========================================================================= (C) 1993 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie are *official* information services of Atari Corporation. To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt.Type XTX99437,GENIE and press [RETURN]. The system will prompt you for your information. ========================================================================== ************ Topic 5 Tue Jan 17, 1989 TOWNS at 13:36 EST Sub: General Help or Questions If you need help or have a question that doesn't fit into one of the other topic areas in the Atari Corporation area, please feel free to leave it here! 200 message(s) total. ************ ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 1 Mon Nov 30, 1992 D.ALVEAR1 [Dom Alvear] at 01:19 EST Help! I remember reading somewhere of a "trick" to make the .CPX control panel use up less memory? It was a modification to the DESKTOP.INF file, but I can't find it! What was this trick! TELL ME!!!! (please... ;-) Dom ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 2 Mon Nov 30, 1992 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 01:27 EST Anyone know of a program that's an offline reader for TBBS-style BBS systems? (both ST and IBM readers would be nice). We have a few here who like to leave many 5 line messages and it takes forever to wade through all of them due to TBBS's shortcomings. Nothing that compresses, just something like Aladdin. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 3 Mon Nov 30, 1992 G.ANDERSON at 01:41 EST Thanks Sheldon, I'll let Jim know about it. When I get back (around the 3rd week of Jan) I'll drop by for a chat & what-ever and maybe be able to get the old beast brought 'up to spects' . I've also got a new Fujitsu 520Meg drive waiting for me back home.... Never again will I get bothered by 'disk full' messages in the middle of a save or download ... now all I gotta do is figgure out how to pay for the fool thing . Gregg ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 4 Mon Nov 30, 1992 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 03:51 EST David, Gene Mosher lives in Eugene, OR and is a frequent caller to the PASTE BBS in Eugene 503-686-3276.(a great ATARI BBS) I think that he can be found via directory assistance or IB Computers might have his number. Their number is:503-485-1424. Paul ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 5 Mon Nov 30, 1992 EXPLORER.5 [Robert Goff] at 21:58 EST Dom, Making the last line of your CONTROL.INF file "1" instead of "0" will force XCONTROL to allocate a buffer large enough only for the largest of the active CPXs, or so I hear. When I made the change, I _seemed_ to recover about 20k of memory. I have to qualify that by saying that my methods of measuring free ram haven't been all that reliable. I've seen changes in free ram from one boot to the next with no software changes, which could have been caused by naughty ACCs and warm boots. Also, I don't know the difference between this "trick" and the "resident/non- resident" flag you can set with the "Configure CPXs" CPX. |) | |)O|) ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 6 Tue Dec 01, 1992 D.FARRINGTO1 [David <>< .] at 01:21 EST Thank you Dot: I have Z-Net issue ...17, 18 and 20. Look what one misses by missing one issue. :) I think I have Gene's number. I did not know that he is ViewTouch. Thanks again David <>< ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 7 Tue Dec 01, 1992 B.STOREY [Billy B.] at 07:06 EST Dot: I keep 1 group of disks called Mag D/L's. I put all the downloaded mags on them, still LZH'ed. Then if I need to reference an old mag, all I need do is unpack it and check it out. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 8 Wed Dec 02, 1992 BOB-BRODIE [Atari Corp.] at 01:03 EST J.Vengrouski- No one was using ST Logo, so it didn't make sense to us to continue paying royalties to have it placed in our systems. We discontinued it a couple of years ago. The language never caught on. David, Glad to see you were able to get such prompt help! I suspect that if you do a search in GEnie mail, you may also find that Gene has a GEnie account, too. Seems to me he indicated that he was online here as well. I don't think you'll find him online or in the office this week, though. He's off to a trade show for resturant owners, showing off his touch screen menu system in Miami. He'll be there for about a week, then back in Oregon. Re the virtual memory product, it's from Germany. I think Bill Rehbock was helping the company find US distribution, you might want to check with Bill about the product. Bob M.- I'm not 100% sure it will work on the BBS you're describing, but there is an offline reader called MaxiMiser ST that works just great on FoReM BBS, and Turbo BBS systems. It is said to be quite compatible with the IBM world. It uses QWK packets, and DOES compress them for reading offline. It's shareware, and I'm sure there is at least one version in the libraries here. best regards, Bob Brodie ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 10 Wed Dec 02, 1992 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 18:30 EST Bob Goff: Thanks for the tip on Xcontrol. I also have seen memory listings rise and fall with the moon's phases. Nice to see you on GEnie, too, BTW. Al ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 11 Wed Dec 02, 1992 J.BOSSOLINI1 at 20:09 EST Just tried the tip about the Xcontrol .inf file and it saved me 28K!!! Thanks!! Joe ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 12 Wed Dec 02, 1992 J.WISNIEWSK2 [Jeff - ST'er] at 20:37 EST Strange that my X-Control panel already saves the INF file with a 1 on the end. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ JSW ^^^^ ^^^^ ST'er ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Wednesday, December 2, 1992 - 8:29:24 pm ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 13 Sun Dec 06, 1992 R.RIDDLE3 [THE RIDDLER] at 09:57 EST Anyone know anything about the weather maps? What are they and how they work? Riddler ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 14 Sun Dec 06, 1992 D.KELLER14 [AL GO RHYTHM] at 23:53 EST Anybody know anything about the HP Deskwriter? I know the Deskjet works fine with the ST, but I don't know the diff between it and the Deskwriter, and I have an offer of a new one for under $300. Anyone? ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 15 Mon Dec 07, 1992 EXPLORER.1 [ Ron ] at 00:36 EST The DeskWriter is intended for Macintosh computers and will not work on the ST. Ron @ Atari Explorer ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 17 Tue Dec 08, 1992 BOB-BRODIE [Atari Corp.] at 19:49 EST What Ron said....it's a whole 'nother critter. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 18 Thu Dec 10, 1992 J.BRENNER1 [See Flat] at 01:59 EST I saw a mention of a hardware software package to do an overscan on the Mega ST. It's by a company called AutoSwitch. Has anyone heard of this product, know where I could find out about it? ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 19 Thu Dec 17, 1992 J.FOY2 [JLF] at 21:27 EST Blue lighting crashes on lynx II. Any help for that? ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 20 Fri Dec 18, 1992 D.ALVEAR1 [Dom Alvear] at 03:03 EST How does Blue Lightning crash? What do you do to make it crash? It works fine on my Lynx II. Dom ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 21 Fri Dec 18, 1992 J.FOY2 [JLF] at 21:07 EST I just play the game. About half way though ]t he first level it crashes. don't matter what I do. ]*s ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 22 Sat Dec 19, 1992 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 11:01 EDT Message: 21, left on December 18, 1992 From: J.FOY2 [JLF] >I just play the game....it crashes. ... JLF, Unless I missed the first part of your message string I think something when wrong. Maybe your message is in the wrong Topic or GEnie missed part of it. What game are you having problems with and what computer (ST,Mega,TT etc.) are you using? >> Joe M << ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 23 Sat Dec 19, 1992 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 14:06 EST Joe, The complete message thread was: >J.FOY2 [JLF] at 21:27 EST > > Blue lighting crashes on lynx II. > Any help for that? >Atari-ST RoundTable >Category 14, Topic 5 >Message 21 Fri Dec 18, 1992 >J.FOY2 [JLF] at 21:07 EST > > I just play the game. About half way though ]t he first level it >crashes. don't matter what I do. *******Brian********* Written on Saturday 19 December 1992 at 02:38 p.m. AST ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 24 Sat Dec 19, 1992 J.FOY2 [JLF] at 21:09 EST Blue lighting crashes on my Lynx II but, Don't crash on my other (sold but regular Lynx.) Shoot missiles and just regular game play, it crashes. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 25 Tue Dec 29, 1992 J.BRENNER1 [See Flat] at 12:06 EST I've been wondering, how many MIPS is a 1040 STf Since Falcon is 3.9 MIPS (ten times less than SGI at one tenth of the price) I was wondering what the ratio Falcon/1040 was. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 26 Sun Jan 03, 1993 D.ALFONSO1 [D.ALFONSO] at 01:34 EST Question: I've got a number of GEM fonts that only have the high-res monitor version with no printer fonts. How, exactly do I go about making the printer fonts? I would assume that I just need to rescale the monitor fonts (using GEMFED.PRG?) by enlarging them horizontally and vertically by an amount that is proportionate to the difference between the screen resolution and the printer resolution. I know that my Panasonic printer will do 180x180 or 360x360, but what is the screen resolution in hi-rez? Am I on the right track or is there more to it than I'm guessing?? Thanx in advance David ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 27 Sun Jan 03, 1993 F-D-PERCIVAL [Fred P.] at 08:35 EST David, According to Fontz, the nominal resolution of HiRez screen fonts is 90x90. Try that for converting to printer resolutions. Be warned that it requires a lot of tedious work to create a smooth printer font from a screen font. Each character has to be reworked. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 29 Tue Feb 02, 1993 BOB-BRODIE [Atari Corp.] at 15:54 EST John, I don't think that Motorola endorses the usage of the MIPS ratings any longer, they've asked us to use MOPS as the standard measurement from now on. And I'm not aware of any testing that was done on a 1040ST, sorry. David, Fred has given you some good information about GDOS fonts. I'd encourage you to check the libraries here, there are some good selection of fonts online here on GEnie. Also, you might want to drop some e-mail to MIKE-FULTON. Mike is the author of the Fontz program that Fred refers to, and is an expert on this sort of stuff. There have been a series of font editors done in the past, along with Fontz! there was an editor that Michtron sold (the name escapes me at the moment) that did was a great product to have in conjuction with Fontz. regards, Bob Brodie ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 30 Tue Feb 02, 1993 J.BRENNER1 [See Flat] at 18:58 EST David, the font editor from michtron Bob regering to is called HyperFont. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 31 Tue Feb 02, 1993 J.BRENNER1 [See Flat] at 18:59 EST I think that should be....."refering too" :-) ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 32 Wed Feb 03, 1993 B.REHBOCK [BILL@ATARI] at 11:00 EST MOPS (Millions of Operations Per Second) is a rating standard that Motorola uses for DSPs, due to the fact that multiple operations can be done in a single cycle. MIPS still holds for the 68K family. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 33 Sat Feb 06, 1993 J.PEABODY1 at 20:09 EST Question: I purchased a Stacy at a tiny store in the UK two years ago. It was sort of 'grey market', I guess, for the dealer did not have proper software nor a manual for me. I've wanted/needed a manual since March 1991! This is a 2/40 machine, TOS 1.4, model LST2144. Any idea how I can get a manual for this machine (or any Stacy, for that matter)? (letters sent to Sunnyvale have never been answered) Thanks! ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 34 Sun Feb 07, 1993 M.DRYSDALE [Drys] at 09:30 EST There never was a "STacy" manual. STacys came with a generic (the same) manual that ALL STs come with. Some STacys had a few "Xeroxed' pages of unimportant info. Obvious stuff like, you may have a hard drive in your STacy, those three dials control volume, backlight and contrast. Basic stuff you've figured out by now. Bottom line: Ya didn't miss nuttin'. Mike (POWER Computers) ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 35 Tue Feb 09, 1993 D.ALVEAR1 [Dom Alvear] at 02:50 EST J.PEABODY1: You might want to try Best Electronics. Here is the information: Best Electronics 2021 The Alameda, Suite 290 San Jose, CA 95126 (408) 243-6950 Tell 'em Dom Alvear sent ya. :-) Ciao! Dom ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 36 Tue Feb 23, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 21:29 EST ATARI CORP. There was an annoucement awhile ago that said you had purchased the rights to the LDW Power spreadsheet. If true, are you maintaining a database of registered users? If so, I would like to change the name on one of the copies of LDW. I got it when I bought a used TT. I have original disks and manual. Ken S. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 37 Wed Feb 24, 1993 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 19:12 EST At this point.. I'm sure what we are doing with LDW. I had heard that Atari has purchased the rights to LDW Power, but I don't know what our plans are for it at this point. When more information is available, I am sure we will make an announcement at that point. -- John ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 38 Wed Feb 24, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 23:12 EST TOWNS Any suggestion about what I should do in the meantime? I LDW with a used TT I bought, and already owned the latest version. May sell the extra copy, and would like to know what to tell the next purchaser. Ken S. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 39 Thu Feb 25, 1993 STEVE-J [FunkPopARoll] at 04:10 EST Maybe Atari just decided to waste some more money on something they're never going to use -- like with WordUp! ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 40 Thu Feb 25, 1993 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 14:08 EST Ken.. what do you mean? I am confused.. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 41 Thu Feb 25, 1993 J.ROBORECKY [RAILROAD] at 21:40 EST B.REHBOCK [BILL@ATARI] Bill Can you please provide me with the address and telephone number of D.O.A. makers of Blackmail. Thank you Joe ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 42 Thu Feb 25, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 22:30 EST TOWNS, if I sell my extra copy of LDW (the one I got with the TT system I bought), what do I tell the next owner about registering the program? Which also makes me curious about new purchasers of the software. Ken S. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 43 Fri Feb 26, 1993 J.BRENNER1 [See Flat] at 03:31 EST Railroad, From the software catalogue. Digital-Optical-Analog P.O. Box 58413 Houston Texas 77258 Tel. 1-713-488-2134 ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 44 Fri Feb 26, 1993 B.REHBOCK [BILL@ATARI] at 04:21 EST Railroad: Digital Optical Analog; P.O. Box 58413; Houston, TX 77258 1-713-488- 2134. Their listing can be found in the Atari TOS International Software Catalog. (plug :-) -Bill@Atari ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 45 Fri Feb 26, 1993 J.ROBORECKY [RAILROAD] at 07:54 EST See Flat BILL@ATARI Thanks to you both. Joe ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 47 Sun Mar 14, 1993 CHAZ at 17:26 EST I am trying to obtain a new motherboard for my TT. The local dealer has had no luck contacting Atari. He has made several calls and left messages. After several months of trying, he has yet to have a call returned. Is anyone here able to assist?! ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 48 Sun Mar 14, 1993 D.D.MARTIN [Swampy] at 19:33 EST ACK!! CHAZ!!! What happened to your TT mother board? Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 49 Tue Mar 16, 1993 M.DRYSDALE [Drys] at 07:16 EST I have a fax from Atari that answers the question. It states that exchange/replacement is not possible. The PCB must be sent to Atari for repair. No cost for this service is stated. Editorial comment: As a long time dealer and service center this is very disappointing. Other dealers have harsher comments about this situation. We had to ask because (I'll keep this short an nonincriminating) there is a TT in this area that got hit by lightning. Mike, GenTech and POWER Computers ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 50 Wed Mar 17, 1993 E.WISNIEWSK1 [Jeff - ST'er] at 07:26 EST Oh no, the motherboard from hell. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ JSW ^^^^ ^^^^ ST'er ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tuesday, March 16, 1993 - 6:15:44 am ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 51 Sat Mar 20, 1993 BOB-BRODIE [Atari Corp.] at 23:14 EST Ken, I would suggest that you tell the purchaser of your spare copy of LDW Power to hold off sending in his registration card until the arrangements on LDW are complete. He's sure to be safe as long as he has his original diskettes, too. That way, when the eventual upgrade is done he will be able to upgrade with a minimal amount of hassle. Steve J- Actually, we got a lot of mileage out of Word Up, and you'll see the results in Atari Works. In the end it is turning out differently than we had envisioned, but I think it is much better. I used to be a die hard Word Up user, and even used the version the Mike Fulton fixed up for us here in Sunnyvale for quite a long time...then switched to Word Flair II. Now I'm using Atari Works! Chaz- Hi Charlie...drop me a note in email and let's see what we can do. I thought you'd sold your TT for a PC! Let's talk... Mike- I appreciate your non-incriminating statement about that situation. I know you will _equally_ appreciate me saying that I'm happy that the computer was hit by lightning, and not you! Out here, all we have to worry about is an occasional shaker knocking the system around a little bit. Well, ok...sometimes more than a little bit. But we dont' get the stuff outta the sky too often here. regards, Bob Brodie ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 52 Sat Mar 20, 1993 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 23:36 EST Bob, While I am glad that you think that Word-Up has helped in the development of AW, I shudder to think of using any program with any links to Word-Up. I will certainly not rush out to buy AW until I have heard a lot of praise for it and no bad comments. My experience with Word-Up was not good and cost me money and a lot of time and probably a year off my life. When AW and the font program(whatever it's called this month), and the mythical Falcon, are actually available at an Atari dealer(if there are any) maybe I'll be less cynical. I know it is not your fault, but if I didn't love my ST so much, I would have bought a Mac years ago. Why? For Support. Paul ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 53 Sun Mar 21, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 13:18 EST BOB-BRODIE Is there something happening with LDW Power that we users would like to know, or that I just missed? :-) Ken S. