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The doco with the update says this was fixed, but I still can't get to write to anything but C:\CLIPBORD\ And no, I didn't forget to copy the patched version from the disk. :) Gordon ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 2 Sun Nov 29, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 14:48 EST Has anyone gotten v4.03 to print correctly with a DeskJet?? I have had this program since it's shareware days and have _NEVER_ had it print properly.. All I usually get is: skipped pages, form feeds in the middle of print-outs, split address/labels at the bottom of the page, or one page with three or four lines, etc.. If anyone has it figured out, give me your secret.. Please.. (Dumb) <-:}Ted{:-> Sunday, November 29, 1992 - 10:27:56 am ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 3 Sun Nov 29, 1992 GRMEYER [Gordon/Sysop] at 17:03 EST I tried, for the first time since v1.4, to print a Calendar. I got the same type of output that Ted just described. Yes, I'm using a DeskJet too. But it does work great for envelopes. ;) Gordon ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 4 Sun Nov 29, 1992 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 19:01 EDT Message: 185, left on November 29, 1992 From: T.EVANS21 [] >Has anyone gotten v4.03 to print correctly with a DeskJet?? TED, I don't have my DJ at home right now, but I have been able to get it to work. Here are some of the hints: Are you using TEXT SCALE (see your DJ manual if you don't understand)? Make sure the "lines per page" equal the number of lines you DJ is set up for. It gets very difficult making printer drivers when the printer can be set up so many ways. If I remember correctly you also need to change the column width to print labels. You may need to shorten some of the lines if you want to print labels. CardFile tries to print a full address even if it is too long for the label. CardFile and it's printer drivers now offer the most flexible arrangement of its history. It is a little more difficult, but it can be done. I would expect some more drivers to come out as time goes on. I believe a new one was included in the last upgrade. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 5 Mon Nov 30, 1992 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 01:03 EST Has anybody had success using CardFile to print out labels (with just address, no phone number) onto some kind of labels using the Hewlett Packard LaserJet III? The printer driver that comes with the program doesn't line up the labels on the page to match up with any kind of store-bought label that I've been able to find. I've also tried modifying the printer driver to kind of match the store-bought sheets of labels so I could feed them into my printer but not all the labels on a page match up. Is anyone using this program with a HP LJIII and, if so, what brand and model number of labels are you using? Thanks for the help! - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Sunday, November 29, 1992 4:20 pm ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 6 Mon Nov 30, 1992 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:36 EDT Message: 188, left on November 30, 1992 From: J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] >Has anybody had success using CardFile to print out labels (with just >address, no phone number) onto some kind of labels using the Hewlett >Packard LaserJet III? Jason Saffer, I have a HPIIIp driver working and I'll be it will work for you. I'll send it E-Mail. I am interested in your comments so please put it through it's paces to see if it needs any additional work. BTW I just finished it and I have been having Aladdin problems getting it uploaded to Grignif. I'll get it to them today as well. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 7 Mon Nov 30, 1992 D.A.BRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 08:28 EST I was just about to reply, Jason oughtta contact Joe Meehan. Bit late I guess. ;-) ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 8 Mon Nov 30, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 18:04 EST >Message 186 Sun Nov 29, 1992 >GRMEYER [Gordon/Sysop] at 17:03 EST > >Yes, I'm using a DeskJet too. But it >does work great for envelopes. ;) > Gordon >---------- Gordon, Consider yourself lucky!! I can't get it to print an envelope.. All I get is a form feed & a busy light... <-:}Ted{:-> Monday, November 30, 1992 - 8:43:04 am ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 9 Mon Nov 30, 1992 GRMEYER [Gordon/Sysop] at 18:17 EST Ted - It _sounds_ like you aren't loading the envelope correctly. Stick it under the two envelope positioning guides, as far as you can get it to go, then press the two leftmost buttons on the control panel at the same time (The ones that have a little picture of an envelope next to them.) After you've done this hit the Envelope button in CardFile and it will feed the envelope the rest of the way and print it. Give a holler if you still can't get it, I know it does work. ;) Gordon ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 10 Mon Nov 30, 1992 D.A.BRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 19:08 EST On my deskjet, I have to press the FF button to initiate the envelope- printing process. I'm not using this program, but maybe you need to do the same thing. ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 11 Tue Dec 01, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 07:20 EST Joe, Thanks for the tips on trying to get the DeskJet to print with CardFile.. 1. I will go through the DJ manual and see what TEXT SCALE is... 2. I always set it to print 62-63, lines per page.... 3. I will get the CardFile manual and read it once again, to shorten the lines and change the columns.. This could be a great program if it weren't so difficult to understand how to print with it..... <-:}Ted{:-> Monday, November 30, 1992 - 6:23:06 pm BTW.... I received JetLabel Elite today from Michael Young... I'll try it in the morning.... ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 12 Tue Dec 01, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 19:55 EST Gordon, Hi! Well, I did exactly what you said to do, and fed the envelope in -via- the two 'feed' envelope keys on the DeskJet.. Nothing!! All I get is a flashing busy light just below the reset key.. No printing at all!! I know I printed envelops on the version before this one.. I never liked the output, so I never used it much... I used to print a phone book too.. Now, all of a sudden I can't get anything to print and print right!! I wonder what I'm doing wrong here?? Just thought of something... Gordon, do you have any dip switches set to on?? I have all of mine set to off.. Maybe here, is part of the problem?? Dot: You know it's funny.. In order to print envelops with some programs you don't use the envelope feed buttons.. I wish they all were the same... But, in my case that didn't work either... Thanks, <-:}Ted{:-> Tuesday, December 1, 1992 - 10:12:30 am ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 13 Tue Dec 01, 1992 J.WILSON103 [John] at 20:28 EST Gribniff, I got my upgrade to Cardfile 4...thanks very much ~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ \/\/\/\/\/\/ John S. Wilson \/\/\/\/\/\/\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ T uesday, December 1, 19923:57:20 pm ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 14 Wed Dec 02, 1992 D.A.BRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 00:37 EST Well, I tried it tonight on my original-model DJ, and it worked. 'Course, I'm not using the latest CardFile, so I don't know how applicable my experience will be to yours. I had to tinker a while. I set the TAB for 35, SPC for 10, and the printout was centered nicely. Several times, I got the same busy light thing you are referring to. I found that if I FF'ed at the end of each printout, I could avoid that, but if I wasn't quick enough, I had to do a reset. It's really important to push the envelope as far in as it will go before pressing the envelope keys on the printer. Only after the envelope is engaged most of the way up to the printing surface should you press the PRINT option in CardFile. Even using this strategy, I shot only about 80%; there were some dud sends. I did successfully print 42 envelopes though. Whew! My printer is down on the lowest shelf and my neck is killing me! ;-) Good luck! Hope this gives you some ideas. Say, are you using the DJ as a serial printer, by any chance? Wonder if that would make a difference... ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 15 Wed Dec 02, 1992 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 01:58 EST Joe, thanks ever so much for your HPIII cpf file. I appreciate your thinking of me on this. I'll put it through its paces over the next few days and let you know!! Later that day.....well, unfortunately, on my HPLaserJet III, the envelopes are not printing out in landscape mode with the cpf file. Bummer. I have only one feeder tray on my LJ III so there's no upper and lower cassette. I do have the ability to move the plastic guide bars to envelope size. Joe, is it possible for your cpf file to be revised so that it would work with just the one feeder tray. Also, as is true with the regular Laserjet printer driver, every other page prints out blank when I do a printout of labels. I think I got around this before my making the driver print out "continuous." Joe, using the Avery label type 5261 works just great with your driver. I'm delighted about that. Thanks very, very much. - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Tuesday, December 1, 1992 7:37 am ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 16 Wed Dec 02, 1992 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:50 EDT Ted, Read Dorthy's reply and try reloading those envelopes the should work. I suggest you check your manual and reset all your DIP switches to their default positions (after you record where they all are now, maybe you changed them for a reason ). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ more.... Jason, I'll check my book out and give send you a new driver, it should not be difficult. I also had some problem with the blank sheet, but I fixed it, now I only need to figure out what I did . I think it had to do with the number of lines per page. You may need to reduce them one at a time till you get it right for your printer, it may be different than mine. Of course you could just put a blank sheet between each label sheet. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 17 Wed Dec 02, 1992 GRMEYER [Gordon/Sysop] at 18:36 EST Ted - After a bit of thought, I realize that I haven't printed any envelopes since applying the patch. I'll be giving it a try later tonight tho. As for the DIP switches, mine are all in the default settings, I haven't touched 'em since unpacking the printer a couple of years ago. Gordon ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 18 Wed Dec 02, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 23:21 EST Dot, Thanks for the tips on your DeskJet set up.. I'll play with them tomorrow and get back to you on what happens... I don't care what they say, you're OK in my book.. :)... <-:}Ted{:-> Wednesday, December 2, 1992 - 10:31:20 pm P.S. Joe: Any hot tips for me on how to set up JetLabel Elite?? I mean the way you have yours set up?? Any help/tips will be rewarded.. :) ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 19 Thu Dec 03, 1992 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:51 EDT Ted, I have print Jet Label Elite straight. I don't need to make any adjustments. I just chose the primary and secondary fonts as the whim strikes me. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 20 Thu Dec 03, 1992 D.A.BRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 13:44 EST Gee, Ted, what _do_ they say? ;-) Glad to have your vote in any case. ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 21 Thu Dec 03, 1992 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 21:04 EST Joe, I look forward to a revised driver so I can also print out envelopes. Thanks very, very much for your assistance on this. Much appreciated. If you remember what you did regarding the blank page every other sheet, please let me know. I did change the feed command to zero for continuous and that might be doing the trick. But if you've got another solution, do let me know. - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Thursday, December 3, 1992 3:03 pm ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 22 Thu Dec 03, 1992 GRMEYER [Gordon/Sysop] at 23:45 EST Ted - I was quite successful in using the new version of CF4 to print envelopes last night...in fact it worked like a charm. I did try and duplicate your problem, and I got what was probably the same 'flashing light' that you mentioned. If it is the same, it means that your envelope isn't loaded, the DJ has something to print, but it knows it is for an envelope, and it is waiting for you to give it one. I suggest you take a peek at your manual on how to get your envelope loaded, CF4 won't do that part for you. Gordon ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 23 Sat Dec 05, 1992 MUSE [Tomas] at 01:41 EST Ted, Try it with all your regular paper removed or, at least withdrawn. I have my DJ500 DIP switches set like this: + + ------- ------- ===Tomas=== December 04, 1992 @ 19:48:03 pm PST ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 24 Sat Dec 05, 1992 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 10:49 EDT Message: 195, left on December 1, 1992 From: T.EVANS21 [] > You know it's funny.. In order to print envelops with some programs >you don't use the envelope feed buttons.. I wish they all were the >same... The HP standard is to load the envelope by pressing the two buttons. In my opinion that is the way all programs should use the DeskJet. Sorry to hear you are still having problems, I don't have any additional suggestions. You seem to be doing everything correctly. Is the envelope moving up into the DeskJet when you press the two buttons? >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 25 Sat Dec 05, 1992 J.KUDRON [Jim~ST Sysop] at 15:04 EST Messages #1-183 have been archived and are in the library-File #26816. CRDFIL_2.ARC Jim Kudron 5Dec92 ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 26 Sat Dec 05, 1992 D.SEBERG [IceBerg] at 16:26 EST Joe, > The HP standard is to load the envelope by pressing the two > buttons. In my opinion that is the way all programs should use > the DeskJet. I beg to disagree, there is no such HP standard. If I may quote a book written by Steven Cummings, titled "DeskJet Unlimited", it states that in regard to loading envelopes; "The correct method for activating the DeskJet's envelope loader depends on the software you're using to print the envelope." It is no more correct to load an envelope via the keypad than it is to load an envelope via a software command or vice-versa. They are both correct and achieve the EXACT same results. However..... I believe that it is much more user friendly for the programmer to enable this simple feature in their software rather than make the user press the buttons on the DeskJet's keypad. While the pressing of two buttons is a seemingly insignificant task to perform , it is a task that can be done transparently and quite easily from software relieving the user from "one less thing to remember". I write all my software so that the user (which most often is me) NEVER has to touch the keypad. In my opinion this is the way all programs should use the DeskJet. While you may "prefer" to use the keypad buttons to load your envelopes, I just wanted to clarify that there is no "HP Standard" in this regard. Dave P.S. Seems like I'm always agreeing with Ted, how wierd? ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 27 Sun Dec 06, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 11:28 EST Muse, Joe M, & Dave Seberg... >Message 206 Sat Dec 05, 1992 >MUSE [Tomas] at 01:41 EST > >Ted, > Try it with all your regular paper removed or, at least withdrawn. > I have my DJ500 DIP switches set like this: > > + + > ------- ------- >---------- Tomas: Thanks... I'll give it a shot later today... BTW! Do you use GEMvelope at all? Just curious... Joe: Thanks! Let's see if Tomas's suggestions work!! I am going to play with it all day today... I have lots of slightly used envelops left over from last week.. :) ---------- ----------------- >Category 17, Topic 7 >Message 209 Sat Dec 05, 1992 >D.SEBERG [IceBerg] at 16:26 EST > > P.S. Seems like I'm always agreeing with Ted, how wierd? >---------- Dave: Hey! You and I think a lot alike!! And if we didn't live so far apart we would be close friends, I'd betcha.. .. <-:}Ted{:-> Sunday, December 6, 1992 - 10:01:56 am ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 28 Sun Dec 06, 1992 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 12:23 EDT Message: 26, left on December 5, 1992 From: D.SEBERG [IceBerg] >Joe, > > I beg to disagree, there is no such HP standard. If I may quote a >book written by Steven Cummings, titled "DeskJet Unlimited", it states >that in regard to loading envelopes; > > "The correct method for activating the DeskJet's envelope loader > depends on the software you're using to print the envelope." Dave, Steven Commings book may be very nice, but I will let HP set the standard method of loading envelopes in their machines. They give instructions using the two buttons. They also say see your software instructions as well, so I guess they are allowing for other alternatives. In reality I don't think this is all that important, other than to note that the computer world can be very confusing to users. If a procedure can be standardized for all software (or hardware) it is a good idea to do so when possible. CardFile is using the standard supported by HP. In this case HP may have been wrong, and may have changed their instructions (standard) later. Personally I thing it would be better to make the software load standard and offer the button push as a "manual" alternative. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 29 Sun Dec 06, 1992 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 13:54 EST Joe, any chance of obtaining a revised printer driver soon so that I can print out envelopes from a card with my HPLaserJet III. I'm looking forward to being able to do that. (Don't mean to be pushy, I can understand how others things might be calling for your attention). Please do keep me posted. Much thanks. - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Sunday, December 6, 1992 10:44 am ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 30 Sun Dec 06, 1992 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 19:54 EDT Jason, I will try to get to work on your problem with the HPIII, but you are right. I am going to have a few other things calling for my attention. My dance studio has a showcase this next weekend, so that will most likely take up every evening this week, then there is Christmas, but maybe I can find a hour or so to try and get a few other things like the driver worked on. Keep reminding me, I have the memory of a rock. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 31 Sun Dec 06, 1992 D.SEBERG [IceBerg] at 22:49 EST Ted, > Hey! You and I think a lot alike!! And if we didn't live so far > apart we would be close friends, I'd betcha.. .. The above statement just proves my point, here again I find myself agreeing with you. :^) ********** Joe, First of all let me start by saying I could not agree with you more wholeheartedly, this is NOT very important at all. Again, I must state HP does NOT have any envelope loading "standard". Nowhere in the HP printer manual does HP recommend using the keypad in favor of software. If you're basing this standard by the fact that HP describes how to load an envelope via the keypad on page 1-13 of the HP manual, let me direct you to page C-7 where it shows you how to load an envelope via software. BOTH methods are CORRECT. As far as CardFile not supporting the loading of envelopes via software, well that's not quite true. Since CardFile allows configurable printer drivers, it's a snap to include the one line to the HPDESKJ.CPF that will allow you to print an envelope without using the two buttons on the keypad. Here's how; Load the file HPDESKJ.CPF into any text editor and locate the line that begins with :RETURN. A few lines just below this line is another line labeled :prefix, insert the following line JUST BELOW the line labeled :prefix; 27,38,108,51,72 # Load Envelope Via Software Save the file via the text editor and load it into CardFile via the CFG Menu. Th-Th-Th-Thats All Folks, :^) Dave P.S. Sorry everybody for the long post, I don't do it very often. ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 32 Sun Dec 06, 1992 MUSE [Tomas] at 23:25 EST Ted, We have the GEMvelope demo at work, but I haven't used it. You have trouble with IT too? ===Tomas=== December 06, 1992 @ 17:02:12 pm PST ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 33 Mon Dec 07, 1992 GRIBNIF [Dan] at 10:56 EST Gordon, I'll have to ask Tyson about this. I was under the impression that CardFile did not alter the clipboard path anymore, but it sounds like this is wrong. Dan ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 34 Tue Dec 08, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 18:34 EST Dave Seberg and MUSE: >Category 17, Topic 7 >Message 31 Sun Dec 06, 1992 >D.SEBERG [IceBerg] at 22:49 EST > >Ted, > > > Hey! You and I think a lot alike!! And if we didn't live so far > > apart we would be close friends, I'd betcha.. .. > >The above statement just proves my point, here again I find myself agreeing >with you. :^) >----------- Yep'er... You got that right.. Remember what we did to the guy who flamed the DeskJet awhile ago.. Heh, heh... Dave just so I stay on topic.. What do you think of the Cardfile envelope printer... I personally think it SU**s!! I use it only when in a pinch or in a hurry... I use your program (God, I wish you would make those few changes to it, that we all suggested awhile ago)... And I use GEMvelope, another program, I'm not all that happy with.. I wish you and Tyson would get together and make the Cardfile envelope portion totally, 'awesome dude'... :) MUSE: I have 'trouble' with every program... :) I tried your dip switch setting and no luck.. Same thing.. I fact with your settings I think I got a formfeed.. So I'm back to neutral.. All switches down.. I don't like GEMvelope's 1/2" border all around the return address, do you?? Have you tried Dave's DATALOPE.PRG?? Great DeskJet envelope printer program.. Could be the 'BEST EVER' if he would get off his duff and polish it up a bit.. Right Dave?? :).... <-:}Ted{:-> Tuesday, December 8, 1992 - 8:04:44 am ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 35 Wed Dec 09, 1992 D.SEBERG [IceBerg] at 00:57 EST Ted, Yeah, I remember poor ole Richard from the DeskJet topic. He hasn't posted even one message in that topic since then. I feel a little guilty about that. But just a little. :^) What do I think about the envelope printing portion of CardFile? I think it's limited but functional. I can certainly understand why Tyson NEEDS to keep the printer aspects of CardFile as generic as possible, so that a commonality of features can be maintained no matter what type of printer someone might be using. The best part of CardFile's printing capabilities is their use of the configurable printer drivers (.CPF), which can help exploit the special capabilities of any given printer. Programs like my Data-Lope which is specific to one printer can afford to be more specialized in regard to it's printer support. Much more so than a program that must appeal to the masses, like CardFile. Hey!, did you know that if you look at the word 'duff' upsidedown and backwards it looks like 'butt', which in this case is probably appropriate. :^) I've been busy lately updating all the software that I wrote for my company before my "HELL MONTH" begins on December 26th, 5 consecutive 100+ hour weeks. It's hell but I make 30% of my annual income in those five weeks. I haven't forgotten, I've just had to "prioritize" my programming of late. I will get around to finishing the Data-Lope update..... RSN. :^) Dave ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 36 Wed Dec 09, 1992 GRIBNIF [Dan] at 11:14 EST Dave & Ted, I'm beginning to wonder if it's entirely possible that you two have just too much free time on your hands . Dan ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 37 Wed Dec 09, 1992 GRMEYER [Gordon/Sysop] at 18:51 EST Dan - Thanks for checking with Tyson about the clipboard stuff, I'll be interested to hear if he thinks he fixed it. I don't recall exactly what the problem was before, but what the new version does is ignore any currently set clipboard path, then set one of its own when it's done printing to the clipboard. :( Setting one by itself is great, but only if there isn't one already defined. Gordon ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 38 Wed Dec 09, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 19:14 EST Dave, Thanks for the insight on Cardfile and Datalope... Yeah, we really 'gang tackled' old 'Richard' in the Deskjet topic, didn't we?? Heh, heh... It was fun.. I wish he would come back.. BTW. Don't work to hard.. All work and no play.... Well you know.. :) Read ya later, <-:}Ted{:-> Wednesday, December 9, 1992 - 7:23:16 am ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 39 Thu Dec 10, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 07:17 EST >Category 17, Topic 7 >Message 36 Wed Dec 09, 1992 >GRIBNIF [Dan] at 11:14 EST > >Dave & Ted, > > I'm beginning to wonder if it's entirely possible that you two have just too >much free time on your hands . >---------- Dan: Sorry about that!! Dave, we'll have to start meeting someplace else... :)... -------------------- ----------------------------- Dot & Gordon, Thanks for _ALL_ the help!! I had to change the settings in cardfile and some dip switches on the DeskJet, but I now have Cardfile printing pretty decent... It wasn't easy.. But then it never is right?? Now, if I can only get rid of the blank space when it prints company names.. Any suggestions?? :) <-:}Ted{:-> Wednesday, December 9, 1992 - 7:44:40 pm ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 40 Thu Dec 10, 1992 D.A.BRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 08:38 EST All right, Ted! I'm glad I'm printing envelopes now, too. It'll save me plenty on labels, and I think the appearance is more professional, too. I'll play with the company name thing and see if I hit on a solution. ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 41 Fri Dec 11, 1992 T.EVANS21 [] at 20:50 EST Dot, If you can't fix it.. No one can... :).. BTW, thanks for the help.. <-:}Ted{:-> Friday, December 11, 1992 - 7:29:00 pm ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 42 Sat Dec 12, 1992 J.TOWLER1 [John] at 03:12 EST Dan I received the Desktop Notes flyer today. You should be getting an upgrade order for CardFile 4 and NeoDesk CLI soon. John ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 43 Sat Dec 12, 1992 J.KUDRON [Jim~ST Sysop] at 17:17 EST Dan, I've been running into a small problem with CardFile. When I load CardFile, I get an alert box stating to the effect "Data file not compatible with this version of CF. Run update program". Then the program runs fine (the data file loads OK). This happens with CF loaded as an ACC and as a PRG. Yes, the first line in the data file has the 4.00 header. It's just an annoyance, but I'd like to eliminate it just the same. Jim Kudron 12Dec92 16:15:16 ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 44 Thu Dec 17, 1992 F.QUAN at 00:43 EST I Does anyone know if it is possible to set a field to a largr er number of characters? For instance I was t entering in the CITY field, St. Petersburg Beach and I couldn't fit in all the letters. I looking ed in the manual, but didn't see anything obvious . Frank. ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 45 Thu Dec 17, 1992 D.A.BRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 07:53 EST Frank, I'm sure Gribnif will correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think field size is adjustable. I cope with creative abbreviation. ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 46 Fri Dec 18, 1992 MUSE [Tomas] at 03:26 EST Dorothy, Can you "creatively abbreviate" Rancho Santa Margaurita for me? Sometimes I just hate California! ===Tomas=== December 17, 1992 @ 23:55:09 pm PST ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 47 Fri Dec 18, 1992 D.A.BRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 04:07 EST Rancho St Marg? As long as you get the zip code right, it'll get there. ;-) ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 48 Fri Dec 18, 1992 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 06:12 EDT Tomas . Muse 123 South Street Rancho Santa Margaurita CA 98542 How about that. I put the street address in the Company line and the city on the address line. If you wanted to do a slight edit you could have the state move up a line or you might have been able to put the state on the same line as the city (the address line) >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 49 Fri Dec 18, 1992 J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 18:19 EST Joe, Tomas needs to fit stuff like that into the address slots of our invoicing system here at CodeHead. The city, state, and zip have to all be on the same line due to the way the data base is customized. Boy, it's too bad we don't have a good programmer around here. John ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 50 Sat Dec 19, 1992 SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 01:24 EST There's no a bbreviation for it in the Zip Code directory? _If_ the Zip Code is correct you can probably get as creative as you dare with the city's name. Rnch Snta Marg, Rancho Snta Marg, Rnch St Marg, R S M, Santa Marg... ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 51 Sat Dec 19, 1992 MUSE [Tomas] at 03:05 EST > Rancho St Marg? > > As long as you get the zip code right, it'll get there. ;-) The "locals" eventually tend to say "RSM," but then it starts to look like a military address, doesn't it? i.e. RSM, CA 92688 Joe, Hmmm, not bad. ===Tomas=== December 18, 1992 @ 21:27:04 pm PST ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 52 Sat Dec 19, 1992 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 11:01 EDT Message: 49, left on December 18, 1992 From: J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] John, > Boy, it's too bad we don't have a good programmer around here. > Yea. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 53 Sun Dec 20, 1992 AEO.3 [Lyre] at 14:00 EST BTW to all of you who are trying to figure out ways to fit addresses. If you are using the ZIP+4 Codes for business purposes, the US Postal service *might* not accept abbreviations. I do know that they are not allowing "vanity names" for towns (i.e., a section of town with a different name can no longer be used - only the towns real name). This pertains only if the section of town does not have it's own post office. For instance, in CT, Huntington is actually a part of Shelton. Since their is no Huntington post office, ZIP+4 Code business users can no longer utilize the word Huntington. They *must* use Shelton. If their were a post office serving Huntington then the use of this "vanity name" would be permissable on mail. Lyre ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 54 Mon Dec 21, 1992 GRIBNIF [Dan] at 13:46 EST John, I look forward to it! Jim, Please check to see if you have a zero-length CARDFILE.APT file kicking around. We accidentally shipped one on an early version of the disk. If you have one, just delete it. Frank, Unfortunately, you cannot adjust the field lengths in CardFile. I'm afraid that this is just one of the differences between it and a full-blown database program. Dan ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 55 Mon Dec 21, 1992 J.KUDRON [Jim~ST Sysop] at 21:32 EST Dan, My CARDFILE.APT file wasn't zero length, it was eight! I deleted it and everything is fine. Thank-you! Jim Kudron 21Dec92 ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 56 Tue Dec 29, 1992 J.MOSES2 [moses] at 22:50 EST The Portfolio.txt file states that adress card info may be transferred via the parallel port...could you be more specific regarding this process? Thanks, Jim ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 57 Wed Dec 30, 1992 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 07:18 EST Jim, My CardFile 4 just arrived in the mail yesterday. I too was hoping that it would `send' directly to the Portfolio, but apparently this is not the case; all it does is convert its own file format into the format used in Portfolio ADR files. You still have to use your standard method of transferring files to the Portfolio (Slave or XTERM2 or whatever). If you don't _have_ a standard method, check the Portfolio RT (page 950). On the plus side, I managed to get my main Superbase file of almost 300 addresses converted to a CardFile DAT without too much trouble, and it looks like I'll be printing the labels for my newsletter with CardFile from now on. I'm giving up a lot of filtering and formatting power by giving up on Superbase, but I ran out of patience with its interface. CardFile is _much_ faster and easier to use on the TT. gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 58 Wed Dec 30, 1992 SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 13:19 EST How did you go from Superbase to CF4? ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 59 Thu Dec 31, 1992 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:53 EST Kenne, >How did you go from Superbase to CF4? I exported my Superbase file in ASCII format, ran the converter program, set up a DCD file for the Superbase output, loaded in the CF4 DCD, entered the field numbers on the right side, and hit the convert button. Then I had to clean up a few cases where the source field was longer than CardFile's. Once I had worked my way through the converter doc on the CardFile disk, it didn't take long. I tried printing a few labels with the new file and with a few adjustments to the printer file it worked fine. I was hoping the label setup would be a little more flexible - with Superbase I used to print the expiry issue number in the top right corner of the label, and can't find a way to do that with CardFile. But that's a small price to pay, I reckon. By the way I was using Superbase Personal (1.026, vintage 1986!) gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 60 Thu Dec 31, 1992 SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 12:21 EST Thanks. Gribnif>> How about some CF4<->DIF translators? I can't figure DIF out. ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 61 Thu Dec 31, 1992 GRMEYER [Gordon/Sysop] at 17:01 EST What's a DIF file? ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 62 Thu Dec 31, 1992 ST.LOU [Lou Rocha] at 17:05 EST DIF is a Data Interchange Format file.... used in spreadsheets. Something of a standard format. ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 63 Thu Dec 31, 1992 SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 23:18 EST It's used in spreadsheets and databases. It's pretty standard on most platforms other than Atari. If you "Save Out" a DIF file from a spreadsheet ot database, when you import it into another program it will maintain the formatting {headers and labels and fields}. Kinda cool. ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 64 Fri Jan 01, 1993 D.FARRINGTO1 [David <>< .] at 01:06 EST Very, very, very old question I'm sure. Is there a upgrade price for my version 2.1 to v4.x? :) I know, I know, what's took me so long.... David <>< ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 65 Fri Jan 01, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:31 EST Sorting out my newly converted database, I discovered that the Purge function works the _opposite_ of the way the CardFile 4 manual describes it. After marking about a third of my 300 cards `expired' in the group field, I set the filter for that group and hit the Purge button, expecting that group to be deleted, as the manual indicates on page 39. Instead, it was all the _other_ cards that were deleted. Fortunately I had the data saved; and the confirmation alert is a lot less misleading than the manual. But I still can't figure out how to do what I thought `Purge' did, i.e. delete a group of cards selected with a filter. Am I missing something? In order to get a file of non-expired cards, I had to sort by expiration issue number and then load the file into STeno to delete all the `expired' cards (lines) - it only took a minute but seems like there must be a more elegant way! Not that I'm complaining ... CardFile's keyboard equivalents make it easy to set up CodeKeys macros, something that was barely possible with Superbase Personal. gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 66 Fri Jan 01, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 09:20 EDT Message: 64, left on January 1, 1993 From: D.FARRINGTO1 [David <>< .] >Is there a upgrade price for my version 2.1 to v4.x? :) David <>< Yes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ more.... gnox, You're right. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ more.... David, Sorry I could not help myself. I don't know how much. Happy New Year >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 67 Fri Jan 01, 1993 M.ERSOFF at 17:49 EST To J.Meehan3, Hello. I was reading some previous posts concerning Cardfile 4 and .CFP printer configuration files for the HP III laser printer. The posts were about printing lables. I have been encountering some problems setting up the printer configuration file for my HP II laser printer. I have successfully modified the HP II printer driver to print labels on Avery 5160 laser sheet feed labels (3 X 10 labels). However, the only way I can fit the addresses on these labels is to use the small font on the HP II (line printer, I believe is the name of the font). I would LOVE to have the configuration file automatically send a command to my printer to tell it to switch to the small font (line printer). It is my understanding that the printer configuration file can send a command (change to line printer font) to the printer prior to printing labels and then send another command (change to courier font) when it has finished printing the labels. I have attempted to place the command on the line as instructed in the manual but Cardfile bombs (2 bombs) when I try to load the new printer configuration file. BTW - I did type in the printer command using the decimal numbers for the codes. Here is the section of the file that I have changed: (it is NOT the complete file) # CardFile Printer Configuration File # Note: Edit any numeric value starting a line (in decimal). # Add as many prefix or suffix lines as necessary. # Make no other changes to this file! # LaserJet III printer :INITIALIZATION # Control characters 1 # 0 for cr only, 1 for cr/lf 0 # 0=printer, 1=file, 2=clipboard :prefix # When CardFile starts-up send... :suffix # When CardFile terminates send... :END :MAINLABELS # Setup for main label form printout 3 # Labels across form 10 # Labels up and down (0=continuous) 2 # Starting row 5 # Starting column 1 # Rows between labels 46 # Columns width 0 # 0=no phone, 1=include phone number :prefix # Label form prefix follows... :suffix # Label form suffix follows... # form feed :END # End of label form definition I tried to but the codes under the prefix and suffix lines in the main label section. Any time I but any codes on those lines, Cardfile bombs (2 bombs) when it tries to load the new printer config. file. I would greatly appreciate any help you could offer. I would also like to try your customized printer config. file (If you would be kind enough to EMAIL it to me) Thanks in advance for your help ....... Mayer ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 68 Sat Jan 02, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 06:17 EDT Mayer, Remember to put a # after the codes. A REMark after the "#" is also a good idea to help you remember what the codes are later. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 69 Sat Jan 02, 1993 M.ERSOFF at 20:32 EST Joe, Thanks for the info about the "#" at the end of each line in the printer config. file. I never thought about that ???? Seems like they should have used error trapping or something. Anyway, I now have the HP laser printer config. file running perfectly. It now sets my printer to small font (line printer) for printing labels and resets it to courier to print everything else. Thanks for the help with my problem. Without your help I'd probably still be sitting here shouting obsenities at my computer!! Thanks again and take care ....... Mayer ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 70 Sat Jan 02, 1993 D.FARRINGTO1 [David <>< .] at 21:19 EST OK Joe M., Thanks. :) Can somebody please tell me the cost to upgrade from 2.1 to 4.x and the procedure? David <>< ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 71 Sun Jan 03, 1993 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 00:50 EST Mayer, you might try Avery label number 5261. I find that label works very well with the printer driver that Joe uploaded here on GEnie. I'm using it with the HP Laserjet III. - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Saturday, January 2, 1993 9:38 pm ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 72 Sun Jan 03, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 09:47 EDT Jason, BTW I have not forgotten your request on the driver. I have just been overloaded with a work project the last few weeks. Maybe soon I got a lot done on it the last week. If I don't find any more bugs and if it compiles without problems it is done. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 73 Sun Jan 03, 1993 M.ERSOFF at 14:24 EST Jason, Thanks for the suggestion on the Avery 5261 labels. I like using the 5160 labels because I can print 30 labels at a time using the small font on the HP II. How many labels are on the 5261 labels? Mayer ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 74 Mon Jan 04, 1993 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 23:01 EST Joe, thanks for keeping me in mind about the new driver. I look forward to it!! Mayer, I'm not sure (since I'm not at the office right now) but I think the Avery number I mentioned has 10 address labels per sheet. - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Sunday, January 3, 1993 12:49 pm ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 75 Tue Jan 05, 1993 GRIBNIF [Dan] at 12:30 EST gnox, I'll make a note of that in the README file. I've already suggested to Tyson that he have the alert ask which way to do the purge in a future version. David, Just send us the first page of your manual (rip it out), your CardFile 2.1 disk, and a check for $20 + $2 S&H. P.O. Box 779 Northampton, MA 01061 Ken, I assume that you are having trouble figuring out how to set up the Format for a DIF file? I'm actually not familiar with it, myself. Perhaps you could EMail me a short file. After that, assigning the fields correctly will be completely up to you: DIF files are free-form and the file you are converting will depend on how you have the database set up in Data Manager. moses, You do still have to use a telecomm program on both machines in order to actually transfer the data. For the ST side, STalker works great. I suggest you head on over to the Portfolio RT and ask about the Portfolio side. Dan ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 76 Wed Jan 06, 1993 D.FARRINGTO1 [David <>< .] at 01:58 EST Thanks Dan [GRIBNIF]: I get it all to you ASAP. David <>< ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 77 Fri Jan 15, 1993 T.GILL7 [Tyson] at 11:35 EST For anyone who uses Microsoft Windows, I recently uploaded a program to convert your version 4.xx data files to Windows Cardfile (*.CRD) format. It is called CF2WCF.ARC, #27323 lib 2. Best wishes, Tyson Gill at GT Software ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 78 Sat Jan 16, 1993 J.TOWLER1 [John] at 02:41 EST Tyson, Is there any way of getting CardFile 4 to sort the way CardFile 3 did? (i.e. alphabetically by last name, or by company if last name is empty) Actually, what I would really like is alpha by company, or by last name if company is empty. Maybe the next version could include those sort options (hint, hint). Aside from that, CF 4 is great, really like the Xnotes John ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 79 Sun Jan 17, 1993 B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 23:21 EST JOHN, Cardfile 4 lets you sort on any field you like; just enter the Filter screen and move the cursor to the field you want to sort on. Click on the sort button and Voila! Good luck, Brian D Gockley @ ST Informer ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 80 Mon Jan 18, 1993 T.GILL7 [Tyson] at 19:08 EST No, sorry there is no longer any way to do the old last-first-company sort. That was a casuality of the new independent field sorting and I miss it as well... Tyson ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 81 Mon Jan 18, 1993 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 19:34 EST WORK AROUND -- I was in need of 3 different data formats for Cardfile. One to list players in an annual golf tournament, one for Clients and one for Suppliers. Different field names were needed for different data bases. Cardfile saves the fieldname information to the CFG file so, although clumsy, I found a work around. Inside my MultiDesk folder I made 3 folders named BOWDEN (yeah Coach Bobby Bowden [Florida State Univ.]is coming to play golf with our Boosters and I'm the golf chairman %^)), CLIENTS and SUPPLIERS. I put a copy of Cardfile 4 in each folder and renamed them BOWDEN.ACC. CLIENTS.ACC and SUPPLIER.ACC. I then loaded them as Accessories in Multidesk (since they are inside folders, they appear as MDXs. I set the field names for each to suit my needs and saved a CONFIG file for each inside their respective folders. I then updated my MDX TITLE list so that these files now show up in the MultiDesk dectory as: * BOWDEN * CLIENTS * SUPPLIERS This works out great for me. When I open any of the three files the data is loaded and ready to use. Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 82 Tue Jan 19, 1993 E.KRIMEN [Ed Krimen] at 01:34 EST >Is there any way of getting CardFile 4 to sort the way CardFile 3 >did? (i.e. alphabetically by last name, or by company if last name is >empty) Actually, what I would really like is alpha by company, or by >last name if company is empty. Maybe the next version could include >those sort options (hint, hint). This is what I asked months ago when I got the upgrade, but everyone just ignored me. :^) ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 83 Wed Jan 20, 1993 J.TOWLER1 [John] at 03:43 EST Brian, >Cardfile 4 lets you sort on any field you like; just enter the Filter screen > Thanks for the reply. But CF3 actually did a more sophisticated sort than just one field only. It sorted by last names, or if there was nothing in the last name field of a card, it used the company name in sorting the card. So far, I've only been able to use one field in a sort. Under the default sort, last names were sorted, but cards with company names only weren't sorted at all. I tried sorting on company name, then resorting on last name and the result was cards with last names were sorted correctly, but company cards were at the beginning of the file - sorted backwards! An optional sort similar to CF3 would be nice, or as I mentioned before, with company names given priority. Maybe what CF needs is the ability to use logical operators like OR, AND, etc. in its sorting. Also, CF4 is storing its appointment file in the root directory of my HD, and I haven't found a way to get CF to look for it in my CARDFILE folder. Is this the only place CF will look for and place the appointments, or am I missing something? And, one last thing.. I have 'Remind' set to ON. When I boot, the reminder flashes up, and is immediately covered by the NEOLOAD.PRG screen (I use NeoDesk 3, also MuliDesk Deluxe, in case that has any bearing on things). The screen freezes, the pointer turns to a hand, and nothing happens until I press the 'Return' key, at which bootup proceeds normally. The reminder is on screen for just a split second before disappearing. Appreciate any info or advice on these ones. (Still like CardFile 4, regardless) John ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 84 Wed Jan 20, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:54 EST John, > >Also, CF4 is storing its appointment file in the root directory of my HD, and >I haven't found a way to get CF to look for it in my CARDFILE folder. Is this >the only place CF will look for and place the appointments, or am I missing >something? > When I first installed CF last month, I put my DATs and other support files in a folder on another drive, loaded a DAT from there, saved my configuration, and CF4 has been looking for its files there ever since. Have you saved your CFG with its appointment file loaded from where you want to keep it? On the other hand I may not know what I'm talking about here because I don't use the agenda features at all - they just can't compete with Cal, which I've used (and paid for) since long before I got CF. gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 85 Wed Jan 20, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 21:14 EST >Message 84 Wed Jan 20, 1993 >G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:54 EST > >On the other hand I may not know what I'm talking about here because I don't >use the agenda features at all - they just can't compete with Cal, which I've >used (and paid for) since long before I got CF. >------------ Gnox: Hear, hear!! Tyson ought to take a good look at Bill Aycock's Cal.PRG.. Maybe some collaboration (Bill & Tyson), on Cardfile 5 is in order?? :) <-:}Ted{:-> Wednesday, January 20, 1993 - 5:32:42 pm ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 86 Wed Jan 20, 1993 O-ZONE [Flakes] at 21:43 EST When I first ran the program it would always default to the "last name" search field. Now, because I switched it and then saved a file I guess, it defaults to the "middle initial" field instead. How do I change this default and save it? Flakes ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 87 Thu Jan 21, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 06:02 EST Message: 86, left on January 20, 1993 From: O-ZONE [Flakes] > When I first ran the program it would always default to the "last >name" search field. Now, because I switched it and then saved a file I >guess, it defaults to the "middle initial" field instead. How do I >change this default and save it? Flakes, Just sort on the filed of your choice and save the file. The default field is the last sorted field. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 88 Thu Jan 21, 1993 O-ZONE [Flakes] at 23:15 EST Thanx, Joe. That was easy! ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 89 Fri Jan 22, 1993 E.KRIMEN [Ed Krimen] at 01:53 EST 'Nother request for feature for Cardfile. :^) Last week I was using a program on the Mac called Leads!, whose only purpose in life as a database program is to enter leads for sales people. Well, it has this neat feature that automatically formats phone numbers when they're entered. For example, you type 8005551212 and when you hit enter or tab over to the next field, what you typed is changed into (800) 555-1212. I'd like to see this in Cardfile. One problem it had was that it choked on international numbers. It tried to force them into the format I described above. There should be a way of turning off this feature for certain cards, so it doesn't try to force international numbers into the (xxx) xxx-xxxx format. It had another feature in which you would type only the zip code and it would automatically enter the city and state. I thought that was pretty cool too. There are also a couple of stand-alone programs out there for the ST that will give you the city and state if you enter the zip code or area code, and vice versa. Could this be implemented as a separate feature in Cardfile? ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 90 Fri Jan 22, 1993 B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 17:28 EST I always wanted to sort just by company, so >I< have been really pleased with the new sort capabilities. The old way seemed to jumpy for me. I agree that some OR, AND functions would be nice, as well as a Hide function in the FIltering. I'd also like to see a way to group search and replace, since STeno no longer handles the longer fields (over 256? characters on a line). Oh yeah, a separate screen mode with just a list of names and numbers would be great. I hope Tyson feels like programming! Brian D Gockley @ ST Informer ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 91 Fri Jan 22, 1993 AEO.3 [Lyre] at 19:43 EST Ed, While I do not have CardFile as of yet (plan to purchase very soon), the phone # auto conversion sounds good. Without knowing any real programming, it sounds like we need an FTEXT field with some means of having the user set their own format. Maybe an additional dialog with the "standard" format for various countries handled as radio buttons. The Zip Code suggestion would be *VERY* nice. Something to keep in mind is that the post office gives a discount of some kind to companies using ZIP+4. These companies absolutely must use the name of the local post office rather then any "vanity names." Vanity names are those used for sections of a town - but are serviced by the post office named after the _entire_ town. Hmmm, you know, considering how many options people want in CardFile, it sounds as if it may be necessary to make some kind of separate program which handles configuring it. This way everyone can do what they want with it without removing a feature that someone else likes. This would also reduce the size of the program since the code to support configuring CardFile would no longer be necessary to load when running the program. Of course, some features would have to be retained so that they can be changed on the fly, but a separate configuration program might be worth considering. Lyre 7:05 pm, January 22, 1993 ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 92 Sat Jan 23, 1993 J.TOWLER1 [John] at 00:43 EST Tyson >No, sorry there is no longer any way to do the old last-first-company sort. > Hmmm.. Was afraid you'd say that. Maybe I'll try separating the "company" cards from the "personal" cards, and just have two separate files. ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 93 Sat Jan 23, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:45 EST Lyre, I like your idea of a config PRG to customize CardFile. It sounds like a big job to me (I know nothing about programming), but it would be truly elegant to remove features that we don't use. The only program I can think of that does this sort of thing is LDW Power. gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 94 Sat Jan 23, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 07:26 EST All, I have found a way to get CF to sort, and print without the space (where the first name is suppose to go---a business name), on an envelope.. It has always irked me to have that 'blank' space printed.. Here is what I did.. I changed the last two lines to: "CODE" & Notes.. The code is a 3 letter code and I have Cardfile sort on it and save it that way, so it is the default.. The code is simple.. Last names, I use the 1st three letters.. Business or Company names, I use the initials.. Example.. Discount Software Sales, becomes "DSS".. The last line notes, I use for notes naturally.. Also for GEnie mailing addresses and account numbers.. I no longer use the "FIRST", MIDDLE, OR LAST NAME, of the standard CardFile sceen shot.. This is the 1st line as it is shown on the screen.. It looks neater, I use the line above the address for the title, name, company.. It looks neater and you can get it to sort the way you want to... Try it, it works so much better, than the default sort on last name field... And you can fine tune sort, by adding a 1, 2, or 3 and so on to your 3 letter code, to sort in the order that you want... <-:}Ted{:-> Friday, January 22, 1993 - 7:16:50 pm ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 95 Sat Jan 23, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 08:27 EST >Message 92 Sat Jan 23, 1993 >J.TOWLER1 [John] at 00:43 EST > >Tyson > > >No, sorry there is no longer any way to do the old last-first-company sort. > > > >Hmmm.. Was afraid you'd say that. Maybe I'll try separating the "company" >cards from the "personal" cards, and just have two separate files. >---------- John, Try my proceedure.. I left a how to post earlier this morning... My work around will let you sort either buy company name or the last name, using a 3 digit code, or how many digits you want... It would probably work fine just using 1 letter of the alphabet... ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 96 Mon Jan 25, 1993 GRMEYER [Gordon/Sysop] at 09:54 EST The current USPS data base of five digit zip codes will take up about five megabytes of hard drive space. If you want to add Zip+4 it is many times larger than that, obviously. Gordon ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 97 Tue Jan 26, 1993 GRIBNIF [Dan] at 15:12 EST Ed, I like the auto-formatting of phone numbers idea. As for the ZIP code suggestion, well, would you want CardFile to access a 5 MB database of city names every time you typed a card in? If you've ever seen the size of that book they have at the post office with ZIP codes for every city in the US, you'd realize it would have to be a pretty large file. John, CardFile 4 defines the place to read the APT file from one time, and one time only. This means that the very first time you save a CFG file, the APT file will be set to load from the same place as CARDFILE.DAT. So, here's what you do to set it to load from somewhere else: 1. Delete your CARDFILE.CFG file. 2. Run CardFile. 3. Load your default CARDFILE.DAT file (from your CARDFILE folder). 4. Save Config. 5. If you are using it as a DA, then re-boot. It should now load CARDFILE.APT from the CARDFILE folder. If NeoDesk is covering over part of CardFile's reminder, I suggest that you put a copy of NEOLOAD.PRG into your AUTO folder. This should solve everything. Dan ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 98 Tue Jan 26, 1993 AEO.3 [Lyre] at 21:41 EST Gordon, Personally, I would have no problem with keeping the 5Mb of ZIP codes on my hard drive. Now, if the ZIP+4 was substabtially larger (and I can only surmize that it would be at least another 5-8Mb) I would not want it. Mainly because most people do not know what the +4 extension for their address is. An I wouldn't want to try and figure it out. :) But then, I'm one of the few people who has made a point of learning his ZIP+4 code in order to help companies keep their records accurate. Otherwise most major companies have to look this information up. Considering the economic situation, every little bit helps so I do my bit to keep good companies costs down. (Corporate ZIP+4 users sending out a lot of mail get a reduced rate of some kind.) Lyre 9:13 pm, January 26, 1993 ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 99 Wed Jan 27, 1993 J.TOWLER1 [John] at 23:58 EST GRIBNIF [Dan] > CardFile 4 defines the place to read the APT file from one time, and one >time only. This means that the very first time you save a CFG file, the APT I've tried your instructions several times, rebooting after deleting the CARDFILE.CFG file, saving a new config. file, again rebooting, and each time it puts the new appointment file in the root directory. Guess I'll just have to live with it. > If NeoDesk is covering over part of CardFile's reminder, I suggest that you >put a copy of NEOLOAD.PRG into your AUTO folder. This should solve everything. > In fact I do have NEOLOAD.PRG in my AUTO folder already. Might it be a problem with the order in which AUTO programs or accessories load? Do you think these two problems might be related in some way? Thanks, John ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 100 Thu Jan 28, 1993 FB [ST Librarian] at 18:06 EST Lyre, With ZIP+4 it would be possible to have a total of 10,000 4's for EVERY ZIP! The ZIP+4 will surely be more than twice as big as the standard ZIP file. Fred Beckman ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 101 Thu Jan 28, 1993 SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 21:02 EST Sounds like a new program is needed that talks to Cardfile. ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 102 Fri Jan 29, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:48 EST Get read, The Post Office is making noises about a Zip+5. or Zip+6 >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 103 Fri Jan 29, 1993 AEO.3 [Lyre] at 13:47 EST Joe, Hmmm, how come I get the feeling that we're going to have something like: TOWN + SECTION + SUB-SECTION + BLOCK + STREET + BUILDING real soon now? Although, all things considered, they might as well just implement a massive change (for instance, like the example above) and have done with it. Just put something into place which can withstand a couple of decades of ever increasing population. If I'm going to try and remember all of these numbers, I would really like to start immediately. Before my brain melts. :) Lyre 1:38 pm, January 29, 1993 ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 104 Fri Jan 29, 1993 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 19:31 EST LYRE TOWN+SECTION+SUB-SECTION+BLOCK+STREET+BUILDING+ROOM+SSN (PERSON) Maybe my grand kids will see a day when there won't be anything on an envelope except a bunch of numbers. Sounds Owellian to me. Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 105 Fri Jan 29, 1993 AEO.3 [Lyre] at 23:39 EST Swampy, No, I don't think we have to worry about Big Brother until paper currency is made illegal. At that point (when computer chips are embedded into the edge of an ID/credit card/financial data ledger) I will definitely start worrying. An it is not really that far off. Consider, many people's credit cards already contain a signature and a picture. Automated Teller Machine cards are gaining acceptance as an alternate means of purchasing goods. Now go out and take a look at the memory cards offered for Portfolios. All we've got to do is combine these items and a means of keeping track of everyones location and expenses is readily available. Personally, I believe the only thing that is preventing this type of a system from being implemented are anti-monopoly laws (for the online service handling the bookkeeping) and the high cost of producing such an item for national usage. As much as I like Gore's idea about upgrading the telecomm infrastructure of the US, it does bring the possibility for such a card closer to being a reality. Lyre 10:17 pm, January 29, 1993 ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 106 Sat Jan 30, 1993 D.FARRINGTO1 [David <>< .] at 13:41 EST Swampy: Sounds Biblical to me. :) OOoohh way off topic! Not to bug but just to check. Did you folks receive my upgrade request and/or the manual page? David <>< ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 107 Mon Feb 01, 1993 J.TOWLER1 [John] at 00:15 EST Dan, As to my problems with the 'Remind' screen been overwritten before I can read it: Yes, I do have NEOLOAD.PRG in my auto folder. I've since discovered that disabling MulitDesk Deluxe lets the screen pause so I can read it. Any ideas? Also, I've tried to get CardFile to read my appointment file from the CardFile folder, using your instructions, but still no go - it insists on looking in the root directory regardless. ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 108 Mon Feb 01, 1993 D.BOWMAN9 [DAVE B] at 02:19 EST John, I also have a problem with the "remind" feature of cardfile 4.03(?) I have talked with the people putting out cardfile and they do not seem to have any idea why the problem exists. I have tried it with only 'hotwire and cardfile' and still have the screen overwritten. the odd thing is the buttons on the dialogue still work (if you can remember where they located on the box) later, dave b 10:31:28 pm, Sunday, January 31, 1993 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 109 Tue Feb 02, 1993 GRIBNIF [Dan] at 17:29 EST John Towler, You are right on both counts. I know that I had tried both of these things previously, and I thought they worked, but now I'm having the same difficulties you are. I'll have a talk with Tyson about this. The problem with Remind does not happen with TOS 2.06/3.06 (for what it's worth). Actually, it might just be for systems which require STARTGEM that this happens. Also, since you have MultiDesk, you might be able to get around this by having CardFile installed as a resident DA. Lyre, Actually, the US Post Office will generate the +4's for free. They'll also clean-up the "bad" addresses as best as possible. We considered this, but since we couldn't actually save any money (due to insufficient volume) it didn't really justify the extra time it would have taken to get them to do it, and the time it would have taken for us to massage our database into and back out of their format. David, We got it and it's going out today. Dan ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 110 Fri Feb 05, 1993 J.TOWLER1 [John] at 23:47 EST Dan, >John Towler, > > You are right on both counts. I know that I had tried both of these things >previously, and I thought they worked, but now I'm having the same >difficulties you are. I'll have a talk with Tyson about this. > > The problem with Remind does not happen with TOS 2.06/3.06 (for what it's >worth). Actually, it might just be for systems which require STARTGEM that >this happens. Also, since you have MultiDesk, you might be able to get around >this by having CardFile installed as a resident DA. > Thanks for confirming my sanity. By the way, I do have CardFile installed as a resident DA (so I can use the 'send' feature). ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 111 Sat Feb 06, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 08:29 EST Tyson ought to look at Bill Aycock's excellent shareware Calendar program available here on GEnie.. I never use the reminder/calendar portion of CardFile any more.. Sorry Dan, Tyson, just my humble opinion... :0 <-:}Ted{:-> Saturday, February 6, 1993 - 7:23:34 am ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 112 Sat Feb 06, 1993 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 16:11 EST My administrative assistant at work ran into a weird symptom with CardFile on the Mega 4 at work. When he types in the word "Middlefield" on the address line, the system bombs. This is a consistent pattern and only with that word. (I'm not kidding, this is really happening). Any explanation or guidance on this one? - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Friday, February 5, 1993 11:36 pm ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 113 Sat Feb 06, 1993 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 18:04 EST JASON I just tried it on my Cardfile with no bombs, no problems. That is really strange. Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 114 Sun Feb 07, 1993 M.SHANNON at 01:28 EST John, I used MEMFILE [a sector editor] to change the pathname of my '.DAT' file to the folder on my D:\ partition. If I can you can. Try it on a backup tho' better safe than sorry. Maybe we'll get a SET PATH option on the next upgrade? Anyway, Good luck MSHANNON Hey Dan, I shoulda tried that, it's lots eaier. Thanks MSHANNON Lyre, We have a fiat currency right now [worth only the paper it's printed on] and everything you earn is considered a subsity on the federal governments books. Card are to kepp track of you and your Point of Purchase. Anti-monopoly laws are not absolute, nor is your soverignty nor is the Constitution, EVERYTHING is being made RELATIVE. That means they can interpret meanings to their pleasure, not yours and thats the end of it, they make the laws you have to obey, they are immune. Period. ms ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 115 Sun Feb 07, 1993 AEO.3 [Lyre] at 03:48 EST Dan, It was nice to meet you today (ok, yesterday really!) at the Connecticut Trading Fair. I just wanted to say that CardFile is working fine. (Of course, I am still up reading all the documentation for the stuff I bought...) Now all I have to do is set all of my data files up... Hmmmm, where is a secretary when you need one?!? Lyre News Editor, ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE 3:28 am, February 7, 1993 ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 116 Sun Feb 07, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 07:44 EST Jason, I just tried "Middlefield" as well, with no effect. That _is_ a strange one. While I'm here, does anyone have problems with the text macros? On my TT, when I use an Fkey I often get spurious text appended on the end of the string that I loaded into the macro. The spurious text appears to come from the corresponding line in another card. It happens so often that I've taken to adding a lot of spaces at the end of a short text macro string. gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 117 Sun Feb 07, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 11:28 EST gnox, I also have some strange things happen with the text macros. Like yours they tend to take on a life of their own and pick up bits of text here and there. It has been a while since I have used them, but I did find a fix; I think it may have been the same one you suggested. BTW I also am using a TT. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 118 Sun Feb 07, 1993 AEO.3 [Lyre] at 15:26 EST M.Shannon, Seems that way to me also at times. Live and learn. Lyre 2:52 pm, February 7, 1993 ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 119 Sun Feb 07, 1993 AEO.3 [Lyre] at 17:12 EST Jason, I'm probably the least appropriate person to mention this since I have only just purchased CardFile. However, is it possible that you are using the term "middlefield" as a fieldname and therefore it is a "reserved key word" - like in programming languages? It was just a thought so if it is inappropriate, please forgive me. I'm just starting to get my feet wet. :) Lyre 4:17 pm, February 7, 1993 ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 120 Sun Feb 07, 1993 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 17:16 EST I had problems with text macros too so I have a set of CodeKeys for use with card file. Granted, I have to manually load the set when I want to use it, but that's no big deal. It was _very_ useful when originally building my data bases. I couldn't imagine building a customer data base without macros. How many times can you type ... "MyHomeTown [TAB/RETURN/or DOWN ARROW] State of [TAB/RETURN/or DOWN ARROW]12345" before you realize this is a _computer_ there's got to be an easier way! ? %^) Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 121 Sun Feb 07, 1993 AEO.3 [Lyre] at 18:46 EST If one of you more experienced CardFile users could answer a simple question... Does CardFile save the Field Names I specify into the Configuration for program? Or does it save the information to the database file? I want the latter, but I have a feeling it is the former. :( Lyre 6:42 pm, February 7, 1993 ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 122 Sun Feb 07, 1993 G.GORMAN2 at 22:05 EST Hmmm, Middlefield does nothing to my system. I'm using a 4 meg 1040Ste W/TOS 2.06 and an Adspeed STe. Glenn... ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 123 Mon Feb 08, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:49 EST Lyre, I believe the field names are saved to the program configuration file, not the .DAT files. I kind-a wish it were the other way, but I also liked it better when it could sort by last name/company. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 124 Mon Feb 08, 1993 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 07:57 EST LYRE -- The field names are saved with the CFG file. I have several Folders, each with a copy of Cardfile.ACC saved with a different name. (Clients.ACC, Supplier.ACC etc.) There is a separate CFG file saved to each folder for each version. Each folder is listed in my MultiDesk directory. So when I need customer information, I just open Multidesk and access the Customer.ACC. Slick as a whistle. Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 125 Mon Feb 08, 1993 AEO.3 [Lyre] at 20:26 EST ::Pout:: I had hoped that the field names were in the DAT file - it would have made things a bit easier for my purposes (multiple DAT files with custom field names). Is their any possibility at all for this feature to be added? Lyre 6:44 pm, February 8, 1993 PS: I've been looking for a user-customizable, multiple use database ACC for a long time. I'm even willing to pay for it! ;) ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 126 Mon Feb 08, 1993 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 22:03 EST LYRE--- You can have multiple DAT files and matching CFG files, but you have to have a separate version of the ACC for _each_ one right now. Just rename the Cardfile.ACC. I have a file for my vendors with a field for my account number instead of the home phone. So, I have VENDOR.ACC, VENDOR.DAT and a CFG all in the same folder. Another folder has CLIENTS.ACC, CLIENTS.DAT and a CFG for the client file. With Multidesk you can have as many of these cardfiles available as you want. For now it works, what can I say? %^) Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 127 Mon Feb 08, 1993 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 22:57 EST Regarding typing the word "Middlefield" on the address line causing a crash each time. Yes, that is really strange -- this only happens on my Mega 4 at work. On my TT it works fine. Go figure. Lyre, please don't hesitate to offer your thoughts, recommendations, etc. That's how we all got our feet wet!! I don't think that I have "middlefield" as a reserved key word, but I'll also doublecheck into that with my Administrative Assistant. - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Sunday, February 7, 1993 5:41 pm ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 128 Wed Feb 10, 1993 T.GILL7 [Tyson] at 21:29 EST Ted, Jeesh, you keep plugging Bill Aycocks's program... YES, already, I HAVE looked at it, ok! Give me some credit for not blindly writing a program without looking at the other major offerings available. It must be five years ago that I used it and I added calendar functions to CardFile cause I personally did NOT like it or the other programs available. I HAVE followed it's evolution and it has little currently in it that I feel is necessary or appropriate for CardFile. I am glad you like it, I don't. That does NOT mean I don't think it is a good program. IT IS. I just don't like it or find it's unique strengths useful for MY needs. Certainly other people may and that's great. Calamus and Pagestream are both great programs. I personally find Pagestream more to my liking, but I don't hang around the Calamus topic suggesting that people look at Pagestream all the time... I find my wife right for me despite times when I complain about her. Thank goodness my friends can listen to my complaints and offer support without just suggesting that I divorce her for another woman. C'mon, OK? Guess I heard that Calendar recommendation just once too often. Hope you don't mind that I finally responded to it. Tyson ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 129 Thu Feb 11, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 04:28 EST So I see others have problems with the text macros too. Must be a leetle bug that Tyson hasn't looked into yet? In the meantime, padding out short strings with spaces works reliably enough, and I can live with that. gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 130 Thu Feb 11, 1993 GRIBNIF [Dan] at 16:23 EST Lyre, The middlefield thing is definitely not because it is any sort of reserved word. The only thing in CardFile that even comes close to something like that is the Group RETURN ADDRESS. gnox, I know there were problems with macros in previous versions, but 4.03 works perfectly as far as I know. Do you definitely have 4.03? Can you give me a sequence that will cause it to mess up reliably? Does it happen the same in Insert mode as it does in Overwrite? Jason, I don't know about the Middlefield thing. Of course, we could tell you that Tyson has a personal grudge with the town... Seriously, though, did you try it without anything else running? Dan ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 131 Thu Feb 11, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 18:46 EST >C'mon, OK? Guess I heard that Calendar recommendation just once too often. >Hope you don't mind that I finally responded to it. > >Tyson >---------- Tyson, Yes I _DO_ mind, thank you! Please see my Email, because I have just "IGN PERM'ed" this TOPIC!! -Ted- Monday, February 8, 1993 - 8:42:56 pm ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 132 Fri Feb 12, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 07:41 EST Dan, re macros, > Do you definitely have 4.03? Yes. > Can you give me a sequence that will cause it to mess up > reliably? Does it happen the same in > Insert mode as it does in Overwrite? I'll get back to you on that. I think it may be limited to Overwrite. gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 133 Fri Feb 12, 1993 GRMEYER [Gordon/Sysop] at 19:32 EST Tyson - Have you had a chance to take a look at the way the current CardFile handles the clipboard? It still seems to have its own ideas about where it should be, instead of using one that is already set for the system. Just thought I'd ask. :) Gordon ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 134 Sat Feb 13, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 04:50 EST Dan, After checking a bit further into macro malfunctions, here's what I find: When editing in Overwrite mode, if I use the Esc key to clear any line with (say) 10 characters in it, and then hit a function key to put a 3-character string there, I'll get the macro string plus the last 7 characters of the string that was there before. This does _not_ happen in Insert mode. This may not be the whole story - I'm almost sure I've seen text from other fields or other cards getting appended to macro strings - but it's easy to reproduce, at least on my TT, so it's a start. Another thing you might check into: every time Cardfile initializes (at least when run as a resident ACC in Multidesk), it turns off the speaker in my TT. A minor annoyance, but I'd like to know what causes it. OutBurST does exactly the same thing every time I print (with any application). If a fix can be found for the one, maybe it will work for the other! gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 135 Sat Feb 20, 1993 M.SHANNON at 13:31 EST Dan, Try making a PM appointment and capturing it with your ALT-F1 key. Move a day or week ahead and in AGENDA mode press F1 and see if your version of CardFile prints the PM appointment as an AM appointment. ie., 9pm appointment carried over becomes a 9AM appointment. It works that way consistently for me. Please check it out. Thanks MSHANNON ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 136 Sun Feb 21, 1993 T.GILL7 [Tyson] at 19:18 EST Looks like we have enough odds and ends to issue an update. I am currently tidying things up for a version 4.04 update. - M.SHANNON: Thanks much for finding the APT copy bug. I see it and will fix it. Good timing! - gnox: THANKS for detailing how to get the macro bug to show up. I have reproduced it from your instructions and can fix it now. That speaker thing is really strange... I have been annoyed to find my speaker off too without knowing why. I thought it only happened while in Turbo C... maybe not. I know my code does nothing directly with the sound registers. I just tried to find a problem and now of course since I am looking for it I can't make it happen. Does anyone have any ideas or info on this? - Gordon: As far as I can tell the clipboard works fine. I asked Dan to check it out to see if he finds anything. Can you be specific enough so that I can see the problem? If I set the clipboard path using the file selector that the SDS clipboard.cpx v1.0 offers, CardFile uses it just fine. How are you setting the clipboard path? - Hmm, no, Middlefield doesn't mean a thing to me... Maybe when I figure out those crop markings in England it will all become clear... Thanks much to all for your help and suggestions! Tyson ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 137 Mon Feb 22, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:44 EST Tyson, one other thing you might look into while you're at it: I just noticed that in the main Cardfile screen, it does not accept the numbers 1-6 from the main keyboard. However it does accept those numbers