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One of the first. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 2 Tue Oct 27, 1992 G.LEONE [Gerry] (Forwarded) Hmmm. I think I had a problem with Diamond Edge tonight which could have been caused by ICD 6.0.4. (Unfortunately, I installed them both at the same time so I don't know for sure that one is interfering with the other). While optimizing partitions, I got a double bomb and was thrown back to the desktop in mid-optimization. This happened on three different partitions, leaving me with several lost clusters on each partition. Thankfully, Diamond Back II saved the day, restoring the partitions. Anyone else have a conflict with ICDBOOT 6.0.4? Or any ideas what could've caused it? -Gerry ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 3 Wed Oct 28, 1992 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] (Forwarded) Rod, I have WP and I have used it a lot and I have yet to have WP cause this problem. I did just have one partition go south in my Aladdin folder (Thinks DB I only lost three days ). It was Aladdin 1.5, but I don't think it was Aladdin (other than Aladdin's habit of keeping so many files open at the same time. I did have a lock up with that directory opened by another program and I had to reboot, I suspect that was the source of the problem. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 4 Wed Oct 28, 1992 SANDY.W [sysop] (Forwarded) Well, no one wants to believe me, but the problem with WP and ICD boot 5.6.3 and a TT (and this includes a _CLEAN_ system) is very alive and well on _some_ machines. It is _very_ repeateable under different circumstances using different partitions. The symptom is garbage attached to the directory with Cleanup, and >10,000 duplicate/illegal file names with Diamond Edge. As not all TTs had problems with the cache and ICD's earlier booters, I am quite willing to believe that not all TTs will have this particular problem either. It really doesn't matter anymore, as there is a later ICD booter available in the ICD roundtable, that does not seem to have this problem. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 5 Thu Oct 29, 1992 REALM [Joey] (Forwarded) Sandy, Don't forget the Newdesk Icon Editor works fine in TOS 3.06, just not on our TT's. Also My Prism Tablet CPX doesn't work on my TT but does on others. No two Ataris are created Equal!:-) ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 6 Thu Oct 29, 1992 SANDY.W [sysop] (Forwarded) Joey - Apparently ours are... :-) ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 7 Thu Oct 29, 1992 GSCOTT-MOORE [Gerry] (Forwarded) \\\--- Two bits time: I have used WP 4.1 (18 August) that has never provided such problems as have been described here (bejillions of files out of nowhere). I have had that problem...once. It was not long after I got my new hard drive about 3 months ago. Somehow or other (part of it involved zeroing a partition) I rid myself of the situation. But at that time I did not yet own DEdge. I don't think so anyway. I think I was still trying analysis and de-frag via Tune-Up (not advisable on 30 meg partitions!). Incidentally I haven't used WP in about 8 months. So it was nowhere in the mix at all during this process. And yet the problem occured. \\\--- Gerry ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 8 Fri Oct 30, 1992 REALM [Joey] (Forwarded) Sandy, Guess we're just lucky that way.:-) ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 9 Fri Oct 30, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] (Forwarded) Wayne, This is kind of late, but there is a new MichTron company on the east coast (Maryland? Virginia?), unless they went out of business, too. Sounds as though Bob is going to handle your product, though. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 10 Fri Oct 30, 1992 D.SEBERG [IceBerg] (Forwarded) Joey or Sandy, Heck, I'll be a nice guy and trade either of you a trouble-free 1040 STe for your troublesome TT's. :^) Dave ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 11 Fri Oct 30, 1992 SANDY.W [sysop] (Forwarded) Dave - Fortunately there are reasons to keep these beasts. There are just times when.... :-) ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 12 Sun Nov 01, 1992 DILWORTH [JOHN_D] (Forwarded) Is there a possibility for new customers to get a discounted deal on Diamond Back II and Diamond Edge if purchased together, as the already registered owners of Diamond Back get? Thannx, John ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 13 Sun Nov 01, 1992 J.H.ENGLISH (Forwarded) I HAVE RECENTLY PURCHASED A MAXTOR 7213S 213 MB HARD DRIVE. I HAVE INSTALLED IT IN A MEGA STE WITH 4 MB RAM AND ALSO INSTALLED THE ATARI HD INTERFACE BOARD. I CANNOT GET THE SYSTEM TO RECOGNIZE THE MAXTOR. I TOOK IT TO A ATARI DEALER AND LET HIS TECH LOOK AT IT AND WE FORMATTED A SEGATE ST251 WITH MY SYSTEM SO APPARENTLY IT IS NOT THE HD INTERFACE BOARD. I CALLED THE COMPANY I PURCHASED THE HARD DRIVE FROM AND THEY GAVE ME A RMA NUMBER BUT SAID THEY WOULD TRY TO FORMAT THE MAXTOR ON A PC. I AM WONDERING IF THE ATARI HD INSTALLATION SOFTWARE (5.0) HAS A COMPATIBILITY PROBLEM WITH THE "NEW" MAXTOR HD. ANY THOUGHTS OR HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED. *S ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 14 Sun Nov 01, 1992 L.HINSLEY [Stargazer] at 23:57 EST I think I know what your problem is J.H. On the Atari Hard Drive Interface, you MUST have the parity disabled on the drive or it will refuse to reconize it!!! I had the same problem on my Maxtor 7120S until I realized this. Just make sure you have the Disable Parity jumper set on the drive (make sure you look at the drive installation book over two or three times because for some reason Maxtor couldn't list the jumpers in order!!!). ///// Stargazer ///// ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 15 Sun Nov 01, 1992 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 23:58 EDT Wayne, In a program the size of WP, there are probably bugs left, even though it is currently one of the most solid large programs I know of. If you have need of a powerful word processing program, with features enough for most writers, but which doesn't do onscreen fonts and such, you could certainly do worse. BTW, if you DO find a bug, WP will FIX IT. ============ Gerry, There is a known problem with ICDBOOT 6.0.4. Until the 6.0.5 version is released, fall back to an older version. The problem affects users with 8 full VBL slots and caching enabled. J.H.English, PLEASE don't use all upper case, it makes people think you are shouting. Only suggestion I can make is that the new Maxtor drives are shipped with the parity enable plugged ON. You must REMOVE this jumper for use on the ST. Hope it is this simple. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 16 Mon Nov 02, 1992 G.LEONE [Gerry] at 00:10 EST I had an "interesting" thing happen tonight while doing a full backup of my HD via Diamond Back II. Actually it happened in TWO different partitions. Diamond Back found a file which it said was over 2 megs large. Since I had the params set for "NO SPLIT" it would run one floppy, ask for the next floppy and run it, ask for the next floppy and run it -- as fast as you're reading this. I pulled out of the backup, rebooted the computer, and found that the file in question wasn't over 2 megs at all, but instead, 65K. As I said, that happened on two different partitions. Any ideas why? (BTW, I've got my ICD 5.6.3 folders set to 100). -Gerry ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 17 Mon Nov 02, 1992 M.MOTOGAWA [MEL] at 00:24 EST Gerry, I've been using 6.0.4 and Edge, and have optimized a bunch of times with no problems. - Mel ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 18 Mon Nov 02, 1992 ORA.TECH at 18:51 EST John, Look at the announcements for special pricing for everyone to celebrate our new relationship with HiSoft. J.English: I have a Maxtor 213S formatted with HDX 5.0 so you may indeed have a defective drive. Remeber to check other things like conflicting SCSI ID numbers or improper termination. Also make sure the parity is off. This is controlled by a set of jumpers on the drives pc-board. Your instructions should tell you how to disable it. Gerry - I would try upping the number of folders and get back to me please. Best regards Bob ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 19 Mon Nov 02, 1992 S.SAMUELS [ICE CREAM] at 21:55 EST JH, Maxtor makes lots of drives and they are very good one...especially the really large ones. However, about a year ago, when I was checking into some of the smaller Maxtors (like yours) I found out that they were selling some drives under the Maxtor name that they had not actually manufactured. Something about a corporate merger or something like that. I wish I could recall who the drives were made by......(I can't)...but there may be an incompatablity. One other thought (unless its just a dead on arrival drive) is that they also make IDE and imbedded SCSI drives. You need the embedded SCSI I do believe. Perhaps you accidently got an IDE?????? ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 20 Mon Nov 02, 1992 G.LEONE [Gerry] at 22:17 EST BOB -- Ok, I'll bump the number of folders up to 200. Funny thing is, I've been using Diamond Back II happily for well over a year and have never had this happen before. The *only* thing new or different with the system is Diamond Edge. -Gerry ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 21 Mon Nov 02, 1992 T.GIRSCH [T.J.] at 23:50 EST My suggestion for Diamond Back III (he he he) - I'd like to see Diamond Back backup to one big file (like an ARC or LZH file) as opposed to the many files used right now. This would be only an option and when compression is used. Why? Because the way DB2 works right now, you don't save much, if anything, on small files. If you go one file per disk, or even one file per _n_ KBytes, you could save a lot more. Observe: F# Size Compr. %% Saved Act. Used %% Act Saved -- ------ ------ -- ---------- ----------- -------------- 1 512 256 50% 512 0% 2 1013 517 49% 1024 0% 3 15 20 -25% 512 0% Whereas one big file would yield: 1540 793 49% 1024 50% the last percentage comes from the fact the the three separate files occupy a combined total of 2048 bytes of disk space, even though only 1540 of those bytes are "used." From the very basic example I have given here, you can see where this method could, in the long run, save a LOT more space. Just a suggestion... - T.J. @ Atari Advantage Magazine ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 22 Tue Nov 03, 1992 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 04:29 EDT Mel, Unless you have all 8 VBL slots full, you probably WON'T see a problem with 6.0.4. If you DO, and try to use the cache.... Well, it isn't a sight for the squeemish... ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 23 Tue Nov 03, 1992 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 05:39 EDT To all: OOPS. There is an error in my message about the setting of the parity feature of the Maxtor drive. With the plug IN PLACE, parity is OFF. This is the proper setting for the ST. With the plug NOT there, parity is ON. This is the setting used on IBM and clones, and is the way the drive is shipped. (wonder why, grin). You should have enough jumpers as the drive is shipped with all address jumpers in place (id 7). Sorry to add to the confusion.... ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 24 Tue Nov 03, 1992 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] at 07:28 EST It appears to me that one can not do an Image back-up to another hard drive. I didn't realize this until I added another drive to my system. I would ask for better HD --> HD back-up features in DBIII. I would also like to pre- configure a complete file by file back-up and let 'er rip. By this I mean partition C:\*.