachy. My question now is how do you get the arrows to respond. They are set up for "snap to" functions but unless i add a shift, control, or alt to the bindings they don't work. What gives? Is anyone out there working on making a bindings file that is compatible with the great template we got a while back? Jim. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 26 Thu Sep 02, 1993 S.SAMUELS [ORCA] at 01:35 EDT Orca has returned from his 'serial' vacations! I take interest in the "Postscript not being the center of the known Universe" comment. (Give me a break, NP!) Maybe in Germany SL output is the defacto standard for lino output ...maybe we should all move to Germany and live unhappily ever after ...maybe not, eh? %^) Meanwhile, back in North America, the Mutherland, Postscript is not just the 'center' but is in fact the Universe itself!!! This is fairly simple to discern. Just count up the the number of service bureaus in North America that handle PS files and compare that with the number that handle Calamus files. (You will come out with something like 3 for Calamus and 3 Zillion for PS) If that's not enough for you, go to any major DTP show (Seybold for example) and see how often you find "Calamus or Calamus compatible" file handling mentioned. (Like, zero!) On the other hand, Postscript is so common as to be the -expected- method of file production. I have to agree with Dave @ Binary Ink on this. Further, Postscript output is a serious need for us SL'ers to enter into the swelling ranks of the rest of the DTP world. We have been toooooo long without it, albeit for DMC's 'better' way of doing things. We need it for reasons of meeting our clients requirements, as Dave pointed out, -and- we need it to provide freedom of access to the many, many service bureaus that offer PS/lino output. If I had PS output from SL then I could get output done in my home town at a bureau about 5 minutes from here rather than sending my files to Canada and/or to San Francisco. Nuff said. Mario and Nathan, on the 'space' between the 'word' and the start of the leader dots. This seems to me like somewhat of nasty situation. Mario's suggestion of having to kern each instance of that is less than delightful when considering something like a long list (table of contents for example). I would think that since Leader tabs are a special instance of tabs that DMC Germany might be able create a more 'perfect' method of handling the space ...that is of removing the space. When I get some free time, I will see what happens with making a 'special' space character for this situation. That is a space character with very narrow Em width and see what happens if I use a 'hard space' in all the other parts of the text. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 27 Thu Sep 02, 1993 F.LAWRENCE2 [FRANK] at 03:28 EDT Some thoughts on Postscript, As a Postscript printer user with a little experience with it, I wonder if the Calamus SL would be that compatable with Postscript. I have 10 meg in my Postscript ptr and even with that I sometimes run across a job that will not print out in Postscript due to multi-layering (a new word?). This is of course graphic intensive. I'm thinking that they may be very cautious as Calamus SL could be very layer intensive - Any one out there agree. Frank ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 28 Thu Sep 02, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:41 EDT Kheldar, I did the test you suggested and I had identical top and bottom margins. I did notice about 1/16th inch off side to side, but that was because my paper guide had sifted; a quick adjustment there fixed that. I might add that I have Outburst in use and I am using their driver; however, I don't believe it was making any difference. I remember doing a like test a while back when working or rasters for the DeskJet/LaserJet and I had no problems with the LaserJet. If you would like I can do a test with the original driver. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 29 Thu Sep 02, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 09:55 EDT Morgan, I hate to suggest using Virtual Memory but this might be such a case. Have you tried that yet? Doug, I did mean Dave. Must be the medication :-) Jim, happy to hear of your success. Now, which arrows and key bindings are you referring to? The cursor arrows? ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 30 Thu Sep 02, 1993 TQUINN [Terry~Sysop] at 10:52 EDT The first 210 messages in this Topic have been archived and are available in Library 13 as file # 29891 (CALSL_22.ARC). This archive covers the period between August 10, 1993 and August 31, 1993. Terry Quinn ST RT Sysop and BBS Janitor ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 31 Thu Sep 02, 1993 POTECHIN [Nathan @ DMC] at 11:57 EDT Welcome back Stephen. ;-) Thank you for telling us that PostScript is everywhere. I think we all knew that. ;-) I hope to have a solid solution for this unfortunate state of affairs shortly. Nathan ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 32 Thu Sep 02, 1993 D.WALTER7 [Doug Walter] at 23:40 EDT >I hope to have a solid solution for this unfortunate state of affairs >shortly. ? Doug7 ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 33 Fri Sep 03, 1993 J.RENNER1 [Kheldar] at 00:04 EDT Joe, Thanks! When ever you get a chance. I'm going to try another program to output a similiar page to see if it is my printer. Lou, Yes, the cursor arrow keys are set up for the "snap to" functions but they don't seem to work. If i add a control key (Control, Shift, Alt) to the arrow then everything works fine. Anyone else notice this. Jim. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 34 Fri Sep 03, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 20:22 EDT Jim, I justed checked the CKT that went with the upgrade and it is different from my older version. I am not sure why. The original CKT should also work. In any case, you are correct in your report. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 35 Fri Sep 03, 1993 J.RENNER1 [Kheldar] at 22:27 EDT Can we get a fixed CKT. I don't really have the time to make all those changes, and my old one gives me problems. (The like accessing both the [C]Z and the [CS]Z macros when i hit control-shift Z.) The new one works fine, but with incorrect bindings. Jim. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 36 Sat Sep 04, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 01:00 EDT Jim, I thought the upgrade had the right CKT's. The one I have seems OK. Shall I email it to you? You mentioned CS Z. If this is a PKS Save Setup you want, you need the correct PKSWRITE.MAC file. It should be 11.29.92 3922 bytes version. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 37 Sat Sep 04, 1993 J.RENNER1 [Kheldar] at 01:27 EDT Lou, I don't thin your CKT will help much. The TEMPLATE.CKT file that i am using is fine except for the incorrect keybindings that i have discovered. The other problem i HAD was with the older CALAMUS.CKT file. This along with the PKSWRITE.MAC file that i downloaded from lib 30 for the august upgrade produce the double function effect. Don't worry about that 'cause it was a mistake on my part trying to get them to work. My only desire now is for a CKT that is the same as the beautiful template i have sitting next to my monitor. From what you said in your last post (or was it the one before...) your CKT isn't exactly right either. I just sit back and wait...semi-quietly! :^) Jim. (If it sounds like i'm starting to whine please slap me.) ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 38 Sat Sep 04, 1993 D.LINK [Dennis] at 02:09 EDT Well I have read almost a half a meg of messages thinking that surely my question would have been asked and answered somewhere. But I have not seen it. So here goes: When I exit the PKS Write text screen, the screen does not completely rewrite. Say, for example, I do something simple like add a return for additional white space. When I exit, the part of the screen under the text editing screen is rewritten, but the portion of the screen under the text editor and to the right is not. If I scroll the screen left and right or up and down, or if I force a rewrite it is fine. Surely it is a simple problem, a parameter I have set wrong? The old (8/92) version did not have this problem. I read something about the FALCON8.PRG improving the color output on the falcon but did not find this program on my update disk. I typically have been using the 16 color 80 column VGA mode since switching to the Falcon. Also, I read something about updated drivers for the DJ500C. What is the most recent version so I can check if that's what I am using. Thanks for the improvements! I can certainly notice and measure the speed improvements! ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 39 Sat Sep 04, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 10:19 EDT Dennis, I was not able to recreate the redraw problem. Just a hunch... what % are you using in the Miscellaneous Settings for the Cache functions? Re the missing FALCON8.PRG... apparently a few upgrades were mailed without this program. I have emailed it to you with the new HP500C driver. FALCON8.PRG and TOSFIX.PRG go in the AUTO folder. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 40 Sat Sep 04, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 13:50 EDT Lou, I just had a similar problem as Dennis Link. Matter of fact, PKS didn't go away at all. Forced redraw of the screen fixed it. Don't ask about my settings. I'm waiting for the TT ram board to return from the Hospital before worrying about settings too much. BUT: There seems to be a problem with formatting when you have a very long line with very few spaces. (Ross Perot voice): Look, here's the deal. I've got .95 beta copy of Geneva. Simply wanted to print the Geneva.txt file, in two columns, .5 in settings all around in set guideline parameters. Used ASCII import. Frames formatted fine until I hit those lines. Seemingly, as soon as SL hit the text that would not fit between the column border, el stoppo grande. No more text imported or printed. Seemed to import fine in 1.09n, so tried Calamus and ASCII export from there, but no go. Matter of fact, PKS spit out the 1.09n ASCII file with "format error #66/0". Step 2, one large text frame per page, and all is peachy keen. But the goal was to use the Geneva doc to experiment with formatting and columns, and was sunk big time. Ah well. So, is there a problem, or am I missing something. Ken S. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 41 Sat Sep 04, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 18:29 EDT Ken, I don't follow your problem. (Must be the medication ) Would you like to upload the file as it is? the CDK to 43? ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 42 Sat Sep 04, 1993 M.SHANNON [Morgan] at 21:02 EDT Lou, Obviously, the Master of the Vunder-statement. Yah? :^) Thanks, Morgan ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 43 Sat Sep 04, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 21:33 EDT Lou, Which problem? I have many mental ones. Care to take one off my hands? :- ) Okay, first the Geneva text file problem. I set the page up to have .5 in top, bottom, left, right, and distance between columns. In the file, Dan has a couple of lines using ASCII characters to represent memory locations. As a result you have one very long word, kind of like antidisestablishmentarianism , only twice as long. When SL ran into this long "pseudo" word, it quit filling the frame with text. I then started over, and just drew a large text frame on the page, no particular size, just mostly page size wide, and the file imported just fine. Thinking back, I should have experimented with breaking the "pseudo" word into smaller pieces by adding spaces, but the bulb did not illuminate in a bubble over my head. :-) Screen redraw problem. While I was playing with the above file, one time when I exitted the PKS editor window using the close button, replacing the text in the frame, the PKS window stayed on the screen. Couldn't do anything in the editor window, of course. Clr-Home key redraw made it all better. :-) The file wasn't worth saving, sorry. It wasn't anything important or money making. :-) I just needed to a) print out the Geneva doc to try to install it, b) play with columns and master pages, and c) try different hyphenation settings to see the effect. If the Geneva doc gets to be really important to have a hard copy, I'll just drag the file to the printer icon. (Let them DOS users do that! ) Ken S. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 44 Sat Sep 04, 1993 P-DIRECT [Sean@TWP] at 21:59 EDT Got to thinking of an excellent feature that Calamus SL should have. Variable levels of transparency. So I can have a raster graphic and cover a portion of it with say a 25% "bleed-through"... Sean Dougherty Two Worlds Publishing ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 45 Sat Sep 04, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 23:51 EDT Morgan, :-) Ken, I understand now. Yes... hyphenation or a smaller font point size is the only way around that problem... besides stretching the text frame. Sean... that feature can be achieved with the Mask module. Do you have it? ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 46 Sun Sep 05, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 08:23 EDT Ken, It sounds like Calamus has hit a word that is longer (cased on your font and point size) than your frame is wide. Calamus does not know what to do. You should be able to fix by reducing the point size or adding frame size. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 47 Sun Sep 05, 1993 F.LOWE1 [FRANK LOWE] at 10:00 EDT NATHAN\LOU RE: The previously mentioned PKSWRITE.MAC file that wasn't on the upgrade disk. I searched lib 30 and found the most uptodate upload, namely, PKS_UPG.LZH which contains PKSWRITE.MAC dated 05/06/92 and is 2462 bytes. Lou mention a file that was 11.29.92 & 3922 bytes. Which should we be using with the new upgrade to SL, and where can it be found? Confused ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 48 Sun Sep 05, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 10:01 EDT If you had set up hyphenation to be done automatically during text import, those oversized words should be hyphenated and text formatting should proceed normally. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 49 Sun Sep 05, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 10:12 EDT Frank, you are right to be confused. The wrong MAC file is in that package in Library 30. I am about to upload a corrected package in a few minutes. In the meantime I will email the MAC file to you so you don't have to wait for the library file to be checked and released. The upgrade package from Germany had their original MAC file along with other stuff. Unfortunately, Mike Valent's MAC file should have been substituted. That is what I am about to do. The correct PKSWRITE.MAC file is 3922 bytes (11.29.92) and was shipped with the last update. It is also in the library in one of A.VALENT's uploads. I can't remember the name offhand. My apologies for the confusion. Look for email in a few minutes. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 50 Sun Sep 05, 1993 P-DIRECT [Sean@TWP] at 10:33 EDT Lou: Another module to put on the "to buy" list, huh? Well, another great feature that Calamus SL has, and most others don't... Sean Dougherty Two Worlds Publishing ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 51 Sun Sep 05, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 12:03 EDT Sean, the MASK module is one of the simplest but most powerful in the Calamus DTP system. Funny, no one here talks about it. I wonder how many people have it? Or is it that easy to use? :-) ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 52 Sun Sep 05, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 12:51 EDT Joe and Lou, Hyphenation on during import. Didn't try that! It will be interesting to see how SL tries to hyphenate a long string of ASCII characters that do not represent any known word in the English language. No PKS macro on my July disks. But I should have it on my archive disks anyway, and will check there. If I can't find it, I'll dnload it. Ken S. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 53 Sun Sep 05, 1993 POTECHIN [Nathan @ DMC] at 15:55 EDT Download it Ken. The one from your old disks is dated and needs to be replaced. I'm sorry for our oversight. We forgot to include the PKS Write stuff on the first disks out the door. Nathan ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 54 Sun Sep 05, 1993 VORTEXT at 18:38 EDT Well, I'm back from Florida and feeling fine. Now as soon as I can get caught up on all the posts, I'll have some of my own. Daniel ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 55 Mon Sep 06, 1993 D.LINK [Dennis] at 01:04 EDT Lou, Thanks for the EMail. I have tried FALCON8, TOSFIX, and changing the Cache %. It was set at 0. I tried 50% and 100%. Still the screen would not redraw text that was not covered by the PKS text editor when exiting without forcing redraw. Some other observations: BMP files are skewed (looks like bits are shifted) when importing BMP files. I also tried loading a TGA file which I have seen using a slide show program. It looked like the color planes were each loaded as separate portions of the file? (picture repeats in 4 narrow bands. Attempting to load TOSFIX on my Falcon in all cases caused it to hang. I moved TOSFIX to be the #2 program (after XBOOT III) but it still locked the computer. Any ideas? Anyone? ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 56 Mon Sep 06, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 10:40 EDT Dennis, I believe the TOSFIX is only needed with files that exceed 16 megs which could happen if you are using a lot of color graphics. As for your PKS/redraw problem... I can't replicate it on any of my computers but I don't have a Falcon. Maybe Sean at P-DIRECT could check this please? ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 57 Mon Sep 06, 1993 J.RENNER1 [Kheldar] at 14:19 EDT Lou, I downloaded the new PKS package and it solved my problems. Even the one with the "snap to" functions. Strange!? My only question now is although the "snap to" functions work, and are assigned to the proper keys ([A]#1, [A]#2, etc.) the little macro display on the top icon bar still shows the keys as being the arrow keys. I know about these but occasionally i reference that display and am wondering if any other bindings are being displayed incorrectly. Just a question. Other than that i'm happier than a pig in shoe shine. Thanks for taking care of our problem. Jim. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 58 Mon Sep 06, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 15:37 EDT Ah... 'tweren't nuthin' :-) For those just joining us.... a new PKS_UPG.LZH is available in Library 30 with the correct PKSWRITE.MAC file (3922 bytes; 11.29.92) ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 59 Mon Sep 06, 1993 P-DIRECT [Sean@TWP] at 17:00 EDT Lou: I've had the PKS redraw problem from the start. I said something about it awhile ago, but nothing became of it. It basically only redraws text behind the window and nothing else. For instance... |-------| PKS Window | | "A" | | ------------| Text | | Frame "B" | |_______________| Only the area overlapping "A" and "B" are redrawn when the window is closed. A Clr/Home quickly fixes the problem, but it is a slight annoyance. Then again, I just found out about the handy orphan and window removing features today... And also...with the Falcon8 driver, the "handles" on the frames (the black squares) don't undraw properly. It's weird... Sean Dougherty Two World Publishing ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 60 Mon Sep 06, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 20:19 EDT Thanks for the report, Sean. I will add it to the list. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 61 Tue Sep 07, 1993 ISD [Mario] at 00:11 EDT D.link ... The BMP files must be an older version of BMP or not conform to BMP standards. I am using the BMP import module with paintbrush and snapshot files (BMP format). send me the problem files so that I can test them. The TGA file must be 15-bit files, try converting them to 24-bit files and then importing them. You dont need TOS fix on your Falcon it is only necessary for when you are loading/handling files that are greater than 16 Mb in size. Mario @ DMC Publishing ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 62 Tue Sep 07, 1993 M.SHANNON [Morgan] at 01:18 EDT Lou and ALL, If I install VDI-FIX.PRG in my auto folder I get clean redraws and exits when using Universal Item Selector (with the interior title bar indicated). It solved my problem, hope this helps some. Morgan ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 63 Tue Sep 07, 1993 S.SAMUELS [ORCA] at 03:59 EDT Nathan, ...that's great, ..I mean about the solution to the Postscript problem that you mentioned. I hope you get it RSN as much as you do. BTW, ...I wasn't 'telling' you that PS is everywhere, ...I knew you already knew that. I was replying to your statement that "...postscript wasn't the center of the known universe..." , now is that part of the 'Big Bang' theory or something different???? Lou, Mario ...I've got a dumb problem here using PKS search & replace. ...here goes: I've imported an ascii spreadsheet file that has many instances of the character - (ascii 045), the key between the 0 and the = on the top of the keyboard. I need to S&R this in PKS with (ascii 252). However all my attempts to enter (ascii 045) on the Search line in PKS result in (ascii 252) being entered there. So, the question is how to get ascii character 045 on the Search line?????? I would do it a separate text editor before importing to SL except that because of the nature of this spreadsheet file I can't. It is just too wide for those editors. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 64 Tue Sep 07, 1993 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] at 07:42 EDT Lou: I think the problem with the Mask module is that it remains unclear to many folks exactly what functions it provides. Few people are going to plunk down their $150.00 for a module that they don't _know_ they could use. When the module was first introduced, I was confused as well and asked for clarification. Between the answers posted here and the example files Nathan was kind enough to provide I got a general idea of the functions found in Mask. THEN, I went to the Asheville Show and watched Mario "workout" with the Mask Module. In the hands of the right person, t'was POTENT black magic! Let your imagination and creativity flow! Mario primarily worked in color and I surmised that Mask offered great depth of features to those working in color. That is not to say it was devoid of offerings for those of us doing the bulk of our work in B&W and spot color. A Marketing Suggestion: I believe the bulk of Calamus SL users and potential users work in B&W. I would suggest that the ISD "Road Show" focus on that group rather than the relm of the professional graphic designer. Unless you're exhibiting at Seybold or the like, there will be few people working process colors. By highlighting the powerful _color_ features in Calamus, ISD may be reinforcing the myth that "Calamus SL is a high end package that offers more than I need." Rather, the approach should be, "A Package That Will Grow With You." (Good marketing theme, huh?!? ) Bottom Line: A demo version of mask might be in order. I'm not sure how this might work but something along the lines of some of the other packages that place lines or patterns in the graphics they generate would probably work. ANYWAY, some constructive criticism and food for thought. -- Dave @ Binary Ink ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 65 Tue Sep 07, 1993 L.BUDNICK [Lorne] at 20:51 EDT Dave @ Binary Ink, Good point Dave. I kind of feel the same way as you do. In this case, I think a demo would be extremely helpful! Lorne....@ home :^) ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 66 Tue Sep 07, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 21:31 EDT Stephen, when you enter the '-' sign on your Search Text line, are you hitting the keyboard key or using the CONTROL ESC macro to get the Character Set Overview or using the ASCII Entry method? Related to your problem, the short hyphen (ASCII 252) is defined in two places I can think of: the Key Bindings Editor (formerly the Built-In Keys dialog) and the PKSWRITE.MAC file. You might try fiddling in the Key Bindings Editor so that all the hyphens are the longer one. Dave, right on. When I was working on the manual for MASK it was apparent that words failed miserably in trying to describe the functions. Similarly, black and white does not show the masking techniques very well at all. The color samples in the German docs were stunning. Unfortunately, color printing the manual would probably have jacked the price out of range. Maybe a post or some color CDK's in the library would do the trick. I believe your other comments about b/w vs color work are valid for some users but I know a good number that are working with color productions. That is probably one of the reasons that Nathan opened up a service bureau for his customers (a service which seems to be in use every time I visit his office). Nevertheless, there are lots of people who do excellent black and white work that would also 'sell' Calamus. That is why I have been asking for 'projects' to be uploaded and then granting USER points. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 67 Wed Sep 08, 1993 S.SAMUELS [ORCA] at 00:31 EDT Thanks for the clue Lou, that does it... the Control Escape Macro key get me what I need. I've gotten so used to entering the actuall ascii number for a character that I forgot about that one! Thanks again! %^) ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 68 Wed Sep 08, 1993 S.KALEITA [SAK] at 08:47 EDT Sounds good Mario...Thanks. SAK ********************************************************** Nathan & Mario...in regards to the out of memory message that I get when appling the CK3's to an IMG, with a little more experminting; here is what I learned... First of all, this only happens when the page layout is landscape; so I activated virtual memory and it never kicked in. The message still appeared. This same thing happened to some COLOR XIMG files. It seems that the system has a problem with rotating color IMG files when landscape mode is requested. My normal page size for a full front T-Shirt design is 14 X 22, thats two 11 X 14 sheets in landscape position. The system did not have any problems with color GIF's in landscape mode but I'm not so sure with color TIF's,(at least a TIF of the same color XIMG). A couple of other things that I have noticed along the way...now that register & crop marks are activated, I layed out a few CDK's of different page sizes with the register marks printing. First of all the active print area shown on screen changes size according to the margin settings in the set layout/working area, which makes perfect sence, however the area shown on screen is displayed from the upper left corner and not centered as it should be. In other words, If I set a half inch margin all the way around the page the screen shows a 1 inch on the right & the bottom of the page, (no margin on the top and left). Everthing prints correctly, however. Also, when using my 14 X 22 layout, the cutting marks or crop marks don't seem to line up to anything from sheet to sheet when I have an overlap of the tiling frames. It seems that the tiling frames need to be butted together. I suppose that If i were to apply an overlap from the" Define Layout/Working Area", menu; the problem would be solved. I'll have to give it a try. One more thing...in regards to importing color raster graphics. When I create a color TIF or XIMG using CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW and BLACK, (just solid areas of each color); and import the graphic into SL, The Magenta is always dithered and prints as a combination of magenta and yellow. CYAN, seems to be OK and black always shows a small amount in the white areas while the solid black areas show up as 90 or 95% black. Is there an way of creating a CK3 that will correct this problem? After all the CMYK colors in a Paint program are just RGB numbers that are always the same from program to program. I would think that they should import into SL as the colors they are. If they don't they that would throw off the colors of any color scanned image when outputing films for CMYK reproduction. Any help would be appreciated. SAK ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 69 Wed Sep 08, 1993 TQUINN [Terry~Sysop] at 09:54 EDT I want to say something real nice about Lou and Nathan. I recently acquired a full blown SL. While I had a few problems with the Post Awful munging up the disks (and a few corrupted PKS config files), the help I received was the bestest and fastest I have ever encountered. If anybody reading this has been wondering about aquiring Calamus SL, while it is an excellent program, people like Nathan and Lou are the best reason to go for it rather than any other program of this type. Many thanks to you both. Terry Quinn ST RT Sysop and BBS Janitor ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 70 Wed Sep 08, 1993 SGUBER at 20:28 EDT Nathan: Is there any problems with the .IMG importer. I am using Touchup to cut pieces out of an .IMG file. Then InVsion to darken the lines and finally importing the picture into Calamus. There seems to be "DUST" at the right side of the picture. This happens about once in three pieces. The dust is not visible in either Touchup or Invision. Sol ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 71 Wed Sep 08, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 22:01 EDT Good news, Stephen. There are so many functions with multiple methods it is easy to forget one or two. Terry... ah, gee :-) It is very gratifying to help someone figure out the solution they need. It is even more gratifying to see some of the customers helping each other! Thanks for the thanks. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 72 Wed Sep 08, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 22:14 EDT Sol, there was a problem with the GEMIMG.CIR that was shipped previously. The newer version correct a lot of problems that people had. Do you have the newer one? What is the date stamp and byte count. I can email to you if you like. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 73 Thu Sep 09, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 04:34 EDT Message 70, Wed Sep 08, 1993 SGUBER You could try Windex on you monitor. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 74 Thu Sep 09, 1993 J.HICKEY6 at 09:44 EDT Sol, you're not the only one. What about it Nathan? Cleaning up my images in Calamus AFTER I cleaned them up in Invivion is a bit like the old "spot remover joke. The big bottle is used to clean up the spot left by the little one. Does the Invision update correct this? Jack ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 75 Thu Sep 09, 1993 T.HENRY12 [Tom Jr.] at 18:23 EDT Hey all, Has anyone experienced the loss of all hotkey functions in SL while in MultiTOS? I'm going to post in the M-TOS category as well to check there. I now have a full 20 megs on board, so I don't think memory is an issue. Any ideas? Thanks, Tom ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 76 Thu Sep 09, 1993 SGUBER at 19:56 EDT Lou: The version of GEMING.CIR that I have is the 7/12/93 version containing 5356 bytes. I hope that there is a newer version, but this is the one that you all sent me with the lastest upgrade. Sol ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 77 Thu Sep 09, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 20:01 EDT Yes, Sol. That is the correct version of the GEM IMG import driver. Would you like to upload a copy of the problem IMG to library 43 so it can be checked? Advise and I will give you access (or you could upload to library 30 with a note to move it to 43) ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 78 Fri Sep 10, 1993 G.CORRELL [CAMPER] at 02:18 EDT Hi Lou, Whats the chance of getting the falcon programs, and the latest DJ550C driver? I could use the 550C driver for this months Atari newsletter. I sure like this last update!, and that new compress mod sure saved my bacon! Greg ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 79 Fri Sep 10, 1993 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] at 06:12 EDT Lou: It seems that there have been several file replacements for files shipped with the upgrade, etc. With several versions running around it's easy to get the wrong one in the mix. Suggestion: How about some form of text listing of the current recommended versions and byte count. It should be easy enough for someone with a "kosher" system to dump a directory listing of the files complete with byte count and date stamp. -- Dave @ Binary Ink ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 80 Fri Sep 10, 1993 S.KALEITA [SAK] at 08:41 EDT Nathan and Mario... OK...after doing a little more testing with the importing of color XIMG's this is what I found. Seurat 2 (the paint program I use), seems to default to the old 512 color pallet, not the 4096 color pallet. So the cyan, magenta and yellow are not quite right. When I select the 4096 color pallet and resave the color IMG, then convert it to an XIMG or TIFF, the colors are more accurate when imported into SL. However they still are not 100%, expecially the black. If I go into the SET COLOR CONTROL LINE menu,(; and select RED, Green & Blue and increase the contrast with about 4 clicks on the double arrows... everything appears correct on screen and also color separates correctly. If there was a way to default to this control line setting then I would assume that I am in essence calibrating SL to the particular software that I use to create XIMG's, TIFF's & TGA's. GIF's created from Spectrum images may require a different setting. Now, don't get me wrong...I'm not attempting to color separate scanned in color Photograghs, so I don't really require any high tech color calibration. I figure that If I could just get the basic CMYK and RGB colors to display and color separate out correctly then all the colors inbetween will be pretty darn close to the original color. Remember were only talking T-Shirts here and much of the color separating is just spot color. Before I forget to mention it,(again); In the new updated SL, when I enter the Raster Generator Module and select LOAD or SAVE the selector box defaults to,"RASTER S.ETT". And on the left side of the menu, the file extention box; defaults to "*.TTI". I could still load and save CRI's, but I don't understand what a .TTI, is or the "RASTER S.ETT", file. (seems to be a mistake). regards, Steve Kaleita SAK ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 81 Fri Sep 10, 1993 POTECHIN [Nathan @ DMC] at 09:43 EDT Greg ... check your mailbox. Good idea Dave. Will do. Steve ... How come you don't use the TIFF option in Seurat 2 now? And yes, we are aware of this cosmetic and irritating oversight in the Raster Generator module. It has been reported. Simply change the extension back to CRI's please. Nathan ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 82 Fri Sep 10, 1993 F.LOWE1 [FRANK LOWE] at 10:30 EDT Hi Lou I need help in exporting a single page of Calamus SL to an IMG file. Size Letter, Landscape, 11 x 8.5" Question - Do I use A4 and select Landscape? - Or A4 Quer and select Portrait? Resolution - I am confounded by the choice of resolutions and don't quite understand which one to use. 300x300 is what I normally use for my Atari SLM 804 but I imagine IMG is quite different. Project _ I want to convert the previously uploaded Yahtzee form that I did in SL into an IMG for those poor folk who don't yet have SL. .................................................. Whilst on the subject of printing - My printer guidelines for the 804 are quite erratic. Unless I actually go into the PRINT mode and then escape from it, my guidelines will not format properly, and as yet I have seen them working when I am in the Landscape mode. Frank ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 83 Fri Sep 10, 1993 SGUBER at 20:50 EDT Lou i downloaded the file you E-Mailed to me and it does the same thing. I also tried several other programs s to see if the problem was only Calamus. Touchup and Invision does not give the dust on the right side. MVG also gives the dust. Pagestream does not give the dust. I will upload a file to you in E- Mail tomorrow. Sol ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 84 Fri Sep 10, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 21:45 EDT Greg, glad to hear you liked it. You will like the next batch too :-) I see that Nathan has already emailed those drivers to you. Please post your results here. Dave, that's a good idea. I will dig out one of my directory programs and do a file listing of my /NEWSL directory. Steve Kaleita, yes... the RGEN default name error has been noted. I would honestly prefer that you use the older version for more reliability. As for the XIMG files, I read some good info from Kelly Webb of Seurat and he really knows his stuff. Maybe someone can talk him into coming here to discuss XIMG. To me it is a very confusing area in which I am definitely not literate :-) Frank, I checked the GEMIMG.CDT driver and printing to an IMG file worked perfectly. Letter size Landscape page was printed at 300 dpi resolution using the A4 quer size; Automatic Orientation; Whole Page. When imported and optimized for printer, the IMG file had the exact size of an A4 page. Re your printer guidelines... I checked on my SM124/SLM804 and it seems fine in all view modes. I can see the dotted line/rounded corners of the the printable area quite easily. Do you have other guidelines that are near the printer guideline? Sometimes the screen resolution can play tricks with the screen draw modes... until you change display size. My driver is SLM_3.CDT / 2949 bytes @ 7.24.92. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 85 Fri Sep 10, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 21:53 EDT OK Sol. Please include a short TXT with it. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 86 Sat Sep 11, 1993 S.SAMUELS [ORCA] at 02:23 EDT Nathan, ...did mean the "Raster Irratater Module" ??? %^) ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 87 Sat Sep 11, 1993 J.RENNER1 [Kheldar] at 03:09 EDT Can the toolbox module let you copy frames with a changing offset. For example, to copy a frame offset by 1 inch, then the next copy offset from the last by .75, then .5, etc. Jim. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 88 Sat Sep 11, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 10:37 EDT Here is a summary of the macros/key bindings used in Calamus SL. A macro is a short cut to get to a function by using a specified key binding (combination). There are actually _three_ sets of macros in Calamus SL. (In Calamus 1.09N there was one.) The first macro file is CALAMUS.CKT. The latest version is 7680 bytes @ 7-20- 93. It goes in the root folder with CALAMUS.PRG. If you SAVE SYSTEM SETUP [] after placing it there, it will automatically load when you run Calamus. CALAMUS.CKT gives you all the macros that load the various commands from the menus and the modules. This CKT also matches the fold-out keyboard template created by Mike Valent. (Thanks again, Mike) The second set of macros are the ones to use inside the PKSWRITE text editor. This file is called PKSWRITE.MAC and should be kept in the modules folder with PKSWRITE.CXM. The version of the MAC file shipped on disk was wrong. The version you should use is 3922 bytes @ 11-29-92. If you don't have it, get the PKS-UPG.LZH file from Library 30 uploaded by me, ST.LOU. (I deleted the first PKS_UPG.LZH because it had the wrong MAC file.) PKSWRITE.MAC is automatically loaded when you open the text editor after loading PKSWRITE.CXM. PKSWRITE.CXM is automatically loaded if it is saved with the system setup. The third set of macros are found in the Key Bindings Editor. In the old manual this is described in the Text chapter [] "Key Bindings". In the new documentation sent with the latest upgrade (July 1993), it is [] "Key Bindings Editor". This set of macros give quick access to a number of characters and control codes for use in the Text module: hyphenation indicator, dashes, hard spaces, line ends, quotes and 4 miscellaneous functions. They are all described in detail in []. This set of macros is saved with your system setup. I also recall that one of the USER Tips files helped you set up the entries for the Key Bindings Editor. Can someone check and post that info here? Thanks. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 89 Sat Sep 11, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 11:40 EDT Jim, I am pretty sure it will not. To change the position of subsequent copies, change the offset in Set Copy Options. Or just use the Coordinate display. If precision is required, I would also suggest you use Protect Frame to lock the position at which copies are made. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 90 Sat Sep 11, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 13:43 EDT Sol... I took the three files you emailed and checked. In SL I do see the 'dust' particles in AG1 and AG2. AG5 displays fine. I took all three files into Touchup 1.83 and saved both clips and whole image (image area only) for all three. All 6 files were clean in SL. This leads me to conclude that there must have been some stray pixels in your original IMG file. Looks like a scan from something, right? Those stray pixels must have been bolded in Invision when you darkened lines. Would you like me to email back the clean IMG files? ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 91 Sat Sep 11, 1993 S.KALEITA [SAK] at 20:20 EDT Nathan, currently the exporting program only saves in uncompressed TIFF's and they are huge compaired to a compressed XIMG and sometime take a few minutes to load into SL. My HD space is very limited at this time, (only a total of 100 megs); I just don't have that kind of room to be saving all my art in TIFF format. Some of My color IMG's are about 1280 x 1200. As an example, I have a piece of art that I'm working now that is 696,534 bytes in compressed IMG format and the same file in TIFF format is over 4 megs and takes a while to load into SL. I think I rather stick to the IMG format. Another comparison a 6441 byte color IMG converts to a 195,388 byte TIF; thats 30 times larger. A DEGAS PC1 of the same file is 7142 bytes and this file is only 320 X 200 in screen size. Which would you choose? Steve Kaleita ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 92 Sat Sep 11, 1993 SGUBER at 20:40 EDT Lou: I am not sure where the problem is. The original file is a .IMG from DynaCadd. Then I broguht it into L Touchup and then into InVision. If I bring them back into Touchup, and save it I get the same results that you did. If I bring them into MVG and' save them, I still get the u dust. I think the problem is in how the header is read. If it is not a multiple of 8, then the right sides might have junk in them that appears into the picture. Some progrmas treat the header right, and some wrong. I think that Calamus is n onethat treats the header improperly. I dont need a workaround. I need dust free pcitures. What I do in Calamus is cut the dust out. Sol ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 93 Sat Sep 11, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 21:33 EDT Sol, I wasn't suggesting a workaround, if that is what you thought I meant. I was trying to follow your steps. The GEMIMG.CIR had problems that were corrected. The only 'expert' I know on IMG files is Kelly Webb. I will check this out with him. Would you please upload the original file to library 30 with a note that it is a test file for 43? ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 94 Sun Sep 12, 1993 REALM [Joey] at 00:25 EDT Heres the deal on IMG files.:-) 1 BYTE is divided into 8 BITs, a BIT can be either 0 or 1. Since a 1 BYTE is 8 BITs you can store 8 Black or White pixels in a BYTE. An all black BYTE would look like this 11111111. An all white BYTE would look like this 00000000. Now the IMG format saves each line in BYTEs. When you have an odd number of pixels like 9, you still need two BYTEs. 1 BYTE for the first 8 pixels and 1 BYTE for the last odd pixel. The left over 7BITs in the last BYTE are usually just left over junk. What SL should do is load both BYTEs into memory for each line of the picture, get the images size from the IMG files header and then move only the images correct pixel size to the screen for displaying. If your getting dust down the right side you can probably count the number of extra pixels and they should give you a total width equal to a multiply of 8. A quick fix would be to just crop off the right side. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 95 Sun Sep 12, 1993 S.SAMUELS [ORCA] at 00:52 EDT Lou and Sol, ...not to complicate the IMG 'dust' issue, but I've noticed tonight that Outline Art 3.0 imports IMG files oddly. The very same IMG files in other vector art programs (used for background guides to make vector art with) import as expected. They are also fine in Touch Up and all other IMG art programs I've tested. However in OA3 they show both incorrect items and extra items that are not truly in the IMG. ?????? This is on the TT and the 19" mono monitor. ******************* OK... I've got to post some thoughts on the July Update of SL. Now, knowing that some of you don't have it yet, this may seem a bit early, but what the heck... here's two: A big one and a little one. %^) Little one: Throughout several of the modules (ie, Text Mod., Raster Area Mod., etc) there are those entry lines for point and/or % values. Such as for 'character spacing', or line thickness, etc. You know the ones right? Now, if you do something like make the value a percent rather that a point size and enter a value above two digits and one decimal, i.e., 350.25%, what you see in the value box after hitting Return is not the whole figure. If for example, you enter 100.00% or 400.00% you will see 00.00% when the box closes. This can get to be a bit confusing when working with other peoples docs and/or old, semi-remembered ones of yer own. This problem is a matter of using the screen real estate in a better fashion. Suggestion: It could be fixed either by: (1) Moving the icons at left of the entry lines out of the way, (2) changing the symbol for 'points' to simply 'p' instead of 'pt', (3) using a smaller version of the system font in all these instances. (Like is used in color look up tables perhaps) The Big One: Geez... after waiting for 'Anchor Frames' to be activated in SL for over a year, I must loudly say that I am quite disappointed with the function as DMC Germany has re-conceived it. If you don't have the update yet, you will understand what I'm saying when you read the 'readme' file and/or the manual update that 'explains' Anchor frames. To me, and at least some other layout programers, anchoring a frame (usually a picture or a group frame or a special text frame) into a text chain means that indeed you can flow the text around it and that you also can still work in the text editor on that text. It means, in short, that you can set up the anchored frame "as you want it to be -and- where you want it to be" in the text chain and from then on it will be moved along in the text chain as you add, subtract, or edit that texts chain. That is what most of the DTP world means by the term "anchored frame". I can only say that what we have been given is IMHO semi-silly and is certainly a much watered down concept of anchoring frames. Do you get the idea I don't care for it? You got it! What do -you- think about this??? I would hope that DMC cares enough to re-think how they are handling this and revise (read: "and do it the better way") this function. Last thought for now: After all our suggestions about changing the way PKS Write deals with text styles, nothing has changed in that area. You -still- cannot create new styles nor modify existing ones while inside PKS. Seems a shame. Also in PKS, they didn't seem to hear us even about making the scroll arrows in the styles box real 'scroll' arrows. They still only move through the styles one darn click at a time! Don't get me wrong folks, I see the improvements in SL and there are many and I'm glad about them. There still seems to be a long way to go however and I think we'd get there sooner if the programmers 'really' heard what we in North America were saying. Er...change that to 'really cared' about what we were saying. %^)))))))) Sorry for the long post ...just trying to be clear about it all. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 96 Sun Sep 12, 1993 J.RENNER1 [Kheldar] at 02:20 EDT Orca, Ditto on the Anchor Frame subject. I know Ventura has had it implemented for quite a while similiar to the way you stated. As far as the text imput fields problem, i looked into it and the only one i noticed that "might" cause a problem was in the text style module, text underline thinkness. The rest a tried all had at least four places to the left of the decimal point. Jim. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 97 Sun Sep 12, 1993 SGUBER at 09:42 EDT Lou: There is no 'original' file. My problem started with the SL upgrade and I got the InVision upgrade the same time. Let me see where the problem is. Sol ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 98 Sun Sep 12, 1993 F.LOWE1 [FRANK LOWE] at 11:48 EDT Lou Thanks a whole bunch for the information on printing to an IMG file; that's exactly what I needed. My printer driver is very similar to yours but not quite the same. MINE:- SLM804.CDT 2949 BYTES 7.7.92 YOURS:- SLM_3.CDT 2949 BYTES 7.24.92 Here's wishing you a good school year. Frank. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 99 Sun Sep 12, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 12:25 EDT Joey, my apologies for forgetting about our own resident IMG expert :-) Stephen, could you upload a sample and a bug report? It will be forwarded. Regarding your big and little peeves: they have _already_ been reported by us ... vociferously! Jim, the anchor frame concept is being redeveloped as a sub-frame with a control code. No idea on when it will be available. Frank! You are most welcome and thanks for the good wishes. Gonna need 'em this year :-) If you want the SLM_3.CDT, drop me a line. I believe it is the same as yours except for the date stamp. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 100 Sun Sep 12, 1993 P-DIRECT [Sean@TWP] at 12:36 EDT Will we ever see an IMG printer driver for Calamus SL that can print in US page sizes? Or even better, one that can print XIMGs for color pages? Just an idea... Sean Dougherty Two Worlds Publishing ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 101 Sun Sep 12, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 14:09 EDT Sean, the Dataformer module prints perfect US page sizes. The A4 available in the new GEMIMG.CDT is slightly different but the IMG will fit on a US page quite well. I can't recall if the older GEMIMG.CDT printed properly. Anyone know? ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 102 Sun Sep 12, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 15:20 EDT In general terms, what does the it indicate when the Fatal System Error dialog box pops up with 2 bombs and the error occured at [PRN,PRN,PCTRL0,PRN]? I scanned some pics in Touch Up, 1.84, saved as 256 greyscale TIFF. When I import the TIFF into a frame, optimize for printer with optimize enlargement on, then print, it crashes. BUT, if I clip the pic, even if the clip include virtually the entire frame, it prints fine. It seems as if it will print fine as long as one clip operation is done, although this hypothesis hasn't been thoroughly tested at my end. Comments? Ken S. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 103 Sun Sep 12, 1993 S.SAMUELS [ORCA] at 22:23 EDT Lou, ....I will upload the bug report samples to Lib. 43 RSN. ....you know, I believe that you have 'mentioned' the issues I've posted about to DMC Germany. I believe you, I really do. I don't see you, or DMC Canada as the problem, which I thought I made clear in that last post. I just wish 'they' would listen to 'us' mo'betta'!! Mo' fasta' too. %^) ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 104 Sun Sep 12, 1993 REALM [Joey] at 23:23 EDT Lou, I'm no IMG expert, I know just enough to answer this time.:-) ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 105 Sun Sep 12, 1993 ISD [Mario] at 23:52 EDT To all who wish to output a letter sized IMG file using the GEM_IMG driver in Calamus; simply create a page sized tiling frame, select the frame, go to the printer dialog and select the largest page size available,then select the following options, Orientation = Same as your page, Tiling = selected and dont forget to set your preferred resolution. Mario @ DMC Publishing ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 106 Mon Sep 13, 1993 G.CORRELL [CAMPER] at 01:51 EDT Hi Nathan and Lou, Thanks for the Falcon8 prg. it works great! I have not had time to get the DJ550c driver working yet, maybe tomorrow. I'am a little confused as to where all the new files for the 550c driver are to be placed. Help!! Thanks again for the quick reply, and see you at Glendale. Greg ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 107 Mon Sep 13, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 06:37 EDT Stephen, thanks. I appreciate all of your efforts. Joey, you are too humble. Anyone who could write a great utility like Screen Grabber (which I use all the time) knows more about graphics formats than he is admitting. BTW, is there another version past 1.31? Mario, I didn't know that..... Greg, let us know about the results and you are most welcome. The CDT is the printer driver. Put it in the PRINTER folder. The other stuff is for using the Printer Generator. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 108 Mon Sep 13, 1993 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] at 07:15 EDT Ken: Which printer driver are you using when getting the crashes. I recently started using the latest version of the LJ4 Driver and have been getting the same effect you describe. When I switched back to my older driver the problem appeared to be solved. I also noted that the new LJ4 gobbles more memory. The difference in memory _could_ be the cause of the crashes, but I've had crashes even with small files. Nathan - any word on another LJ4 printer driver varient from Germany?!? -- Dave @ Binary Ink ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 109 Tue Sep 14, 1993 D.GORDON2 [DENNIS] at 02:04 EDT Been fiddlin' with the upgrade the past week and have been generally pleased with the improvement in performance, but I'm having problems with the new RGen mod. If I send a graphic intensive page to the printer, it'll start to draw, and about halfway through the 1st page part I get a STOP alert box with "Path can not be found...the path you specified does not exist" or something like that. Then drawing aborts. The old RGen works fine so I've been using that. Has anybody else had output problems with the RGen upgrade? Regarding the space before leader tabs: I found that if I define a macro with about a 45% backward kerning factor, it pulls the leader back nicely, and since it's proportional, it'll work in all point sizes. I like how you can define a series of repeating characters for the leader tab. Oh, and Doug Walter: I have a question regarding your RasGen Tutorial. Is there a relationship between halftone densities and the Set Control Line function? I don't have much luck in adjusting the intensities and contrast of pix with the control line; I usually wind up returning the line to neutral for output at 600dpi. So is it interactive with the RasGen settings or am I simply inept? ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 110 Tue Sep 14, 1993 REALM [Joey] at 02:45 EDT Lou, Pure luck!:-) 1.40 is the latest but I didn't add anything too exciting. I'm trying to get an ASCII manual finished so Cybercube can include it on their utility disk. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 111 Tue Sep 14, 1993 D.WALTER7 [Doug Walter] at 10:56 EDT Dennis, As Nathan has stated, please use the old Raster Generator Module. No, the new module is not as stable. More importantly, it does not return the correct Raster Width "matrix" values. Believe me, DMC is very aware of this and has been working with the programers to correct this. That's probably why the module was released in the update under a psuedonym. The "path not found" dialog may have something to do with the file created by RG's cache function. >...regarding your RasGen tutorial. Is there a relationship between >halftone densities and the Set Control Line function? ...is it >interactive with Rasgen settings? Well, not _directly_. Manipulating the control line changes the overall density of the -raw- image. BTW, the "contrast" and "intensity" controls are simply handy 'macros' to accomplish this. For instance, upping the contrast level increases the highlights (the lightest and darkest tones), while decreasing the midrange tones by a proportianal amount. All you're doing is "tipping" a straight control line. RasGen's sole job is to convert the resultant image into a pre- determined pattern of halftone dots. These patterns are determined by: 1) RasGen's variable settings, and more importantly, 2) the image itself. RasGen simply converts whatever image you throw at it piece-by-piece. The size of each piece is determined by the screen frequency (Raster Width) and printer resolution. The pattern used in each piece is then determined by that size, the screen angle, and dot bias/shape. So, diddling with the control line will change the raw image RasGen has to work with. But, RasGen has no effect on the control line or the _raw_ image. It only effects the output (CRT & printer). """""""" From my viewpoint, control line settings are subjective, especially for 300- 600 dpi mono laser output. How you set them is pretty much a matter of artistic license and personal preference. Assuming you start with a fairly well balanced image (in terms of overall light balance), you may not need much correction at all. An image appearing flat may need a boost in the darker and/or lighter areas, etc. Try hand-optimizing the control line, rather than using the contrast and intensity controls alone. For instance, to decrease midrange tones, try bulging the middle of the line slightly upwards. Experimentation is the key here. And remember "dot gain". If you are going to have copies made of your work, the final results may appear darker and contrastier (is that a word?) as the dots 'gain' in size by ink or toner bleed. For instance, newsprint requires a much lighter and flatter original than you might expect :-) Ciao! Doug7 ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 112 Tue Sep 14, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 20:19 EDT Joey, congrats and good luck. I know CyberCube will help a lot. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 113 Tue Sep 14, 1993 D.GORDON2 [DENNIS] at 21:23 EDT Thanks for the cogent reply Doug...that's kinda what I figured. I'm well familiar with the dot gain factor from years of photostats for newsapers but this digital stuff is still new to me. It's easier to tell the guy behind the counter to "shoot it light"... On an unrelated note: the staff took a field trip to the printer today to see how our paper is produced on the 4-color press. Walked in with the boards at 2:00, and by 3:45 we saw them load 20,000 84-page tabloids onto the truck going back to the city. We were greatly impressed. Just like in the movies except they didn't swear as much ;-) puppy ciao ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 114 Tue Sep 14, 1993 VORTEXT at 22:21 EDT An interesting glitch has appeared with the HP4 and SL. For some reason when I print the current magazine file I have at 75%, there is no problem. (And it prints rather quickly by the way.) Now when I went to print a full size version, it would print the first page I asked it to, then crash. I exit the program, re-set the computer and then it prints everything just fine. This has happened twice. After the re-set, I tried printing one of the offending pages again, no trouble. (Although print speed seems a bit slower at full size. Just for those who are curious about the printer.) I have printed many tips files, at full size, with no trouble either. I am a little confused. Any ideas? Daniel ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 115 Wed Sep 15, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 00:06 EDT Daniel, did you clear the caches in the Misc. Settings before printing? ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 116 Wed Sep 15, 1993 REALM [Joey] at 04:32 EDT Lou, Thanks! ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 117 Thu Sep 16, 1993 M.WEILERT2 [Matt] at 00:26 EDT 3 questions maybe someone can help me with: 1. Has anyone else had their imagesetter fonts have "chunks" or "slivers" out of them? I'm noticing unattractive flaws in Novarese book and Optima. I've got a couple of hard-copy examples enroute snail mail to DMC. 2. A repeatable 2-bomb situation arose a couple of nights ago when I attempted to GEMimport the "Kfood.GEM" image included with EasyDraw into a 1 page document with only 3 words @ 150 pt size Bernard Fashion. The crash msg said "[XMD,MOD ,XMD,MOD]" yes with the space between the first mod and the comma. 3. Trying to GIFimport a 21K CorelDraw-saved GIF into a 1 page doc. with 1 word @ ?40pt and 3 words @ ?12pt gave me a 1.9MEG(!) file. Any ideas? I know I need to upgrade, and am planning to next month, I was just wondering if anyone else has had similar troubles. Thanks Regards, Matt ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 118 Thu Sep 16, 1993 POTECHIN [Nathan @ DMC] at 09:44 EDT Just a quick note to any of you that might be planning on attending the Glendale show. Mario and I will both be in attendance. He'll be showing off Calamus and I'll be kibitzing. :-) Nathan ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 119 Thu Sep 16, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 09:47 EDT Matt, 1) do those font errors show up on screen? 2) I don't have the KFOOD.GEM but would check it via email if you like; are you using the latest GEM.CIV and what settings are in your Sys Param module? 3) the GIF should be compressed if you have the COMPRESS module... are you using the July 1993 version of Calamus SL? ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 120 Thu Sep 16, 1993 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] at 19:44 EDT VORTEXT: I get similar results with the HP4 driver. The only asumption I can make is that it's an unstable driver. I've had all kinds of crashes, beginning in the middle, and at the end of a page. I've gone back to the OutBurST! driver. Lou: I routinely play the clear caches game prior to printing as well, but the fact remains you shouldn't have to go through those kind of gyrations in order to print. -- Dave @ Binary Ink ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 121 Thu Sep 16, 1993 JOHN.KING.T [JOHN KING T] at 21:33 EDT Nathan, Don't bother packing your suit this year. Dress is beach attire. Darlah can tell you what to bring. :~} JKT ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 122 Thu Sep 16, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 21:58 EDT Dave, >I routinely play the clear caches game prior to printing as well, but >the fact remains you shouldn't have to go through those kind of >gyrations in order to print. > I have a TT with 10 megs of ST RAM. I never have to clear caches before printing... even with a dozen fonts loaded. Now if I put that same file into my Mega 4 and I have activated vector and text caches.... and I am near the end of the document (everything is formatted and caches are full), then I MUST clear caches and even delete unused fonts and some modules. In this case, the 'gyration' is necessary and I am glad to have it. I am not sure if this is the kind of situation that is being reported. That is why I asked if clearing caches solved the problem. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 123 Thu Sep 16, 1993 VORTEXT at 23:41 EDT Lou, No, I did not clear the cache. But then, I had only started the program, loaded the doc and tried to print. There shouldn't be anything in the caches. Also, I have 16 megs of TT ram, and have never had to clear anything before. As I stated earlier, I have had no problem printing this very same file at 75%. No crash, no clearing, no sweat. It's an interesting problem. A pain, but so far not lethal. Daniel ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 124 Fri Sep 17, 1993 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] at 07:43 EDT Lou: First off, NO, clearing caches has not solved the bombing with the LJ4 Driver. Not on my system anyway. I understand what you're saying regarding caches and clearing caches prior to printing. On my Mega4 system I've noted rather heavy VM access when I go to print. I've always assumed that Calamus was dumping modules, caches, and all other unnecessary periphenialia to VM for the duration of the print operation. THAT would make sense. To have to _manually_ dump caches for each print operation seems a bit archaic. As a minimum I would expect either a dialog/alert box or a systems parameters toggle that okays tells Calamus to dump every time. -- Dave @ Binary Ink ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 125 Fri Sep 17, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 11:20 EDT Let's back a few steps... the LJ4 is the HP4 @ 600 dpi, right? So 600 dpi needs 4 times the memory that 300 needs. A full letter page has 31.68 million dots.... that's a lot of RAM :-) DMC has a HP4 with 6 megs of RAM working with a 8 meg TT and never has to clear caches to print. I would surmise the problem there is RAM ... as in 'not enough'. Your description of VM use is correct. If clearing caches is not working, then I have to come back to insufficient RAM and some mysterious workings of the Sys Param module. Notwithstanding format problems with the driver, I would think the driver can also be improved by hardcoding it to the printer but this precludes later versions. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 126 Fri Sep 17, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 20:37 EDT If you are interested in a graphics card for your computer check this file: 30074 CSPECIAL.ZIP X CYBERCUBE 930917 4096 Desc: CyReL M16-1280 Special Offer Here is the header information: > >- For immediate release - > >RELEASE DATE: For further information send e-mail to: >September 17, 1993 CYBERCUBE > >PRESS RELEASE ------------------------------------------------------------- > > *** LIMITED TIME OFFER *** > > S P E C I A L G L E N D A L E S H O W P R I C E > > ._____. __ __ .______. .______. ._. > / .___. \ \ \ / / | .___. \ | .____! | | > | | !_! \ \_/ / | !___! | | !__. | | > | | ._. \ / | .__. ./ | .__! | | > | !___! | | | | | \ \ | !____. | !____. > \._____./ !_! !_! \_\ !______! !______! > > ._____. ._. ._. .__ ._. .______. ._. ._____. .______. > / .____! | | | | | \ | | | .___. \ | | / .____! | .____! > | !___. | | | | | . \ | | | !___! | | | | !___. | !__. > \.___. \ | | | | | |\ \| | | .__. ./ | | \.___. \ | .__! > .____! | | !__! | | | \ ! | | | \ \ | ! .____! | | !____. > !_____./ \.____./ !_! \__| !_! \_\ !_! !_____./ !______! > > .__ __. _. ._. _. .____. .____. .____. > | \ / | / | / / / | !___. \ / .__. \ / .__. \ > | . \/ . | /_ | / /__. .____. /_ | .__! | | !__! | | | | | > | |\ /| | | | / .__. \ !____! | | / .__./ | .__. | | | | | > | | \/ | | | | | !__! | | | | !___. | !__! | | !__! | > !_! !_! !_! \______/ !_! !_____! \.____./ \.____./ > > CyReL SUNRISE M16-1280 > > The True-Color > High Resolution Graphics Card > for the ATARI TT030 and MEGA STE. > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >Cybercube is pleased to announce this incredible deal on our renowned >CyReL SUNRISE M16-1280 True Color Graphics Cards for the Atari TT030 >and Atari Mega STE computer systems: > > REGULAR PRICES > >Order Code Description Quantity Canada U.S./Foreign >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- >CRL16002 CyReL SUNRISE 1- Cdn $1,795.00 US $1,495.00 > M16-1280 > > GLENDALE SHOW PRICES > (Effective: September 18th and 19th, 1993) > >Order Code Description Quantity Canada U.S./Foreign >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- >CRL16002 CyReL SUNRISE 1- Cdn $1,300.00 US $999.00 > M16-1280 > This file contains ordering instructions. Orders can be placed by email, telephone or fax. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 127 Sat Sep 18, 1993 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] at 10:29 EDT Lou: RE: The LJ4 Printer Driver Fiasco Granted 600 dpi is a RAM hunger monster. However, just like my Mount module problems earlier, Calamus should take advantage of VM and portional printing of page parts using the available RAM. The argument that RAM is insufficient can not be supported when one considers that the "hacked" version of the LJ4 driver performs flawlessly. What gets me riled is the fact that after a protracted period of time "programming" the driver (I assumed there _was_ some hardwiring involved, read PRINTER.RAW file) DMC has released a version of the LJ4 that's clearly and badly Munged. The damn thing crashes at the beginning, middle and end of pages. Given that, I would surmise that is _not_ a RAM problem. Some page portions print fine and, by design, Calamus does not hold the complete page in memory. My guess would be that the problem here is poor memory management. This a problem that has plagued Calamus throughout its existance. I was given the "Not enough RAM" agrument back when Mount failed as well. The most recnet version of Mount now _works_ as it should. Why? My guess is someone finally got the memory management straight. Almost a year after the debute of the LJ4 DMC still has yet to release a full- featured, functional printer driver for the what has become the standard in the field. We continue to use a "user hacked" LJ3 driver that was circulated shortly after the LJ4 was released. We have patiently waited for months as Axel "diligently" worked on the promised driver. That driver falls far short of the mark and the "Insufficient RAM" excuse doesn't work. "Slow, weak programming effort" sounds more like it. Please understand that if Calamus is to be taken seriously it _must_ support industry standards be it PostScript, Type 1 Fonts, or the HP LJ4. Unfortunately, we're still waiting -- patiently I might add. -- Dave @ Binary Ink ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 128 Sat Sep 18, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 16:24 EDT I agree with you, Dave. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 129 Sun Sep 19, 1993 L.TRAPANI [Lou @Machine] at 00:50 EDT Dave, I too am forced to agree with you 100%! --Lou T.-- Written: Saturday, September 18, 1993 11:58 p.m. EDT ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 130 Sun Sep 19, 1993 M.WEILERT2 [Matt] at 01:50 EDT Lou, 1)I haven't upgraded SL yet, still using the Aug 92 ver. 2)my Sys Param Module settings are: 91.366 horiz & vert, ST ram 256K TT 8192 (have no TTram) Vector 256K 3)whadup with this "compress" module? How can I get it? Other question: How do you invoke UIS 3 as the SL file selector? Thanks. -M :-) ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 131 Sun Sep 19, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 11:58 EDT Hi Matt. I take you are using a TT given your resolution settings. Unless you have more than 4 megs, I think your ST RAM and Vector settings are a tad high. I find that 128 K works fine in four meg machines... doesn't cause printer problems yet handles vectors. The Compress module was one of five included in the July 93 upgrade. I believe you can still get it for 75.00 US. I left a full description of this upgrade in Library 30. Check these files: 29415 SL_NEW.ARC The README from the upgrade 29891 CALSL_22.ARC Message archive from this topic The UIS selector can be chosen under TOS in the _newest_ version of the System Parameters module which comes with the July 93 upgrade. There are lots of fixes and new features. So far everyone agrees that the upgrade has been a good value. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 132 Sun Sep 19, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 23:20 EDT Lou, Would you mind reiterating how to make the vertical text alignment work? I've forgotten something, since I can't get it to fully justify from the top of the frame to the bottom of the frame. Is there a limit to the amount of space that will be put between the paragraphs? Thanks, Ken S. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 133 Sun Sep 19, 1993 J.NOLAN5 [John Nolan] at 23:21 EDT I'm looking at a HP LJ4L, the 300 dpi personal laser with Resolution enhancement, and HPL5 compatalblilty. What driver would this printer use? Would I get the benifit of RET in SL? Thanks, John. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 134 Sun Sep 19, 1993 S.BLACKBURN [STEVE] at 23:29 EDT Nathan, In Germany, is there a Forum like that here on Genie concerning Calamus. There are a number of sophisticated people here, which is a blessing for the developement of SL. If there isn't, I feel sorry for them, because this is an incredible avenue for people to learn about the program. Steve Blackburn ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 135 Mon Sep 20, 1993 N.ROUGHLEY [Neil] at 00:27 EDT I've found the LaserJet IV driver to work excellent. On two occasions Calamus crashed after printing, though. Otherwise things are just fine. The speed of the IV is amazing compared to my old II. I'm using the August '92 version of SL on an 8 meg TT with 6 megs on the IV. The driver is dated 7-13-93 (7702 bytes). ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 136 Mon Sep 20, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 01:12 EDT Ken, the Vertical Text Alignment expands the Paragraph Spacing in a frame when you select the BLOCK option. It does not expand line spacing... you have to do that manually in the applicable text ruler(s). Take care not to use the End of Paragraph near the bottom or it will also be expanded resulting in white space. Rather, use the End of Line (ASCII 23) or a Forced Piping to cause the text to stretch to the bottom of the frame. Steve, Nate is away another day so I will try to answer. As best as I can recall, there is no GEnie node to the Calamus homeland. However, I believe there are Internet paths which I have not yet found. Most of the Germans belong to Mausnet which is notorious for prankster and hoaxes. Neil, when you say the LV4 driver is working fine, do you mean in spite of the problems that others have reported here? (Should 6 megs be considered the working minimum?) ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 137 Mon Sep 20, 1993 N.ROUGHLEY [Neil] at 23:16 EDT Well, let's say I'm surprised by some of the negative comments about the LaserJet 4 driver. I got a total of 6 megs onboard the printer account messages posted around here. 6 megs is enough to do a page at 600 dpi, with enough left over for 'printer overhead'. I had trouble outputting some vector- instensive pages: SL would 'draw' the frames in the print menu, but had trouble with the last few frames. SL would just 'hang' there, effectively crashed. I had to strip all modules and increase the vector buffer to 1 Mb for the page to print. This, like I said earlier, on an 8 meg TT. What's really impressive is once SL has 'drawn' the page in memory, when it's passed over to the printer ("page so-and-so is printing"), the processing speed is very fast. Like Dave said, SL's memory management is shaky (I can't speak of the '93 update); this isn't, of course, the printer driver's fault. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 138 Mon Sep 20, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 23:36 EDT Lou, We gots that vert text a'hummin' now! Thanks. BTW, isn't there widow/orphan settings somewhere? I thought I saw it, but can't find it now. Monday Night Football, Go Broncos Ken S. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 139 Tue Sep 21, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 19:38 EDT Ken, widows and orphans are temporarily disabled. We are checking on it. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 140 Tue Sep 21, 1993 VORTEXT at 22:17 EDT HPLJ4 - To reiterate. I have had the printer do a print and crash on me a couple of times so far. memory is NOT the problem on my end. I am using a TT with 16 megs of TT RAM and I have 10 megs on the printer. It is also not a problem with any specific page as I have been able to print these pages at other times with no trouble at all. Go figure. Glendale note - It was fun and the stuff I saw on its way for SL looked really nice. Get your check books out folks. It'll be worth it. Daniel ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 141 Tue Sep 21, 1993 POTECHIN [Nathan @ DMC] at 23:24 EDT There are GEnie nodes all over Germany actually, Lou. ;-) The problem with modeming over there has to do with their badly outdated Post Office controlled lines of communication. I'm back. Nathan ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 142 Wed Sep 22, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 01:06 EDT There are? You learn something everyday.... ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 143 Wed Sep 22, 1993 S.RAMIREZ at 10:31 EDT Nathan: I would like to make a suggestion for a future (very near!) module. I would very much like to see a Table Editor along the lines of PageMaker 4.0 for Windows. I am in the process of designing a radio station program schedule for listeners. We recently did one for the station I work for using PageMaker's table editor and it really made things nice. Now I would like to do a similar thing using Calamus SL. I know there are other ways to go about this but a table editor or for that matter, a table import filter, would really make life easier! Sam Ramirez ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 144 Wed Sep 22, 1993 POTECHIN [Nathan @ DMC] at 20:40 EDT Good suggestion Sam, thank you. Let me take a closer look at Pagemaker's table editor and get more informed. Nathan ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 145 Thu Sep 23, 1993 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] at 07:19 EDT Yeah Lou, the network to access GEnie in Germany is called DATEX-P. T'ain't cheap though at $18.00 an hour. Trust me.... I paid the bill for 4 years. -- Dave @ Binary Ink ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 146 Fri Sep 24, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 23:44 EDT Nathan and company, Do you suppose they are ever going to FIX the GEMIMG import module so it doesn't have to be made SL Happy, as REALM puts it? I bought a copy of Imagecopy so I could use the Alt-Help keys to screen capture some menus. But unless the capture is the complete screen, the files come up scrambled. These files load fine into GEM-View, however. TIFFs save with Imagecopy don't seem to load with the correct colors. They import with a definite red tinge, when the screen shot was B&W in TT med. The screen shots were from Invision Elite, actually. Sigh, back to redoing all the shots. Ken S. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 147 Sat Sep 25, 1993 REALM [Joey] at 07:18 EDT Ken, Load the TIF's into the latest version of GEMview and save them out again. I had the same problem finding something that would load them but the latest GEMview seems to handle them fine. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 148 Sat Sep 25, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 08:25 EDT Ken, sorry to hear about the problem with Imagecopy files. It seems the GEMIMG driver is having trouble reading that kind of file. I use three different methods to do screen shots for use in SL. The fastest is the SNAPIT.PRG available here in the library. It will write a series of SNAPxxx.PI3 files to your C:\ drive. Load the PI3 and crop it right in SL... The second method is to get REALM's Screen Grabber - 20-30 dollars - to take clips or full screen snaps in a number of formats. The third way to use any of the other PD snapshooters and to edit each file in a graphics package like INVISION or Touch Up. This is the method I used to use. BTW Ken, is it true you will be able to buy a Falcon at Sourdough's? Can someone check out this tip I received: CTRL ALT Right Shift is supposed to stop Caching. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 149 Sat Sep 25, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 12:59 EDT Joey, Save them back out as TIFs? Lou, Since I am running TT med, PI3 files should give me less than a full screen shot. Imagecopy supports the extended Degas pallettes (sp?) but haven't tried that format yet. It's another thing on the list. Unless Joey has changed Screen Grabber since I got a copy from him, it will not come up when one of the drop down menus is open. Neither does the delay function of Pixel Grabber come up until the menu closes. That's why the Alt- Help feature is so nice. Used to use DCFREEZE all the time this way, but it does not do TT rezes. Joey's been checking into it for his stuff. I've got a bunch of other snapshot prgs, but admittedly made the assumption that they would not handle the TT rezes. They've been sitting around quite a while. Since I just need snapshots, I can always just clip out the portion of a full screen shot in SL, and hide unwanted spots with white frames. Probably quicker than editting all of them. A Falcon at Sourdough's? Not likely. He has a full blown NeXT system. He didn't think the Atari was worth much, until I did a scan with Touch Up and it impressed him. Nigh on to a genius, that man. Used to work at the atomic lab in White Sands, or someplace like that. I get some glee kidding him that at least they still make Atari's. So, how did you find out about all that? Been talking to Doug? Ken S. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 150 Sat Sep 25, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 18:52 EDT Ken, :-) I got a CDK in mail from Doug about GEnie's most remote user... geographically speaking, of course! :-) Unless you have started doing work in color, why not use your TT in ST HIGH to do the screen shots with SNAPIT. That is what I do for all the SL docs. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 151 Sat Sep 25, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 21:08 EDT Lou, That's the last time I talk to the tourists at work! Had no idea I'd become that well known, and now, no doubt, everyone at DMC has seen it! No color yet, but it seems that when I enlarge the TIF's from TT med, they suffer less from the jaggies than the ST high pics. (And now Doug's going to be growling about vectorizing. ) And I hate going through the motions of changing rezes all the time, especially since the PTC1426 in ST high is not as sharp as the SM 124. Eventually, there will be a long post somewhere about what does and does not work. Have spent the better part of today trying to figure it out. Ken S. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 152 Sun Sep 26, 1993 REALM [Joey] at 01:29 EDT Ken, Judging from the way Imagecopies TIF's are saved they are closer to an IBM format, GEMview's the only thing I've found that will load them. All you have to do is load the Imagecopy TIF into GEMview and save it as a TIF again.:-) The TIF that comes out of GEMview will load into SL fine. Lou, Screen Grabbers $15, I only charged YOU $30.:-) I haven't added ALT+HELP saving yet so it doesn't work if your trying to grab menus. It's the highest on my wish list but I can't figure out how to do it.:-) ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 153 Sun Sep 26, 1993 K.ESTES [Kenne@SFRT] at 04:57 EDT Has anybody mentioned this to the CODEHEADS? ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 154 Sun Sep 26, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 09:19 EDT Joey, > Lou, Screen Grabbers $15, I only charged YOU $30.:-) > It would still be worth it :-) Keene, Not enough info yet and we know that the import driver may be part of the problem. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 155 Sun Sep 26, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 13:23 EDT REALM, Joey, GEMview 2.46 does not always load Imagecopy 2.01 TIF's correctly. A post to this effect will go up along with this one. Lou, BTW, I discovered during all these trials and tribulations that if Pixel Grabber and Imagecopy loaded as resident accs SL will crash upon printing, using latest SLM driver with SL, or the HP LJ+ driver from 1.09n. I suspect the same will happen if Screen Grabber is substituted for Pixel Grabber. However, I can't imagine that anyone would have both programs loaded at the same time for everyday use. If it wasn't for trying to figure out why and how to get what I wanted for screenshots, I wouldn't have had them both loaded. Have to thank Joey for pointing me to Imagecopy for the ALT+HELP capability for TT med. Keene, I'll be posting something similar to my GEMview post in the Imagecopy topic this pass. Ken S. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 156 Sun Sep 26, 1993 D.WALTER7 [Doug Walter] at 17:10 EDT Ken, It's your own fault, tsk, tsk... If you had taken care of your teeth like your dentist told you.... (ducking) Anyway, Snapit is probably the best way to capture menu's. I use Joey's stuff for everything other than menu shots. Ken, do you still have both systems set up? I do all my "Snapits" on the Mega. What we need is some way to convert (or even view) the .PI5 - .PI7 Degas captures. The PI7 (TT HI/Video boards) would be great! Lou, you were tracking this higher-rez Degas stuff awhile back. Did you ever get anywhere? Doug7 ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 157 Sun Sep 26, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 21:37 EDT Doug, I don't understand that question about Degas files? Could you please explain again? ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 158 Sun Sep 26, 1993 REALM [Joey] at 22:21 EDT Ken, I don't have GEMview 2.46 but the few I tried worked fine in the version uploaded right before that one. I think 2.46 was uploaded about a day after I downloaded the latest version.:-) I'll check out the bombing problem during printing and see if I can find it. It could be something as simple as too much of your ST RAM being used by the ACC's. I know Pixel Grabber is a memory hog in some resolutions since it has to have enough memory to buffer the screen clips. Lou, Thanks!:-) Doug, What do you want the .PI4-7 files changed to? I can write a small program to do it fairly quick. Only problem is 90% of .PI4-7 files are not true screen shots just the first 32K of screen memory. About the top 100 or so lines of TT res's. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 159 Sun Sep 26, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 22:39 EDT Doug, Yup, actually have 3 systems up and running. (So I'm crazy! Ya gots ta do something during the long winter nights up here.) But Mega is now ST med rez. SM 124 is in CO with 1040STf. If I get forced into an ST rez I'll do it on the STacy and use DCFREEZE. Imagecopy 2 supports the TT rezes for Degas. You can view them also, as well as some basic conversions. Haven't gotten much further into it than how to use the ALT-HELP feature, which is what I wanted. As for the teeth, I do not have, and never have had, any cavities. How many homo sapiens our age can say that? Truthfully, the dentist was amazed at how hard the enamel of my teeth are. What I should not have done is get thrown from the cab of a '53 Chevy p/u when I was around 8, thusly smacking the recently removed teeth on the door handle. I remember it like it was yesterday. Ken S. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 160 Sun Sep 26, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 23:06 EDT Joey, ST memory is not the problem. Has to be something conflicting between Pixel Grabber and Imagecopy 2.01. My PG is 1.3. Why do I say this? Imagecopy loaded as ACC, bunch of modules loaded, 393 kb ST RAM, page printed. Imagecopy and Pixel loaded as ACC, same modules loaded, 151 kb ST RAM, ka- rash! Imagecopy and Pixel loaded as ACC, delete all modules except the raster generator (not the one from the latest SL upgrade), 732 kb ST RAM, ka-rash! Since the 3rd test has twice as much ST RAM, it seems logical that memory is not the problem. It would appear that the full screen shots from Imagecopy 2 in PI5 format are full shots, since I just tried one and the file size is 154146 bytes, and loads as full screen shot in the viewer function of Imagecopy. Some of the TIFs created loaded properly and some do not. BTW, Joey, have you paid your fee yet? I did, and got 2.46 directly from Dieter. Ken S. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 161 Mon Sep 27, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:58 EDT > , What do you want the .PI4-7 files changed to? I can < > write a small program to do it fairly quick. Only problem is < > 90% of .PI4-7 files are not true screen shots just the first < > 32K of screen memory. < I would like to be able to get a good screen shoot of my TT High screen (PI7) and output it as a IMG file for use in DTP (Calamus). >> Joe M << ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 162 Mon Sep 27, 1993 POTECHIN [Nathan @ DMC] at 22:03 EDT Jim Hood has placed an excellent post in Category 7, Topic 9, Message 98. This is the Kodak Photo CD topic and Jim has clearly explained some difficulty he encountered getting his TT and CD ROM to communicate correctly. For any of you using a CD ROM and Kodak's Photo CD, I suggest you read Jim's post. Nathan ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 163 Mon Sep 27, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 22:18 EDT >> Joe M << IMG is one of the file formats that Imagecopy 2 will save screen shots as. I use TT med, so I don't know what results you would get. Ken S. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 164 Tue Sep 28, 1993 REALM [Joey] at 03:59 EDT Ken, I'm trying to pay my fee and buy some more Sunrise stuff at the same time.:-) I will pay it... dang it!!:-) OK, I'll check the problem out soon as possible. Joe, Screen Grabber and Imagecopy both work in TT High but Imagecopy will allow you to save the screen using the ALT-HELP key combo. I may be a little bias but I like Screen Grabber better for non-Menu grabbing.:-) I'll see if I can write a small utility to convert PI? files to .IMG files. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 165 Thu Sep 30, 1993 S.SAMUELS [ORCA] at 01:02 EDT Daniel, ...how 'bout more ST ram, since that is what SL uses for printing! Sam.... That would be a cool tool, however at least one other well know prg's table editor left a lot of control to be desired. (at least for me) I've worked out a way to handle large amounts of table info by massaging them through LDW and then importing to SL. I certainly don't know exactly what you are needing to do, but my method might be useful to you. You are in the Bay Area with me, right? Drop me email and I'll give you my phone no. ...if I can help out. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 166 Thu Sep 30, 1993 D.SWARTLEY at 21:09 EDT Are any of you running SL on a PC using Branch Always' Gemulator? If so, how do you like it? Are there any problems? I'm still using SL on my ST but would like to be able to use it on the PC. I realize there is a Category for Gemulator, but the traffic in that category is still slow. Thought some in this category might know more about SL under Gemulator anyway? Thanks, Don ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 167 Wed Oct 06, 1993 C.ONGSTAD [CDO] at 07:24 EDT How does one left justify and center or right justify different words on the same line in Calamus SL. The program seems to only take the first ruler in a line, the others that follow are ignored. Are we left to do it manually and therefore not as exactly? Is this something else on our wish list for future versions? Any help or answers would be appreciated. Thanks, Chris. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 168 Wed Oct 06, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 19:47 EDT Chris, turn on the full (block) justification for the current ruler. Now type in your text and use ASCII 23 to insert a regular (non-paragraph) line end. Your text will stretch to fit the frame. If you want groups of words at each end, 'lock' each group together using shifted spaces. Use a regular space between the groups. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 169 Wed Oct 06, 1993 ISD [Mario] at 23:11 EDT Chris, You can also use tabs ... but the method Lou described is by far the most effective. Mario @ DMC Publishing ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 170 Sat Oct 09, 1993 S.SAMUELS [ORCA] at 14:18 EDT BUG REPORT: This concerns the COMPRESS.CXM module that comes with the July Update. This module is used to compress selected or ALL picture files in a CDK so as to save space. It generally seems to work well, but I've found at least one instance where it can trash your work. The following is an example of that instance: I'm working on a TT with 10 megs of ST ram and 32 megs of TT ram. I'm loading a file that is one page, a magazine cover, containing a TIF image that is about 18 megs in size. This CDK also has about four fonts loaded with it. The CDK is about 24 megs in total size. I run COMPRESS.CXM and it seems to work, but upon finishing its chores, the picture is redrawn to the screen with much garbage in it. This appears as odd colored, jagged, bands throughout the image. Clear Home key to redraw doesn't help. OK, the picture has been trashed. Then I try to use COMPRESS.CXM to 'decompress' the picture, hoping to restore it to the orignal, but it give this message: Not enough Memory for this Operation ...and eventually it crashes. Results, are that I end up with a file that is trashed and won't even reload. A total loss! COMPRESS should be able to look over the situation, and warn you of possible dangers beforehand. DMC has been made aware of this problem, but I thought some users would like to know. Apply this info, adjusted to your machine and system sizes and picture sizes and you may save yourself some trouble! COMPRESS does seem to work well with smaller files. ************ next ************* A "SOMETHING" report: This is something you may never see, depending on your system, ...but if you do find it happening, you will also find this info useful. First of let me make clear, that this can occur on a completely clean TT system, no acc's, etc. What happens is that SL won't load! When it tries to, it puts up an asci page that says the Check Sum of Calamus is incorrect and also informs us that this may be caused by a virus and/or an error in copying. Neither of which are true in this case! I've discussed this with Mario, who has only occasionally seen this asci page. I've by now seen it many times and have explored it to this point. Mario suggested that turning off the computer and letting it sit for a few mins. until all the info in the ram dies out, then re-booting and re- loading SL usually does the trick. Often that is true, but not always. I've taken to dealing with this two ways. One, I keep a 'fresh' version of the CALAMUS.PRG file in a folder on another drive, and copy it to the real CALAMUS SL folder. This seems to work sometimes also, ...but not always! After going through this many different ways I've come to the conclusion that some odd combination of events causes the problem, and it is related to something about the way memory gets cleared when SL quits. It seems that sometimes something gets left behind. (This may only occur with an 8 meg ST board and 32 meg TT board installed, ...that is what I have and don't care to pull them out to check it further!) I have found that works in all cases is that when this asci page appears, to quit the attempt to load SL and run some other prg. , like OA3 for example. Just load it and draw a frame and quit. After that SL seems to load ok, ...no virus, no 'error in copying'. This makes me think it has something to do with the CPU's memory not being cleared completely. (BTW, it apparently can take quite a long time for the fully loaded TT's ram to lose its charge when the machine is shut off!) I just thought everyone would like to know in case they encounter this item. It could sort of scare you needlessly otherwise! %^) ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 171 Sat Oct 09, 1993 POTECHIN [Nathan @ DMC] at 20:13 EDT Thanks for the recap Stephen. I'll be in Germany next week and so will have the opportunity for a face-to-face with a few of the programmers. ;-) ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 172 Sun Oct 10, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 10:06 EDT Message 170, Sat Oct 09, 1993 S.SAMUELS [ORCA] I have a TT with standard Atari 4 TT 4 ST Ram. I have seen the message you have seen when I had Calamus compressed, and when it got corrupted. Calamus is doing a check sum on the program and if it fails it gives you the message, but I would guess you already know this. I would guess it would also happen if something in your drive was having a small problem making Calamus think there was a mis-match. Unlike you I have never seen this problem where I could not find a reason. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 173 Sun Oct 10, 1993 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] at 10:56 EDT Steve: RE: Your "SOMETHING" Report: I tussled with the same problem for some time -- Calamus would give me the Checksum-Virus message only on occaision. As time wore on it seemed as if I was getting it more and more. Like you, I tried a variety of fixes including field stripping the system, reloading Calamus and everthing I could think of. Calamus was the only program I was having trouble with. Eventually, I found the source of the problem (you aren't going to like this.... ). It was a hard drive head "South". I ran some diagnositics on the hard drive and got flakey results. The ICD software would return a variety of MSENSE errors. Finally, I got on the phone with Howard Peters at ICD and he recommended changing out my ICD host adapter board. The problem persisted after swapping out the board, and he then said it sounded like the drive was dying. I replaced the drive with a new Quantum job and the problem became history. Appearently, my drive speed wasn't stable and the checksum truely was incorrect. NOTHING other than the Calamus message message told me anything was amiss. One recommendation before you run out and buy a monster drive. Try reformatting and repartitioning your drive. The problem might just be a "flakey" bit. I would increase the number of varification passes in the reformat/partition process and map the problem sectors for a trip to "Bit Heaven". If this doesn't eliminate the message, I'd recommend either Quantum or Maxtor drives. Howard says Maxtors are tough cookies, and as far as I'm concerned, there are few people that know more about Atari and hard drives...... Hope this helps..... -- Dave @ Binary Ink Nathan: I'd leave town too if _MY_ team played like the Jays did last night <> ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 174 Sun Oct 10, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 20:38 EDT Hmmmmm.......... Well, I have this text frame where the text is run around a graphic frame. The graphic frame starts at the top of the text frame. There are 10 frames total on the page. I grouped them all together, and rotated 180 degrees. The text now covers the graphic, and where the text should be is blank. A workaround was easy in this case, but is there a trick, or is there a problem? Ken S. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 175 Sun Oct 10, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 21:59 EDT Ken, if it was 180 degrees, why not just use the Flip functions? ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 176 Mon Oct 11, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 21:40 EDT Lou, I didn't think about that, but wouldn't that give me a mirror image? Ken S. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 177 Mon Oct 11, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 23:27 EDT Not, you do a vertical AND horizontal flip... or create a macro to do them simultaneously. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 178 Tue Oct 12, 1993 S.SAMUELS [ORCA] at 02:43 EDT Dave and Joe, and others: about my 'SOMETHING' report... I use and internal rather new 212 meg Conner drive in the TT, with no ICD hosts since its all scsi and use the ICD pro version booter, along with ICD clean-up for the pro series. Clean-up reports that the drive is just fine. It would seem to me that this problem could occur for a variety of reasons. At this time, I can always get SL to load properly, even after the "check sum error by virus, etc." page has appeared, by loading up another program, like OA3, quitting that program and then restarting SL. This would suggest to me something left in memory rather than something flakey with the drive, ...but who knows???? I agree Howard at ICD is just great! I really appreciate many the many times he has helped me with special problems!! However, judging from what I see happening in this case, I don't really suspect the HD. Soon, I will open the TT and reseat the Simms on the 32 meg board, ...maybe something is flakey there. Thanks for your input, I will keep it in mind. Nice to know at least some others HAVE seen this curious page! SS ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 179 Tue Oct 12, 1993 T.HENRY12 [Tom Jr.] at 19:12 EDT Orca, Yeah, I've seen the "internal checksum" error occasionally, too. Usually I could just re-run the program (without first rebooting) and it was OK. God only knows what damage I probably created, if any. I could actually recreate the "virus message" in 1.09N if I change the Flags. Definately a no-no. Although I don't recall all the details of your scenario, I could say that if you haven't had any memory-related problems with any other software, it ain't the memory. But it's worth a shot. At the same time, SL appears to be pretty strict about memory-handling. I'm no programmer, but SL won't do hotkeys when using MultiTOS, so who knows? Tom ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 180 Tue Oct 12, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 20:10 EDT Well I sure wish I could tell you that I have seen this checksum error message too... but I haven't. As you know, I run Calamus about 6 hours a day and more on the weekends. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 181 Tue Oct 12, 1993 SGUBER at 20:44 EDT Orca: The lst time that I saw that error, I was running PowerDos to see if a compatibility problem was still there. When I removed PowerDos.prg the problem with Calamus disappeared. Just an idea. Sol OSs OS *s ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 182 Tue Oct 12, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 22:50 EDT Lou, Well, dumb me! Ken S. ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 183 Wed Oct 13, 1993 M.SHANNON [Morgan] at 01:23 EDT Joe M, Wonder if this has something to do with his inability to see his third HD in the SCSI line-up? Just wondering Morgan ORCA, Remember! When you reformat make the bad-sectors list under "SCSI" so the ICD booter-board doesn't even see them. Morgan Lou, "FLIP-FUNCTIONS"! I ain't seen no flip functions! :^) As ever Morgan ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 184 Wed Oct 13, 1993 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] at 07:11 EDT Steve: For what it's worth Clean-Up and Diamond Edge failed to detect the problem with my hard drive. From what I know now, it may have been possible for DE to have picked the error up, but at the time DE was rather new. If you've got another drive on the system, you might just try loading Calamus on the other drive and trying it for a while. This would eliminate the drive as a potential source and point more solidly in the direction you seem to be heading. -- Dave @ Binary Ink ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 185 Wed Oct 13, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 17:09 EDT Morgan... ... 'flip' functions are in the Miscellaneous Functions command group of the Frame module; where you find the Write Modes. They are named Mirror Horizontally and Mirror Vertically in [] and []. Regarding Stephen's report: I do recall one occasion when I had the checksum error - it was right after I had optimized my drive with the caches ON. I no longer optimize drives without FIRST doing a COMPLETE backup!!!! ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 186 Thu Oct 14, 1993 S.BLACKBURN [STEVE] at 22:58 EDT Vortext Got your magazine in the mail the other day. It looks very nice. You've done a good job putting it together. It's a very high quality looking magazine. What is your circulation and what does the printer run you? I like the paper you use, easy to read. I've never liked glossy paper on the inside of a magazine, to much reflection when trying to read it. Great job, Steve Blackburn ------------ Category 16, Topic 20 Message 187 Sat Oct 16, 1993 M.SHANNON [Morgan] at 09:02 EDT ORCA, I have run POWERDOS (latest version) with SL and have had to disable it due to what I believe are memory allocation problems (would this add up to checksum difficulties?). NVDI is no problem with GDOS disabled although it is incompatible with any other existing screen-write-accelerators (QUICKST*.PRG\TURBOST.ACC). Just some additional input for you from here. Morgan ------------