========================================================================= (C) 1993 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie are *official* information services of Atari Corporation. To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt.Type XTX99437,GENIE and press [RETURN]. The system will prompt you for your information. ========================================================================== Category 17, Topic 3 Message 1 Wed Mar 17, 1993 C.OATES2 [Chris] at 01:24 EST Hi! I've got a request for future versions of STalker... When logging on to an ANSI BBS, they often assume a black screen and use light letters which is mostly unreadable on a white background. I know that I could just change the palette, but 3D MultiTOS Icons & stuff look dingy if the colors are just darkened, and absolutely frightful if black and white are inverted. So: how about making an option so that inside the STalker window you have a black background? that way, the ANSI looks right, and everything else is still okay too. Any plans for this? ~Chris ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 2 Wed Mar 17, 1993 S.WOLF4 [Sandy] at 01:36 EST Kenne@SFRT -- To eliminate the delays in BTK, I DELETED each statement which was an obvious wait command in the middle-stage BTS. BTW, I used to be an avid SF fan -- I might even say I was so taken by some of the better SF literature of my youth that it had an influence on my career choices. I lost much of my interest in the stuff when it took on the vacuous nature of wild west shootouts transposed to inter-galactic warfare, and even worse. Sandy * * * * Ron -- Thanks for that advice. I reduced my STeno buffer from 300K to 50K and my STalker buffer from 5000 lines to 4000, and now have a Ram Disc of 600K, which seems adequate. I started with larger buffers because I was "spoiled" by I_L_ which has an auto save to (ram)disc feature if the automatic capture buffer overflows and/or upon disconnect. I was afraid to lose information with STalker/STeno, but after some re-consideration, I think this set of options will do. Can you tell me what does occur if a session happens to overflow these 4000 lines? ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 3 Wed Mar 17, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 05:57 EST > Can you tell me what does occur if a session happens to overflow > these 4000 lines? The oldest line is deleted as each new line is added, so you will get up to 4000 lines, and then have the last 4000 lines from that point on... Mine is set for 500 lines, which is USUALLY adequate. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 4 Wed Mar 17, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 13:38 EST Sandy, If you overflow the 4,000-line buffer you merely get a LIFO effect -- last in, first out. Not a big problem. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 5 Wed Mar 17, 1993 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 20:13 EST Sandy- If you see text scrolling by in STalker and want to capture it to disk thinking it might overflow the buffer, Alt-R starts and stops the capturing. You'll be presented with a file selector box--fill it out and STalker will save everything it sees until you Alt-R again. You can also highlight text with the mouse (left-click and drag). When you release the button, you'll see a small menu with further options as to what to do with the highlighted section (save to clipboard, append to it, save to disk, send to STeno (if loaded), or transmit) I dunno what kind of work you do with STalker, but I have my scrollback buffer set to 150 lines. There have been very few times I've needed any more. Moving 4000 lines of info might start to slow down the system as the buffer fills up, since it's eating up a lot of memory-- as you've noticed! When you've filled up the buffer, it will simply scroll on. No warnings, either. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 6 Wed Mar 17, 1993 SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 21:51 EST My scrollback is set to 1000 lines. I suppose you could also write a BackTALK Script that automatically starts the cature to a file... ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 7 Thu Mar 18, 1993 G.KICHOK [Gerry K] at 01:50 EST Ron, only if you throw in some swamp land.:) Write Script is also a great way to learn how to write my own scripts. Gerry K. - HBO-AUG Librarian (Hamilton-Burlington-Oakville Atari User Group Librarian) ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 8 Thu Mar 18, 1993 S.WOLF4 [Sandy] at 02:34 EST Thanks for those interesting advices re buffer considerations. In particular, I'll surely try out that Alt-R (p 37 in the manual). Composing a BTS to automate the Alt-R for an emergency seems a good challenge for someone -- maybe me sometime(?). Those small STalker buffers mentioned above suggest that you are old hands around here and know the meaning of brevity. ;-) Upon entering a new BB or category/topic for the first time -- there's a seemingly limitless number of interesting topics and people hanging around GEnie and I've only had time to visit a handful so far -- I usually reach back ~100 messages or more in a continuous scrolling to get a sense of what goes. That is 1500 - 2000 lines if that is all I do in a given call-in. And then, there are other BBS's I visit on a regular basis which are not just for reading brief messages and kibitzing. It is not unusual for me to spend 30 minutes or more just capturing text. (Ever d/l a 10-K filing, or 2, or 3? And if the compressed versions are in the latest version of IBM PKZIP which is incompatible with ST-ZIP, then ASCII transfer is it.) It has happened, on more than a few occasions and sometimes unexpectedly, that I have overflowed a 400K (~5000 line) buffer with I_L_, but it was never a cause for concern because of the auto-save feature -- to my 1M RamDisc -- which means nothing gets lost and I can spend the time off-line reviewing what was captured. BTW, it's this type of use which makes me so sensitive to the awkward scrolling features in STalker/STeno. Try reading thousands of lines with the scrolling features provided here, and you can go nuts. I haven't yet used STalker/STeno for this kind of application; but if I do, I can see myself saving the STalker buffer to disc and then loading the file into I_L_ or ST-Writer to do the reading. Maybe someone here can influence GRIBNIF -- I'm sure you guys own some of that precious commodity -- to make revisions in these 2 respects: auto-saving of an overflowing capture buffer, and BETTER SCROLLING. Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 9 Thu Mar 18, 1993 D.FLORY [ALERTsys*Cop] at 10:35 EST Sandy, I use STalker/STeno for everything except GEnie. Get STAladdin for use here. It is the _only_ way to go. The initial learning curve has a steep sharp peak but it doesn't last long. If you need any help just ask us on Page 1000. (-: Happy Bytes :-) Dave Flory, ALERTsys*Cop 07:21 PST - 03/18/93 ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 10 Thu Mar 18, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 23:18 EST > Write Script is also a great way to learn how to write my own scripts. > Well, if you study the script that WRITESCR puts out, you will not see much of the script language, but it's a start. ----- Sandy, For reading lots of GEnie messages offline, you REALLY should be using Aladdin. Just what you need, another terminal program to learn, right? Grin. But it IS the tool designed for the job.. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 11 Fri Mar 19, 1993 S.WOLF4 [Sandy] at 01:12 EST Tried Alt-R and it could be just what I need: BUT i) To read the resulting captured file in STeno -- can't load files into STalker -- one needs a sufficiently large STeno buffer. ii) But it is the STeno scrolling which is a pest. (Note: STeno does not implement scrolling as specified in its manual.) iii) If the STeno buffer is made large enough -- say about 300K or more -- I must reduce the STalker buffer -- say to 500 lines -- to accommodate the RamDisc. That's OK, but STalker has the better scrolling technique and is more convenient for reading, as long as it can be done immediately and not at some later time. So, it would be desirable to maintain a larger STalker buffer, if it were only possible. iv) And if I want to transfer some files during an online session, I must manage to avoid the complications of Alt-R and transfers intermingling on the same RamDisc. v) Oi! My head is spinning. PS: Isn't all this what "user friendliness" is about?! :) PPS: You all must be getting tired of Sandy's idiosynchrosatic labyrinth. I need a few days vacation myself to catch up on other matters. But, again, your help has been that without which nothing .......! See you soon. Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 12 Fri Mar 19, 1993 S.WOLF4 [Sandy] at 01:14 EST I've had the pleasure of fighting Aladdin. A main problem was lack of adequate text editing -- familiar, huh? Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 13 Fri Mar 19, 1993 SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 12:29 EST Once you've captured the file you can read it with any text editor (like ST Writer). What type of editing capability is missing in Aladdin? Most of what Aladdin lacks can be found in Steno. You just need to CUT a message or reply and PASTE it betwe en the two programs. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 14 Fri Mar 19, 1993 GRIBNIF [Dan] at 14:29 EST Chris, Well, that is a bit unusual, you must admit. I'll add it to the list of suggestions, though. Sandy, I'm glad you are getting better use out of STalker, now. To respond to your comments: Jump scrolling is something we would definitely like to change in STeno, possibly by making it an option. By the way, the manual does not really say that the up/down arrow keys go one line at a time, so much as it says that the up/down window gadgets do (which is correct.) It then goes on to say that "this can also be done from the keyboard by using the up and down arrow keys," which fails to describe the jumping effect this method has. Semantics . We are re-typesetting the manual right now, so I'll try to get that changed. Dan ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 15 Fri Mar 19, 1993 TQUINN [Terry~Sysop] at 16:30 EST The first 190 messages (or so) in this Topic have been archived and are available in Library 13 as file # 28102 (STALKER9.ARC). This archive covers the period between January 11, 1993 and March 19, 1993. Terry Quinn ST RT Sysop and BBS Janitor ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 16 Fri Mar 19, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 18:25 EST Yes, Aladdin is the way to access GEnie. Much cheaper in the long run, too. Sandy, What is wrong with the text editing in Aladdin? I pop up my STeno and use it all the time. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 17 Fri Mar 19, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 20:00 EST Dan, I may use STeno more than most others -- I have two or three running all the time, and find it essential. A change in the jump scrolling would make me One Happy Writer. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 18 Fri Mar 19, 1993 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 20:01 EST Eric R- Been kinda quiet around here lately? How'z the baby and wife? ( <- is that the reason for the silence?) ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 19 Fri Mar 19, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 21:09 EST Aladdin is a little tough to grasp in the very beginning, that's fer' sure.... But if I can get Aladdin 'going' anyone can!! And don't forget _all_ the help that's available over in the Aladdin RT.. Aladdin makes GEnie-ing smooth as silk....!! Veteran of the Aladdin learning curve wars (1991-1992), :) <-:}Ted{:-> Friday, March 19, 1993 - 6:47:52 am ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 20 Fri Mar 19, 1993 C.OATES2 [Chris] at 22:37 EST Yes, I understand that it is an unusual request, but as more machines come out and multiTOS gets more spread out, the ability to properly view ANSI colors without messing up the palette might become more of an issue. I remember one night logging on with my Crazy Dots set to 1024 x 768 (shameless plug) and having STalker open while viewing two text files of commands for the BBS, and STalker was able to get text even if it's window was not topped! (unlike Aladdin, which freezes and buffers text until it's topped) Great program... :) ~Chris ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 21 Fri Mar 19, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 23:18 EST Sandy, There is a way to load files into STalker. Look through the .BTS files that came with it, and compile the appropriate one, install it into your BackTalk script selector, and then when you want to read a captured file, just load it in. The buffer is sizable up to 9999 lines. At 80 characters per line, that's about 1 meg (with pointers), and should be about as big a capture buffer as anyone needs. At least then you get the nice scrolling of STalker. And if you have Warp 9, then it scrolls pretty fast, too. Has the snow melted enough for you go be mobile again? ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 22 Fri Mar 19, 1993 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 23:29 EST I guess I must be the only one that found Aladdin to be easy to use from the get-go. And I even 'accidently' got a prerelease version! It takes awhile to learn ALL of its features, but I was using it to do basically what I wanted from the very start with very few problems. __ /erry .\\ay ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 23 Sat Mar 20, 1993 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 01:34 EST Sandy- Run STeno as a program and you will have no more problem with file size. It will then swallow even the largest file. If you _really_ want to read a file from within STalker, check out either the CAT_FILE.BTK that came on your master disk, or better yet, my CAT_FILE.BTK script that (should be) here somewhere. My version pauses the scrolling screen by screen, whereas the original version just scrolled on to the end, where it would then stop.... ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 24 Sat Mar 20, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 08:31 EST Dan, I'll second Al's suggestion to change the jump scrolling or do as you have suggested and make it optional.. And please don't forget that we have got to have a "Type Over\ Insert toggle", included in the next version. pretty please.. :) <-:}Ted{:-> Friday, March 19, 1993 - 9:31:26 pm ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 25 Sat Mar 20, 1993 B.PLATT1 [BP] at 10:24 EST Ron, I finally got this Aladdin thing working.... My problem is no hard drive.... To access the Aladdin RT, I need to set up another Aladin disk.... Getting this first one running was enough of a HASSLE.... Ive gotten used to Aladin and feel comfortable with it, but as I have it working now, I do not wnat to mess it up by changing anything...... Now if some ingenious mind out there could fiqure out a Balktalk script to do for Stalker what Aladin does I would be extremely happy..... I love using Stalker 3, and with the new ANSI font that I D-Loaded from here I like it even more.... I've tried many other telecom proggies, but none has been as simple as Stalker.. If only I knew what to to with that Backtalk compiler..... I am sure there is a way to make Stalker acees the message bases and download them for offline reading.... BP Sandy, What ramdisk program are you using, How much ram do you have.. I use Stalker everyday on a 2 meg STe and always set up a 720k ram disk (I use the Hybidswitch ram disk) I have never had a conflict..... Using Stalker with Pinhead, or any of those programs which bypass the memory test at bootup may cause your problem.. I have also used several ramdisks that caused problems, part. the RDE Reset proof and the Flash Disk ram disk programs. As far as you strange colored window, have you set the buttons in the control panel differently. In other words is the white button white, if not change it to white and resave the desktop, or try not booting up with the Control panel installed, this will cause all your GEM windows to show in the default colors..... But then some boards may decide to show yellow text in the window which cannot be read (sometimes green text also) You really need to have the control panel installed in order to solve this problem if it occurs. BP ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 26 Sat Mar 20, 1993 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 13:04 EST Although I'm sure I've stated this before, I just want to add my voice to the call for an end to jump-scrolling and the addition of a Type-Over/Insert toggle in STeno. The jump-scrolling is particularly annoying, and forces me to use the arrow gadgets (just like in Aladdin's editor)^:. __ /erry .\\ay ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 27 Sat Mar 20, 1993 E.ROSENQUIST [Eric@Strata] at 17:42 EST Bob: everyone is just fine thanks, and yes, the expanded family is part of the reason for my reduced on-line presence since last fall. We're making a point of doing more things together, esp. ones that appeal to Sarah (the 3 year old) like swimming. We don't want her to feel like Adam's getting all the attention, even though new babies usually do. The other reason is that I've been doing some part-time work for Bell Canada, implementing ZModem for their national E-Mail service. Most of my evenings since the new year have been spent on that project. By the way Bob, I thought you would have picked up on the .DO file interpreter thread over in the BackTALK topic by now. It seems like no one feels up to the task of finishing the code. Eric ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 28 Sat Mar 20, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 19:01 EST Eric, Nice to see you back in the topic again. Any plans for further enhancement of STalker? ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 41 Sat Mar 20, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] (Forwarded) Don't forget the ALADDIN RT is for ALADDIN and this is the STalker topic in the ATARI RT. Thanks everyone. *******Brian********* Written on Saturday 20 March 1993 at 04:56 p.m. AST ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 42 Sun Mar 21, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] (Forwarded) ... and there's also a separate Topic for STeno, by the way! gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 46 Wed Mar 24, 1993 S.WOLF4 (Forwarded) HELLO AGAIN! CAT_FILE.BTS is a great script and solves a key problem. It loads text into STalker a bit slowly, but by loading off the RamDisc it does reasonably well. Once the text is in STalker, it can at least be read conveniently. By selecting important segments and using the append-to-file feature (not available in STeno ??!!), a file can be prepared for transfer to STeno for editing. I'll get WARP9 which I understand will speed up text handling and scrolling, and this may help even more. Thanks for the suggestions. I see where Dan has verified the plan to revise single line scrolling in STeno as well as the misleading description in the manual. Let's hear the applause!! ;) Another seeming inconsistency in this pair of programs is the different methods for screen clearing. One uses Ctl-Clear while the other requires Alt-A followed by Delete. It requires some mental dexterity to figure out which to use at a given moment. Wouldn't it be better if both used the same command? * * * * * * * * BP -- I use SI_Ramdisc which I got from a ST Informer PD disc some time ago. It does everything I need except surviving a reset. I also use Rdy_Ram which I got from my Mark Williams C package. It survives resets and is otherwise a useful RamDisc, but my version is limited in maximum size and therefore not adequate for this application; but I may try it here if losses of data from forced resets becomes too much to take. If you know of a more recent Rdy_Ram (not RDE) or another good one, please advise. Your comments re screen color apparently assume I use a color monitor. I use the SM124 mono for text work, which is most of what I do. My comment -- complaint? -- about the STalker screen coming up grey when STalker is used as a .PRG meant it looks like the menu choices look when they are inactive; ie, the STalker screen can be seen, but it is not active in the circumstance described. By using both as .ACCs, this and other problems are avoided. Why is still a mystery. For games such as Flight Simulator II, I use my SONY 19" XBR color TV/monitor through its RGB input. Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 48 Wed Mar 24, 1993 F.HENSE [FRANK] (Forwarded) Sandy, There is an old--but-- great utility around here called DCopy that is a fine text reader, plus you can save or print a page. But use Aladdin... Dcopy also strips the returns off the headers here so whne you print the text, using 2 column of course, you reduce the number of lines in the message headers... Frank ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 49 Wed Mar 24, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] (Forwarded) Sandy, CodeRam is a reset-proof ramdisk, and works great. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 51 Sun Mar 28, 1993 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 00:39 EST Maybe someone can help me with this one. I originally installed Stalker 3 as a PRG. on my E drive in a folder. I moved it to drive F last week and reset every path I could find. Drive E no longer contains any Stalker info, yet every time I run Stalker from drive F, it looks for it's DLR and INF files on drive E. The manual is useless in this area. I have saved the config. to the Stalker folder on drive F, but Stalker will not accept that, it goes to the non-existant Stalker folder on E. This is my fourth or fifth attempt to use this program as my term program and if this one doesn't get solved , Stalker goes in the trash. Not having a built-in capture buffer is a severe handicap (IMO), but I'm trying one last time. Loading Steno as an ACC causes my off- line reader to not save messages to the clipboard, so I have reboot every time I want to use either the off-line reader or Stalker. Thanks. Paul ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 52 Sun Mar 28, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:50 EST Paul, > every time I run Stalker from drive F, it looks for it's DLR and INF > files on drive E. I have saved the config. to the Stalker folder on > drive F, but Stalker will not accept that, it goes to the non-existant > Stalker folder on E. You mean you have used Save Configuration As ... to put a STALKER.INF on drive F? And you can use Open Configuration File ... to load the file from Drive F? And then when you Save Configuration, it doesn't go to F? Or that when you run STALKER.PRG it can't find STALKER.INF on F? Either one would be odd, but it would make a difference in tracking down the cause. > Not having a built-in capture buffer is a severe handicap. I've used both STeno and EdHak as capture buffers without any trouble, but an even better option is to use Alt-R and capture direct to disk. Have you tried that? > Loading Steno as an ACC causes my offline reader to not save > messages to the clipboard. Also strange ... unless you mean that STeno won't paste messages that you've saved to clipboard with the offline reader. This is natural because they're not the same clipboard. > so I have reboot every time I want to use either the off-line reader > or Stalker. Have you tried running STalker as an ACC and Steno as a PRG instead of the other way round? gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 53 Sun Mar 28, 1993 B.PLATT1 [BP] at 16:45 EST Sandy. I thought it was the actual window that was grey. Your problem seems a bit odd though. Do the menu choices still work when selected. I have a SC1224 and also use a 20" tv through the RF out on the STe. Actually it goes through the VC which goes through the AV reciever. Anyway it is kinda like having two monitors connected at the same time. Anyway in ST med, if I boot up Stalker without the control panel, text in the window often comes up a light green(ie... the same color as the desktop, and on the STe this is a lot lighter green than on the reg ST. It seems strange that on a mono monitor, that there would be any problem like that since there are only two colors. I have tried the RDE, and the RDY ramdisk, and both usually give me problems, like not recognizing the drive (ie... specified drive does not exist. errors.). The RDE, and RDY ramdisks also seem to cause STALKER to have problem loading RSC files, not to mention most other programs, but only in ACC mode. I might have to try the SI program....... Well good luck getting Stalker working, I hope you got it all straightened up now. BP ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 54 Mon Mar 29, 1993 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 01:25 EST How do you get LFs during a half-duplex (modem to modem) connection? I can see my typing ok, as well as the person on the other end, but everything is typed on a single line. I couldn't find anything in the manual about this situation. Thanks... __ /erry .\\ay ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 55 Mon Mar 29, 1993 F-D-PERCIVAL [Fred P.] at 06:49 EST Terry, I asked the same question about linefeeds here a while ago, and was told that STalker does not do linefeeds. You have to end each line with a Cntl-L to get Stalker not to overwrite itself. This is my biggest complaint about the program! ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 56 Mon Mar 29, 1993 E.WISNIEWSK1 [Jeff - ST'er] at 07:41 EST Paul, I had that problem with Stalker. What I had to do was to re-install the PRG file and re-create the configuration file. You can keep the DLR file thou. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ JSW ^^^^ ^^^^ ST'er ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sunday, March 28, 1993 - 8:49:42 pm ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 57 Mon Mar 29, 1993 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 12:38 EST gnox, This is really confusing, but, it seems as if Stalker(on F) will run and load it's DLR and INF files almost intact, but certain things, like my modem init string are wrong. They are the ones I used for my old modem. When I go to save the the config. usin SAVE AS, the file selector opens to the place Stalker used to be:E:\STALKER\. Same with the DLR files. When I update the dialing directory, I have open with the save OPEN button to see where Stalker thinks it's supposed to save the new DLR file. Inevitably(sp), it's the old directory. I've set everything I can find to the new directory, yet the problem persists. If I don't do all of this resetting and reloading of DLR and INF files everytime I run the program, my new seetings will not be used. Do I need to reinstall this prograam on the drive I want it to be on? Something seems a little brain damaged here, me or Stalker, I don't know. I haven't had this kind of problem in years. Thanks very much for taking the time to help I really do want to use this program as my main term, but not the way I have to do it now. Paul ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 58 Tue Mar 30, 1993 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 03:59 EST Fred, Sheesh! You need to use ^L? How unuser-friendly. Oh well, thanks for the info... __ /erry .