========================================================================= (C) 1994 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie are *official* information services of Atari Corporation. To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt.Type XTX99437,GENIE and press [RETURN]. The system will prompt you for your information. ========================================================================== ************ Topic 18 Tue Oct 20, 1992 J.SCHRAM at 23:49 EDT Sub: Supra modems A place to talk about Supra modems and how to put the new features to work. 213 message(s) total. ************ ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 1 Tue Oct 20, 1992 J.SCHRAM at 23:49 EDT I have the new "J" ROMs for my Supra v.32bis modem and I just ordered caller ID from the phone company. So now what do I do besides stay in terminal mode and wait for a call? Is there some software for the ST that watches for calls in the background? It would be nice to have a program that keeps a log of incomming calls and puts up an alert box displaying the number. Maybe even check the number with a database or text file and display the callers name if it's found. What about the Silent answer feature on the new ROMs? Does Straight Fax support silent answer? Anything to use the adaptive answer feature with? The new "J" ROMs have some cool features but if there is no software support for Atari then what good are they? I'm starting to think maybe I should have gotten the free ROM upgrade rather than pay for all of these new features I can't use... Joe ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 2 Wed Oct 21, 1992 E.KRIMEN [Ed Krimen] at 01:53 EDT Joe, You ordered caller ID from your phone company; where are you located? There isn't any software that supports Silent Answer or Caller ID on the ST -- yet at least. Straight Fax doesn't support Silent Answer -- yet. :^) This is one of the reasons why I ordered the free ROM version. (Hmm, maybe something can be done with STalker's BackTALK. Or a small program for NeoDesk to execute a specific program....) ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 3 Wed Oct 21, 1992 J.SCHRAM at 04:57 EDT Ed, I live just outside of Baton Rouge, LA and caller ID has been available here for probably a year. I just ordered the service yesterday and as far as I can tell I don't have it yet. At least the modem is not detecting anything between the first 2 rings yet. Our caller ID service sends the number of the caller and the time the call was received. I think in some areas the name is also included... ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 4 Wed Oct 21, 1992 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 05:46 EDT It would be possible to write a STalker script to handle the caller id and call logging, but Silent Answer... Not at this time. Talk to the STraight FAX people about that. I am sure they will include it in a later upgrade. Give the Atari software guys some time to get software out to use the abilities of these new modems. And remember, caller iD isn't even LEGAL yet in some states (Texas for example). But we are WORKING ON IT. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 6 Thu Oct 22, 1992 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] at 06:04 EDT In talking with Charles Smeton at the Connecticutt AtariFest, he seemed to indicate that Joppa Software Development was looking hard at the voice mail capabilities of the Supra MODEM and that products would likely be forthcoming that would exploit the new features of the Supra "J" ROMs. We shall see. . . . ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 7 Thu Oct 22, 1992 J.SCHRAM at 20:33 EDT My caller ID service is working now! This is what I see when a call comes through... RING DATE = 1022 TIME = 1543 NMBR = 5047748023 RING The AT command for caller ID is #CID=n where n can be 0,1,or2. 0 turns it off, 1 turns it on, and 2 displays ASCII hex numbers. I also found out that AT#CID? will display the current status and it may also be stored to nonvolatile memory using the AT&W command. I tried it out through Atari's VT52 Terminal Emulator as well as Stalker since both are ACCs. Both will record a call without being inside the ACC at the time but STalker is much better since it can scroll back, print, and save the information. One problem I found with either ACC is that I must access the ACC once before it will buffer the caller ID information. If I reboot the modem and computer and don't access the ACC it will only capture a few garbage characters. I don't know if this is because the modem is not initialized or the ACC is not active until accessed. The BackTALK scrips look hard to learn but I will see if I can figure it out. What I have now is better than nothing since I don't have a caller ID box yet. It would be nice to have a name pop up on the screen though. I hope Joppa does pick up on this and write some software to support all of the new Supra modem features... ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 8 Fri Oct 23, 1992 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 23:36 EDT Joe, There certainly is software for the ST that handles the modem in the background. It's called STalker and has been around for at least two years. Gribnif sells it and there is a STalker area here. Al ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 9 Sat Oct 24, 1992 J.SCHRAM at 02:41 EDT I have STalker but it dosen't do exactly what I want with caller ID. I started reading the BackTALK section of the manual yesterday and then I read all of the messages in the BT topic. It looks like a script could be written to do what I want, but not by me. I will keep reading the manual even though scripts are way over my head... ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 10 Sat Oct 24, 1992 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 14:26 EDT When the STORM hits the market, it should be real easy to write a basic script to monitor Caller ID calls and log them to a file. I plan on doing one when they release it as I plan on getting Caller ID for my BBS. I would do a ACC but, GFA supposedly doesn't handle ACC very well. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 12 Sat Oct 24, 1992 J.SCHRAM at 21:44 EDT Wayne, Is Storm an ACC like STalker that works in the background? ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 13 Sun Oct 25, 1992 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 00:29 EDT I am not sure. Storm is the new communications software from Alan Page (marketed by Double Click). They have a category over there. It isn't out yet I don't think. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 14 Tue Oct 27, 1992 E.KRIMEN [Ed Krimen] at 00:09 EST No, I believe Storm works only as a program. I got my new Supra ROMs on Friday and I installed them on Sunday. They're working great. I ordered the non-CallerID (1.2H) ROMs on September 28 via Supra's BBS. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 16 Tue Oct 27, 1992 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 19:22 EST Jello, Forget it, the only time they pop in here is to announce something. The only way to get them to hear you is to call their support number or BBS. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 18 Wed Oct 28, 1992 BIBLIA [Leonard BBS] at 00:10 EST JB, Supra's 800 number is (800)967-8772. Sorry, but I don't know if the num ber will work from Canada or not... Leonard ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 19 Wed Oct 28, 1992 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 06:32 EST Supra Corporation 7101 South West Supra Drive Albany, OR 97321 Home phone: 1-800-503-967-2400 - Support Work phone: 503-967-2400 line: 1-800-727-8772 Sales Modem line: 503-967-2444 >> Joe M << ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 21 Fri Nov 06, 1992 R.MARTIN22 [NETWORK 23] at 01:53 EST Can someone repost the upgrade offer by Supra? I have a Supra Modem 2400 and am looking to get a Supra MNP. Is the Supra Plus the only MNP? Live And Direct [12:49 AM-6/Nov/92], Rod Martin, Network 23/ST Connection ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 22 Fri Nov 06, 1992 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 06:15 EDT Rod, I suggest you contact Supra directly to get current information on their product. To answer part of there question the information I have shows 4 external MNP modems. I got the Supra Plus. The upgrade offer depended on several variables. Supra Corporation 7101 South West Supra Drive Albany, OR 97321 Support phone: 1-800-503-967-2400 Work phone: 503-967-2400 Fax line: 1-800-727-8772 Sales Modem line: 503-967-2444 ... the above via CardFile... >> Joe M << ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 23 Sat Dec 05, 1992 L.MCCLURE at 02:55 EST Does anyone out there have, or know of a more recent ROM revision for the SupraModem 2400 Plus than "249" (what the ATI command gives me). My 2400 Plus refuses to properly connect via Sprintnet (Telenet) with MNP engaged, although an older MNP-only (no V.42bis) modem I had connected at MNP-3 with no problem. I have left email to SUPRATECH here, but so far, no response. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 24 Sun Dec 06, 1992 J.DALY2 [Giluxis] at 20:39 EST I had that problem with Telenet.(I have a 2400+).Whenever I logged on I got strings of garbage and what looked like parts of conversations. I tried to get an answer from Supra and never got any further than " It must be a problem with the way PcPursuit is setup."(jeeze). But I found when I used Prichard's Pursurer, it would logon with no problems. I didn't mind this and eventualy found this to be the best way to get around on PcP. I know that you can Dl Prichard's programe here..give it a try. Jimmer ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 25 Mon Dec 07, 1992 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:01 EDT Jimmer, Is Telenet as service, or software? >> Joe M << ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 26 Thu Dec 10, 1992 J.DALY2 [Giluxis] at 18:09 EST Telenet is a long distance telephone service for computers. It is run by US Sprint and allows you make a number of hours worth of LD calls for a monthly fee rather than/min charges. The basic service is 30hrs/mo for $30. Yimmy ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 27 Sat Dec 12, 1992 L.MCCLURE at 02:08 EST J.DALY2 [Giluxis]: The problem you describe with the 2400 Plus is *exactly* the problem I have had. (I got some strings of what appeared to be conversation on some type of adult chat service on one log-on attempt)! The program you mentioned would not likely be of any help, as I do not use Telenet for PC Pursuit, but rather as my preferred carrier to log on to Delphi, directly. While I can, and have been using Tymnet, it's hours of non-prime operation are shorted (i.e., not beginning until 7PM, whereas Telenet's begins at 6PM). Although I like many of the Supra features better, if their tech support will not work with me on the problem (still *no* response at all to my e-mail here), then it may be better if I go back to my old Datacomm modem that functions fine from the MNP standpoint. Also, lack of response from Supra should make me reconsider my future plans to buy a V.32bis Suprafaxmodem, and be a bit more reserved in recommending the same to others. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 28 Sat Dec 12, 1992 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 11:34 EST Supra just does not log on here very often. They do log onto that other service though. Call their tech support line and you should get some type of help. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 29 Sun Dec 20, 1992 L.MCCLURE at 15:25 EST I had tried calling their tech line, but kept on getting "That line is busy". I finally called their BBS, and have gotten an answer: The tech that answered said they knew of no ROM update for the 2400 Plus, and it was no longer a current product. (Translation: unsupported). Another question of mine (whether or not the new SupraFaxmodem V.32bis shared the same problem) went unanswered, so I have asked it again. Of course, the tech many not have paid much attention to my question. I specifically stated a normal connection worked, but I did not consider that a viable course of action. So what was the first thing suggested...you guessed it. So, it looks like my Supramodem 2400 Plus is up for sale. If you don't do any connections through Sprintnet, you should not have any problem. (It certainly has no problems with MNP connections to GEnie). I'm asking $75 including shipping. It has the box, and everything (including the CIS Demopak). ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 30 Mon Dec 21, 1992 J.DALY2 [Giluxis] at 18:24 EST You have one other option. Upgrade. I talked to the Supra support tech recently and they said that if I wanted to upgrade there is a deal... (1) Upgrade to a 9600, Supra will give $125.00 trade in. (2) Upgrade to a 14.4, Supra will give $135.00 trade in. Good luck ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 31 Fri Dec 25, 1992 J.THOMAS12 [JT] at 12:03 EST Does anyone know if there is any upgrade credit when going from a Supramodem 2400 to a 9600 v.32bis? JT ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 32 Fri Dec 25, 1992 D.SHORR at 14:04 EST JT, I called Supra sales a few months ago with your question and I believe there was a $100-125 upgrade credit; this would bring the cost of their top-of-the- line 14400 v.32bis model down to about $275-300. I don't know if this upgrade offer still stands today. However, you can get the v.32bis unit(without FAX software) mail-order for about the same price AND keep your old reliable in case you ever needed it;). Dave ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 33 Fri Dec 25, 1992 J.THOMAS12 [JT] at 20:54 EST Thanks for the info Dave. I want to try to help my local(35 mi. away) stay in business, so I'll probably buy from him, since he wants $279 for a 9600 v.32bis, and that is the best non-mail-order price I have found around here. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 34 Sat Dec 26, 1992 D.SHORR at 16:49 EST No problem. $279 is a great price(especially non-mail-order)! Just make sure you're getting the v.32bis unit; v.32 is the 9600 baud standard while v.32bis refers to the 14,400 baud standard(these are the speeds WITHOUT any data compression). Supra DOES sell a v.32-only data/fax modem with a SRP of $300; then your dealer's price wouldn't seem so great;). Dave ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 35 Sat Dec 26, 1992 J.THOMAS12 [JT] at 19:36 EST I guess I'll have to double-check the prices and features. When I was over at the store, Alec had a 9600 Supra Fax/modem and I thought it was v32bis for $279 and a 14.4kSupra Fax/modem that definitely was v32bis for $379. I'm going to be setting up a BBS soon and I want some fast modems, but the extra $100 dollars would hurt right now, but I may go with them(14.4k) as a standard in the future if my BBS takes off. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 36 Sun Dec 27, 1992 J.LYONS16 [JPL] at 01:34 EST You might want to check some prices in the Computer Shopper. I think the 14.4K baud modems are dropping down to around $200 ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 37 Sun Dec 27, 1992 MIKE.KELLER [ST Aladdin] at 19:42 EDT From December 92 Computer Shopper: SupraFaxModem v.32bis external $279 " v.32 " 219 You say you're setting up a BBS? I think I heard that Supra has a special direct price for BBS operators. You might send GEmail to the Supra rep (it's SUPRATECH or SUPRA.TECH, check the directory) or check in the IBM RT, there's a topic there. mike.k ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 38 Mon Dec 28, 1992 J.THOMAS12 [JT] at 05:23 EST Since my BBS is going to be for profit, I doubt they will cut me any kind of a price break, but thanks for the info anyway. JT ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 39 Mon Dec 28, 1992 MIKE.KELLER [ST Aladdin] at 19:12 EDT >Since my BBS is going to be for profit, I doubt they will cut me any >kind of Not necessarily, I think they would want you to advertise heir modem for them on your BBS or something. mike.k ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 40 Wed Dec 30, 1992 E.KRIMEN [Ed Krimen] at 23:50 EST I think the sysop price for the V.32bis version is $250. At least, earlier this year it was that much. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 41 Tue Jan 26, 1993 R.JANSSEN1 [DAMIAN] at 23:35 EST When I sent in the ROM upgrade card for my Supra V.32 external modem, I made a comment at the bottom which was not addressed when the upgrade was received (and installed). It would seem that the modem speaker is intermittant. It works fine when the modem is "cold" and just turned on, but the second or third dialing sequence is only partially heard, and successive dialings are absolutely silent. I have tried different AT commands including speaker on/off and volume, but the problem persists. Is it the circuitry or the speker itself? Is it covered by warranty? Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide. 'Dig you later, \\\\ o-o Damian. ~ (R.JANSSEN1) \_/ [X] ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 42 Wed Jan 27, 1993 J.SCHRAM at 02:47 EST Damian, I sent my Supra v.32bis in for repair just after Christmas because of the problem you described with the speaker. This may be a common problem because when I was on their BBS I read some messages from other people with speaker problems. In fact I think I read a message where Supra was sending someone a new speaker so they could fix it rather than send it in. This would seem to indicate that the problem is most likely the speaker itself rather than the driver circuit. I don't know if my problem was heat related but it was intermittant. I still don't have the modem back and I miss it. I do have my old standby 9600 baud Packard Bell so it's not too bad... ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 43 Sat Feb 06, 1993 R.JANSSEN1 [DAMIAN] at 01:56 EST J.Schram-- Yeah, I uploaded my problem to their BBS and they called me right back to say they have "re-designed" their speaker. Rather than end up missing the little bugger, they offered to do an exchange for mine if I would pay a $20 fee to cover the shipping of both units. Not bad if you consider the convenience. Well, they started out with faulty ROMs and speakers, but it looks like you and I might end up with some pretty fine fax modems. Good Luck! 'Dig you later, \\\\ o-o Damian. ~ (R.JANSSEN1) \_/ [X] ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 44 Sat Feb 06, 1993 J.SCHRAM at 15:49 EST Damian I got the modem back a few days ago and it's working fine. It would have cost me $35 but the 5 year warranty covered it. The only complaint I have is that sometimes the modem dosen't recognize a busy signal even with the new roms. This makes it tough to war-dial a popular BBS. I still love the modem and would recommend it to anyone. Joe ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 45 Tue Feb 09, 1993 R.JANSSEN1 [DAMIAN] at 01:19 EST Joe-- I made the V.32 swap today, easy as pie! The return shipper is all typed out for Federal Express. Great service! Speaker works fine. 'Dig you later, \\\\ o-o Damian. ~ (R.JANSSEN1) \_/ [X] ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 46 Tue Feb 23, 1993 J.SPANDE [John Spande] at 00:06 EST Although on a very tight budget, I am considering either a 9600 or 14K modem. Access to GEnie is a toll call at my current location and my phone bill is going through the roof. I send a lot of files to beta testers via Email. What I'd like is a summary of what kind of results I might expect with GEnie/Aladdin for the following typical operations. 1) Uploading a file (XMODEM) to GEmail. 2) Downloading files (ZMODEM) from libraries or GEmail 3) Retrieving messages form the RT topics. What modem protocols does GEnie currently support? Error correction? Compression? What's the current rate at 9600 bps? ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 47 Tue Feb 23, 1993 T.ZENTHOEFE1 [Tom Z.] at 01:44 EST John, there are 1-800 numbers just released for GEnie that seem to negate the *Basic portion. 1) At 9600 I have gotten close to 240 CPS while doing an XMODEM upload to GEnie. 2) At 9600 I wind up getting an average of 480 CPS doing a ZMODEM download. 3) At 9600 Retrieving messages from RT topics don't _appear_ that much faster to me than at 2400. GEnie does not support MNP greater than 4 at this time. These figures can change depending on what is available at the node that you are calling into. I believe that the non-prime time rate for GEnie at 9600 is $12.50, or close to it. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 48 Tue Feb 23, 1993 J.NESS [Jim] at 18:14 EST Let me add that, if you call at wierd times, you can get very good throughput. This Aladdin pass was done at about 4pm CST, and there were virtually no pauses visible on the modem lights, at 9600bps. Yes, the 9600 rate is ridiculously high in prime time, but I think the throughput helps negate that. I suspect you'd get similar high speed results if you called in the wee hours, maybe with a script. During the day, I've seen 880cps zmodem downloads. I think GEnie is, slowly but surely, improving. By the way, my local node supports v.32bis (14400bps), LAPM protocol. They aren't THAT fast yet, but the node is ready, I guess. -JN ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 49 Wed Feb 24, 1993 J.SCHRAM at 22:53 EST This is directed to Wayne Watson or anyone else who may be able to help. I have a Supra v.32bis modem and have always had trouble connecting with a friend at 144. My friend has a US Robotics Courier V32bis modem (not a dual standard). We do fine up to 9600 baud but after that we have problems. If I do manage a 144 connection I usually get RE (receive error) on the display and after a while it will likely drop to 12,000 baud. There is no visible line noise and I have tried both of my phone lines as well as both of his. He runs a BBS on his modem now and people with other brand modems connect fine. I have to lock my baud at 9600 to avoid problems. Does this sound like bad phone line conditions or a compatibility problem? I have called Supra's BBS long distance at 144 with no problems. Can anyone suggest any setting to try on either of our modems? Joe Schram ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 50 Thu Feb 25, 1993 J.SPANDE [John Spande] at 00:04 EST Tom, Thanks for the info. Those results are only a little over twice what I'm getting at 2400. However if I could save the long distance charges with 800 numbers, that would be a very substantial saving. Where does one find out more about this. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 51 Thu Feb 25, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 00:04 EST Joe, There is a BBS I call that has a Dual Standard and I cannot connect at 14.4. I can connect at 12K fine. I switched over to my mom's line and I can connect at 14.4K. I have all kinds of line conditioners and what not on my phone line but, it doesn't help. My line has everthing possible on it and I still can't connect. I suspect it somewhere in the lines between my end and his end. A supervisor for phone line repair told me that some of the systems cannot handle the bandwidth needed for 14.4K. I can call other Dual Standards and what not and get a good clean 14.4K connection each time. I may just be something you will have to live with. Have you tried locking your speed to 12,000 and running with that. I ususally do a ATS37=10 when connecting with his BBS. If I try 14.4K, I also get all kinds of RE/TEs IF I manage a 14.4 connection. Most of the time though, I just get 14.4 and CD. Nothing else which means it didn't get a good lock. I just ordered the new ROMS and will see how it goes. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 52 Thu Feb 25, 1993 J.SCHRAM at 02:45 EST His modem is a US Robotics v.32bis and not a dual standard. I will try your suggestion on locking it at 12K and see what happens. I have the "J" roms with caller ID. I usually get the same as you, 14.4 and CD and nothing else. I can live with it if I have to but it would be nice to log on wide open. Thanks for the input... Joe ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 53 Sat Feb 27, 1993 T.ZENTHOEFE1 [Tom Z.] at 07:53 EST John, type *Phones at a main GEnie prompt. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 54 Sun Feb 28, 1993 J.SPANDE [John Spande] at 11:21 EST Thanks Tom, I did and found out that there is a surcharge of $6 per hr for 800 access which means I save about $3 per hour. The total charge for 9600 with 800 access is $18 per hr and from your results that would mean the equivalent of about $8 per hr @ 2400. And if one could double your results by finding lightly used times such as very early mornings that could be cut in half. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 55 Wed Mar 03, 1993 J.SCHRAM at 20:31 EST Wayne, I locked the baud at 12K and I was able to log on to my friends US Robotics. I found some information on Supra's BBS about line noise and found out that the Supra modems can measure signal level and quality. You may be aware of this but I will pass the information along for those that may not. While you are connected to a remote modem enter COMMAND mode by typing +++ and wait for the OK. Next type AT%L and return. Your modem will respond with a value such as 21 in my case. This is a measurement of the received carrier level in decibels (db). So for me it meant -21db. If you get between 10 and 25 you should be ok. If you get less than 10 it means that the signal is being amplified beyond the original level. To measure signal quality first enter COMMAND mode and type AT%Q. Values greater than 20 are considered to be poor. I have gotten anwhere from 33 to 65 on my friends BBS. Values less than 8 show the line quality is very good. One night I got a lower than usual number so I logged off and got back on at 14.4K. I guess this means my problem has been line noise and nothing is wrong with my setup. After either of the above tests issue an ATO to return to ONLINE mode. Joe ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 56 Wed Mar 03, 1993 M.HILL13 [Mike] at 20:46 EST Joe Schram, Try doing a "AT S110=3" before calling his board. For connections that are slightly noisy I use that setting all the time. You will connect at a lower rate and the modems will adjust upward as high as they can go. Works great. Mike ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 57 Wed Mar 03, 1993 J.SCHRAM at 23:28 EST Thanks Mike, I'll give it a try. It seems like I may have played with that but I'm not sure... Joe ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 59 Thu Apr 01, 1993 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 16:59 EST I just got a Suprafax v32 bis modem for my STe. I also use it on my Mega with TOS 2.06. I run Serial fix 2.0 and it's CPX and the Atari Modem .CPX. Serial port is locked at 19,200 and RTS/CTS is enabled wherever I can find to enable it. I use Interlink 1.85 and Stalker 3.02. I have a good cable(all pins connected). I still get garbage from some BBS's when I try to log on at 9600 or 14,400. These boards all support these speeds and many different types of modems. Sometimes I call and log on just fine, other times I connect and get a screen full of garbage. Seems like flow control is not working. Does anything REALLY fix this on any ST? Thanks in advance for help. Paul ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 60 Thu Apr 01, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 18:28 EST The latest serial fix from Bruce Noonan and Bill Penner seems to have solved the flow problems. And you may be seeing the effect of modem incompatibilities, too. It's not the Supra as much as it is the #$%^& non- standard modems that many BBSes use, bought for a song under the misconception that they would work just fine. Al ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 61 Thu Apr 01, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 21:16 EST PGRIF, What you may be seeing is that the modems didn't get a good connect/sync due to line noise during the negotiation and therefore are not really talking to each other right. If you see for example only the speed (14.4) and the CD messages, then you haven't gotten a good connection and will probably get this before you get disconnected. Once you get a good connection, the modems can usually handle line noise but, you have to have a clean connection during the negotiations. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 62 Fri Apr 02, 1993 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 00:38 EST Al, It seems to not make much difference what modem I connect to, the only BBS that works flawlessly for my setup uses a Zyxel and is 2500 miles away. I can log on, pack and download a 250K QWK packet in about four minutes. Someone told me that the long distance lines are much newer than the local lines that I am having so much trouble with. Paul ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 63 Fri Apr 02, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 06:40 EST Does anyone have the info on the new chips for the Supra modems? >> Joe M << ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 64 Fri Apr 02, 1993 T.ZENTHOEFE1 [Tom Z.] at 08:26 EST Joe, which new chaips are you referring to? ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 65 Fri Apr 02, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 17:38 EST Paul, Good point. Sometimes the LD lines are, indeed, better. Al ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 66 Sat Apr 03, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 09:14 EST > Joe, which new chaips are you referring to? < Did I say chaips (where was SS ) ? The chips I am interested in are update ROM chips for the modem that allow it to recognize caller ID among other things. >> Joe M << ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Paul, Remember you need to access your local lines to get to the long distance lines. The problem might be with the local line to your local BBS. Maybe they should do some complaining? >> Joe M << ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 67 Sat Apr 03, 1993 BPENNER at 10:52 EST PGRIF, Wayne Watson is correct. It appears that some phone lines do have some problems with properly negotiating on marginal phone lines. I have tried to connect between two 14.4 modems, between certain places only to have an improper connection which results in LOTS of garbage. I usually go back and begin reducing the speed and at some point and will get it connect at some lower speed. It seems that there are several places around here that I cannot go faster than 12.0 kbaud (like between my place of work and my BBS at home). Bill Penner ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 68 Sat Apr 03, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 13:11 EST To order the latest update, you can call their BBS at 503-967-2444. I was going to post the text file here for the new features but, it is LONG. The file may be in the libraries. If not, then you can get it off of their BBS whwen you call. Just read the menus and it will tell you how to order. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 69 Sat Apr 03, 1993 WAYNED. [Wayne] at 20:03 EST Paul, I have a similiar problem. I can call Delphi at 9600 baud with no troubles, but when I try and connect to a local board at 9600 I have troubles. It seems that the noise is only coming in one direction (him to me). Everything I xmit goes fine, but there are lots of TE's (Transmit Errors) from his end. I can upload to him at 9600 with no troubles, but I can't download at 9600 because of the errors (and that's with an error corrected connection). I have to drop back to 2400 to download. I might have something to do with the troubles with a dirty connection during the negotiation process as explained before. I did an experiment and logged on with no error correction and got lots of garbage coming through to me, but the BBS end seemed to get everything I typed fine with no errors (name/password/commands, etc) I don't have the latest version of the serialfix program. I'm going to search for it today. Wayne ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 70 Sat Apr 03, 1993 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 21:37 EST I realize that I can set ATN1 and the modem will negotiate the best speed, EC, and compression it can, but very often I end up at 2400 on a BBS that will support 14,400. I guess that, having spent the bucks for this modem, I expect more. Before I bought the Supra, I tried a Digicomm Scout Plus, it seemed to connect to these same boards easily, with only an occasional retrain. I returned it only because it di not support Class 2 FAX, so I wouldn't be able to use Straight FAX. Too bad, it seemed like a nice modem, and much cheaper. Supra Tech tells me it's a line noise problem, and it probably is. When I do connect, I often check the noise and often find it 25-50. I hope the new ROMs(in Beta test) will cure this noise problem. Thanks. Paul ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 71 Sat Apr 03, 1993 S.LAPHAM1 [Scott L.] at 23:18 EST Can someone please tell me if GEnie supports all the new Supra modems with the fancy protocols if my local access number will support the speed? Thanks. Scott ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 72 Sun Apr 04, 1993 M.HILL13 [Mike] at 00:36 EST Paul, For troublesome lines I set the following on my Supra before calling that troublesome BBS. "AT S110=3" This tells the Supra to connect at 4800 first and speed up the connection to the maximum speed obtainable with that line. On noisy lines where I usually get a connect, garbage characters, and then a disconnect, I now get (with the AT S110=3) a connect all the time and 90 percent of the time the modems jump to 14.4. Sometimes I only get 12.2 (or whatever that baud is!). Works great. Mike ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 73 Sun Apr 04, 1993 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 04:55 EDT Mike, I have s110=3 set, it works in conjunction with s109, I'm not sure what happens when I force a connection at a particular speed(ATN0), ATN1 lets the modems negotiate for best speed, etc. I've spent quite a bit of time talking to Supra Tech people lately, and seem to be getting nowhere, but, my phone bill is getting bigger. I just read on one of the High Speed modem conferences that the Rockwell chipset is the real culprit in all of this and the new ones that work right will not be pin-compatible with the existing ones. I have no idea if this is true or not, but I've learned to expect the worst when I spend more than $4 for something. I just keep waitng for the new ROMs. Paul ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 74 Sun Apr 04, 1993 T.ZENTHOEFE1 [Tom Z.] at 08:47 EDT Joe I have the chips for Caller ID in my Supra. When I recieved the new chips Supra included a small screwdriver and expliciately detailed instructions on which chip to place where. Now if only the local phone company would offer Caller ID. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 75 Sun Apr 04, 1993 WAYNED. [Wayne] at 18:07 EDT >Now if only the local phone company would offer Caller ID. In my exchange area there are about 40 exchanges local to me. There is only one that doesn't have Caller ID. Guess which one I have? :( ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 76 Sun Apr 04, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 21:20 EDT PGRIF, When you force a connection using ATN, you are basically telling the modem the highest it can connect at is what is in the S37 register. You are locking out possible connection at anything higher than what you have set. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 77 Mon Apr 05, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 06:25 EST Thanks Wayne, I will give them a call. >> Joe M << Message 71, Sat Apr 03, 1993 S.LAPHAM1 [Scott L.] > Can someone please tell me if GEnie supports all the new < > Supra modems with the fancy protocols if my local access < > number will support the speed? < Scott, Sorry, GEnie does not support compression at this time. It does support error correction, however in some cases even that causes a slow down of X-MODEM used in F-MAIL. From what I have seen and heard it is not too economical to use GEnie's 9600 option at this time. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 78 Mon Apr 05, 1993 J.NESS [Jim] at 12:02 EDT Joe Meehan - The problem with GEnie and 9600bps (the slows) has gone away. I've used 9600 for the past month or so, and get nearly full speed now. Definitely get my money's worth (has to be 3 times the throughput of 2400, to be worth it). Recent downloads have all been over 890cps. GEnie is still a little slow in navigating between destinations, but once you're in, things are now quick. GEnie is now the most expensive, per hour, at 9600, but just barely. I suppose there will be the occasional load-based slowdown, but I haven't seen one yet. Loading can be a local phenomena, too, if your local node is bogged down with callers. -JN ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 79 Mon Apr 05, 1993 J.TRAUTSCHOL [jtrautschold] at 22:11 EDT I've found that downloading at 9600 baud is worthwhile. I've done that quite a bit lately. However, uploading definitely is not worthwhile at 9600 using Xmodem. It's still just too slow. The main delay comes from all of the handshaking that goes on between GEnie and the computer. Now, if we could do Zmodem streaming uploads here, that might make a *big* difference! John T. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 80 Tue Apr 06, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:41 EST > The problem with GEnie and 9600bps (the slows) has gone < > away. < I'm glad to hear that. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 81 Wed Apr 14, 1993 R.BOWEN1 [Robert] at 18:48 EDT I sent my supra (dead) back for repairs under warranty a few weeks ago and have heard nothing since, does anyone know the 1-800 for Customer Service? Or is there a direct contact to the company here on genie somewhere. I cannot call LD on my phone so the SUPRA BBS is not an option for me at this time. Singing the 2400bps blues.... ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 82 Wed Apr 14, 1993 J.NESS [Jim] at 19:50 EDT Supra used to have a GEnie ID of SUPRATECH. Try it in email, and see what happens. -JN ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 83 Thu Apr 15, 1993 MUSE [Tomas] at 02:40 EDT Supra Technical Support (503) 967-2440 9-4 pst ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 84 Thu Apr 15, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 07:46 EST From Card File: Supra Corporation 7101 South West Supra Drive Albany, OR 97321 Home phone: 1-800-503-967-2400 - Support Work phone: 503-967-2400 Fax line: 1-800-727-8772 Sales Modem line: 503-967-2444 >> Joe M << ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 85 Sat May 22, 1993 STARMAN [Jerry] at 14:18 EDT I have a friend who has a problem with her terminal set-up. She is using a SUPRA 9600 modem, FLASH 2.0 and ST-TERM. Her problem is that when she is using ST-term she is unable to use her auto-dial menu. Is there some special congfiguration which needs to be done with either Flash ST-term or the Supra? If anyone out there knows the secret she would appreciate a clue. Thanks ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 86 Sat May 22, 1993 M.TROUPE [Helium] at 15:44 EDT Jerry, This may not help, but a couple of terminals I have require that the modem be turned on and connected before they will allow anything to happen. The startup sequence sends an ATZ and will hang the program if the modem is not ready. Maybe that is a problem, otherwise I can't say. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 87 Sat May 22, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 17:50 EST Jerry, One suggestion on the Supra is to give it more time between the ATZ and the sending of the dial command. Suggest she take the ATZ out of the Modem Setup string. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 88 Sat May 22, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 19:30 EDT Jerry, Have her try AT&F to reload the factory settings. The Supra works fine with Flash. There is no Flash 2.0, by the way; maybe you are referring to Flash II? Al ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 89 Sun May 23, 1993 STARMAN [Jerry] at 15:51 EDT A.FASOLDT: She insists she has FLASH 2.0 with built in ZMODEM. I have always been an INTERLINK kind of guy so I wouldn't know. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 90 Sun May 23, 1993 G.ZEPKA1 [Greg] at 23:35 EDT Jerry, I had a similar problem when I switched to a High speed Supra, the solution was a much longer wait period after resets and other commands. There is more to reset in these high speed modems. Greg ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 91 Mon May 24, 1993 J.TRAUTSCHOL [jtrautschold] at 09:27 EDT Jerry... The first version of Flash II we shipped was version 2.0, so that's probably what your friend is talking about. And yes, Zmodem is built into Flash II. BTW, if your friend hasn't received her free upgrade to 2.1 yet, please contact me in email. Flash II should work just fine with a Supra modem. We have a lot of Flash II owners that use that modem. If I can be of any further help, please let me know. John Trautschold Missionware Software ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 92 Mon May 24, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 17:55 EDT Jerry, Sounds like Flash II to me. The last version of Flash was 1.62, which proclaims itself 1.61. (Doncha love this trivia?) Al ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 93 Mon May 24, 1993 R.JANSSEN1 [DAMIAN] at 23:08 EDT Anybody heard the poop on the even newer Supra V.32 roms? Charles Smetton of STraight Fax fam tells me they will wait six seconds instead of two seconds to listen for the incoming fax CNG tone. This will actually make the Silent Answer feature something reliable (?). Although the last ROM upgrade was free (w/o caller I.D. feature), I wonder if they will want money just to make the modem do what is promissed? 'Dig you later, \\\\ o-o Damian. ~ (R.JANSSEN1) \_/ [X] ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 94 Wed May 26, 1993 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 09:41 EDT DAMIAN, I fixed all of the problems I had with my Suprafax v.32bis modem. I took it back for a refund and bought something else that does work. I've heard that the very newest ROMs fix a lot of the problems, but don't know from experience. good luck. Paul ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 95 Thu May 27, 1993 AEO.5 [Ed Krimen] at 21:13 EDT Paul, What kind of modem did you get when you returned the Supra? ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 96 Fri May 28, 1993 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 02:42 EDT Ed, I returned the Supra and got a Zyxel 1496E. For some reason, I seem to think that you have one of these too. Paul ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 97 Sun May 30, 1993 AEO.5 [Ed Krimen] at 20:35 EDT I have a Supra v.32bis, but I've heard that the Zyxels are excellent modems. If I was going to buy a modem today, it'd be a very difficult decision. I might even opt for the new Digicom modem with the DSP chip; I think it's called something like the Connection/96+. Protocols are software-upgradable. I haven't really heard much about its performance and compatibility though. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 98 Mon May 31, 1993 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 03:27 EDT Ed, The Digicom "SoftModem" is only available as an internal at the moment. Most of the "modem" is in software that resides on your hard drive. I'll E- mail you the announcement about it if you want(and if I can find it). Paul ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 99 Mon May 31, 1993 JIM.K [Jim~ST Sysop] at 10:28 EDT Paul, Why don't you upload the announcement about the Digicom SoftModem to Cat 8 Topic 4 so we can all see it. It sounds interesting. Jim Kudron 31May93 09:56:22 ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 100 Mon May 31, 1993 AEO.5 [Ed Krimen] at 16:12 EDT Paul, That's right. Yeah, I forgot why the Digicom modem was not an alternative for most people at the moment; it's only an internal! Please upload that file to the libraries. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 101 Mon May 31, 1993 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 16:40 EDT Jim, I will do that(upload announcement). The new softmodem technology from Digicomm won't be very useful to Atari users for a while, but hasn't there been discussion of such a thing for the Falcon? Paul ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 102 Sat Jun 19, 1993 D.HADLAND [Doug Hadland] at 01:49 EDT I am having trouble with my SUPRA FAX MODEM V.32BIS auto answering when u using INTERLINK. My previous Supra modems have had no problems auto answering answering. Is there some options to set for auto answer to work? I am also interested in Using Flash II, With macros to have someone automatically call and download files from a folder I set up. The number of files would be various and obviously done in Zmodem Batch. My Genie address is D.Hadland, if anyone can answer any of these problems. I will also keep monitoring this topic. Thank You. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 103 Sat Jun 19, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 09:26 EST Doug, Most of the problems I have heard of with the New Supra modems relates to the modems reset times. You may need to give the modem a little more time between commands. I guess it has more memory to clear between commands. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 104 Sat Jun 19, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 17:15 EDT With the new ROMS, the Supras no longer take a long time for a reset. It is now as fast as any other modem when doing a reset. That was the FIRST thing I noticed when I installed the new ROMS. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 105 Sat Jun 19, 1993 ARCHIVIST [Charlie] at 17:21 EDT Doug, it's usually register S0 that configures the number of rings before the modem answers a call. If this register is set at S0=0 then auto answer is turned off. Try the command AT&V to display all of your settings; if the setting for S0 is 0 or very high you may need to reset it and resave your configuration. Charlie/sysop ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 106 Sun Jun 20, 1993 J.GNIEWKOWSK [GE-Lamp ST] at 23:40 EDT Wayne, What version number are the 'new' ROMs you are talking about? John E. Gniewkowski Editor, GEnieLamp ST ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 107 Mon Jun 21, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 18:57 EDT The version I got is 'V1.200-J TR14-Jxxx-001 135'. I have the J ROMS which is the ones with the Caller ID. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 108 Mon Jun 21, 1993 AEO.5 [Ed Krimen] at 23:37 EDT Word on Usenet is that v1.7 ROMs are shipping in modems and that v1.8 should be available soon as an upgrade. I have no idea what it includes. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 109 Wed Jun 23, 1993 J.GNIEWKOWSK [GE-Lamp ST] at 00:02 EDT Wayne, okay, the reason I asked is that Charles said there is a problem with my ROM version and some of the initialization codes that SF! sends the modem. He said that he is still waiting for Supra to send the new ROMS. The only way to fix this problem is to power down the modem after any data transfers. John ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 110 Wed Jun 23, 1993 B.ANDERSON31 [Bruce] at 07:49 EDT I am thinking of buying a fax modem, specifically the Supra Fax Modem+, although I can get a better price on a comparable Zoom modem. The ads for Straight Fax suggest that its features are available exclusively to the Supra modems. Is this true, and if so, are there any other reasons to buy the Supra over another brand? ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 111 Wed Jun 23, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 19:04 EST Bruce, The STraight Fax program should work with any class 2 fax modem. It does NOT, currently, work with class 1 modems such as USR Sportsters... ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 112 Wed Jun 23, 1993 R.SNYDER6 [Roger S.] at 20:25 EDT Bruce, I own similar models older modems from both Supra and Zoom. I've found the Supra to be built better, and to have performence advantages. The Supra seems (from my NON-extinsive experience) to be a little more imune to line noise and give better throughput. The Zoom even puts a little hum on the line it is connected to. The Zoom does have a price advantage, and I don't regret buying it. I'm thinking of upgradeing one of the modems, and I think I'll go with the Supra. For the little extra money, I think it it worth it. (The Supra also seems to be more compatable than some of the other cheaper modems--though the Zooms seem to be also.) --Roger S. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 113 Wed Jun 23, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 21:02 EDT The Supra has more features and the Zoom seems to do a few things strange. The SupraFaxModem does however need cleaner lines to operate than some of the other ones. This has been my experience as I have dealt with Sysop that own both. I own the Supra and I really like it. It is however hard for some people to connect to me at 14.4K. Sysops have had a real hard time setting up the Zoom with a BBS program. The Zoom has some strange ways of enabling features that are tied into other commands. I would recommend the USR modems over the Supra and the Supra over the Zoom. The USR modems seem to handle line noise better making for better connections and you get a good connection more often. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 114 Thu Jun 24, 1993 J.LYONS16 [John L.] at 19:54 EDT I bought a Supra internal 14.4K modem a couple weeks ago and it came with V1.7 ROMs. John ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 115 Fri Jun 25, 1993 K.ESTES [Kenne@SFRT] at 04:05 EDT At a recent macfaire the Supra rep said a new ROM version was RSN. He suggesed I call the "800" number. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 116 Fri Jun 25, 1993 B.ANDERSON31 [Bruce] at 07:38 EDT Thank you, gentlemen for your assistance. I have concluded that, after comparing all of the cost/feature benefits of the various types and brands of modems, it is more complicated than buying a car. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 117 Fri Jun 25, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 23:22 EST >>Thank you, gentlemen for your assistance. I have concluded that, << >>after comparing all of the cost/feature benefits of the various << >>types and brands of modems, it is more complicated than buying a << >>car. << I believe you are right. There are many models, manufacturers, and more 'specs' than you can shake a stick at. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 118 Sun Jun 27, 1993 R.JANSSEN1 [DAMIAN] at 08:58 EDT Bruce-- Also, with the newer ROM versions, the Supras feature Caller I.D. and Silent Answer, a feature which allows your Straight Fax to "lurk" when you or your answering machine answer a call, then kick in and take over the line if it is a fax (does not work when receiving older fax machine transmissions as they do not send the CNG "beep" tone at the beginning, indicating a fax transmission). 'Dig you later, \\\\ o-o Damian. ~ (R.JANSSEN1) \_/ [X] ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 119 Sun Jun 27, 1993 T.THOMPSON26 [Tom T.] at 13:14 EDT Sorry to be off the subject but I am interested in finding a Usenet site in Phoenix that I can access Usenet. I saw that Ed Krimen wrote that he saw Supra Rom's info on Usenet. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 120 Sun Jun 27, 1993 AEO.5 [Ed Krimen] at 15:32 EDT Tom, check with your local university to see if you can get an Internet / Usenet account. Ask around in the computer science department. If that doesn't work (and to be honest, you'd be very lucky if it did), check around for public access sites. You might also check out the Internet RT here on GEnie. I've never been in there, but they might get the comp.dcom.modems newsgroup, where all the Supra info is. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 121 Sun Jun 27, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 21:27 EDT I believe the Supra ROMS info is in the library here. Search on Supra and you should be able to find it. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 122 Sat Jul 03, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 20:53 EDT I just heard that Supra is now offering their 14.4K V.32bis/V.42bis Fax Modems to Sysops for $149.00. This supposedly comes with the Caller ID ROMS also. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 123 Sun Jul 04, 1993 J.HURLEY1 [Jim Hurley] at 18:34 EDT >D.SHORR >I called Supra sales a few months ago with your question and I believe there >was a $100-125 upgrade credit; this would bring the cost of their top-of-the- >line 14400 v.32bis model down to about $275-300. I just bought the SupraFAXmodem 14400 v.32bis v.42 at our local FRY's yesterday for $275. No trade-in. FRY's, in case you don't know, is the Silicon Valley computer supermarket. It does incredible volume - it's hard to get a parking spot on the weekends. They had about 30 units available. I just opened the box, did the at&c1 at&d2 at&w re-conf'g Aladdin and logged in with no trouble. There is no noticeable delay after the ATZ. I didn't have to insert ctrl-m's or comma's. While I was on yesterday and today I tried the level and quality features: session 1: +++ at%l: -22 dbm +++ at%q: 000 session 2: +++ at%l: -27 dbm +++ at%q: 001 The documentation includes an excellent description of the features and protocols. Here's the ROM/RAM data: ati3 (version): V1.71-02 TR14-Jxxx-001 225 at&v (cnfg): B1 E1 L2 M1 N1 Q0 T V1 W0 X4 Y0 %C1 %E0 %G1 \N3 &C1 &D2 &K3 &Q5 &R0 &S0 &X0 &Y0 S00:000 S01:000 S02:043 S03:013 S04:010 S05:008 S06:002 S07:050 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:095 S12:050 S18:000 S23:055 S25:005 S26:001 S36:007 S37:000 S38:020 S40:087 S46:138 S48:007 S91:009 S95:000 S109:062 S110:002 ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 124 Sun Jul 04, 1993 J.HURLEY1 [Jim Hurley] at 18:54 EDT Holy Moly, I need more sleep. I just checked my price on the Supra 14400 v32.bis and it was $249. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 125 Mon Jul 05, 1993 AEO.5 [Ed Krimen] at 15:58 EDT >ati3 (version): V1.71-02 TR14-Jxxx-001 225 ^^^^ You got the latest ROM version too. I have 1.2H, and I got that through an upgrade late last year. They should have an upgrade to 1.8 soon. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 126 Tue Jul 06, 1993 G.KICHOK [Gerry K] at 00:42 EDT The most recent prices I have are from the Supra BBS yesterday: MODEMS - MISC. Retail prices as of April 1, 1993 Part # Description Price -------------------------------------------------------------- 50-2400-0 SupraModem 2400 99.95 50-24FX-0 SupraFAXModem Plus 169.95 50-14FX-0 SupraFAXModem V.32bis 349.95 33-2400-0 DB-25 Modem Cable (IBM / Atari / Amiga) 19.95 33-2025-PL Mac Hardware Handshaking Modem Cable 19.95 Note: These modems are stand-alone. They do not come with software, and they do not include a modem cable. (Please see the DOS, Windows, Macintosh, and Amiga modem packages). They are all external modems. What else is there: Supra is pleased to announce new lower prices on our Sysop Special. Our SupraFAXModem v.32bis External is now a low 149.95. Our SupraFAXModem v.32bis PC-Internal is now a low 129.95 There was also a note regarding restructuring the upgrade procedure and the yet to be announced new ROMs (above 1.2). Last Edited on 05/July/93 at 22:20 hrs Gerry Kichok Hamilton-Burlington-Oakville Atari User Group Librarian ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 127 Wed Jul 14, 1993 ST-GUEST [SAK] at 19:50 EDT To anyone... I have a fairly new Supra Fax Modem V.32 with the updated roms.(Silent Answer & Caller I.D.) I purchased Straight Fax and installed it, and everything seemed to function fine. They one day while trying to receive a FAX the modem seemed to no longer detect the phone ringing and/or the software would no longer detect a ring result. If I remember correctly the modem use to display a "RI" whenever the phone would ring. This no longer seems to happen. Does the modem only issue ring results after the software configures the modem to do so, or does the modem do this all the time from powerup. I'm tring to figure out weather I have a modem problem or a software problem. The modem seems to be working fine,However I usually only use it for access to GENIE. I have no DA's installed except the control panal. and my auto's are serialfix 2, folder100,font GDOS. Steve Kaleita ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 128 Wed Jul 14, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 20:35 EDT Sak, It should indicate a RI at anytime. Just power up the modem by itself without the computer and then call that # or have someone to do it. If it doesn't give the RI indication, then you definately have a modem problem. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 129 Thu Jul 15, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 06:11 EST Sak, You might want to do a modem reset, reload factory defaults. ATZ F should do it. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 130 Sun Jul 18, 1993 ST-GUEST [SAK] at 15:57 EDT Thanks, Wayne & Joe... I have reset the modem a number of times with the factory default...and even turned the modem on without the computer and I don't get a RI result any more; I use to. Sounds like It's modem problems. SAK :) ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 131 Mon Jul 19, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:46 EST SAK, Do a readout of the factory defaults. On some modems you can change them and they might have been accidently changed. You might want to give Supra a call while you are at your computer so they can talk you through the process. Supra Corporation 7101 South West Supra Drive Albany, OR 97321 Support phone: 1-800-503-967-2400 Work phone: 503-967-2400 Sales line: 1-800-727-8772 Modem line: 503-967-2444 >> Joe M << ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 132 Tue Jul 20, 1993 TALISMAN at 02:04 EDT Any upgrades/modifications for a plain old Supramodem 2400? Talisman ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 133 Thu Sep 09, 1993 ANDYD [Andy D] at 09:00 EDT RE: Voice option Does anyone know if the voice upgrade ROMS are available yet, What the price will be and whether they also have DTMF detect? Also is there software available so that you could write a touch tone application? Andy D. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 134 Thu Sep 09, 1993 AEO.1 [Albert] at 10:05 EDT The Supra Roms with voice with Mac Software is supposed to be available in Septemeber. I don't recall if they said anything about a specific date. -- Albert ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 135 Sat Oct 09, 1993 T.MAGEE1 [Todd] at 14:41 EDT I am looking to get a 14.4 Supra modem. If and what do I need to run (software wise, like patches) to get it to work on an Atari? I run TOS 1.6, and heard there are TOS14 fix and SERIAL fix. Are these all I need? Any info would be appreciated! Thanks Todd ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 136 Sat Oct 09, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 18:11 EDT Todd, You have the correct list, get serialfx20 and set it for RTS/CTS locked, and have fun. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 137 Sat Oct 09, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 19:24 EDT Todd, A good serial fix is all you need in terms of something specifically for the modem port(s). The TOS fix utility is needed for other reasons. The LIST price of the Supra 14.4 is now around $150, if I read the lastest ads right. (That may have been the internal version, however.) I'm a happy Supra owner, with two running all the time. Al ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 138 Mon Nov 29, 1993 R.VOORNEVELD [BOB] at 13:50 EST I am having trouble downloading large files from Genie using 9600 baud on the 800 line with my 1440 Supra Fax Modem V.32bis. After about 7 or 8 minutes of downloading I eiter get time outs & or the modem goes from 9600 to sometng lower like 2400 or 4800 and cps goes from 890 to 720 to 412 and then finally I loose the carrier. I am using serial fix 1.1 in my auto folder, on a TT030 with the modem connected to serial port 1. Any Ideas? Bob ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 139 Mon Nov 29, 1993 M.TROUPE [Helium] at 19:00 EST Bob, Don't know about the CPS changing unless you are getting hit with line noise. Could be a Genie slowdown for part of it. You should upgrade to Serial Fix 2.0 also. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 140 Mon Nov 29, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 19:58 EST >> I am using serial fix 1.1 in my auto folder, on a TT030 with the << >>modem connected to serial port 1. Any Ideas? << Poor phone connection. The Supra isn't very resistant to bad line conditions. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 141 Mon Nov 29, 1993 ARCHIVIST [Charlie] at 20:39 EST Bob, you didn't mention what comm program you were using to make these downloads. Are you using Aladdin? If so I think the folks in the Aladdin RT would be your best source of help. If you're using some other program like Flash or Storm... perhaps you should check your Zmodem parameters. One thing I noticed when I was testing Storm is that downloading large files from GEnie using the 32-bit checksum seemed to cause the type of failure you're describing. I don't think GEnie's Zmodem program can handle the checksums properly... though I'm really not sure about that. I do recall being told that GEnie's Zmodem program is non-standard but I don't know in what way. In any case, I suspect this problem may be with your comm program rather than the modem and I suggest you look at that first. Charlie/sysop ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 142 Tue Nov 30, 1993 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 06:07 EST G? >> Joe M << ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 143 Tue Nov 30, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 18:03 EST Bob, One thing that could be slowing down your transfers is line noise. With error correcting modems, when an error is detected, the modem tells the other one to resend the data. This will slow down the transfer. Also, the Supras have a tendancy to drop carrier if it gets to bad. The indications you give (the modem switching down to a lower baud) suggest that you are getting hit by line noise. They will drop to a lower speed to help reduce the amount of errors since lower baud rates don't suffer as much from interference. The higher the baud, the more chance of getting line noise. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 144 Tue Nov 30, 1993 R.VOORNEVELD [BOB] at 20:32 EST Helium, Ron, Charlie, Wayne Thanks for the advice. I just upgraded to Serial.fix 2.0 and it seems to help on the last file I just downloaded. Line noise could have been the problem, but It seems that I only get it after 7 to 8 minutes of down loading. maybe it was the buffer getting full? BTW I was using Aladdin. Regards, Bob ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 145 Wed Dec 01, 1993 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 00:12 EST >>after 7 to 8 minutes of down loading. maybe it was the buffer << >>getting full? BTW I was using Aladdin. << Aladdin has its own serial port driver, and having serial fix, or not won't affect it. However, line noise WILL, and 7 to 8 minutes online might be just a coincidence. You might have your phone company check out your lines... ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 146 Wed Dec 01, 1993 M.TROUPE [Helium] at 18:44 EST Bob, It couldn't be the buffer unless you have a tiny machine. After ~4K, Aladdin puts it on disk. I watch it during the time and see it. Might be one of those phone company things like a hex or something. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 147 Wed Dec 01, 1993 R.VOORNEVELD [BOB] at 19:18 EST Thanks Ron Bob ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 148 Wed Dec 01, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 23:15 EST Bob, Put the modem on Modem 2; it's a healthy serial port, unlike Modem 1. I use Modem 2 for 38K transfers using the same modem. Then again, with Aladdin, at the present time you have to use Modem 1. You WILL be able to use Modem 2 before long, however. :) Al ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 149 Thu Dec 02, 1993 R.VOORNEVELD [BOB] at 18:53 EST Thanks for the tip on Modem 2, Al >You WILL be able to use Modem 2 before long, however. :) Do you have some inside info? ;>) Bob ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 150 Fri Dec 03, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 04:58 EST Al _always_ has inside info. :) But it'll be outside in a few days. gnox ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 151 Fri Dec 03, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 20:47 EST Bob, Umm, all I can say is that there will be an annoucement soon of a way to run Aladdin on another serial port besides the standard one. Al ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 152 Tue Jan 04, 1994 D.MCANDREW [Simulator] at 18:36 EST Greetings all, I am experiencing an interesting problem that I can't determine if I need to have it returned for repair or not. Recently, after a power interruption, my SupraFax v32bis no longer seems to recognize another modem on several of my "presets". Yet it does (sometimes) on another preset. I have checked the modem's profiles and reset them (insured they were what they were before). The Status indicates OK even when it fails to connect. Since I used to leave my entire system on all the time.... I believe that this problem is heat/ component failure related as I now turn the modem off overnite and it works without fail upon turnon... yet after awhile the problem returns if I leave it on for awhile. Anyone have similar problems ? Any other ideas ? Probably should talk to Supra for an RMA, huh? Thanks for listening. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 153 Wed Jan 05, 1994 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 00:27 EST Simulator, Yes, it does seem that you have a problem. However, leaving the modem on all the time is better, in the long run, than power cycling it at each use. The fact that you mention a power interruption just prior to the problem developing is significant. Power problems often mean sudden surges, or 'brown-outs', which can damage electronic components. I recommend a good surge-protector, and also one on the phone line, and leave the modem ON. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 154 Wed Jan 05, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 17:36 EST Sim, As Ron sez, leaving the modem on all the time is best. But you have a fried eprom chip, from what you describe, and Supra won't fix it; they'll just replace it, happily. Al ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 155 Wed Jan 05, 1994 D.MCANDREW [Simulator] at 21:21 EST To: NTACTONE & Al Fasoldt .. Well, I suspected something along those lines... but I have to tell you (even though I wanted to keep the original post short), I have surge & spike protectors on both the power and telco lines. And they have not tripped or needed ufse replacements. In the case of the surge protector, once it's blown it requires full replacement (like an I.C.). So now you can see why I posted my previous message, I just wanted to rule out any else that may be strange. (Which does not explain why, since I have left the modem ON for over 24 hrs now, the Supra is working as if nothing ever happened to it.) Makes me wish I hadn't stopped with just a Master's Degree in Engineering. I am probably being extra curious due to the level of higher IC integration within this modem than I've had the chance to experience elsewhere. Of course I always that the REAL definition of an ASIC was "another simple integrated circuit". Thanks guys, think I'll cook this thing again and if the symptoms re-appear I will be contacting Supra about a return for repair. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 156 Wed Jan 05, 1994 SUPRATECH [Scott A] at 23:01 EST Hey, now. . . Seriously, call our Customer Service or Tech Support number for an RA. While it sounds like we will have to replace it, let us at least try to fix it first. Scott ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 157 Thu Jan 06, 1994 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 06:46 EST Simulator, I have had equipment that didn't like being turned off and on, worked just fine after it had time to throughly warm up. When that happens, I suspect some bad connections within the hardware, but since I leave everything on all the time here, such 'flakiness' on warmup isn't a problem. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 158 Thu Jan 06, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 08:57 EST Sim, Another Simple IC ... I like that. :) Scott, Hey! You're here! :) Al ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 159 Sat Jan 08, 1994 D.MCANDREW [Simulator] at 20:20 EST To: SUPRATECH Sorry, didn't mean to offend... just trying to see if anyone had anything similar happen. As it stands now, the modem has been on 24hr/da since my prior message & and has yet to exhibit these symptoms again. Now I know it sounds funky, and I'd prefer that the technology doesn't make me a fibber - but I swear, officer, it did happen but it ain't happenin' now. Go figure. Rather than waste both of our precious time at this, if and when this becomes something other than an intermittent problem I will be most happy to call asap for an RA. But let's not (either) hold our breath. I like this modem, It's a great modem. I think Supra makes fine equipment. I just don't want to do without it unless I REALLY REALLY need to. I'll shut up now. To: NTACTONE & A.FASOLDT Thanks, guys. (Al, I got a million of them. Hah cha cha.) ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 160 Mon Jan 10, 1994 SUPRATECH [Scott A] at 21:01 EST No offense taken, and the post was intended to be humorous. Maybe I should have put up some grin markers? Seriously, though, if it is working fine again, great! Scott ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 161 Mon Jan 10, 1994 D.MCANDREW [Simulator] at 22:40 EST I'm not 'caught up' yet on those little ascii faces yet anyway. Although I thought that .. maybe .. oh well, better safe than sorry. (As you can see, I don't welch on being verbose, it helps to keep all of less confused - especially important in the technical workplace.) By the way, any word on when we just might see anything on the voice upgrade?? pant,... pant, ... pant, drool ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 162 Wed Jan 12, 1994 SUPRATECH [Scott A] at 22:10 EST Umm. We don't have a development plan for an Atari Voice module. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 163 Thu Jan 13, 1994 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 05:29 EST Scott, Since you are around now for Supra, I have a question. Is there a chance that Supra will implement detection for Modem, Fax AND voice (All three)? Sort of a Silent Adaptive Answer. How about multiple ring detection (I.E. Ring Master where you can have 1 ring for one thing and 2 rings for something/someone else)? I have my BBS setup on my phone line and have Ring Master and would like to be able to not have the modem Auto Answer on the 2 ring but would Auto Answer on the 1 ring. This would be a nice feature. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 164 Thu Jan 13, 1994 D.MCANDREW [Simulator] at 07:55 EST I don't understand, Scott. I thought that there was going to be a firmware upgrade to the modems for voice digitization. I didn't mean that I was expecting any additional software specifically for the Atari Platform. Yet,... does this mean that the voice pak for the mac (despite that software) has ROMs that would make the modem incompatible to other platforms ?? (Just thinkin' out loud, naw, that doesn't make sense.) ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 165 Fri Jan 14, 1994 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] at 06:52 EST SUPRATECH: I'm going absolutely NUTS trying to isolate the problem causing garbled FAXes with my Supra FAX Modem V.32bis. The problem appears to be a flow control problem with RTS/CTS. The FAXes come out "smeared" looking with portions of the lines smeared vertically down the page and then reverting to the correct image only to go back. The problem is not consistent and the smearing occurs at different places on different FAXes of the same document. I'm using STraight FAX 2.10. I have been through every software parameter and AUTO program possible trying to resolve the problem and come up empty handed. I've replaced the drivers that generate the FAX (grasping at straws) and still the problem persists. This problem began at about the same time I exchanged my earlier version of the same modem (with non-functional speaker) for a newer model under the exchange program. At about the same time, I upgrade my FAX software. Then the problems began. I have been in contact with the developer and not found a solution. At one point he suggested that there was a faulty modem. This was after being told that the modem falls back when getting a page acknowledgment. It also will disconnect due to a time out waiting for a page acknowledgement. At this point I'm wondering if the modem IS the source of the problems. It's about the only stone left unturned in this equation. Is there any way Supra can test this modem remotely? I did note that there were remote test "AT" codes available. I need this modem on a daily basis and sending it off on a wild goose chase is something I don't care to persue. Suggestions PLEASE! -- Dave @ Binary Ink ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 166 Fri Jan 14, 1994 SUPRATECH [Scott A] at 20:04 EST Wayne: We hope to have full differentiation by the end of the year. We don't know if it will support differential ring detection. I grant you that that would seem to be an easy way to get the whole big thing working. Simulator: Sorry, I thought you were looking specifically for an Atari voice module. The MAC Pack should still work fine on your Atari, but I don't know if the voice will be accessible by your Atari. As for the PC voice module, they swear to me that it will be in market by the end of March. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 167 Fri Jan 14, 1994 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 21:54 EST Scott, Thanks for the info. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 168 Sat Jan 15, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 01:39 EST Dave, I had strange problems with faxes I sent (not received) that included pages that half printed, lines that were smeared, garble in places, on an on ... until I played with the output buffer settings. For whatever reason, I had to make the buffer very small. I think it's now at 512 bytes. Works fine. Al ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 169 Sat Jan 15, 1994 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 10:34 EST Message 165, Fri Jan 14, 1994 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] I know this might not be too easy for you, since you live a little out of the beaten path as I recall, but maybe you could borrow another modem to give it a try. >> Joe M << ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 170 Sat Jan 15, 1994 D.MCANDREW [Simulator] at 11:52 EST Thanks for the reply, Scott [SUPRATECH] (sounds like a superhero!);) But why do you say that you "don't know if the voice would be accessible by the Atari"?? Would that have anything to do with the fact that the Atari Falcon uses a 9-pin serail port now as opposed to the ST/STe/TT models using a 25 pin connection?? ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 171 Sun Jan 16, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:25 EST Simulator, The TT port and the Falcon port use the same connector. Al ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 172 Sun Jan 16, 1994 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] at 09:45 EST Al: Yep -- The enlarging the buffer to 32767 Bytes _really_ screwed things up. I'm back to the factory settings. Today I installed the HSMODA02.LZH patch for my machine and the faxes are working fine in my preliminary tests. I'm still getting a dropped carrier at page ACK time. After repeated tries and several long waits with no answer, I succeeded in getting through to Supra Customer Support and they're sending out another modem. We'll see.... Thanks for your note on the buffer size. -- Dave @ Binary Ink ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 173 Sun Jan 16, 1994 D.MCANDREW [Simulator] at 16:25 EST Thanks, Al. Perhaps I should have been more specific, what I meant was that perhaps the voice upgrade requires use of more than the 9 pins (used on the Falcon) of the full 25-pin RS232 definition?? That may, or may not, make any sense - but I thought I'd ask off the top of my fuzzy head. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 174 Mon Jan 17, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 18:15 EST Sim, No, as far I as understand, no modem now being sold for standard distribution needs more than the 9 pins, for any use. Al ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 175 Mon Jan 17, 1994 D.MCANDREW [Simulator] at 19:21 EST Thanks, Al. I suspected that but wanted to hear from others. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 176 Mon Jan 17, 1994 SUPRATECH [Scott A] at 20:06 EST You know, I'm willing to believe it could be the modem. Call our CS department and ask for an express exchange. This is a program where we send you a new modem and you send us the (presumptively) defective one. This can be done if you are in the US, but not Canada (their Customs people have had this nasty habit of "losing" our modems when we ship them as Express exchanges). CS's number is 1 800 727 8772. Hope this will clear up the problem, Scott ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 177 Mon Jan 17, 1994 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 23:22 EST Scott, If you could explain what is needed to access the voice part (in email or here), it would be nice. Maybe someone, with the information, could do an Atari version. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 178 Tue Jan 18, 1994 SUPRATECH [Scott A] at 19:36 EST Actually, I think its more a cumulative translation error issue. As it goes now; the phone message (Already encoded to go through the line) gets translated to a MAC readable format, then gets translated to a speaker readable format to get pmped out as a (hopefully) readable voice message. Add another layer to go from MAC to Atari format, and all of our bets are off. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 179 Wed Jan 19, 1994 SUPRATECH [Scott A] at 20:54 EST Unfortunately, that info would have to come via our Developer Relations folks. There's limits on what I can release. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 180 Wed Jan 19, 1994 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 21:20 EST Scott, I may just have to call you or someone at Supra to get some more info on the voice thing. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 181 Fri Feb 18, 1994 D.HOHENSTEIN [PRIMETIME] at 20:33 EST I have two supra modems, but of course I didn't send in the registration cards for either. How can I get the new ROMs? One is a 2400 and the other a 2400 MNP. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 182 Sat Feb 19, 1994 J.MORRISON38 [~ Jimmo ~] at 01:26 EST Primetime... I don't know the upgrade details about the modems you listed, but here is some info on SUPRA... Supra... Supra Corporation 7101 Supra Drive SW Albany, OR 97321-8000 USA Supra BBS... (503) 967-2444 (dial in, get all this other info!!!) Supra Sales... 800-727-8772 ... (503) 967-2410 Supra Faxback Service... (503) 967-0072 Supra, Fax... (503) 967-2401 GEnie... SUPRATECH ~ Jimmo ~ ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 183 Tue Feb 22, 1994 SUPRATECH [Scott A] at 20:08 EST Uhhhh, the 2400s don't have ROM upgrades. Scott ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 184 Sun Feb 27, 1994 D.HOHENSTEIN [PRIMETIME] at 23:43 EST Oh. I wasn't aware. I guess it's time to get faster, anyways. But back on the topic of my 2400 MNP... what are the commands for turning data compression and error correction on and off? ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 185 Mon Feb 28, 1994 MUSE [Tomas] at 04:07 EST I need a little help too. I just got my SupraFAX V.32bis back from the factory with the latest V1.80-05 ROMs. This is the version with Caller ID and all of that. Aladdin and Straight FAX work perfectly but I'm having trouble logging on to my local board. It gets stuck in training mode. I wish I'd made a screen dump of my internal settings before I sent off the modem. I don't believe I ever did anything other than set the speaker volume with the old ROMs. I've tried all the internal configs without luck. Does anyone know what might be so different about this version of the ROMs? ===Tomas=== ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 186 Mon Feb 28, 1994 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 05:25 EST Message 184 Sun Feb 27, 1994 D.HOHENSTEIN [PRIMETIME] >... what are the commands for turning data compression and error >correction on and off? It is not all that easy as compression and error correction commands tend change from modem to modem. The most common (I believe) are: \N No compression or error correction \N3 Auto select of best compression & error correction >> Joe M << ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 187 Mon Feb 28, 1994 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 18:29 EST Primetime, please keep your discussion to just one topic. It makes for easier replies and less confusion for me. Thanks! ~~Brian..Written on Monday 28 February 1994 at 07:27 p.m. ADT ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 188 Mon Feb 28, 1994 ARCHIVIST [Charlie] at 20:56 EST Joe M, on my modem (not a Supra) /N0 turns off everything for a normal, old fashioned connection ala two years ago. :-) /N3 is MNP or normal depending on the modem you're connecting to, and /N6 is V.42/MNP/normal, depending. At least it looks like /Nx is the standard across modems.... Charlie/sysop ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 189 Tue Mar 01, 1994 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 00:34 EST Tomas, Another big thing is the retrain ability. The newer ROMS does it better and actually works. That is where the modem starts off it's negotiation at a lower rate (to do better negotiations) and then upshifts to the highest speed. This of course can wreak havoc with some modems. :-) I would try turning OFF this feature and see what happens. I had to turn it off for my BBS because the modem was constantly doing retrains and there is quite a bit of pause when it is doing it. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 190 Tue Mar 01, 1994 MUSE [Tomas] at 01:59 EST Wayne, Thanks. All three of my profiles contain %E0 (Auto Retrain disabled) by default. My recent tries have given me something to work on. I'm getting TE and RE error displays indicating LAPM or MNP transmission errors. I have the manual and the Reference Card in my lap and as soon as I figure out what all of this means, I'll be back. Gee. These commands are tedious. How come someone doesn't write a shell for this stuff? ===Tomas=== ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 191 Tue Mar 01, 1994 D.STMARTIN [Binary Ink] at 07:23 EST Tomas: Do an "AT&F2" command to get the power-up settings on your modem to go to the right configuration. Dave @ Binary Ink ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 192 Tue Mar 01, 1994 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 08:31 EST Tomas, Not yet; still waiting for my ROMs. Al ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 193 Tue Mar 01, 1994 MUSE [Tomas] at 10:17 EST Dave, I have tried AT&F2 to get the "IBM and others" setup. It's always possible that the BBS itself is having problems. ===Tomas=== ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 194 Tue Mar 01, 1994 SUPRATECH [Scott A] at 20:17 EST Muse, Try adding %e%g to your init string. Primetime, Please only post the same question once. When I text search my downloaded messages, and find so many extraneous messages of the same question, it just makes it take that much longer for me to be able to answer you. Scott ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 195 Tue Mar 01, 1994 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 22:02 EST Tomas, If you are getting a lot of TE and RE, then you have a bad connection. Hang up and try again. That is also a reason you will see a delay. The modems are busy resending the data. If you get too many tries, the modem will display these messages. When you get the RE and TE, the line is too bad to try and do anything useful. You will be spending more time waiting for the modems to get it right. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 196 Tue Mar 01, 1994 D.HOHENSTEIN [PRIMETIME] at 23:16 EST Scott A, My apologies. I'm a bit flustered trying to get my modem to work. BTW, what was the answer? ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 197 Wed Mar 02, 1994 MUSE [Tomas] at 03:00 EST Scott, >Muse, > Try adding %e%g to your init string. Thanks for the help. I just tried that and I'm getting the same results. I sometimes see a little of the BBS's logon screen, then a steady stream of garbage. Will this help? at&v ACTIVE PROFILE: B1 E1 L2 M1 N1 Q0 T V1 W0 X4 Y0 %C1 %E0 %G0 \N3 &C1 &D2 &K3 &Q5 &R0 &S0 &X0 &Y0 S00:000 S01:000 S02:043 S03:013 S04:010 S05:008 S06:002 S07:050 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:095 S12:050 S18:000 S23:061 S25:005 S26:001 S36:007 S37:000 S38:020 S40:087 S46:138 S48:007 S91:009 S95:000 S109:062 S110:001 STORED PROFILE 0: B1 E1 L2 M1 N1 Q0 T V1 W0 X4 Y0 %C1 %E0 %G0 \N3 &C1 &D2 &K3 &Q5 &R0 &S0 &X0 S00:000 S02:043 S06:002 S07:050 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:095 S12:050 S18:000 S23:061 S25:005 S26:001 S36:007 S37:000 S38:020 S40:087 S46:138 S48:007 S95:000 STORED PROFILE 1: B1 E1 L2 M1 N1 Q0 T V1 W1 X4 Y0 %C1 %E0 %G0 \N3 &C1 &D2 &K3 &Q5 &R0 &S0 &X0 S00:000 S02:043 S06:002 S07:050 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:095 S12:050 S18:000 S23:061 S25:005 S26:001 S36:007 S37:000 S38:020 S40:087 S46:138 S48:007 S95:042 Wayne, Well, I've had this terrible connection for days and days. I wish I knew how to get ahold of the sysop. I'm starting to hope this is his trouble and only coincidental with the update of my ROMs. I am able to connect to a very similar board at full tilt boogie and as I said earlier, GEnie and STraight FAX are working great. Maybe he's had Earthquake damage? ===Tomas=== ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 198 Wed Mar 02, 1994 M.HILL13 [Mike] at 19:19 EST Tomas, FWIW I have a local board I call with my Supra V.32bis Fax Modem and I normally get very noisy lines. I do an AT S110=3 and it connects at 4800 and works its way up depending on the phone lines. I usually get 9600 or 12.2K with this method on that one BBS. Scott, What is the current rom? I upgraded when the Caller ID rom just came out. Am I behind any revs? I would appreciate a brief note (email or here) of what any newer upgrade offers feature and or bug fix wise. Im not sure what actual version I have. Im sure there is an AT command that will tell me, Im just too lazy to read the manual! Mike ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 199 Wed Mar 02, 1994 SUPRATECH [Scott A] at 19:36 EST Along with the %e0, try %g0 to turn off renegotiation from the Supra's end. Scott ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 200 Wed Mar 02, 1994 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 21:01 EST Tomas, I found that the best way to cure the kind of problem you are having was to return the Supra and get a different brand modem. My modem problems were cured immediately. Just a different point of view. Paul ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 201 Wed Mar 02, 1994 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 22:34 EST Tomas, There is one other thing to check. Some BBSes do not take into account the problems with error correcting modems and non-error correcting modems trying to link up. What happens is, if you call a standard plain Jane modem, then your modem will still be trying to negotiate and the other modem will already have sent the BBS a CONNECT string. The BBS then sends out the stuff and starts recieving info from you. At this point, the BBS will receive the garbage from your modem's negotiation. I had to add a feature to my software to where the Sysop could delay the sending of the logon screen because of this. Anyway, if you are trying to connect to a standard modem, disable all error correction, etc. by using \N0 (Supra modems) or whatever will turn your modem into a standard one. See if this helps. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 202 Thu Mar 03, 1994 D.HOHENSTEIN [PRIMETIME] at 00:04 EST Okay. I've tried AT&F2, and I get the "OK" return, but the only lights that light up are "HS TR MR". Nothing I do has any influence on "DC" and "MNP" lights. When I try "AT/N#" where # is 0,1,2,or 3 all I get is "ERROR". When I leave out the "AT" I get the same thing. I'm obviously missing something of great importance here, so let's pretend I'm an idiot. How do I set up my SUPRA 2400 MNP modem to work properly. Thanks, Doug ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 203 Thu Mar 03, 1994 MUSE [Tomas] at 00:26 EST Scott, If your last post was for me, thanks for sticking with me on this. If I understand what I see when look at my profiles, I think that %g0 is already in effect. Mike, Well, hey! I got through with your AT S110=3 suggestion at 4800 baud long enough to read the voice phone number and I gave the sysop a voice call. He's having no malfunction and hasn't changed a thing. I know now that he's using a US Robotics HST Dual Standard. They're having a "duel" all right. :-) I have just located a tiny addendum to the Supra FAX Modem manual and I see the reference to S110. How obscure. This is just like the CD game MYST, clues everywhere! Paul, That's a thought, but I believe I have the proper brand. ===Tomas=== ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 204 Thu Mar 03, 1994 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:12 EST Mike, the command to display your ROM version is ati3. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 205 Thu Mar 03, 1994 NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 19:29 EST Doug, Yes, you are missing the difference between '\' (backslash), and '/' (slash). The command wants the backslash. The DC and MNP lights will come on ONLY after connection is established. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 206 Thu Mar 03, 1994 SUPRATECH [Scott A] at 20:03 EST Tomas, On a lark, try &D0 if nothing else seems to work, otherwise we may need to have the modem come in for repair. Mike, Current ROMs are 1.71 and 1.8 (AC chipset) and 1.4 (ACi chipset). Scott ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 207 Thu Mar 03, 1994 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 21:36 EST Primetime, It's AT\N#, NOT AT/N#. See the difference? ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 208 Thu Mar 03, 1994 T.WRATHER [Thomas] at 22:40 EST Tomas, >> Gee. These commands are tedious. How come someone doesn't write >> a shell for this stuff? I actually started to write one, but I got bored and quit. Sorry. :( Thomas ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 209 Fri Mar 04, 1994 MUSE [Tomas] at 01:15 EST Scott, >On a lark, try &D0 if nothing else seems to work, otherwise we may >need to have the modem come in for repair. Darn near killed that lark! It seems the BBS is down tonight and I can't experiment. I'll get back to you. Thanks. ===Tomas=== ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 210 Sat Mar 05, 1994 MUSE [Tomas] at 02:48 EST Scott, I logged on to my problem BBS tonight @ 4800 baud but I couldn't do any file tranfers. I don't get it. I've logged onto the CodeHead BBS, GEnie, JPL and other boards without any problem. Can a problem with the modem itself cause a failure on just one BBS? ===Tomas=== ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 211 Sat Mar 05, 1994 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 12:33 EST Tomas, I had the same problem with logging onto some boards at high speed and others only at low speed. One of the ones that gave me a problem was the Supra BBS, a semi-local call for me. Sometimes hanging up and calling again would solve the problem, I got a different line the second or third time. Have you tried the line quality or noise factor command while you are online to the problem BBS? I forget the details, but you have to type +++ first while online to put your modem in Command mode, then you type the proper AT command. I'm sure that you can find it in your manual or someone else will fill in the missing info. I found out that the lines that connect me to the Supra BBS were often very noisy, and wouldn't let connect at high speed often. Good luck. Paul ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 212 Sat Mar 05, 1994 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 13:57 EST Thomas, I have a problem logging onto one BBS also. The lines between me and him are just bad I guess and the line noise is a killer. If you are having problems at 4800, then the lines are really bad. ------------ Category 8, Topic 18 Message 213 Sat Mar 05, 1994 MUSE [Tomas] at 15:43 EST Paul, It's puzzling because I called this BBS with no special commands prior to the update of my ROMs. The problems "look" like line noise or an improper baud setting. Last night when I logged on at 4800 baud I tried to send a file with Zmodem and it would proceed to about 49k and then back up and start again. Pretty wierd. I've ordered some info from Supra'a FaxBack service. If this doesn't help, I'll send the modem in for repair (again!). ===Tomas=== ------------