Since the only thing I dislike about drawing with a mouse is The Difficulty copying. I decided to make a drawing aid which I call the Mousterpiece. It it a frame work of wood to hold the mouse steady and a side mounted cross hair to aid in tracing. Step 1:CREATE CROSSHAIR Using an exacto-knife I cut the center out of a 7-up cap and notched it on both sides vertically and horizontally. using Black thread Place the crosshairs and glue them down using crazy glue. Step 2:MAKE MOUSEPEN Take your wood and make a small enclosure for you mouse and Mount the mouse and cross hair in the following configuration *------------------* * I I * * + I * * I I * *------------------* A B The crosshair is mounted a portion A by two vertical wood struts an the mouse gets placed in portion B. STEP 3:BUILDING FRAME The rest of the framework is nested to move smoothly like this, ---------------------------------- I I I I I I---------I I I I + I I I I I---------I I I I I I ---------------------------------- The center with the crosshair moves up and down in the inner square frame and the inner square moves side to side in the outer square frame. So you are able to have the mouse steady and even as you trace the drawing using the croos hairs. Placing the paper underneath of the mousepen. Hope you enjoy this little project, Its inexpensive and works enough for most line drawings. If you like the idea and are able to use it contributions can sent to: Carlos Gonzales 133 maple st Henderson, Nevada 89015