\\ay ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 59 Tue Mar 30, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 06:43 EST >> I asked the same question about linefeeds here a while ago, and << >>was told that STalker does not do linefeeds. You have to end each << >>line with a Cntl-L to get Stalker not to overwrite itself. This << >>is my biggest complaint about the program! << I guess I am missing something. I have used STalker since it came out, beta-tested the latest version, and I have NEVER had any problem with it, and line feeds. What is the problem you are seeing? --- Paul, RE: Saving new configuration. Set things up the way you want them, paying close attention to the Preferences screen, and then return to the terminal screen, and hit Alt-G. This will save a default configuration, and I suspect, it will correct your path problem. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 60 Tue Mar 30, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:03 EST Paul, I'd bet we've all had the same problem at one time or another. STalker has a very sticky habit of keeping old paths. Gribnif helped straighten things out a year or two back in a posting here. Basically, if you configure ALL the paths properly (there is a path for downloads, a path for the shell, and so on) you may be able to get it to behave. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 61 Tue Mar 30, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 07:12 EST Paul, I dunno, maybe you should try removing any STALKER.INF from drives E and F and run the program from F without one - then create a new config and see if it saves in the right place. By the way, you don't need a separate DLR unless you have more entries than will fit in one set ... the default dialer list is saved as part of the INF. I haven't seen this problem (as Jeff has) so he's more likely right - though it does seem a real pain that you'd have to recreate the INF from scratch. I know I've moved STalker around from one directory to another without ever having to do that. Everything on p.36 of the manual works exactly as advertised for me. Wait a minute ... you are using STalker 3.02, aren't you? Or at least 3.xx? gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 62 Tue Mar 30, 1993 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 21:46 EST Ron, Perhaps you missed my original message. The problem I'm having is STalker does not give linefeeds when I'm chatting with someone in half duplex (simple modem to modem connection). All data, both incoming and outgoing, is displayed on a single line, making it very difficult to follow. Like you, I've never experienced a linefeed problem when in full duplex. __ /erry .\\ay ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 63 Tue Mar 30, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 22:33 EST My STalker does line feeds, too. This is a mystery. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 64 Wed Mar 31, 1993 F-D-PERCIVAL [Fred P.] at 05:29 EST Al, STalker is fine with bulletin boards and commercial services, but when I'm on 'real time' with another computer, I am unable to get linefeeds on STalker's screen without a forced ^L. One of the Gribnif people acknowledged that this is a shortcoming of the program. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 65 Wed Mar 31, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 07:21 EST >> Perhaps you missed my original message. The problem I'm having << >>is STalker does not give linefeeds when I'm chatting with someone << >>in half duplex (simple << Would you believe... I have never done that. Why not just change to full duplex??? Will see if I can turn up something to fix the problem. Ron ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 66 Wed Mar 31, 1993 EXPLORER.5 [Robert Goff] at 20:57 EST Yeah, my Stalker works fine in chat and half duplex. What are your ASCII settings? |) | |)O|) Robert Goff ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 67 Wed Mar 31, 1993 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 21:59 EST Fred, When you use ^L does it send a linefeed to the other computer, or just locally? -----8<----- Ron, Don't you have to be in half duplex when chatting directly with another user in another term program? -----8<----- Robert, What ASCII settings? The only ASCII settings I see are for uploading and downloading. __ /erry .\\ay ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 68 Thu Apr 01, 1993 EXPLORER.5 [Robert Goff] at 23:43 EST Don't the ASCII settings like "strip linefeed" work while typing online too? |) | |)O|) Robert Goff ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 69 Sat Apr 03, 1993 E.ROSENQUIST [Eric@Strata] at 15:16 EST Terry: in the Terminal Settings dialog, use VT100 or PC-ANSI and turn on the NewLine Mode box. When you type , STalker will transmit CR/LF, and will do the equivalent of a CR/LF when it receives a LF. You'll have to get the person at the other end to do something similar or you'll still see their typing as a single line. By the way folks, LF is ^J; ^L is a form-feed. Paul: when you say you "run STalker from drive F:", how are you doing that? STalker looks for its .INF file in the *current directory* when it starts up. If you are using NeoDesk or NEWDESK, check what settings they have for STalker under "Install Application". NEWDESK defaults to using the *top window* as the default directory when you run an application, so if you have STalker as a desktop icon and have a window with drive E: open, STalker starts with a default directory of E:. Eric ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 70 Sat Apr 03, 1993 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 19:45 EST Thanks, Eric, I'll give it a try... ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 71 Sun Apr 04, 1993 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 04:42 EDT Eric, I run Stalker from HOTWIRE, I think that I have finally gotten this all straightened out by deleting everything connected with Stalker(except DLR files and reinstalling from my patched(3.02) backup disk. It's wonderful when it works, but I still wish it had a built-in capture. I use MicroTalk off-line reader, which will use the Atari clipboard if available, but expects to use it's own. Using Steno, EDHak, Calendar, or several other ACCs that I can't think of at the moment, causes MicroTalk to give me a file error when I try to save to the clipboard. I'll keep trying, thanks for the help everyone. Paul ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 72 Sun Apr 04, 1993 F-D-PERCIVAL [Fred P.] at 09:44 EDT Eric, Thanks for the definitive word on linefeeds! Glad you were here to clear up this mystery! ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 73 Sun Apr 04, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 10:29 EST Paul, What do you need to do with a capture buffer that you can't do with STalker's scrollback buffer? ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 74 Sun Apr 04, 1993 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 21:12 EDT Ron, I'm not too sure why I can't just use the scrollback buffer. but since I hate missing the messages on a couple of boards I call(they don't use offline readers), I am a bit nervous about trying something that might not remind me to save the buffer before I quit the program. Guess I'll read the manual again. (several hours later) Can't find anything in the manual about scrollback buffer and how to save it to disk. Lost about 100 messages from several different confereces that I would like to have read. Think I'll stick with my other term program, it does what i need it to do. Thanks to all who tried to help. Paul ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 75 Sun Apr 04, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 23:58 EST >> (several hours later) Can't find anything in the manual about << >>scrollback buffer and how to save it to disk. Lost about 100 << >>messages from several different confereces that I would like to << >>have read. Think I'll stick with my other term program, it does << >>what i need it to do. << Paul, Two things. First, if you use STalker as a .ACC, then the scrollback buffer remains intact when you exit STalker, which is one of the things I LIKE BEST about STalker. Second, you can always have the capture written to disk as you go by selecting ASCII RECEIVE when you start the session. But the REAL answer to a terminal program for GEnie is Aladdin. It is SPECIFICALLY FOR GEnie, and it will save you MONEY. Check it out. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 76 Mon Apr 05, 1993 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 01:32 EDT Ron, I'm using Aladdin, have been since it first came out. There are a few FIDONET boards near me that carry conferences I want to read but don't offer .QWK packets. I have to capture the messages. IMO, Interlink makes it all so simple and it reminds me to save my capture buffer, and will append to an existing file. Thanks. Paul ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 77 Mon Apr 05, 1993 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 03:08 EDT pgrif Saving the scrollback buffer is easy. Can be done in one of two ways: Simply drag the mouse over all you want to save and release when you've reached the end. A popup menu will appear, select the desired option. The better way is to capture the text _and_ store it to disk in one operation. Start and end the capturing by -R. Disk capacity is your only limit. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 78 Mon Apr 05, 1993 SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 03:12 EDT I'm not particularly happy with the capture methods myself but whachagonna do? It would be perfect if it also supported block marks. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 79 Mon Apr 05, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 19:16 EST Paul, If you like InterLink, great, but it won't do some of the things that STalker will, like let you go do some STZIP work while a file transfers, and come back to the computer hours later and still find your last session buffer intact, after several other program runs have been done. THAT'S what I like best about it. But then I have 4 meg, which is necessary to take advantage of that kind of setup. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 80 Mon Apr 05, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 22:58 EDT Al bought up a point that I have a question about. He suggested with a large transfer buffer you should not have a problem accessing the drives while doing transfers. How large? *******Brian********* Written on Monday 05 April 1993 at 10:58 p.m. AST ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 81 Tue Apr 06, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:25 EDT Paul, As a long-time STalker user, I'd like to point you back to the manual. STalker makes saving the buffer very easy, and using it as a DA insteaf of a program means the buffer is always there; just reopen the accessory. If you use STalker with NeoDesk, you can place the icon for STalker on the desktop and click on it, even when it is a DA. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 82 Tue Apr 06, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:32 EDT Brian, I use a 64K transfer buffer and find it works well. gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 83 Tue Apr 06, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 08:29 EST Floppy users should beware of large transfer buffers. Some rather impatient BBS programs may time out while the buffer is being written to the floppy. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 84 Wed Apr 07, 1993 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 00:04 EDT Al, Thanks for the info. I've found the manual to rather limited in answering my questions. I've given up on Stalker. I need a capture buffer that reminds me to save whats in it. My last attempt to use Stalker this morning was the final straw. It keeps looking for it's INF and DLR files in the wrong place. I do appreciate everybody's help and suggestions. It just does not do what I need, the way that I need to do it. Paul ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 85 Wed Apr 07, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:07 EDT Brian, As large as STalker lets you make it, which is, if I recall (it's a set-once- and-forget BT script), 32K. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 86 Wed Apr 07, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 08:08 EDT Paul, I understand your frustration. I, too, was being driven crazy with the way STalker kept looking for its support files in the wrong place, until I finally got it to behave. Maybe Eric has a tip or two on this. If STalker ran only as a prg, I probaboly would find it useful. But since it runs nicely in the background -- and since I can run two or three of them in the background, with multiple serial ports -- I find it esential. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 87 Thu Apr 08, 1993 L.TRAPANI [Lou][Machine] at 00:49 EDT I may be comming in late in this conversation, but I have been using STalker for some time now. Both as an accessory and a program. I never had any problems with STalker finding it's INF files. With the ACC, it is all in the root directory of C: and with the program it is all in the folder that the prg resides in. --Lou T.-- ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 88 Thu Apr 08, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 01:31 EDT Hello again -- I want to thank all those here who helped pull me through the "potential barrier" I saw ahead when first starting with STalker/STeno. I am now using this for all my telecomputing which is now averaging about 2 hours daily and will probably grow. I still find the text handling features somewhat awkward, but adequate. One puzzling feature is with the clipboard which more often than not chooses to read/write to drive A when I "cut", "copy", "paste", etc. I have all the clipboard options in the preference settings menus for both programs set to drive C (RamDisc). Occasionally "SCRAP.TXT" does go there, but more often it goes to the floppy in drive A which not only takes much longer, but makes me nervous as that is my boot/program disc. I usually keep this disc physically protected, but must leave it vulnerable for the clipboard to utilize when it chooses to do so. Why is this? Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 89 Thu Apr 08, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:35 EDT Sandy, I don't know why your clipboard would be doing that unless it's because your ramdisk is designated as drive C - you might try changing it to D or something. I use a ramdisk (drive P) for my STalker/STeno clipboard and have never had that problem. Wait a minute - if it's SI_RAM you're using for the ramdisk, _that_ could be your problem. Al, Eric did post his tips on support files, about a week ago. Also, I think Brian was asking about the transfer buffer, not the serial buffer. gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 90 Thu Apr 08, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 13:04 EDT Gnox, yep transfer buffer. Al, I think, commented his was large [grin]. I thought too large would result in losing some BBS connections? I use to use 34K and now have switched to 64k. *******Brian********* Written on Thursday 08 April 1993 at 01:46 p.m. AST ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 91 Thu Apr 08, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 18:14 EDT >Message 88 Thu Apr 08, 1993 >S.WOLF4 at 01:31 EDT > > Hello again -- I want to thank all those here who helped pull me > through the "potential barrier" I saw ahead when first starting with > STalker/STeno. I am now using this for all my telecomputing which is > now averaging about 2 hours daily and will probably grow. Sandy, If I remember correctly, not long ago you were screaming for a 'refund'.. . Welcome to the 'STalker Satisfied Users Club'.. :) Regards, <-:}Ted{:-> Thursday, April 8, 1993 - 7:53:46 am ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 92 Thu Apr 08, 1993 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 21:33 EDT Sandy- Maybe it's because STalker doesn't see a GEM drive C:, that is, a "real" drive C. Personally, I'd feel better sending a file to a floppy disk than a ram disk. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 93 Fri Apr 09, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:26 EDT Lou, I think my original problem came from the fact that I created the ACC versions of STalker (STalker1.ACC, STalker2.ACC, STalker3.ACC) by copying the PRG versions and renaming them. From that point on, I had to face the east, say a few mantras, and donate blood to get them to find their associated files. But all is well now. Al Sandy, Reinstall STalker from the original floppy and set it up again. That should solve the A: problem. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 94 Fri Apr 09, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 08:04 EDT Gnox, Yep, I got the two buffers mixed up. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 95 Fri Apr 09, 1993 EXPLORER.5 [Robert Goff] at 13:47 EDT Sandy, having a ramdisk at drive C _used_ to be bad form; I don't know what the new TOS versions say. For one thing, if you designate a desktop icon with a _lowercase_ c, it will look for a cartridge. There are other assumptions that the desktop makes about drive C, and I wouldn't be surprised inf the clipboard routines shared some of them. |) | |)O|) Robert Goff ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 96 Fri Apr 09, 1993 GRIBNIF [Dan] at 16:58 EDT Sandy, I can think of one good reasons why cut/paste would go to the wrong drive: If you are using a desk accessory RAMdisk and also using STalker as a DA, then STalker might be trying to check for the existence of the clipboard drive before the RAMdisk DA has actually set it up and told the system that there is a drive C:. STalker, in this case, might be going back to drive A: as a fallback. One possible solution is to try reordering the desk accessories so that STalker runs last. (This is not guaranteed to work, since even though desk accessories are loaded into memory according to their physical order on the disk, they can go through their initialization process at different rates.) Terry & Fred, Use "New Line Mode" in the Terminal dialog. You must be in VT100 or PC-ANSI for this to work. Paul & Jeff, To change the default path for the DLR Item Selector, do this: 1. Run STalker, and go into the Autodialer. 2. Load a DLR file (from the new location on Drive F:) 3. Save the default configuration (Alt-G). The same method applies to any of the other paths that can be set independently: load (or save) a file using the new path and then Save Configuration. Dan ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 97 Fri Apr 09, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 23:18 EDT Bob's right. It will look for a cartridge if the drive designator is "c:" (lower case) and promptly crash the system. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 98 Fri Apr 09, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 23:19 EDT >> If I remember correctly, not long ago you were screaming for >> a 'refund'.. . >> >> Welcome to the 'STalker Satisfied Users Club'.. :) Ted, and others -- I don't mind saying here that I am reasonably, not ecstatically, happy with STalker/STeno. It took me longer than I would prefer to get comfortable with it, and I am still finding new aspects. I recall some postings telling how a new user became "expert" within 10 minutes. Entering a telephone number and connecting into a BBS is not what I was thinking of when I started with STalker -- I could have done this also. (I tried out ANSITERM just that way and made my first connection right off.) My interest was in "modernizing", ie improving my telecomputing capabilities in a general sense, beyond the limits of InterLink. I was looking at the whole package, including what I felt was an odd installation procedure, and concluded that it was "too much". And there was all the fuss about getting the auto-logon to work. I still think InterLink has certain features which I prefer; but, everything considered, STalker is an improvement and I am now using it exclusively. I will probably try again with Alladin for GEnie. I see some recent messages posted here reminiscent of my own early frustrations and announcements that I was "giving up" on STalker/Steno (and worse). I would add my voice to encourage them to hang in and put the necessary effort into learning STalker. The help available here, and the serious support I saw from GRIBNIF, kept me going and guided me through various obstacles. I believe new users encountering frustrations will find all the help they need right here and will, probably more rapidly than I did, find STalker quite satisfactory. You guys do provide a real service. Do you get commissions? Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 99 Fri Apr 09, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 23:33 EST >> Reinstall STalker from the original floppy and set it up again. << >>That should solve the A: problem. << Another 'trick' that will help is to save the default configuration by setting everything up the way you want, loading the dial directory you want to start with, and hitting Ctrl-G at from the terminal screen.... That should take care of the problem. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 100 Sat Apr 10, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 00:33 EST >> installation procedure, and concluded that it was "too much". << >>And there was all the fuss about getting the auto-logon to work. << >>I still << Huh? Setting a few paths, parameters, and saving is 'too much'? And the auto-logon dialog is almost IDENTICAL to the same thing in InterLink... Anyway, 'reasonably satisfied' is a LONG trip from disgruntled, mystified, and dispeptic. Grin. >> You guys do provide a real service. Do you get commissions? << >> << SURE WE DO. Grin. Dan, send money.... ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 101 Sat Apr 10, 1993 L.TRAPANI [Lou][Machine] at 03:21 EDT Al, Hehehehe... I am glad all is well... I can understand what you had to go through. --Lou T.-- ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 102 Sat Apr 10, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 07:31 EDT >Ted, and others -- > You guys do provide a real service. Do you get commissions? > > Sandy >---------- Yep, sure do!! And free Hawaian vacations every year. :) Later, <-:}Ted{:-> Saturday, April 10, 1993 - 7:04:02 am ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 103 Sun Apr 11, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 20:48 EDT >> Another 'trick' that will help is to save the default >> configuration by . . . and hitting Ctrl-G (msge 99) WHAT? YET ANOTHER TRICK a STalker user must memorize? Just to show you I am not really as stupid as I appear, I know all about setting up configurations and saving them. STalker/STeno does sort of force a new user to learn this procedure rather well. Ron, to tell the truth I have never hit "Ctrl-G". I fear it may cause a short circuit or something. I do hit "Alt-G" quite often though. Can you teach me what "Ctrl-G" does? >> And the auto-logon dialog is almost IDENTICAL to the same thing in >> InterLink... (msge 100) Oh yeh? Then how come is it that when I used to use InterLink, my auto-logon to GEnie worked just exactly like the GEnie instructions sayz. Even with all the advice I have followed from this topic, I have never managed to get the STalker to do the same. It works, but not the way it's advertised. AND I'll tell you something else: My InterLink auto-logon to DJN/R also works exactly like DJN/R sayz; with STalker, I have so far not been able to use auto-logon AT ALL for DJN/R. I "live with it" by being my own auto-logger-oner and hitting 4 programmed function keys in succession with my middle finger -- right hand. SO, RON, TELL ME WHY! and EARN your commission for a change. And don't fall back on the modifier "almost" as the operative word in your statement. I'm even thinking of packaging my finger and selling it as a utility for the STalker auto-logon. Sandy PS: Consider a or 2 intersperced somewhere above. ;) ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 104 Sun Apr 11, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 20:49 EDT Regarding drive "C" (RamDisc) and it's recognition or non-recognition for clipboard use, I tried the suggestion of setting up a new boot/program disc with the SI_RAM accessory loaded on first. Doesn't seem to help. (Or maybe it does! ) But a funny thing happened just a minute ago. In my immediately prior message (to Ron) I executed 2 "Paste to STeno" operations from STalker -- as shown in the message by ">>". The first one again used drive A as an intermediary. BUT, I did not notice drive A being accessed for the second one, so I used "insert file" and yes, "SCRAP.TXT", that invisible creature, was immediately inserted from drive C with exactly what was previously "pasted". Precisely this sequence -- and my reaction -- has happened before. So, I just now tried a 3rd "pasting" as an experiment and it went through drive C. I then tried a "copy to clipboard" and it, too, went to drive "C". So I "inserted" SCRAP.TXT from drive A and got the first excerpt I executed in my previous message; it's still there. Another "funny" thing about this. In the same "preference settings" menu for STalker, I have the "download directory" set to "C:\*.*" and the "*.BTK script directory" set to "C:\*.BTK". Both have ALWAYS worked as expected, using only drive C (RamDisc). I'll try experimenting again tomorrow night. Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 105 Mon Apr 12, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 00:14 EST >> Ron, to tell the truth I have never hit "Ctrl-G". I fear it may << >>cause a short circuit or something. I do hit "Alt-G" quite often << >>though. Can you teach me what "Ctrl-G" does? << >> << Well, you got me there. That's what I get for typing in my sleep... Gotta start taking days off... Grin. >> SO, RON, TELL ME WHY! and EARN your commission for a change. << >>And don't fall back on the modifier "almost" as the operative word << >>in your statement. I'm even thinking of packaging my finger and << >>selling it as a utility for the STalker auto-logon. << Well, it WILL, if you set the parity, start and stop bits as they are supposed to be set. And 'almost' because STalker has more pairs of 'wait/send' dialog. At least I can only recall seeing 4 sets in InterLink, but it has been years since I loaded it.. If you are using 4 function keys to log onto DJN/R (what is that?), then you really DO need to check WRITESCR.BTS out... RE: Ramdisk. First, SIRam ramdisk has some problems with memory allocations, and many of us have stopped using it as a result. Second, using C as a ramdisk designation is NOT A GOOD IDEA. The system makes some assumptions about drive C:. Change it to D: and see if that doesn't make things work better.. BTW, you DO have STalker 3.02, don't you? ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 106 Mon Apr 12, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 18:42 EDT >> Well, it WILL, if you set the parity, start and stop bits as they >> are supposed to be set. (msge 105) There you go again, Ron. I do have 3.02, and have tried all the suggestions, and that auto-logon is a problematical item. It does do the job with GEnie, but, again, NOT AS ADVERTISED. As for DJN/R, I've tried every possible setup and no go AT ALL. However, I don't know as I can place all the blame in this case on STalker. I've discussed it with DJN/R and they tell me others among their many, many users have also experienced these types of logon problems. (Wonder if they all use STalker; but probably not.) They also suggested I try different parity, start and stop bits, etc., but it hasn't helped in their case. It did manage to get rid of the old "funny character" bugaboo, but I can't get any response to the prompts in their sign on procedure. Their first "prompt" is just a pause after the connection is confirmed. This is the same as I now get with GEnie where the auto-logon responds with HHHi (the "i" not belonging there). The 2nd DJN/R prompt comes out as a group of letters and spaces with no word structure, but, after a brief pause, the cursor back tracks, changes a few letters, and halts in the middle of the line. Again no log-on response. *** I just thought of another experiment: use as the prompt only those letters at the left of the cursor after it does its do. I have been using the whole line. *** But, you must still be sleepy because you still miss my point: STalker's auto-logon must be "tricked" into working by playing around with the parity etc settings and a few other tricks. I have no such problems with InterLink; it works AS ADVERTISED. STalker does, however, log on correctly to other BBS's I visit. As I said above, it's a problematical affair. BTW, DJN/R stands for Dow Jones News/Retrieval. If you really want to learn what it is, go to page 290 option 1 (m290;1), Category 13. The BB is all GEnie*Basic so you can linger there a while without cost. Using the actual DJN/R service, however, does cost. Take care..... Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 107 Tue Apr 13, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 01:18 EST >> response. *** I just thought of another experiment: use as the << >>prompt only those letters at the left of the cursor after it does << >>its do. I have been using the whole line. *** << General rule, for any terminal program. Use the shortest possible string to check for. I usually try to limit it to 2 or 3 characters. I have found this to be the most reliable with all the terminal programs I have used. >> But, you must still be sleepy because you still miss my point: << >>STalker's auto-logon must be "tricked" into working by playing << >>around with the parity etc settings and a few other tricks. I << >>have no such << Setting parity and start and stop bits to the proper values is NOT trickery, it is doing it RIGHT. InterLink just assumes 7 bit data, that's ITS trick. Best bet for the DJN/R is a script, written for you by WRITESCR.BTS. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 108 Tue Apr 13, 1993 M.SILVERSTE3 [SYNCHRON] at 09:15 EDT Dan - Thanx about the SERIALFX suggestion. I downloaded it and don't get the jerky mouse movement when doing uploads anymore. Now since I'm using a new SupraFAX V32bis, if I connect to a high speed BBS that supports RTS/CTS handshaking, I have no trouble uploading in the background. But you can forget downloading! Is this because these BBS's use a faster CPU?? When I bring this modem to work and use it under Windows, there's no problem doing background xfers at all at 14400 but this is a PC 486s @25 Mhz. Is an 8Mhz 68000 just not fast enough?? I get errors galore if I just blow on my sensitive optical mouse. Even if the mouse is still, errors occur when the buffer gets written to the hard drive which I have set to 16K. Am I out of luck on this one???? Be in Synch with the Synchron from Camarillo, CA!! Datestamp: Tuesday, April 13, 1993 Timestamp: 6:12:48 am ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 109 Tue Apr 13, 1993 GRMEYER [Gordon/Sysop] at 18:37 EDT Synchron - You might try doubling the size of your buffer, at 14400+ you'll fill it very quickly. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 110 Tue Apr 13, 1993 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 22:01 EDT You shouldn't be getting all those errors, even with a 16k buffer. Make sure you're using RTS/CTS, and have your modem configured for hardware handshaking. Also, make sure you AUXINIT installed with decent buffers. SerialFix works great for my TOS 1.6 system at high speed, but I don't use the CPX. Some people have had problems with the CPX, and you don't seem to need it with STalker, since it locks the port and sets handshaking for you. __ /erry .\\ay ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 111 Wed Apr 14, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 06:11 EST Synchron, If you are getting errors on downloading when doing background downloads, RTS/CTS is NOT working. Make sure you have the Supra set for RTS/CTS also, and if using zmodem, make sure you turn OFF 'favor concurrency', and see if that helps. Resizing your input buffer may also help. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 112 Wed Apr 14, 1993 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 20:02 EDT Sandy- You should be able to get WRITESCR.BTK to do your logon stuff for you if it takes more than STalker's 7 or 8 lines. If it's just a short logon sequence, use WRITESCR to write the script for you, then when you're done (or concurrently, if you're using the WRITESCR found here, which has a print option) you can print out the results and type them into STalker's autodialer. Note that some printers can't handle certain special characters because they see them as control characters. This might cause the printer to print funny. (Turning it off resets it) Or, show us (prompts and all) what you need and one of us will come up with a working example.... ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 114 Thu Apr 15, 1993 EXPLORER.5 [Robert Goff] at 22:23 EDT I've been doing some checking on my system since Serialfix causes Stalker to apparently "lock up." What's happening is that the modem isn't asserting CTS (and so when Stalker is looking for it, it doesn't work.) The point being that since RTS and CTS haven't worked for so long, problems with other parts of the system like cables and modems have been masked and may now be what's causing problems. |) | |)O|) Robert Goff ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 115 Fri Apr 16, 1993 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 00:12 EDT I use SerialFix with STalker on both my TOS 1.4 and 1.6 systems... __ /erry .\\ay ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 116 Fri Apr 16, 1993 M.WEILERT2 [matt] at 03:30 EDT Dan, Maybe you or someone can uncover what's going on here: I was using Stalker as "prg" and 'cuz of my :-) _need_ to have multiple acc's, I was invoking Steno thru Chameleon. After Zmodeming some files, successfully, I lost my mouse on- screen. I can't remember what brought it back, some combo of esc, brk, etc and mouseclicks. Is there something I'm missing here...other than the obvious, "run directly, not thru Chameleon..." or is that not a prob? Thanks. Now I just got to remember to reaccess this topic in a few days, for my answer. If anyone could point out to me how to "reply" to bbs msgs using Aladdin, I would *really* appreciate it. Matt ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 117 Fri Apr 16, 1993 K.CAVAGHAN2 [OakSprings] at 08:57 EDT Matt, When you are in Aladdin and you wish to reply to a topic, just hit 'R' and the message editor will pop up at the bottom of the screen. Hit 'ESC' when you are done and Aladdin will post the message for you next time you do a pass. Hope this helps, Kent We now return you to your regularly scheluded (I gotta get SS ) topic! ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 118 Fri Apr 16, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 19:25 EDT Matt, Try MultiDesk Deluxe from the CodeHeads instead of Chameleon. There really is no comparison. Aladdin is hard to get going in, but easy thereafter. Remember to sue it as an off-line reader, not as an online navigator. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 119 Fri Apr 16, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 22:08 EDT Ron, Dan, Al, et al. Well, maybe, at last, I can add something you guys didn't know about STalker/STeno. After trying every suggestion here and other guesses of my own re the clipboard and my RamDisc -- none of them made a difference -- I've got it!! The "fix" is that I have to open the preference setting dialogue box in STalker and then just close it by pressing the "OK" button. From then on, the clipboard works through the RamDisc -- either "C" or "D" makes no difference. If I don't go through this procedure, the clipboard always works through drive "A". Note that I make no changes or do anything else in the preference settings; it is already preset with the correct RamDisc identifier and loads in that way. But I must open that dialogue box and close it, or else it's drive "A" for the clipboard. Also note that I do not have to do this to activate the RamDisc for the other 2 uses: download directory, and *.Btk script directory. They work correctly from git-go. Now, with this input, can you come up with the explanation and a possible fix. It seems to me this is a programming glitch which never turned up in Beta testing, and probably should be fixed in the next revision. Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 120 Sat Apr 17, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 00:34 EST >> possible fix. It seems to me this is a programming glitch which << >>never turned up in Beta testing, and probably should be fixed in << >>the next revision. << Sandy, I suspect that the problem has to do with the FIRST use of the clipboard in the case of a system booted from floppy. What do you want to bet all the beta-testers have HDs... Something to think about next time around. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 121 Sat Apr 17, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 04:25 EDT >> I suspect that the problem has to do with the FIRST use of the >> clipboard in the case of a system booted from floppy. No Ron, wrong again :) I thought that too and tried it. Unless and until I open the preference setting dialogue box and press "OK" to exit WITHOUT MAKING ANY CHANGES, the clipboard uses drive "A". Immediately I do the preference setting bit -- before any clipboard use, or after 1, 2, 3, or more clipboard uses -- that is when it starts using the RamDisc. That, and that alone solves the problem. I now do the bit each time I boot up and before doing anything else, and all is well. For some reason, this particular item -- the clipboard drive specification -- is not being set along with the others when everything is read during boot up, and supposedly set. Again, note that the other 2 drive setting items specify the same RamDisc drive as clipboard AND THEY DO GET PROPERLY INITIATED UPON BOOT-UP. Only the CLIPBOARD DRIVE DOES NOT. This MUST have to do with the way this section of the program is written. Please don't argue. I am telling you what is going on. Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 122 Sat Apr 17, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 04:26 EDT Ron, It is not, or it least it should not be, my function to discover a bug simply because the program was never tested on a double floppy system without a HD. Mine is not an uncommon configuration. I strongly doubt your assertion that it was only beta tested on HD systems. That I may be the only one of thousands of users to have this particular RamDisc and dual floppy configuration on a MEGA 2 ST with TOS 1.0, and use the RamDisc for the clipboard, may be valid, but I doubt it. I have been through this before. I was one of the first purchasers of a program which turned out to have been tested only on a series of 520ST systems in 1988. At the time I had a dual floppy 1040 STf and I soon came up with a bunch of problems. I then became a Beta tester and uncovered some rather sticky bugs which were eventually fixed in an early revision. I then demoed the program to my NYC users group, and I still use the program on my MEGA. (The users group is, unfortunately, long gone from the scene. That was also where I first encountered InterLink.) But, here, I am probably user # 5,417 or some such. I should have a perfect program. NU? Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 123 Sat Apr 17, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 10:20 EST >> CLIPBOARD DRIVE DOES NOT. This MUST have to do with the way this << >>section of the program is written. Please don't argue. I am << >>telling you what is going on. << Sandy, I am not arguing, just trying to get a handle on what may be causing the problem, and why it wasn't caught during beta-testing. (I am one of the beta-testers). My clipboard also goes to ramdisk (different ramdisk program...), and I have no problem, BUT then I boot from the HD, which may be at the root (pardon the pun) of the problem. >> this particular RamDisc and dual floppy configuration on a MEGA 2 << >>ST with TOS 1.0, and use the RamDisc for the clipboard, may be << >>valid, but I doubt it. << I thought the Mega ST came with TOS 1.2... Blitter support was added in TOS 1.2.. Does your machine have the blitter? As for a bug-free program.... NOT LIKELY. I hope you don't mean to imply that InterLink is bug-free, cause if you do, I could just dig up my list of reasons I abandoned it. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 124 Sat Apr 17, 1993 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 14:41 EDT SerialFix 2 works on my TOS 2.06 ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 125 Sat Apr 17, 1993 EXPLORER.5 [Robert Goff] at 15:25 EDT Thank you very much, Sandy. Now I'm sure that my problems with the Stalker and the clipboard aren't figments of my computer ignorance. |) | |)O|) Robert Goff ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 126 Sat Apr 17, 1993 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 20:16 EDT Sandy- STalker was beta-tested on my floppy-only system and some problems noticeable to floppy-only systems were reported and fixed. However, I surmise that there are very few users of a ram disk, so naturally the problem won't show up with a small amount of users with such a setup. (I was floppy-only at the time; I've upgraded to a HD since) And, it's kind of hard to catch everything. I don't know how many testers were involved, but in the original release of version 3.0, the "send text to printer" command didn't work--it sailed right through all the testers. Having been in this area for a while, I think you're the first one to mention any problems with STalker and a ram disk. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 127 Sat Apr 17, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 21:19 EDT Ron -- Thanks for the info on my TOS. I always thought it was 1.0, but I do have the blitter so it must be 1.2, as you say. I have tried to run it down, but neither my user's manual nor the "Desktop Info..." box gives that information. The latter just says "TOS". Here's another puzzle/clue. Most -- but not all -- of the times when I do the "preference settings" bit, I see the drive "A" light go on for several seconds when I press "OK". I now keep my disc physically protected, so it's not writing. It's either reading or just selecting and then departing. I can't figure the logic for a "read" because it's all there already and nothing I do should require a "re-read". Why it should even "select" is also mysterious to me. btw, I didn't notice this happen today, so maybe it should be ignored for now. I'm sure I_L is not bug free, but it was only under development for a couple of years. How long has ST/ST been around? The program I helped beta-test was STalk the Market, probably the best single ST program I've come across. Sandy PS: Did you see message 125? ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 128 Sat Apr 17, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 23:17 EST Robert and Sandy, Are you both using SI RAmdisk? If so, isn't that a .ACC ramdisk? It is possible that if you are using STalker as an .ACC also, it is loaded and initialized BEFORE SI Ramdisk. Also, if you are loading some files from disk into the ramdisk, even a .PRG file could load too soon. Let me know if this is a possible cause in your cases.. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 129 Sun Apr 18, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 00:09 EST >> Here's another puzzle/clue. Most -- but not all -- of the times << >>when I do the "preference settings" bit, I see the drive "A" light << >>go on for several seconds when I press "OK". I now keep my disc << >>physically << My drive light (HD) also goes on when I select OK. I would assume that STalker is attempting to rewrite the .INF file. If you keep the diskette write-protected, any changes you make wouldn't be saved.. If you want to know more about your system than you ever thought possible, download the SYSINFO file from the library. It will tell you things you never even THOUGHT about wanting to know about your TOS system. grin. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 130 Sun Apr 18, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 01:11 EDT Understood, Bob M. I'm not complaining, especially since I now know what to do about the clipboard/RamDisc. But I believe it is worth a look-at by the revision writers. The more complex and feature laden a program, naturally the more bugs which show up sooner or later. When I started with STalker, I believe I saw complexities therein and said so at the time. I've still got some other little ones to finish plowing through, the auto log-on being chief among them. I've gotten lots of suggestions here, some of which have made a difference. But the problem still exists for me and I expect to figure it out someday. Hopefully it will turn out to be just as simple, if subtle, a "fix". Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 131 Sun Apr 18, 1993 EXPLORER.5 [Robert Goff] at 04:21 EDT Confirmed. With the AES clipboard path set to I:\ with the SDS clipboard CPX and the clipboard preference in Stalker set to Z, Stalker saves and looks for its SCRAP.TXT on C:\CLIPBRD. It will even create the folder when necessary. For at least two of us here, Stalker doesn't handle the clipboard correctly. Except in my case, opening and closing the preferences dialog doesn't make any difference. And yes, I made sure to change all the pointers to the clipboard (the CPX, Steno, and Stalker) to the same thing and _then_ reboot before testing. I even set it to a hard drive other than C: to make sure there isn't something screwy going on with my RAM drive. Some more things I learned: Steno writes a hidden SCRAP.TXT; Stalker doesn't. When the AES clipboard path is set to I:\ and there is no SCRAP.TXT on I:\, Stalker will store the clipboard there with no problem. (Steno doesn't know it's there, but that's an old story.) If there is a non-hidden SCRAP.TXT on I:\, Stalker will replace it with a new SCRAP.TXT, as expected. If there's a hidden SCRAP.TXT on I:\, Stalker will go to C:\, create a \CLIPBRD folder, and store SCRAP.TXT there. I think Steno and Stalker are looking for some specific file attributes when they check for SCRAP.TXT, but they each write their own SCRAP.TXT with different, incompatible file attributes. |) | |)O|) Robert Goff ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 132 Sun Apr 18, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 09:54 EDT Sandy, Many utilities will tell you what version of TOS you have -- MaxiFile being the one that comes to mind. Of the freeware/shareware offerings, SYSINFO is ideal. It's here on GEnie. (I think it's called SYSINF83 or something close to that.) It's also a marvelous system check, much better than the one from Microsoft that is included with Windows, called MSD. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 133 Sun Apr 18, 1993 GRMEYER [Gordon/Sysop] at 10:04 EDT Robert - There must also be some TOS version interaction involved. I happen to have STalker and STeno loaded right now, and I have a hidden SCRAP.TXT on drive F:\ (created by STeno). I just selected a piece of your message and wrote it to the clipboard. STalker replaced the hidden F:\SCRAP.TXT file as it should have. STalker is set for drive Z: and the SDS CPX is set for F:\ It's odd how different our results can be. Don't get me wrong, I know that there is a fundamental problem, or maybe awkwardness, with the way the two use the clipboard, but I really can get it work right about 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time STalker creates the C:\CLIPBORD\ path like you said. :( And to make it even more interesting, if some other program has created a C:\CLIPBORD\ file, then STalker seems to use it regardless of the setting. But I'm not certain about that, by that time I usually have to go find some aspirin to resolve the problem. Gordon ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 134 Sun Apr 18, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 13:57 EDT Robert Goff >Some more things I learned: Steno writes a hidden SCRAP.TXT; >Stalker doesn't. I am with Gordon, I have a hidden scrap but no STeno. ~~~~Brian.... Written on Sunday 18 April 1993 at 12 p.m. AST ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 135 Sun Apr 18, 1993 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 20:51 EDT Sandy- STalker has been around for about 5 years, I think. It underwent a major change from v2.06 to v3.0, so a lot of new features and capabilities were added--the reasons for the change. v2.06 did not have a menu bar, but a menu setup that popped up whereever you clicked the mouse. Also it didn't have ZModem capability. BackTALK or scripting of any kind was unheard of. I started with 2.06, a friend of mine goes back to the days when STalker was at v1.* I think he even said it was _shareware_ way back when. Eric?? ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 136 Sun Apr 18, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 23:08 EDT Ron -- Following suggestions here, I made up a new boot disc a few days ago. The essential changes were to load the SI_RamDisc.ACC files onto the clean disc before anything else. Would this mean it gets loaded before the STalker and STeno .ACCs which were put on the disc last? You seem to indicate it makes no difference -- and it didn't. The 2nd change was to use drive "D" for the RamDisc, and this also made no difference. I plan to get the Codehead Utility package which someone here recommended, and use their RamDisc. Also, I have 2 other RamDiscs in my kit. One is Rdy Ram from Mark Williams; the other is named "Eternal" and runs as a .PRG. Both survive resets. I will try these out soon and see what happens. And of, course, I will be getting a HD or SyQuest for joint use with a 486DX . . . soon. >> if you are loading some files from disk into the ramdisk, even a >> .PRG file could load too soon. If you refer to having the RamDisc do an "auto-load" of files from the disc during "boot-up", SI_RamDisc allows this, but I don't do it. Sometimes I will load a file onto the R_D_ manually before any other operation, such as a .BTK or some file I will want to transmit. This also makes no diff to the clipboard problem. Other than that, I don't know what you mean by your comment. Again today, when I exited the preference setting dialogue, drive A was accessed. It remains physically protected, so . .? It must have something to do with the clipboard. I tried changing the clpbrd to drive "B", and it kept accessing drive "B". When I changed back to drive "D" and then pressed OK, it again accessed drive "B" although the clpbrd went over to the R_D_. During this experiment, drive "A" was never accessed. After a cold boot and doing the pref. bit again, it again accessed drive "A". Pardon if I seem to take my time following up on these things. The whole purpose of STalker is to enable me to do some useful work, and now that I at least have it under control, I use it. Taking the time to play around generating new boot discs, trying every suggestion as well as my own ideas, and being continually frustrated, is something I put off till I get up some special energy. Gradually these things will get cleared up. Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 137 Sun Apr 18, 1993 EXPLORER.5 [Robert Goff] at 23:43 EDT Ron, No to both. Gordon & Brian, I'm running TOS 1.04 on a 4 meg Mega. I'll provide lists of resident software on request, but it acted strangely with no resident software loaded. Hey, maybe _this_ is the reason developers never took the clipboard seriously: scrp_read() and scrp_write() are buggy? BTW, the INF file isn't saved until you select the command in the File menu or press Alt-G. If the drive light comes on when exiting the preferences dialog, Stalker is checking the validity of some path selection in the dialog. |) | |)O|) Robert Goff ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 138 Mon Apr 19, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 00:18 EST >> I plan to get the Codehead Utility package which someone here << >>recommended, and use their RamDisc. Also, I have 2 other RamDiscs << >>in my kit. One is Rdy Ram from Mark Williams; the other is named << >>"Eternal" and runs as a .PRG. Both survive resets. I will try << >>these out soon and see what happens. And of, course, I will be << >>getting a << This might make a difference, since the ramdisk would be established (for sure) before STalker loaded... Let us know. >> out soon and see what happens. And of, course, I will be getting << >>a HD or SyQuest for joint use with a 486DX . . . soon. << That will cERTAINLY help..... EVERYTHING (grin). ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 139 Mon Apr 19, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 02:44 EDT After reading today's contributions re the clipboard, I tried both STalker (via "paste to STeno") and STeno (via "cut" and "paste") to see about the SCRAP.TXT. I observed 2 things: 1) STeno tried to write the "cut" to drive "A" !! and naturally came up with a TOS error that drive "A" could not be written to (it's protected). I have only been doing the pref box bit in STalker since I "caught on" just a few days ago and have only used the clpbrd for moving extracts over to STeno. So, now I know I must also do the pref option bit in STeno (open and close) if I want to use the clpbrd in STeno. And it does the job. (btw, both have been set to drive "D" for these past few days). 2) Both write to an "invisible" SCRAP.TXT on drive "D". I test this by having STeno read a file named SCRAP.TXT. After the "paste to STeno" it contains the transferred selection. After the "cut" and "paste", it contains the "cut and pasted" text. Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 140 Mon Apr 19, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:28 EDT Is it possible to get STeno to pick up an environment string for the scrap location? I use an environment handler (GEMENV -- plug! plug!), and this would be easy to add to the environment string. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 141 Tue Apr 20, 1993 L.DOWDLE1 [Scott Dowdle] at 02:54 EDT Gribnif, Since you are the point of contact for information about upgrades to STalker and STeno (rather than the author himself, Hi Eric!) I thought I'd ask about the status of STalker and STeno. Are the most current versions the final versions? ...or is Eric going to be upgrading them as he finds the spare time to do so? Personally, I haven't had any problems with either program although I would love to see STeno upgraded with lots of the suggestions we have seen posted here and in the STeno topic. I don't use a RAMdisk nor do I use the clipboard with a lot of different programs... and I've had no problem getting STalker and STeno to communicate... but I use the older clipboard format setup in STalker since I don't have an STe or newer TOS than 1.04. I wouldn't mind paying for upgraded versions although I still haven't upgraded to the newest version of STeno yet. (grin) As always, thanks for the continued support! TYL, Scott ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 142 Tue Apr 20, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 20:47 EDT Another question here -- How can I print out a text file which is too long to fit into the STeno buffer (currently set at 55K)? It seems that "Print File" really means "print buffer". Must I reboot with ST Writer, and afterwards re-reboot? I can load the complete file into STalker (4000 lines), but in order to "Send Text to Printer", I would have to select the entire buffer by sitting here and running the mouse from top to bottom. And STalker does not have the pagination feature. Just another damned inconvenience, especially as I am working with ever larger files as I ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 143 Tue Apr 20, 1993 E.ROSENQUIST [Eric@Strata] at 22:13 EDT Sandy: STalker checks at startup to see if the clipboard drive you've specified exists. If not, it will set the clipboard drive to the 'current' drive. This will be C: on a HD system, A: otherwise. As Dan mentioned, your problem is almost certainly due to the use of an ACC-based RAM disk. Switch to an AUTO folder RAM disk and you'll be fine. STalker doesn't look again for the clipboard drive until you change it, which you do via the Preferences dialog. Bob Morrow: before STalker I had a shareware program called 'Termite' - a small ACC terminal program in a GEM window. Bob Goff: I'd bet that most of your clipboard frustration is due to the fact that you're mixing new-style clipboard programs (like STalker on drive 'Z') with old-style clipboard programs like STeno. The new & old way just don't live in harmony unfortunately. Scott: my time has been extremely limited as you know, and for various reasons that is not terribly likely to change all that much in the future. I am definitely going to make sure though that STalker and STeno continue to get updated and enhanced, the main question is whether or not it will be me that does it. Dan and I have been talking this over for several months now, and I'm hopeful that some sort of arrangement either way should be finalized by the end of April or May at the latest. Eric ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 144 Tue Apr 20, 1993 EXPLORER.5 [Robert Goff] at 23:55 EDT an environment string for the scrap location... AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, I had to say that. The operating system provides two calls specifically for the scrap location. If they aren't working, lets fix them, but lets not complicate things with YACS (Yet Another Clipboard Standard.) |) | |)O|) Robert Goff ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 145 Wed Apr 21, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:41 EDT Sandy, Arf! Run STeno as a prg and you will have a buffer as large as your available memory. You can also print a file by dragging it to the printer icon, if you have a later version of TOS or NeoDesk. You can print any file from the desktop by clicking on it, in any TOS, and choosing PRINT. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 146 Wed Apr 21, 1993 EXPLORER.5 [Robert Goff] at 21:01 EDT >The new & old way just don't >live in harmony unfortunately. I believe you. Why not? |) | |)O|) Robert Goff ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 147 Thu Apr 22, 1993 GRIBNIF [Dan] at 15:50 EDT Scott, We do plan upgrades to both STalker and STeno. As for a time frame, well, I don't have one yet, due to several complications too involved to go into. Al, By default, the operating system does not define an environmental variable for the clipboard. The supported method is to use scrp_read(), which is what STeno will do, once it is updated. Bob & Gordon, Suffice to say that once STeno is updated to properly use Drive Z:, we will test out all the possible permutations and if there is anything else that needs to be fixed, it will be. Y'know, lately when I close my eyes at night all I hear is the word "clipboard" running through my head ... Sandy, As I've said before, I suspect the problem is simply that the RAMDisk you are using is a desk accessory. When STalker first initializes, it tries to set the the clipboard path to a location (C:\ or D:\) which does not yet exist, because the RAMDisk program has not told the operating system that it's there yet. This is because the RAMDisk is a desk accessory, which apparently does not finish initializing itself before STalker tries to set the path. By invoking the Preference Settings dialog, you are getting STalker to retry that path. Since the RAMDisk has told the operating system that the drive exists by that point, it works. The reason this does not present a problem with the other paths (download, INF file, etc.) is because they are not used until you perform an action in STalker; the vailidity of the clipboard path is checked right at the start, since STalker has to always know if a "Paste from Clipboard" operation is possible. This whole thing isn't really STalker's fault; it is simply doing the best it can with what information it has. Your best bet is to get a different RAMDisk program, preferably one which runs in the AUTO folder. There are probably 100 different ones in the library to choose from. To print a file larger than the buffer size you have set in STeno, the easiest thing to do is to run STeno as a program. In this mode, you can load a file which is larger than the ACC buffer size, because STeno can ask for as much memory as it needs, rather than asking just once at boot time. Matt, Get MultiDesk . Actually, I have managed to get STeno to leave the mouse turned off before, too, even just running as a regular DA. This is very rare, though. There seems to be a minor bug in the way that it does the "turn the mouse off when a key has been pressed" bit. I've already added this to the list of things to have a look at. Dan ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 148 Thu Apr 22, 1993 EXPLORER.5 [Robert Goff] at 21:52 EDT I understand the feeling, Dan. :-) I just wanted someone to believe me long enough to go look for a problem. :-) |) | |)O|) Robert Goff ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 149 Fri Apr 23, 1993 L.DOWDLE1 [Scott Dowdle] at 09:59 EDT GRIBNIF [Dan], G> We do plan upgrades to both STalker and STeno. The way I took Eric's message, and I'm bringing this up so that you might clarify it for anyone else who might be wondering along with me, was that he simply doesn't have the free time to devote to upgrading STeno (and maybe STalker but what else could be added to STalker?)... and that you guys are working out a deal. My question is... does that mean that he is going to turn over the source codes (for a hugh fee I hope -grin-) to you Gribnif guys so you can handle whatever work you think needs to be done? If that question is answered with a yes, then I could probably think of about five other related questions... but I'll spare you because I know that you guys are talented enough that the product(s) won't suffer. I just hope you guys will end up turning a decent profit for all of the great support and hard work. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 150 Fri Apr 23, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 19:45 EDT Al -- Thanks for the advise re STeno as a .PRG. The trouble (arf!) now seems to be that the STeno clipboard doesn't want to work at all. I can still "paste to STeno" from STalker, but cutting and pasting within STeno doesn't work. I can "cut", but to "paste" I must hit "undo" -- ie just like delete and undo. But I assume the problem is with my .ACC RamDisc. When I get a few spare minutes, I'll switch over to another RamDisc which runs as a program from the AUTO folder. Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 151 Sun Apr 25, 1993 B.PLATT1 [BP] at 11:12 EDT Sandy, Have you tried using the ram-disk as drive C.... Have you tried using a different ram-disk.... My personal experience is that the Hybi-switch Ram- disk is the most reliable and problem free. Also, do you have the old Control Panel, or the newer XControl. Try the XControl and the Clipboard CPX, this may solve your problem. Stalker does have a pagination feature. After you highlight the text, move the curser to the bottom of the screen and ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 153 Sun Apr 25, 1993 GRMEYER [Gordon/Sysop] at 13:24 EDT Everyone - STKR_KIT.ZIP (file #28519) contains two utilities you might find useful. STalker STuffr - A utility that talks to the STalker3 desk accessory, asking it to run BackTALK scripts w/out having to open the STalker window and select the scripts manually. This new version (1.5) has a couple of new features and one bug fix. STalker Toggle - A new utility that will enable/disable the STalker3 desk accessory. Use it in batch files (or in Hotwire/Ma Hubbard's chains) to turn off Stalker before running programs that need access to the serial port. They're both freeware, so enjoy. Your feedback is welcome and appreciated. Gordon ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 154 Sun Apr 25, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 20:49 EDT >> Y'know, lately when I close my eyes at night all I hear is the >> word "clipboard" running through my head ... Hey Dan, can I claim some credit for your insomnia? Seriously, I now see what has been happening from your very explicit explanation and have fixed it all! I've installed MAXIDISK (a PD RamDisk) in the AUTO folder and STeno as a .PRG. The RamDisk must be the 1st thing put into the AUTO fldr., and choice of "C" as the drive ID is not wise. I know these things because I didn't do it that way at first. Everything now works as you said, both clipboards and all. I will end this episode with the suggestion that you add a few words about RamDisks, Clipboards, and the differences between using these programs as .ACC or .PRG in the next READ.ME or manual revision. So let me thank you, Al, Ron, and the others for dragging me through this thicket. Now you can go back to counting sheep <;) Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 155 Sun Apr 25, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 20:49 EDT Now that that's that, here's another little situation. I like to have a black background with white letters. With both programs as .ACCs, this presented no problem. But with STeno as a .PRG, it seems the screen returns to white. I copied the DESKTOP.INF file directly from the .ACC version disk where it worked right, but that doesn't do it. The only way I could get it right was to put the ATARI control panel back on the .PRG version disk. Without the CP as a resident .ACC, the screen changes to white when STeno.PRG is loaded. Is there no built in provision to reverse screen color? Some of my other programs have this, such as ST Writer. Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 156 Mon Apr 26, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 04:17 EDT Well guys, have I got a good one for you! After I thought all was well, I see that every on-line session I have had since is being automatically captured in the STeno buffer. I know it can be done if one wants it (alt "O" while in STalker I believe), but I don't want it and it has never happened before. Yet now, after every GEnie session, there is the ditto of the STalker buffer in the STeno buffer. The only major change I have made which I can somehow "blame", is that now I use STeno.PRG and STalker.ACC, where previously both STeno and STalker were .ACCs. Otherwise everything else works as before -- except of course the clipboard now works right and I can work much larger files in STeno. Wha goes on here? Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 157 Mon Apr 26, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:29 EDT Sandy, Turn off Capture mode (Options menu in STalker) and save your STALKER.INF - then it will be off by default. gnox ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 158 Mon Apr 26, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 21:51 EDT Sorry about that. I was working all day Sunday on various text files with STeno/STalker, and was using alt-O in STeno a lot. Must have hit that same command without realizing it while in STalker -- ie after cat_filing text into STalker. Sometimes one forgets which buffer is active when moving back and forth. Then when I used STalker for telecom, the mistaken alt-O must have still been active. When I signed on tonight, I was careful not to alt-O in STalker, and the ditto of the STalker buffer did not show up in STeno. So all is again well. Sandy ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 159 Mon May 03, 1993 GRIBNIF [Dan] at 12:41 EDT Sandy, With respect to the color settings: the old Atari desktop will only set the colors in DESKTOP.INF if you also have CONTROL.ACC running. (Actually, CONTROL.ACC is what is doing the color setting; the desktop just ignores the values.) Scott, The current plan is for another company to buy the source code to STalker and STeno. That company would then do the upgrades. Eric is negotiating with someone right now. Failing that, we will buy the source from Eric so that it will see future upgrades. This is not the best route, however, since I am currently working on other products. Dan ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 160 Mon May 03, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 17:40 EDT Dan, > The current plan is for another company to buy the source code to STalker >and STeno. That company would then do the upgrades. ... Would you still be distributing the programs? Brian ... Written on Monday 03 May 1993 at 06:35 p.m. ADT ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 161 Mon May 10, 1993 GRIBNIF [Dan] at 18:13 EDT Brian, Unless the company Eric chooses to sell the source code chooses not to have us handle STalker, we will. Given the fact that we own the manual and the customer database, this is not very likely to happen, anyway . Dan ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 162 Mon May 10, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 21:04 EDT Thanks Dan for the positive information. Brian ... Written on Monday 10 May 1993 at 08:14 p.m. ADT ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 163 Tue May 11, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 05:49 EST Dan, Whatever the choices of a company to handle further development, I would like to continue to be involved in testing of the developing product. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 164 Thu May 13, 1993 L.DOWDLE1 [Scott Dowdle] at 04:03 EDT GRIBNIF [Dan], > The current plan is for another company to buy the source code to > STalker and STeno. That company would then do the upgrades. Eric is > negotiating with someone right now. Hmmm, neither Eric nor you mentioned any names so I guess that sort of information is "secret", eh? I think that Atari should buy it so that AtariWorks would have a good telecommuncations module... since one is currently missing. TYL, Scott ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 165 Thu May 13, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 19:44 EDT Scott, good suggestion. Are you listening Bob, Bill or Prada? Brian ... Written on Thursday 13 May 1993 at 06:13 p.m. ADT ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 166 Wed May 19, 1993 EXPLORER.5 [Robert Goff] at 02:44 EDT Atari buy it.... Ohhhhhhhhhh Nooooooooooo! Let them do hardware! |) | |)O|) Robert Goff ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 167 Mon Jun 07, 1993 S.FARSHIDGH [NIMA] at 20:57 EDT HI EVERYONE, I have noticed that Stalker is the favorite program of Atari Corp. as a model program, but no matter what I try, I cannot get it to work under multitos; I have tried to set the flag to read only, but still no luck. I don't know about the other flag settins (P, F,...), DOES ANYONE KNOW? I have v3.02 running on a TT030. When I try dialing, after usually the ATDT part, the system hangs and needs a reboot. Regards, Nima Montaser Genie: S.FARSHIDGH ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 168 Tue Jun 08, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:23 EDT Nima, Try running it as a PRG and not an ACC. Eric Smith says it runs that way. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 169 Tue Jun 08, 1993 C.OATES2 [Chris] at 03:25 EDT Wow! I've never had that problem running STalker under MultiTOS at all on my MegaSTE. Since MTOS hasn't been released to the public yet, I assume you're a beta tester too? Do you have the latest MTOS beta? ~Chris ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 170 Thu Jun 10, 1993 SANDY.W [sysop] at 21:05 EDT Would it be possible to change the method for stoping a Backtalk script in future versions? I find I need to completely stop a script vs. just skip a step about 99.9999% of the time. It is a real pain to try to find the shift key as well as the undo key when you are in a hurry. Thanks. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 171 Fri Jun 11, 1993 GRMEYER [Gordon/Sysop] at 20:27 EDT I agree with Sandy. Most of the time when I want the script to stop, I want it to really STOP....not just skip ahead to the next instruction. It's a good suggestion. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 172 Sat Jun 12, 1993 J.GNIEWKOWSK [GE-Lamp ST] at 23:04 EDT Does STalker with with Speedo? I've enabled the GDOS fonts, but nothing but the greyed 'System Font' is available. John E. Gniewkowski Editor, GEnieLamp ST ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 173 Sun Jun 13, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 11:35 EDT John, Stalker canm only use monospaced fonts, of the proper size. If you can find one for Speedo that fits the bill, it may work. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 174 Sun Jun 13, 1993 J.GNIEWKOWSK [GE-Lamp ST] at 23:21 EDT Al, Well, i know there is some monospaced fonts in there (Dingbats, a whole heck a lot of good that will do though :) It was the font selector being _greyed_ out that worried me. John ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 175 Mon Jun 14, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:29 EDT Well, John, at least if you sent a text file using Dingbats you'd make sure it can't be read by interlopers! Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 176 Tue Jun 15, 1993 GRIBNIF [Dan] at 10:40 EDT John, The font name button will always be greyed-out whenever there is only one monospaced font (the system font) available, even if you have a GDOS loaded. S.Farshidgh, All you should have to do is use CHPROT.APP to set STalker's memory protection flag to Global. The same also goes for STeno, if you use it. Sandy, I know what you mean. I think it's more a matter of consistency, though, since there are places in non-BackTALK operation where you would just want to cancel the current step. I'll add it to the list of suggestions, though. Dan ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 177 Tue Jun 15, 1993 J.GNIEWKOWSK [GE-Lamp ST] at 18:13 EDT Al, Hey, I think you're onto something here! Dingbats would also hide all of my silly spelling errors. Do you think we should have a Dingbats version of the Lamp? John ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 178 Tue Jun 15, 1993 OUTRIDER [Terry] at 21:52 EDT Did Eric ever sell STalker and STeno? ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 179 Tue Jun 15, 1993 C.OATES2 [Chris] at 23:13 EDT Actually, in the COMPO package, there are 4 Monospaced fonts available. One just called "MONOSPACE 821", one that is something like "Pica 10 pitch" and two illegible fonts (dingbats and symbol) yet there are still none available in STalker. Maybe the outline fonts use a different method for defining "monospace"? ~Chris ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 180 Wed Jun 16, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:28 EDT John, The Lamp should be available in both a Dingbats version and a ClearType version. The latter takes up only a little space, but when you dip it in lemon juice and hold a ... :) Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 181 Wed Jun 16, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 19:19 EDT Chris and all, It's my understanding that you can mix regular GDOS fonts (like the ones that came with STalker) with Speedo fonts when you use SpeedoGDOS. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 182 Wed Jun 16, 1993 C.OATES2 [Chris] at 23:18 EDT Right, but I don't want to use BITMAP fonts!!! :) ~Chris ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 183 Thu Jun 17, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:42 EDT Chris, There is an understandable confusion about bitmapped fonts vs. scalable fonts. If the font you are using is going to be used in ONE size only, there is no advantage to a scalable font. So the bitmapped fonts in STalker are fine, and there is no need to wish for a scalable version. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 184 Fri Jun 18, 1993 C.OATES2 [Chris] at 22:39 EDT Except that if I have no desire to use that font anywhere else, why waste the space (both HD and RAM) on having ONE bitmap font for use in ONE program? ~Chris ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 185 Sat Jun 19, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 00:29 EDT Chris, Because that ONE font allows for an 80-col display with the window gadgets remaining visible. It's a trade-off, but hardly very costly. Al ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 186 Sun Jun 20, 1993 C.OATES2 [Chris] at 00:40 EDT Well, when running in 800 x 600 (Crazy dots or Falcon w/rez expander program) there's no window gadget visibility problem! :) ~Chris ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 187 Tue Jun 22, 1993 GRIBNIF [Dan] at 13:09 EDT Terry, The rights to STalker and Steno are still being worked on. I'll let you know when things are finalized. Dan ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 188 Wed Jun 23, 1993 FAIRWEATHER [David] at 01:28 EDT I've had Stalker 3 for a couple of weeks now. I'm not sure exactly when or how it happened but I can no longer get the autologon features to work correctly. I've tried creating a new .DLR file but when I log on to BBS's or to GEnie it acts erratically. One strange symptom is that whether I'm in full or half duplex the logon sequences don't appear on the screen. But I can tell that something (wrong) is definitely getting transmitted. I tried reloading the .DLR file from the master disk, but I had inadvertently overwritten that file! Could someone be so kind as to E-mail me a new default .DLR file to try? ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 189 Wed Jun 23, 1993 FAIRWEATHER [David] at 02:03 EDT By the way, regarding my autolog problems, I'm using STalker on a Falcon, TOS 4.04 in case that makes any difference. I just read some old messages and see that Newdesk may do some strange things with STalker. I have also experienced problems with STalker on drive C looking to drive A for an .INF file and bombing when it couldn't find it. I don't have STalker installed as an application though. My autolog problems may have started when I reinstalled STalker as an accessory on Drive C. ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 190 Thu Jul 01, 1993 GRIBNIF [Dan] at 13:18 EDT David, There are several things you should look at: 1. Try setting "Modem sets DCD properly" to Off. 2. Make sure your comm settings are correct. For GEnie, that's 7 bits, 0 (Space) parity, 1 stop bit. As for the problem with it going to drive A:, you need to make sure all of your paths are set to look at Drive C:. By default, STalker always looks at A:. You can set them by calling up each type of file selector and choosing a file. Then, Save Configuration (Alt-G). Dan ------------ Category 17, Topic 3 Message 191 Fri Jul 02, 1993 MIKE-ALLEN [NM~SysOp] at 00:34 EDT Dan, Actually for GEnie is should be 7 bits EVEN parity one stop bit. Mike Allen ST HelpDesk~SysOp ------------