from the numeric keypad, and in edit mode all numbers work normally. (By `doesn't accept' I mean nothing happens when I hit the key.) I can't think of any reason why it _should_ work that way ... Yes, the TT speaker thing is very odd - wish I knew what to look for! gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 138 Mon Feb 22, 1993 GRIBNIF [Dan] at 17:34 EST gnox, The 1-6 thing has already been fixed for the next version. I don't know of any reason for your speaker getting turned off; that's not even something CardFile changes. I don't use MultiDesk on my TT, but I do use a TT with CardFile frequently. If you look at the GENERAL.CPX, is the keyclick turned off, or is the speaker volume turned down? Gordon, The clipboard is next on my list of things to test. Dan ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 139 Mon Feb 22, 1993 J.WILSON103 [John] at 20:50 EST Tyson, or anyone: I have not had CardFile too long, but I think I must be missing something or other. When I had CardFile, ver 3 (procured on_line), it seemed like when I added names, they were automatically alphabetized. Now with ver 4, when I add a name they do not seem to get alphabetized. Am I not doing something right? Thanks. John ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 140 Tue Feb 23, 1993 C.NICHOLLS [BILL] at 01:36 EST I expect this question has already been answered before I got my upgrade to Cardfile 4, but what is the correct setting in the HPDJ printer driver for Avery address labels, 1 in x 2 5/8? I can't get the text to coincide with the label space. Neat envelope printing! Bill ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 141 Tue Feb 23, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:59 EST gnox, You are right. I never use the keyboard for numbers so I had not noticed it. Strange. >> Joe M << ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ more.... John, Version 4 alphabetizes a little different. You get to chose the field to alphabetize on. Go to the "Filter" menu and place the cursor in the field you want to sort and click on sort. Till you change it that will be the new sort field. In the older versions CardFile would look at both the last name and the Company name fields and sort on both at the same time. If you have a number of companies without last names listed, your companies will be listed at the beginning in file order. If you read the older message you will see a work-a-round for this if you liked to old method of sorting. I think Ted came up with it. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 142 Tue Feb 23, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:03 EST John, Maybe you changed the sort field? See manual p. 21. Dan, I generally run Cardfile as a resident ACC in Multidesk Deluxe. As soon as I load it, there is an audible `pop' and the TT's speaker is turned off - the General CPX shows it `Off'. In fact I now keep that CPX resident (and XCONTROL in a regular ACC slot) so I can use it to turn the speaker back on quickly. Once loaded and resident, Cardfile has no other effect on the speaker, no matter how many times I open or close its window - it's just when it initializes. As I mentioned before, the same thing happens every time I print with OutBurST 2.4 - off goes the speaker every time anything is sent to the printer. I have no idea what causes that either. It's just possible that my TOS 3.01 has something to do with it, since some other TTs don't seem affected by this. By the way, since you explained to me that all accessories run in TTram when it's available, I've come across one exception to that rule: Sudden View (Student Version). Looks like he's found a way around that ... whether intentionally or not, I don't know! gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 143 Tue Feb 23, 1993 J.WILSON103 [John] at 20:59 EST > John, > > > Version 4 alphabetizes a little different. You get to chose > the field to alphabetize on. Go to the "Filter" menu and place the > cursor in the field you want to sort and click on sort. Till you > change it that will be the new sort field. > Joe, Thanks a bunch! John >Maybe you changed the sort field? See manual p. 21. > And thanks to you also gnox...appreciate it. John ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 144 Tue Feb 23, 1993 B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 22:43 EST Question: The Filter function in Cardfile allows me to 'select' a given group of cards; is there any way to 'hide' a group? Filter (Any, Every & [Exclude])! Brian G. @ ST Informer ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 145 Wed Feb 24, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:33 EST Brian, You asked if there was anyway to hide a group of cards. I don't think there is a direct way, but if you select a group, save it to a new name then delete it you would have them well hidden. Later you could merge the two files. Maybe someone has a better idea. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 146 Wed Feb 24, 1993 T.GILL7 [Tyson] at 15:45 EST gnox, When I saw the speaker turn off it was with a VERY early TT. I have since switched to a newer TT and I don't see the problem on it. They both have TOS 3.06 so that is not it - perhaps something hardware specific... Tyson ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 147 Wed Feb 24, 1993 GRMEYER [Gordon/Sysop] at 17:12 EST Tyson and Dan - I will make some detailed notes on the clipboard problem I was having and send them to you in GEnie mail. Right now I don't recall right now exactly what the problem may have been. Maybe I was mistaken.... Gordon ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 148 Thu Feb 25, 1993 M.SHANNON at 01:07 EST gnox, Check out a '.CDK' file uploaded by me: SUDNVWX2.LZH Admittedly it need some 'tuning' 'cause I was new to Calamus but the essentials are there for SUDDEN-VIEW (Power Keys and Dedicated Control Keys too). Hope this helps you out, I really like SV! M.SHANNON ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 149 Fri Feb 26, 1993 HUMPHRIES.JR [Roger] at 21:36 EST gnox, I have a TT with TOS 3.06 and was also having a problem with the speaker being turned off. I normally keep the keyclick turned off anyway, so I did not realize it for sometime. Not until I started using Spelling Sentry and could not get the audible alert when a word was misspelled did I actually realize there was a problem. The problem turned out to be OutBurST, not CardFile. I use CardFile 4 (v4.03) and it does not cause any problems with the sound. Not to get off topic here, but I recommend you upgrade to OutBurST 3. This problem has been recognized by Frank Pawlowski, and has been fixed in his latest version (v3.1) -- it was also screwing up the modem parameters so I couldn't get on GEnie without rebooting, and that also is taken care of in the latest version. I just ran a printing test with CardFile to check again, and the sound is still working ok. -- Roger ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 150 Sat Feb 27, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 08:11 EST Roger, Thank You!! I'm using OutBurST 2.4 (skipped 3.0) and I monitor the Outburst topic, but I hadn't seen any or this information there! I have also had intermittent problems lately not being able to call GEnie back (or other places) without rebooting, and hadn't even thought of OutBurst as a possible cause. I'll try Cardfile without OutBurST and see what happens. M.SHANNON, thank you too. I gather a CDK is a Calamus doc? That wouldn't help me much since I don't have Calamus. :) Anyway, I don't use Sudden View much - basically it's my universal online help accessory, and I only use it for that because it runs in ST ram (and thus doesn't tie up my TT ram). gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 151 Sat Feb 27, 1993 J.WILSON103 [John] at 08:30 EST Do any of you use a Panasonic KXP2123, and if so, what printer driver for CardFile do you use? I am not having a whole lot of success. Thanks. John ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 152 Sat Feb 27, 1993 P.LONG [PB] at 12:53 EST Hi, I just purchased CardFile 4.03 a couple of days ago, and have been having fun and tribulations with it. I just sucked up all the 151 messages on this topic, and will try to digest them. I see that others have been having the same sort of problems I have with the printer configuration files. I found out about the bombs if you don't end any codes with a #, and I am still having trouble getting CardFile to send some codes to my Epson LQ 850. As I say, I will digest the topic and maybe put a more intelligent message up at that time. By the way, are there any config files up on GEnie at all? Like, say, for an LQ850??? thanks, Patrick. My registration will not have reached MA yet, here in Ontario, Canada we are a whole postal system away. Thanks again, Patrick ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 153 Sun Feb 28, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:45 EST Well, it turns out that Cardfile doesn't do anything to my speaker when OutBurst isn't there. So it's not a problem that both OutBurst and Cardfile have, it's strictly an OutBurst (2.4) problem. My guess is that Cardfile, as soon as it runs, checks to see if there's a printer connected, and whatever it does to check triggers whatever OutBurst does to turn off the speaker. I hadn't thought of that ... guess it's all a false alarm as far as Cardfile is concerned. gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 154 Sun Feb 28, 1993 T.GILL7 [Tyson] at 17:05 EST Yes, I use OutBurst as well, so that seems to explain the speaker mystery... Thanks! Tyson ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 155 Fri Mar 05, 1993 GRIBNIF [Dan] at 15:16 EST Patrick, If you look at the STAR.CPF file, there are comments in there covering what changes would be needed to send codes for a Start printer in IBM mode. This is actually the same as an Epson LQ850. Everyone, If you can get the clipboard to mess up, please let Tyson or me know immediately. I've played with SDS's CPX extensively, and CardFile always writes to the right place. Brian, CardFile 4.04 (it'll be out soon!) has an option to Purge either the filtered cards, or the unfiltered ones. This should do what you want. Dan ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 156 Fri Mar 05, 1993 B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 20:19 EST Hooray! Purging! Yeah! Hooray! I can't wait! Hooray! Brian G. @ ST Informer ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 157 Sat Mar 06, 1993 MUSE [Tomas] at 04:38 EST >Hooray! Purging! Yeah! Hooray! I can't wait! Hooray! Brian, control yourself. ===Tomas=== March 06, 1993 @ 1:08:22 am PST ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 158 Sat Mar 06, 1993 B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 07:28 EST Control, nah, I gave that up in the seventies, now I try the time honored technique of expressing myself. :) BTW, how's that 'print one label at a time on a tractor feed printer by using the envelope option slightly modified" thingy coming along? Brian G. @ ST Informer ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 159 Sat Mar 06, 1993 MUSE [Tomas] at 19:40 EST Brian, I haven't looked into that idea yet. I have the 9-pin configuration loaded into CodeHead Ed right now. This will take some study. Folks, I was complaining to Mr. Gockley just the other day on the phone about my desire to call up CardFile and print a single address label to a dot matrix printer which I keep set up just for that purpose. I really enjoy CardFile 4. I use it to dial the phone mostly. I no longer remember any of my friends' phone numbers. However, to do the little chore that Brian described, I have to use an old program from a STart disk called MailCall. This is the first version of CardFile I have used and I really haven't had it long. I have some time today, perhaps I'll skim the manual a little. But, as Ahhhnie says: "I'll be back." ===Tomas=== March 06, 1993 @ 12:49:07 pm PST ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 160 Sun Mar 07, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:43 EST Tomas, I haven't had Cardfile long either, but I love it already! And I haven't even used it to dial the phone yet! :) Can't you print a single label by first setting up a filter that will only fit that one card? That wouldn't take long. In fact I bet you could have a CodeKeys macro do it. Hey, I think I'll try that ... gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 161 Sun Mar 07, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 09:43 EST If you want to print a single label you might try this. Use the "send" feature to send your label information to a text editor (I use EdHak, but you could also use STeno) then print that text to you printer. If you use an accessory editor like EdHak or STeno you don't even need to exit the program you are in. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 162 Sun Mar 07, 1993 GSCOTT-MOORE [Gerry] at 12:21 EST \\\--- I admit this is sort of off-topic but I can ask it nowhere else. I recently got a Mac and am slowly acclimating to it. CardFile (among others) is making it truly difficult to shift over totally. Do any of you ST & Mac users know of a VERY similar CardFile type program for the Mac? \\\--- Gerry ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 163 Sun Mar 07, 1993 MUSE [Tomas] at 13:33 EST Gnox, Dialing the phone takes an extra step or two also. There's a keyboard command to do it from the main screen but you still have to have the correct prefix selected. I know I have to filter out all unwanted cards to print a single label, but gee, I've called up the card I want and all I need is to "print current label." I want a "button," not a "procedure." I did re-read the manual yesterday, BTW. Hmmm... a CodeKeys macro... why didn't I think of that? ===Tomas=== March 07, 1993 @ 10:15:47 am PST ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 164 Sun Mar 07, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 19:23 EST >Do any of you ST & Mac users know of a VERY similar CardFile type program for >the Mac? Please respond to Gerry question in topic 22 of category 18. Thanks everyone. *******Brian********* Written on Sunday 07 March 1993 at 07:52 p.m. AST ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 165 Mon Mar 08, 1993 B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 01:53 EST Tomas, I think that the only _clean_ work around is to modify your envelope setting. The envelope is the only print call set to do plain old address w/out the phones, xnotes etc. Good luck. Gerry, Touchbase on the Mac is very nice and very similar to Cardfile 4. Of course, nothing is quite as nice! Brian G. @ ST Informer ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 166 Mon Mar 08, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:44 EST Tomas, Yes, I can understand your wanting a button to print a single label - that's one of the things I gave up when I dumped Superbase. Well, maybe later. I had Cardfile dial a long-distance number for me yesterday. Hey, this _is_ fun! Only reason I haven't done it before is that my main phone list is in my Portfolio, and I dial with that. gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 167 Tue Mar 09, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:43 EST Gerry, There are some good PIMs for the Mac, but my Mac Bible lists none that is like truly like CardFile. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 168 Sat Mar 13, 1993 S.BLACKBURN [STEVE] at 22:33 EST I am having problems printing calendars with CF. Dan Emailed me a .CPD for the SLM (Diablo), but it still prints the calendar on two pages. I have a Star SG10 also and can't get a calendar to print on one page. Anyone with an idea? P.S. I would like to see the printing of the phone lists changed also if possible. Now the names are on the left and the numbers are on the right, but it's very dificult to match the name with the proper # without a ruler or something. I would like to see the phone # printed first with the name right next to it so that I can quickly get the right #. Possible? ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 169 Mon Mar 15, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 06:07 EST Steve, Take a look at your CPD and look at the line for 8 lines per inch. Is that code correct? >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 170 Mon Mar 29, 1993 M.PASEK at 07:04 EST A feature I would like to see is a date field. This way I could use cardfile as a club membership list and search on dates (i.e. filter out everyone) who has membership dues owing. /s ? help ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 171 Mon Mar 29, 1993 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 20:18 EST M.PASEK -- If you have version 4.0 you can change one of the phone number field names (if you don't need them all) and use the field for dates. I use the first line (that odd one in the upper right) for the date a member's dues are do for a local club membership list. I sort on that field the end of each month, and use the SEND feature to invoice and address an envelope. TO ALL -- Cardfile is doing some wierd thing to my postscript printer. When I access it while in PageStream it sends some data to the printer and starts the printer light blinking but nothing ever prints. It screws up to the point that I have to instruct PGS to print which results in an _immediate_ error message on the printer at which time I can reset the printer and do a normal print routine. Any ideas? Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 172 Mon Mar 29, 1993 D.FLORY [ALERTsys*Cop] at 21:15 EST Rename one of the existing fields and put in the dates making sure you always use the same format and you can do what you want, now. (-: Happy Bytes :-) Dave Flory, ALERTsys*Cop 17:40 PST - 03/29/93 ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 173 Tue Mar 30, 1993 MUSE [Tomas] at 02:17 EST D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] Says: > > Any ideas? > Yes, I think you'd better not do that anymore, Swamps. ===Tomas=== March 29, 1993 @ 9:36:52 pm PST ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 174 Tue Mar 30, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 06:08 EST > Cardfile is doing some wierd thing to my postscript < > printer. When I access it while in PageStream it sends some < > data to the printer and starts the printer light blinking but < > nothing ever prints. < I don't know if this has anything to do with PageStream or postscript. Are you telling Cardfile to print anything? It sounds like something is sending less than a full page to your printer and it is waiting for a form feed or more data to full out the page. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 175 Tue Mar 30, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:03 EST As D.D. points out, any field can be used for the date. It's very handy. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 176 Tue Mar 30, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 07:13 EST M.PASEK, It would be nice to have a date field that would let you filter all the cards before (or after) a certain date, as in Superbase. But if you use a year- month-day format (like GEnie's date format) in any field, you can _almost_ accomplish the same thing by sorting on that field and saving the results. However I don't do this with my newsletter subscriber list, because I like having it in alpha order; I use the top line for renewed / expired status, using a CodeKeys macro to update that line each month when I print the labels. D.D., Cardfile doesn't have a PS driver, does it?? gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 177 Wed Mar 31, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:07 EST Tyson, my OutBurst 3.1 just arrived, and it does indeed fix the problem 2.4 had regarding the TT speaker, so running Cardfile no longer mutes the system. (And there are other significant improvements too! :) gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 178 Wed Mar 31, 1993 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 06:35 EST JOE -- No, I am not printing directly from Cardfile. But if I am using PageStream and access Cardfile for whatever reason the printer light on my HPIII starts blinking like it is receiving information. It keeps blinking and the only way to stop it is to PRINT from PGS which _immediately_ gives an error message (illegal instruction error). I then have to reset the printer and all is normal until the next time I access Cardfile then the same thing happens. TOMAS -- You be nice, or I'll tell the world that I'm also using the CodeHead print spooler and MDX with PGS. GNOX -- No, Cardfile does not have a PS driver. I've had good luck with the HP driver though when printing the calendar and agenda/calendar pages. I use Cardfile to "address" envelopes in PGS (using the SEND feature). Pretty neat trick. %^) Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 179 Wed Mar 31, 1993 B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 10:25 EST I wonder why Cardfile 4 can't access it's own "last modified" field? I bet this is coming in an upgrade, otherwise, why would they have added it? Speaking of printers, what are you folks with an SLM doing? I just got one and it has thrown Cardfile 4 into printer limbo! Brian G. @ ST Informer Magazine (And getting ready for the June 12-13 CT AtariFest) ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 180 Thu Apr 01, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:58 EST > I wonder why Cardfile 4 can't access it's own "last modified" < > field? < Because that field is updated by CardFile itself. You don't need to access it. Every time you update a card CardFile changes that date to the current date. Now five years from now when you are looking at that card and you know George moved last year you will know your address is five years old and must be an old address . >> Joe M << ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 181 Thu Apr 01, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:18 EST D.D., I have a glimmer of a hunch what's going on ... Cardfile sends out some kind of signal to test for the presence of a printer when it runs. The printer is trying to do something with this because of the signals it's already received from the PageStream driver. I'll bet that if you run Cardfile as a _resident_ ACC _before_ you run PageStream, that printer glitch won't happen. On the other hand, I won't bet all that much. :) Brian, > I wonder why Cardfile 4 can't access it's own "last modified" field? > I bet this is coming in an upgrade, otherwise, why would they have > added it? Good question - I've been wondering that myself! gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 182 Thu Apr 01, 1993 E.WISNIEWSK1 [Jeff - ST'er] at 07:34 EST CardFile 4 - Is it out already??? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ JSW ^^^^ ^^^^ ST'er ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Wednesday, March 31, 1993 - 10:28:24 pm ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 183 Thu Apr 01, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 18:29 EST CardFile 4 has been out for some time. It's what I am using. Would never be without it. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 184 Thu Apr 01, 1993 B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 20:13 EST Re: the date field - I know Cardfile 4 accesses i`this info, I expect that someday there will be a user viewable (and modifiable) date. Re: the SLM - I'm now printing everything to the Clipboard, and then pasting it into WordFlair where I can adjust the font/spacing etc. This is _not_ the nice convenient solution I have come to know. Maybe we could get a GDOS version from Tyson? Any takers? Brian G. @ ST Informer Magazine (getting ready for the June 12-13 CT Fest '93) ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 185 Fri Apr 02, 1993 T.GILL7 [Tyson] at 15:41 EST CardFile does a Setprt(-1) upon startup just to check the printer configuration word. This way it determines if your printer is set to use the serial or parallel port. If then checks if the printer is ready using Bcostat. If ready, it sends the initialization string from your configuration file (if one exists) to set up the printer. If your printer receives characters when CardFile starts up, the only way I could anticipate that happening is if you have an initialization string in your default printer configuration file. Check your CPF file to make sure your INITIALIZATION prefix is not defined. ************ I just read an overview of PIM software in the April issue of Computer Shopper. It listed 104 PIM programs, 31 of which use a mouse driven interface. The prices started at $69. Hmmph, they didn't list CardFile!! Tyson ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 186 Fri Apr 02, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 20:01 EST Tyson, I find CF more and more useful all the time. Keep up the good work. It's very much appreciated. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 187 Sat Apr 03, 1993 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 09:46 EST GNOX -- I have Cardfile running as resident inside MultiDesk. Guess I could move it to the Atari ACC list and see if that helps. JEFF -- Where ya been, hon? Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 188 Sat Apr 03, 1993 E.WISNIEWSK1 [Jeff - ST'er] at 14:18 EST Actually I was thinking that I had CardFile V3.03 instead of V4.03. :-}... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ JSW ^^^^ ^^^^ ST'er ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Friday, April 2, 1993 - 10:53:22 am ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 189 Sat Apr 03, 1993 J.KRZYSZTOW [JEFFREY] at 15:59 EST Tyson, 1) Would it be possible to change when CardFile sends the printer initialization sequence when running as an Desk Accessory? It seems to send it out immediately upon booting. I would prefer to see it sent each time something is sent to the printer. This way the printer will be correctly set up. 2) Is it possible to have longer than 3 characters in the printer sequence strings in the CPF files? Jeffrey ------------ Category 17, Topic 7 Message 190 Sat Apr 03, 1993 T.GILL7 [Tyson] at 23:46 EST Jeffery, 1) The idea with the initialization sequence is that it allows CardFile to setup your printer when you boot your computer. I originally put it in because I always forgot to set my DeskJet to draft mode until I printed some long file and wasting ink. I don't know if anyone really uses that option. The configuration files have prefix and suffix definitions to set and restore the printer as desired for each particular job. I don't quite see what it would gain to also send the initialization sequence for each job... 2) Yea, if I understand your question correctly, you can send up to 100 characters per prefix or suffix! I am not sure where you picked up a 3 character limit. The HPLASER.CPF file has quite a few prefix and suffix sequences of 5 or 6 characters per line. Hope I got your questions straight, thanks for asking! Tyson ------------