* --> SyQuest I:\, Partition D:\ --> SyQuest J:\, etc... This would allow for a completely "hands off" COMPLETE HD back-up. If this is available now, would someone please enlighten me.... ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 27 Tue Nov 03, 1992 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 22:06 EST I've noticed with DB 2.5 that when it comes across some really tiny files, (generally .inf stuff), it will compress them larger than the actual file size. Say it comes across my *.INF file which is 49 bytes. It will "compress" it to 52 bytes or so. However, the increase isn't much and it doesn't happen too often, so it's not worth worrying about. An excellent program, I think! ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 28 Tue Nov 03, 1992 DOUG.W [ICD RT] at 22:21 EST I just released the latest ICD host adapter software in the ICD RoundTable (file #44). It includes ICDBOOT 6.0.5 as well as the other utilities. --Doug @ ICD ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 29 Wed Nov 04, 1992 T.GIRSCH [T.J.] at 00:17 EST Bob M. - With my "one big file" proposition, you'd still see savings even if compression "increased" the file sizes. Like so: F# Size Compr %% Disk %% -- ----- ----- ----- -- --- ----- 1 49 52 - 6% 512 00% 2 49 52 - 6% 512 00% 3 49 52 - 6% 512 00% 4 49 52 - 6% 512 00% 5 49 52 - 6% 512 00% 6 49 52 - 6% 512 00% For a total of 3072Kbytes used, same as if uncompressed. With one big file, however: 6 files * 52 bytes = 312 bytes = one sector = 512 bytes total disk Remember, each _File_ is rounded up to the next 512 bytes, due to the structure of a disk. So method 1 (current) yields no change in disk space, whereas method 2 (my suggestion) saves over 83% - T.J. @ Atari Advantage P.S. I suspect extremely small files get "bigger" because he probably has to put a header on the file that defines the compression method. On small files the amount save probably doesn't make up for the amount taken up by that header. In most cases, however, you'll have a lot more large files than small ones, and the amount saved on the big ones will by far make up for that "wasted" on the small ones. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 30 Wed Nov 04, 1992 ORA.TECH at 01:04 EST I have attempted to stay away from proprietary disk or file formats to allow transportability. But as always I enter it into the suggestion database. Binary - You;re right that you can't currently do a HD to HD Image with Diamond Back, however you can with Diamond Edge and it will be in DB3 The "four" byte increase on really small files are the control bytes added to the beginging of every compressed file. DBII uses this information to decompress things correctly. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 31 Wed Nov 04, 1992 E.GORELIK at 03:14 EST Al-- Thanx for your response about disks with no labels. I did not know that many PC programs choke on them. (Actually, I have not experienced that-- but then, I don't use that many PC programs.) However, this is good to know as a circumstance to consider when problems arise. Guess your silence on this as pertains to Atari suggests Atari programs do not have that problem. By the way, just in case someone else may have responded to my query back on Oct. 8, I am not ignoring anyone. When I logged back on tonight I found the topics moved to a new category, and the messages in between from up to Oct. 27 removed. Eugene ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 32 Wed Nov 04, 1992 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 05:52 EDT Doug (ICD) Great! I am sure a LOT of users will find their problems fixed by this one. It has served flawlessly here since I installed it. NO bombs, NO unexplained crashes, NO conflicts. Bob, Why not just arbitrarily define a minimum size for compression, and omit the control bytes for those files smaller than the minimum. Wouldn't really save that much space, but it WOULD keep the program from looking like it doesn't know better than to write out a larger compressed file than if it weren't compressed. I have some files (like PageStream type 1 fonts) that grow considerably when compressed.... ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 33 Wed Nov 04, 1992 D.LIVINGST11 [ErnestBovine] at 06:14 EST I think the minimum space used by a file is 1 "cluster" of 1024 bytes, not one "sector" of 512 bytes. Lots of little compressed files take up lots of space, and you can't read 'em easily to see what they are, so I stopped using compression in Diamond Back. It may be easy to use Maxifile and Arcshell to back up to various .LZH files. I'm gonna try that. I think Maxifile's filters can pass to Arcshell every file meeting various criteria, such as date>x, archive bit clear, etc etc. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 34 Wed Nov 04, 1992 DOUG.W [ICD RT] at 07:48 EST Ron, I'm glad to hear the new ICDBOOT is working well for you. Thanks for your help testing it out. --Doug ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 35 Wed Nov 04, 1992 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 08:28 EST Doug, Believe me, it was MY pleasure... Ron ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 36 Wed Nov 04, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 21:05 EST Excuse me, Bob. Doug, where is the ICD RT? I thought you were part of the ST RT. Bob, I can't find the file for the upgrade for DB II, either. I guess I need a map. Ken ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 37 Wed Nov 04, 1992 DOUG.W [ICD RT] at 22:42 EST Ken, You can get to the ICD RoundTable by typing M1220 or ICD at any GEnie page prompt. --Doug ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 38 Wed Nov 04, 1992 ORA.TECH at 23:35 EST Ron - If a file "grows" when compressed, then it is simply copied. Ken - The V2.42 to V2.50 patch is file #25967 ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 39 Thu Nov 05, 1992 E.GORELIK at 00:56 EST Uh oh. On rereading my last message, I see five prepositions strung end to end. Wonder if Guinness might be interested in talking to me about this.... ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 40 Thu Nov 05, 1992 T.GIRSCH [T.J.] at 01:07 EST Bob - I'm not asking for a proprietary disk format. If a disk holds 720K, then make it hold ONE file which occupies the entire space. As I have said, it should only be used when compression is on, because as far as I'm concerned, Diamond Back is the only thing that decompress DB-compressed files anyway. - T.J. @ Atari Advantage Magazine ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 41 Thu Nov 05, 1992 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 02:05 EST It's been awhile since I've done incremental backups onto floppies but I thought I would be able to take an existing set of floppies (with previous incremental backups on them) and just pop them into the drive one at a time as I did a NEW incremental backup. I thought that a new incremental would basically overwrite the existing data on a disk. But when I did an incremental backup, I got the message that I had to keep putting in more floppies than expected because the already existing data on the floppies weren't really being overwritten, but they were actually being appended to. I can't find a way to configure DB so that it will just overwrite the existing data on a floppy. Is my memory faulty when I think I used to be able to do this when I used to do incrementals to floppies? Do I have to zero out each floppy before using them? Please let me know. Thanks much. - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Wednesday, November 4, 1992 10:59 pm ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 42 Fri Nov 06, 1992 C.NICHOLLS [BILL] at 04:04 EST Jason, If you set the parameters to NEW SAVE SET it will overwrite the existing back up. Bill ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 43 Fri Nov 06, 1992 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 18:16 EST Thanks, Doug. My product index stops in the 800s. No wonder I couldn't find you! Bob, Thanks. I'm not sure why my searches didn't work. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 44 Sat Nov 07, 1992 FAIRWEATHER [David] at 00:27 EST I have an Atari 20 meg SH204 HD that I want to replace with a 21 meg Floptical Drive. (I can't use both because the SH204 is such a dinosaur that it doesn't have an extra DMA port.) Can I use Diamond Back II to get the data off the SH204 and onto a 21 meg floptical disk? Does Diamond Back II work with flopticals? If so, does it make any difference if I back up the SH204 with compressed, uncompressed or image backup? The SH204 has 3 different partitions, (none of them are Spectre partitions.) Can I put all three partitions onto one floptical disk for do I need 3 different floptical disks for three different partitions? ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 45 Sat Nov 07, 1992 G.ANDERSON at 03:55 EST HELP.. I'll be posting the rest of my problem on the Diamond Edge topic area but I'll start here. I did a COMPLETE backup of my SyQuest (boot drive C and data partition D) before starting anything. After getting messages on the restore to 'D' partition the system locked up with a trashed 'D' partition. Even the 'header' section of the 'D' window showed garbage and the system locks up if I scroll to the bottom of the window. ARG!!!!!! I've replaced the mechanism, updated the ICD Advantage+ interface, and was using new versions of both ICD and DB II.... still trashed! Tomorrow I'll format the entire Syquest and try again from scratch, praying that this time it will work (I've some important data on that partition). The 'D' partition has given me nothing but pain since reaching Japan, yet it's only that partition that's given me ANY problems.... I can't see it being a hardware problem, otherwise the other partitions would have similiar problems. Please, does AN Gregg ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 46 Sun Nov 08, 1992 ORA.TECH at 00:44 EST If you want an incremental to write over the contents of the first disk entered rather than appending to the last disk of a saveset, then select "New Saveset" from the incremental backup selection dialog. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 47 Tue Nov 10, 1992 FAIRWEATHER [David] at 00:22 EST Still waiting for an official reply as to whether Diamond Back II works with Flopticals. But unofficially, I heard from a friend that Diamond Back II only recognizes the first sixteen megs of a 21 meg floptical disk. Is this true? If it is, will we see an upgrade soon that addresses the problem? ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 48 Wed Nov 11, 1992 ORA.TECH at 00:54 EST Re: Floptical. I've heard that DBII V2.5 works ok with the floptical except that it only recognizes 1/2 the disk. Flopticals have a non-standard disk format. I have a floptical on order that should arrive soon. I'll know more when I get one to work with. Bob ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 49 Thu Nov 12, 1992 PMC.INC at 03:50 EST David, Bob told me he just got our Freedom Floptical Drive we sent him, so hopefully the scoop will be known soon... oscar ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 50 Thu Nov 12, 1992 FAIRWEATHER [David] at 10:17 EST Great, I'll look forward to an update of Diamond Back that makes it 100% Floptical compatible. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 51 Fri Nov 13, 1992 ORA.TECH at 01:47 EST Re: Floptical I just received my Freedom Floptical from Purple Mountain Computers (very very nice) and evaluated DBII with it. The reports of it only utilizing 10 meg were correct. Modifying two lines of code solved the problem and I'm happily backup up to all 21 megs of my new floptical. I am leaving for Comdex on Saturday, a patch will be released the week after Comdex. Bob ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 52 Fri Nov 13, 1992 FAIRWEATHER [David] at 10:00 EST Bob that's great news about the Floptical and Diamond Back! ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 53 Tue Nov 17, 1992 P.DUBE [Paul] at 19:22 EST Bob, Something terrible happened to me, and it is half my fault: I lost files on a backup disk. Here's how: I made a backup some time ago of some files in some directories. OK? I deleted, from HD, these files since I wanted more space. Yesterday, not being sure if these files were backed up, and not remembering that these files were deleted, I managed to make sure they were backed up by making a bakup of these files... on the same disk set. As you should know, DBII first deletes the diskette's contents (first thing that bugs me!). And the files are not just wiped out as a "desktop delete", but the directory is wiped out, so there is no way to do an undelete (unless you reserve that operation for Diamond Edge which you will manage to have me buy it... 8-)). At least, there should have been a way to undelete the files; I know the information is still there but no way to recover it. I know I should have had two set of backup... I am just making a suggestion here so this backup program can continue to help us as much as it can. Paul D. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 54 Sat Nov 21, 1992 ORA.TECH at 19:14 EST Yes, DBII does automatically write over whatever is on a preformatted disk(except when appending a incremental). I regret your experience with inserting the wrong disk. DBII will have a more elaborate volume labeling and will include user selectable options to auto view the contents if a backup volume is detected prior to overwriting. Bob ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 55 Thu Nov 26, 1992 W.STEINERT [Rat Fink] at 21:49 EST Hello, Diamond Back II is a great program. It makes an unpleasant job as painless as possible. But being an ungrateful computer user, I want MORE! I'd like to explain what I'm doing so you'll know what I'm talking about: I use a hard disk recorder/sampler on my ST. The hard disk recorder uses a proprietary file system so I usually back it up to DAT as it's program allows. The sampler on the other hand uses GEM files.... *BIG* GEM files! While I keep most of my 'standard' samples on my disk at all times, I have to store the weirder ones on floppy to save space. I use DB II to do this with compression with great results. The one problem is that during a session I may need 2 samples off one disk 3 off another, etc... What I'd like to be able to do is have a menu that lets me select the files I wish to restore (by clicking). This would be similar to 'extract with query' in ARC Shell. I guess DB II would have to maintain a list of files for each save-set. I already use the 'list' feature to print out a list of samples. Possibly you can do this already in DB II. I really haven't had a chance to check the manual since I thought of it. I wasn't doing as much sample work before so it was no big deal to do it the old way. Any advice you could give would be great! Thanks, Wayne the Fink Thursday November 26, 1992 06:09 p.m. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 56 Fri Nov 27, 1992 ORA.TECH at 18:47 EST Wayne - Way ahead of you, wait till you see the new partial restore in DBIII or DB3 :-) Bob ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 57 Fri Nov 27, 1992 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] at 22:52 EST Bob: Care to stick your neck out and give us a feel for WHEN DBIII will be available? It's beginning to look like there will be features in it that will further extend its usefulness as a one-size-fits-all back up utility. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 58 Sun Nov 29, 1992 G.ANDERSON at 06:28 EST DBIII????? ARG!!!!!!! And I just spent $$$ to upgrade ! Gregg ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 59 Sun Nov 29, 1992 W.STEINERT [Rat Fink] at 20:44 EST Bob, Alright! I NEED that feature... errr when will it be out (DB III)? Wayne ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 60 Sun Nov 29, 1992 B.NYSTROM [Bry @ Ahh!] at 21:33 EST Bob, (ORA.TECH) I understand you will be supporting SCSI Tape devices in DBIII. Could you elaborate a little more on this? I have an Archive Viper and can use it to backup all my computers except the ST. The Idea of DB (being the best on the ST in the first place) supporting such devices has really gotten my hopes up!!! Will it still be able to back up my Spectre(MAC/AFP) partitions? ---Bry @ Ahh! PS: What is the expected price and approximate finish date of DBIII??? ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 61 Tue Dec 01, 1992 ORA.TECH at 01:24 EST DBIII is on a 1st/2nd quarter 1993 schedule. Archive Vipers will be supported(in fact I happen to have one). All current features will remain including Spectre backups. Bob ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 62 Wed Dec 02, 1992 M.MOTOGAWA [MEL] at 03:47 EST Congrats Bob. I noticed that the December ST User (UK) nominated Diamond Back II as one of the 20 top software, hardware products of 1992. - Mel ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 63 Thu Dec 03, 1992 ORA.TECH at 23:48 EST Thanks Mel, I saw that also. Bob ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 64 Sun Dec 06, 1992 ORA.TECH at 16:29 EST A patch to upgrade Diamond Back II V2.50 to V2.51 has just been uploaded to the ST Library. The file number is #26829 This patch provides complete support for the 21 meg floptical drives including the interchangable 4 sector epr cluster format. DBII V2.50 only supported flopticals formatted in the Atari specific format. These are the only differences between V2.5o and V2.51 Best regards, Bob ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 65 Mon Dec 07, 1992 G.ANDERSON at 03:17 EST All right... thanks Bob! Gregg ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 66 Wed Dec 09, 1992 ORA.TECH at 22:34 EST Terry, If a file is "expanded" via compression then it is simply copied. The only additioanl will be the header overhead telling the decompression routine to simply copy the file. The current auto skip list(about 8 explicit extensions) does not include GIF. DBIII will offer editable compression skip list management. Also the restore interface is radically different much more user friendly. Best regards, Bob ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 67 Thu Dec 10, 1992 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 00:39 EST Bob, If I understand correctly, then the reason why my files are slightly larger is for the header, telling DBII to simply copy that file? That's cool. :^) Thanks. Looking forward to DBIII. I hope the interface migrates towards the GEM style used by Diamond Edge. - Terry - ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 68 Sun Dec 13, 1992 L.HINSLEY [Stargazer] at 17:29 EST Hello Bob!!! I just recently upgraded my Diamond Back to V2.51 and decided to back my hard drive up today, but I ran across a problem. I have a MegaSTE with a 1.44 floppy disk with TOS 2.06. Backup disks one and two went just fine, but on disk three I realized that after a few minutes the Disk Space Left box was NEGATIVE!!! I left it alone and when it finally finished I wrote this down.... TOTAL BYTES - 1457664 BYTES IN FILES - 2617208 This information was taken from an information inquiry on disk drive A after it finished the backup. What do ya think Bob???? ///// Larry ///// ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 69 Mon Dec 14, 1992 ORA.TECH at 02:29 EST Very strange, What auto folder and ACC's do you have active? What was the state of the data on the disk? Bob ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 70 Thu Dec 17, 1992 H.SCHEIE [HALS] at 16:26 EST I too was doing a backup with 2.51 and got a negative amount remaining on the back up disc a-1 it kept going up till about -36000. I had verify on, I turned it off and repeated with normal results. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 71 Wed Dec 23, 1992 L.HINSLEY [Stargazer] at 19:54 EST Sorry I haven't got back to you about the problem Bob... I took the diskette that gave me the negative space remaining amount and reformated it and used it again and it worked fine. I tried to duplicate the problem without success. At the time the problem happened, I was performing a backup with compression and verify turned on. The information about the disk was obtained from the 'Show Information' item in NeoDesk.... The Auto programs I use are Warp 9, G+Plus, ICD (6.0.5), Cowboy Serial Buffer Expander, Line Arc (or whatever gives vector fonts in Calligrapher), and NeoLoad. As for accessories I have NeoDesk printer queue, Multidesk loaded with Steno, Warp 9, G+Plus, Paula, and other various non-resident accessories..... If I have the problem again, I'll be sure to anaylize the disk a bit more completely and give you the results.... ///// Larry ///// ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 72 Tue Dec 29, 1992 H.SCHEIE [HALS] at 20:34 EST does anybody found the reason for negative numbers in the disk free line yet? Hal ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 73 Wed Dec 30, 1992 ORA.TECH at 23:47 EST I have not been able to duplicate the negative numbers, nor have the people who have reported it been able to duplicate it. Best regards, Bob Luneski Oregon Research ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 74 Fri Jan 01, 1993 C.HERBORTH [-Chris-] at 20:39 EST I did a long-overdue full backup last week, and got those weird negative numbers in my disk free display... I haven't checked on the backups to see if they're Ok though. I was using "Compress", "Split", "Verify", and 1.64M (20 sec x 82 tracks x 2 sides) disks. The partitions it happened on were 70M and 52M. If it happens next time I back them up, I'll try to provide some additional info. -Chris- ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 75 Sat Jan 02, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:30 EST Bob, I have one partition on my Syquest that I back up incrementally every few weeks, with a file list generated. I've had no problems, but looking at the list afterwards, I find that the last file to be backed up is consistently missing from the list. Has anybody else reported this? I'm using DB 2.50 on a TT. gnox ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 76 Sun Jan 03, 1993 C.BINCKLEY [-- Chuck --] at 02:18 EST Bob, I saw a blurb in the latest Atari Advantage stating that Diamond Back _III_ was now available! Is this true, or are they jumping the gun? -- Chuck -- ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 77 Thu Jan 07, 1993 ORA.TECH at 02:55 EST Atari Advantage jumped the gun. They must have heard something and failed to verify it with us. Work on DB3 is progressing very well and we still expect a 1st/early 2nd quarter release. Bob@ora ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 78 Sat Jan 09, 1993 T.GIRSCH [TJ@EuroGames] at 06:23 EST Bob - I'll apologize on Atari Advantage's behalf for "jumping the gun" on this matter. As a point of curiosity, would the news have been accurate if it would have read "will soon be releasing" as opposed to "has released?" Thanks, and sorry... - T.J. @ Atari Advantage ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 79 Sat Jan 09, 1993 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] at 09:29 EST Bob: Can you tell us more about what features DB III will have over DB II? I, for one, really need better HD --> SyQuest features. I'd like to see the ability to back-up from one partition on the HD to a partition on the SyQuest and do so with MULTIPLE partitions all at one whack (i.e.: HD "C" Partition --> SyQuest "J", HD "D" --> SyQuest "K", etc.). I would also like to see a selectable zero of the recieving partition prior to back-up. Scripting of all the above would also be nice ;-). Seriously, I'm looking forward to DB III but would like to see better HD-HD back-up features. Thanks for all the fine products and support! ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 80 Sat Jan 09, 1993 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 11:27 EST T.J., Because of the lead time necessary to publish a magazine, sometimes it appears they are jumping the gun. I'm sure Atari Advantage thought that DBIII would have been released by the time the magazine hit the stands. If they said, "...will be releasing soon," that would have been just as inaccurate if it was already released. :^) ((( Terry ))) ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 81 Sat Jan 09, 1993 M.JONES52 [Jonesy] at 12:35 EST "is in the works, release date unknown at time of publication" would have covered accurately any eventuality, aina? ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 82 Sat Jan 09, 1993 ORA.TECH at 16:00 EST I'd like to make it clear that we are in no way disturbed by Atari Advantage's report on the availability of DB3. The lead times required for magazine puplications sometimes result in these kinds of situations. It is simply the way the business works. Our current estimated release for DB3 is March/April time frame. The limiting factor will be the design and manufacture of the package. The manual will be in excess of 200 pages and we are are going to boxed packaging for all our products(DBII is currently shipping in a box and DE will be shortly) We will be discussing features as release comes closer and will upload a demo version shortly before actual release. Best regards, Bob@ORA ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 83 Sat Jan 09, 1993 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 16:09 EST Very true, Jonesy. Sometimes, the distributer themselves lead the publisher to believe the product will be shipping when the magazine hits the shelves. I don't know whether that was the case here, though. If it is, I don't blame them for saying, "...is currently shipping." ((( Terry ))) ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 84 Sat Jan 09, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 23:22 EST I, too, like the ability to zero the receiving partition, instead of having to exit DB and go to DE for zeroing, then back to DB. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 85 Sun Jan 10, 1993 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 00:14 EST I'm hoping that the new version of DB will fix the symptom that I've described previously: when doing an incremental backup from hard drive onto a Syquest drive into a folder called, for example, INCREMEN, if you tell DB to do an incremental for files from more than one partition, DB will bomb out when it starts on the second partition. Bob, we've discussed this before via e-mail and I haven't heard if this perhaps might be fixed in the next edition. - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Saturday, January 9, 1993 8:54 pm ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 86 Sun Jan 10, 1993 T.GIRSCH [TJ@EuroGames] at 01:22 EST Bob - Over 200 pages of manual?!?!? I wannit I wannit I wannit!!!! BTW, give me a longer line for include/exclude masks. - T.J. @ Atari Advantage ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 87 Sun Jan 10, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 01:42 EST Just send it to us in a plain brown wrapper. I want whats on the disk. :-) ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 88 Mon Jan 18, 1993 JWC-OEO [Jon] at 22:12 EST Bob, Thanks! The SCSI info restore function of EDGE just saved my bacon (105 mb, thick cut). I'm delighted! I'm also a typical Atari user so I have to make just one comment... After casting about for a bit trying to figure out what to do when my hard disk stopped booting, I suddenly thought "SCSI INFO". I loaded my Edge Emergency disk, ran EDGE, and selected Restore SCSI Info. I followed the prompts and then (sound of complex dialog box poping up) found myself in what I later figured out was the Partition Dialog. I decided I'd better look at the manual, turned to section 6.2, read the instructions, but found that they do not give any hint that this dialog will appear. I selected "Install only" because it seemed the safest thing to do, and my hard disk was back in service. Later I searched the manual, found a picture of the dialog, and was able to confirm that I had made the right choice. Anyway, it would have been better if section 6.2 had mentioned that the dialog would show up during the restore and referred me to section 3.4.2 for an explaination of it. Jon ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 89 Wed Jan 20, 1993 TQUINN [Terry~Sysop] at 10:20 EST I have encountered something weird with Diamond Back II (and only this program as far as I can tell) a couple of times the past couple of weeks. The keyboard has gone to sleep a couple of times in the middle of a backup! All of a sudden, the computer won't register any keypresses or mousemoves or any other form of input. If I do a cold reboot, everything is fine all of a sudden except I have to repeat the backup. Does anybody have any ideas? ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 90 Thu Jan 21, 1993 ORA.TECH at 00:37 EST Thanks for the feedback Jon. Terry, An old Mega of mine started acting like that just before the keyboard chip went to the big IC in the sky. Best regards, Bob@ORA ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 91 Thu Jan 21, 1993 M.HUBBARD4 [Sebastian] at 20:38 EST Bob@ORA: DBIII is coming out so soon?!? The best gets better! Maybe I should have waited before buying DBII (registration card on the way, my DBII came in a shrink-wrapped booklet)... How would I go about upgrading? What kind of features will be added (I'm new to this)? I also have DE on order. My hard drive really needs it! I can hardly wait for it to arrive along with my disk order! -=-*-=- ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 92 Thu Jan 21, 1993 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 23:58 EST Terry, I had the same thing happen to me recently and discovered that I had a virus that was spreading to my backup disks. It was the key virus and is supposedly harmless until you use a disk with the "key" on it. I don't know about that, but every time I got to backup disk number 5, the mouse click would stop and the keyboard would freeze. Everything seemed to work normally after using VKILLER on all of the affected disks and rebooting with a clean boot disk. I really can't prove that the two things are related, but I haven't had the problem anymore. Paul ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 93 Sat Jan 23, 1993 L.TRAPANI [Lou][Machine] at 00:53 EST Hi, I recently got the DB v2.5. I am very pleased with the software. I just backed up my whole hard drive. Though, I have been using the hard for over a year with out a problem....but you never know... I keep copiesd of everything already on floppies, but DB II will just make it easier for me in case I ever have to do a restore. Well all went fine backing up until I got to one partition. DB kept on bombing out at the same point when I backed up this partition. Well I went to that partition to see if I can see anything unusual. It may have been just because the files it was access were buried to deep in folders, I am not sure. I was able to move the stuff up one more folder and thus deleting one folder. I also looked in the manual to see if there was a trouble shooting section. Well what I found was that I should remove all Cashe programs. I was using the Atari cashe program (CASHENNN.PRG) in my AUTO folder. So I turned that off. I backed up that partition one more time and all went well this time. I dont know if removing the Cashe or the one less folder deep solved the problem, but it DID work this time, and that is what counts. I do have one question. I had thought all Atari computers (all TOS's) had the 40 folder limit and had to use FOLDRXXX.PRG in their AUTO folder. According to the DB manual, it states that only TOS 1.0 has to. I have an STE with TOS 1.62 and I have always used FOLDRXXX.PRG in my AUTO folder. I'm I correct, shouldn't all TOS versions use it? Has Atari corrected this? Thanks... *--== Lou ==--* ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 94 Sat Jan 23, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 05:16 EST Lou, Atari improved the folder thing quite a bit in TOS 1.4. Although I never had much problem with 1.4 and up, for the cost of a few K in memory, there comes more safety and peace of mind by using FOLDERXXX anyway (or ICD's built in folder expander). I have my ICD booter setup for extra folder memory and I use TOS 2.06. The extra memory used isn't much. You would just be playing it safe if you use it. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 95 Sat Jan 23, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:45 EST Lou, The old TOS had a bug that caused nasty things to happen when you hit the limit. With newer TOSs there's still a limit (that's not a bug, just the way things work) but running into it is less of a catastrophe. It's best not to hit the limit at all, so all versions of TOS should use FOLDERxxx or the ICD equivalent to extend the limit. It's well worth the small amount of RAM it uses. gnox ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 96 Sat Jan 23, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:27 EST Lou, Ouch. This is a topic that cannot end. The 40-folder limit will not cause ugly crashes in newer versions of TOS, but it it still there in a small way. You may never see it. I have the newest TT TOS and have my folder limit set at 1039 (999 more than 40). I do a lot of file manipulation, so I am extra careful. Al ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 97 Sat Jan 23, 1993 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 16:26 EST Lou-= The 40 folder bug was squashed in TOS 1.04 and up, or so I've heard. If you have an ICD AdSCSI host adapter, it can set it's own caches that probably won't interfere with DB2. Also, if you have ICD stuff, you can allocate extra folders as well. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 98 Sun Jan 24, 1993 AEO.3 [Lyre] at 00:24 EST Al, An here I thought I was being a bit excessive with an extra 300 folders! Sheesh, how big is your hard drive? Lyre 12:17 am, January 24, 1993 ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 99 Sun Jan 24, 1993 ORA.TECH at 01:21 EST You should add extra folders, either through foldrxxx or a HD driver program like ICD, regardless of your TOS version. Although the infamous '40 folder bug' is no longer a catestrophic event, there are still limitations within TOS. Backup or disk utility programs stress the internal memory management far more than everyday use, it is a good idea to have 100-400 extra folders allocated depending on the number and cumulative depth of your directory structure. Best regards, Bob@ORA ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 100 Sun Jan 24, 1993 L.TRAPANI [Lou][Machine] at 04:04 EST Everyone, Thanks for the many replies. All of you re-comfirmed what I thought and have been practicing. Yes, I use the FOLDRXXX.PRG all the time. From what I understood, Atari recommended this for all TOS versions. I assume the same would apply to the new Falcons? *--== Lou ==--* ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 101 Sun Jan 24, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 05:36 EST I have 64 extra folders set up in my ICD software and with my 80 meg, 8 partition drive have never seen the message about no folder space remaining. Users with 1.2 or earlier might want to double that because the logic that is supposed to release folder space (fixed in 1.4) is broke. The larger the HD, or deeper the folders you use, the more space you should reserve, and double everything for 1.2 or 1.0. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 102 Sun Jan 24, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 11:14 EST Lyre, 300 megs. Al ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 103 Sun Jan 24, 1993 AEO.3 [Lyre] at 14:53 EST Ron, I imagine that the number of folders people set depends on their usage. I am constantly bouncing between applications, therefore I have mine set to 300 extra folders. But then, I also like to keep my hard drive neat with everything in it's own folder. For instance I have a folder called MAGAZINE which holds the online mags I DL - each in its own folder. Al, Nice. While looking through a computer magazine the other day I noticed that their was a 2.4 gigabyte hard drive for only $2500. If I had the cash, I'd have the hard drive. :) Lyre 2:48 pm, January 24, 1993 ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 104 Sun Jan 24, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 20:09 EST extra folders. But then, I also like to keep my hard drive neat with everything in it's own folder. For instance I have a folder called MAGAZINE which holds the online mags I DL - each in its own folder. ------- Well, I just HATE organized people. It isn't so much how many folders you have as how many you manage to access before the path gets cleared. The larger the HD, logically, the more folders you might read, so you need more folder space, but I doubt you will ever see the message about folders full with 340. Still, those with TOS <1.4 should err on the side of too many, rather than too few, as the results can be pretty UGLY. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 105 Sun Jan 24, 1993 AEO.3 [Lyre] at 23:06 EST Ron, Agreed, the results are pretty ugly if you hit the folder limit. That is why my FOLDRXXX is set to 340. :) For about 3 months (wasn't aware of the problem at that point) I did hit that limit... ::shudder:: Lyre 10:42 pm, January 24, 1993 ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 106 Mon Jan 25, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 06:22 EST A while back I took FOLDRXXX out of my AUTO folder because I heard I didn't need it with TOS 2.06 and the ICD Host Adapter. When I checked just now to find out if the ICD software was configured with the folder situation set up, I couldn't find it. Where do I look? Ken Van ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 107 Mon Jan 25, 1993 DOUG.W [ICD RT] at 07:56 EST Ken, HDUTIL.PRG will show you your ICDBOOT settings and allow you to change them. --Doug @ ICD ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 108 Mon Jan 25, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:58 EST Sounds like Lyre's a saver, besides being neat. I'm a saver who tries to be neat, but I've decided to print out online magazines with DUBLPAG4 on my SLM804, and then discard the files. I rarely go back to them after I read them, and am not sure I need to keep the hard copy, either. On the hard drive, I'm doing sorting and pitching. The less junk I keep, the more space I have for essential stuff, and the less junk gets backed up. Ken Van ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 109 Mon Jan 25, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 09:03 EST Lyre, Even a few gigs might now be enough before long. I am hoping to be up past 1 gig shortly, so I can stop archiving my stuff all over the place. One of the reasons I have the folder limit set at +1000 is that I have a *lot* of folders, to aid in file organization. MaxiFile tells me I have 1,100 folders on my HDs at the moment. Al ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 110 Tue Jan 26, 1993 MUSE [Tomas] at 01:12 EST Al >Even a few gigs might not be enough before long. For a second there I thought you were a musician! ===Tomas=== January 25, 1993 @ 10:06:57 pm PST ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 111 Tue Jan 26, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 06:49 EST Lyre, If you have TOS 1.0 or 1.2, I STRONGLY, URGENTLY, recommend an upgrade to at LEAST 1.4. It will make the 40 folder limit a mere irritation (alert box warning), rather than a national disaster. You might be able to get 1.4 cheap if you can find someone who has upgraded to 2.06, or just go all the way to 2.06, if you can. ------------- Ken, The extra folder setup is in the HDUTIL configuration setup. ------------- Al, WOW 1,100 folders! What do you do, put one file per folder? I don't think I have that many FILES on my HD. (only 80 megs). ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 112 Tue Jan 26, 1993 P.DUBE [Elan Soft] at 18:07 EST I am interested in buying a Backpack from Micro Solutions. It is a tape backup that plugs into the parallel port. Will DBII be able to handle it? Paul @ Elan ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 113 Tue Jan 26, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 18:33 EST Tomas, I was! Then I gave it up, took a step down in life, and became a journalist! Al ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 114 Tue Jan 26, 1993 AEO.3 [Lyre] at 21:42 EST Ken, >Sounds like Lyre's a saver, besides being neat. Ummm, should I tell everyone now that I keep copies on floppy of *everything* that I've ever downloaded - even if it was something I decided I could not use? Demos, shareware, PD stuff, pictures, text files, etc all go to floppy after I check them out. Some things stay on the hard drive because I use them, most things go to floppy because I do not use them. The reason I have to keep some of this stuff though is because of my work. (Notice the signature.) Al, Having just checked, MaxiFile informs me that I have 315 folders on my hard drive. Mind you, I haven't gotten into DTP and artwork as much as I want to, so if I really got heavily into that I would definitely need more disk space. Lyre News Editor, ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE 9:15 pm, January 26, 1993 ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 115 Tue Jan 26, 1993 R.JANSSEN1 [DAMIAN] at 23:32 EST Wouldn't it be cool to have DB II print filenames on pinfed disk labels *during* a back-up? It only shows directories and exclude paths currently, and automatic disc numbering would help too. This way you could tell which archives were split between disks, etc. It would be another great feature for an already great program! 'Dig you later, \\\\ o-o Damian. ~ (R.JANSSEN1) \_/ [X] ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 116 Tue Jan 26, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 23:43 EST Thanks, Doug. I looked at HDUTIL.PRG, but must have missed the folder setting. Bob, I've no problem backing up until tonight. Because I had made a lot of changes on the partition I wanted to back up, I zeroed the partion on the SyQuest that I wanted to back up to. I also deleted the validation file because I wanted to create a new one when I backed up. I loaded the file I had used before and got a message the validation file could not be opened and then two bombs. I eventually got a backup without validation (I'm not sure how). When I continued to experiment, I found that I would get as far as the screen that shows the files being backed up, the name of the first file would show up, and then lockup. I'm not sure that DataDiet was causing the problem, but I tried turning it off both via the DataDiet INF file and manually, and with it on and the file size set for original. I continued to get lockup in every case. I also tried reinstalling DB. Do you have any suggestions? Ken Van ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 117 Wed Jan 27, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:42 EST Ron, I organize related files in their own folders. They are easier to find that way, and such #$%^ files as "README.TXT" tend to make a little more sense that way. (A mild understatement!) Since I am a GEMified user -- a convert from a command-line-only user a few years back, via an old-fashioned CLI shell -- and use both NeoDesk and the 3.06 desktop, depending on what sort of work I am doing on the TT, I am able to place icons on the desktop for click-click execution no matter how deep in the hierarchy they are. A lot of others are accessed by function keys, and I also use MaxiFile a lot. Having a lot of memory helps, too. Al ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 118 Wed Jan 27, 1993 AEO.3 [Lyre] at 18:21 EST Ron, Just so that you don't worry about me anymore, I'm using TEC with TOS 2.06. I'm doing fine. Lyre 1:36 am, January 27, 1993 ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 119 Wed Jan 27, 1993 P.DUBE [Elan Soft] at 19:16 EST Bob, Technical question: DBII has an associated RSC file, which is about 47K large. AES function rsrc_load of older TOS versions (1.0, 1.2 and 1.4) were not able to load resources larger than 32K. Have you rewritten your own rsrc_load function or is DBII not working on those machines (which would surprise me)? Paul @ Elan ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 120 Thu Jan 28, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 05:42 EST Lyre, I also save everything to floppy, sometimes more than once. It has saved me downloading things twice when someone in our user group asks for something I downloaded, but didn't use. Doesn't everyone save everything? Actually, I don't save ALL of them, because some of the stuff I get doesn't WORK, and I delete those. ----------- >years back, via an old-fashioned CLI shell -- and use both NeoDesk and the >3.06 desktop, depending on what sort of work I am doing on the TT, I am able >to place icons on the desktop for click-click execution no matter how deep in >the hierarchy they are. > It might be heresy to a NeoDesk user, but if you have a LOT of applications, you might check out HotWire, which can start your applications, password protect your menu, and gives you a LOT more programs to run with a click than you can get onscreen. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 121 Thu Jan 28, 1993 P.DUBE [Elan Soft] at 18:43 EST I just take a look at the demo of Diamond Edge, it seems to be a great program! WOW! There are tiny errors: - in the Show Frag window, the last bar graph (at the right) should read >100K (and not <100K). Same thing a bit lower: >4K (and not <4K). I'll check with the financial department to see when we can expect to buy such a marvel of utility. 