TUMBLEVANE ATARI ST CATALOGUE TUMBLEVANE PDL 5, West Road, Emsworth, Hampshire, PO10 7JT. Tel: EMSWORTH (0243) 370600 DISK PRICES All disks are priced at œ1:75, unless otherwise stated. ABBREVIATIONS DS - DOUBLE SIDED DISK DRIVE REQUIRED MONO - MONOCHROME MONITOR REQUIRED 1 MB - 1 MEGABYTE RAM REQUIRED NOT STE - WILL NOT RUN ON STE NOT 1.62 - WILL NOT RUN ON 1.62 TOS CSR - COLOUR SCREEN REQUIRED ALL DISKS ARE COLOUR AND SINGLE SIDED UNLESS STATED COMMUNICATIONS TCOM 01 V3.8 VANTERM is a very good comms package that has received rave re- views in all the better magazines. It has a large range of op- tions, lots of transfere protocols, a complete filing system and an auto dialer. No 1200/75 baud supported [a bit of a bind]. It also supports a file transfere protocol called Shadow. One of the better Comms packages around. TRANSFER Supports X/Y modem up/downloading and can be used as a desk accessory or run as a program, might come in handy. D.COPY The author claims its faster than ARC, compresses more and formats disks into many more types, give it a try, it sounds good. Also on the disk is DUAL TERM ELITE which is a good terminal pro- gram that supports ATASCII and ASCII emulation. Which will allow you to add some special effects to your standard readme files. TCOM 02 DS V2.0 CUNITERM This program has been called "The best PD comms package there is.". It has all the usual features and options plus a whole lot of extra modes including a graphics screen and Meta mode, Tektronix, a text editor, zoom mode, clipboard, buffer viewer and Kermit transfere protocol. A very neat program for any BBS user. TCOM 03 ENTERPRIZE This is a host system NOT a BBS. What this means is that it acts as like a BBS by taking calls and transferring files. This is useful if you need to transfere files direct to another computer but do not want to go through a BBS system. There is a built in filing system from which you can create or delete folders, copy files etc. This is a shareware program from Cliff Jones who is a disabled & housebound man who runs a club for other disabled per- sons new to computers. VE.BBS Or the Vulcan Embessy BBS This is a bulletin board system for use if you are thinking of setting up your own or are interested in finding out how they are run. TCOM 04 DS V2.10 FREEZE DRIED TERMINAL This is a demo version of a shareware pro- gram [whats missing I don't know as it all seems to work]. This is a brilliant package with the following features:- an auto dailer, protocols; Z-modem, Y- modem, X modem, F modem, 40 auto macros, auto logon capture buffer with block commands, text editor with full features, a full set of disk commands such as Format, Archi- ver shells, Fonts and speed of up to 19,200 baud. I've just found a bit that tells you for a fee of $15 you can register with the author and receive a full version with even more features!!. MINI BBS A public domain BBS system that will run on an Atari 520ST with a double sided drive and support X, Y and Z modem file transferes, it also has ARC & LHARC and last of all a full set of download facilities. TCOM 05 DS KM_TERM V1.96 A fully featured comms package that shows the way to many others, it even includes a HOST mode which act like a mini BBS, which means that callers can upload/download files and mes- sages while you are doing something else. JEKYLL To make this disk an even better buy there is this program which will take you into the world of full duplex activity... which means you can chat at the same time as you are transmitting a file!!. Remember, if you see a disk you fancy somewhere else, then let me know and I'll get hold of it for the normal price of œ1:75. Please bear in mind that not all libraries get their orders out as quickly as we do. This means that you may have to wait a few extra days.