========================================================================= (C) 1994 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie are *official* information services of Atari Corporation. To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt.Type XTX99437,GENIE and press [RETURN]. The system will prompt you for your information. ========================================================================== Category 5, Topic 6 Message 1 Fri Oct 08, 1993 P.NEREO [Philip] at 21:54 EDT Can anyone explain to me what the deal is printing to an SLM-804 from PStream 2.2b? To use the SLM driver, seems I have to boot withgout the Diablo emulator. The docs refer to a Diablo driver to use if you have the Diablo emulator loaded, but I couldn't find it in the latest driver file I downloaded. Is it just me and my wierd assortment of auto folder stuff or what? ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 2 Sat Oct 09, 1993 R.BENNETT7 [Rodney] at 03:48 EDT I almost bought PageStream, but what is holding me back are the rumours circulating around that this program will probley never be upgraded to Falcon specs. I understand it works fine under the ST Compatablity modes, but why should I downgrade the Falcon to those modes to run software? I would like to know if this rumour is true or not, as to if PageStream will or not be upgraded toward Falcon specifications. If it is planning to be upgraded, consider myself a buyer of the product and I'll be looking forward to an update. I'll work on it in ST Compatablity mode until then. In the mean time, I'm using AtariWorks, and for the first time I'm finally getting the hang of 'DTP'ing'... now I see what all the talk is about in DTP'ing. It's a habit that is growing on me, and I'm being convinced to purchase PageStream, but am also looking for something that will take full advantage of the Falcon resolutions, mainly the 2 or 16 color mode with double lines off. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 3 Sat Oct 09, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 08:38 EDT Rodney, Softlogik has said that they won't be doing any more Atari programming unless Atari sells 100,000 Falcons in North America. Which does seem unlikely at this point. As for running PgS on the Falcon, my personal feeling is that you have to be something of a masochist to do DTP work in anything but high resolution, and I can't see the difference between ST and Falcon color resolutions being very important. But then I've never seen a Falcon screen, so feel free to ignore me. gnox ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 4 Sat Oct 09, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 09:52 EDT >>hang of 'DTP'ing'... now I see what all the talk is about in << >>DTP'ing. It's a habit that is growing on me, and I'm being << >>convinced to purchase PageStream, but am also looking for << >>something that will take full advantage of the Falcon << >>resolutions, mainly the 2 or 16 color mode with double lines off. << I am not sure where you got the idea that PageStream only worked on the Falcon in compatibility modes. I saw no limitations on its use on either the TT030 or the Falcon. Did I miss something? >>be something of a masochist to do DTP work in anything but high << >>resolution, and I can't see the difference between ST and Falcon << >>color resolutions being very important. But then I've never seen << >>a Falcon screen, so feel free to ignore me. << Again, please tell me the difference between 640x480x16 and 'ST Hi Res', other than that the Falcon lets you have 16 colors and MORE resolution. What's going on here? ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 5 Sat Oct 09, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 18:27 EDT All, I use ST High mode on the TT a lot, and miss nothing, given the increased redraw speed. Al ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 6 Sun Oct 10, 1993 R.NELSON48 [Grouch (:{] at 00:37 EDT Rodney - You should consider not wht PageStream may be in the future but if it is the program for you NOW. Even without an upgrade PGS 2.2 offers a lot of power to the user. I am still learning the programs features, but have been able to do some pretty good work under "crunch" conditions. I used the tile feature to print out a California Bear two feet hight and more than three feet long to transfer to a park booth at a fair and have had great success doing flyers and brochures. I have been using my Falcon with PGS with no trouble and I know that in the future, should I upgrade to a color printer the Falcon and PGS combination will do fine color outprint. Other than PGS the only other choice seems to be Calamus which many people feel is better. Certainly the way it is put together in modules allows for quick and easy upgrades, but I have heard nothing about a Falcon Specific version of Calamus either. I passed on it because of the price. The major rule of buying is suposed to be to look at the features and choose what you need, not what you think a program might offer in the future. Good Luck with your search for the perfect DTP. (:{ Grouch ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 7 Sun Oct 10, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 16:30 EDT Grouch, Calamus is not only Falcon compatible, a special AUTO program included with the last upgrade is specifically designed to improve color display. As for price, DMC offered a generous trade in plan for any DTP and you keep your own software. Feel free to drop into CAT 16 to ask any other questions you may have about Calamus' features. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 8 Mon Oct 11, 1993 R.BENNETT7 [Rodney] at 04:35 EDT >Rodney, > >Softlogik has said that they won't be doing any more Atari programming unless >Atari sells 100,000 Falcons in North America. Which does seem unlikely at >this point. > >As for running PgS on the Falcon, my personal feeling is that you have to be >something of a masochist to do DTP work in anything but high resolution, and I >can't see the difference between ST and Falcon color resolutions being very >important. But then I've never seen a Falcon screen, so feel free to ignore >me. > > gnox ------------- Hmmm, why all the doom and gloom about the Falcon? I have a feeling that the 100,000 mark of Falcon's selling is closer than what you think. (North America sales) So am looking forward to Softlogic getting back into updating PageStream again soon. I'm purchasing PageStream along with assorted fonts on my next trip to Mid- Cities to get the Screen Blaster for the Falcon. Rodney ------- Grouch, I'm purchasing PageStream on my next run to Mid-Cities. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 9 Tue Oct 12, 1993 T.MASON4 [Resa & Leigh] at 00:23 EDT I used Patch22 to upgrade my PageStream 2.1 to 2.2. Where do I get the file to upgrade to 2.2b? ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 10 Tue Oct 12, 1993 T.GIRSCH [TJ @ S-Mart] at 01:43 EDT Resa & Leigh - I don't recall there being a program to patch from 2.2 to 2.2b... If I remember correctly, there was one to go from 2.1 to 2.2 and one to go from 2.1 to 2.2b. In any case, check the SoftLogik Roundtable. m385 - T.J. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 11 Tue Oct 12, 1993 STEVE-J [DrHfuhruhurr] at 04:01 EDT R.BENNETT77 - Atari sells a lot more machines in Europe than they do in North America, and European sales are nowhere near that much. Falcon030 sales are substantially lower than what even Atari thought they would sell at a minimum - - and NOT just in North America. T.MASON4 - My understanding is that there IS only a 2.2b patch (if anyone has an actual v2.2, they BOUGHT it as v2.2) that upgrades from v2.1 or v2.2 to v2.2b. You may want to ask in the Soft-Logik RT. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 12 Tue Oct 12, 1993 T.DUNBAR2 [Tommy] at 13:06 EDT Re: Pagestream, Falcon Sales etc. My local Atari dealer Alex at ATY computer says he's sold 40 Falcons so far. Don't how this would add up nation wide. (I'm in the Berkeley/Oakland area of CA) - Tommy ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 13 Tue Oct 12, 1993 TQUINN [Terry~Sysop] at 18:43 EDT The first 200 messages in this topic have been archived and are available in Library 13 as file # 30365 (PSTREAM1.ARC). This archive covers the period between November 6, 1992 and October 11, 1993. Terry Quinn ST RT Sysop and BBS Janitor ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 14 Wed Oct 13, 1993 T.HEBEL [Spud Boy] at 02:47 EDT Rodney, Get Pagestream! It works just fine on the Falcon. The only thing is you won't get more than 256 colors onscreen at one time (awwww). There is nothing that the Falcon can do that Pagestream can't. Pagestream is written to handle VDI calls and as such is limited to 256 colors onscreen. This does not limit what you can output though. Pagestream is the BESt bang for the buck on ANY computer! I have used PGS for 5 years and the program has gotten continually better. The pagestream of today is amazing. If you have the will there is a way with Pagestream. I fully support this program... Off topic alert... Steve J is your name (DR. Hfuhruhurr) from "The Man With Two Brains?" ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 15 Wed Oct 13, 1993 STEVE-J [DrHfuhruhurr] at 05:08 EDT T.HEBEL - Yes. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 16 Wed Oct 13, 1993 R.SCHILLING [Rob] at 22:59 EDT T.J. Is a file size of 342,308 indicative of 2.2 or 2.2b? I wasn't sure from your post and didn't want to try the "hard" way. Thanks for your help. Rob ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 17 Thu Oct 14, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 00:22 EDT >> Is a file size of 342,308 indicative of 2.2 or 2.2b? I wasn't << >>sure from your post and didn't want to try the "hard" way. << You have 2.2b. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 18 Thu Oct 14, 1993 M.RIVMAN1 [MATT] at 21:03 EDT Rob, 342,308 = 2.2b Matt ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 19 Thu Oct 14, 1993 T.GIRSCH [TJ @ S-Mart] at 23:44 EDT Rob - The file size 342,308 is indicative of 2.2b (emphasis on the 'b'). - T.J. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 20 Fri Oct 15, 1993 R.BENNETT7 [Rodney] at 00:10 EDT STEVE-J [DrHfuhruhurr] at 04:01 EDT > >R.BENNETT77 - Atari sells a lot more machines in Europe than they do in North >America, and European sales are nowhere near that much. Falcon030 sales are >substantially lower than what even Atari thought they would sell at a minimum - >- and NOT just in North America. >---------- > I'd like to know if this is 'fact' or is this your opinion? If fact, where did you locate this information? I'd really like to know. It would seem what I am reading in ST Applications (A Europeon Atari ST Magazine) is just the opposite of what your stating. Maybe someone is not truthfully getting the correct information out? Rodney ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 21 Fri Oct 15, 1993 STEVE-J [DrHfuhruhurr] at 18:10 EDT R.BENNETT77 - Well, the point that Atari's been selling a lot less Falcon030s than they thought they would came from a quote from Sam Tramiel (sorry, I don't have the source, but it wasn't STR! ). Actually, I don't know how the Falcon030 is doing in France, but it hasn't caused an influx of new users and new dealers in Germany according to German Atari journalists. Based on the British Atari mags, it's doing mediocre business there. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 22 Sat Oct 23, 1993 ALGORHYTHM [DanielKeller] at 10:37 EDT Rodney, Atari sell 100,000 Falcons in North America??? I'd be surprised to see them sell that many =worldwide=, with their current marketing strategies!! Seems to me, Softlogic's announcement is just another step in Atari's stroll toward obscurity...... As to your read in ST Applications......trust me, I live in Europe, and get to see all the ST mags. I also takl directly with a LOT of dealers here, especially Germany and the UK. Atari's sales are down....way down. Their marketing strategies here are no better than in the States. And the UK mags you're reading are, by and large, cheerleading sections for the company, seriously underwritten by advertising and other funding from Atari UK. Reality, painful though it is, is that the Falcon is not going to save the day, because it's yet another case of a brilliant machine being sold by a company without a clue. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 23 Sat Oct 23, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 22:18 EDT Daniel, Thanks for the Euro persepctive. What on earth is Atari thinking of? It's obvious that any three of us, chosen at random, could do better. Is there a grand plan? Al ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 24 Sun Oct 24, 1993 C.CASSADAY [Chris C.] at 01:10 EDT Al, >Daniel, > >Thanks for the Euro persepctive. What on earth is Atari >thinking of? It's obvious that any three of us, chosen at random, >could do better. Is there a grand plan? > >Al ROTFLMAO. Chris ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 25 Mon Oct 25, 1993 SL-DEV [Michael] at 12:07 EDT PageStream 2.2b works fine on the Falcon. PageStream 2 was designed for use on a multitasking, 256 color machine, whether it be an Amiga or an Atari. It's 100VDI compatible so Falcon users should have no problems using it. The one limitation is that it only displays bitmapped pictures in black and white, which is the same limitation as PageStream2 on the Amiga has. Structured drawings are shown in 256 colors though. The quote that we're waiting for Atari to sell 100,000 computers before we'll do PageStream3 for the Atari is utterly false. Even if Atari was selling a million computers a month we would not start work on 3.0 yet. It makes no sense to write code on two machines concurrently (unless you have programmers to spare like Microsoft. ;-) When we're done with the Amiga version, we'll take a look at the Atari market and make a decision on whether to port it to the Atari. We only have so many programmers, and we don't have enough to do it on two platforms simultaneously. Remember, we would love to do an Atari version of PageStream3. Our offices are filled with Atari computers, our tech support people know the Atari inside and out. Our programmers know all the tricks and are used to working on Atari computers. We know the distributors, the dealers, the user groups. If it makes financial sense to do an Atari 3.0, we will, because we don't have to make a huge capital investment to do it. But as I've said before, it all depends on Atari's market situation when we're ready to make that decision. In the meantime, enjoy using 2.2. I use 2.2 everyday and it's a very usable desktop publishing program. Just because we're working on 3.0 doesn't mean it's no longer a useful program. I have to write the 3.0 manual in 2.2, obviously, and it's a great program to use. The thousands of users who have made it the best-selling DTP program for the Atari and Amiga seem to like it, and I do too. Cheers, Michael @ Soft-Logik Publishing Corp. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 26 Mon Oct 25, 1993 C.KROWCHUK1 [CHRIS] at 23:03 EDT Micheal >in the meantime. . . >made it the best . . . >and I do too. Here here! ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 27 Tue Oct 26, 1993 D.FARRINGTO1 [David <>< .] at 03:31 EDT Michael: I love PageStream too. Just bought another one for a friend. David <>< ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 28 Tue Oct 26, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:55 EDT Chris, re PageStream 2.2, > >in the meantime. . . >made it the best . . . >and I do too. > > Here here! I think you mean "Hear, hear!" - my sentiments exactly. And I'm glad to hear that the 100,000-Falcon-sales figure is not the bottom line. gnox ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 29 Tue Oct 26, 1993 ALGORHYTHM [DanielKeller] at 10:11 EDT Agreed....great Program. But I suuuuuuuure wish you guys would fix the desktop-colors bug in 2.2....... ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 30 Tue Oct 26, 1993 T.HEBEL [Spud Boy] at 23:38 EDT I would Definitely upgrade to a PageStream 3! I have been using PS since it was Publishing Partner. I bought a TT just to get the most out of PageStream. I would like to see Hot Links and RTF. Also multi-tasking printing. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 31 Wed Oct 27, 1993 T.THEDELL [todo 2] at 18:05 EDT Agree, a great program {now that I have 2.5M memory}. Can you believe the difference in printing time from 1.x to 2.2? I look forward to 3 in the [near] future ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 32 Wed Oct 27, 1993 C.KROWCHUK1 [CHRIS] at 22:49 EDT Oops, well excuse my French! Ey Gniox I guess I did mean 'ear 'ear! Regardless, there isn't a DTP package on any platform that does it all with as much greatest of ease and at such a frugal price. I'll take 3! Chris. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 33 Thu Oct 28, 1993 T.GIRSCH [TJ @ S-Mart] at 01:16 EDT Yup, I'd upgrade to PGS3 in a second, myself. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 34 Thu Oct 28, 1993 STEVE-J [DrHfuhruhurr] at 06:00 EDT So would I!!! ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 35 Thu Oct 28, 1993 T.DUNBAR2 [Tommy] at 13:33 EDT Me too. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 36 Thu Oct 28, 1993 M.RIVMAN1 [MATT] at 19:41 EDT Well, here's another vote for PgS 3 for the Atari! Matt ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 37 Fri Oct 29, 1993 T.DUNBAR2 [Tommy] at 14:30 EDT Can I vote twice? :-) ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 38 Fri Oct 29, 1993 F.LAWRENCE2 [FRANK] at 22:55 EDT I'll put my vote in for version 3. Frank ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 39 Sat Oct 30, 1993 T.MCCOMB [=Tom=] at 01:05 EDT Chalk me up for a copy of v3.0. -Tom ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 40 Sat Oct 30, 1993 DMJ [dmj] at 11:33 EDT I'd pay full price for 3.0. I've been able to do things with PageStream that make PC users and Mac users scratch their head and think, "I paid HOW much?" Recently I did some DTP work for a friend; when I told them I was using an Atari computer to do it they were completely floored. Besides that, I just find PageStream very easy to use. Sure, it's got a few quirks, but 95% of it just makes _sense_... something many other packages would do well to imitate. -dmj ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 41 Sat Oct 30, 1993 B.JENSEN1 [BJ] at 19:40 EDT If version 3.0 comes out you can count on me paying the upgrade fee! BJ ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 42 Sun Oct 31, 1993 R.BEATTY3 [Buffalo Bob] at 02:42 EST SL-DEV [Michael] Glad to hear that PageStream 3 is still a possibility on the ST. I'll make sure you sell a lot in Hawaii... C'mon, Michael; throw the dogs a bone! Howz about an RTF module to keep us happy. Puh-lease! Bob Beatty Neutronics Honolulu, HI ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 43 Sun Oct 31, 1993 R.NELSON48 [Grouch (:{] at 19:31 EST I'll buy 3.0 and I wont even (:{ Grouch about it! (:{ The Grouch. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 44 Sun Oct 31, 1993 C.KROWCHUK1 [CHRIS] at 20:33 EST Well now look at what I have started, lets see, if I count right, 1+1+1+?=a whole bunch of satisfied pagestream users on the Atari platform. Fact is Pagestream is the best Postscript DTP package available, for the Atari platform, might be the only one available. The question is what will we be using this time next year if Softlogik does not continue to upgrade it. Personally, I can't see myself using 2.2b 6 months from now and there doesn't seem to be another postscript DTP package out there for the Atari. Although the current version is pretty powerfull and (lets face it) lagging a little bit in full colour support, the DTP industry will soon leave it way behind without a major upgrade like 3.0. Without this upgrade or the release of a new product better than Pagestream, DTP on the Atari will be nothing but a hobby. I personally earn a living with this package and would strongly urge all users of pagestream to speak out and let Softlogik know how and what they feel. Chris Krowchuk @ Combined Graphics Design & Print Edmonton, Canada. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 45 Sun Oct 31, 1993 BILL-CDACE [Bill [CDACE]] at 22:58 EST Just for the record we use a 4 meg STe and PageStream 2.2b to produce several hundred pages of newsletters, program announcements, tournament booklets annually. We have been using PageStream - EXCLUSSIVELY - for years (actually began with Publishing Partner) to do our inhouse DTP. As a user I cant quibble about the financial decisions you make but as an end user who has paid 'full freight' at every stop along the PageStream 'adventure in Atariland' I would welcome the opportunity to purchase a more advanced version of PageStream. BTW we have been sending SL copies of our newsletters for years - does anyone ever look through the mail at stuff your users send you? I have never heard a word or seen an acknowledgement?? Bill Silverman, for the Bethlehem Soccer Club ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 46 Mon Nov 01, 1993 T.GIRSCH [TJ @ S-Mart] at 00:35 EST Chris, I think what you started (upgrade frenzy) would be mathematically described as follows: Infinity ___ \ n /__ n=1 - T.J. P.S. ASCII really sucks for trying to put down formulas... ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 47 Mon Nov 01, 1993 L.TRAPANI [Lou @Machine] at 23:32 EST DMJ, Very true! I have been spoiled on the Atari platform. When I use QuarkXpress or other DTP packages on other platforms, I am sometimes amazed over the basic features that I take for granted on the Atari platform are not included in the "industry standard" DTP wares. For example, let's take QuarkXpress. This along with PageMaker are considered "industry standards" when it comes to DTP work. Meanwhile, Quark does NOT have any fill patterns, it only magnifies up to 400%, you can not change the grid size, only imports about 6 different file types, hmmmm what else? I know there is more, but I just mentioned what came to my mind first. Of course there are things that Quark does that are a little better than the Atari platform. But for an "industry standard" I was amazed to find how many features it lacked which are easily found in PageStream for example. I would upgrade my PageStream to version 3 as well. I hope that Soft- Logik decides to upgrade the Atari version. -= Lou T. =- Written: Monday, November 01, 1993 10:26 p.m. EST ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 48 Tue Nov 02, 1993 MIKE-ALLEN [NM~SysOp] at 00:09 EST I think a lot of folks are missing the point. I'm sure many owners would upgrade were 3.0 available. What Soft-Logik has said is that they need NEW potential customers. Were Soft-Logik to provide 3.0 just for 2.2b owners the cost would be prohibitive. They need new customers and that requires Atari to sell to new customers. I wonder how many Falcons were sold to present Atari owners and how many to new Atari customers? Mike Allen ST HelpDesk~Sysop Written: 9:50 PM Mountain Time Monday, November 1, 1993 ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 49 Tue Nov 02, 1993 T.GIRSCH [TJ @ S-Mart] at 00:21 EST Lou - In the interest of fairness, Quark express doesn't come with any fill patterns "out of the box" but it has a bazillion available through both third party and Quark direct. Also, there are extra file import drivers available free of charge (I'm fairly sure... This is also true with PageStream). Also, Quark handles color MUCH better than any other package in its class (PageStream included). Nevertheless, PGS is MUCH less 'spensive. - T.J. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 50 Tue Nov 02, 1993 S.DEITZ [Steve] at 05:50 EST Taking votes for a v3.0? Count me in! ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 51 Tue Nov 02, 1993 B.MENAGH [Bill] at 18:50 EST Meto for PGS3!!! Bill ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 52 Tue Nov 02, 1993 R.SCHILLING [Rob] at 22:26 EST Dittos. I'd even pay $200 for the upgrade. I love pagestream. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 53 Wed Nov 03, 1993 SL-DEV [Michael] at 19:36 EST Bill: we do receive the newsletters and someone enters into our database that they have been received, to keep your user group current with us. If the person doing this thinks that a particular issue is neat, it gets passed around the office. Otherwise, it gets filed. We receive a couple of hundred newsletters each month, so nobody has time to read them all. I can't even keep up with the magazines anymore. Cheers, Michael @ Soft-Logik Publishing Corp. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 54 Thu Nov 04, 1993 R.BENNETT7 [Rodney] at 21:25 EST ALGORHYTM DanielKeller, >Atari sell 100,000 Falcons in North America??? I'd be surprised to see them >sell that many =worldwide=, with their current marketing strategies!! Seems >to me, Softlogic's announcement is just another step in Atari's stroll toward >obscurity...... > >As to your read in ST Applications......trust me, I live in Europe, and get to >see all the ST mags. I also takl directly with a LOT of dealers here, >especially Germany and the UK. Atari's sales are down....way down. Their >marketing strategies here are no better than in the States. And the UK mags >you're reading are, by and large, cheerleading sections for the company, >seriously underwritten by advertising and other funding from Atari UK. >Reality, painful though it is, is that the Falcon is not going to save the >day, because it's yet another case of a brilliant machine being sold by a >company without a clue. >---------- I don't recall stating that the Falcon is going to 'save the day'. I am not a bussiness man, so marketing is not my bag. I can not say that the way Atari or for that matter any corperation goes about advertising their products is good or bad. All I know is that it costs a pretty penny (few) to advertise a product. But I agree word of mouth can only carry the words of Atari so far, and believe me, I've spoken it to alot of people, and showed off to alot of people, otherwise had no clue that Atari was still around. (Call'em coming out of the closet types... just a joke people) I've even convinced a few into even purchasing. Off this topic... I guess what your saying is that most if not all Atari Related Magazines are just cheerleading and that there is no truth in what they print?!? I don't think so... you sound like Ralph... opps. Anyway that you have the full scoop of the full story, which is somewhat alot different than what is being reported. Would you call Jerry Pournelle regular column in Byte Magazine a 'cheerleading section' for Atari? I don't think so. Look in Byte Magazine November 1993, page 336. 'Atari pretty well owns the popular music field, with Amiga its only serious rival' This is small stuff, but coming from Pournelle, it's good stuff. On the topic... about 100,000 Falcon's being sold before Soft-Logik would even consider upgrading/updating PageStream, I guess they have their own Roundtable and the true answers will be found there. --- SL-DEV Michael, Disregard the last paragraph. Thanks for the 100,000 number false rumor! I'm glad that PageStream works the way it does. I had bought a complete system from someone that had decided to abandon the ST scene, and he had PageStream 2.2, I got a pretty good deal overall, $400 dollars for a 1040ST with 1 Meg, Tos 1.0, SC1224 monitor and a few software packages other than PageStream. I just recently installed in on my newly purchased Falcon and my wife has used it more than I have for her school. If I can get away from playing around with the Falcon's Music Recording capablities and start something serious with PageStream, I am sure I'll find it just as exciting! I'm looking forward on some additional answers regarding these questions: What other accessories or programs would enhance the capiblities of PageStream? Again, thanks for the clarification of this false rumour of Soft-Logic just giving up on the Atari Market. C.KROWWCHUK1; CHRIS, As you can see from the above message, I kinda cheated the system alittle when I recieved PageStream with a purchase of an old 1040ST, which by the way does not work to well on a 1 Meg machine with additional accessories installed etc... But bought a Falcon030 and installed it and it works fantastic according to my wife. I would be paying full price on PageStream 3.0 if/when it becomes available, just for the wife. (kinda late asking for it to be available for Xmas huh? :-]) Anyway count me in on the purchase of it also! I don't even 'make my living' with it. :-) ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 55 Thu Nov 04, 1993 C.KROWCHUK1 [CHRIS] at 22:13 EST Actually, I think that a lot of folks are missing the point, the difference of opinion here is the folks. I bought my DTP set up from the advice of developers like softlogik. Every answer to my question. . . "Which platform?" was answered with comments such as . . . Choose your software first and foremost, then choose the platform that you prefer. This comment has been and still is being passed as recently as 2 months ago in this topic. A lot of people that I know took this advice, some skipped out on the platform and bought different software because they found that the software was not keeping up with the rest of the industry. Other die-hards, like ourselves, continue to plug away with new found hope. Every once in a while we lose one or two and they are not being replaced. How long can we hang on? So, we all purchased the software and then picked the hardware we felt was best, in short we did what is still recommended as the best route to follow. The problem is that the software companies are now saying that the hardware companies have to sell more new machines before they will write new software, sorry folks but if I am going to buy a new DTP system, I am going to decide on the software first. I don't believe anyone considering the Atari for DTP will consider it very long when they see the software offerings available. It is a catch 22 of sorts, however I believe that the software has to be there before the Hardware will be sold. Holding my breath till Springtime! Chris Krowchuk @ Combined Graphics Design & Print Edmonton Canada. BTW>>> A note to the sysops of softligik, there is a typo on your library heading. Softligik. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 56 Thu Nov 04, 1993 B.ZAWALSKI1 [BobZ] at 23:26 EST Hi. I've been coping with a page-number anomaly with Atari Pgstream v2.1 for some time now. It's no big deal, but I'd be happier to solve this than to keep coping. I've got several form letters (aka "templates") that are ONE page long, but which the "print" pop-up believes are 65000+ pages. If I type " [alternate] p "; "[return]", pagestream prints reams of blank pages! I've been coping by editing the "from - to" fields. Moving EVERYTHING from the masterpage to page 1 did not help. Any ideas ? Hint: Some (all??) of these form letters were created using earlier releases (1.5, 1.8). I'm using a Deskjet 500 and the deskjet.prt [1034 bytes; 4-16-92 ; 5:52pm ] driver. Any help is appreciated. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 57 Fri Nov 05, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:17 EST BobZ, > I've been coping by editing the "from - to" fields. That's how it's done ... you could set up a macro to make it a little easier though. > Moving EVERYTHING from the masterpage to page 1 did not help. I think if you save the document with nothing on the master page and everything on page one, then open it at the beginning of a session, you'll find the print dialog preset to "from 1 to 1". The numbers in those fields are persistent through a PageStream session - that's why moving everything to page 1 wouldn't change them, but if you print with 1 to 1 once the fields should stay that way for subsequent printing jobs in that session. (Phew!) gnox ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 58 Fri Nov 05, 1993 C.KROWCHUK1 [CHRIS] at 23:56 EST Bob Zawalski; The printer driver is probably not your problem, try using the delete page command and typing in from page 2 to 65,000+. You may have accidentally set the doc length at that size. You should upgrade to 2.2b, the patch is available somewhere up here and also you should upgrade your drivers after upgrading the program. The drivers are available on Softlogik's board. Chris @ Combined Graphics Design & Print Edmonton, Canada. "Home of the Minnesota Americans!" ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 59 Fri Nov 05, 1993 M.RIVMAN1 [MATT] at 23:59 EST gnox ! >I think if you save the document with nothing on the master page and >everything on page one, then open it at the beginning of a session, you'll >find the print dialog preset to "from 1 to 1". The numbers in those fields >are persistent through a PageStream session - that's why moving everything to >page 1 wouldn't change them,but if you print with 1 to 1 once the fields >should stay that way for subsequent printing jobs in that session. (Phew!) > > gnox > Say that 3 times fast! Matt ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 60 Sat Nov 06, 1993 T.DUNBAR2 [Tommy] at 03:17 EST Chris - You asked what would enhance Pagestream. Outburst speeds printout by quite a bit. - Tommy ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 61 Sat Nov 06, 1993 ALGORHYTHM [DanielKeller] at 07:55 EST Rodney, I think you're missing my point. I also think that you're taking a pretty defensive posture regarding Atari, and though you may be within rights to do so, it's hardly necessary, I'm a long-time user, I have always believed in the machine, and continue to do so. But as far as the company, sorry, I stand by what I've said. Jerry Pournelli may indeed have written that Atari owns the music market. All it takes to write something is the willingness of a magazine to print it. I have worked in the music industry for over 20 years. I would venture to say that I've been inside a =lot= more studios than Jerry. The ratio of Atari's to Macs and PC's is about 1:20 in Europe (and shrinking), and about 1:50 (at best) in the U.S. If you pick up any of the leading Atari magazines in the UK, and you examine the bylines of the editorial staff, you'll find Atari people en masse. Of course, this makes sense....who wants to read about Atari from IBM people. Point is, though, that most of them garner the lion's share of their income from association with Atari. It's problematic, then, that they'd tend to not be so unbiased. All that said, even these people are aware of the problems of the company. I =never= implied that they're printing lies...like I said, I believe in the machine.....but the reality of the support base is that it IS shrinking...and Atari is to blame. The machine is not inferior, but how long will people hang on? I've also worked with a number of Atari-based programmers and companies, and have rarely heard a kind word for Atari. On the contrary, the industry is full of horror stories about indifference, incompetence, uncooperativeness,and rudeness bordering on hostility. Sorry if you don't like my point of view, but I think that Atari will only sell 100,000 Falcons if they remove the Atari name and contract out another company to market, distribute, and supply tech support. They have proved time and time again that they can make a great computer, but they have no idea what to do with it. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 62 Sat Nov 06, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 10:45 EST Daniel, So true, so true. Al ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 63 Sat Nov 06, 1993 L.TRAPANI [Lou @Machine] at 23:19 EST T.J., True. There are many features in Quark that make it a pleasure to use. And you are right that there are extensions ("plug-ins") for it that add many features. But I guess my point is that I have been spoiled by the Atari market where I can spend under $200 for a package like PageStream and get so many features right out of the box. My intent was really not to knock Quark as a product, but rather the price of it compared to some of the basic features that I come to expect in the Atari platform with software packages costing much less. I really do believe that we come to accept these high prices on software in the Mac and PC platforms where we should not. Far too many of of these software packages on these platforms are way overpriced. It is just outrageous. Plain and simple. -= Lou T. =- Written: Saturday, November 06, 1993 10:54 p.m. EST ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 64 Sun Nov 07, 1993 M.RIVMAN1 [MATT] at 01:46 EST But Lou... Look at how big most of the apps are on the other platforms. How much HD space they take up... All that code is expensive! Matt ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 65 Sun Nov 07, 1993 DMJ [dmj] at 09:43 EST Lou, Actually, developing for the Atari requires less work than developing for the Mac or PC. While I can't say for sure about the Mac (I've only _heard_ of the horror stories) I can definitely say that the PC is a nightmare to develop for. Microsoft and Intel have done more to cripple the PC than anyone else, and I'm telling you, writing programs for the PC takes _effort_. I used to think PC software was VERY overpriced; after experiencing some of the [migraine] headaches involved in PC development, I just think it's overpriced. You gotta hand it to Soft-Logik, though--they pack a helluva lot of stuff into PageStream, and don't ask for a lot to get it. They also don't sell you a stripped-down package and coax you into buying "modules" to complete it. -dmj ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 66 Sun Nov 07, 1993 SL-DEV [Michael] at 18:27 EST Rodney: you asked for recommendations for improving your setup. You said you just upgraded to a Falcon, but you don't say what kind of monitor/video mode you use. We strongly recommend using a high-resolution mode. 640x200 isn't very readable for DTP. Check in our roundtable for more advice on accessories. Chris: re "Softligik" library heading. Actually, I just noticed that last week! ;-) That's probably been there since 1986 or so. I also noticed that the library descriptions all talked about Publishing Partner instead of PageStream. ;-) And since most of us operate GEnie without the menus on, we never saw the mis-spelled library header. Now if we can just figure out how to change the library header, we'd do it. (If you think GEnie user commands are arcane, you should see the sysop commands. GEnie's software is, well I shouldn't say that or I'll get in trouble with the authorities. ;-) Bob: I've never seen that particular problem, but obviously the file thinks there is some object on a page higher than the maximum page number, so it tries to print all the pages. You can try a couple of things. Choose Delete Page and try to delete the range (page 2 to 65535 or whatever). If that doesn't work, your only solution is to copy everything on the page and paste it into a new document. Cheers, Michael @ Soft-Logik Publishing Corp. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 67 Mon Nov 08, 1993 T.HEBEL [Spud Boy] at 20:59 EST Matt, Those PC programs surelove to take up Hard Drive space. I think if they were compiled they would run faster and take up less space... running and ducking... ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 68 Mon Nov 08, 1993 D.ELLIS16 [* AeroStar *] at 21:21 EST Add my vote for PageStream 3. I love PS2! >>>>>----------> * ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 69 Mon Nov 08, 1993 R.BENNETT7 [Rodney] at 21:40 EST DanielKeller, Your point of view is well taken. If you think I am standing on the 'defensive posture' regarding Atari, well... there are two sides to every coin. I am not a programmer, nor am I involved at all in any way on how to tell a company on how to run their bussiness, nor do I really care. As long as they continue to support ME with their products, that is all that matters. Yes, I stand on a defensive side, but understand (somewhat) your point of view. If I were involved in the computer bussiness then I'd better understand your view... right? :-) All I know is that I have an excellent machine compared to what I work with day and day out at work. The software that I have purchased for it does what it claims to do and enhances the machine itself. I'm looking forward to those upcoming releases by Oregon Research and the likes. I'm happy with it (The Falcon), and on the company side, well... it would seem that majority agree with your point of view. I just don't know or keep track of what Atari Corp does or doesn't do. Rodney ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 70 Tue Nov 09, 1993 R.PERRY4 [Randy] at 00:06 EST To L.TRAPALI >Far too many of of these software packages...are way overpriced< I read something, I believe in MacWorld, about software companies needing to charge outrageously high prices in order to be taken seriously in the market, not because they thought the software was worth it. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 71 Tue Nov 09, 1993 DMJ [dmj] at 19:11 EST Randy, To a certain extent that is true; it is possible to have "too low" a price. However, that "too low" is -W-A-Y- below what the programs actually cost. That's a personal opinion, of course. -dmj ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 72 Tue Nov 09, 1993 B.JENSEN1 [BJ] at 21:17 EST I can't import text. I have all the ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 73 Wed Nov 10, 1993 R.BENNETT7 [Rodney] at 22:08 EST SL-DEV * Michael, I've ran PageStream in ST High Compatable and in Falcon 2 Color Mode, also have tryed it in both 16 and 256 color modem with Double Lines OFF and it works in all these modes without any problems whatsoever. I am using a MultiScan Color Monitor, I don't have th specs handy but it does support all the ST and Falcon resolutions. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 74 Fri Nov 12, 1993 L.TRAPANI [Lou @Machine] at 00:38 EST DMJ, Yes, I will have to agree with you. SoftLogik gives you a nice complete package with a nice price tag. There is no need to buy other things for it once you have (even comes with a nice collection of fonts to get you up and going with it). In fact, the only thing I had to add to PageStream was when I replaced my laser printer with a post script laser printer, I added the screen fonts to match the resident fonts within my printer from Softlogik. But that "add-on" was only $10 and well worth it. But as good as PageStream is, and as complete it as it is right now, I still like the features that version 3 would offer and would definitely upgrade to version 3 if there is ever one to upgrade to on the Atari platform. And DMJ, you think PageStream is good on an ST, you should see it on a TT! Randy, >I read something, I believe in MacWorld, about software companies needing to >charge outrageously high prices in order to be taken seriously in the market, >not because they thought the software was worth it. Yikes, now that is silly! But the magazine is probably right that it probably does play some part in the over inflated prices of software on the other platforms. -= Lou T. =- Written: Thursday, November 11, 1993 11:42 p.m. EST ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 75 Fri Nov 12, 1993 CBARRON at 03:21 EST Loo - Pgs and a TT agreed. I have spent a fortune on image handling software. Could have bought two or three pagestreams for what I paid for software to create and manipulate the data for pagestream. On 'foriegn' prices it might be silly but it has been proven to be true. someone sold some pc product at $50-poor to zero sales, same product different name and packaging at $350 was a hit. I forget which one it was but it was a biggie. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 76 Sat Nov 13, 1993 F.LAWRENCE2 [FRANK] at 10:27 EST To All, HELP - I need to loacate a source to purchase (steal,beg,borrow,use), a ATF font named "Commercial Script". I possibly could us a PD font that is similar but would have to be very close as I need it for a client's logo. I have also posted a similar message in the Soft-Logik Roundtable. I do own this font in Calamus SL but need one for Pagestream. Soft-Logic used to carry this font but has dropped it. Thanks in advance,,,,,, Frank ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 77 Sun Nov 14, 1993 CBARRON at 01:20 EST MegaType has a pgs <-> calamus cvtr. prog. if that is the resort. It also goes to & from .ecf files.... keyboard makes specifics hard to type.... ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 78 Sun Nov 14, 1993 F.LAWRENCE2 [FRANK] at 03:01 EST CBARRON, Would that prg be Fontverter? If so, do you have an adress, phone no. etc? Will it run on a TT? Frank ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 79 Sun Nov 14, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:08 EST Frank, The PD font Author is a clone of Commercial Script. If you can't find it in the libraries here or on p. 385, I could send it to you - I have it on one of the I-Koen disks. re Fontverter, call Don Turnock (Megatype) at 219 288 7468 (evenings). I'm sure it will run on the TT. gnox ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 80 Sun Nov 14, 1993 F.LAWRENCE2 [FRANK] at 12:16 EST gnox, Thanks for all the info on the font as well as Fontverter. I'll try to locate the font today and call Megatype tommorow to try and chase everything down. If I cannot locate the font I will let let you know. I sure appreciate all the help in this Topic as well as others. Frank ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 81 Mon Nov 15, 1993 M.MASTALER [Mike] at 01:29 EST Chris:.... An excellent 'add-on' to PGS is PAGE ASSISTANT. It is a desk acc. and is basically a GEM based online manual. If you have a problem with PGS, you go up aand click on Page assistant to get answers quick I recommend it highly. Mike ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 82 Tue Nov 16, 1993 D.BRYANT12 [DAN BRYANT] at 02:36 EST I am considering the purchase of an Epson Stylus 800. Anyone have experience with it? Is there a PGS print driver for it? ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 83 Wed Nov 17, 1993 ALGORHYTHM [DanielKeller] at 06:19 EST Another vote for Page Assistant! ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 84 Sun Nov 28, 1993 G.FUQUAY [GGF] at 08:46 EST Why does Outburst not support the Atari Laser? That seems like an oversight to me. GGF ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 85 Sun Nov 28, 1993 ST.LOU [Lou] at 10:24 EST GGF, the Atari laser runs off the DMA port and is already provides very quick print times. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 86 Sun Nov 28, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 14:20 EST Gary, Hardly an oversight. The Atari laser printer doesn't NEED outburst, it receives its data from the DMA channel, and doesn't need a speedup. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 87 Sun Nov 28, 1993 DMJ [dmj] at 15:23 EST GGF, OutBurst works by changing how your computer talks to the parallel port. The original routines in TOS that handle the parallel port weren't designed with DTP in mind, but OutBurst's are. The Atari laser is a DMA printer--it connects to a different port--so OutBurst can't do a whole lot with it. It's not an oversight. -dmj ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 88 Sun Nov 28, 1993 S.AGARWAL [SANJAY] at 18:13 EST I use a pagestream on a MSTE, printing to a Deskjet printer. What utilities should I use to speed up the printing? Thanks, Sanjay. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 89 Mon Nov 29, 1993 T.GIRSCH [TJ @ S-Mart] at 00:43 EST Sanjay - I'm told OutBurst is excellent for DeskJet speedups from PGS. One of these days I oughtta buy 'burst and find out for myself... But I'm told it's 2-3 times faster. I always wished PGS would've supported an FPU... that would increase speeds too, but alas, no FPU support. - T.J. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 90 Mon Nov 29, 1993 T.DUNBAR2 [Tommy] at 15:12 EST When you are using the drawing tools, how do you erase? (Or can you?) ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 91 Mon Nov 29, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 19:58 EST >>When you are using the drawing tools, how do you erase? (Or can << >>you?) << You can erase the line, or shape, you just drew using Undo, or you can select it and hit 'delete'. If you want to erase just a part of a shape, or line, just go over it with a background color, with no transparent attribute. Bad aspect of that is that this erasure takes up ram.. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 92 Tue Nov 30, 1993 T.DUNBAR2 [Tommy] at 02:32 EST I'm trying to run Pagestream in color on a Mega STe but I'm only getting black and white on the color monitor at medium rez. I have the Drivers Path set at D:\PGSTREAM\DRIVERS\*.* I also tried it with COLOR.PAL at the end, but same thing. I've tried having the COLOR CPX on and off. What am I doing wrong? Thanks - Tommy ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 93 Tue Nov 30, 1993 STEVE-J [DrHfuhruhurr] at 05:01 EST T.DUNBAR2 - If you have the latest version of PageStream (v2.2b), there is a bug in it which ALWAYS loads it with a black desktop in medium resolution. The toolbox is also a little messed up in medium resolution. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 94 Tue Nov 30, 1993 SL-DEV [Michael] at 10:29 EST Why no FPU support: here's my layman's explanation (since I'm a layman ;-) 680x0 processors do slow floating point math (at least compared to something like a powerpc), hence the desire to have a FPU. Since most Atari computers don't have FPU's, we decided to skip the whole problem and use integer math. This is very fast. There is no need for an FPU version of PageStream. Michael @ Soft-Logik Publishing Corp. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 95 Tue Nov 30, 1993 S.AGARWAL [SANJAY] at 20:54 EST Michael, I have to disagree... I too am a layman. However, to say that there is no _need_ for a FPU version of pagestream is almost like sticking your head in the sand. Certainly, if you compare to the power PC, the 680x0 processors may be slow. Bear in mind you are comparing them to tomorrows technology and that increasing numbers of atari users have 680x0 FPUs. Surely the fact that pagestream is such a slow program alone warrents the provision for the use of a FPU. No offence intended, but you cannot say that. Thanks, Sanjay. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 96 Tue Nov 30, 1993 M.RIVMAN1 [MATT] at 23:27 EST Tommy, If I remember correctly... once PgS boots up, (in med rez) you have to select the Global option and then go into Change Screen Colors. This will allow you to have different colors on screen. I don't believe PgS will show graphics in color, though. Due to that bug mentioned earlier, even if you save the settings for the colors onscreen, I think it will still boot up to B&W. I might be wrong about this, as I use a Mono monitor for DTP. I'm sure someone will correct me if I am. Hope this helps, Matt ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 97 Tue Nov 30, 1993 DMJ [dmj] at 23:28 EST Sanjay, You're missing the point. FPUs do _floating_point_ math. PageStream does not _use_ floating point math. Therefore the addition of an FPU would do nothing to help PageStream. Furthermore, even with an FPU, I believe integer math (which is what PageStream uses) is still faster. Therefore, rewriting PageStream to use floating point math (so it can use an FPU) would make it slower, not faster. -dmj ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 98 Tue Nov 30, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 23:53 EST Michael, True, 68000 and 68030 processors are slow at FP math, but the 68040 is a whiz it at. And even integer math is faster with some FPUs. What would REALLY be nice is ability to use the fast integer math ability of the DSP in the Falcon. Would make things like scaling, and rotations VERY fast.. Maybe if Atari wakes up and SELLS some Falcons, SL can put the time into supporting it. As it is now, I can easily understand why this is not being done. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 99 Wed Dec 01, 1993 MIKE-ALLEN [NM~SysOp] at 02:23 EST dmj, One point that many people miss is that Motorola FPUs (68881,68882), unlike Intel FPUs (80x87) also do trancendental functions. In particular the Sin, Cos and Tan functions could be really useful for rotating text, etc. In general, however, using integer math instead of floating point is going to be faster even with the FPU unless some really convoluted programming is necessary to make use of integer math. Mike Allen ST HelpDesk~Sysop Written: 10:52 PM Mountain Time Tuesday, November 30, 1993 ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 100 Wed Dec 01, 1993 G.FUQUAY [GGF] at 19:27 EST LOU, RON, DMJ, I stand humbly corrected, and bow to your collective knowledge. I just thought that anything that would make the Atari laser even more nimble than it is would be nice! RON, Fancy meeting you here! ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 101 Wed Dec 01, 1993 DMJ [dmj] at 19:36 EST Mike, Guess I put my foot in my mouth again. I'd forgotten that there's more to integer math than mere addition (which wouldn't be faster with an FPU). Multiplication is faster, though, and division as well. And I didn't know about the transcendental functions--but transcendental functions aren't always necessary. Spin Dry, for example, rotates with nothing more complicated than addition, subtraction, and division. -dmj ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 102 Wed Dec 01, 1993 F.LAWRENCE2 [FRANK] at 20:53 EST Tommy/Matt, I am using a TT30 and use Pagestream with color in TT med rez with no problem. Tommy, when you go to global you can change the screen colors just as Matt said and you also can click on default and it will boot with the colors. You can use colors in Pagestream graphics as long as they are .EPS and I also beleive you can us colors with .GEM files, mmmmmmm, now I have to try it on GEM and CVG. You can also append your color palette with other palettes, then graphics created inside of Pagestream can be used with fill Patterns and shown in colors you wish, shades by percent also are available. Frank ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 103 Wed Dec 01, 1993 J.TRAUTSCHOL [jtrautschold] at 22:07 EST Matt & Tommy... After saving the color defaults in PgS on my TT, I've not had any problems with the program not booting in color. It only boots in monochrome if the user hasn't set those global defaults. John T. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 104 Thu Dec 02, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 00:14 EST >> I am using a TT30 and use Pagestream with color in TT med rez << >>with no problem. Tommy, when you go to global you can change the << >>screen colors just as Matt said and you also can click on default << >>and it will boot with the colors. << The problem exists ONLY in ST Medium. The TT and Falcon modes should work as intended, but the color sets will NOT save in ST Medium.. sigh. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 105 Thu Dec 02, 1993 T.GIRSCH [TJ @ S-Mart] at 02:50 EST DMJ - I have to believe that rotation, calculation, and redraws, would be faster using an FPU and fp arithmetic (as opposed to Integer arith), if only because the integer arithmetic would have to be REALLY complex to replace (reasonably) the floating point stuff that is obviously involved in drawing curves (ever look at an integer based parabola? I didn't think so...) - T.J. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 106 Sat Dec 04, 1993 R.BENNETT7 [Rodney] at 01:42 EST Either way, if the software can utiltize the FPU at some point during it's operation... the better IMHO. This also goes out to the folks at SoftLogic... I hope this is enough according to ST Informer you guys are requiring a write in campaign for 'us' DTP'ers or wanna be's to encourage you to continue development and the release of the 3.0 version of PageStream. I for one and my wife would appreiate your continued support and would purchase the 3.0 version. I must admit I would really like to know what 'improvement' that you intend to incorperate in this version if you don't mind? Rodney ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 107 Sat Dec 04, 1993 T.DUNBAR2 [Tommy] at 03:14 EST Ya'll - I called Soft-Logik and they told me that Pagestream won't run in color on a Mega STe. Oh well... :-( - Tommy ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 108 Sat Dec 04, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:29 EST Rodney, If you look in the Softlogik RT (page 385), you'll find a complete list of the features in PgS3 (the Amiga version) - the Atari version, if it ever happens, would be similar. There's also a topic for PgS3 in the DTP RT. gnox ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 109 Sat Dec 04, 1993 M.RIVMAN1 [MATT] at 09:01 EST Soft Logik folks- >Ya'll - I called Soft-Logik and they told me that Pagestream won't run in >color on a Mega STe. Oh well... :-( - Tommy Won't run in color on the Mega STe at all? Or do you mean in the standard ST rez's? Will it run in TT Medium ala the AlberTT card, or another graphic card? Mega STe with 4 megs and TOS 2.05 is the machine in question. Thanks, Matt ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 110 Sat Dec 04, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 09:26 EST I don't know who told you that PageStream will not run on a MSTE in color because they are WRONG! It works just fine except for the color bug in ST Medium. You will see what I mean if you boot it up. Trust me, I know it will run. Whoever you talked to doesn't know what they are talking about. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 111 Sun Dec 05, 1993 CBARRON at 01:49 EST Huh, works with all else! Great im TTmed tos 3.06, ok st med tos 1.62, worked with 1.0, wierd imdeed. Someth'g is missumderstood here. I do mot believe that there is much illegal code im pgs. [some maybe, !serious stuff. it rums, out of the box, om all the computers, i have owmed with at least a meg of ram. More ram is merrier!! ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 112 Sun Dec 05, 1993 R.BENNETT7 [Rodney] at 02:19 EST gnox, Are there Atari specific conferences in the Softlogik RT (page 385)? If so, what's this doing here? I'll IGN PER this Topic and join the Softlogik RT if talk of Atari's PageStream is located there. I hate to browse through all the messages to deal with Amiga's version, when all I am interested in is the Atari version. Rodney Soft Logik Folks II, I just purchased a used ST system with all his software to boot! And PageStream 2.2b was included. How do I go about registering it under my name? After installing it and playing around with it on the Falcon, and the talk of color support here, I must included my two cents worth of trival information (I'm no expert). I've loaded up .EPS graphics files (I think they are simular to GEM, but from what I've been told are more of a standard among computer plateforms) and low and behold, COLOR! Lot's of COLOR! I was in 16 Color, 80 columns (of course) and Doublelines OFF. I downloaded somemore EPS file types, ones with more than 16 colors and booted up in 256 color mode, loaded them into PageStream, and low and behold, it displayed them ALL. I viewed these EPS files on a clown at work, and they look exactly the same as on my Falcon under PageStream, but was somewhat more of a smoother color transition from one to the next on the clown) No biggy, since it printed out nicely via PageStream! When (if) PageStream 3.0 does come out for the Atari line, please include me as one of many that will purchase it! Rodney ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 113 Sun Dec 05, 1993 T.DUNBAR2 [Tommy] at 04:59 EST Wayne - The person I talked to who told me that Pagestream wouldn't run in color (show color to the screen) on a Mega STe was a tech support guy at Soft Logik. I would love to get it working, but I've tried and can't seem to get it to work. Any help would sure be appreciated. Thanks - Tommy ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 114 Sun Dec 05, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:35 EST Rodney, > Are there Atari specific conferences in the Softlogik RT (page 385)? Yes, the sysops over there sorted everything out a few months ago and it's all very well organized; all you'll have to do is CANcel Category 2, which is the Amiga-specific stuff. PageStream 3.0 is Cat 1 Topic 2. I think the only reason this Topic is here at all is for those who don't know that Softlogik has its own RT. gnox ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 115 Sun Dec 05, 1993 STEVE-J [DrHfuhruhurr] at 07:11 EST R.BENNETT77 - I hate to be negative, but there's probably no point in registering PGS in your name if you have the latest (probably LAST) version of it. But if you must, you'll need the registered owner to send a letter to Soft-Logik telling them that he's sold his copy to you. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 116 Sun Dec 05, 1993 DMJ [dmj] at 20:28 EST Tommy, PageStream will run in ST Medium res on your Mega STe. In medium res, though, PageStream will not _use_ color. Does this clear up the confusion? -dmj ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 117 Sun Dec 05, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 21:37 EST I hope people are aware of the RT, we keep mentioning it now and then [grin]. Yes, for detailed and most information, the Soft Logik RT is the place to nbe! ~~Brian..Written on Sunday 05 December 1993 at 10:37 p.m. ADT ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 118 Mon Dec 06, 1993 T.HEBEL [Spud Boy] at 00:24 EST Matt, PageStream works just fine in 1024x768x256 on my Cyrel card. I also will run in color on a MSTe. Although it will not be very pretty to look at on the ST medium screen it is usable. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 119 Mon Dec 06, 1993 ALGORHYTHM [DanielKeller] at 03:29 EST Pagestream is =usable= in ST medium, but it also fails to reset the desktop colors on quitting! I've heard from many folks, here and elsewhere, that this is a bug in the program....I only effectively get around it by chaining it to a desktop recall program (DESKSWITCH by Charles Johnson...in the library here, and quite excellent). Otherwise, it exits the program into a very warped desktop..... ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 120 Mon Dec 06, 1993 T.DUNBAR2 [Tommy] at 03:42 EST dmj - Well, my experience is exactly what you said. Pagestream runs in medium rez on the Mega STe, but not in color. That should clear up the confusion, but Spud Boy says it will run in color but not very pretty. Is anyone out there (Spud Boy included!) actually USING Pagestream on a Mega STe in color? :-( Thanks - Tommy ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 121 Mon Dec 06, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 08:31 EST I can run it in Med Rez. AND use the colors for text, etc. You are limited to the colors you set up in the color setup part of the program however but, you can use color. For instance, if I have white, Black, Red and Green set up, then that is all I can use for text, lines, etc. I don't know about printing in color but, I am sure you can. Trust me, I have used the colors. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 122 Mon Dec 06, 1993 T.HEBEL [Spud Boy] at 19:31 EST Tommy, I did use PageStream on a color ST. I even used it on a Mega STe for a while. With only four colors to choose from you will find that there is not much "color" you can add to the screen. They just aren't there. The program runs just fine though. Myabe I am misunderstanding what you mean by using it in color. I am just saying it will run. As far as color goes, the default colors chosen by Pagestream do kinda look like black and white though. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 123 Mon Dec 06, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 20:00 EST I think the reason some people get the idea that PGS doesn't work in color on ST medium is that since black and white are fixed, and can't be changed, there are only two colors remaining, and the only way to make those show up is to draw lines, or shapes, or characters with a fill style and color that doesn't get reduced to black or white. I do a LOT of color work with PGS (working on my annual Christmas card now, and it has LOTS of color). Sure wish I could afford a Falcon or TT030 where I could SEE the colors on the screen, though. >>quite excellent). Otherwise, it exits the program into a very << >>warped desktop..... << Yes, I chain (using HotWire) to a program I wrote (colorset) which resets my colors. But PGS isn't the ONLY such program... ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 124 Tue Dec 07, 1993 M.RIVMAN1 [MATT] at 00:07 EST Spud boy - Thanks for the info. Yeah, I tried running it in ST medium... works fine, but your right, it doesn't look too pretty! Don't know if the Cyrel card is available for the MSTe, but it's actually a moot point. I know it's a great card, but it's a bit out of my price range at the moment, especially since I'll no doubt need a new monitor if I opt for even the AlberTT card. (this will give me TT medium and 16 colors for (I think) about $300.) A nice 17" SVGA or more likely 14" multisync will be $??? I should be getting some info on the AlberTT card soon, _then_ I can start checking into monitors. Oh joy! Thanks again, Matt ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 125 Tue Dec 07, 1993 T.DUNBAR2 [Tommy] at 01:12 EST Spud Boy - I don't even seem to be getting ANY colors, so I must be doing something wrong. Should I be able to assign a color to say, the lines I'm drawing and get something besides black? Thanks - Tommy ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 126 Wed Dec 08, 1993 T.HEBEL [Spud Boy] at 20:59 EST Ron, When you print in Color, what printer do you use? Matt, Yes, the Cryel card will work on the MSTe. Tommy, Go to edit color palette under the Global Options. Then set the colors you want to be shown on screen. Realize that you only have two colors to play with since white and black are already being used. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 127 Thu Dec 09, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 05:40 EST >> When you print in Color, what printer do you use? << >>Matt, << >> << I use a Star-Micronics 1020 Rainbow. Cheap 9-pin printer with 4 color ribbon. Printer is available for as little as $149, and does a great job with PageStream. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 128 Fri Dec 10, 1993 G.FUQUAY [GGF] at 06:51 EST Matt, I for one would be very interested in hearing how you like the AlberTT card. And some of the details about installation, cost and so forth. I have a MSTe, and any info would be appreciated. Gary ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 129 Sat Dec 11, 1993 M.RIVMAN1 [MATT] at 00:42 EST GGF (Gary)- I haven't decided to get the AlberTT card yet. It sounds great, but I may want to save a bit more and avail myself of more power/colors/rez's via another card. Of course, I need to figure out which monitor(s) I'll need to make the best use out of which card! I'll make a note though, and if I get it, I'll let you know how it went! Matt ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 130 Sat Dec 11, 1993 T.HEBEL [Spud Boy] at 23:21 EST The Cyrel Card is now only $995. 1024x768x256 looks great in PageStream. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 131 Sat Dec 11, 1993 J.VENGROUSK1 at 23:55 EST Yo hi,, i just got PAGESTREAM, running an old 520 upped to 2.5 meg with a SyQuest 44 meg removable and am wondering about system setup reccomendations from any of y'all who Know Things already. I have 2.2. thanks ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 132 Sun Dec 12, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:23 EST J.VENGROUSK1, > wondering about system setup reccomendations That's a little too broad for us to respond to ... after you go through what the manual tells you, get back to us with more specific questions. (Actually the Softlogik RT, p. 385, would be an even better place.) gnox ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 133 Sun Dec 12, 1993 J.VENGROUSK1 at 13:00 EST gnox.... even the message you gave is a good help. THANKS! ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 134 Tue Dec 14, 1993 SL-DEV [Michael] at 12:07 EST The color question seems to have been answered by others here. Just to recap, PageStream will run in ST Medium on a MSTE or any Atari, but screen colors are not reset properly when you exit the program. PageStream2.2 displays structured drawings and text in the closest available screen color. Bitmap pictures are shown in black and white. (You can change the frequency from --- to something small like 15 or 30 to get a better preview. Just remember to change it back before printing.) This topic exists to point people to the SoftLogik roundtable. Mark, our online tech support person, generally reads only the messages in our RT, so you will get much faster answers if you post your questions there. (m385,1 to go to the SL RT. If you don't want to be bothered with Amiga messages, type CAN 2 when you're there. Atari specific questions are in cat 3, so you can type SET 3 to move there, and then TOP to see a list of topics.) For those asking for information on PageStream 3.0 for the Amiga, check out the 3.0 topic in cat 2. Cheers, Michael @ Soft-Logik Publishing Corp. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 135 Tue Dec 21, 1993 P.WALDING [Phil Walding] at 22:53 EST Can someone help me out here please ??? I see a dealer in Auckland , New Zealand (I'm in Christchurch , N.Z.) is selling a package of 400 true type fonts for NZ$150.00 , which seems cheap to me. I am using Pagestream 2.2. Will these fonts be of any use to me ? Regards Phil Walding ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 136 Wed Dec 22, 1993 T.GIRSCH [TJ @ S-Mart] at 00:29 EST Phil - As far as I'm aware, PGS 2 does NOT handle true type fonts. Only Type 1 and Type 3 fonts. So, no, they won't be useful to you. - T.J. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 137 Wed Dec 22, 1993 R.SNYDER6 [Roger S.] at 00:43 EST Phil, TrueType fonts are not directly useable with PageStream. There are ways to convert them to Type 1, but there are also inexpensive packages of Type 1 fonts avalable (some font sets come in both versions). I feel you would be better off looking onto those. BTW, the quality of some of these million fonts for a dollar sets are not always that high. I have bought some smaller lots of fonts inexpensively, and have aquired some good fonts, but the value does vary. Also note that in some of these large font sets, many of the fonts are very unique display fonts which may be perfect for a particular use, but useless for most applications. (Also note the different uses of the word font. Sometimes it really means font, though it seems to be used mostly today to mean typeface or family. How it is used can make a big difference in the number of typefaces you really get.) --Roger ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 138 Thu Dec 23, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 06:40 EST Phil, No, TT fonts don't work in any Atari applications. And that same package of TT fonts has been roundly criticized stateside for its poor quality fonts, anyway. Al ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 139 Thu Dec 23, 1993 E.MONACO [DataBasement] at 18:45 EST *** Long Post *** All, I recently acquired a Quadram QuadJet inkjet printer. I need to know if there is a pagestream printer driver available for this beast? It takes Canon Bubble Jet ink carts, however I was given a PJ1080A.SYS GDOS driver (which I haven't been able to get working). This printers Specifications are: Print Type: Drop on demand ink-jet system. Print Head: Piezoelectric type. Nozzle: 4 nozzles (horizontal) Color: (7) Yellow, Blue, Red, Green, Cyan, Magenta and Black. Graphic printing: 560 (B&W) & 640 (Color) dots per line. Recognized Codes: LF $0A, VT $0B, FF $0C, CR $OD, US $1F (Resets QuadJet to normal mode), DC1 $11 (online), DC3 $13 (offline), CAN $18 (cancel), ESC $1B (extended mode), ESC Codes: 'F' $46 - linefeed pitch 1/6 or 1/8 inch. 'I' $49 - 560 dots per line image trans. 'L' $4C - Enlarged characters. 'C' $43 - color spec for single char. 'H' $48 - 640 color image transmission. 'N' $4E - Standard char print mode. 560 dpl mode: Esc+'I'+n1+n2. n1,n2 = number of image bits. range: 1 - 560 (bits: 0= off/clear 1 = on/black) LSB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LSB = Least Significant Bit. 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 MSB = Most Significant Bit. 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Sending $1B, $49, $00, $08 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 (then 8 image bytes) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 $00, $18, $18, $7E, $7E, $18, 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 $18, $00 would print out "+" MSB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 in black and white. ============================= $00 $18 $18 $7E $7E $18 $18 $00 640 dpl mode: Esc + 'H' + n. n = number of dot groups, 1 group= 3 bytes (8 dots). range: 1 - 80 (3 bits RGB per dot) layout: red bits then green bits then blue bits. Examples: $1B,$48,$2, followed by $FF,$FF, $00,$00, $00,$00 prints 16 red dots. { RED } {GREEN} { BLUE } $1B,$48,$4,$FF,$00,$00, $00,$FF,$00, $00,$00,$FF { RED } { GREEN } { BLUE } prints 16 red dots, followed by 16 green then sixteen blue. $1B,$48,$08, $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF, <- Red bits $00,$00,$FF,$FF,$00,$00,$FF,$FF, <- Green bits $00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF <- Blue bits Prints 16 dots in these colors and order. BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE I am fairly proficient in assembly so if a compatible driver is not available I am sure I could write one myself. Just glancing at the pagestream drivers it appears that they are a collection of printer specific routines compiled as an executable (they have a GEMDOS file header). In order to write my own driver however I would need to know the format of pagestream drivers, ie) what pagestream expects to be where and what it expects it to do. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated as I want to use this printer with pagestream. Erin @DataBasement Software ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 140 Fri Dec 24, 1993 MIKE-ALLEN [NM~SysOp] at 03:57 EST As noted in the November issue of ST Informer, Soft-Logik is trying to find out if there is sufficient interest (read market!) to upgrade PageStream to 3.0 for the Atari platform. If you have any interest in seeing Soft-Logik upgrade the Atari version of PageStream, drop over to their RoundTable (page 385) and let them know! As with any commercial operation, Soft-Logik would like to feel that there is a sufficient market to support their efforts. Mike Allen ST HelpDesk~Sysop Written: 1:54 AM Mountain Time Friday, December 24, 1993 ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 141 Fri Dec 24, 1993 SL-DEV [Michael] at 16:51 EST Sorry, the printer driver format for PageStream 2.2 is not publicly available at this time. Perhaps in the future. Check your printer manual. It will likely be compatible with one of the major printer standards, and thus we'll probably have a driver that will work with it. Mike A: we had nothing to do with that article in ST Informer saying we wanted people to write us letters to show they wanted 3.0. I believe that is probably an out-growth of something we posted here, that if demand was strong enough, we'd do it. But that's ok, we don't mind getting letters requesting 3.0 for the Atari, and we have been keeping them on file. However, 30 letters doesn't exactly convince us that we should do 3.0 for the Atari. And that's all we've received since we announced 3.0 for the Amiga I believe. 30. Michael @ Soft-Logik Publishing Corp. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 142 Fri Dec 24, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 18:45 EST Well, I guess we should EMail our requests! Mine is presently gone in EMail. ~~Brian..Written on Friday 24 December 1993 at 07:32 p.m. ADT ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 143 Fri Dec 24, 1993 F.LAWRENCE2 [FRANK] at 21:07 EST Michael, I'd even pay full price for 3.0. Not all Atari users are on Genie. and prehaps a survey with a news letter for Atari's would get you a more promising response. Frank ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 144 Sat Dec 25, 1993 T.MCCOMB [=Tom=] at 00:23 EST Are you including Online requests in that file?! Shove mine in there. There, that's 31. Who's next? -Tom McComb {5:03 pm} Friday, December 24, 1993 ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 145 Sat Dec 25, 1993 M.RIVMAN1 [MATT] at 08:53 EST Well, for what it's worth, (which I'm affraid isn't very much according to what is being said in the PgS RT) I'll make it #32! VOTE YEA for PgS 3.0 Atari! Matt ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 146 Sat Dec 25, 1993 P.WALDING [Phil Walding] at 14:47 EST I'd be in for any upgrade available also. Roll on PgS 3.0 ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 147 Sat Dec 25, 1993 C.CASSADAY [Parrot Head] at 14:52 EST #33. Chris ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 148 Sat Dec 25, 1993 D.FARRINGTO1 [David <>< .] at 15:43 EST Mike: It's tuff now to write a vote for PgS 3 for the ATARI because I'm not sure when you started counting. I know when you frist announced 3 for the other guys a number of us ask if the ATARI one would be upgraded. Anyway, that was in the PgS RT. In case mine was not counted from there please count mine now for ATAIR PgS 3.0. By the way, is there anyone here on GEnie from Maui with PgS 3.0 for the AMIGA? David <>< ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 149 Sat Dec 25, 1993 J.VENGROUSK1 at 22:20 EST i'm brandnew with 2.2 anmd a question.. i try to fire up the oprogram from a syquest 44 removable .. it comea p fine. i open a new doc , set 2 columns with outline and start to enter text.... the cursor vanisdhes with the first text keystroke and the display does nothing. i need to reboot the computer to do anything... thoughts? ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 150 Sat Dec 25, 1993 G.FUQUAY [GGF] at 22:53 EST >C.CASSADAY [Parrot Head] at 14:52 EST > >#33. > >Chris > >---------- > Mark me down for #34. I have never used anything but Pagestream. I started with it when it was Publishing Partner, and have never looked back. Soft- Logik, WE NEED V3.0!!!!!!! GGF ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 151 Sun Dec 26, 1993 M.MASTALER [Mike] at 02:14 EST Michael; # 35 here for PGS ATARI 3.0. I'd pay if you just had a keystroke to " STOP PRINTING", or a kind of panic button. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 152 Sun Dec 26, 1993 ALGORHYTHM [DanielKeller] at 05:58 EST another yes vote...... ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 153 Sun Dec 26, 1993 R.SNYDER6 [Roger S.] at 08:32 EST J.VENGROUSKI, My first guess is that you have not configured your paths so the program can find its fonts, etc, or you do not have enough memory. Can you load in a sample DOC? --Roger ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 154 Sun Dec 26, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 09:44 EST J.VENGROUSKI, The most common cause of that sort of problem is not having the Font Manager completely set up. The path which includes your FONTSS, PLUGIN.TYP and FONTLIST files has to be added to the default list of paths that you save with the Manager (along with the paths for all the fonts in your default list). Try adding that path and hitting the Default button in the Font Manager - or if it's already there, try Updating it. If that doesn't work, ask again in the Softlogik RT (p.385). All, re votes for 3.0 Atari, We've been through all this before ... it certainly doesn't hurt to leave your votes here or in the Softlogik RT, but last time a bunch of us did that, we were told that even if every existing PgS owner upgraded, it wouldn't be enough to make Atari 3.0 cost-effective, and that what was needed was NEW buyers of PageStream. Originally, the crucial number was the number of Falcons Atari was selling. More recently the bottom line is less clear. But the conclusion I draw from this sort of thing is that in the long run, the best thing any of us end-users can do to maintain development for the Atari is to try to win new converts to it. I wish I could practice what I'm preaching more, but it's very difficult when the nearest dealer is 250 miles away. All I know is that I'm sticking with this machine as long as I possibly can because I like it, and I'll continue to ignore the "Atari is dead" posts (from self-proclaimed marketing experts) that I've been seeing continuously since 1988. End of sermon. :) gnox ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 155 Sun Dec 26, 1993 S.AGARWAL [SANJAY] at 12:27 EST Count me in for v3 too. Sanjay. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 156 Sun Dec 26, 1993 J.VENGROUSK1 at 13:41 EST roger s and gnox.... thanks. I AM just getting this package up and (!?) running so this all sounds reasonable. ANY AND ALL helpful startup suggestions are VERY apreciated. I picked this over CLAAMUS (baby version) and am looking forward to it doing What I Need! ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 157 Sun Dec 26, 1993 SL-DEV [Michael] at 15:29 EST PageStream3 requests: if you want to ensure your 'votes' get counted, write to: Soft-Logik Publishing Attn: Ellen Kazmaier, Marketing 11131F South Towne Sq. St. Louis, MO 63123 Ellen is keeping a file of requests for pgs3 Atari. You can email requests as well, but I don't always remember to print them out so you'd be better off writing. The 30 figure I quoted here includes just written letters. But even including online requests we'd still be well under 100. David: I don't understand your question about somebody on Maui with PgS3 for the Amiga. Version 3.0 isn't shipping yet for the Amiga anyway. JV: you need to add the directory path containing the fontssv2, plugin.typ (or whatever it's called) and fontequivv2. Choose the font manager, click on add, choose this directory (probably FONTS) and click on Ok. Do not select a file with the file selector--- just the path. If you still have problems, drop by our roundtable and tech support will help you out. Happy holidays, Michael @ Soft-Logik Publishing Corp. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 158 Sun Dec 26, 1993 R.BENNETT7 [Rodney] at 15:47 EST [=Tom=], I know of at least 4 other Atari owners (including myself) that would be interested in the 3.0 version of PageStream as well. The other 3 do not belong to GEnie nor do they even have modems. Matter of fact 1 of them is looking over my shoulder has I reply to this question. As we were reading SOFTLOGIC's 'justification for demand statement' to even think of releasing a 3.0 for Atari computers, it wasn't the 'Oh Shucks', or 'Yeah, include my name on the list for 3.0', it was more along the line... 'hey, I'm just a consumer, I purchase what is good and made available to me, and if Softlogic sees the 'justification for PageStream 3.0 for Atari computers as in low demand' and the consumer has to justify their existence to them, then forget it. There are other companies, corperations that have released software for DTP work, although not many, there are others and they don't 'demand justification from it's userbase'. Granted, those other packages may not have the punch that PageStream has, but I have not heard them demand it's userbase for justification for continued support. If 3.0 is released... Happy Happy, Joy Joy! If not, it's as simple as turning the other cheek and looking elsewhere, be it hardware or software or both. Rodney ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 159 Sun Dec 26, 1993 M.RIVMAN1 [MATT] at 21:14 EST gnox, In response to your post # 154 'the sermon': Amen! Matt ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 160 Mon Dec 27, 1993 CBARRON at 01:13 EST Micheal @ SL-DEV: [or any who knows] got a FAX # handy for SL? I never get to the Post office too much. Too many long slow lines.... ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 161 Mon Dec 27, 1993 D.BRYANT12 [DAN BRYANT] at 02:14 EST Michael, Ditto on the FAX request. I'm always looking for excuses to use PgS with my fax/modem and STFax. I have had every version from Publishing Partner 1.0 to PgS 2.2 and would dearly love to see 3.0. I'll drop Ellen a line but would prefer to FAX it. Dan ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 162 Mon Dec 27, 1993 C.MASSEY3 [Charlie] at 03:30 EST As I've said before, I want to get a 6 pack of ST's to last me the rest of my life 'cause I sure don't want to waste time learning another 'puter. It's just about the perfect PC for my use. It does it all...... If I keep eating fruit cake, I might not need all 6 ST's! Haven't begun to learn all the features of Pagestream 2.2 but will vote for 3.0 anyway! If we didn't have so many folks in Atariland that want something for nothing......Oh well......... Charlie ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 163 Mon Dec 27, 1993 T.DUNBAR2 [Tommy] at 05:54 EST I just mailed in my vote for 3.0 ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 164 Mon Dec 27, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:10 EST There is a fax number in the PageStream 2 manual, in the fine print on the back of the title page - dunno if it's current or not. I'll ask over in the Softlogic RT. gnox ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 165 Mon Dec 27, 1993 K.OLSON10 [KenO.] at 07:10 EST I'm ready for PGS 3.0 I'll buy today. Count me in. When do I send the money? KenO. :) ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 166 Mon Dec 27, 1993 SL-DEV [Michael] at 11:43 EST Fax: our fax number is 314-894-3280. Rodney: as we've stated before, our position on 3.0 for the Atari is that we will make a decision when 3.0 for the Amiga is done and shipping. This hasn't happened yet, thus no decision has been reached. When 3.0 Amiga ships we will take a look at the Atari market and see whether we can justify the expense of porting 3.0. It's not that we don't want to do it, Atari's were the first computer for many of us, and we have a huge investment in Atari hardware and training, but if we can't justify the development financially, then we can't do it. We didn't ask users to start a letter writing campaign to get 3.0 (I feel like the TV networks cancelling I'll Fly Away ;-), that was done by ST Informer. However, we're happy to receive letters from our users asking us to port 3.0. Obviously a decision to port 3.0 has two important factors: how many Atari computers are being sold to new users so we can sell new copies, and how many PageStream users are still using their Atari computers and thus would upgrade. Normally, we would want both numbers to be healthy; without new users, we just sell a bunch of upgrades and then don't sell any new copies for the next year until another upgrade. You can't stay in business that way. But if we got so many requests for 3.0 upgrades, then maybe it would be worth it anyway. And unless Atari starts selling computers in much larger numbers, we'll have to rely on upgrades since there aren't many new users. So, we want to do it. If we can afford it, we will. Happy holidays, Michael @ Soft-Logik Publishing Corp. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 167 Mon Dec 27, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 15:46 EST Thanks Michael for a very professional and honest answer. ~~Brian..Written on Monday 27 December 1993 at 03:41 p.m. ADT remember there IS a very active Soft Logik RT! ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 168 Mon Dec 27, 1993 T.HEBEL [Spud Boy] at 23:34 EST I too would pay for a 3.0 PageStream. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 169 Tue Dec 28, 1993 R.BENNETT7 [Rodney] at 23:34 EST SL-DEV [Michael], Believe me, I understand your position. No sense in releasing a product unless you can make a profit from it, I think that stands with any corperation. I don't know the numbers of Atari owners, new or old, but I know it doesn't compare to any other computer plateform that is currently on the market. (Numberwise) What products are available for the Atari, there isn't to much to compare and choose from, but what is available is high quality. I would think releasing a completely new revision to PageStream that instead of selling upgrades that a complete package should be sold to anyone requiring the additional features added into it. v2.2 works flawlessly on all Atari 680x0 machines as is. So the upgrade would be adding additional features only right? Why not ask the question to the userbase here if they would be willing to pay the 'full' price on the 3.0 package. This may sound really unfair to those that have just recently purchased PageStream, but maybe also throw in a yearly support fee for free upgrades... and to those that pay the yearly support fee, can recieve an update to 3.0 or any other upgrade within that year time frame. This yearly support fee can be extended on a yearly bases or whatever... This way, you get monies coming in for your continued support... Arg... just a dream I'm thinking of... :-) I am in no way qualified to even mention on how to run a bussiness... I can barely balance my checkbook! :-) Rodney ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 170 Wed Dec 29, 1993 B.KANTOR [Bruce] at 00:19 EST Soft Logic, Count me in for PageStream 3.0. A happy loyal customer, Bruce ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 171 Wed Dec 29, 1993 P.WALDING [Phil Walding] at 18:48 EST I am playing around with setting up my files on Pagestream for output to a postscript printer I have recently purchased. I have read in the Pagestream manual of a "Pagestream Fonts Plus Pack" and was wondering if this was still available (I'm using V2.2 B) and what the pricing was on it. I guess also can it be purchased by charging to VISA ? Regards Phil Walding ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 172 Wed Dec 29, 1993 J.WISNIEWSK2 [Jeff - ST'er] at 21:35 EST Phil, >I have read in the Pagestream manual of a "Pagestream Fonts Plus >Pack" and was wondering if this was still available (I'm using V2.2 B) >and what the pricing was on it. I guess also can it be purchased by >charging to VISA ? Call Soft-Logic to order it. And I believe that it is $10.00 which might or might not include shipping. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ JSW ^^^^ ^^^^ ST'er ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Wednesday, December 29, 1993 - 9:28:42 pm ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 173 Fri Dec 31, 1993 D.FARRINGTO1 [David <>< .] at 07:22 EST Sorry Michael @ Soft-Logik I thought I read 3.0 for the Amiga was shipping. I have read I am wrong! What I was trying to ask by the post was to see 3.0 for the Amiga in action. Just to see the differences. :) Anyway, I will look forward to that release. David <>< ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 174 Wed Jan 12, 1994 J.VENGROUSK1 at 22:08 EST am slowly getting closer to running PS 2.2! have a two-column text area up and can type in vivible letters.. but the y all go one on top of each other into a little black dense blob.... help?! ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 175 Thu Jan 13, 1994 M.RIVMAN1 [MATT] at 00:33 EST Make sure that the files Fontequiv.v2 and I think fontlist are being loaded. I'm sure someone else here will know which files exactly need to be run (I don't) but it sounds like the kerning or word and line spacing info for your font is not being found. This happened to me once, and it was that some of the font related files weren't where they are supposed to be. This is also covered (I believe) in the manual. Good luck, Matt ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 176 Thu Jan 13, 1994 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:28 EST J.VENGROUSKI, How about giving us a friendlier handle? (I mean use GEnie's NAMe command.) Anyway, this problem comes up so often for new users that I have an answer all ready to go: Next time you run PageStream, go to Set/Save Paths under the Global menu and make sure that the right path is entered in the Fonts box. The path should end with \*.* - and in that folder on your hard drive, you should have PLUGIN.TYP, FONTSS.V2, FONTEQIV.V2 and FONTLIST.V2. Let's call this your main font folder (though it may not have any actual fonts in it.) Then go to the Font Manager. (See 8.5 in the manual.) You should see a list of folders. Is your main font folder in the list? If it isn't, click on Add and use the file selector to add it. Then click the Default button to save your default fontlist. That should fix you up. (If your main font folder is already listed in the Font Manager, try selecting it and using the Update button.) Hope this helps! gnox ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 177 Thu Jan 13, 1994 SL-DEV [Michael] at 17:04 EST Phil: the Plus Pack is still available for $10 plus $5 shipping. Call 1-800- 829-8608 for sales. It used to be available for $75 from dealers, but we now bundle it with full copies of PgS so we've dropped the price to $10. Yes, we accept visa and mc. JV: if you haven't already, drop by our roundtable. This is a frequently asked question. You just need to fix up your font paths in the font manager. Mark can help you out in our RT. Cheers, Michael @ Soft-Logik Publishing Corp. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 178 Thu Jan 13, 1994 J.VENGROUSK1 at 21:01 EST Many thanks for the fine answers here... most especially to you gnox! handle coming up... right now actually....! ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 179 Thu Jan 13, 1994 J.VENGROUSK1 [SHOWMAN] at 21:07 EST I am finding that when I came home with PAGESTREAM and just couldNOT wait to start getting it on line, I did the install in some quasi-somnambulistic state. I;m finding al SORTS of odd files in wrong places, files not transferrd to the HD, etc etc etc/ I've straightend most of it out and now perhaps I'll get it ALL right. MICHAEL.. granted I'm a pretty slipshod GEnie user... but in the tw times I've tried ( albeit cursorialy) to find the SftyLogic RT.. it escapes me... GEnie pare number please PAGE number that is...! thanks ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 180 Thu Jan 13, 1994 J.VENGROUSK1 [SHOWMAN] at 22:52 EST a-HA! it was JUSt as you say sir! I had all the files IN there.. somewhere... but THIS was the rub... "The path should end with \*.* - and The path should end with \*.* - and in that folder on your hard drive, you should have PLUGIN.TYP, FONTSS.V2, FONTEQIV.V2 and FONTLIST.V2. This mch i had right and THEN... "Is your main font folder in the list?" of courese it was NOT! every darned font folder et al WAS there... but that one was not! ity's fixed.. It works! why did I get wrangled into blowing 3 years and $$$$$$$$ on Wordflair!? Thanks ! ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 181 Fri Jan 14, 1994 CBARRON at 01:55 EST showman page 385;1 - bbs, 385;3 libs ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 182 Fri Jan 14, 1994 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:26 EST See you on page 385, SHOWMAN! :) ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 183 Fri Jan 14, 1994 J.VENGROUSK1 [SHOWMAN] at 20:14 EST thanks..... squared! ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 184 Sat Jan 15, 1994 A.PETRIE1 [Suzie/AL] at 11:38 EST Showman: Another common error(at least for me) in setting up your fonts is charactor/line spacing if the values are set to 0 or negative numbers the charactors can pile up on top of each other. so check under the format option of the top menue, select char/line spacing. there will be boxes to set both charactor and line spacing, for a start put in values like 10 and 16. there is some sample text that changes to reflect the values you put in there so it will be easy to see if that is the problem. AL P ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 185 Sun Jan 16, 1994 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:38 EST AL P, 0 is the default setting for character spacing, and that setting should not cause characters to pile up or overlap unless something else is wrong in your setup. (Zero line spacing could cause some overlapping, if you are using Fixed Leading.) gnox ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 186 Mon Jan 17, 1994 C.KROWCHUK1 [CHRIS] at 23:37 EST Al P. and gnox, Scrunched up type sounds like a problem with Fontlist.V2 or Fontss.V2. I had this problem until I replaced these files, somehow they wound up getting corrupted. Now if only I could find out why politicians get corru. . . . nah! Chris @ Computer Direct ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 187 Tue Jan 18, 1994 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:42 EST Chris, You're right, those .V2 files do seem to be more susceptible to corruption than other files for some reason - I've had to replace them a couple times. Now if we could just fix corrupt politicians by digging out the original disk ... gnox ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 188 Tue Jan 18, 1994 F.LAWRENCE2 [FRANK] at 19:55 EST gnox, I too have had trouble with one of the .V2 files getting corrupted. I brought the thing up and it had some dialog in file giving a partial description 'DIAMOND BACK II', deleted and copied over the original of the file. Worked for a while and ended up with the same thing. Now when I back with 'Diamond Back' I use Deskmanger and don't enable Warp9. It hasn't happened now for about 6 months and I back up once a week. Pagestream itself doesn't seem to do the corrupting. Just something to keep in mind while you backing up. Frank L ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 189 Wed Jan 19, 1994 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:57 EST Frank, The kind of corruption I've seen in V2 files is more the one-wrong-byte- somewhere kind, probably due to a very minor defect in disk media; I've never had a problem with Diamond Back and Warp 9. But I'll file your note away in my collection of troubleshooting tips. gnox ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 190 Sat Jan 22, 1994 M.ERSOFF at 11:10 EST To Any and All, I have encountered an interesting problem and I need some help to figure out a creative solution. Here goes.... I have a large library of IBM .CGM vector graphics that I have converted into Adobe Illustrator format so that I can import them into PageSTream 2.2. My problem is that I used an PC program (HiJaaK Pro) to convert them into Adobe Illustrator format. In the course of the conversion process, the Adobe Illustrator files are written with the following header: %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2 %%Creator: HiJaak for Windows 1.0 %%Title: (POLARBEA.CGM) %%CreationDate: 01/21/94 21:02:24 %%BoundingBox:126 216 486 576 %%TemplateBox:126 216 486 576 %%DocumentProcSets:HiJaak_2 0 0 %%DocumentSuppliedProcSets:HiJaak_2 0 0 %%DocumentFonts:Courier %%Template: %%PageOrigin:0 0 %%PrinterName: %%EndComments %%BeginProcSet:HiJaak_2 0 0 The problem is that PageSTream 2.2 can only import Adobe Illustrator graphics that have the CREATOR line with ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR as the creator of the files. I _CAN_ import the files into PageSTream if I use a text editor to change the %%Creator: HiJaak for Windows 1.0 line to %%Creator: Adobe Illustrator My question is .... Is there a utility that can search and replace a text string (in this case "HiJaak for Windows 1.0") with a new text string (in this case "Adobe Illustrator") across _MANY_ files at a time. To be specific, If I have 100 files in a folder on my hard drive with "%%Creator: HiJaak for Windows 1.0" in the header of the file and I want to change _ALL_ occurances of this in all files in that folder to "%%Creator: Adobe Illustrator". If anyone knows of a utility (PD or commercial) please let me know. NOTE: Just in case I haven't been clear, I want a PD or commercial program to do what I describe above for the ATARI platform _NOT_ for the IBM. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thanks ....... Mayer ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 191 Sat Jan 22, 1994 C.KROWCHUK1 [CHRIS] at 13:28 EST Mayer, I replied to this posting in SoftLogik's Roundtable. ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 192 Sat Jan 22, 1994 DMJ [dmj] at 14:19 EST Mayer, TLC Fixer, part of the TLC Utilities package, will do just what you ask. It let you specify a string to find, a string to replace it with, and up to twenty files you want to apply the change to. It's in the library here; do a search on T.HAYSLETT as the uploader and you should find it. ~dmj ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 193 Sat Jan 22, 1994 R.SNYDER6 [Roger S.] at 20:54 EST Mayer, There is a program that batch changes the creator in PostScript files, but I can seem to find it in the library (or Soft-Logic's). It must be there somewhere though, because I think I Dled it once (but never used it). --Roger ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 194 Sat Jan 22, 1994 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 23:00 EST Mayer, The program Roger's referring to is called BULKFIX - uploader (and author) is CBARRON. gnox ------------ Category 5, Topic 6 Message 195 Sun Jan 23, 1994 J.VENGROUSK1 [SHOWMAN] at 18:03 EST thanks all.. fixed the text pileup by getting the font manager paths straightened out! gee.. pagestream is EASY! I'm having fun!] ------------