8-) Paul @ Elan ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 122 Thu Jan 28, 1993 ORA.TECH at 22:43 EST Paul Never heard of the Backpack tape drive that plugs into the parallel port. It would require a custom driver as it will not appear to the ST as a drive. Our tape software is designed to drive SCSI tape drives. You can have Micro Solutions call us at (503) 620-4919 to talk more about it. DBII works fine on TOS 1.0,1.2,&1.4 although we recommend 1.4 as the bare minimum with 2.06 prefered. Damian - Just wait :-) Ken - Very strange, try disabling all auto folder and ACC's and upgrading your ICD driver to the latest version. Then add one back at a time untill you find out what's killing things. We recommend a bigger hard drive as the alternative to insufficient storage. Best regards, Bob@ORA ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 123 Fri Jan 29, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 06:33 EST Ron, I know about HotWire. I'm trying to stave off my purchase of the only great CodeHead utility that I don't own and use. I tried the demo, and maybe because I like to program, I found my own CLI batchfiles easier ... for ME. Others' mileage may vary, etc. Al ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 124 Fri Jan 29, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 08:00 EST Bob, I'll let you know if I figure it out. Everything was working fine before. Never a problem. I see someone else wondered about the ">" in Edge. ;^) Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 125 Sun Jan 31, 1993 DILWORTH [JOHN_D] at 09:35 EST And I just purchased DBII before Christmas. Will there be an exchange/update policy for DBII owners?? John D. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 126 Sun Jan 31, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 17:00 EST Bob, I'm not having any luck with the problem. The program seems to take very little time in the space checking procedure before doing a backup, and then the computer just locks up when the first program shows up in the upper part of the screen. (Nothing ever appears in the scrolling section down below.) Here's a Desk Manager setup I've prepared to try to run DB II with little conflict from anything. ; Desk Manager: DiamondBack ; DESKTOP.INF File ; AUTO Programs DESKMG33.PRG WARP9_ST.PRG HOTWIRE.PRG LGSELECT.PRG ; ASSIGN.SYS File ; Desk Accessories Please note that I've selected no DESKTOP.INF file, no ASSIGN.SYS file, and no desk accessories, and the AUTO programs I've selected are fairly conventional with reputations for stability. I suppose I can try delecting some more. Later. I deleted WARP9 and HOTWIRE from my setup, and the program appears to be working okay. I don't know which it was conflicting with. I was able to do an incremental backup before, but not a full backup. Part of the problem may have been a misunderstanding. I thought if my default for backing up specified that I wanted to create a validation file, one would be created. Instead, I have to click on YES, even though it is highlighted, and name the file before running the backup procedure. (Before deleting the above programs from my setup, I got the lockup even when I followed this procedure.) Ken Van Dellen ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 127 Mon Feb 01, 1993 ORA.TECH at 22:12 EST Yes, there will be an upgrade path to DB3 from DBII. DB3 will not be released until after MultiTOS is released. Background backups are one of the big enhancements and MultiTOS is a moving target now. That may change depending on when they do release it. Ken - I'd suggest you upgrade your Hotwire and Warp 9 because I use both without difficulties. So you're loading a .inf file that specifies validation and it's not creating the file without you explicitly telling it to?? I'll look at that. Best regards, Bob@ORA ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 128 Tue Feb 02, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 02:08 EST Bob, It'll be a long wait if you are waiting on MultiTOS to be released. :-) ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 129 Tue Feb 02, 1993 R.JONES82 [Bob Jones] at 04:37 EST I think you should reconsider on Hotwire. I've used many enviroments but something about Hotwire keeps me using it. I feel handcuffed without it. I bought and used Neodesk way before Hotwire now Neodesk collects dust on the shelf. Hotwire is that good. Give it another try. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 130 Wed Feb 03, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 06:23 EST Thanks, Bob. I think I have the latest versions, but am checking. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 131 Wed Feb 03, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:35 EST I _do_ have the latest versions, according to Tomas at CodeHead. I'm looking for other possibilities. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 132 Thu Feb 04, 1993 J.BRENNER1 [See Flat] at 19:31 EST Hi, I'd like to order Diamond Back II. Could I do it through E-Mail with a Cr.Card #. If I can please leave me info via at J.Brenner1. Thanks in advance. John Brenner (Montreal) ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 133 Thu Feb 11, 1993 J.TOWLER1 [John] at 01:55 EST Is there any way to add new exclude masks or paths to a configuration without having to start from scratch? Anytime I've tried by going to 'Select Backup Paths', DBII insists on adding INCLUDE paths first. If I then exclude the mask or path and click on view paths, it still shows the path as included. The only way I've found around this is to completely rebuild my include/exclude paths and masks if I need to make a change. - John ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 134 Tue Feb 16, 1993 ORA.TECH at 02:02 EST Not in Diamond Back II but the ability will be there for DB3 Best regards, Bob@ORA ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 135 Tue Feb 16, 1993 G.ANDERSON at 21:14 EST Ok, so how long before we can expect to get our hands on DBIII? And,\ just as important for us cheapskates, how much ? Gregg ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 136 Sun Feb 21, 1993 ORA.TECH at 14:16 EST Gregg, It will probably be another couple of months before DB3 will be available. The upgrade price is not set and will be dependent on th printing cost of the signifiacantly expanded manual. Best regards, Bob@ORA ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 137 Sun Feb 21, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou Rocha] at 15:07 EST Bob, if you can expand on the excellent manual you had for DB2... then you must have a really significant upgrade in the works. Can't wait! ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 138 Sun Feb 21, 1993 K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 18:23 EST Bob, I still have to select the validation button in the BACKUP OPTIONS menu even though it's selected by a default file. Otherwise I get bombs. This takes me through the Create Validation File procedure, and when I'm doing a full backup I select overwrite when it tells me the validation file already exists. It works for me, but I have to remember the one extra manual step. Ken Van Dellen d8^) ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 139 Mon Mar 01, 1993 A.STUDER1 [Andrew] at 10:46 EST Yup, the 40 folder bug WAS fun! NOT! I wrote a program to create/open new folders endlessly without FOLDRxxx.PRG enabled. After so many (I can't remember the exact number), some text appeard stating that I have exceeded the memory pool allocated, and I should put FOLDRxxx.PRG in my AUTO folder, SYSTEM HALTED! Instead of destroying data, it halts your system and forces you to re-boot! ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 140 Tue Mar 02, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 05:14 EST >appeard stating that I have exceeded the memory pool allocated, and I should >put FOLDRxxx.PRG in my AUTO folder, SYSTEM HALTED! Instead of destroying >data, it halts your system and forces you to re-boot! *******************8 Warning **************************** The above is true ONLY FOR TOS 1.4 AND LATER. Earlier TOS versions can do serious damage to the directory and FAT if this problem occurs. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 142 Sat Mar 06, 1993 R.DEAN3 [GUNNER] at 17:34 EST Bob; What are the chances of seeing DB3 support the Floptical drives like a floppy so that we can backup BMG partitions to 21meg flopticals? Gunner ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 143 Mon Mar 08, 1993 ORA.TECH at 22:08 EST Gunner, Multiple volume removable media backups(Syquest, Floptical, SCSI Tape) will be supported in DB3. Best regards, Bob@ORA ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 144 Tue Mar 09, 1993 J.BRENNER1 [See Flat] at 00:48 EST Hmmm, I have just purchased Diamond Back and I think it's great. Backing to floppy has never been as quick. I am looking into purchasing a Syquest drive very soon. I assumed you could just back drive C to drive to, let's say, drive M or such. Am I to gather that I can't choose to back up on another logical drive? As this seems to be the case how soon are we to expect DB3 and how much will the upgrade be? :-) This is probably the wrong topic but.....I have been using Michtron Toolkit for years......should I be moving on to Diamond Edge. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 145 Tue Mar 09, 1993 MUSE [Tomas] at 01:43 EST Bob, I like hearing about your plans for multiple volume SyQuest backups. Is it safe assume that this will work with the Supra FD-10 as well? ===Tomas=== March 08, 1993 @ 10:21:09 pm PST ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 146 Tue Mar 09, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 06:01 EST > This is probably the wrong topic but.....I have been using Michtron Toolkit >for years......should I be moving on to Diamond Edge. Only if you think upgrading your 1957 Chevvy to a 1993 Cadillac is worthwhile... ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 147 Tue Mar 09, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:17 EST See Flat, You can presently back up any partition to any Syquest partition. What you can't do (yet) is switch Syquest carts in the middle of a backup, like you do with floppies. And yes, you should be moving on to Diamond Edge! :) gnox ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 148 Tue Mar 09, 1993 ORA.TECH at 23:14 EST Tomas, yes multiple volumes will be supported on all removable media including the Supra FD-10. See Flat, Yes, you can do HD to HD backups(to Syquest or any other HD media) by specifying a HD drive as the destination rather than floppy. DB3 development has been slowed by several factors. The death of my Grandmother took about a month out of the schedule, the Falcon OS and MultiTOS not being final until just recently, and the demands of managing the international portion of our business have all contributed to a schedule slip. My current conservative estimate is May/June. Optimistic estimate is early May. Upgrade costs will be dependent on the printing costs of the new manual and have not been set at this time. Best regards, Bob@ORA ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 149 Sat Mar 13, 1993 MIKE.KELLER [ST Aladdin] at 00:05 EST > Only if you think upgrading your 1957 Chevvy to a 1993 Cadillac is > worthwhile... > Ron, considering the value of some 57 Chevies, I don't think THAT was a good analogy! Now, Corvair to Caddy, maybe... mike.k ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 150 Sat Mar 13, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 10:21 EST > > Now, Corvair to Caddy, maybe... > I Corvair in good shape (if that isn't an oxymoron), would be very expensive to acquire now too. What meant was having to DRIVE one.. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 151 Sun Mar 21, 1993 M.RIVMAN1 [MATT] at 01:43 EST Bob- Hello! Hope all is well with you and yours. Just wanted to give thanks once again, for the excellence that is apparent in DBII. It truely kept me from the brink of insanity tonight when after cleaning up my boot drive, I found that I could not boot up with my usual AUTO prg's and ACC's without a 2-4 bomb crash around NeoDesk. I tried several things including some undeletes via EDGE to no avail. No Problem! < ah, the light begins to glow! > I have a 2 day old back-up. Let's restore all in the NeoDesk3 folder! VOILA! Works like a charm! Thanks again for a great, and sanity saving program! Matt Rivman ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 152 Sat Mar 27, 1993 J.BRENNER1 [See Flat] at 17:58 EST Bob, There has been mention in the CodeHead's Topic area of a Cache program, (Diamond Cache) you have written. Could you tell us about it and where it can be found? ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 153 Sat Mar 27, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 20:36 EST See Flat, thank you for moving your thread. The last I read, I think, was it was dropped from the disc because it wasn't being updated and there were some compatibility problems. BTW, Bob is away for a few days. *******Brian********* Written on Saturday 27 March 1993 at 09:18 p.m. AST ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 154 Sun Mar 28, 1993 J.SAFFER [JASON SAFFER] at 00:34 EST Regarding Diamond Cache: 1. Is it a separate program that I have to buy separately or is it supposed to be included on my Diamond Back disk? 2. What's the cost, if it needs to be purchased separately? 3. Does it work on a TT? 4. Will it work with partitions larger than 512 or 1024? - Jason Saffer Hercules, California Saturday, March 27, 1993 9:32 pm ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 155 Sun Mar 28, 1993 J.SPANDE [John Spande] at 11:26 EST Regarding Diamond Cache: 1) It was a commercial version of Cold Hard Cache by Robert Owens III which was distributed with Diamond Back when Data Innovations was distributing it. When Bob broke with Data Innovations he did not get the rights to DiamondCache since the author was no longer supporting it. He did put the shareware copy of CHC on the distribution disk however (I don't know if he still does). 2) CHC (or DiamondCache) is extremely compatible and solid. I have never had a problem with it nor have I even heard of one. It performs extremely well and has a very nice DA to make settings such as size and number of buffers, print spooler, etc. 3) It does not work on the TT (or presumably Falcon) and does not work with large partitions. It is a real shame to have such a first rate program not be supported and updated. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 156 Sun Mar 28, 1993 R.DEAN3 [GUNNER] at 13:46 EST Regarding Cold Hard Cache: Diamond Back II shipes with Cold Hard Cache in the EXTRAs folder Gunner ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 157 Sun Mar 28, 1993 J.BRENNER1 [See Flat] at 17:03 EST John Spande, Thanks, that states the situation very clearly. GUNNER, Diamond Cache is not in the EXTRA's folder Diamond Back 2.51 Message # 155 explains the situation well. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 158 Sun Mar 28, 1993 M.RIVMAN1 [MATT] at 22:21 EST Bob, Hope you read this prior to responding to my previous msg's. I found the hardcopy of our exchange where you answered the question re: lostclus.dat files. Thanks! Matt ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 159 Mon Mar 29, 1993 C.NICHOLLS [BILL] at 02:36 EST I did have some problems with Cold Hard Cache, and stopped using it. Unfortunately, I can't now remember what they were -- but stopping using it solved the problems. I am now using MasterCache 2.76,(in library) and available as shareware from D.C.Gouthro, even though I have ICD boot cache. So far no problems, and it does some things even ICD doesn't. Bill ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 160 Mon Mar 29, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:27 EST John Spande: thanks for clearing up the Diamond Cache situation. Bill: do you happen to know whether MasterCache works on the TT and handles partitions > 32K? gnox ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 161 Tue Mar 30, 1993 C.NICHOLLS [BILL] at 00:50 EST gnox, The Master Cache manual says it works on a TT. It will also support large partitions. The manual is not the easiest to read because the author has a severe hearing disability, and his syntax is somewhat unusual -- but it can be deciphered. So far I am having a good time with it on my Mega STE4. Bill ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 162 Tue Mar 30, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 07:14 EST Thanks Bill - I think I'll have a look at Master Cache. gnox ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 163 Wed Mar 31, 1993 J.MOLNAR4 at 08:10 EST Hello I have a question about backing up my Spectre GCR partition using Diamond Back II. I've recently starting using my "fake Mac" in earnest. However, I ran into a problem with the image backup. Clicking only the Spectre partition, I started running the backup, but quickly ran out of spare disks. Taking a closer look when I restarted, it seems to require 41 disks. By my rough estimate judging from the number of disks of software I installed (doubling to account for packed files) I shouldn't need more that 20 disks (max). I hope Diamond Back II doesn't back up blank space, does it? Help, SOS, Assistance ... Thanks Joe Molnar ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 164 Thu Apr 01, 1993 W.PARKS3 [Dr. Bob] at 01:11 EST Joe, Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't "Image Backup" mean just that? Copy an 'image' of the disk... whatever is there? I can be totally wrong here since I haven't used DB, maybe it does copy just used sectors in 'Image' mode. Bye: Dr. Bob ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 165 Thu Apr 01, 1993 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 02:26 EST Joe- DBII doesn't back up blank space or zero length files, however, it will not compress files already compressed by ARC, LZH, and so on. It just copies them directly to the disk. While DBII doesn't back up blank space, if you have even 1 byte of info (as the last byte off of drive C), on the last disk in the C saveset, DBII will leave the rest of that disk blank and ask for a new one when starting to back up the D drive. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 166 Fri Apr 02, 1993 L.HINSLEY [Stargazer] at 02:33 EST Hello Joe... I am afraid that for Spectre partitions that Diamond Back does indeed do an Image Backup. Thus, if your Spectre partition is 40 Megs, you will have to have 40 Megs worth of diskettes to back the information up on. It has to work it this way to remain compatible with the Macintosh file system.... ***** Stargazer ***** ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 167 Fri Apr 02, 1993 G.LEONE [Gerry] at 21:48 EST Will Diamond Back's Image backup back up any kind of format on a hard disk? For example, I'm buying a Syquest for use with my sampler. The sampler formats the HD with its own custom scheme. Would DB's image backup backup that? -Gerry ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 168 Tue Apr 06, 1993 ORA.TECH at 01:04 EDT Diamond Cache was dropped when BGM partitions came into existance. It did not support them and the author would not update the program. However, for 512 byte sectors it is an excellent cache. We are working on buying the code to improve and update it or writing our own(In my copious free time) Joe - The current Spectre backup is a true Image backup that backs up all sectors, as opposed to DBII's intelligent GEM image backup that only backsup sectors that contain data. A DB3 feature will include compressed Spectre backups to reduce the required disks. Bob - In file backup mode DB2 does backup zero length files. Best regards, Bob@ORA ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 169 Tue Apr 06, 1993 ORA.TECH at 23:54 EDT Gerry - Right now the Image must be a GEM/BGM or Spectre partition, DB3 will allow image backups of any kind of partition. Best regards, Bob@ORA ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 170 Wed Apr 07, 1993 L.HINSLEY [Stargazer] at 01:28 EDT Hello Bob!!! Long time no see..... IT HAPPENED AGAIN!!! I was backing up my hard drive onto 1.44M diskettes and one of the diskettes went into the negative disk remaining syndrome. Here are the particulars of my system and the diskette (which I still have by the way). System Info: Atari MegaSTE4 with 120Meg hard disk on internal controller 1.44Meg internal floppy In AUTO folder: AUXINIT FIX_DUMP G+PLUS ICDBOOT(6.0.7) JAR010 NEOLOAD SERFX20 UIS_III WARP9_ST ACCESSORIES: NEODESK QUEUE MULTIDESK DELUXE CALLIGRAPHER REFERENCE IN MULTIDESK: XCONTROL G+PLUS STENO WARP_9 Disk Information: Maxell DD/HD diskette formatted with Diamond Format 80T 18S FaST Format Diamond Back II version 2.51 TOS reports 34 folders/328 files/2490703 bytes/512 available NeoDesk reports 1457664 total bytes/2490703 bytes used/2 sides 2880 sectors/80 tracks per side/18 sectors per track 512 bytes per sector ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 171 Wed Apr 07, 1993 G.LEONE [Gerry] at 09:07 EDT >ORA.TECH at 23:54 EDT > >Gerry - Right now the Image must be a GEM/BGM or Spectre partition, DB3 will >allow image backups of any kind of partition. Ooooooo! I ask, Bob, because my synthesizer (an Ensoniq EPS) uses *almost* the same floppy disk format as my STe. However, when you pop an EPS disk into the STe, nothing shows in the directory. So, in other words, DB III will back up Syquest carts that contain my EPS samples?? -Gerry ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 172 Thu Apr 08, 1993 ORA.TECH at 20:01 EDT Stargazer - Send me the disk please ( or a copy of it) Best regards, Bob@ORA ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 173 Sat Apr 10, 1993 L.HINSLEY [Stargazer] at 00:35 EDT Good to hear from you Bob.... You got it. I'll probably be sending it out next Monday so hopefully you will get it next week sometime. I was sitting here watching the backup when I saw the disk space remaining amount go negative. After it finished I immediately took the disk out and write protected it. Hmmm, I try to copy it on another diskette and see what will happen.. ***** Stargazer ***** ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 174 Sun Apr 11, 1993 M.PASEK at 20:05 EDT I see some people talking about Diamond Back III. Is this product out? How w much does it cost and what are the new features? ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 175 Sun Apr 11, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 21:22 EDT Bob is eorking on DB III. It isn't out yet. I will leave it to Bob to state when it will be available. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 176 Mon Apr 12, 1993 M.PASEK at 21:20 EDT Okay thanks. I was about to purchase Diamond Back II but I think I will wait for III ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 177 Mon Apr 12, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 21:25 EDT M.Pasek, DB III won't be out for a little while. If you are not using a reliable b/u program in th meantime then trouble can occur. IMHO..... Brian ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 178 Wed Apr 14, 1993 ORA.TECH at 23:18 EDT Diamond Back III probably won't be out until early summer, although we are still shooting for the Conn. Atari Show in mid-june. The DSP compression for the Falcon is taking longer to implement than originally planned. Best regards, Bob@ORA ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 179 Sat Apr 17, 1993 L.HINSLEY [Stargazer] at 00:57 EDT Hello Bob.... I sent off the disk that had the problem with having more bytes in files than actual disk space on Monday. Hopefully you'll be receiving it shortly. I didn't ever see the problem until I upgraded my Diamond Back to V2.51...... I know that Diamond Back III will support tape backups. Do you have any specific tape drives or formats that will be supported in the release???? ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 180 Tue Apr 20, 1993 ORA.TECH at 00:22 EDT Re; SCSI tapes. DB3 will work with any tape drive that supports the full SCSI command set for sequential devices. The tape driver has been tested with several different models of Archive, Teac, Tandberg, and Fujitsu tape drives all with complete success. A full known tape drive compatibility list will be published on release. Best regards, Bob@ORA ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 181 Thu Apr 22, 1993 L.HINSLEY [Stargazer] at 01:16 EDT Thanks Bob.. I just got a Archive 250Meg tape drive working on my ICD Link adaptor and now need some software (like yours :) to drive it.... ***** Stargazer ***** ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 182 Fri Apr 23, 1993 TOPNOTCH at 04:38 EDT Bob, I've got 2 suggestions for improvements to Diamond Back. First, how about an option to save your restore configuration. I always forget to click on "Files are compressed" and wind up having to redo my work. Second, I backup to two floppys and usually load my drives in advance and hit the and keys so I can backup with out pausing. Usually, I'm reading a book or magazine while I'm backing up and I don't always catch when the program switches from one drive to the other. How about ringing the system bell once when the programs switches drives. It could be user configurable if not everyone would like this feature. Rick ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 183 Sat Apr 24, 1993 G.LEONE [Gerry] at 00:52 EDT Question -- I recently got a Syquest and would like to do my full and incremental backups of my fixed HD to it. Is this possible? Also, is it somehow possible for me to backup one Syquest cartridge onto another, using the same physical drive mechanism? Thanks in advance! -Gerry ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 184 Sat Apr 24, 1993 F.LAWRENCE2 [FRANK] at 15:05 EDT Gerry, I also have a Syquest and back up my internal to the Syquest with no problem. Diamond back does have hard disk to hard disk back up available and works great with a Syquest. You can back up either from a partition to a partition or partition to a folder, depends on the partitions you choose on the Syquest. Syquest to same devise, much like a floppy, is not recommended with DBII, this was passed on to from Bob L at OERA-TECH. Frank ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 185 Sun Apr 25, 1993 C.NICHOLLS [BILL] at 01:50 EDT I second Rick's suggestion of allowing us to save the Restore configuration. Alternatively, let the default be Files are compresed, because I can't imagine many users don't compress them, seeing how quick and easy it is. Bill ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 186 Sun Apr 25, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 12:28 EDT Gerry, Many backup programs will let you back up your HD to SyQuests. I use GOOD.TOS, a very sold piece of work, but there are others. You can't back up a SyQuest to a Syquest in the same mechanism unless you have a TT with 64 megs of ram. Al ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 187 Sun Apr 25, 1993 G.LEONE [Gerry] at 23:00 EDT Frank -- Thanks for the Syquest backup info! I DO appreciate it! Gerry ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 188 Wed Apr 28, 1993 ORA.TECH at 00:50 EDT Thanks for the suggestions, Now is a REAL good tim for them. hint hint nudge nudge. Bob ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 189 Wed Apr 28, 1993 ORA.TECH at 00:54 EDT Diamond Back II will perform backups to Syquest just fine(and very fast too) Just specify the destination partition in a HD to HD backup. You can even back up to a folder. Backing up Syquest to Syquest with only one mechanism is not practical without a very LARGE amount of RAM, it also puts unnecessary wear and tear on the cartridges. Best regards, Bob ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 190 Wed Apr 28, 1993 D.WALTER7 [Doug Walter] at 21:54 EDT Bob, Which reminds me, how about saving that drive/folder specification with the config (save setup?) files. I back up my 15 partitions to Syquest a cuppla times a week, each drive to a different partition over 4 cartridges, and I always forget which drive/name I was using. Works great though. Also - how about a 'GEM" type file/path selector in the source and destination paths for partial restore? I hate typing all the layers in manually. Make too many mistakes :-) Doug7 ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 191 Thu Apr 29, 1993 T.GIRSCH [TJ @ S-Mart] at 01:49 EDT OK, Bob, you asked for it: 1) You've _got_ to do something to make the include/exclude processor friendlier. a) put the include/exclude list in a window, so's I can scroll through it. b) When excluding/including paths, give me an option to exclude/include _just_ this directory, or this directory and everything below it (i.e subsidiary to it). 2) Allow user editable "don't try to compress it" masks. e.g. DBII tries to compress SPX files, which takes valuable time, and it ain't gonna happen. Meanwhile, it doesn't try to compress .TNY files, which (if renamed) compress quite well if renamed. 3) Last time I mentioned it you weren't too keen on the idea, but I'll reiterate: Allow an _option_ that puts small files (e.g. <= 5K) into one big file when using compression. As DBII currently runs, if you have a gazillion small files and you use compression, you get almost no savings, because 999K compresses to 200K, but either way you're still using 1 cluster. If you were to somehow "merge" or "concatenate" these small files, you could save _much_ more space (at least on _my_ backups). Certainly make it optional, and only if compression is used, but _pleeeeeease_ think about including some such option. (By the way: ARC, LZH, ZIP, ZOO, etc., use similar techniques, as I'm sure you're aware). 3b) Expanding on the above, when backing up to floppy, one huge file per disk would be nice, because when used with split files, it would ensure optimum storage. More as I think of them.... - T.J. ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 192 Thu Apr 29, 1993 C.NICHOLLS [BILL] at 02:02 EDT I second Doug's suggestion of a GEM type or alterative file selector for partial restorations. I often forget the right name of a file before I have typed it in, and have to go back to look. Bill ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 193 Thu Apr 29, 1993 ORA.TECH at 21:15 EDT Already there Doug :-) (in DB3 that is) Bob ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 194 Thu Apr 29, 1993 D.WALTER7 [Doug Walter] at 23:00 EDT Great, Bob. Now, how long do I have to wait? :-) Doug7 ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 195 Thu Apr 29, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 23:18 EST >>I second Doug's suggestion of a GEM type or alterative file << >>selector for partial restorations. I often forget the right name << >>of a file before I have typed it in, and have to go back to look. << >> << A user of an ST should NEVER NEVER have to type the name of a file that already exists. We might as well have IBMs... ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 196 Fri Apr 30, 1993 C.MASON10 [Mad Dog] at 01:11 EDT Bob, A minor suggestion for DB III. It has always irritated me that, despite the fact I have two floppy drives, the program pauses after each disk fills up waiting for a keypress. PCTools keeps the floppies busy and as soon as it recognizes a media change starts writing to the new disk. Is it possible to do something like this with DB III? I'd like to be able to put two fresh disks in and do _something_ while they are written. If I come back and one is finished, I'd like to be able to pop a new disk in and have the program continue while I finish doing _something_. Mad Dog ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 197 Fri Apr 30, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 01:13 EDT Mad Dog, you can do that now. Just hit the drive letter when you place the disk in. Brian ... Written on Friday 30 April 1993 at 02:11 a.m. ADT ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 198 Sat May 01, 1993 ORA.TECH at 03:55 EDT Mad Dog - You can have auto continuation onto the next floppy with DBII now. Start the backup with a disk in each drive as soon as th backup starts hit the B key to indicate a disk is ready there. When A is full, the backup will automatically continue onto B without further user intervention so you can walk away while 2 disks are filled, Then while B is working you can put a new disk in Drive A and hit the A key to have DBII automatically continue onto A when B is finished and so on..... While A is working you need to press the B key to indicate it's ready because the ST does not have a reliable active media change detection method like some other systems. Try opening a window for drive A and then changing disks, the system doesn't automatically know there is a different floppy in the drive untill you hit the ESC key to force a media change. I suppose I could have a selectable option for auto continuation that assumes the disk has been changed in the next drive auto continuing to the next drive and checking to verify that the disk has really been changed(actually it already does that to prevent accidently overwriting a backup disk) hmmm... This could be easier than I thought to get rid of the key press requirement. Best regards, Bob ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 199 Sat May 01, 1993 L.HINSLEY [Stargazer] at 17:15 EDT Mag Dog, Yes, Diamond Back already supports this. After putting the next disk in the drive just press the drive letter and the status will go to 'Ready...'. It sometimes takes a few presses.... ***** Stargazer ***** ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 200 Sat May 01, 1993 J.BRENNER1 [See Flat] at 20:07 EDT Bob, A/B; I used to use FLASHBACK and it didn't need to be told to change disks. It would also check that the disk you inserted was not one which was part of your present back up session. When both disks were full a bell would ring for me to come into the room and stick in two new disks. This was nice. However I must state that I am much happier with DB II as it is much faster and uses half the disks. ;-) ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 201 Sun May 02, 1993 L.HINSLEY [Stargazer] at 20:13 EDT Bob, The idea of a continual backup session without having to hit the drive letters sounds like a great idea. It would be a worth while addition to an already great backup package. I've just installed an Archive 250Meg tape drive on my machine so I'm anxiously awaiting for DB III.... :) ***** Stargazer ***** ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 202 Sun May 02, 1993 C.MASON10 [Mad Dog] at 21:35 EDT Brian, Well, I'll be. I've always sat here like a bump on a log waiting to hit return! Is that in the docs? I'll have to look again. I must admit I only resort to them when all else fails. Mad Dog ------------ Category 33, Topic 2 Message 203 Sun May 02, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 21:45 EDT Mad Dog, If you anything like me, and for you I hope you not [grin], you have so many manuals that it is impossible to remember/discover everything. That's the beauty of having topics and developers like this. Brian ... Written on Sunday 02 May 1993 at 10:42 p.m. ADT ------------