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If you have a special request for a file you know exists, leave it here. 202 message(s) total. ************ ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 1 Sat Jan 08, 1994 W.DAVIS20 [W.D.] at 01:17 EST Joe, Speaking of Backing-up, I have a floptical Disk Drive. I just bought it recently, and one of the reason I bought it was to do Back-ups of my hard disk. I would like to use it once a week for this. My question is, is there a good program for backing up with a floptical that will after the first back- up, back- up just the changes. Also, I'd like it to have good and easy to use restore features in the event I ever have a major HD failure. Regards, W.D. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 2 Sat Jan 08, 1994 MIKE-ALLEN [NM~SysOp] at 01:48 EST Gnox, I dunno. I have both EdHak and MemFile. I prefer MemFile for sector hacking. Of course, MemFile only works on 512 byte sectors. Both are super-neat utilities. Mike Allen ST HelpDesk~Sysop Written: 10:41 PM Mountain Time Friday, January 7, 1994 ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 3 Sat Jan 08, 1994 G.LEONE [Gerry] at 01:53 EST >J.WISNIEWSK2 [Jeff - ST'er] at 03:01 EST >Before you take your computer apart, also consider the fact that it might be a >AUTO program or a Desk Accessory that is causing the crashes. Jeff -- Thanks, but it happened the first few times on a BARE system. No AUTOs, no ACCs... nothing but ICD 6.0.8 . >CBARRON at 03:11 EST > >Gerry, Is it over heating, can it be the power supply?? Good question. But no, it seems no warmer than usual. In fact, the temperatures inside the house have been lower than normal lately (we've been having a cold spell that has put temps down near -10F). >J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:30 EST > > You might try: > > Rising Star Computers Thanks! I appreciate it. Hope I won't need it, tho. I'm gonna do the reseating tomorrow (Saturday). > However the first thing I would do is to disable all DA's and > Auto programs. Then if you still have a problem the next thing is, > depending on your technical level is to re-seat all the chips and > check the power supply, both common problems that can be handled by > anyone who has a little experience. Again, no PRGs or ACCs. I know how to reseat, but don't know how to check the power supply? But I've got a VOM and have no problems opening 'er up. What do I look for? And thanks for the Toad number, Al! -Gerry ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 4 Sat Jan 08, 1994 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:48 EST Al, OK, maybe you're right when it comes to sector hacking - I have very little experience with that! gnox ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 5 Sat Jan 08, 1994 C.MASSEY3 [Charlie] at 07:11 EST Al, Have you seen EdHak 3.02? Just checking. ~~* O Charlie \-----?$$$$$$$$> ~~~~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Near Cypress Gardens ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 6 Sat Jan 08, 1994 W.PIKE [PACMan] at 08:02 EST >I have some disks that come up "data on disk may be bad". Is there any >program I can use to save part of the information on these disks. Can I >download it. I'm a musician and not real knowledgable on these problems so >would appreciate any help. If the disks are floppy disks, I have been able to recover data by using Hypercopy, which is a disk copier program. In the program there is a selector to set how many times the program trys to read a sector before assuming that it is bad. I set this to max, it will then return a dialog box that says something like "bad sector: retry,abort,best match" I the select best match. Do this for each bad sector. I have been able to recover many files this way. I think that the copy program is in the library but I don't know the file number. Hope this helps. Bill ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 7 Sat Jan 08, 1994 C.UNDERWOOD1 [Carson] at 10:03 EST Charlie, Your signature is interesting. Is it a water skier being pulled by an expensive boat? Why else the "$"? Carson ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 8 Sat Jan 08, 1994 ARCHIVIST [Charlie] at 10:45 EST W.D., yes there is just such a backup program. Check out Diamond Back II (soon to be version 3). It's an excellent hard drive backup and restore program, and quite flexible. It will do full, partial (just important stuff) and incremental (just changes) backups very easily. Support is well provided here on-line by Oregon Research, and you can find out more about it in the topic here. Charlie/sysop ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 9 Sat Jan 08, 1994 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 11:41 EST Message 166, Fri Jan 07, 1994 C.MASSEY3 [Charlie] > I found that if, after booting, I went to the E drive and < > loaded and closed some other program and leaving the window < > open, I could go back to D and DMST works like a charm. < I got no idea. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ more.... Gnox, While I might be EdHak's biggest supporter around here, for straight sector editing I would prefer MemFile. However, I seldom did out MemFile, I just use my handy EdHak. I don't think I have even seen MemFile for over two years. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ more.... Message 177, Sat Jan 08, 1994 G.LEONE [Gerry] > I know how to reseat, but don't know how to check < > the power supply? But I've got a VOM and have no problems < > opening 'er up. What do I look for? < There is a 5V and 12V output, make sure you are getting that. Sorry I don't know what the upper and lower limits are. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 10 Sat Jan 08, 1994 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 11:52 EST Al, On this one we definitely disagree and I must concur with Gonx, EdHak is simply the best. BTW, I use both Steno and EdHak all the time now. Mike, Only works on 512 sectors? Another reason for Edhak for me. Charlie, It isn't have you seen it but ather how much you have used it. I played with MemFile and went back to EdHak. ~~Brian..Written on Saturday 08 January 1994 at 11:43 a.m. ADT ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 11 Sat Jan 08, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 12:55 EST Rob, My pleasure (linearly, of course...). W.D., My absolute favorite is GOOD, which may still be available (try Toad). It works great with any kind of drive (SyQuest, floppy, Floptical), double-checks file integrity each time, saves in standard GEM format, and works just as fast as some of the newer methods. (It's amazing to see how fast a good file- copying routine can go!) I've used GOOD since 1988 or 1989. There are excellent alternatives, and you'll hear of them from others. But GOOD is the only backup software I've seen that runs perfectly on any Atari, handles any medium, requires no more than 1 meg (or less, sometimes) of RAM, can be halted at any time, can recover if you lose ALL the backup datasets, and can even run in a separate GEM-TOS window and multitask under Geneva. Quite a list. Mike, Yes, MemFile has that limitation. So I usually copy whatever I need to edit over to a Floptical, to make sure the sectors are 512 bytes. Gerry, The expert in the U.S. on Atari power supplies is Brad at Best: Best Electronics 2021 The Alameda Suite 290 San Jose, California 95126 Work phone: 408-243-6950 Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 12 Sat Jan 08, 1994 DAEDWARDS [Warrl] at 15:32 EST W.Davis: If your floptical is drive A or B, try Vault in the libraries. Vault has some things I seriously don't like about it (can't really automate backups), but is the most sophisticated I've seen in terms of real-world backup needs and is quite robust -- and in the rare event that it aborts (which it does cleanly) out, you can look at its log files and identify the file that gave it trouble. It comes with a restore program which I'm not real sure how to use most effectively -- I don't restore very often -- but which DOES get the stuff onto your hard drive. And it doesn't do image backups. Image backups are worse than no backups at all. (If you have no backup at all, at least you KNOW you have no backup and won't waste time in a fruitless effort to restore.) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = OK, what I'm looking for. One, I want a RAMdisk that can be loaded and UNloaded. Doesn't have to be reset-proof. I have one specific program I'm working on that I want a RAMdisk for. Two, I want a disk cacheing program which is compatible with early (preferably all) versions of TOS, and can be set to buffer writes to floppy. It would be nice if this could also be loaded and unloaded. Real gravy would be if the docs explain how to determine whether the cache is through with all write requests to a certain drive. What I'm working on is a backup program similar to Vault, which can be set to compress the files being backed up. I plan to use ZIP or Questor's LZH as the compressor. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 13 Sat Jan 08, 1994 MIKE-ALLEN [NM~SysOp] at 17:17 EST Brian, > > Only works on 512 sectors? Another reason for Edhak for me. > > This restriction only applies to sector hacking. Files don't run into this problem. However, I too use EdHak for most things. I just find sector hacking much easier with MemFile (on my floppies - I have BGM partitions on my HD). Both have their strengths and place. I wouldn't be without either. Mike Allen ST HelpDesk~Sysop Written: 2:35 PM Mountain Time Saturday, January 8, 1994 ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 14 Sat Jan 08, 1994 DMJ [dmj] at 19:57 EST Warrl: Do you need a RAM disk program, or a set of routines you could call from your program to install/uninstall the RAM disk? Most RAM disks are either AUTO- folder RAM disks or accessory RAM disks. The former can't really be uninstalled without a reset, and the latter can have some compatibility problems or other snafus. If you need a set of routines, send me E-mail. -dmj ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 15 Sat Jan 08, 1994 G.LEONE [Gerry] at 20:39 EST Mini-update: Well, I reseated every chip that was reseatable. (Fewer than I thought: the 2 TOS 1.62 chips, the 68000, another great big square chip that looks like the 68000 and sits under the power supply, and a chip on the keyboard). Left the STe running all day and it didn't bomb once. However, I know, a day doth not a bug-free computer make. The one odd thing that DID happen: whenever my Drive B is plugged into the computer, the light remains on constantly, it constantly runs, and the computer claims that Drive B does not respond. I'll see how it all looks tomorrow, and open 'er up again if it remains the same after a long night's sleep. -Gerry ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 16 Sat Jan 08, 1994 G.LEONE [Gerry] at 20:48 EST YIKES! I just realized that NEITHER of my floppy drives are working. I MUSTA done something wrong. Now where's that Phillips head...? -Gerry ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 17 Sun Jan 09, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:26 EST Charlie, No, I don't think I've seen 3.02. I had a demo a while back, and found it interesting but not for me. i sue STeno as a formatted text editor, Edith as a programmer's editor (the best, clearly the best), and MemFile as a hacker. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 18 Sun Jan 09, 1994 C.MASSEY3 [Charlie] at 05:33 EST Carson, You got it! Water Ski Capital of the World. (Plug, Plug, Plug Alert) ~~* O Charlie \-----?