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Jack ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 2 Sun Nov 08, 1992 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 10:42 EST Jack, If you have more or less than 4 meg of ST RAM, you will have a problem with CodeRam 2.3 on the TT. There is a patch in the library that upgrades v2.3 to v2.4 (#24042 CRAMPAT2.LZH). It came to my attention that we were still shipping v2.3 on our CodeHead Utilities disk and that has been corrected. But this was fixed only last week and it's very likely that you got v2.3. I'll be happy to E-Mail you v2.4, but it's probably easier to download the file listed above. I'm sorry that you have to go to extra effort just to get the "truly" lastest version. Let me know if it works for you. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 3 Sun Nov 08, 1992 J.HICKEY6 at 17:25 EST John: I downloaded CRAMPAT2.LZH, ran it as directed to modify my master disk in drive A, got the message indicating the new version(2.4) was now on my disk, ran it and got 2 bombs. File size was unchanged. Turned off TT cache and tried again with same result. Help! Please send me the real 2.4 via E- mail. BTW, my system has 10 Megs of ST ram and ) TT ram. Jack ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 4 Sun Nov 08, 1992 J.HICKEY6 at 17:33 EST OOPS that should have been 0 TT ram, I shifted too soon. Jack ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 5 Sun Nov 08, 1992 C.MASON10 [Mad Dog] at 19:10 EST Jack, It's Macht Nicht. Mox nix? You must have been living in Germany at one point. Where? Mad Dog ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 6 Sun Nov 08, 1992 J.HICKEY6 at 23:21 EST Mad Dog, Schleswig Holstein - circa 1976. Die stadt von Rendsburg. My wife and I spent a year there. Fantastic. Before that, I traveled to Munich, Caan in France and Nijmegen(?) the Netherlands on business a few times. Jack BTW, are you still in the AF in Cal? Where? I'm in Redwood City. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 7 Mon Nov 09, 1992 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:20 EST John and Charles, ARTGALRY 3.0 bombs on my TT most of the time, whether used as a program or a DA. It seems to have to do with handling ST-resolution pictures such as TNYs and Degas pics. It does fine with PNT files. Any idea of what I might be doing wrong? I am using the latest TT version of Warp 9 and Maxi III. Among the TSRs are CodeKeys, Auxinit, LGS, Gemenv. Spooler and Leonard6. (In fact, that's the entire current list.) The only other DA active in MDD is Xcontrol. Outside DAs are three STenos and two STalkers. Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 8 Mon Nov 09, 1992 J.HICKEY6 at 09:48 EST John, Ignore my last two messages. It's morning now and CodeRam is working. I ran Jim Ness's NBM program and got 1.63 for your ramdisk vs 2.83 for my Fujitsu (CodeRam is 173% faster). What can I expect when I run it in TT Ram?(when I get some). Jack ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 9 Mon Nov 09, 1992 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 17:14 EST Jack, I'm not sure you understand how the patch program works. After reading your master disk, the patch program puts up a file selector for you to save the new version. The path that comes up will be the "current path". If you simply hit return, v2.4 of the ram disk will be saved to the same directory as where the patch program resides. Have you looked on your hard drive where the patch program is? I think you'll find the new CodeRam there. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 10 Mon Nov 09, 1992 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 21:18 EST Al, I'm don't know what could be causing your Art Gallery problem. I just did some testing from various resolutions on the TT. I had no problem viewing ST Medium and ST High res Degas pictures. I didn't try any ST Low or TNY pics. This was on a 3.06 machine loaded with my usual array of stuff. You say it bombs "most of the time". When doesn't it bomb? Maybe there's a clue there. Jack Hickey, I'm glad you got CodeRam working. Quick Index gives me 41386% with CodeRam in TT RAM and 34082% in ST RAM. That looks like about 21% faster in TT RAM. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 11 Tue Nov 10, 1992 TQUINN [Terry~Sysop] at 11:03 EST The first 190 messages in this topic have been archived and are available in Library 13 as File # 26493 (CHUTIL_2.ARC). ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 12 Tue Nov 10, 1992 J.HICKEY6 at 23:26 EST John, I set up a CodeRam disk of 7.3Mbytes as drive N. Copied 32 *.NDX files totaling 7.2Mbytes from my Fujitsu in 17 seconds. No problem. I rewrote my DBman program to look for the index files in CodeRam. No problem. I ran a search for Smith in my 32 ZipCode files (315,000 records) and came across a problem. Seems like DBman ran into CodeRam and zeroed it about halfway through the search. (There are about 2,000 Smiths in the database). Messed up the whole thing. MaxiFile said 0 Bytes used, 0 Bytes available. I suspect DBman is the culprit. They have a history of doing things in a less than elegant way. I know CodeRam is not your bread and butter, and I will understand if you decide to punt on this one. Maybe when I get TTram I can use that for Coderam and STram for DBman. Jack ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 13 Wed Nov 11, 1992 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:34 EST John, The new Art Gallery bombs when I hit Undo to stop showing a picture. I'll take out all TSRs and odd DAs one by one and let you know what happens. I have no doubt that there is a conflict and that it's not your software. Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 14 Wed Nov 11, 1992 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 04:58 EST Jack, If I remember correctly, CodeRam uses a 12-bit FAT. This means the maximum size that can be used is 2 meg on TOS 1.0-1.2 and 4 meg for later TOSes. I'm sorry that there is no error checking when you try to set up larger RAM disks. Originally, there was no way to select a larger size than the preconfigured maximum. When I added the ability to enter an "X" size, I didn't bother to check for limits. Let me know if you have trouble using a 4 meg drive. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 15 Wed Nov 11, 1992 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 05:17 EDT Jack, If you have such a FAST drive (7.2 meg in 17 seconds sounds hard to believe), why not just put the INDEX in a much smaller ramdisk. If you are doing only 1000 actual disk accesses for the records, then your main access is to the INDEX. This will give you almost the speed of ramdisk access, and save enough memory to prevent the collision. Ron ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 16 Wed Nov 11, 1992 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 06:19 EST Al, Exiting with Undo doesn't seem to cause any problem here. I've got TOS 3.06. I wonder if that has anything to do with it. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 17 Wed Nov 11, 1992 J.HICKEY6 at 10:57 EST Ron, my index is 7.2 Mbytes(in 32 files) and it did transfer from my Fujitsu connected as internal SCSI in my TT to CodeRam(in STram). That's why I created the large RamDisk. Maybe I can shrink the index down in size by indexing on LEFT,8 instead of LEFT,10 which they are now. But, I'd rather use a bigger RamDisk. Maybe someday, eh John? Another one for Ripley's - The transfer of a 2Mbyte file from my Fujitsu to my Syquest(DMA on the TT w/Berkeley 200 host) took 6 seconds. Jack ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 18 Wed Nov 11, 1992 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 19:19 EST John, My problems with the latest Art Gallery's crashes go away when I turn off Warp's screen acceleration. I stripped every other DA out and nearly all the auto-folder TSRs in testing to see where the conflict came from, but to no avail; with Warp 9 (the TT version, which CodeHead sent me last week) running and the screen acceleration active, Art Gallery crashes when I try to view anything past the first picture. I'm using TOS 3.06, a Sony multisync in TT medium most of the time, and stripped out everything except Ian Lepore's GEMENV TSR, which controls the GEM environment so well that I can't live without it. (If you think it could be a culprit, I'll strip it out and see what happens, but it has not caused a problem with a single piece of software yet.) Warp 9's flags are on/on/on. Art Gallery's flags are off/on/on. Hmm, could that be a problem? I'll drop it down and see ... (One crash later ... two bombs that grow to three if I don't hit the four- finger salute quickly!...) No, with Art Gallery's flags on no/no/no it still crashes on exiting from the first display, unless the screen acceleration is off. (I suppose I should quickly explain for non-TT users that the three flags are fastload, run in TT ram and use TT ram.) I haven't tried it straight from a floppy, without any HD software, but that seems a stretch to think that ICD's booter would be a problem. I use 6.0.5. Any ideas? Thanks, John. Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 19 Wed Nov 11, 1992 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 22:17 EST Obviously Art Gallery shouldn't bomb when you press Undo, but did you know that you can also stop showing a picture with a mouse click? Much easier for me, since my hand is already on the mouse. - Terry - ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 20 Thu Nov 12, 1992 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 02:47 EST Version 3.0 of Art Gallery on my TT also has two bombs when I stop viewing a Tny pic. It brings me back to Hotwire. I'm interested to know what might be causing that, since all my Auto programs are CodeHead....after some testing -- I can verify what Al is saying. When I turn screen accellerator off, the problem of bombs disappears. This is with a TT with 3.06. - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Wednesday, November 11, 1992 11:43 pm ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 21 Thu Nov 12, 1992 SANDY.W [sysop] at 16:28 EST So far I have been unable to use Art Gallery to view any picture in TT high. I haven't tried it in the other resolutions. This is on a TT with 3.06 booting clean with ICD 6.0.5 software. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 22 Fri Nov 13, 1992 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:32 EST Terry, Yep, I know that other keys will stop the display in Art Gallery. In fact, I probably use the mouse click most. I *am* a confirmed Undo banger, though, being a proud owner of three computers that have a key that Mac and PC owners don't have. I just wish more programmers would take advantage of the Undo key! Jason, Thanks for confirming the problem. Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 23 Fri Nov 13, 1992 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 10:05 EST Hmmm...I'll have to do some more testing (when I get back home next Tuesday). I was testing Art Gallery as an ACC (MDX) but didn't try as a PRG. I believe I was also using v3.74 (which none of you would have). I think it's crashing when the resolution is restored. One way to test this is to try viewing a picture which is in the current resolution. Sandy, there seems to be a bug in Art Gallery which makes it think TT High PNT pictures are in the wrong resolution. I looks like Charles may have to take a look at it when he gets back (on Tuesday). John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 24 Fri Nov 13, 1992 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 21:02 EST Thanks, John. I have no problem with Art Gallery as long as I turn off the screen acceleration for now. Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 25 Sat Nov 14, 1992 SANDY.W [sysop] at 19:21 EST I have the same problem if I run it as a program or as a MDX or accessory in MultiDesk. As soon as I try to load any picture, the computer does a warm reset. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 26 Sat Nov 14, 1992 SANDY.W [sysop] at 21:40 EST Thanks, John. I missed your last message before posting that. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 27 Sun Nov 15, 1992 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 03:09 EST Hmm..I'll also have to check and see that I'm using the same version of Art Gallery that's in release 4. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 28 Sun Nov 15, 1992 C.MASON10 [Mad Dog] at 19:22 EST Jack, Yes, I'm still in the AF...for the moment. It's hard to tell when the axe will fall. Europe's great isn't it? I lived in Germany for ten years off and on. I hope to go back on another assignment...if the AF doesn't have other plans. Right now, I'm in Sacramento. On topic...when running CodeRam, when I use NeoDesk or UIS III to check system ram, it excludes the ram disk size in the total ram count. Is this normal? For awhile I was trying to figure out how one bank (1 meg) of ram had 'died' leaving me with 3 meg available. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 29 Sun Nov 15, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 19:57 EST Mad Dog, Yep, CodeRam lowers the top of RAM so you will never see it as being there. JSW - ST'er Sunday, November 15, 1992 - 7:51:44 pm ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 30 Sat Nov 21, 1992 R.CARPENTE18 [Bob C.] at 22:30 EST John/Charles, I just recently picked up your Utilities package. However, the package has version 3 of the utilities (aargh). Since the dealer has only been open since June, I have no idea how he got such old stock. Could you please tell me how much it'll be to upgrade it to version 4? Thank you very much. Bob Carpenter ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 31 Sun Nov 22, 1992 MUSE [Tomas] at 14:54 EST Bob Carpenter, We have a policy for purchasers of outdated verions of our software. Send us your disk, $5.00 and a copy of your receipt showing that the purchase date was within 30 days and we'll make sure you have the latest release. Otherwise, the update would be $10.00. ===Tomas=== November 22, 1992 @ 11:48:53 am PST ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 32 Thu Nov 26, 1992 HUMPHRIES.JR [Roger] at 07:28 EST John, I am responding to a question you asked in message 189, 2 Nov. I have been on travel for a couple of weeks, and only now got a chance to get caught up on the messages. My TT has TOS version 3.06 in it. However, this answer may no longer be relevant to the problem I was having, as it seems to have gone away. I tried CodeRam again within the last couple of days (several times now) and it is working fine. I do not know why, or what has changed. I am not aware that I have done anything different on the system. Nevertheless CodeRam no longer gives me the "out of memory" message. I still have a problem with the other codes I had mentioned in my long message a while back. I posted essentially the same message in all the topics related to those codes, and have gotten a lot of very useful feedback, from you and others. In all the other cases, it seems there are known problems with the codes on the TT in the particular set-up I was using. So thanks to everyone who has responded with useful information. For the time, my problems have been taken care of and everything is working fine. -- Roger ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 33 Mon Nov 30, 1992 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:57 EST Roger, Hmmm ... I had a very similar experience to yours several months ago: Coderam gave me the same message you got when I tried to run it on my TT (TOS 3.01, 4/4 meg), and then the problem just went away before John or I could guess what was causing it. It's been trouble-free for about 6 months now, but for a while I was afraid to tinker with my AUTO folder for fear CodeRam would start balking again. I've stopped worrying about it now, and I hope your problem stays dead like mine did. gnox ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 34 Sat Dec 05, 1992 D.SHORR at 17:23 EST Hi CodeHeads, I recently installed a copy of Timeworks DTP 1.x included on the cover disk of the UK mag ST Review. Running ShowMem 1.4 within the program will crash my machine(TOS 1.06); it doesn't even make it to the display of the list. I tried my other _total_ free memory program(the General Setup CPX) and that did work(but it took a little while longer, along with some disk access!). I'm just curious why ShowMem has a problem in this one program; according to Xcontrol it doesn't hog memory. And what are all these .OVL files;)? Dave ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 35 Sat Dec 05, 1992 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 22:52 EST Dave Shorr, Timeworks DTP does some unorthodox things with memory management. It grabs all memory and then intercepts trap #1 so that it can dish out memory blocks for programs that request them. I believe that it saves out some of its own memory to disk so that it can free up some memory. As to why this crashes ShowMem, I don't know. I tried the commercial TWDTP v1.11 with v1.5 (the latest version, although the filename is still SHOWMEM4.PRG) but it still crashes. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 36 Sat Dec 05, 1992 M.MOTOGAWA [MEL] at 23:07 EST Dave, The Timeworks .ovl extender, I believe, stands for Overlay files. I don't know what they do, but I do know that they are executable and are run by Timeworks DTP when you boot it. The reason why I mention this is because these files can be packed by program packers, but shouldn't or else Timeworks may hang when booting. Be careful if you do a batch pack on that directory. - Mel ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 37 Sun Dec 06, 1992 D.SHORR at 15:01 EST Mel, Thanks for the warning; I used to use DC Squish and Quester's AFX but have since dumped them. Fortunately DC Squish won't be released with the rest of the DC programs. I can just imagine the tech support headaches it would create for developers like CodeHead. Dave ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 38 Tue Dec 08, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 18:35 EST >Category 32, Topic 4 >Message 37 Sun Dec 06, 1992 >D.SHORR at 15:01 EST > >Mel, > >Thanks for the warning; I used to use DC Squish.... >Fortunately DC Squish won't be released with the rest of >the DC programs..... >---------- Dave, there is a new & improved version of DC Squish about to, or already released, by Kieth Gerdes. (sp).. (Trace Tech).. I have used DC SQUISH for years, and with the exception of a maybe half a dozen programs, have found it indespensible, and pretty solid... Codehead stuff doesn't like it a whole lot, or programs that write to themselves.. But, I have saved a ton of space on my hard drive with it, over the years.. In fact without it, I would have to have purchased a new hard drive, probably.. And SQUISHED .PRG's seem to load faster.. You may want to look into the new SQUISH... Just trying to help, so don't jump all over me, please... :)... John: I know I'm off topic on the above.. But remember I have and use all of the CH stuff, so be nice to me.. :) BTW.. I can't get Zero Disk to zero my disks any more.. Has it something to do with the new TOS?? I'm using Maxifile to do it now.. But I liked ZERO disk.. An old friend I guess.. :) <-:}Ted{:-> Tuesday, December 8, 1992 ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 39 Tue Dec 08, 1992 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 20:49 EST TED E.-- I use Maxifile to zero disks on my MSTE (TOS 2.0.5) every day no problems. Gotta be something in your system, hon. Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 40 Wed Dec 09, 1992 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:14 EST Dave, I second what Ted said about Squish - or rather Squish II, which TraceTech is aiming to release first quarter '93. As for DC, I suspect they're gone for good. Questions about Squish can go to Cat 2 Topic 12 (TraceTech). gnox ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 41 Wed Dec 09, 1992 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 18:04 EST Ted, I don't use ZeroDisk any more, but I just pulled it out and it had no problem zeroing a disk on my TOS 2.06 system. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 42 Wed Dec 09, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 19:15 EST >Category 32, Topic 4 >Message 39 Tue Dec 08, 1992 >D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 20:49 EST > >TED E.-- > >I use Maxifile to zero disks on my MSTE (TOS 2.0.5) every day no problems. >Gotta be something in your system, hon. > >---------- Swampy, The Mega STe from hell is now resides in Pennsylvania... Just kidding of course... :) Actually, I was talking about a program that I used to use.. Called "ZERO DISK", written by John E. of CodeHead fame.. It was a simple little program & not a whole lotta bytes, that would zap a disk in an eye-blink.. Simple, fast and easy, like me!! :0 But it don't work on my Mega STe with da new TOS, or sumptin', baby... :).. BTW! How is the 'old' Golf Pro doin'?? Tell him I miss him.. Ta, ta.... <-:}Ted{:-> Wednesday, December 9, 1992 - 7:39:16 am ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 43 Wed Dec 09, 1992 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 22:15 EST TED -- Golfy is doing great. He's taking up 'residence' on a brand new tel-com network as the Atari sysop. %^) You might have read about it in STR. I can't believe all the 'problems' you have had with that MSTE! Geezus. John _never_ had problems with it. Honest! 