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 54 Mon Mar 22, 1993 STEVE-J [FunkPopARoll] at 02:03 EST BOB-BRODIE - I sure wish _I_ could have gotten a FIXED version of WordUp. I'm glad to hear that some of WordUp's great (working) features are included in Atari Works. P.GRIFFITH2 - Maybe that's why it's only recently come to light that Atari Works has some of WordUp's features incorporated into it??? Ever since Atari bought the source code to WordUp from NeoInept , they've been saying that they have no immediate plans for it. Maybe they KNOW the fiasco with WordUp 3.0 hurt a lot of people, so they decided not to mention any relationship w/ Atari Works. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 55 Mon Mar 22, 1993 B.REHBOCK [BILL@ATARI] at 05:05 EST I'd like to clarify some confusion that I noticed a few messages ago... There is no connection between Atari Works and Word-Up other than the fact that Mike Fulton wrote the Spelling Checker interface in both applications. We did glean some of the features from Word-Up, but that's about it. -Bill Rehbock, Director of Applications Software (and Product Manager for Atari Works :-) ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 56 Mon Mar 22, 1993 BOB-BRODIE [Atari Corp.] at 13:38 EST Paul, If you wait for no bad comments about Atari Works, or any other program for that matter, you'll never purchase another piece of software again. Software has bugs, be it from MicroSoft, Word Perfect, Apple, or us. I think if you check in the Atari Works topic, you'll see the praise is already goin', and be sure to check AEO as well. There has been a lot of information, both visual and written in AEO regarding Atari Works. Programmers are no different from other people, they learn from mistakes. A word processor cost you a year off of your life???? Wow! Steve, I wish you could have gotten a fixed version of Word Up, too. But it was never 100% fixed, like I told Paul...there are always bugs. Seriously, if you liked Word Up, you'll love Atari Works. regards, Bob Brodie ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 57 Mon Mar 22, 1993 G.ANDERSON at 19:41 EST Yes Bob, but how soon can I get my hands of Atari Works?????? My game plan is to upgrade to a TT in the June/July timeframe and to be seriously good with AtariWorks by then. Assuming, of course, that I've got a reliable job by then . Gregg > ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 58 Mon Mar 22, 1993 D.WALTER7 [Doug Walter] at 23:33 EST Gregg, Glad to see you survived the transition to stateside! Are you a civilian now? Doug7 ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 59 Tue Mar 23, 1993 G.ANDERSON at 21:50 EST Hi Doug. Yup, I'm a civie now. I'm still having a hard time getting used to the idea. God willing, I'll be finished with my Master's by the end of June and will be out looking for a new career. Can't live on what the're paying to retired Captains these days . Gotta admit though, I'm doing a LOT better than a lot of folks right now. it isn't a lot of $$ but it beats the living #@%% out of getting nothing. Gregg ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 60 Wed Mar 24, 1993 S.WOLF4 (Forwarded) I'd appreciate some comments on how I might best upgrade my present MEGA2 ST with 2 floppies, SM124 monitor, and SUPRA 2400. Perhaps some of my problems can be overcome with a more up-to-date system, or at least an expanded memory. I don't want to go broke doing this, as I am also planning to get a new 486DX for some other work for which satisfactory ATARI commercial programs do not exist. I plan to keep the ATARI for what it does better -- besides, it isn't worth very much on the market if I wanted to sell it, which I don't. I am hoping to get one multisync color monitor which can be switched between the 2 systems, and, if reasonably possible, a hard disc drive which is also usable by both -- perhaps a Syquist removable media drive. I suppose I could hunt down another Category/Topic which may be more appropriate, but you guys here know at least some of my problems and idiosyncrasies, so your comments would be welcome. Sandy *l ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 61 Wed Mar 24, 1993 D.A.BRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 08:37 EST Sandy, my husband just added a Syquest removable to our system that is dedicated to MIDI activities. He put it in a mini-tower case and when he had it up and running, he decided to use the extra case space to add a 386 for use related to work. He used The Link from ICD as the host adaptor. The Syquest serves both machines (though not at the same time -- but this is not a problem, as we only use one system at a time). There were some headaches involved, but in general I'd say the modification was worthwhile. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 62 Wed Mar 24, 1993 BOB-BRODIE [Atari Corp.] at 15:35 EST Sandy, I would encourage you to upgrade your system to four megs of ram, and add a hard disk to your system. ICD makes terrific ones, and they also provide wonderful support to their customers. I'm one of their customers, and can attest to their helpfulness! :) Many of the applications today need at least two megs in order to get going. You'll be a lot happier with a four meg system. Also, the speed difference in a hard disk system/floppy system is just amazing...you'll think you have a whole new machine! I'd also suggest you be certain to get the latest version of our operating system, TOS. CodeHead Technology sells an adapter card called the TOS Extension Card that will allow you to update your Mega ST to the version of our operating system that runs in a Mega STE, much nicer, more versatile, more flexible, etc. regards, Bob Brodie ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 63 Thu Mar 25, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 06:34 EST Sandy, How best to upgrade your system depends on what kind of things you do and how you feel your system needs improvement. For example if you do DTP then you should consider one of the 030 boards. You need the faster processor and you might consider a big screen monitor. If you do music then do get a removable hard drive or at least a floptical drive. In other cases just adding a little software like Warp9, NeoDesk, UIS or CardFile will make it feel like a new machine. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 74 Wed Mar 24, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] (Forwarded) Sandy, I take it you are working off two floppies?? No hard drive?? I would then suggest a hard drive.. New or used.. This is the single most important addition to anyone's system as far as I am concerned... 2nd upgrade to 4 megs.. Then you could have a huge ram disk and 'almost' avoid the 'out of memory" blurb.. We tend to use up all of our memory with something, don't we?? :) Then if you really needed/wanted a ram disk, I would recommend the Codehead's utility package which includes best ram disk there is!! And a lot of other good stuff.. Definitely worth the price of admissions... :)... And for GEnie-ing... Yes do get Aladdin... Later, <-:}Ted{:-> Wednesday, March 24, 1993 - 8:20:44 am ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 75 Thu Mar 25, 1993 J.TOWLER1 [John] (Forwarded) >S.WOLF4 at 00:44 EST > > I'd appreciate some comments on how I might best upgrade my > present MEGA2 ST with 2 floppies, SM124 monitor, and SUPRA 2400. USA Flex might still have some NEC 3D multisync monitors. They sync low enough to give you the color modes of the ST (the newer NECs like the 3FG etc. don't, nor do most other recent multisyncs, which will only sync to the monochrome mode). Also, the 3D has a memory so that you can set the size and centering for each resolution once, and it will automatically recall those settings when you change resolutions. Can be used with a clone, too. It's what I look at on the clone at work. Good sharp image. But you better not wait long, 'cause they've been out of production for quite a while. USA Flex may still have some, new or reconditioned. They advertise in Computer Shopper. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 76 Wed Mar 24, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] (Forwarded) Sandy, I use, and heartily recommend the CodeRam ramdisk/print spooler, which is part of the CodeHead Utilities Package. The ramdisk is reset proof, resizable (on cold boot), removable without reboot, and you can have a large ramdisk, or two ramdisks, or a ramdisk and a print spooler, and the print spooler even survives a reset! Great program.. I would say your expansion plans are pretty reasonable, but start with an upgrade to 4 meg. There are several MultiSync monitors that will work on the ST, Acer makes one, and if you can find one of the older NEC Multisyncs, they are great. The Syquest would be a good option, with the ICD Link Host Adapter. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 77 Thu Mar 25, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 23:46 EST D.A.B__[kidprgs] -- What you and your husband have wrought, in general, is admirable. Regarding the SyQuest installation for use with both an ST and a 386, can we prevail upon you to describe in somewhat more detail how it is done? IE, the ICD Link host adaptor is for the ST, I believe. What is its counterpart for the 386? Also, how do you switch between uses? Just a toggle switch, or something more sophisticated? Is it a SCSI drive? BTW, do you have a fixed hard drive? If so, does it also serve a dual purpose? Do you have one monitor for dual use; if so, which monitor do you use and how is it hooked up? I trust these are not family secrets. I'm ready to do essentially the same if I can manage it. Sandy ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 78 Thu Mar 25, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 23:47 EST Bob [ATARI] Brodie -- Your advice is appreciated. The CodeHead TEC card is a sure thing. Also the upgrade of my MEGA2 ST to 4 MB; and a hard disc will be on my desk somewhere. There is a real problem associated with all this however. I would prefer not to do the surgery myself, and I fear finding a dealer or experienced individual around here -- NYC yet -- will involve some searching. I am sure this is not unknown to you, but the 3 good dealers in this area that I knew of -- J&R, Park Avenue, and Computers Etc. in Fairfield Conn -- and did all my business with, are either out of business (Park Ave.) or have phased out essentially all their ATARI business. I called Computers Etc. this afternoon to see if they could do the job -- they could have as recently as 8 months ago when I was last there -- but NO! I will scan the topics here related to ATARI dealers and servicing after leaving this topic, but it's sure cold out here -- brrrrrr. . . I'm sure you personally are doing your best to reverse this state of affairs. I was an ATC shareholder way back when. (My MEGA2 was paid for with the profits! YES, ATC was once, briefly, a desirable investment!!!) Right now, I just keep my fingers crossed and hope this great little computer keeps going. It certainly has given me very few problems in its 4-5 years, but requirements change and obsolescence hits all. A decision to put more money into this chassis is not easy, and it may even be reversed if the estimates I come up with are too high. Imagine, I can get a 486DX with 4MB, 100MB drive, etc. for not much more than I paid for my MEGA2. Considering inflation, the real price is probably less the the MEGA's, although the eventual funds that go into it will probably be much more. I would rather stick with ATARI, but ....? Sorry if this caught you unfairly. But, here, you are ATARI. Sandy ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 79 Fri Mar 26, 1993 D.A.BRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 00:25 EST Sandy, Tim's the hardware man, so I'll ask him to prepare a short description. He does not currently have a fixed drive in the system. That was his plan, however, but he ran into problems with the Supra he was using. The mini-tower case he bought (new) out of Computer Shopper costs under $60 and includes power supply and lots of bays. He's currenly trying out a friend's CD-ROM in one of these bays...The ST is able to access it just fine. Unfortunately, we don't happen to have any CD-ROMs with ST software, but we do have MIDI and picture files that we've loaded off the CD-ROM into both operating systems! He's got two floppies in the case, but I think they are hooked up only to the 386. In any case, I'll get the facts and post 'em here. I should warn you that, while ultimately successful, it hasn't been an entirely pleasant experiment. ;-) ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 80 Fri Mar 26, 1993 S.WINICK at 06:07 EST Sandy, SW> Your advice is appreciated. The CodeHead TEC card is a sure SW> thing. Also the upgrade of my MEGA2 ST to 4 MB; and a hard disc SW> will be on my desk somewhere. For about the same price as doing all that 'upgrading' of your current 'ol Mega, maybe even less, you could probably trade it in on a new MegaSTe with 4megs of RAM and an internal hard drive. The MegaSTe already has the new desktop and also runs along at twice the speed of your old system. There are numerous other enhancements with the newer system as well. I'd recommend you check out this option as well before investing a lot of money into 'upgrading' an older system. As for trying to compare the value of your old Mega2 to a new PC-cludge, uhhh, I mean clone ;-), that's really not a fair comparison. Now..... if you want to compare your old Mega to a similarly aged clone, or a new Atari to that 'thing', now that would be more like it! ;-] Sheldon (Computer STudio - Asheville, NC) ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 81 Fri Mar 26, 1993 E.WISNIEWSK1 [Jeff - ST'er] at 07:19 EST >I'd also suggest you be certain to get the latest version of our operating >system, TOS. CodeHead Technology sells an adapter card called the TOS As long as you can find the chips!, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ JSW ^^^^ ^^^^ ST'er ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Thursday, March 25, 1993 - 9:16:04 am ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 82 Fri Mar 26, 1993 S.WINICK at 07:47 EST Jeff, Codehead's TEC package includes a set of the new TOS chips. Sheldon (Computer STudio - Asheville, NC) ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 83 Fri Mar 26, 1993 E.WELLS at 22:13 EST I'm using the TT monitor, it has a switch on the back for PC emulation... Will it then sync to normal pc vga? ehw ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 84 Sat Mar 27, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 02:05 EST SW>> For about the same price as doing all that 'upgrading' of your SW>> current 'ol Mega, maybe even less, you could probably trade it in SW>> on a new MegaSTe with 4megs of RAM and an internal hard drive. Sheldon (of Computer STudio, NC) You have anticipated the very question I planned for this spot. So let's move on . . . My 1st priority -- sadly -- is bringing in a 486DX. There is just no ATARI software for some applications I must get into (sigh). This opens up the possibility of a common HD or SyQuest -- a la the Brumleves (?) -- as well as a common color monitor. My guess is the hardware in this paragraph will run ~2000. Secondly, my MegaST 2 probably requires upgrading if I am to get much more use from it. This presents 2 possible doors: i) upgrade to 4meg + TEC card ii) trade in Mega2 + SM124 monitor + SF314 ext floppy (all in "like new" cond'n) for a MegaSTe4 (no HD) + SM147. (Or possibly keep the SM124.) I've read somewhere that ATARI has a trade in policy. As you are obviously knowledgable, your advice would be helpful as to which way is preferable, approximate price comparisons, and whether or not trade-ins are being done these days. Sandy ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 85 Sat Mar 27, 1993 S.WINICK at 04:26 EST Sandy, Atari doesn't have a 'trade-in policy', but most dealers do. ;-] Exactly WHAT software applications do you need to run on that ..... uh..... clone ..... that are not available on the Atari platform? Have you checked the new International Atari Software catalog for what is available? It's available direct from Atari or from most dealers as well. Sheldon (Computer STudio - Asheville, NC) ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 86 Sat Mar 27, 1993 S.WINICK at 04:39 EST E.WELLS, You might want to drop on by the TT030 Category (CAT 28) to share information with other TT030 users. And yes, the PTC works fine on that ..... "other" platform. Only problem will be trying to figure out what to do about the very custom designed tilt-and- swivel stand that meshes so perfectly to the top of the TT's case but sags pittifully when trying to stand on its own. Sheldon (Computer STudio - Asheville, NC) ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 87 Sat Mar 27, 1993 G.NORTON [Falcon Systm] at 14:15 EST Sandy, What you might want to consider, depending on the time frame you're looking at (as far as getting a DOS box), is a Falcon with one of the Compo PC emulation boards. This way you will have the latest Atari equipment and either a 286 or 486SX PC clone. First though what sort of software did you want to run that wasn't available for the ST. Graham @ Falcon Systems ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 88 Sat Mar 27, 1993 E.WISNIEWSK1 [Jeff - ST'er] at 16:43 EST Sheldon, Remember Ted that just bought some from you. We called about five other dealers and they all said 'Out of Stock with no idea on when they were getting them in'. Hence my comment. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ JSW ^^^^ ^^^^ ST'er ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Saturday, March 27, 1993 - 4:32:18 pm ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 89 Sat Mar 27, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 16:46 EST Sandy, I would really take a look at that SM147 before you traded (if you go that route) it for a SM124. The SM124 looks a lot better and has a sharper screen than the SM147. I couldn't live with having to use a SM147 after using this SM124. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 90 Sat Mar 27, 1993 J.BRENNER1 [See Flat] at 18:24 EST Just curious, Everytime I see someone talking about Atari monochrome I see the model SM124 mentioned. Mine is an SM125. What's difference is there between the two models? ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 91 Sat Mar 27, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 19:03 EST E. Wells, Yep, if you switch the TT monitor to PC emulation, you can use it with any PC that has a VGA card. Al ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 92 Sat Mar 27, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 23:22 EST Sheldon and Graham -- The principal use I am setting up is for financial analysis, investments, etc. There is just one technical analysis program I am aware of for the ST: STalk The Market by Tom Bushaw of Quidnunc Software. STM is a very good program which I have used, but it has its limitations which I now want to move beyond. I will still use STM for its unique capabilities, but the best and widest variety of such programs are written for _86 systems. The nature of this type of use is that one good investment pays for the computer et al, so this is the driving reason. A secondary reason is a bit of self indulgence. I am a sailor with an olympic class racing dinghy. Although the ST is a great game machine, the only decent sailing simulation programs are also confined to _86 platforms. There is one I know of for the Mac, but none at all for the ST. I doubt that a scan of the ATARI Software Catalogue will come up with programs in these 2 somewhat special areas. I'm sure I would have heard of them if they exist. The Falcon "sounds" like a great machine to come; but I don't see playing around with emulators and such, especially for my principal use. My ST uses will probably be satisfied for years with a modest upgrade to what I have. Of course, if the Falcon revitalizes the ATARI world, maybe these two applications will attract the developers; I hope so, but am unwilling to wait that long. Sandy ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 93 Sat Mar 27, 1993 S.WOLF4 at 23:23 EST Wayne W_ That is a very interesting comment -- warning? -- re the SM147. I haven't seen the SM147, but just assumed that, as the more recent offering, it would be an improvement. I am quite satisfied with my SM124 -- never heard of a SM125 -- and would just as soon keep it even if I upgraded the computer. Thanks, Sandy ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 94 Sun Mar 28, 1993 J.P.C. at 09:36 EST S.WOLF4 I have seen the SM147. Wayne is right. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 95 Sun Mar 28, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 10:05 EST Sandy, Yea, the SM147 I saw had more of a grainy look to it. It looked aweful. I guess I am used to the nice look of the SM124. I am refering to the screen output not the design of the case BTW. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 96 Sun Mar 28, 1993 F.BELL1 [Frank @ Home] at 12:51 EST See Flat, An SM125 is better. :-) Frank... ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 129 Sun Apr 11, 1993 STEVE-J [FunkPopARoll] at 04:17 EDT Is there an upgrade path from the Associate Developer level to the Commercial Developer level? ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 135 Mon May 03, 1993 D.ALFONSO1 [D.ALFONSO] at 02:50 EDT Hi, I've been using a Seagate ST277-N hard drive via an ICD Host adapter for about a year now (it was used) with no problems except that it was always a bit noisy at power-on/off. Until recently, it always started up on the first try after my STE finished the memory test. Then, it started requiring an extra power-down before it would boot. Now, it's gotten totally flaky and will sometimes boot up, work for awhile (anywhere from 5 seconds to a couple of hours) and then I hear it slow down and I can't access it again until I get a lucky power-on again. I've, fortunately, been able to back it up before it goes south for good (which I hope is avoidable). What I was wondering is: Is this a common symptom that may have a reasonable solution, or is this drive destined for the junk heap? I've tried reformatting it, but the symptoms persist. Sorry for the lengthy description, but I though it might help narrow the problem down for those of you with more experience. Thanx in advance........David ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 136 Tue May 04, 1993 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 00:33 EDT David- It sounds like you might have a bad connector problem somewhere. Or, maybe your STe's power supply has given up. (They aren't the strongest) I had a 1040 STf when I got this HD (Seacrate ST296N with ICD AdScsi+ host adapter) and it flat refused to reliably work with the HD, so I ditched it in favor of this STe. No problems since. (Methinks it was the p/s that went south, but I was looking for a reason to get rid of it anyhow...) ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 137 Tue May 04, 1993 D.ALFONSO1 [D.ALFONSO] at 02:48 EDT Bob M., Thanx for the reply. I've used another HD with the same computer with no problems, so I'm presuming it's not the computer. Any other suggestions? David ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 138 Wed May 05, 1993 MIKE-ALLEN [NM~SysOp] at 03:00 EDT David, Your ST277N is on it's way to becoming a door stop - just like mine. It is developing what is known as 'terminal stickies!' This is very common with the 5-1/4 inch Seagate drives. I recommend that you IMMEDIATELY back up everything on the drive that you value. Then go to your nearest book store and buy a copy of Computer Shopper. Start looking for a Maxtor or Quantum SCSI drive that will fill your needs. Order same. When it arrives, remove the Seagate and use it to prop your door open. Replace it with your newer, quieter, faster and maybe even bigger drive. You won't be sorry. Mike Allen ST HelpDesk~SysOp ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 139 Fri May 07, 1993 D.ALFONSO1 [D.ALFONSO] at 19:07 EDT Bob M. As it turns out, you may have been right on the money about my Hard Drive problem. I thought you meant that the power supply in my Atari might be the problem, but I guess you meant the supply for the drive. I tried using the power supply from another case on the problem mechanism and it booted up right away. Then I went around the problem case, wiggled all the connections, and found that the host adapter was a bit loose (this drive gets moved around quite a bit). I tightened up the adapter board and, for now everything seems to be working OK. Thanks for the lead! David ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 140 Sat May 08, 1993 D.ALFONSO1 [D.ALFONSO] at 00:42 EDT NM~SysOp, Believe me, if I had a few spare $ right now I'd do just that. If it keeps working for now, I'll just have to make due. I've heard good things about the Quantums.... thanx for the advice....David ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 141 Sat May 08, 1993 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 21:48 EDT Dave- No problem, but I really did mean the computer p/s! Oh well, I'll take the thanks anyhow . Do you have an Atari hard drive? Then it may well be the hard drive's p/s.... ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 142 Wed May 12, 1993 E.BAIZ at 21:55 EDT A friend of mine is having trouble with his TT. it seems the stereo sound is not good. He keeps getting a humming sound. He is an electronic wiz and could do the job himself, but he needs a schematic of the TT. I 'would think these are only available to dealers. Our dealer was no help and Toad Computers, where he bought it, was absolutely no help. They told my friend they lost their manual. Is there anyone he can call for help. He wants to start programming, but cannot until this is fixed. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 143 Thu May 13, 1993 SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 02:52 EDT Perhaps Best Electronics. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 144 Thu May 13, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 08:07 EST Message 142, Wed May 12, 1993 E.BAIZ If you are on the east coast you might try: S.WINICK <- GEnie address Ashvill NC Dealer Computer STudio co-host of the Blue Ridge Atari Fest Sorry I don't have his address handy. Left coast try: Best Electronics 2021 The Alameda Suite 290 San Jose, CA 95126 Work phone: (408) 243-6950 >> Joe M << ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 145 Thu May 13, 1993 D.ALFONSO1 [D.ALFONSO] at 20:59 EDT Howdy, I recently aquired a DAT deck and was wondering if there is any way to use it with the Atari to back up the hard drive. I presume the DVT-VCR unit (which I already have) would work like it does with VCR's, but I want some way to back up partitions containing more than 1000 files in one go. Seymor/Radix no longer plans any support for the DVT, so an upgrade is unlikely. Any ideas? David ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 146 Fri May 14, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 20:31 EST David, You might want to stop by the Diamond Back topic and see what is planned for version III. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 147 Sat May 15, 1993 T.YURICK [T.YURICK] at 12:25 EDT Joe... Backing up to a DAT deck would require a hardware interface, which Oregon Research wouldn't be able to help with (last time I knew). ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 148 Tue Jun 15, 1993 M.PAULI [Small Mike] at 08:09 EDT I d/l the new HDX503 file from ATARI and found that the INSITE-drive is "recognized" but that's about it...no formatting or partitioning is possible. The WINCAP-file has no SPECIFIC data for 20meg-Flopticals. Is this a plain mistake or what...? We Floptical-owners would really like to get some decent features as others already have...! Mike ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 149 Tue Jun 15, 1993 TOWNS [John] at 11:35 EDT The HDX program recognizes all SCSI devices by requesting info from the drive. That doesn't mean that it supports them. Has Atari announced that they are planning to support 20 Meg Floptical drives yet? ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 150 Tue Jun 15, 1993 ATARI.BENLUX [W. Kilwinger] at 14:40 EDT M.PAULI [Small Mike] > > I d/l the new HDX503 file from ATARI and found that the INSITE-drive is >"recognized" but that's about it...no formatting or partitioning is possible. > The WINCAP-file has no SPECIFIC data for 20meg-Flopticals. Is this a plain >mistake or what...? > >We Floptical-owners would really like to get some decent features as others >already have...! SCSI drives DON'T need the be specified in the WINCAP file since the SCSI standard has a build in format call that does the job automaticly. The floptical is an SCSI device and will work perfectly with HDX 5.03c on a TT and on a Falcon030. What kind of system do you have ? Just choose format, pass some warning boxes, choose the right SCSI ID, click OK and that will be it !! Same for partitioning. And make sure that the in the HDX503 archive supplied SHDRIVER.SYS is the active driver in your system. Otherwise it won't work. Regards, Wilfred ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 151 Tue Jun 15, 1993 ATARI.BENLUX [W. Kilwinger] at 14:47 EDT John > > The HDX program recognizes all SCSI devices by requesting info > from the drive. That doesn't mean that it supports them. > > Has Atari announced that they are planning to support 20 Meg > Floptical drives yet? Yes, we did: ---------- These Hard Drive utilities are the latest for the Falcon030 as of June 8th, 1993 =1993 Atari Corporation These utilities also now have the following support: AHDI 6.05c will allow you to read and write to the InSite I235VM floptical drive. (Note: this drive takes at least a 10-12 second spin up time before booting the computer) HDX 5.03c will be able to format and partition the InSite I235VM floptical drive. ------------- And they have been tested on the TT and the Falcon030 and proved to work correctly. Regards, Wilfred ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 152 Tue Jun 15, 1993 TOWNS [John] at 16:13 EDT Cool! Thanks for the news, Wilfred. That's great news.. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 153 Wed Jun 16, 1993 M.PAULI [Small Mike] at 07:04 EDT John, Wilfred, Thanks for the quick reply. I got E-mail from Bill R. in the regard that HDX503 only work for TT and FALCON...specifically. Since I didn't have success with them in past I had hoped that the new version will help... I use a 520STFM, TOS 1.4, 4megs, ICD-LINK, INSITE Floptical (terminated); The INSITE is recognized by the new prg, but on formatting-attempts I get the box (after the warnings etc.) that it is NOT recognized. Therefore I can't format or partition the INSITE. The ICD-software which came with the LINK-adaptor DOES format the Floptical- floppies but doesn't allow partitioning. It is not a big thing but on certain discs it WOULD be nice... I'm not aware if ICD improved the Floptical-software to include partitioning, they don't keep Floptical-related software in their on-line- library here (why not?). I hope I didn't sound to frustrated...my Floptical gives me much pleasure and I share it with my K2000-synth which keeps its big sound-samples on it. KURZWEIL uses a propriety-format for their samples, therefore I can't mix data but it is not a problem. I'm still learning about the little fine points of SCSI and the interaction with my ATARI but on a day-to-day-basis it works JUST FINE and proves again and again what a great combination ATARI and MIDI are. see you later here Mike ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 154 Wed Jun 16, 1993 J.NESS [Jim] at 16:52 EDT Speaking of hard drives... I just brought my old Mega 2 into CompuSeller West to have it upgraded to TOS 2.06 and 4 megs. Afterward, I remembered (fuzzily) something about potential problems with TOS 2.06 and the Supra hd driver. True? I'd really be disgusted, if I had to reformat the drive... -JN ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 155 Wed Jun 16, 1993 DABRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 17:54 EDT Jim, maybe what you are remembering is that 2.06 supports partitions >16meg whereas your old TOS didn't -- so your Supra drive was previously formatted to 16meg partitions or less. We haven't had any trouble with using Supra drives, even with the old formatting, on our TEC-upgraded Mega. Unless somebody else can think of something further, I doubt you have anything to worry about. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 156 Thu Jun 17, 1993 J.NESS [Jim] at 17:57 EDT Thanks, Dorothy. You're right, I now remember that the big deal was about how the various hard disk drivers handled partitions larger than 16 meg. As it happens, mine are all <16 meg, so I'm okay. Thanks. -JN ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 157 Thu Jun 24, 1993 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 23:58 EDT Has anyone here been able to get KONG.TOS to uncompress on TOS 2.06? It just locks up my STe. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 158 Fri Jun 25, 1993 TALISMAN at 10:32 EDT Hi everyone! Where can I find info on the new 286 and 486 emulators? Both files and messages.. They're going to play a pivotal role in the purchase of my Falcon030! (and my ability to convince firends and associates to BUY ATARI!) Talisman (Buy Atari and tell them I sent you!) ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 159 Fri Jun 25, 1993 ARCHIVIST [Charlie] at 12:44 EDT Bob, I tested the Kong.TOS file on my MSTE with TOS 2.05 before I released it to the public. I didn't have any trouble uncompressing it and I don't think there's that much difference between TOS 2.05 and 2.06 to bother it. Is there anything in your system that might cause a problem, or did you have any problems with the download? Charlie/sysop-librarian ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 160 Fri Jun 25, 1993 MYECK.WATERS [myeck] at 22:16 EDT Is KONG.TOS a self-extracting archive? If so, it can probably be un-arced with STZIP or LHARC. I've done that before. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 161 Fri Jun 25, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 23:42 EDT No Kong.TOS is simply a TOS and should be 146816. ~~~~Brian ... Written on Saturday 26 June 1993 at 00:29 a.m. ADT ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 162 Sat Jun 26, 1993 R.WHITTAM at 14:48 EDT I am having CRC ERRORS when downloading STZIP22.TOS from the library, (file #27832). With ZMODEM: I start the download (using Aladdin or not) and get the message RECEIVING PACKET, then I get the message CRC ERROR. These messeges repeat for about a minute and then the download aborts. I have tried it with XMODEM with similar results. NOTE: I have successfully downloaded from GEnie using ZMODEM. Ron Whittam Atari Boise User Group President '93 ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 163 Sat Jun 26, 1993 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 20:24 EDT KONG.TOS won't work with Warp 9's screen acceleration set on with my TOS 2.06 setup. Found the fix. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 166 Sat Jul 03, 1993 F.BELL1 [Frank @ Home] at 08:29 EDT Bob, I've had no problem running Kong on a MegaST using TOS2.06. Haven't tried it on my STE though. Frank... ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 167 Thu Jul 08, 1993 S.EAKINS [SCOOTS] (Forwarded) O.K., Here's a couple of questions that I hope some knowlegable Mega owner can answer. I recently purchased a Mega ST (not STe) and am now using TOS 1.4. My 520 STe has 1.62, and I am wondering if their is anything that I need to patch with software in the 1.4 version. secondly, I opened the case a little fast tonight, and pulled the battery leads off of whatever they were connected to on the motherboard. Does anyone know where to connect these back to so that my clock will work properly? Please feel free to coment on any of these, Thanks, Scott ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 168 Fri Jul 09, 1993 EXPLORER.5 [Robert Goff] at 00:15 EDT Scoots, I use TOSFIX2 and POOLFIX3 with my TOS 1.04. SERIALFIX is still needed with 1.62 to correct the rts/cts handling of the serial port, so you probably already know about it. I couldn't tell you where to hook those battery leads without taking mine apart to look. Not tonight, I'm afraid. Maybe someone else can help with that. |) | |)O|) Robert Goff ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 169 Fri Jul 09, 1993 ALGORHYTHM [DanielKeller] at 09:24 EDT Scoots, The battery leads are in two parts....one part connects from the battery pack (housed in the top shell cover) to a modular plug. This is the part that usually breaks when people pull the top off too fast. The leads sould need to be re-soldered to the battery clip terminals. The other half goes from the corresponding modular socket into the PC of the Mega (under the RF shield)....I haven't been into mine for a while, and don't remember exactly where they connect, but if this end has come undone, you'll need to remove the RF shield (done by turning the clips all around the sides of it with a small pliers) and look inside...it'll be pretty obvious where they came off from. Unlikely that this end came up, though, since the shield usually prevents it from happening. DK ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 170 Fri Jul 09, 1993 K.SPRINGER1 [FROZEN NORTH] at 22:30 EDT Scoots, In my Mega 4 the batt leads at the circuit board end terminate in a 2 prong, brown, male connector, basically under the batt area. Hope this helps. Ken S. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 171 Sat Jul 10, 1993 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 02:42 EDT Scoots- TOS 1.04 should use POOLFIX3.PRG, SERFX20.PRG (which incorporates TOS14FX2.PRG and maybe Poolfix?) in AUTO. TOS 1.62 should use SERFIX20.PRG. I don't know if you'll need POOLFIX. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 172 Sun Jul 11, 1993 STEVE-J [Steve @ NLS] at 05:27 EDT TOS 1.06 requires POOLFIX, but TOS 1.62 does not. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 173 Sun Jul 11, 1993 G.LEONE [Gerry] at 22:59 EDT Would someone explain to me what SERIALFIX (or whatever you called it) does for TOS 1.62? I've been running TOS 1.62 on my STe for almost 2 years and have never run into any problems. Too, I'd read that there were no "FIX" programs needed for 1.62. Thanks in advance! -Gerry ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 174 Mon Jul 12, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:08 EST Gerry, As I understand it you probably will not need SERIALFIX unless you get a high speed modem (faster than 2400 baud), or are using the serial port for some other high speed device. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 175 Mon Jul 12, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 05:24 EDT Well, TOS 2.06 is not supposed to need a serial port fix either but, I have to use one or I get repositioning errors with Zmodem. I recommend a serial port fix program for all TOSes and those using high speed modems. Some people have problems even on those TOSes that are supposed to be fixed. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 176 Mon Jul 12, 1993 ATARI.BENLUX [W. Kilwinger] at 15:04 EDT In reaction on the yes/no discussion about needed patches here in this topic once again a RESEND of a text file made by John Townsend in his good old Atari days. I didn't edit it although John doesn't work for the company anymore: ======================================================================= TOWNS' LITTLE GUIDE TO REVISIONS - VERSION 1.0 ---------------------------------------------- Written by John Townsend, Atari Corporation ======================================================================= This is a small document that explains in very terse terms the differences between the TOS revisions available for ST/MEGA/STE/Mega STE/TT machines, what patches are needed for what revisions, the formats they are available in, and any notes I can think of. I hope this will clear up some of the confusion with the different TOS versions. If you have any questions on this document, please let me know here on GEnie. My GEnie Address is: TOWNS. Special thanks to Leonard Tramiel, Allan Pratt, and Doug Wheeler for their involement with this little Document. Thanks again! Comments are welcome.. -- John Townsend Atari Corp. ROM TOS (TOS 1.0) ------- The original ROM TOS, this version shipped in 520ST and 1040ST machines. It is no longer shipping in any machines. Formats: 2 chip ROMs, 6 chip ROMs Machines: 520ST, 1040ST Utilities: FOLDRXXX.PRG FOLDRXXX.PRG will add more entries into your OS Pool. In TOS 1.0 and TOS 1.02, the limit for the number of directories that you can enter is around 40. With this program you can extend that limit much higher. If you are using a hard drive, this program is recommended highly. It will work with all TOS versions and will improve the performance of your system. Notes: GET TOS 1.04 TODAY! TOS 1.04 is the latest version of TOS for 520/1040/MEGA owners. It is MUCH faster, has faster, better disk I/O, many other improvements. MEGA TOS (TOS 1.02) -------- This is commonly referred to as MEGA TOS. This version of TOS fixes some minor problems in TOS 1.0 and has support for the BLiTTER chip and Real- Time Clock chip. Formats: 2 chip ROMs, 6 chip ROMs Machines: 520ST, 1040ST, Mega 2, Mega 4 Utilities: FOLDRXXX.PRG FOLDRXXX.PRG is explained above. Notes: See notes for TOS 1.0.. GET TOS 1.04 TODAY! Rainbow TOS (TOS 1.04) ----------- TOS 1.04 or Rainbow TOS, as it is commonly known is the latest version of TOS available for 520/1040/MEGA owners. It has been available as a dealer upgrade for awhile now. It has much more robust Disk I/O, Autorunning of GEM programs at boot up, a fix for the 40 folder limit, and much more. Most of all is it much faster than previous versions of the Operating System. Formats: 2 chip ROMs, 6 chip ROMs (available as Upgrade!) Machines: Stacy Utilities: TOS14FIX.PRG, POOLFIX3.PRG, CACHEXXX.PRG, FOLDRXXX.PRG TOS14FIX.PRG solves some small problems in the AES (for additional information, please see the documentation that accompanies the TOS14FIX.PRG program). POOLFIX3.PRG fixes a bug in GEMDOS. Documentation that accompanies the POOLFIX3.PRG program explains (in detail) the problem that it fixes. CACHEXXX.PRG is a new program that adds GEMDOS buffers to your system. The caching of data and disk directories by GEMDOS (when this program is used) will result in your system running much faster! This program is highly recommended and requires TOS 1.04 or higher for full benefits! FOLDRXXX.PRG is explained above. Notes: Please use the utilities available and if you haven't upgraded to this version of TOS yet.. please consider doing so. It's a very worthwhile upgrade. There are some disk-based versions of _early_ developer only releases of TOS 1.04 floating around on BBS systems here in the United States and abroad. Please don't use them! They are bad news! They have some very nasty bugs and have been known to corrupt data! STE TOS, Rev 1 (TOS 1.06) -------------- TOS 1.06 is the TOS version that is shipped with the 1040STE and 520STE machines. It is essentially TOS 1.04 with support for the new hardware that the STE has. Formats: 2 chip ROMs Machines: 520STE, 1040STE Utilities: STE_FIX.PRG, POOLFIX3.PRG, CACHEXXX.PRG, FOLDRXXX.PRG STE_FIX fixes the infamous Desktop Medium/Low resolution bug. The problem is that there is a bug in the desktop code in this version of TOS that prevents the user from booting into Medium Resolution. The patch program STE_FIX will solve the problem. Once it is executed in the AUTO folder, the problem no longer exists. FOLDRXXX.PRG, CACHEXXX.PRG, and POOLFIX3.PRG are explained above. Notes: This version is only available in 1040STE and 520STE machines. It isn't available for upgrading. It won't work in older machines. STE TOS, Rev 2 (TOS 1.62) -------------- This is a slightly revised revision of TOS 1.6. It fixes the POOLFIX problem in GEMDOS and the problem in the Desktop that was present in TOS 1.06. Formats: 2 chip ROMs Machines: 520STE, 1040STE Utilities: CACHEXXX.PRG, FOLDRXXX.PRG CACHEXXX.PRG and FOLDRXXX.PRG are explained above. Notes: This version is only available in 1040ST and 520STE machines. It isn't available for upgrading. Mega STE TOS (TOS 2.05) ------------ TOS 2.05 is the version of TOS currently shipping in the Mega STE. Formats: 2 chip ROMs Machines: Mega STE Utilities: CACHEXXX.PRG, FOLDRXXX.PRG CACHEXXX.PRG and FOLDRXXX.PRG are explained above. Notes: This version is only available in the Mega STE. It isn't available for upgrading. TT TOS (TOS 3.01) ------ TOS 3.01 is the version of TOS that originally shipped in the TT030. Formats: 4 chip ROMs Machines: TT030 Utilities: CACHEXXX.PRG, FOLDRXXX.PRG CACHEXXX.PRG and FOLDRXXX.PRG are explained above. Notes: This version is only avaible in the TT030. It isn't available for upgrading. TT TOS (TOS 3.05) ------ TOS 3.05 is the latest version of TOS currently shipping in the TT030. Formats: 4 chip ROMs Machines: TT030 Utilities: CACHEXXX.PRG, FOLDRXXX.PRG, SERPTCH1.PRG CACHEXXX.PRG and FOLDRXXX.PRG are explained above. Notes: This version is only avaible in the TT030. It isn't available for upgrading. Regards, Wilfred ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 177 Mon Jul 12, 1993 G.LEONE [Gerry] at 22:19 EDT Thanks for the SERIALFIX info, Joe. However... > As I understand it you probably will not need SERIALFIX > unless you get a high speed modem (faster than 2400 baud), or are > using the serial port for some other high speed device. I _AM_ using the serial port for a little plug-in gizmo that plugs into a MIDI keyboard to give me 16 additional MIDI channels. Does MIDI count as "high speed"? (I'm not being facetious.) -Gerry ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 178 Mon Jul 12, 1993 TOWNS [John] at 22:22 EDT Someone at Atari can feel free to edit that document concerning TOS revisions. I wrote it while on company time so the document is owned completely by Atari. Besides, I don't have the information neccessary to update it! ;-) -- John Townsend ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 179 Tue Jul 13, 1993 C.CASSADAY [Chris C.] at 02:35 EDT Gerry, >I _AM_ using the serial port for a little plug-in gizmo that plugs >into a MIDI keyboard to give me 16 additional MIDI channels. Does >MIDI count as "high speed"? (I'm not being facetious.) > > -Gerry Are you using a MIDIPlexer by Hybrid Arts, or something similar? My friend used SMPTE Track Platinum with a MIDIPlexer and he did not require any serial port fixes on his TT030 - TOS 3.06. Chris ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 180 Tue Jul 13, 1993 STEVE-J [Steve @ NLS] at 06:19 EDT G.LEONE - No TOS version has ever handled RTS/CTS flow control correctly. SERIALFX.PRG fixes that. Flow control is usually only used on 9600+bps modems. Other than that, there are no FIX programs for TOS 1.62, but there ARE some programs like FOLDRXXX.PRG (to extend the TOS folder limit) and CACHENNN.PRG that are recommended for use with ALL TOS versions. However, CACHENNN.PRG isn't needed and ICD's HD booter has its own folder limit extension (and cache) capabilities. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 181 Tue Jul 13, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:38 EDT But, John, we like that TOS document the way it is! :) Al ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 182 Tue Jul 13, 1993 G.LEONE [Gerry] at 23:41 EDT Chris & Steve -- Thanks. Guess I'll wait 'till I get a 9600 baud modem to bother with SERIALFX... the MIDI gizmo seems to be working fine so far. By the way, Chris, it's a "16+" by a place called Tran Tracks. Cost $50 and works like a charm. I'd recommend it to anyone. -Gerry ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 183 Wed Jul 14, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 06:53 EST Message 177, Mon Jul 12, 1993 G.LEONE [Gerry] > Does MIDI count as "high speed"? < I don't have the slightest. Sorry. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 184 Wed Jul 28, 1993 J.DERNAR at 22:21 EDT I can't seem to remember how to get rid of a program getting run at boot-up even though I removed it from the AUTO folder. It was a program by compuware that set the seek speeds for their high density formatter . Like I said, I deleted the program and any traces of it on drive C. But it still runs at boot- up and gives me a goofey message in German about a virus on a boot sector. Also, having trouble setting the internal clock on MEGA4 tos2.06 running NEO DESK. I set the clock using NEO and when I re-boot, it is all wrong again. Yes, new batteries. Thanks for any help! John ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 185 Thu Jul 29, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:29 EST Message 184, Wed Jul 28, 1993 J.DERNAR John, That program is somewhere. You might try disabling all your auto programs (rename them *.prx) See if still is running. If it is look for a hidden program. MaxiFile or UIS can display hidden files and you can then delete them. If it does not show up with all the other programs disabled, try adding them back one at a time. When you find the offender delete that program and reboot then reinstall that program from your original disk. As for the time problem it sounds like you are not getting the time saved to your battery clock. ICD has a program to handle it and you can get it for free from ICD. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 186 Thu Jul 29, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 08:16 EDT John, If the program is not in the AUTO folder and not a desk accessory, it must be a little program stuck in the boot sector of the drive. Are you booting from a floppy? if so, use another disk. Al ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 187 Thu Jul 29, 1993 M.HERZIG [BeebleBrox] at 18:22 EDT Recently one of my SM124s died. The local repair shop (not ATARI) were able to replace the infamous C714. Apparently there is one another component bad: It's a Flyback Transformer KF2807G. The guy says none of his suppliers can get him the part. I called already at BEST electronics and Toad with no success. Has anybody an idea where to look? Please, leave me Email as I don't drop in on this topic very often. Thank you! ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 188 Thu Jul 29, 1993 M.HERZIG [BeebleBrox] at 18:28 EDT Recently one of my SM124s died. The local repair shop (not ATARI) were able to replace the infamous C714. Apparently there is one another component bad: It's a Flyback Transformer KF2807G. The guy says none of his suppliers can get him the part. I called already at BEST electronics and Toad with no success. Has anybody an idea where to look? Please, leave me Email as I don't drop in on this topic very often. Thank you! ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 189 Thu Jul 29, 1993 M.SLAGELL [Mark] at 19:50 EDT What Al said. Y'know, the same bootsector bandit may be ambushing your clock too. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 190 Thu Jul 29, 1993 O-ZONE [Flakes] at 20:56 EDT Zaphod, LOL! ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 191 Thu Jul 29, 1993 J.DERNAR at 21:27 EDT Thanks for all the help with the mystery program. Seems that now that the CPU has been off for a day, the program has gone away..hummmm? Maybe I was only doing a warm as opposed to a cold reset? Thanks anyhow. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 192 Fri Jul 30, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 07:25 EDT Better run a virus check anyway just to make sure ... ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 193 Fri Jul 30, 1993 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 20:29 EDT Maybe you have a program that is designed to auto-run AFTER the AUTO folder has run it's programs. Look into your NEWDESK.INF file. It looks something like: #a000000 #b000000 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703111103 #d #Z 01 C:\WARP9CNF.PRG@ #K 4F 49 53 7F 46 57 43 42 41 58 00 00 54 4E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 @ #E 98 12 00 1A #Q 41 40 43 40 43 40 and so on. Note that Warp9cnf.prg is my auto-running program. If this is the case, just delete this line and save. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 194 Wed Aug 04, 1993 G.KICHOK [Gerry K] at 02:09 EDT Anyone, PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME, before I loose my sanity! Is this possible? I bought a used MEGA ST4 which had a bad floppy eject button. I checked the drive before I attempted to repair it and things seemed okay, except the eject. I had merely taken my old 520ST out of my system and placed the MEGA ST4 into it spot on the desk, hooked things back up and rebooted. OK When I worked on the diskette drive, I turned everything off and unplug everything. After fixing the drive I put everything back together but neglected to turn my external diskette drive ON after plugging it in. It is the newer EPSON type drive while the one inside the MEGA ST4 is the older style. I rebooted and the internal diskette drive would not read the boot diskette! After checking and re-checking I unplugged everything but the monitor from my system, and the boot diskette now worked! I then plugged eveything back together but noticed the external diskette switch was not in the right position. I flicked it ON and the system booted, turned the MEGA OFF and then the external drive OFF and the system would not read the boot disk. Tried again with the external ON this time and it works. What gives, is this normal? Last Edited on 04/August/93 at 02:02 hrs Gerry Kichok Hamilton-Burlington-Oakville Atari User Group Librarian ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 195 Wed Aug 04, 1993 D.MCNAMEE [Dan @ Atari] at 15:44 EST Gerry, Yes, if you have an external drive hooked up, it should be turned on, otherwise you may have problems. On some systems, it will work fine if you do not have the drive turned on, but on others you may experience problems. Dan ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 196 Thu Aug 05, 1993 R.WHITTAM at 02:50 EDT > Yes, if you have an external drive hooked up, it should be > turned on, otherwise you may have problems. On some systems, it will > work fine if you do not have the drive turned on, but on others you > may experience problems. Dan @ Atari, WHY? . . .I trashed a boot disk once when I booted with a DMA attached hard drive that was powered off. One of the Atari Guru's in our group told me, "it just works that way." I want to know the technical reasons why. Ahh, in mayby fifty words or less. . . ;^} Ron - ABUG ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 197 Thu Aug 05, 1993 K.ESTES [Kenne@SFRT] at 03:28 EDT I'd guess because it's terminated improperly. ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 198 Thu Aug 05, 1993 D.MCNAMEE [Dan @ Atari] at 13:51 EST Ron, Sorry, I don't have a technical explaniation. My guess is the same as Ken's. The connection is not terminated properly, so it doesn't work. Dan ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 199 Fri Aug 06, 1993 G.KICHOK [Gerry K] at 19:12 EDT Thanks Dan, I wish there was a POWER light on the external diskette drive! Last Edited on 06/August/93 at 18:58 hrs Gerry Kichok Hamilton-Burlington-Oakville Atari User Group Librarian ------------ Category 14, Topic 5 Message 200 Sat Aug 07, 1993 R.NELSON48 [Grouch (:{] at 10:24 EDT R.WHITTAM - I too have symptoms. With a GTS 100 as drive B if it is now powered up then I can't do writes to Drive A or my Hard Drive, Wierd No? But, If I use my Master DSDD as Drive B the system workes fine whether it is turned on or no. I would be very nice to know the technical explanation for such falderol. =-= Grouch (:( =-= ------------