$$$$$$$$> ~~~~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Near Cypress Gardens ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 19 Sun Jan 09, 1994 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 06:58 EST Memfile has got to be one of the best little utilities I have. It has saved me LOTS of hours trying to figure out what was going wrong in a program. It's a real asset to me in my programming. I can compare the data on my drive vs. the data in memory, etc. all in one easy to use program. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 20 Sun Jan 09, 1994 C.GRIMSBY at 07:00 EST J.TRAUTSCHOL [jtrautschold]: >>> The data is all in ASCII. You could load it into something like >>> Flash II (plug plug!!) to look at it. For each record there is >>> information that tells the program how large the field is (and >>> how much data is in that field) and the actual text itself. I >>> don't have the exact breakdown any more but I remember it being >>> fairly obvious. ??? Are you sure about this??? My DMST files are all data files, i.e. non- ASCII. SwiftCalc files, that's the companion Spreadsheet program, _are_ ASCII files, but not the DMST. (further qualification, I don't have DMST _Pro_ either!) ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 21 Sun Jan 09, 1994 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 09:46 EST Message 194, Sun Jan 09, 1994 C.GRIMSBY > ??? Are you sure about this??? My DMST files are all data < > files, i.e. non-ASCII. < I just checked mine and the data is ASCII. There is non-ASCII information separating each field, each record is broken down by fields and each field is listed in a separate section so the record is not all in one place. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 22 Sun Jan 09, 1994 G.LEONE [Gerry] at 12:21 EST The next day... Never mind. I opened 'er up this morning, fiddled with the floppy ribbon cable and the metal housing that "grips" the back of the drive, put it back together and it's fine again. Now to see if the ORIGINAL problem has been fixed... ! -Gerry ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 23 Sun Jan 09, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 13:32 EST Warrl, The Floptical can't be Drive A: or B: on most systems. I forgot to mention that PMC.PRG is designed just for Floptical backups. It actually works very, very well, and is very fast, but crashes when accessing more than a certain number of files/and-or/folders. In most systems it probably will work fine. It barfs when I try to use it to back up a drive with 1,300-1,500 folders and 5,000-7,000 files. It's here on GEnie as EASYBACK, with an ARC, LZH or ZIP extender. Warrl, I've tried VAULT, and it is nowhere near as robust as GOOD.TOS. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 24 Sun Jan 09, 1994 DAEDWARDS [Warrl] at 16:14 EST DMJ: >Do you need a RAM disk program, or a set of routines... I don't actually have a RAMdisk program at the moment, other than the one embedded in Turtle -- which is not accessible outside Turtle. Oh, I forgot to mention -- I am really fond of shareware/PD. = = = = = = Al Fasoldt: >...but crashes when accessing more than a certain number of >files and/or folders. I hate that. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 25 Sun Jan 09, 1994 DMJ [dmj] at 20:06 EST Warrl, What I was asking is, do you need to use the RAM disk from within your program (or only have it installed while your program is running), or do you need a RAM disk for your own use as well? The reason I ask is, I don't know of any stable RAM disk that will let you uninstall it without a reset. So if you need a RAM disk to make your program work (you seemed to hint at that) then it's best if your program installs the RAM disk when it runs, does its work, and uninstalls the RAM disk when it exits. I can send you some routines for this, but we need to discuss the details through E-mail. If this _isn't_ what you need, then never mind. - I am really fond of shareware/PD. Me too. If I knew of anything that fit your need, I'd let you know. -dmj ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 26 Sun Jan 09, 1994 W.DAVIS20 [W.D.] at 20:23 EST Charlie, Will Diamond Back back-up to Flopticals? Remember, that TOS sees Flopticals as HD partitions. Al, Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into it. Sounds like GOOD is good. :) Warrl, Thanks for the input, but Floppticals are a SCSI device, and cannot be Drive a or b. Thanks, W.D. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 27 Sun Jan 09, 1994 DAEDWARDS [Warrl] at 21:30 EST DMJ: I need the RAMdisk and buffering only within the program I'm working on. A set of routines I can call from GFA Basic is fine... an external module that I can invoke with a command line is fine... (Actually, for as long as the RAMdisk is installed, it must *really* be hooked into the OS because I intend to put the compression program on it for fast access.) ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 28 Sun Jan 09, 1994 R.JANSSEN1 [DAMIAN] at 22:09 EST The text file that instructs on SM124 screen enlargement is called MONOMOD.TXT and is very helpful and step-by-step. Just make sure and heed _ALL_ warnings because you will be getting snuggly with some _high_ voltage once you open the case. You also might want to check out a file called MONOTEST.PRG that will generate test patterns as you tweek. Both are in the ST library. This post will self-distruct as soon as you crack the case :> -Damian ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 29 Sun Jan 09, 1994 J.TRAUTSCHOL [jtrautschold] at 22:14 EST Well, I guess I lied a little bit. DMST files are both ASCII and binary. All of the text that you enter into a data field is stored as pure ASCII. There are other fields as well that store information about the data fields, like length of the text in the field, placement of the field within the database, etc. The "binary" data is (I believe) hex data. The best way to figure this all out is to load the data file into a binary editor that displays text in two ways - as ASCII and as binary numbers. There are a number of binary-type editors available here on GEnie that works good for something like this. I believe I used an old STart program called "Disk Mechanic" (or something like that). John T. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 30 Mon Jan 10, 1994 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:00 EST Message 200, Sun Jan 09, 1994 W.DAVIS20 [W.D.] > Will Diamond Back back-up to Flopticals? Remember, that < > TOS sees Flopticals as HD partitions. < Diamond Back has no problems backing up to a hard drive. That's the way I do my backups. I seem to remember some conversations about backing up to Flopticals; you might want to check in at the Diamond Back topic to find out more. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 32 Mon Jan 10, 1994 D.FARRINGTO1 [David <>< .] at 23:17 EST ...a program called PixArt by ST Club. I'm looking for an address or a USA distributor. Anybody heard of these folks? David <>< ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 33 Tue Jan 11, 1994 DMJ [dmj] at 00:07 EST The ST Club (now called FaST Club) can be reached at this new address: FaST Club 7 Musters Road Nottingham NG2 7PP ENGLAND (+44) 602-455250 Telephone (+44) 602-455305 Fax However, CodeHead sells several of their products, like Imagecopy 2... you might ask them if they have this one or plan on getting it. -dmj ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 34 Tue Jan 11, 1994 R.COOPER2 [Rob] at 03:35 EST David <><: To add to what dmj posted: The ST Club publishes a monthly magazine called ST Applications, and the November 93 issue has an ad on the back cover, listing PixArt as costing #34.95 (that's English pounds). PixArt is a German product, produced by Omikron (Mortimer, Mortimer Deluxe, and more). You may have better luck looking for a US distributor for Omikron. I'm not sure if the CodeHeads handle any Omikron stuff, though. Hope this helps! Rob ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 35 Tue Jan 11, 1994 D.FARRINGTO1 [David <>< .] at 03:36 EST djm: Thanks for the fast responce. I'll ask the codeheads first and if not write England. Thanks again. David <>< ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 36 Tue Jan 11, 1994 DMJ [dmj] at 20:46 EST Rob, Whoops... yer right, should'a thought before spouting off. -dmj ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 37 Tue Jan 11, 1994 W.DAVIS20 [W.D.] at 22:50 EST Joe, Thanks, I'll definately look at that possibility. Regards, W.D. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 38 Wed Jan 12, 1994 J.JOHNSON17 [BRIAN ] at 01:49 EST Does anyone know if there are HP Laserjet drivers available for PC Board Designer from Abucus. I need a good PC layout program for my ST and would like to be able to print through my Epson Action Laser II. Does anyone have any experience with this program or suggest any similar program? Thanks, Brian Johnson ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 39 Wed Jan 12, 1994 D.FARRINGTO1 [David <>< .] at 04:23 EST Thanks Rob for you answer. Do you have the magazine you talked about? I live on Maui, the magazine maybe on Oahu but I don't know anybody here with it. If you do have the magazine does it have the address for PixArt? If it does could you post it for me? David <>< ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 40 Wed Jan 12, 1994 DMJ [dmj] at 19:03 EST Help! I am in need of a good disk catalog program, that has the following requirements: o Simple to use (I don't have a lot of time to learn to use it). o Robust (I don't like programs that crash). o Allows me to describe files, not just list them. o Has small data files (my Dietized hard drive is nearly full). o Has good search capability. I could write one, but I don't have the time. I could search for catalog programs in the library, but I wouldn't know whether they fit the above requirements without downloading all of them and checking them out... and I'd like to know other people's experiences. Working with Geneva would also be a plus, but is not a requirement. I have about 500 disks that need sorting out, and doing it would be a long, grueling task. I'd rather just have an index that let me find whatever I needed, wherever it was. -dmj ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 41 Wed Jan 12, 1994 R.COOPER2 [Rob] at 19:35 EST David <>< I have the issue of ST Applications here, which has an advertisement from the FaST Club in the UK, selling PixArt and other Omikron software. Apparently, their address has changed since this ad was published (the November '93 issue). Someone else had posted the new address here (I think it was dmj), with phone and fax numbers. It was a few messages back. If you missed it, I can find it in my archive. Let me know. Rob ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 42 Wed Jan 12, 1994 M.MOTOGAWA [MEL] at 19:41 EST Dmj, I recommend STDCAT wholeheartedly. I've tried many catalogers in the file library and this is the only one I've stuck with over the years. Imho, it fits all of your criteria nicely. With Geneva, you can put fire up STDCAT, use it, put it to sleep and come back to it when you're ready to catalog more disks. For ease of starting, organizing, sorting, printing and adding to one's disk collection, it's very cool with lot's of features and although GEM based, there are plenty of keyboard equivalents. Once you use it, you can see that the author really put a lot of thought into it, to make it easy to use and powerful. It's file #28565 STDCAT52.ZIP 61952. - Mel ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 43 Wed Jan 12, 1994 DMJ [dmj] at 20:21 EST David, I have the magazine (I subscribe to ST Applications). I looked through the latest issue and couldn't find an address (in Germany) for Omikron. You can subscribe to STA directly from FaST Club; they claim 25% of their readers do not live in the UK. It's 37 pounds for 12 issues. You can also get subscriptions from Toad Computers, where you don't have to fiddle with British pounds, but this costs more. -dmj ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 44 Wed Jan 12, 1994 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 20:27 EST DMJ, There is a program that pretty much fits your needs. It is a simple TOS program with regular menus (not GEM). It runs on my MSTE TOS 2.06 and is a fairly old program. You can sort by name, ext., or disk number. It is called DISCAT and going by my directory name (it helps to have directory names the same as the program :-) ), it is called DISCAT13.???. It works real well. I like it's simplicity. Cataloging disk is a chore in itself and I also don't need something making it even worst. :-) ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 45 Thu Jan 13, 1994 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:01 EST Message 40, Wed Jan 12, 1994 DMJ [dmj] As Mel said STCAT. It is the best I have found. The only think I would add is a better search capability, or maybe I need to lean how to use it better. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 46 Thu Jan 13, 1994 DMJ [dmj] at 19:04 EST Whoever recommended STDCAT for catalogging disks (I have a short memory ;-) thank you... the program seems to do exactly what I want, and it even does it in a way I like. (Highly unusual for me.) Is the author's address still current? I'd like to "thank" him personally... in the form of Shareware registration... but I'd like to make sure the address is accurate. -dmj P.S. It worked almost flawlessly in Geneva, as well, which really made my day. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 47 Thu Jan 13, 1994 M.MOTOGAWA [MEL] at 19:32 EST Dmj, Yes, the address is still current. I tried out GEnie's new Internet Email Gateway the other day by emailing Bob and he gave me his address which is still the same as what's in the 5.2 docs, although the prg is now at 5.3. I don't think he has GEnie access, but you can reach him through the Internet mail. - Mel ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 48 Fri Jan 14, 1994 D.BOWMAN9 [>>dave b<<] at 01:26 EST DMJ, have you tried STcat51.??? it seems to have all or most of the requirements you set forth. laterm, dave b ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 49 Fri Jan 14, 1994 B.STOREY [Billy B.] at 07:43 EST I think STDCAT will do all you wish. It is extremely easy to use. I keep the STDCAT folder on my H/D, and a backup copy in my drive B and save to both, just in case of a H/D crash, (which hasn't happened since I got my new Maxtor drive). You just slip in a disk, click on the menu item Add Disk, it reads it, then you click on Disk Comment, and add a description. If you change the disk, slip it in and click on Disk Update. You can print out the list in several forms. There are quite a few menu items available, so there is a learning experience to get thru, but it does all you asked for. Billy B. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 50 Fri Jan 14, 1994 MIKE-ALLEN [NM~SysOp] at 18:07 EST Hmmm. Maybe I'll have to give STDCAT another try. I tried it once and found it extremely confusing! Must be me. Under CP/M there used to be a PD utility called FATCAT. Did a very nice job of cataloging disks and give nice options for listing/sorting. Not nearly as fancy as STDCAT, but did let me find duplicate files on fifty 'leben different disks of find where I had stashed a particular file. It would even look inside .LBR files (predecessor to .ARCs). Mike Allen ST HelpDesk~Sysop Written: 3:15 PM Mountain Time Friday, January 14, 1994 ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 51 Fri Jan 14, 1994 G.LEONE [Gerry] at 23:50 EST I wanted to clear the name of DataManager ST... Last weekend I reseated my chips and haven't had any problems with anything since, and that includes DataManager ST. So.... just goes to show you. -Gerry ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 52 Sat Jan 15, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 01:38 EST Mike, I found STDCAT one of the hardest-to-figure-out programs I ever tried. I even spent two hours working with it, and felt the same way. By coincidence, before the current interest, I spent a half-hour more, and felt the same way. I know that tastes in programs are like tastes in breakfast cereal (and I love All-Bran), but surely we're stretching it to rave about STDCAT's interface. I find it totally unnerving to have such a difficult time with an application. I *did* find a neat little TOS app that runs nicely in a TOS window under Geneva, called FDI.TOS. I think I might start using it. It seems to have been ported from Unix, and might be related to the Unix app you talked about. I'll send it up if it's not in the libraries. (FDI = Floppy Disk Indexer.) Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 53 Sat Jan 15, 1994 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 10:34 EST What I would really like to see is a Disk Catalog program that would read the disk list the files and add the descriptions for me. I use STDCAT and love it, but I admit it I have used it for some time and through several upgrades and I am still learning more about it. For example it was just a week or two ago I learned I could add comments one after another to files, I had been picking one at a time to add a comment to before I figured out what the "multi" button was for. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 54 Sat Jan 15, 1994 DMJ [dmj] at 11:29 EST Al, I must admit, STDCAT was intimidating at first. I did not enjoy the manual at all--it assumed too much experience with older versions, and didn't explain the program too well. The program's interface is also intimidating. Lots of stuff on the screen, and simply moving the mouse makes the windows top (useful once you get used to it, but unnerving at first). It isn't the program's interface that won me over... it was the fact that I needed it quick, it had to be GEM, and it had to have the search capabilities I needed. STDCAT has all these. Once you figure out the "model"--how the catalog is supposed to work--then STDCAT becomes very easy to use. Until you figure it out, it doesn't make any sense. -dmj ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 55 Sat Jan 15, 1994 K.ESTES [Kenne@SFRT] at 14:04 EST I'M LOOKING FOR A PROGRAM that will take at least two lists and output to a third list A) the list items that are common B) or the list items that are not common to both lists C) the complement of either of the above (although they both seem to be complements of each other But I really can't tell.) ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 56 Sat Jan 15, 1994 DAEDWARDS [Warrl] at 14:40 EST When comparing list A and list B, there are logically four resultant lists: A-only (things that are in A but not B) B-only (things that are in B but not A) Both (things that are in both A and B) Neither (things that aren't in either list). Usually, the last of these four lists is not produced. :-) You also need to consider: is it POSSIBLE for an item to occur more than once in one list? Not "is it valid" - just "is it possible". In an address list, the same person listed twice isn't two people, and that's an invalid condition; but it certainly can happen, as my junk-mail collection plainly shows. :-) If it is POSSIBLE, then how do you deal with it? If item 14 occurs twice in list A and once in list B, what should show up in each of the 4 output lists? ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 57 Sat Jan 15, 1994 J.TRAUTSCHOL [jtrautschold] at 17:40 EST Gerry... That is good news! You'd be surprised (well, maybe not anymore) how just a little bit of chip reseating will fix some strange problems. Where I work, part of our routine maintenance is to pull out circuit boards and push down all of the chips about once a year. It makes for very reliable equipment. (And this is expensive stuff too - $100,000 and up category!) John T. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 58 Sat Jan 15, 1994 R.CONSTAN [Magic Elf] at 23:09 EST Brian: Wow... anothe user of PC designer. Thought I was the last one. First of all, do you have the most recent version of PC designer? I still does'nt 'directly' support any laser printers, but in addition to the standard EPSON 9 pin support, It has a module to support the 24pin Epson LQ series, in both double size AND 1 to 1 format. Tell you why I mention this. My friend has an Epson Laser printer, and it will emulate HP laser, Epson-FX, and Epson-LQ printers. Check and see if you have any of these emulations, as you may be able to make your printouts with waht you have. I wrot a desk accessory that intercepts the data as PC Designer tries to send it out to the printer. I did this mostly because I needed to force a "forward" printout, instead of the reversed one the program usually generates. I was going add HP-Laser capability to it, but never got around to it. It is ashame PC-Designer has gone unnsupported, and I really wish I had the source code. I'd certainly like to pick up the ball and add many features. It's probably the last true engineering software we'll see for the ST in some time. :( ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 59 Sat Jan 15, 1994 K.ESTES [Kenne@SFRT] at 23:14 EST Interesting. Does such a program exist? Unless there's a program written for it in Superbase Pro _that_ program is Overkill as well as clumsy. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 60 Sun Jan 16, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:24 EST Damien, It doesn't have to be GEM, if it runs in a TOS window. :) Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 61 Sun Jan 16, 1994 B.STOREY [Billy B.] at 09:40 EST Al, Mike, I found the STDCAT51 to be easier to use than the earlier versions. It takes a little experimenting, but works wonders when you do get it figured out. There are so many options, it is confusing. If you like, we can go to e- mail and I will step you thru a set-up that will work. Billy B. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 62 Sun Jan 16, 1994 J.JOHNSON17 [BRIAN ] at 15:15 EST I do have the LQ emulation modes on my printer. I have not purchased the software, yet. Do you know how it compares to some of the inexpensive layout software available on the PC? I like using my Atari but I also have a PC to accommodate Mathcad, PSPICE, and other intereseting stuff not available on the Atari platform. What I would like to do is print to transparency to make my own PC Boards for my hobby projects. Have you tried using your printouts for transfering your artwork using the toner transfer products available from Digi- Key and others? Thanks, Brian ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 63 Sun Jan 16, 1994 G.SETTER1 [Gar] at 15:17 EST Kenne@SFRT Would a diff program do what you want? Diff is a UNIX utility that reports the differences between two text files. Once you see which lines are different, it should be clear which lines are the same. Search for diff in the library. Gar *s ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 64 Sun Jan 16, 1994 J.HURLEY1 [Jim Hurley] at 19:31 EST I've used STDCAT version 4.3 and wrote a program which will extract files from its database and format them into ASCII lines for external sorting, viewing, etc. After version 4.3, STDCAT changed radically, and the database format also changed so my program would no longer work. I didn't find the changes in STDCAT to be to my liking so I stayed with 4.3 and my program. If anyone wants a copy, let me know and I'll upload them both. STDCAT 4.3 has only 2 windows, the catalog list of all floppies in one window, and the highlighted floppy's dirctory in the other. It also has the nice feature of automatically raising windows based on the mouse location, so you don't need to click to change windows. The newer version of STDCAT had more windows and more ways of classifying beyond the simple, but it was a bit confusing to get used to. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 65 Sun Jan 16, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 23:00 EST Thanks for the offer, Billy. I'll politely decline, though. Once I was spent so much time on an app and still don't like the interface, I have this "thing" about going back to it. Apps should not be written that way, period. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 66 Mon Jan 17, 1994 D.FARRINGTO1 [David <>< .] at 01:07 EST I'm looking for a electronic writing tablet for the ST computer. What I mean is I want to use a pen like instrument to draw pictures on my ST screen and be able to save them as a picture file. Does anybody know of one that will work? David <>< ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 67 Mon Jan 17, 1994 C.KROWCHUK1 [CHRIS] at 23:37 EST David, There is a product (software) that allows you to use most PC serial mice or graphics tablets on your ST through your serial port enabling use of your mouse as well as your serial device. It is called Serial Mouse Manager and is produced by Cybercube. You can order from us if you like or through Cybercube directly. There is also a product on the market designed specifically for the Atari by Lexicor,(software and tablet) again you can order through us if you like. Chris Krowchuk @ Computer Direct. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 68 Tue Jan 18, 1994 J.PENNINGTO6 [JIM] at 04:09 EST David, >I'm looking for a electronic writing tablet for the ST computer. What I mean >is I want to use a pen like instrument to draw pictures on my ST screen and be >able to save them as a picture file. Does anybody know of one that will work? There are a couple of graphic pads out there which will do what you want. For instance, I have a tablet called "Grafnet Model 01" by Mitsubishi, which was packaged with an Atari driver and sold as the "Pro Tablet ST" by Quantum Microsystems Inc. The tablet plugs into the serial port and the driver runs as a desk accessory and makes the tablet look like a mouse to the software. This allows it to work with virtually any drawing program such as Touchup, Degas, etc. It comes with a ball point pen stylus as well as a plain stylus. UNFORTUNATELY, the supplied QMI driver does not work with any TOS above 1.02!! I understand, however, that a new driver is now available for both the QMI (Mitsubishi) and EI/O (Summagraphics) tablets from Silkware that will work with all current systems. You might contact Mark Slagell (Genie address M.SLAGELL) and see if he has or can find one for you. If you have trouble locating a tablet, check back with me, as my son might be willing to part with this one (it was only used a few times before we upgraded to TOS 1.04, then an STe, then TT, etc.). I have been meaning to get an upgraded driver, but you know how that goes (them round tuits gits harder to come by ever' day!). Let me know if I can help further, Jim Pennington X-act Computer Service Inc Sunnyvale, Ca ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 69 Wed Jan 19, 1994 D.FARRINGTO1 [David <>< .] at 04:12 EST Chris and Jim: Thanks very much for your knowledge, view points and pointing me in the right direction on the tablets. I have downloaded information about LEXICOR's, Cybercube's, and Mark Slagell's (I sharewared Mark's SilkMouse, I don't use anything else) tablet/software products. I have read them all. I think I know where I'm going. But I do thank you for posting. I'm going to start by asking in "wanted" ads first to see if anybody wants to sell their tablet. Jim, if you are interested in selling your tablet let me know in E-mail. Chris, if you've got a complete package let me know in E-mail how much. David <>< ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 70 Fri Jan 21, 1994 Y.DUFRESNE [Papageno] at 18:27 EST I just got an optical mouse that has 3 buttons. Is it possible to use the 3rd one as a double left click? Thanks, Yanick @ CGA ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 71 Fri Jan 21, 1994 T.MYERS2 [SlowTalker] at 20:10 EST Some ST Airwarrior support. What's the deal, why isn't there a front end for the Atari? ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 72 Fri Jan 21, 1994 B.WILLIS3 [Bill] at 21:18 EST SlowTalker, Air Warrior discontinued Atari support last year. Reasons cited included the meager number of players using ST's and the time it would have taken to upgrade the ST front end program. You might be able to find the last ST version somewhere, although you'll only be able to use it off-line. Such is life... ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 73 Sat Jan 22, 1994 J.WISNIEWSK2 [Jeff - ST'er] at 00:13 EST >Air Warrior discontinued Atari support last year. Reasons cited >included the meager number of players using ST's and the time it would >have taken to upgrade the ST front end program. There was also the reason that the ST was not as fast as the other player's machines... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ JSW ^^^^ ^^^^ ST'er ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Friday, January 21, 1994 - 10:17:04 pm ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 74 Sat Jan 22, 1994 R.CONSTAN [Magic Elf] at 02:28 EST Brian... Too bad you don't have the LQ emulation. It really is a shame that an Hp driver was never done. I may write one eventually if I get some time. The principal is easy, since the .BRD file is really a kind of character map. In fact, all one would have to do is create a monospaced character set for the HP laser (or emulation therof) that correctly and proportionally reproduces all the necessary characters. Then, with very little processing, .BRD files could be sent almost as easily as printing text. Anyhow, PC designer works graet for making 'iron on' transparency transfers. It already makes the printout backwards, so that it will come out right after the transfer. You asked for a comparison to PC based tools. No, PC designer cannot be compared to OR-CAD, Tango-PRO, or a host of other 'real' board layout tools. But I've also seen a few Shareware programs in the big blue' platform that outright stink compared to PC Board Designer! In some cases, better than programs whos shareware fee is over $100! You can go a long way with PC designer, even without a laser printer output, just by getting access to a decent, scalable photo copy machine! At some point though, if you really want sharp repeatable PC images, you'll have to abandon the iron on method, have negatives made, and learn to to it by the photographic method. I also have a patch program I wrote for PC Designer that forces the printer output to be forward (instead of reversed). E-mail me if you want this. .......Randy ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 75 Sat Jan 22, 1994 R.CONSTAN [Magic Elf] at 02:36 EST I have both a 486 PC and my Trusty 68000 ST sitting on my desk at work, sharing a multisync monitor. Guess which one gets the most use. . Yeah, the ST of course. Thing is, I've been getting more into internet lately, and almost all the systems I log into will provide an infinately better display IF you have VT-100 emulation. I only have the original FLASH, which seems to be exclusively VT-52. I really don't want to spend a bunch of bucks on another TERM program. If I have to, I'm ready to listen to recomendations. ... But of course, a well recommended shareware or PD program would also be nice . .......Randy ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 76 Sat Jan 22, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:02 EST Yanick, Maybe. But the right button can be used to double-click the left button with the freeware DC utiliity DC_RT_DC.PRG, which I would never consider booting without. A quick right press gives a left double-click; a longer right press gives a right single click. I'll send it to you if you can't find it, but I know it's in the library here. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 77 Sat Jan 22, 1994 STEVE-J [DrHfuhruhurr] at 04:13 EST J.WISNIEWSK2 - Yeah, it was THAT comment that ticked ME off. If there's not enough users to continue supporting it, fine, but they don't have to make up stuff about the machine not being good enough. Then again, the machine WOULDN'T be good enough for horribly inefficient code! ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 78 Sat Jan 22, 1994 DAEDWARDS [Warrl] at 05:46 EST R.Constan: Uniterm has perfect VT-100 emulation. There was a time when there was NOT a perfect VT-100 emulator for the PClone world... but we had Uniterm. In fact, Uniterm has had perfect VT-220 emulation for several years. I think Storm also has a VT-100 emulator, but not certain (I no longer have the need for one); it is a better program in many ways. Both are right here in the library. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 79 Sat Jan 22, 1994 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:52 EST Randy, I use STalker (Gribnif, about $35) for the service that forces me to use VT- 100, and it works fine. In fact I use STalker for everything except GEnie. But a lot of people like Storm (shareware by Alan Page, who wrote the original Flash). There's a demo of it in the library, and I think one of Flash II (Missionware) as well. And each has its own GEnie topic. gnox ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 80 Sat Jan 22, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 10:27 EST Randy, Flash II, Storm, STalker. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 81 Sat Jan 22, 1994 TQUINN [Terry~Sysop] at 11:10 EST Randy - Have you checked out Uniterm lately? I know its an oldie but for VT100 emulation, it is far and away the best that I have found commercial, shareware or PD. The fact that it's PD is just frosting on the cake. Look for it in the library (do a search under Uniterm or VT100). Terry Quinn ST RT Sysop and BBS Janitor ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 82 Sat Jan 22, 1994 DARLAH [RT~SYSOP] at 14:34 EST I was told that it was strictly due to the lack of people using the ST that used Air Warrior. I know the Air Warrior folks. Believe me, they would tell me something different if something different existed. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 83 Sat Jan 22, 1994 AEO.5 [Ed Krimen] at 16:25 EST Randy, STalker. I use it on the Internet all the time. -- Ed ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 84 Sat Jan 22, 1994 Y.DUFRESNE [Papageno] at 20:56 EST Thanks Al, I'll look for it. Yanick @ CGA ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 85 Sat Jan 22, 1994 J.WISNIEWSK2 [Jeff - ST'er] at 22:24 EST Steve, >Yeah, it was THAT comment that ticked ME off. If there's not enough >users to continue supporting it, fine, but they don't have to make up >stuff about the machine not being good enough. The machine is good enough to handle most (or all) of your computing needs. >Then again, the machine WOULDN'T be good enough for horribly >inefficient code! The only inefficiency in computers is the programmers. :-} ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ JSW ^^^^ ^^^^ ST'er ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Saturday, January 22, 1994 - 8:54:04 pm ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 86 Sun Jan 23, 1994 GRMEYER [Gordon/Sysop] at 09:48 EST STDCAT v5.3 is the latest, and last, version. The author told me that the program has been sold to a German company who will be making some changes and introducing it as a commercial product in '94. Bob arranged a special price for his registered shareware users. Once the commercial version is out, Bob will be making the source code to v5.3 available to anyone who wants it. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 87 Sun Jan 23, 1994 A.PETRIE1 [Suzie/AL] at 19:10 EST Randy: I use Michtrons 220 ST program to log onto a couple vax mail systems, I primarily use it in 220 mode but it has a good vt100 mode as well, one of the side bennifits of using it in the VT220 mode is that the keyboards are laid out almost the same, so if you know the position on a VT220 that the key you need for a command is located the ST key in the same location is used the same way. Unfortunatly 220ST is long out of production(bought mine for $2.00 at the W.A.A.C.E show acouple years ago from the people that bought their software line) but if you can find it it should make life easier. Uniterm also works well, but dosn't always recognize the onscreen formatting commands. So instead of giving a large italic font on screen you get what appears to be gibberish charactors followed by normal text. AL P ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 88 Wed Jan 26, 1994 C.UNDERWOOD1 [Carson] at 09:32 EST I'm looking for a telephone dialer. Also it would be nice if you could use the numbers keypad on the computer keyboard to dial in real time. Or maybe a list of telephone #'s that you could point & click at. What I am trying to do specifically is dial up my credit card, bank, etc. accounts to get balances etc. So when I am asked for my account # etc I can use my computer to respond. I would do all of this using a speaker phone so I would'nt have to touch my phone. I do own CardFile but, was unable to figure out a way to do this using it. Thanks, Carson ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 89 Wed Jan 26, 1994 K.ESTES [Kenne@SFRT] at 15:01 EST You can do it with Stalker, Flash, and Storm. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 90 Wed Jan 26, 1994 F.HENSE [FRANK] at 23:25 EST Al, Interlink includes a VT-100 EMU and appropriate docs. Including a VT-100 keyboard overlay. You justneed to preload it into the Emulation section before you conect. Frank ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 91 Thu Jan 27, 1994 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:28 EST Message Wed Jan 26, 1994 C.UNDERWOOD1 [Carson] Carson, You should try setting you account number on the work phone line with the original number on the home phone line. Remember to put the (123) first using your local area code to defeat CardFile's auto ld function (It adds a leading 1 to all numbers not local.). >> Joe M << ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 92 Fri Jan 28, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:27 EST Carson, CF will do that. Dial through CF, take the phone off the hook, and you're all set. What problems are you having with CF? Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 93 Fri Jan 28, 1994 C.UNDERWOOD1 [Carson] at 08:37 EST Ken, Joe, & Al, Thanks for the responses. I'll play with CardFile some more. If I have any more ?'s. I'll move over to that topic. Carson ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 94 Fri Jan 28, 1994 R.SCHILLING [Rob] at 10:30 EST Hi All, I've heard of a program that will allow desktop.inf files to be run as a program. Does this mean they could be placed on the desktop as icons and double clicked to change resolutions? Thanks--Rob ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 95 Fri Jan 28, 1994 G.LEONE [Gerry] at 19:11 EST DANG YOU, Joe M. and Al F! Because of the terminal guilt you laid on me for not having CardFile4, I added it to my Geneva/NeoDesk order today!! It's all your fault! ;-) -Gerry ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 96 Sat Jan 29, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 00:38 EST Rob, Yes, you install DeskSwitch, for example, as an app with the data file "inf," and when you double-click on a desktop file, DeskSwitch loads the new inf file and you have a new desktop. Gerry, But do you have Memfile? (Don't fret; it's free, and in the library here.) :) Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 97 Sat Jan 29, 1994 G.LEONE [Gerry] at 01:47 EST Yep, thankfully I've GOT Memfile! -Gerry ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 98 Sat Jan 29, 1994 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 10:21 EST Message Fri Jan 28, 1994 G.LEONE [Gerry] > It's all your fault! -Gerry, It's a guilt trip you will be happy you took. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 99 Sun Jan 30, 1994 R.SCHILLING [Rob] at 17:16 EST Al, I d/l'd Deskswitch but I can't seem to get it to switch resolutions, ie one setup for TT medium and another for ST high. Right now, it just seems to change icons but not rez. Am I doing something wrong, or won't Deskswitch do what I need? Thanks--Rob ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 100 Mon Jan 31, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:24 EST Rob, DeskSwitch doesn't switch resolutions. It loads INF files. Res-switching is done from the desktop the normal way. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 101 Mon Jan 31, 1994 DANNY.M [Yuperman] at 22:39 EST >course, a well recommended shareware or PD program would also be nice . > Magic Elf, if you're not intrested in multitasking then I'd recommend ANSITerm 1.90 from Twin Worlds Software. If multitasking if a factor then I'd recommend STorm. Both are shareware and available in the telecomm file library. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 102 Wed Feb 02, 1994 D.GEPPERT [MR.DON] at 18:03 EST I thought there was a Commercial product for the ST that allowed the use of an IBM mouse. Some sort of interface cable or something etc. Any help on this....? ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 103 Wed Feb 02, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 20:38 EST Mr. D., GEnie address CYBERCUBE is the place where you can get more info in the serial mouse system it has. A demo (working one!) is here on GEnie; look under "serial" or "mouse" as a keyword. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 104 Thu Feb 03, 1994 R.SCHILLING [Rob] at 00:28 EST Al, So I take it there is no way that I can double click on a desktop icon and change rez's and desktops at the same time? It would be nice, though. Rob ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 105 Thu Feb 03, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 08:39 EST Rob, Sure, if you clicked on a program or utility that changed the name of the INF file and then rebooted. But what you should really look into is a boot manager. That takes care of both situations. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 106 Thu Feb 03, 1994 D.GEPPERT [MR.DON] at 12:35 EST Al, Thanks, actually I did some digging and found Cybercube Research in the IAAD.Dat file that Dorothy uploaded for us Cardfile users. Strange as it may sound, they are virtually right down the road in the next town from where I live, (go figure the chances of that !!). Anyway I called them, they do in fact have such a product, and are sending me a catalogue of their other ST stuff as well. Thanks again.....Mr. Don ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 107 Fri Feb 04, 1994 C.UNDERWOOD1 [Carson] at 10:10 EST I'm looking for an application that will do search & replace via a command line or as an installed application with user set parameters. I want to be able to click on a file & have this application automatically do search & replace (with the parameters passed to it via a command line or setup? file), then save the changed file. I know just about any word processer/editor will search & replace. I just want something that can be automatic for files I always change the same way. Carson ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 108 Fri Feb 04, 1994 K.ESTES [Kenne@SFRT] at 14:29 EST MicroEmacs? TEmpest _might_ do that. I don't know. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 109 Fri Feb 04, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 22:32 EST Carson, You're in luck. TEXTREPL by Mike Dorman, a GEnie regular, will do this. So will SRCHRP9B, by Craig Harvey. I'm sending the second to you in e-mail; the first is in the libs here (and in fact they both probably are). Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 110 Sat Feb 05, 1994 C.UNDERWOOD1 [Carson] at 11:40 EST Al, I did a keyword search in the libraries for TEXTRPL & SRCHRP9B, no luck. Kenne, I did some searching in the libraries under EMACS & MicroEmacs. Those are some huge files! Before I make that download commitment (GEnie is long distance for me), how about some info on exactly what it is and/or does. Thanks, Carson ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 111 Sat Feb 05, 1994 K.ESTES [Kenne@SFRT] at 14:15 EST Hmmmmm.... you are, of course, correct. What editors _do_ you have? And do you have Codekeys from CODEHEAD TECHNOLOGIES? ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 115 Sun Feb 06, 1994 R.CONSTAN [Magic Elf] at 16:47 EST Thanks to everyone who gave me advice on PD/SW term programs that support VT- 100 emulation. So far, I have only d/l'd and tried UNITERM. STorm will probably be next. UNITERM actually seems to work fairly well, but has one really annoying bug. That is, once you try to dial up and fail, there's no way to stop the program from doing anything else but retry the number, and all keystrokes do nothing but force a retry. No mouse response either, so you either log on, or you'll have to re-boot! If anyone knows a way around this bug let me know. Otherwise, I'll have to try another term programe, which might just be exchanging one bug for another. Thanks! ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 116 Mon Feb 07, 1994 DAEDWARDS [Warrl] at 02:27 EST R.Constan: RE Uniterm retries: use the return key, hold it down a while. It's rather kludgy but it works. You can also go into the dialer setup and change the number of retries... ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 117 Mon Feb 07, 1994 TQUINN [Terry~Sysop] at 10:16 EST R.CONSTAN - I would suggest under dialer settings that you change the redial options to 0 retries. If you do so, Uniterm will not exhibit the irritating behavior you noticed. Terry Quinn ST RT Sysop and BBS Janitor ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 121 Wed Feb 09, 1994 R.SCHILLING [Rob] at 21:36 EST Al, I do use desk manager and it does come in handy, but since I use a lot of mono only MIDI programs and need to switch back and forth to TT MED, several times in a session, it would be nice to just click on an icon to get the switch effected. Thanks, as always for your suggestions. Rob ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 122 Tue Feb 15, 1994 F.ZIMMERMAN3 [Frank Z.] at 07:29 EST Rob, I don't know of any way to switch from TT medium to ST high with just one click on an icon, but did you know that you can just hold down the alternate key and type from 1-5 to change resolutions on the TT? So Alternate 1 is ST Low, Alternate 2 is ST Medium, etc. I wasn't aware of this until a friend showed me just the other day. Frank. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 123 Thu Feb 17, 1994 J.HICKEY6 at 10:49 EST Instead of using one of the "whiz-bang" screen savers, newer, "green" monitors go to an energy saver mode after a period of keyboard inactivity. A simple program to turn off the horizontal and verticle sync pulses would activate the sleep mode. I am working up a simple, aftermarket mod for 19" TT high res monitors. I think a shareware approach to the necessary software would be practical. Anyone? Jack ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 124 Fri Feb 18, 1994 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:04 EST Jack, Not only does turning off the sync pulses work as a screen saver and energy saver, it also reduces the EMF output greatly and that is a concern to many VDT users. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 125 Fri Feb 18, 1994 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:17 EST Jack, I would most definitely be interested in that kind of modification to my TTM195. I'm a bit confused by this though: > I am working up a simple, aftermarket mod for 19" TT high res > monitors. I think a shareware approach to the necessary software > would be practical. If I understand this right, the mod would require both hardware and software; why split off the software as shareware then? Or do you have in mind something that would also work with the newer "green" monitors as well as the modified TTMs? gnox ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 126 Fri Feb 18, 1994 J.HICKEY6 at 10:21 EST gnox, that was my thought. CyberCube(see below) is already working on software to do this with their video cards. >>Update: CyReL M16-1280 and VESA DPMS What's DPMS? Display Power Management Standard! We are working on a new version of the CyReL Serial Mouse Manager and Screen Saver to accomodate the new VESA power saving techniques that cause the monitor to go from 'normal' to 'stand-by' to 'suspend', thus reducing the power consumtion and extending the 'life' of the monitor. Anyone interested in getting a copy of this revised version should send e-mail to CYBERCUBE for more information. >>Category 16, Topic 12 >>Message 108 Thu Feb 03, 1994 >>CYBERCUBE [Ralf] at 20:47 EST Jack, the VESA DPMS uses a real neat 'trick' to tell the monitor about inactivity or pauses. It first starts to shut down one of the sync signals and if there is still no further activity, stops the other sync signal as well, thus telling the monitor to go into the 'suspended' mode... in which some monitors consume as little as 5 Watts (compared to several hundred when fully active) But beware, it takes a couple of seconds to re-activate the monitor again, so everything has its price. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 127 Fri Feb 18, 1994 D.GEPPERT [MR.DON] at 15:57 EST I was wondering if any of you out there would care to comment on the Cybercube Product line. Of particular interest are the CYREL SUNRISE M16-1280 True Color Graphics Card, CYREL VIDIMIX8/16 Desktop Video, and the CYREL Serial Mouse Driver. I'm thinking of looking into these products, (I have the catalogue and information from Cybercube), and I'm just looking for some preliminary feedback from those of you who are actively using the software and/or hardware at the moment. Thanks...... ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 128 Fri Feb 18, 1994 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 18:43 EST MR.DON >I was wondering if any of you out there would care to comment on the >Cybercube Product line. Of particular interest are the CYREL SUNRISE >M16-1280 > A good topic to check is category 16 topic 12, the Cyrel topic. ~~Brian..Written on Friday 18 February 1994 at 07:28 p.m. ADT ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 129 Fri Feb 18, 1994 R.SCHILLING [Rob] at 21:43 EST Frank, Thanks for the tip on Rez changes. I never knew about that. Rob ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 130 Sat Feb 19, 1994 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:41 EST Jack, Ah, I see. I'm looking forward to your announcement! I'll stash away some $$ under the monitor here ... :) gnox ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 131 Sat Feb 19, 1994 E.EDELENBOS [-Ed-] at 20:36 EST Without the expected "Dump it and get Works with Speedo" comments, does anyone know if ther are fonts for FSMGdos available (other than those that came with Wordflair)? Thanks. Ed. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 132 Sat Feb 19, 1994 M.HILL13 [Mike] at 23:43 EST Everyone, Im getting a deal on a used TT (pretty soon I will be computing with a 4 Meg ST Ram, 20 Meg TT Ram, 200 Meg Hard Drive system!). Problem is this. I have a Mega IV STE with Crazy Dots II card (gonna transplant that CD card too!) and all my files are setup on the Mega STE's internal hard drive. I want to move all my files over to the TT system and its internal drive. Whats the easiest way to move the file across? I don't want to go the floppy exchange route. Id like to hook up the systems by their serial ports (Lan port?) and transfer stuff from one to the other. Is there any software to handle this? It would be great if a program existed that could transfer an entrie drive from one machine to another and recreate all files and paths on the other machine. Any thoughts,ideas,tips,horror stories. I don't have access to an external hard drive/syquest etc to go that route. Mike ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 133 Sun Feb 20, 1994 MIKE-ALLEN [NM~SysOp] at 04:22 EST Mike, When I exchanged my 50meg Seacrate for a 120meg Maxtor in my MSTe, I removed the 50meg, set up the 120 and then hooked up the 50 as (ID'd as drive 1) throught the ACSI port and a ICD HA. (of course I had a leftover case, power supply and host adaptor from a dead Seacrate 277N, which helped!) I then just copied all the files from one drive to the other. Originally I had tried to hook both drives up to the internal Atari HA using a daisy chain cable. I couldn't get it to work. I understand that my problem was that there is a switch on the Atari HA that has to be thrown to use more than 1 drive on it. There are 3 dip switches on the HA and I don't know which one it is. On the other hand if you don't feel like performing minor (temporary) surgery on your MSTe and/or TT and you have STalker you could transfer files by way of the serial2 ports and a null modem cable. Serial2 on the TT/MSTe will go up to 230kbaud. Probably the easiest solution. Mike Allen ST HelpDesk~Sysop Written: 2:02 AM Mountain Time Sunday, February 20, 1994 ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 134 Sun Feb 20, 1994 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 10:14 EST Mike, The LAN ports should work, but I have never used them. The other easy solution is to find a null-modem cable and use a com program. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 135 Sun Feb 20, 1994 JIM.K [Jim~ST Sysop] at 11:20 EST Mike, You could also get a couple of MIDI cables, then use LittleNet (I think that's what it is called). Check with Al Fasoldt on the specifics. Jim Kudron 20Feb94 10:48:52 ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 136 Sun Feb 20, 1994 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 22:10 EST Dip #3 on the Atari HA will allow you to use more than one drive on the HA. That's how I transfered all my stuff over. I had a Y power cable and a cable with more than one connector on it. The MSTE handled both HDs with no problem. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 137 Mon Feb 21, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:34 EST Jim's right. LittleNet will let you do the transfers just by dragging folders fron one partition to another. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 138 Mon Feb 21, 1994 J.HICKEY6 at 10:55 EST Does LittleNet work on the TT? I've tried it on my MegaST4 and a 1040ST, but not on my TT. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 139 Mon Feb 21, 1994 R.WHITTAM [Ron - ABUG] at 22:28 EST I am looking for a quality PD/Shareware or Commercial computerized card game called SOLITARE. Got any ideas??? Prefer a program that can switch between Atlanta and Vegas rules. . . Ron - ABUG ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 140 Tue Feb 22, 1994 DAEDWARDS [Warrl] at 00:36 EST Ron: Have you looked at PATIENCE in the library? ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 141 Tue Feb 22, 1994 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:56 EST Hoyle's Book of Games by Sierra has several versions of Solitare. my girlfriend plays them so I don't know them well. Have you searched the RoundTable library yet? >> Joe M << ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 142 Tue Feb 22, 1994 B.STOREY [Billy B.] at 08:02 EST Mike, Flash II can send data between Atari computers via MIDI cables. There is a special button in the RS-232 setup menu for it. The data will transfer at about 1600 bps, which is pretty good, but not as good as Paul wants to make it. LittleNet will do the same, and it is about as fast as loading to/from a floppy. The big advantage to LittleNet is it is an acc., and can run from the desktop. I don't have a 2-computer desk any more, so I don't xfer data via MIDI, but I have used both methods successfully. I think LittleNet is better for most purposes because it sets up another drive on your desktop and you transfer just as you would transfer from a hard drive to a floppy. Some people never could get it to work, but I had no trouble at all. I think their problem was a failure to read all the docs, and Al Fasoldt wrote a "secrets" doc which helps tremendously. 5:30:00 am - Monday, February 21, 1994 Billy B. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 143 Tue Feb 22, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 08:45 EST Jack, LittleNet works very nicely on the TT. Read "Secrets of LittleNet" (in the LitleNet archive file here); I think I mentioned there that my TT and ST are connected via LN. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 144 Tue Feb 22, 1994 J.WISNIEWSK2 [Jeff - ST'er] at 21:04 EST >Have you looked at PATIENCE in the library? This game is Monochrome only... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ JSW ^^^^ ^^^^ ST'er ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tuesday, February 22, 1994 - 8:50:32 pm ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 145 Tue Feb 22, 1994 Y.DUFRESNE [Papageno] at 21:51 EST LittleNet does work on the TT. The only problem with it (not TT related) is the speed. If you want to transfer a 50 meg HD, it'll take at least two hours. I would believe STalker to be much more efficient. The fastest way would be to use YModem-G and do a batch file transfer for each partition. This is explained very clearly in the STalker manual. You will obviously need a null modem cable. If you don't know how to make one, Email me and I'll explain in detail. Oups! You'll need STalker. If you don't have it, get it... You will see it advertised quite often in the "Sales" topics. Yanick @ CGA ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 146 Tue Feb 22, 1994 ST.LOU [Lou Rocha] at 22:40 EST Anyone know where to buy 12 to 15 foot MIDI cables for networking two computers? ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 147 Tue Feb 22, 1994 M.HILL13 [Mike] at 22:41 EST Billy (And all who replied), Im not sure how I want to attack this file moving. LittleNet would be great EXCEPT that it only works on small partitions (no BGM), and it is realtively slow when compared to the high speed serial ports on the Mega STE/TT. Miknet supposedly works with BGM partitions and I might try that one. Right now Im wondering what this "full pathname" option most zmodem implementations have does. If it sends the entire pathname to the receiver and the receiver then stores it based on that path, I might be able right a simple program (Storm Basic file?) that runs through a directory listing starting at the root and does a Zmodem upload of all the files in that directory and moves on to the next. The other computer could just sit in terminal mode and would download every file the host sends, and if this "full pathname" option works like I hope the system would then store the file in the exact same path. Im probably dreaming though! Mike ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 148 Tue Feb 22, 1994 B.WILLIS3 [Bill] at 23:40 EST Lou, Just about any music store nowadays will stock MIDI cables. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 149 Wed Feb 23, 1994 D.FARRINGTO1 [David <>< .] at 00:36 EST Mike: I don't like saying this but I'm the person who uploaded miknet. It does not work. I ask a very reliable person to test it and the report was thumbs down. The program bombed for him and did not work at all. If I new how I would remove the program so folks would not waste their time. My suggestion is go with something that is know to work. I am trying to contact the author but he is in Italy. So for now I would not use Miknet13. David Farrington <>< ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 150 Wed Feb 23, 1994 F-D-PERCIVAL [Fred P.] at 06:51 EST David, One of the items in the standard Library menu is the option to remove any file you have uploaded... ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 151 Wed Feb 23, 1994 ST.LOU [Lou Rocha] at 07:12 EST Music store? Why didn't I think of that? Thanks, Bill. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 152 Wed Feb 23, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:24 EST Thanks for the description of what LittleNet can do, Billy! As a bonus, it should be noted that LittleNet also does this in the background, as far as the remote computer is concerned. I am able to transfer files or even run programs from my wife's ST while she is playing Oxyd or Drachen, for example. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 153 Wed Feb 23, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 08:31 EST Yanick, If STalker is using the MIDI port, it's slower than LittleNet. If it's doing a null-modem transfer using a high-speed serial port, it's indeed faster than LittleNet. Mike, The full pathname sends the entire pathname (C:\pathone\pathtwo\myfile.prg) to the other system, and the directory structure is created on the other end unless the receiving system is set up to decline the path structure. I use this in daily Zmodem high-speed transfers, except that I use relative pathnames, so that the path on the other end is pathone\pathtwo.... So if the download is going into D:\DOWNLOAD, the result is: D:\DOWNLOAD\PATHONE\PATHTWO\MYFILE.PRG. Fred, But you can't remove the file via Aladdin, and I for one refuse to spend my time on GEnie without the aid of Aladdin. :) Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 154 Wed Feb 23, 1994 R.COOPER2 [Rob] at 21:18 EST Lou: >Anyone know where to buy 12 to 15 foot MIDI cables for networking two >computers? If you're near the DMC offices (and I assume you are, since you work there.. ), you could pop into the Long & McQuade store at Pharmacy & Sheppard (2 minutes east of the DVP). Tell 'em I sent you. ;^) Rob ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 155 Wed Feb 23, 1994 ST.LOU [Lou Rocha] at 21:33 EST Thanks for the tip, Rob. I actually called Long & McQuade this morning (they used to be Kalua Music) and ordered a pair of 10 and a pair of 20 ft. MIDI cables for less than 20.00 CDN all together. BTW, I don't work for DMC... it just seems like it :-) ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 156 Wed Feb 23, 1994 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 23:40 EST Zmodem Batch is just as fast as Ymodem-G (from my experience) and offers more safety and time savings (aborted downloads). ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 157 Wed Feb 23, 1994 M.HILL13 [Mike] at 23:55 EST David, Well your friend must have had something wrong. miknet13 worked great for me. Of course I got my copy off the internet but Im sure the copy here is fine too. Its a little confusing to setup but I was able to copy files from my Mega STE to my TT using it. Handled the BGM partitions no problem. Nice thing about it is that it allows you to network more than one partition at a time. Littlenet forces you to select the drive you want to network with the accessory. miknet lets you remote every drive you want. I transfered over 50megs already with miknet and it went flawlessly. In fact Im posting this message on my TT030 now! Another neat feature about miknet is that you can remap floppy or hard drives on the same system. You can make the system think that your C drive is really the D drive, or your C drive could be a floppy, etc. Mike ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 158 Thu Feb 24, 1994 STEVE-J at 05:09 EST Ymodem-G is ALWAYS faster for me (though usually only by 2-5% over Zmodem). ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 159 Thu Feb 24, 1994 B.STOREY [Billy B.] at 08:04 EST Mike, yes, Littlenet is relatively slow, but if you copy an entire windowfull (if you have a TOS earlier than 2.0x) or an entire partition, you can do it just before going to bed, or out to dinner, and let it take as long as it needs. (By the way, if you have an earlier TOS, you can put everything into one folder then copy the folder.) I don't know Stalker, but if it needs to transfer files, rather than partitions, it could be much slower, and you have to stay there to click on things. 5:30:32 am - Wednesday, February 23, 1994 Billy B. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 160 Thu Feb 24, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 08:32 EST Mike, Can you post a brief step-by-step explanation of how to use mikenet13? All I got was bomb city. (And I'm the unnamed person quoted here, BTW. ) Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 161 Thu Feb 24, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 18:32 EST Right, Billy. The advantage of LittleNet over Zmodem via STalker is that LittleNet requires no more technique than knowing how to drag a folder to an icon. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 162 Thu Feb 24, 1994 Y.DUFRESNE [Papageno] at 18:57 EST Mike, Mike and Al: I was referring to null modeming with STalker. You can do the whole transfer in one operation; STalker lets you sepecify wildcards to do batch uploads so *.* would transfer everithing on a partition and to the right directories. I to d/led Mikenet and never got it to run. It crashes everytime. Maybe you could upload your copy, Mike (M.HILL13)? Yanick @ CGA ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 163 Thu Feb 24, 1994 M.HILL13 [Mike] at 22:56 EST Yanick & Al, Well to make miknet run all you need to do is run the mknt.prg program first. I just run it from the desktop. Run it on both systems. If all you want to do is access partitons on Computer A with Computer B you can just leave Computer A alone after loading the mknt.prg program. Then run mknt.app on the system you want the remote drives on (Computer B). You will get a dialog that has two rows of drive letters (amoung other things, but those letters are all thats important). If Computer B has floppies only the first two letters should be normal (A and B) the rest should be grayed (first row). Click on the C Letter once and it will be normal text, click on it again and it will be reversed. A reversed drive letter means that this drive will be accessed remotely over the midi ports from another computer. Then edit the letter below the drive letter you reversed and enter the Drive letter on Computer A you want to access. Then click on OK and you can install that new drive to your desktop and access it like any other partition. The reverse thing was what got me at first. Another problem is that AHDI users with BGM partitions need to make sure the partition is set to "MUNGED" if it is BGM. Also the sector size needs to be 1024 bytes. It worked flawlessly for me. I just finished the transfer of about 100 megs of files from the Mega STE to the TT today. Ill upload it for you guys also. Mike ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 164 Fri Feb 25, 1994 R.COOPER2 [Rob] at 03:06 EST Lou: >Thanks for the tip, Rob. I actually called Long & McQuade this >morning (they used to be Kalua Music) and ordered a pair of 10 and a >pair of 20 ft. MIDI cables for less than 20.00 CDN all together. BTW, >I don't work for DMC... it just seems like it :-) No problem... I get all my stuff through that L&M. Even though it's a small store, they can order in whatever I need from downtown... not to mention the manager's a good friend of mine! :^) (It's not WHAT you know, but WHO; as the old saying goes). Hmmm... I thought you did work for DMC... my mistake. It DOES seem like it, though! Maybe you should get consulting fees or something?? Rob ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 165 Fri Feb 25, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 08:17 EST Mike, Thanks. My sector sizes are all huge, so I guess I am out of luck. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 166 Sat Feb 26, 1994 STEVE-J [DrHfuhruhurr] at 04:26 EST A.FASOLDT - Oh yeah! I'll bet MY sector size is bigger than YOURS! ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 167 Sat Feb 26, 1994 C.UNDERWOOD1 [Carson] at 11:17 EST OK guys, it's not how big your sector size is , it's how you use it. Just ask any guy with a small sector, he'll tell you. :) Carson ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 168 Sat Feb 26, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 16:58 EST DrH, Show me! :) Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 169 Sun Mar 06, 1994 M.EASTER [Mike] at 15:57 EST I'm looking for a utility; auto folder prg, acc, cpx to help me solve an "ergometric" problem common to many programs. I'm a touch typist, and dislike anything that forces me to abandon keyboard position in any kind of unnatural way; though I've adjusted to reaching for the mouse and returning without a struggle. My problem is with the use of control and alternate key combinations. in which the combination is ergometrically unsatisfactory; such as alternate plus any key which is normally accessed with the left hand. I would like to be able to use an "alternate" alternate key, such as the caps lock key for these combinations. We have another set of problems for combinations of control plus left hand keys. Here's my idea. The simultaneous depression of alternate plus caps lock would "lock" the alternate mode on for the next keypress, (which obviously could be done with either hand), after that keypress everything would go back to "normal". The simultaneous depression of control plus caps lock would perform exactly the same function for control combinations, and similarly "undo" itself after the next keypress. Although this "two-step" maneuver would seem to be more trouble than one-step, I've played with it a bit, and it is definitely more satisfactory than reaching the awkward combinations. Anyone know of such a beast? Mike Easter ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 170 Sun Mar 06, 1994 M.EASTER [Mike] at 16:44 EST On second thought, forget about the caps lock key. The alternate or control keys would lock themselves on for one subsequent keypress. Hmm. I think I'll search the library under alternate and control. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 171 Sun Mar 06, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 22:50 EST Mike, I thought there was a DC util for that purpose -- or maybe a freeware CodeHead utility? Charles or John might know. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 172 Mon Mar 07, 1994 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:23 EST Mike, If I remember correctly the cap lock key is not an control key so it can not be used in combination with other keys other than control (shift, control or alt) keys. CodeKeys can do wonders for keyboard changes, and I believe there are a couple of programs out that will remap the keyboard changing a specific key for another, but I am not sure it they will work on control keys. I use CodeKeys to fix all those problems with various programs and I can have a custom set of keys for each program as needed, CodeKeys can remember what I want with each program. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 173 Mon Mar 07, 1994 M.EASTER [Mike] at 07:23 EST Al - re DC utility There is a file DC KeyTop to be used with DC DeskTop only, but I don't know what it does. Joe - re CodeKeys I have CodeKeys and use it for some very interesting purposes, but I don't think I can set it up to do this job as described. Maybe I'll pose this question/ concept over in the CodeKeys topic. Mike Easter ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 174 Mon Mar 07, 1994 C.UNDERWOOD1 [Carson] at 08:19 EST I just brought up CodeKeys & tried to make the Caps Lock a hot key. It didn't recognize it, though every letter pushed afterwards was capitalized in the macro window. Carson ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 175 Mon Mar 07, 1994 MIKE.KELLER at 21:58 EST What's the best desk accessory for saving a screen snapshot to disk? mike.k ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 176 Mon Mar 07, 1994 ST.LOU [Lou Rocha] at 23:43 EST Mike, my favorite is an AUTO program called SNAPIT.PRG. Very small but it saves each ALT-HELP to a series of SNAP00x.PI3 files on your boot drive. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 177 Tue Mar 08, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:23 EST Mike, By far, Imagecopy 2 from the CodeHeads. There is just no competition. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 178 Tue Mar 08, 1994 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 21:52 EST Mike, Ditto Al's opinion. If you use a rez above ST rezes, Degas formats are no good to you. I used Imagecopy 2 for screen shots for Fairbanks user group newsletter article, much better than trying to use Degas files after enlarging them. Ken ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 179 Fri Mar 18, 1994 J.WISNIEWSK2 [Jeff - ST'er] at 23:12 EST Does anybody know the current owners/programmers of the Desk Accessory called Abbreviator?. And also how to contact them?. Thanks. It has several problems with Geneva that I would like to see fixed (either by them or me). ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ JSW ^^^^ ^^^^ ST'er ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Friday, March 18, 1994 - 10:45:58 pm ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 180 Sat Mar 19, 1994 M.EASTER [Mike] at 07:23 EST Jeff - re Abbreviator programmer USMail, telephone, and GEnie as of Feb '91: Kyle Cordes 3815 Greengrass Dr. Florissant, MO 63033 Call (314) 921-0614 and ask for Kyle GEnie: K.CORDES February 1991 Mike Easter ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 181 Sat Mar 19, 1994 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 09:03 EST Jef, If you can't find the Abbreviator folks you might try Spelling Sentry, it has an abbreviator feature and it is currently supported. I don't know if it has any Geneva conflicts. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 182 Sat Mar 19, 1994 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 10:41 EST Joe, these two programs are not the same. I h ave both installed on my system since Abbreviator handles multiline abbreviations better. Just ot confuse the issue, the address I have is different. It is for "It's All Relative". Gregory J. Kopchak GREG It's All Relative 2233 Keevan Lane Florisant, MO 63031 Work phone: 314 831 9482 It's All Relative/BookMaker/Forecaster3 AbbreviatorST/Photo CD Conversion Photo Show/View and Script Kodak Photo CD Images Please note the EMail address is "GREG". Greg is active online here. ~~~~Brian ... Written on Saturday 19 March 1994 at 11:37 a.m. ADT ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 183 Sat Mar 19, 1994 J.WISNIEWSK2 [Jeff - ST'er] at 16:29 EST Joe, The biggest problem with Spelling Sentry is that you have to have the spelling option on to have the abbreviations active. But it does work with Geneva. Brian, Thanks, I will contact him. Mike, That was the address I had, but if I remember correctly, Kyle Cordes got out of the Atari market and left support to someone else, but I could not remember who. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ JSW ^^^^ ^^^^ ST'er ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Saturday, March 19, 1994 - 4:02:44 pm ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 184 Sat Mar 19, 1994 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 18:10 EST Brian, As I said it is "a" abbreviation feature, not the same as "Abbreviator." For my use and some others it works just fine. Jeff, I have never knowingly had the spelling option off. I have a difficult time spelling c-a-t. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 185 Sun Mar 20, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 01:20 EST No Geneva conflicts, Joe. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 186 Sun Mar 20, 1994 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 12:35 EST Joe, >it is "a" abbreviation feature, ... So true but I wish I didn't need to have both installed. BTW, I presume you mean "AN" {grin}. ~~~~Brian ... Written on Sunday 20 March 1994 at 12:53 p.m. ADT ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 187 Sun Mar 20, 1994 E.ROSEN [Ed Rosen] at 22:41 EST I'm looking for a source of Signum fonts. If anyone knows of a BBS or software supply house that may carry these, please let me know. BTW, I am aware of what is here in the libraries. Thanks. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 188 Mon Mar 21, 1994 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:19 EST Message 186 Sun Mar 20, 1994 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] > I presume you mean "AN" {grin}. < Maybe I should run all my messages through Gram-Slam. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 189 Sun Mar 27, 1994 A.PETRIE1 [Suzie/AL] at 12:42 EST Perhaps somebody out there could help me out. I am looking for the following program. I have searched Genie for this without sucess. It is possible that my search criteria was not correct or it exists on another service that I do not have access to. If you know where it is on Genie please direct me to it. If it isn't on Genie and you have it would you please upload it and let me know. From the description this creates and shows those abstract looking pictures that if you can shift your visual depth perception you can see very clear 3d images made up of abstract patterns. Any help will be greatly appreciated Thanks AL P The following is from AEO 305 > ||| The Unabashed Atariophile > ||| By: Michael R. Burkley >/ | \ Delphi: MRBURKLEY GEnie: AEO.4 ----------------------------------------------------------------- >[] STIS is the Stereoscopic Image System by Phillip W. O'Neal v.1.00 >(dated early in 1993). 3-D photos and movies normally require special >lenses glasses to view. This program creates 3-dimensional images on >the ST that need no special glasses or anything else to see them in >3-D! It's amazing, but true! Several images are included, plus the >program itself will create (and print out!) more images for you. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 190 Mon Mar 28, 1994 J.BRENNER1 [See Flat] at 19:09 EST Is there a topic for Word Flair II. I just got it bundled with a computer I bought. I had never heard of it before. John B. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 191 Mon Mar 28, 1994 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 19:33 EST Yes, John. Topic three in category 35. ~~~~Brian ... Written on Monday 28 March 1994 at 08:32 p.m. ADT ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 192 Mon Mar 28, 1994 VCROSS [Vince_C] at 21:51 EST Are the executables for MINT 1.08 available for download anywhere? The latest version I can find here or on the UMich archives is 0.95. The source for 1.08 is here, but I really don't want to have to compile it myself. I don't think it would compile under Laser C without some mods. Any help is appreciated. Vince ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 193 Tue Mar 29, 1994 J.BRENNER1 [See Flat] at 00:11 EST Thanks Brian, My topic list ends at Cat33, I'll have to fix that. :-) John B. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 194 Tue Mar 29, 1994 STEVE-J [DrHfuhruhurr] at 05:45 EST VCROSS - Blame Atari for not having executables! As part of the licensing agreement for MiNT, only Atari is allowed to distribute executables of any version 1.00 or above. This is from what I've HEARD, anyway. ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 195 Mon Apr 04, 1994 M.BILINSKI at 01:46 EDT What programs are there (PD, hopefully) that will allow you to "undelete" files that have been unfortunately deleted? Marek ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 196 Mon Apr 04, 1994 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:02 EDT Marek, There are a number of programs capable of un-deleting files. The one I use is a commercial program called Diamond Edge. It will handle a whole range of drive functions including defraging files and moving free space, allowing your drives to work faster. There are some PD and/or shareware files that will at least un-delete. I think one was put out by Double Click. Sorry I don't know the number or exact name, my file list was mugged a few months ago and I have not rebuilt it. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 197 Mon Apr 04, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:29 EDT Marek, As Joe said, Diamond Edge is the cream ofthe crop in undeleters. Maxifile has a function that stores all deleted files in a holding area, if you'd like that kind of thing. And NeoDesk has a recoverable trash can. Al ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 198 Mon Apr 04, 1994 DMJ [dmj] at 20:42 EDT Marek, Data Rescue is a commercial package with only one purpose: to help you recover files you deleted by mistake. I find its RESCUE folder both transparent and pretty much infallible, whereas using an UNDELETE-type program, even Diamond Edge, will not always work. Stop by the TraceTech topic (CAT 2, TOP 12) for more information. ~dmj ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 199 Mon Apr 04, 1994 M.EASTER [Mike] at 22:42 EDT Marek- re undelete utility While looking for another file, I recently came across a pretty good undeleter in ST Tools, gem based, recognizes its limitations (inability to recover non- contiguous and overwritten). The old one I have is TOOL19.LZH (#23342). There may be a newer one. Pretty handy utility with a number of other functions. Mike Easter ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 200 Mon Apr 04, 1994 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 23:59 EDT Data Rescue is my pick for the `cream of the crop' (sorry, Al!). I have Diamond Edge but prefer Data Rescue over Edge's Mirror module, because DR can undelete a file that has been saved since the last bootup and has been fragmented, which Mirror can't do, and because it maintains its Rescue folders (recoverable trashcan) in a more intelligent way than any other utility. gnox ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 201 Tue Apr 05, 1994 G.LEONE [Gerry] at 00:41 EDT Marek -- I found 3 "undelete" programs among my collection; all are either freeware or shareware. They are: UNDELETE, RECOVER, and UNERASE. I've used all three with success. However, I *do* recommend Diamond Edge. Let me know if you're interested in any or all, and I can either e-mail them to you or upload 'em. -Gerry ------------ Category 2, Topic 25 Message 202 Tue Apr 05, 1994 R.WHITTAM [Ron - ABUG] at 08:32 EDT Marek- ST TOOLS is shareware and will undelete as well as fix disk problems, defragment and optimize disk space. Great for hard drives. There are a few UNDELETE accessory programs. The older ones only worked on floppy disks. There is a program called SALVAGE that will bit copy a disk. And will allow the recovery of data that most programs wouldn't find. HiSoft SAVED! is a commercial product that has a collection of utilities. UNDEL will recover deleted files. Ron ABUG ------------