'Course he didn't load it up with wierd ACC's and AUTO prgs either.. LOL! Ted, just stick with the latest and greates from da CodeHeads and throw all that other stuff away! %^) Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 44 Thu Dec 10, 1992 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 01:15 EST Double D, >just stick with the latest and greates from da CodeHeads and throw >all that other stuff away! I don't think I could have said it better myself! John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 45 Thu Dec 10, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 07:16 EST >Category 32, Topic 4 >Message 41 Wed Dec 09, 1992 >J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 18:04 EST > >Ted, > >I don't use ZeroDisk any more, but I just pulled it out and it had no problem >zeroing a disk on my TOS 2.06 system. >---------- John, You use Maxifile to ZAP disks, right?? I still love your old program.. If you find the time or inclinaion to look into it.. Here is the problem: It seems to ZERO every other disk!! I mean it says it "ZAPPED", but the info on the disk is still there, sometimes... Does this make sense?? <-:}Ted{:-> Wednesday, December 9, 1992 - 7:36:28 pm ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 46 Thu Dec 10, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 18:47 EST >Category 32, Topic 4 >Message 43 Wed Dec 09, 1992 >D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 22:15 EST > >TED -- > >.... Ted, just stick with the latest and greates from da CodeHeads >and throw all that other stuff away! >---------- > Swampy, Your wisdom never ceases to amaze me!! Now, why didn't I think of that?? I guess when you get old........... :) <-:}Ted{:-> Thursday, December 10, 1992 - 7:40:14 am ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 47 Thu Dec 10, 1992 WAYNED. [Wayne] at 19:35 EST Ted, For some reason I never could get Zero Disk to zero my disks. When I have to do that I either reformat if I want a different format or just Zero them with MaxiFile. It might just be as simple as removing and replacing the disk too. Even when Zeroing with MaxiFile I have to remove the disk and then replace it. Otherwise MaxiFile still shows the old directory even if I hit escape for a directory update. Once I remove and replace the disk it shows the blank disk when I hit escape to update. Wayne ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 48 Thu Dec 10, 1992 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 19:59 EST Ted, Are you sure that the disks you're using have unique serial numbers, so that a media change is correctly performed? Also, are you using ZeroDisk 1.1, with a length of 1814? John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 49 Fri Dec 11, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 20:51 EST Wayne & John.. Wayne: Zero disk worked fine on my 1040 STe with TOS 1.62.. I think John may have the answer, see below for my embarrassing reply... John: Nope! I was using that is, until about 10 minutes ago, version 1.0... Ahem, er, ah.. Well you see, I er' ah.... :) Do I look good with egg on my face?? John, I upgraded my Utilities disk with you at WACCE this year, well actually Jeff did it for me, and I just never thought to put the new version of Zero disk on the hard drive, or to change it for that matter.. The old version was working fine on my STe.. It started to when I bought the "MEGA STe from Hell" from John & DD at WAACE the same day.. Then all my problems started, as you know... ... So it's all their fault... . Well anyway, I just did a half a dozen disks with the new version, and life is good again.. Works as advertised... Thanks John, I owe you one!! Or does this one, make three, or four, or ......?? :) <-:}Ted{:-> Friday, December 11, 1992 - 7:35:04 pm ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 50 Sat Dec 12, 1992 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 00:54 EST JOHN, CHARLES and TOMAS Happy Holidays to each of you and best wishes for the coming year! BTW, I've been wearing my tee shirt as a night shirt. Would it now be accurate to say "I sleep with the Codeheads" ? ROTF!! Mega Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 51 Sat Dec 12, 1992 MYECK.WATERS [myeck] at 13:06 EST The version of Zerodisk on the CH Utilities V2 disk acted very strange when I went to TOS 1.04. The disk would look empty until I save something to it, then programs would reappear again. Very spooky. But MaxiFile is so convenient! ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 52 Sat Dec 12, 1992 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 13:19 EST Ted, I'm glad you figured it out. DD, Happy Holidays to you, too. It's nice to know you "sleep with the CodeHeads". Notice that our phrase "a cure for the common code", doesn't give you any "head". I hope that's not a problem for you. :^) John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 53 Sat Dec 12, 1992 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 23:29 EST John: A head-start topic! Almost passed that one by! Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 54 Sun Dec 13, 1992 MUSE [Tomas] at 14:21 EST Swampy, Oooh, Baby! ===Tomas=== December 13, 1992 @ 10:55:18 am PST ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 55 Sun Dec 13, 1992 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 21:40 EST JOHN -- ROTF!!! Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 56 Mon Dec 14, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 07:28 EST >Message 52 Sat Dec 12, 1992 >J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 13:19 EST > >Ted, > >I'm glad you figured it out. > >---------- John, Thanks, I appreciate all the help, as usual... <-:}Ted{:-> Sunday, December 13, 1992 - 10:38:56 am ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 57 Mon Dec 28, 1992 L.BUDNICK [Lorne] at 15:03 EST CodeHeads, Have you had any reports of AutoOrg not working on a TT030? I experience 2 bombs after clicking on the auto drive selection. I have attempted to run in ST RAM, TT RAM with and without the cache enabled with the same results. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 58 Tue Dec 29, 1992 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:37 EST Lorne, I use the AUTO Organizer (from Release 4 of the Utilities) on my TT all the time and it's never crashed yet. gnox ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 59 Tue Dec 29, 1992 L.BUDNICK [Lorne] at 13:40 EST gnox, I have tried using the same version (from Release 4) with a resulting two (2) bombs every time I have tried it. It is not really a big deal as I am using Autosort.prg in its place. I just thought I would post my experiences in case others are experiencing similar problems. Lorne.... ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 60 Tue Dec 29, 1992 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 16:53 EST Lorne, Make sure you're using the Auto Organizer that came on Release 4. There doesn't seem to be a version number in the program, but the file size is 17403 and the date is 6/23/91. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 61 Wed Dec 30, 1992 L.BUDNICK [Lorne] at 13:56 EST John, Thanks for the response. A funny thing happened when I went back to check on the file size and file date. First, I was indeed using the Release 4 version you mentioned. Second, after verifying this I thought I would give it another try. HEY, it WORKS! Strange, as I don't believe I have changed anything in my system configuration. Oh well, I will just be satisfied that it is now working. :^) ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 62 Sun Jan 03, 1993 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 15:02 EST I've been downloading some TNY pics lately and trying to view them with both ArtGallery and also Warp 9 -- they've been uploaded as Warp 9 pics in particular. I'm thinking of WARPWMEN.LZH in particular. When I load the pic, I can view it fine but the symptom I get when I use ArtGallery, for instance, is when I hit the undo key to exit viewing the first pic, I get two bombs and the hard drive light accesses for awhile and then I have to reboot. I've tried this with ArtGallery as an accessory and a program. This symptom occurs each time. When I attempt to load the same pic into Warp 9, I get the message that it's the wrong resolution. I'm doing all this on a TT with TOS 3.06. Any idea what's wrong or if it can be avoided. I thought ArtGallery would be able to view any TNY pic; I didn't know they came in different resolutions. - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Saturday, January 2, 1993 11:41 pm ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 63 Sun Jan 03, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 17:16 EST Jason, Since Art Gallery is a picture viewer, it is able to change to any resolution that's available on the monitor you're using. With a TT color monitor, this means you can view a picture in any of five different resolutions. This can be done because the resolution is restored after viewing the picture and GEM is very happy. But Warp 9 can only load pictures intended for the current resolution you're using because the picture is used in the background behind the GEM desktop. The resolution simply can't be changed, or the rest of the desktop would be corrupt. As for crashing when you hit Undo, this sounds like a problem that existed in an earlier version of Warp 9. Are you using 3.75? John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 64 Sun Jan 03, 1993 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 18:35 EST That particular archive has medium res Tiny pics. If your TT is not in ST medium res, Warp 9 won't be able to use them. The pics are not that great, anyway, IMO. They were converted from MacPaint, so they are black and white. ((( Terry ))) ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 65 Tue Jan 05, 1993 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 01:47 EST John, thanks for your explanation regarding viewing TNY pics with Art Gallery and with Warp 9. I doublechecked what version of Warp 9 I am using: it's 3.75 (62765 bytes). When I removed this Warp 9 version from my auto folder, Art Gallery worked just fine with the TNY pics -- no bombs upon exiting from the picture. It's a consistent problem -- when Warp 9 is installed, Art Gallery will get 2 or 3 bombs when I hit undo when a TNY picture is on the screen. Perhaps I'm using a beta version of Warp 9? Would you doublecheck my byte count there? This is occurring on a TT with 3.06 TOS. - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Monday, January 4, 1993 10:41 pm ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 66 Tue Jan 05, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 05:43 EST Jason, Your WARP9_TT.PRG is the correct size for 3.75, 62765 bytes (folks, Jason is one of our beta testers). I'm not sure what's causing your crashing problem, but I suspect a possible conflicting program. Someone reported this problem before (Sandy, I think), but we can't reproduce it. (I just tried again, viewing a number of TNY and Degas pictures in three different ST resolutions. I was in TT Medium with TOS 3.06, running Art Gallery from MultiDesk as an MDX. Have you tried it with only Warp 9 installed? John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 67 Wed Jan 06, 1993 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 01:10 EST John, thanks for confirming that I've got a workable version of WarpTT. I have tested it some more -- I've run with ONLY Warp TT active, with it being the one and only auto folder program. And with absolutely no accessories as well. I still get bombs when I exit from some TNY pics. Maybe I'll e-mail you the file of TNY pics and you can see if they work ok on your system. - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Tuesday, January 5, 1993 10:06 pm ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 68 Wed Jan 06, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:53 EST Jason, ArtGallery has been revised, and you should see if you have the latest version. (Or maybe the earlier one won't even run on the TT?) You also need "A0" after the filename for Art Gallery in your Warp9.dat file. Otherwise it will bomb. Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 69 Wed Jan 06, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 14:36 EST Aha...I finally was able to duplicate the Art Gallery crashing problem with Warp 9. The advice to remove everything except the conflicting programs is useful not only for _eliminating_ problems, but also for _duplicating_ problems. Sometimes the programs we use tend to mask problems. This is because we've built a lot of problem-solving routines into our code. I don't know what specifically Little Green Selector is doing to mask this problem, but when it's installed, I don't get any bombs with Warp 9 and Art Gallery. I could make a lot of snide little comments about the advantages of using LGS and how we secretly put this bug into Warp 9 to reveal those who don't use LGS, but I won't. (Just kidding, there's no intentional bug in Warp 9.) I'll have Charles look into this problem. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 70 Wed Jan 06, 1993 SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 17:00 EST Yeah, LGS masks a problem with EMPUS (the tempus hack). If you use the Atari selector you get a lot of garbage in the fileselector. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 71 Thu Jan 07, 1993 N.WEINRESS [Norm] at 00:15 EST The answer, Kenne, is obvious. Always use LGS! (I do) :) ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 72 Thu Jan 07, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:42 EST John, Using Warp9 3.75, LGS 1.8D and the latest version of Art Gallery, I get bombs unless A0 is specified in the Warp9 data file. for Art Gallery (when it is used as a program, not a DA, of course). Using the .dat file is an easy fix. Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 73 Fri Jan 08, 1993 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 22:17 EST Al and John: Yes, putting an A0 in my Warp9.dat file handles the bombing problem when I use Art Gallery as a program. By the same token, booting up without Warp 9 for my TT also handles the problem with Art Gallery as both a program and accessory when viewing a TNY pic. But, even though I AM using LGS, I still do have the problem of consistent bombs when exiting a TNY pic when using Art Gallery as either an accessory or program (that is, until I put the A0 in the dat file...but the problem still persists with it as an MDX accessory in MultiDesk, or as one of the 6 regular accessories. I am using the latest version of Art Gallery and Warp 9, and I'm using version 1.8d of LGS. I've booted up with just Warp 9, LGS and Art Gallery as my only accessory. I can't figure.... - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Friday, January 8, 1993 10:19 am ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 74 Sat Jan 09, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 11:42 EST Further testing with my system shows that using HotWire also masks the ArtGallery/Warp9 problem, or possibly using both LGS and HotWire masks it. Jason, are you using HotWire? (You may take the 5th on this if you want ). John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 75 Sun Jan 10, 1993 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 00:13 EST John, I wouldn't be caught dead without a full complement of CodeHead products! So, yes, of course I am using Hotwire...how can one live without it!! After reading your message, I also tried booting with just Hotwire and LGS and ArtGallery as a regular DA and the same symptom occurs...bombing when I exit a TNY pic. - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Saturday, January 9, 1993 8:49 pm ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 76 Sun Jan 10, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 14:02 EDT >LGS and ArtGallery as a regular DA and the same symptom occurs...bombing >when I exit a TNY pic. Jason, SPC pics are much better anyway.... Just convert them. Grin. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 77 Sun Jan 10, 1993 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 23:14 EST Ron, can you suggest a good conversion program to convert TNY to SPC? I would need this for a TT system. - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Sunday, January 10, 1993 1:17 pm ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 78 Tue Jan 12, 1993 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 00:24 EST Jason, Why on earth would you want to convert from TNY to SPC? For one, it won't improve the picture at all. For another, you can't view SPC pics on a TT without a special viewer. (Art Gallery won't work.) If you want to convert to another format to rid yourself of the Art Gallery bug, convert it to PI? or PC?. (Assuming Art Gallery doesn't bomb when you exit either of those types of pics.) I don't have a filename handy, but a search of Tiny in the graphics library should get you a converter. (Don't search all libraries, else you'll get several hundred Tiny PICTURES!) ((( Terry ))) ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 79 Tue Jan 12, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:03 EST Jason, There should be a good TNY to SPC converter here. If you don't see it after a search, let me know and I'll look through my files. Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 80 Tue Jan 12, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 05:37 EDT Converting a pic from TNY to SPC wouldn't gain anything, as you said. What I meant was to give up on TNY and collect SPC pics, instead. However, with a TT, perhaps it would be better to go to some other format. For conversion of TNY to PI? formats, try PICSW7. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 81 Tue Jan 12, 1993 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 21:51 EST PicSwitch (PICSW7) will also convert TN? to PC?, and even convert between resolutions. ((( Terry ))) ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 82 Sat Jan 16, 1993 A.B.SMITH [Barry] at 06:15 EST John- I have a feeling that if I bought your UTILITIES disk I could eliminate a great many of the odds and ends of other utilities that I have scattered around my system. Could you give a quick run down of the major utilities that are to be found in your product? I guess I've just got to get more CODEHEAD stuff to go with MULTI-DESK D, CODE KEYS, WARP 9, ... Thanks. - Barry ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 83 Sat Jan 16, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 12:04 EST Barry, Here's a listing of the programs on the Utilities disk: * FONTS (for FontTrix) ARTGALRY PRG AUTO_ORG PRG CAPSLEFT ACX CAPSRITE ACX CODECOPY PRG CODE_RAM PRG DESKTOP INF FONTTRX2 ACX LENS PRG MAXIFILE TXT MULTFILE PRG README!! 4 RSC_ASM PRG SPOOLCNF PRG SPOOLER PRG SPOOLMAN PRG STIKSHFT ACX ZERODISK PRG * FREEWARE * CODEHEAD ED LEONARD6 PRG LEONARD6 TXT NO_CLEAR PRG NO_CLEAR TXT POOLFIX4 PRG SENTINEL PRG SENTINEL TXT SETSIREN PRG SHOWMEM4 PRG SHOWMEM4 TXT SIREN ACC SIREN TXT There's also a demo/shareware disk that's included with the package. The most popular utilities are the CodeHead RAM Disk, Auto Organizer, and CodeCopy. In all honesty, a few of the utilities have already been replaced by features of other products. MaxiFile replaces MultiFile MaxiFile replaces ZeroDisk Warp 9 replaces FontTrix HotWire replaces Caps (CodeHead RAM Disk replaces Spooler) But I'm sure most owners of the Utilities package will feel they've definitely gotten their money's worth out of them. If you have any more specific questions, we'll be happy to answer them. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 84 Sat Jan 16, 1993 D.FLORY [ALERTsys*Cop] at 15:03 EDT Way to go, Barry, now you're getting the idea! :-) Dave Flory, ALERTsys*Cop 11:27 PST - 01/16/93 ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 85 Sat Jan 16, 1993 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 22:39 EST I would suggest that Art Gallery is also a VERY popular utility from the CodeHead Utilities package. It's certainly MY most used program from the package. :^) ((( Terry ))) ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 86 Sun Jan 17, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 10:01 EST The Utilities disk has proven very valuable. I have the latest upgrade but still use some of the software from the earlier disk, such as Zerodisk. (disk zeroing is built into MaxiFile, but I like the way I can drag a floppy icon to a Zerodisk icon from the desktop). I have said this before, but it's worth repeating: There is no other source of software that can compare in importance in daily computing with CodeHead products. And as far as support, nothing is in the same league. Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 87 Sat Jan 23, 1993 A.B.SMITH [Barry] at 06:45 EST Yup! I'll order that too. Thanks. - Barry ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 88 Tue Feb 02, 1993 R.JONES82 [Bob Jones] at 04:37 EST Just to change the subject a bit. My question pertains to the Codehead print spooler that comes with the CH utilities disk. I really like it, pagestream prints much faster to my Oki-400 laser but it seems to mess up printing from Calligrapher and Wordflair II. Any ideas or plans to upgrade it?? ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 89 Tue Feb 02, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 10:02 EST Bob Jones, Further updating of SPOOLER.PRG was dropped when spooler support was added to the CodeHead RAM Disk. Have you tried the spooler in the RAM disk? It is much more full-featured (reset-proof, saves printer data to disk, etc.). As for problems with SPOOLER.PRG, I must admit I have never tested it with Calligrapher, but I can't think of any reasons it wouldn't work. It has always been bug-free as far as I know. What sort of messed up printing are you getting? What size are you using? John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 90 Tue Feb 02, 1993 R.JONES82 [Bob Jones] at 22:00 EST No I have not tried the ram disk, I stopped using ram disks when I perchased a 105 qauntum, syquest 44 and 4 megs of ram. The printing problems are in the form of crashing. It mostly has problems with Wordflairs FSM Gdos. The Calligrapher problems may have been due to low hard disk memory during printing. I'll check out the ram disk option. I don't know if you realize how fast that spooler is. I timed it against the stand alone Fprint 3.0 (commercial stand alone product) and it was about the same speed, not bad for one of the handful of codehead utilites. Does the ram disk use the same algorithms as the spooler? I hope so. I'll check out the ram disk and see if it works better. Thanks for the input. Bob.... ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 91 Wed Feb 03, 1993 R.JONES82 [Bob Jones] at 04:19 EST In regards to calligrapher not working with the codehead print spooler; I did some testing of Calligrapher & Wordfalir II with 3 print spoolers. The spoolers tested are: Codehead spooler: Codehead ramdisk 1.4 spooler Fprint 1.0 ** All printing was done from a MSTe 4 16Mhz cache on to a Oki-400 laser printer. Printing a 1 page Calligrapher document Spooler name size time ---------------------------------- ---------------- w/o spooler 107 sec Codehead spooler 66k 33 sec (Smeared print) C.H. ramdisk spooler 66k 32 sec Fprint 1.0 ?? 31 sec Printing a 1 page Calligrapher graphic (Crazy.gem) C.H. ramdisk spooler 66k 60 sec " " " " 131k 60 sec Fprint 1.0 ?? 50 sec Printing a 1 page text doc from WFII C.H. ram spooler 131k 47 sec Fprint 1.0 ?? 35 sec codehead spooler 131k crashes ------------------------------- ------------------- Fprint seems to be the fastest and use the least ram. If you are using Calligrapher or Wordflair II use either Fprint or Codehead ram disk spooler 1.4, as the Codehead stand alone print spooler causes text to be smeared on my Oki-400 laser. If anyone has tested Outbust 3.0 drop me a note I'd like to know how fast and compatable it is. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 92 Wed Feb 03, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 06:05 EST Bob Jones, The CodeHead ram disk that includes its new print spooler can be reduced to 1K (and ignored) if you want to use the spooler only. Not to tootle too much on the 'Heads' horns (what did I just say?!) but the new spooler is one of the most essential utilities I own. Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 93 Wed Feb 03, 1993 WAYNED. [Wayne] at 19:16 EST >I stopped using ram disks when I perchased a >105 qauntum, syquest 44 and 4 megs of ram. Hmmm, I've got the EXACT same setup. I still use CodeRam on just about every bootup (unless I'm doing Calamus SL stuff). I use it mostly for doing uncompressing of files. It keeps my HD from getting fragmented as quickly. Much of the stuff I uncompress ends up in the trash can anyways. All the online mags, I read and throw away, as well as about 90% of the stuff I download. Seems many people are great at writing descriptions of their uploads. I just wish they showed that some of them could program as well as they write fiction. Wayne ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 94 Wed Feb 03, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 21:20 EST A tip for users of the CodeHead RAM Disk spooler: If you're printing multiple copies of a document with a GDOS driver, such as Calligrapher, you'll find that a large amount of time is consumed in page calculation. If you use the spooler-to-disk feature, you can print the multiple copies much faster. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 95 Wed Feb 03, 1993 R.JONES82 [Bob Jones] at 22:52 EST I have one partition thats set up for unarcing, I know what you mean about collecting too much trash. Maybe I'll give the ram disk a shot and see if it's for me. Thanks for the input. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 96 Thu Feb 04, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 18:12 EST >Message 93 Wed Feb 03, 1993 >WAYNED. [Wayne] at 19:16 EST > >...Seems many people are great at writing descriptions of their >uploads. I just wish they showed that some of them could program as well as >they write fiction. >---------- Wayne: Well somebody finally said it.. ... And Oh, so true.. Thank God for ram disks.... :) <-:}Ted{:-> Thursday, February 4, 1993 - 9:19:06 am ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 97 Thu Feb 04, 1993 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 19:43 EST I use the CodeHead print spooler every day. It is so stable on my MSTE-4 that I can even run it with ZoomRacks. 'Bout the only print spooler that will BTW. I don't use a RAM DISK. Like Bob Jones, since I have the 105 Quantum drive and a 44meg Syqest I don't really need it. I don't have an external floppy drive so I keep a 5 meg partition on my Quantum that serves as a working area for floppy transfers, unARCing stuff and holding temporary files (like stuff I'm transverting to MAC mode with GCR) etc. This 5megs does get fragmented, but it's quick and easy to fix that with Diamond Edge. %^) Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 98 Fri Feb 05, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:15 EST D.D., A good point. A fast hard drive used with a good cache makes a ramdisk a waste of RAM. Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 99 Sat Feb 06, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 08:29 EST Swampy, I dunno, I have a small ram disk and a pretty large hard drive.. It just make sense to me, to un-arc stuff in ram and then if it's keepable, move it to the hard drive.. Certainly saves the hardware over a period of tim?? I play some games (via modem) with some folks everyday.. I un-arc, play my move, all on the CodeHead ram disk.. I do not want to keep/save any of the old stuff... I guess it all depends on what you do with your computer.. Thank you, Charles for the CH Utilities, and ArcShell... :) ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 100 Sat Feb 06, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 09:04 EST >A fast hard drive used with a good cache makes a ramdisk >a waste of RAM. Not if you have 8 meg. There are still some uses of a RAM disk that can not be done as well as on a fast HD. But I agree most of the advantage is mute. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 101 Sat Feb 06, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 13:57 EST There's a lot of hidden power in the CodeHead RAM Disk that most folks probably don't even use. I built it in for mostly selfish reasons. The command line power of the RAM disk is a perfect match with HotWire. I have entire HOT files devoted to it. In two keypresses (and about 3 seconds), I can install any one of dozens of master disk images as a RAM disk and two more keypresses brings it up in MaxiFile. This allows me quick access to all of our master disks. That HotWire menu also has different entries for different sizes of RAM disks and print spoolers. Every once in a while the stick-to-itivity of the spooler bites me. I may abort a printout by resetting, only to find the printout continues uninterrupted after the reset. :^) Luckily, there's a hot key to dump the contents of the spooler, so another keypress and my printout does stop. On my 26-meg TT I keep a RAM disk that's one meg plus a one-meg spooler installed at all times. Heck, with 26 megs, it's a waste of memory NOT to use a big RAM disk. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 102 Sat Feb 06, 1993 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 16:09 EST John, If I had 26 megs, I'd probably devote 2 megs to the CodeHead RAM Disk, too! :^) Sheesh! __ /erry .\\ay ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 103 Sat Feb 06, 1993 WAYNED. [Wayne] at 19:14 EST >Like Bob Jones, since I have the 105 Quantum drive >and a 44meg Syqest I don't really need it. Another one with a Quantum 105 and SyQuest 44 meg. Seems a popular combination. I know it's popular with me on my system! :) Wayne ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 104 Sat Feb 06, 1993 J.KUDRON [Jim~ST Sysop] at 19:49 EST John, Let me guess..You advocate a Patriot Missle for mosquito repellent Jim Kudron 6Feb93 19:33:18 ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 105 Sat Feb 06, 1993 WAYNED. [Wayne] at 21:05 EST John, I can see how the ability to put images of whole master disks into CodeHead Ramdisk would greatly ease the making of update disks at shows and even around the office. I must confess I've never used that feature, but if I were duplicating disks anywhere near as often as I've seen you guys doing it at shows I'm sure it would get very heavy useage. :) Wayne ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 106 Sat Feb 06, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 22:02 EST >Message 101 Sat Feb 06, 1993 >J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 13:57 EST > >There's a lot of hidden power in the CodeHead RAM Disk that most folks >probably don't even use...... > >That HotWire menu also has different entries for different sizes of RAM disks >and print spoolers. Every once in a while the stick-to-itivity of the spooler >bites me. I may abort a printout by resetting, only to find the printout >continues uninterrupted after the reset. :^) Luckily, there's a hot key to >dump the contents of the spooler, so another keypress and my printout does >stop. > >John >---------- John, Thanks for the tips. And why didn't I think of that?? I was doing the change size ram disk through Xboot, but it required a re-boot, and I was using PoPit to call up and let me access the spooler to stop it, that is if I could remember the 3 key combo.. .. What is, or how do you set up the hotkey to stop the spooler?? Is that in the doc's?? Thanks, <-:}Ted{:-> Saturday, February 6, 1993 - 9:38:32 pm ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 107 Sun Feb 07, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:43 EST Joe, I've got 8 meg, and use it for print spooling, desk accessories, disk caches and so on. I can't imagine a need for a ramdisk when I am using a smart disk cache to do the same sort of thing. John, OK, with 26 megs, we'll let you have 1 of those megs as a ramdisk. But only 1, you hear? Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 108 Sun Feb 07, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 07:44 EST Al, >OK, with 26 megs, we'll let you have 1 of those megs as a ramdisk. But only 1, >you hear? Pretty stingy, I think! I've only got 8 megs in my TT but (since I replaced my SLM804 with an HP3p) I use half my ST ram for a Codehead ramdisk. That's where I keep my Data Diet work directory, and the result is to speed up just about everything I do, because decompressing the dietized files into ram takes less time than reading uncompressed files off the hard drive. Of course I don't have a big Quantum but a 50-meg Seagate in the TT, so I'm not saying this is the best way for everyone; but it's definitely not a waste of RAM! gnox ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 109 Sun Feb 07, 1993 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 10:18 EST Being able to dump the printer spoole with the hot key combination is a bonus feature of the CodeHead print spooler. But then, them CodeHeads are known for their bonuses. %^) Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 110 Sun Feb 07, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 14:01 EST Ted, The hot key for flushing the print spooler (either SPOOLER.PRG or CODE_RAM.PRG) is RightShift/Enter (on the numeric keypad). The RAM disk print spooler can be "frozen" and "unfrozen" with LeftShift/Enter. I realize that it's a bit daunting to make use of command lines. No matter how hard we try to make it easy, it becomes a chore to use them. But if you're rebooting to change the size of the RAM disk, you're doing it the hard way. Just install CODE_RAM.PRG in HotWire with the command line: -n -dP -i400~ This command line creates a 400K RAM disk as drive P without warning you that you'll lose your existing RAM disk. And once you install it in your HotWire menu ("400K RAM Disk P"), it's a simple matter to copy the entry to other slots (hold the shift key while moving), and change the title and the command line to different sizes. To edit a command line containing a tilde, hold down the Control key when you click on the entry. I guess all of this messing around is what makes some people think HotWire is hard to use. Of course, you only need to do these "hard" things if you want HotWire to do some unbelievable things that can't be done with other shells. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 111 Sun Feb 07, 1993 R.JONES82 [Bob Jones] at 21:06 EST I keep a 5 meg partition that is strictly for unarcing files. I only have 4 megs of RAM and sometimes the files I unarc are 1 meg or more. There is no problem with space with 5 megs, but keeping a 1 meg or more ram disk would eat away too much precious ram. If I choose to use a 200k ram disk, I would run into the "Not enough free space" problem and have to reconfigure the ram disk or choose a new path for the archiver. Why mess with all this when I can have my archiver pre-set for a drive of 5 megs, that way I will never have out of mem problems and the speed difference is not very noticable to me. As for HD fragmenting, even when a 5 meg partition is fragged all to heck I don't notice a speed degredation. Sure the HD speed test program will show a loss but it is not perceptable in every day use. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 112 Mon Feb 08, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:01 EST Gnox, I'd opt for a larger hard drive, instead of using 2 megs of ram to support a file compression/decompression system. Two megs could be doing some real work with a disk cache and MultiDesk Deluxe. BTW, have you noticed that all MultiDesk DAs end up in TT ram? Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 113 Mon Feb 08, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 13:20 EST Al, MultiDesk simply asks for a memory block of the size required for the resident and MDX buffers. If that memory is available in TT RAM, TOS will give allocate it there, regardless of the settings of the TT RAM flags. I believe this is because this RAM is assign to the desktop's basepage. Perhaps a future version of MultiDesk should have an option to specifically allocate its buffer in either location. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 114 Mon Feb 08, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 22:24 EST John, Thanks, for the Spooler/ram disk tips.. I will implement them tommorrow, and jump all over Jeff for not thinking of them.. :) Codehead stuff is funny.. I read the manual.. Get it to do as adervetised, and I'm happy... Then six months down the road you tell me about 6 new things that they'll do, I never knew about, or was doing the wrong way... You know it's sorta' like finding a couple of $20 bills in the couch... :) <-:}Ted{:-> Monday, February 8, 1993 - 9:35:18 pm ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 115 Tue Feb 09, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:03 EST John, It would be nice to be able to choose how TT ram is used. Thanks for the explanation. Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 116 Tue Feb 09, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 05:17 EST Al, The way MultiDesk is set up, you'd only be able to choose to allocate your MultiDesk buffer in either ST or TT RAM, forcing all ACCs to load in the same area. It would be a major headache, with diminishing returns, to try to allow each ACC to be installed in a selectable location. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 117 Tue Feb 09, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 05:50 EST > The way MultiDesk is set up, you'd only be able to choose to allocate your >MultiDesk buffer in either ST or TT RAM, forcing all ACCs to load in the same >area. It would be a major headache, with diminishing returns, to try to >allow each ACC to be installed in a selectable location. >------------ John, Easy as pie. If you allow the user to chose if MultiDesk will load in ST or TT ram, then he can just have one MultiDesk in TT ram with those .ACCS the work there, and one in ST ram with those nasty ones that insist on ST ram... Simple? ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 118 Tue Feb 09, 1993 E.WISNIEWSK1 [Jeff - ST'er] at 15:05 EST Ted, >Thanks, for the Spooler/ram disk tips.. I will implement them tommorrow, and >jump all over Jeff for not thinking of them.. :) You will implement them?. Or will you be watching me do it for you!. . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ JSW ^^^^ ^^^^ ST'er ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tuesday, February 9, 1993 - 2:49:36 pm ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 119 Tue Feb 09, 1993 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 19:23 EST Mmmmmmmm can you run two copies of Multidesk and install one in TT ram and the other in ST ram? Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 120 Tue Feb 09, 1993 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 20:27 EST JEFF!! Where ya been? Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 121 Tue Feb 09, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 21:45 EST Swampy, No, not currently. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 122 Wed Feb 10, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:13 EST Thanks, John. I mention that goal (choosing which type of RAM for DAs) because, for many desk accessories, the added speed of TT RAM is a waste. CardFile, CAL, STeno, STalker and so on work just fine in ST RAM. Is there a way to force all of them into ST RAM? If there is, I missed it. (I just noticed from your later comment that this does not seem to be possible ... yet!) Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 123 Wed Feb 10, 1993 E.WISNIEWSK1 [Jeff - ST'er] at 07:54 EST Swampy, See E-Mail. As heavy handed as the Sysops are lately, I only want to post stuff about the CodeHeads Utilities here. . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ JSW ^^^^ ^^^^ ST'er ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Wednesday, February 10, 1993 - 7:45:02 am ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 124 Wed Feb 10, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 18:46 EST >Message 118 Tue Feb 09, 1993 >E.WISNIEWSK1 [Jeff - ST'er] at 15:05 EST > > Ted, > > >Thanks, for the Spooler/ram disk tips.. I will implement them tommorrow, and > >jump all over Jeff for not thinking of them.. :) > >You will implement them?. Or will you be watching me do it for you!. . > > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > ^^^^ JSW ^^^^ > ^^^^ ST'er ^^^^ > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >---------- A few brief words of wisdom, from my technical staff.... :) And some of you "missed" him??? ... <-:}Ted{:-> Wednesday, February 10, 1993 - 8:51:54 am Swampy: Jeff has been, shall we say, incognito.... :) ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 125 Wed Feb 10, 1993 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 22:01 EST TED -- >Jeff has been incognito. You mean that was _him_ in the Gribniff teeshirt? ROTF. I'll kick his little behind!!!! %^) Swampy <--- sleeps with da CodeHeads (tee shirt on) Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 126 Thu Feb 11, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 04:30 EST Al, > I'd opt for a larger hard drive, instead of using 2 megs of ram to > support a file compression/decompression system. Two megs could be > doing some real work with a disk cache and MultiDesk Deluxe. Well, I already use MDD and a disk cache. Your point would be well taken if my only purpose in using Data Diet was to save hard drive space. But equally important to me is the speed factor. With a work directory on a good reset- proof ramdisk like John's, Data Diet makes my system _faster_. (I've repeated this maybe too many times, but that's because people don't seem to believe it! I wouldn't have believed it myself until I tried it.) > BTW, have you noticed that all MultiDesk DAs end up in TT ram? Yep. In fact _all_ DAs end up in TT ram. That's one reason why I put my big Codehead ramdisk in ST ram: my ST ram is underused since I got rid of the SLM804. gnox ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 127 Thu Feb 11, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 07:39 EST Gnox, You are right. I DON'T believe Data Diet will make your system faster. Have you tried running the uncompressed programs from the Ramdisk? I bet that will be MUCH faster. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 128 Thu Feb 11, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 11:46 EST I just did some investigation and the reason that not only MultiDesk and its ACC, but _all_ ACCs end, up in TT RAM is that they are all children of the desktop, which has TT RAM flags set in its basepage. I haven't tried it, but I believe it would be possible to have an AUTO program which could examine the TT RAM flags of each ACC that is loaded (into desk menu slots) and set flags accordingly, forcing that ACC to load into the RAM area specified by its flags. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 129 Thu Feb 11, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 18:46 EST >Atari-ST RoundTable >Category 32, Topic 4 >Message 125 Wed Feb 10, 1993 >D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 22:01 EST > >TED -- > > >Jeff has been incognito. > >You mean that was _him_ in the Gribniff teeshirt? ROTF. I'll kick his little >behind!!!! %^) > >Swampy <--- sleeps with da CodeHeads (tee shirt on) > >Hugs...Swampy >---------- > ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 130 Fri Feb 12, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:41 EST gnox, Yep Data Diet is very fast and if you use a RAM disk it might be faster than many drives. However I have chosen not to use it for now since it does have a few problems with some programs and because with a fast drive (fast seek and transfer rate) I don't think it can beat out my primary drive. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 131 Fri Feb 12, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 07:40 EST Ron, > I DON'T believe Data Diet will make your system faster. Are you taking into account that I'm using a TT? I don't think an 8-mHz machine could be speeded up by a Data Diet / ramdisk setup, but when your system is running at 32 mHz and your hard drive is no faster than a stock Seagate ... see what I mean? >Have you tried running the uncompressed programs from the Ramdisk? I think that question would relate to an executable-file packer such as Squish more than Data Diet, but since you mention it, Squishing programs speeds things up on a TT for the same reason that dietizing data files does. Copying programs to the ramdisk and running them from there would be superfluous in most cases. gnox ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 132 Fri Feb 12, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 23:41 EST Gnox, Any way you want to slice it, a compressed program or file has to be decompressed before it can be used. This incurs a penalty for the time it takes to decompress it. If you are running from diskette, you might save time, but NOT from a ramdisk. It just doesn't compute. But if it seems faster to you, have fun. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 133 Sat Feb 13, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:42 EST Ron, If it doesn't compute, maybe you need a new computer. :) Of course it takes time to decompress a data file. It also takes time to read a file off the disk. When the file being read off the disk is half the size of the decompressed file (or less in some cases such as PageStream docs), it takes half the time to read it off the disk. On my TT, the decompression takes place at half a megabyte per second. Reading a 500K PageStream doc off my Seagate takes _considerably_ longer than one second. Of course that's not the only time saving I get with the Data Diet / Codehead ramdisk combination. Backups with Diamond Back are blindingly fast because the files I'm backing up are already compressed; same with archives. And when I open a file from my archives, it's the same as opening any other file - no extra step for restoring or de-arcing or melting. On top of that, things like fonts for PageStream are handled faster with Data Diet's VROdisk. But this is getting off the Codehead ramdisk topic, so I won't ramble on. Just trying to return the favor you did me by insisting on the merits of Aladdin when I was skeptical. :) gnox ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 134 Sat Feb 13, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 10:46 EST Gnox, I still don't understand how a read from a ramdisk and decompress can be faster than just reading from a ramdisk. Unless you are saying that the ramdisk you get with Data Diet is faster than CodeRam. If so, the CodeHeads will be wondering how this was done. If you mean from the ramdisk, and decompressing, faster than from your HD, sure, I believe that, but probably not from mine.. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 135 Sat Feb 13, 1993 CODEHEAD [Charles] at 12:57 EST gnox, I'm interested; do you have benchmark results to prove that Data Diet compressed files load faster than uncompressed files? The only way this could be true is with a _very_ slow hard drive. If your Seagate drive takes _considerably_ longer than a second to read 500K, then it's on the very low end of the modern HD speed scale; these days, it's not uncommon for hard drives to achieve transfer rates of 1400K/sec or better. - Charles @ CodeHead Tech Saturday, February 13, 1993 9:46 am ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 136 Sun Feb 14, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 07:21 EST Ron, > I still don't understand how a read from a ramdisk and decompress > can be faster than just reading from a ramdisk. I never said that. I guess I've been mistakenly assuming that you knew how Data Diet works. What happens on my system when a dietized file is opened is this: first the compressed file is read from the hard drive; then it is decompressed (at nearly half a meg per second, according to Data Diet's own readout); then the original-size file is written to the ramdisk (_very_ fast), and the application accesses it there. The work directory is the place where the _uncompressed_ files are temporarily stored. (The application, of course, is itself in RAM, just as it would be if I didn't use DD or Squish.) The file in the work directory is compressed and then written to the hard disk either when I save it or when I exit the application (depending on how DD is configured to work with that program). So the time saving has to do with the difference between the length of the original file and the length of the dietized version on the hard disk. I'm quite willing to believe that your hard disk is faster than mine and that DD would not speed up your system. :) > Unless you are saying that the > ramdisk you get with Data Diet is faster than CodeRam. Well, it is, in a way. In addition to the process described above, Data Diet II offers a special option called a VRO (Virtual Read Only) disk for use with data files that are not written to, such as RSC or font files. It's faster because it's not really a ramdisk - nothing is written to it except memory locations. It just means that a file dietized as read-only can be handled in such a way that after the file is opened (and decompressed into memory), the application's subsequent access to it is redirected to the copy already in memory, bypassing the work directory. But this "ramdisk" can't be used for anything else, so it can't be compared to the Codehead ramdisk. Charles, I confess - my comparisons are quite subjective and unscientific. I don't even know whether I have a utility that will measure my drive's transfer rate; I'm not much of a hacker. All I know is that I once disabled Data Diet to see whether it was responsible for a problem I was having with PageStream. (It wasn't.) I had normalized a large PageStream doc that I had just been working with. I found, much to my surprise, that the file took longer to load, and even longer to save, than it did when Data Diet was active and the file was dietized. I tried a few other programs too and felt that the speed difference, if any, was in Data Diet's favor. How did I know? The same way I know the difference when I turn off Warp 9. I've never really bothered with the benchmarks for that either. Maybe I'm overdoing it here because I like to get into a good debate now and then. I'm not trying to `sell' Data Diet as a better alternative to a modern hard drive; when my original-equipment hard drive bites the rust, I'll be in the market for a bigger, faster one myself, and in that case I'll probably reduce my use of Data Diet somewhat. (I'll probably still use it for archives and PageStream at least.) All I will insist on is that for those who have a TT with lots of RAM and a good ramdisk like Codehead's, Data Diet is a practical (meaning fast) alternative to spending hundreds of dollars on a new drive. Maybe Keith over in the Trace Technologies topic could offer specific figures. - But I don't think Keith has a TT, and even he wouldn't try to sell Data Diet on its speed alone! :) gnox ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 137 Sun Feb 14, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 10:14 EST Gnox, Thanks for the clarification. But once the file is copied to the ramdisk, speeds would be pretty much the same, Data Diet, or not. If you need to save the space on the HD, then is certainly is nice that it does that and doesn't impose a speed penalty, at least the way you have it set up.. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 138 Mon Feb 15, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:39 EST Ron, > But once the file is copied to the ramdisk, > speeds would be pretty much the same, Data Diet, or not. Absolutely right! :) When I'm using Aladdin, for instance, the system behaves as if I had moved the whole Aladdin folder to the ramdisk - except that it all happens automatically, and it takes up a lot less space on my hard drive. If I am right about the time saving, it would only be when the data files are in transit from the hard disk to the ramdisk. gnox ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 139 Tue Feb 16, 1993 F.OLIVAS [Fred O.] at 01:31 EST I bought the Head utilities many moons back and have never used it. I found that my DTP package didn't like it (Fleet Street). I also have a Quantum 105 but my second unit is a Floptical drive and I love this combination! Fred Olivas ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 140 Wed Feb 17, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 10:56 EST Fred, It doesn't make sense that Fleet Street "didn't like it", because CodeHead Utilities is not an "it" (not a single entity). I think that you didn't try hard enough. To have eliminated all of the CodeHead Utilities from your arsenal because something conflicted with Fleet Street is like eliminating all pizza from your diet simply because you don't like anchovies. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 141 Wed Feb 17, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 23:51 EST Hummm, John, I eliminated Pizza from MY diet because I can't tolerate (physically) cheese. Grin. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 142 Thu Feb 18, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 15:27 EST Ron, That certainly makes sense. Most pizzas contain cheese (but anchovies are optional ). If you ever get to California, you should check out the chain "California Pizza Kitchen". They have a lot of different kinds of pizza, many with no cheese. Some of my favorites are Thai Chicken Pizza and Cajun Pizza. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 143 Thu Feb 18, 1993 SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 18:06 EST It not pizza but the chicken-tequila fettacini is great at the CPK. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 144 Thu Feb 18, 1993 FB [ST Librarian] at 19:01 EST John, Now if they could only make pizza without the tomato sauce. Since I am very allergic to tomatoes I haven't had a pizza in YEARS! Fred ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 145 Thu Feb 18, 1993 SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 21:03 EST They do make pizza without tomato or tomatos sauce. It's called "white" pizza. They coat the dough with with olive oil and garlic and add the toppings. They also make cheeseless pizzas. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 146 Thu Feb 18, 1993 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 21:22 EST Blasphemy! It ain't a pizza if it ain't got cheese and tomato sauce! ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 147 Thu Feb 18, 1993 J.TRAUTSCHOL [jtrautschold] at 22:43 EST Hey - how can you call it "Pizza" without Cheese and Tomato Sauce??? :-) ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 148 Fri Feb 19, 1993 SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 01:04 EST Apparently, legally you can't call it pizza unless it has tomato sauce. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 149 Fri Feb 19, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:37 EST Lordy, where's the topic cops when you need 'em? Out having a pizza? :) ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 150 Fri Feb 19, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 06:41 EST John, Humm. A pizza without cheese. Isn't that like a hamburger without meat? Grin. Kenne, Oh no! Now no tomato sauce. Next someone will tell me about pizza with no crust. NO crust, no tomato sauce, and no cheese. Is this really worth the trip? ...... ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 151 Fri Feb 19, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 11:05 EST Fred, California Pizza Kitchen also has tomato-less pizza, too. You should check them out. I know there's at least one in San Francisco. (Sorry about the topic violations -- I really don't hold any stock in this pizza chain ). John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 152 Fri Feb 19, 1993 SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 13:23 EST There's a CPK in Vegas at the Mirage too. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 153 Sat Feb 20, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 08:04 EST I am finished my pizza. Can we get back on topic? Thanks. *******Brian********* Written on Saturday 20 February 1993 at 00:53 a.m. AST ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 154 Sat Feb 20, 1993 WAYNED. [Wayne] at 10:35 EST >Blasphemy! It ain't a pizza if it ain't got cheese and tomato sauce! Agreed!! Although I usually opt for "Extra Cheese" "CheeseEater" :-`) ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 155 Sun Feb 21, 1993 F.OLIVAS [Fred O.] at 04:22 EST To all Pizza Heads, I didn't mean to imply that I eliminated all utilities. I use Zero Disk often. What I ment was that graphics don't get printed using the Spooler. Text prints fine but if I just wanted text then I'd use my word processor. I use my DTP program for both graphics and text. By the way, Boboli pizza is wonderful on the east coast. I've had this 'white' pizza with clams just once and I loved it! Fred Olivas ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 156 Sun Feb 21, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 16:09 EST Fred, > graphics don't get printed using the Spooler. What do you mean by that? Both SPOOLER.PRG and the print spooler in the CodeHead RAM Disk print graphics just fine -- on _all_ printers. I should know because I've used them for years, and the latter was used to create raw printer dumps of our URW font charts for five main printer types -- including 9-pin, 24-pin, DeskJet, BubbleJet, and HP LaserJet. These were uploaded to the online services and no problems were reported. What sort of problems did you have? Have you considered the possibility that there may have been a user error involved? John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 158 Mon Feb 22, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 06:56 EST Fred, I don't know about West Coast pizza, but east Coast graphics print out just fine on the 'Heads' spooler. Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 159 Wed Feb 24, 1993 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 07:02 EST FRED I've long recommended the CodeHead print spooler to friends. I use it every day with PageStream to print EPS graphics. It's the only print spooler that I have found that is stable enough to run with ZoomRacks. If you are using PageStream to print your graphics, I may be of some help. Drop me Email. Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 160 Sun Mar 14, 1993 F.GORON [Frank] at 18:24 EST John, I was playing around with the Codehead ramdisk & I came across some quirks that perhaps you can help me with. I have a TT with Tos 3.05 & 8 meg of ram. First of all, I experienced this with ALL accs,Auto prgs,etc turned off except for the programs I mention in this post. When I tried to change the ram used between fast & normal by using F11, it would not toggle between the two, UNLESS I first ran 24bit.prg to disable the TT ram. The F11 toggled just fine. However, the ramdisk would not run, regardless of this setting when 24bit.prg was run. I got the "not enough ram, or upper memory is reserved..." (paraphrased) message. Is there some way I can get the ramdisk to work when using 24bit.prg? Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I got a fresh copy of the ramdisk from the master disk and with it F11 worked fine UNTIL I saved the configuration then F11 was once again disabled. The other quirk I came across was that I don't seem to be able to remove the ramdisk unless I boot warp 9 as well as the ramdisk. If I try to remove it I get the "are you sure? message, then I get an "error removing ramdisk" or something like that. Now I don't recall this problem before, but I've also been using QuickST before Warp 9, so it's possible I never before tried to remove the ramdisk when nothing else was installed. help? Frank I just realized that the 24bit,ramdisk,F11 explanation doesn't make sense. How can I be using the ramdisk with 24bit when I can't run the ramdisk with 24bit? What I mean is that after booting with 24bit, I then run the ramdisk from the desktop & I get to the menu screen, but then when I hit enter to install the ramdisk, THAT'S when I get the "not enough ram..." message. Sorry Frank ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 161 Mon Mar 15, 1993 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 02:40 EST This is embarrassing....round about January I posted some messages about the difficulty I was having with Art Gallery bombing when I would exit from viewing a TNY pic, when Art Gallery on my TT was loaded into MultiDesk, either as a resident or non-resident acc. This symptom did not occur when I would use AG as a regular acc nor as a program, only when in MultiDesk. This would occur with AG as the ONLY accessory loaded into MultiDesk. OK, there were a number of messages that went back and forth and a solution was found -- and, for the life of me, I can't now remember what it was. It took care of this symptom then and now the symptom is back and I can't figure out what the solution is. See what I mean, embarrassing! I've reviewed whatever archived messages I kept from back then but no clue is there. And I've reviewed the messages in this topic and the discussion isn't there either. I have a feeling the messages/dialog was going on in a different topic area. Anybody remember this discussion and what the outcome was. Or perhaps someone remembers the symptom and can propose a solution? - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Sunday, March 14, 1993 11:32 pm ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 162 Mon Mar 15, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:17 EST Jason, The only way that I can use Art Gallery on my TT (it's the latest Art Gallery, and a TOS 3.06 TT) is to set up a Warp 9 .dat file that turns off the screen acceleration when Art Gallery runs. Otherwise, it bombs on exit. Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 163 Mon Mar 15, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 20:17 EST Frank Goron, When you remove the CodeHead RAM disk, there is still some code which is left installed. For this reason, you cannot change between ST/TT RAM after installing the RAM disk and removing it -- unless you do a cold boot (or power off/on). It has nothing to do with saving your configuration, only with whether you've already installed it in on of your memory sections. As for 24bit.prg, I don't know about those problems. I don't use it. If you get warning messages that the RAM disk can't be removed, you'll just have to do a cold boot to remove it. There are a number of possible reasons for that message, but they all mean the same thing: It can't be removed. (Don't forget that there is no other available reset-proof RAM disk that can be "removed" at all except with a cold boot.) John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 164 Tue Mar 16, 1993 J.KUDRON [Jim~ST Sysop] at 07:58 EST Jason & Al, I'm using AG on my TT (3.06) with no problems at all. I have AG loaded into MultiDesk as a non-resident desk accessory. I also have Warp 9 loaded and I don't have to turn off screen accelleration. No bombs at all. Jim Kudron 15Mar93 19:06:18 ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 165 Wed Mar 17, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:44 EST Thanks, Jim. Al ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 166 Thu Mar 18, 1993 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 01:58 EST Jim, try viewing a TNY picture and then exiting and see if you bomb out or not. I only get bombs exiting a tny pic, other pics work fine. - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Tuesday, March 16, 1993 11:10 pm ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 167 Thu Mar 18, 1993 J.KUDRON [Jim~ST Sysop] at 10:50 EST Jason, I just ran Art Gallery from HotWire. Viewed a .TNY pic and exited just fine-no bombs. That was HotWire (3.0), MultiDesk Deluxe (3.4a) & Art Gallery (3.0). I even ran it while in Aladdin-again, no problems. Perhaps someone with a little more expertise?? John...Charles..Tomas...?? Jim Kudron 18Mar93 10:43:10 ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 168 Thu Mar 18, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 16:21 EST We've tested and retested Art Gallery many times in attempts to duplicate the reported problems on the TT. We've never had a problem. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 169 Thu Mar 18, 1993 SANDY.W [sysop] at 17:44 EST I would sure like to know what is going on. It crashes like clockwork on my TTM194, when run as a MDX from MultiDesk! I miss it. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 170 Fri Mar 19, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 03:28 EST Sandy, Aha...TTM194, eh? Art Gallery basically doesn't work at all in TT High resolution. The only type of picture it could show would be TT High res Prism Paint pictures. Unfortunately, Art Gallery seems to think these pictures are in the wrong resolution so an alert box comes up. When you try to view any other type of picture, Art Gallery tries to set it to the correct resolution (there are five available resolutions on a color TT Monitor) and this crashes a TT High res system. We didn't have a TT High res monitor when Art Gallery was released so this was never tested. I had assumed that the TT problems with Art Gallery were all from color users. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 171 Fri Mar 19, 1993 SANDY.W [sysop] at 15:06 EST Oh.... . ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 172 Sun Mar 21, 1993 R.CARPENTE18 [Bob C.] at 02:07 EST John/Charles: I have a question for you. I'm attempting to run coderam on my TT. If I use ST ram, then everything's fine. However, if I use TT ram, then I get "Not enough memory for this size disk or top end memory is reserved. To install the ram disk will require a reset." I tried a reset and the ram disk wasn't installed. I have 4 Meg of TT ram and attempted to set up a 69K (smallest size) ram disk and it still gave me that message. I tried booting up with a plain system (only DeskManager installed, nothing else) and I still got the error. I know I had some hardware problems with TT ram when I first bought the machine, but since the TT ram board was replaced, things have worked fine in TT ram. What's the problem here? Also what is that alert box telling me? Bob Carpenter ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 173 Sun Mar 21, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 04:02 EST Bob Carpenter, That message is telling you that CodeRam can't find the memory block that contains the top end of TT RAM. Others have reported this problem as well, but I've never been able to duplicate it. Have you updated your CodeRam with the patch program here in the library? John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 174 Sun Mar 21, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 07:35 EST Bob C., I'm one of those who had that problem (past tense, fortunately.) I tried juggling AUTO folder order and every other trick I could think of, and then it just went away before I could figure out why. It hasn't come back, but for a couple months I was afraid it would come back if I changed my AUTO folder or CodeRam setup. Now I do that fairly often, and still always find the top end. Go figure. gnox ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 175 Sun Mar 21, 1993 R.CARPENTE18 [Bob C.] at 18:04 EST John, I've got Release 4 of Coderam. Release 3 bombed on my TT. If there's a patch after the normal Release 4, then I don't have it. If that's the case, what's the file #. I did a search on Coderam, but didn't find it. Bob C. ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 176 Sun Mar 21, 1993 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 22:40 EST Bob Carpenter, Download CRAMPAT2.LZH, #24042. I'm not sure if it will fix your problem, though. The problem that it fixes is a crashing on TTs with other than 4 megs of ST RAM. John ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 177 Tue Mar 23, 1993 HUMPHRIES.JR [Roger] at 20:01 EST Bob C. (and gnox) I'm also one of the one's who reported the same problem with CodeRam on my TT. For me, it did not matter whether I ran CodeRam in ST or TT ram. I had the problem with absolutely _no_ desk accessories or AUTO folder programs running, and running CodeRam from the desktop. Like gnox, I discovered one day that the problem had gone away. For quite some time I was able to run CodeRam with no problem. Unlike gnox, the problem is back in my case. I can no longer run CoderRam on my system. I have no idea why it went away, and I have no idea why it is back. I have not had time to do any more experimenting since I found the problem had returned, so for now I am just stuck not using CodeRam. Unfortunate, because I really like the program, and I used it as a standard on my Mega 4. Like you said gnox, go figure! Roger ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 178 Wed Mar 24, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 06:09 EST >on my system. I have no idea why it went away, and I have no idea why it is >back. I have not had time to do any more experimenting since I found the Phases of the moon? Astrological configurations? Maybe we are onto something here... ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 179 Wed Mar 24, 1993 MUSE [Tomas] at 10:12 EST When a symptom comes and goes like that, I begin to suspect the hardware. ===Tomas=== March 24, 1993 @ 7:03:31 am PST ------------ Category 32, Topic 4 Message 180 Sat Mar 27, 1993 R.CARPENTE18 [Bob C.] at 21:21 EST John, I downloaded CRAMPAT2.LZH. Unfortunately, all the patch does is upgrade from 2.3 to 2.4. I checked my Coderam and sure enough it's 2.4. I tried upgrading my original anyway but it wouldn't let me since it was already 2.4. So I'm still having the "Not enough memory" error when I use Coderam in TT ram. No problems with ST ram. As I mentioned before, I've had problems with my TT ram. However, I think the hardware problems are finally resolved. I'm able to run other programs in TT Ram (Aladdin, Calamus 1.09N, etc) with no problems. Is Coderam trying for a higher memory area than these other programs? I'm thinking that I might still have some hardware problems on my end (no proof, though) but the other programs haven't used enough TT ram to notice the problem. Just a guess. Any suggestions that you would have are appreciated. Bob Carpenter