THE NEWS FROM THE FRONT LINE. 1/02/93 Disk prices œ1:75 each, unless otherwise stated. TUMBLEVANE club members price œ1:25 each, unless otherwise stated. I hope to hold these prices (for normal customers) for at least the first year of business. The TUMBLEVANE club price WILL remain at the current level for at least the next two years. I also hope to hold the current prices in the offers section for a year, I can't give you any firm promises on these as I can't get a promise from my supplier, having said that he is very good at finding the best prices at any given moment. If you are among the unemployed (and quite a few are nowadays) our disks will cost you œ1:25 each for any number ordered, this is the same price as our club members and the lowest price I can gi- ve. Send us a photocopy of your UB40 and just pay œ1:25, you only need to send us one photocopy and I will keep a record of the fact for next time you order. This is true value for money (even if I do say so myself). I can now offer our customers blank disks at a very reasonable 50p each plus postage, for the current postage rates just give us a call. A quick guide to the rates at the moment works out so- mething like this: 5 disks 47p; 10 disks 67p; 15 disks 85p and 20 disks œ1:13, check this out and let us know if this is the lowest price in your area (I think you will agree this is one of the best offers on disks around), and of course I would like some feed back from you, let us know if you want blank disks from us, it's all rather pointless TUMBLEVANE PDL stocking blank disks (over the number I need for copying PD) if you don't want them While on the subject of what I can do for you here is a bit about me. I am Martyn.C.Smith (unless Dave has changed this) and I have had something to do with computers for all of my working li- ve. I have produced adventure games back in the days of the C64 when text only adventures were the rage and continued up until graphic games became the normal everyday thing they are now. I then went into I.T. My aim in life is NOT to make a fortune ( a living will be enough) but to provide you a cheap way of enjoying your Atari ST/E and TT. With this in mind I decided to go into selling public domain software as there seemed to be a place in the market for someone to sell disks at a decent price, I think you will agree I don't charge the earth for PD disks, not to men- tion the help I can give as well as my knowledge of what disk can do what for you. As the price is so low I do not place adverts with every ST mag around but only with those I feel are the best, I mean if you spend œ800 on adverts the money has to come from somewhere and the somewhere is out of the customers (your) pocket, If I have my way I might spend more but not until the income from the two already in action provide the means. I also keep the overheads down by working from a small room whose location will remain hidden until I have sorted something out (hence the P.O. BOX) that way there are no heating bills, other than winter time when I go mad and get a bottle of gas, no huge electic bills and most important NO business tax. In fact the only big bill I get is the telephone, œ500+ last quarter, so now you know who, what and why. PUBLIC DOMAIN DISKS: As you will know if you are a regular customer at TUMBLEVANE PDL if you see a PD disk somewhere else (or in another catalogue) at a higher price than ours and you think to yourself 'that sounds good but the price is a bit high' then just give me a call, tell me where you saw the disk I will then buy the disk from the library and let you have a copy at our normal price of œ1:75, I'm happy to have the extra disk, you are happy because you have the disk you wanted at a lower price than you would have paid !!. 1 MEGABYTE MACHINE: I have now upgraded all of the office ST's to a full one mega plus I have also got my hands on a two meg, just to be on the safe side. So now I can offer you 1 Meg games that have been tried and tested. In the past I have sent out some of the demo disks that run on the 520 ST(e) and had them return by parents who are quite upset by them, it turns out that when run on a full 1 Meg machine the music has some pretty iffy lyrics. This will not happen again!!. SHOW TIME: I will be at several shows over the next year if you happen to see me let know who you are, I would love to meet all my customers and put faces to the voices heard over the phone. Just to encourge you a little more all disks are priced at a œ1:25 each at any show I attend, well, I don't have to pay anyth- ing extra, like postage, packing or spend time looking for things as everything is at hand, so why should people who go to shows (and pay to get in) pay any extra costs?, fair or what?. I also do quite a few of the local car boot sales, so if you are local and there is one in your area give us a call, I might just be doing a stall and you could get your Bits 'N' pieces at a lower price than normal. Even while doing these markets you can still call me on the phone and place an order, BT has a call transfere on my tele- phone line that means if the phone is not answered after four rings its moved on to my mobile at no extra cost to you. CATALOGUE DISKS: Just a quick word about the catalogue disk. At the moment I update the catalogue just about every day, I add about 60 new titles each and every month. So if you want to keep in touch with the latest releases (and some old favourite raves) send me your catalogue disk now and again with an order or S.A.E., I will update it and return it as quick as the good old P.O can get it to you or just send me œ1:00 for a new one. ORDERING YOUR DISKS: Just a bit about ordering your disks, you can send your order by post, just write your selection in block capitals on a ten pound note (just kidding) and enclose a cheque or postal order for the total amount (see the info section) and send it off to our ad- dress. I will send you the disks the same day I get the order. All disks are sent first class post and packed in Jiffy bags (three or more disks). All disks have the full address and telephone number on them, so you will always know who to shout at if anything is wrong with the disk. I will always replace the disk if there is a problem. On all of the disks (unless there is no mention of one) you will find a manual on how the program runs, some of these ma- nuals are quite large and take some time to read and understand, so if you require a hardcopy of a manual please give me a call and I'll give you a price for a printout. You might like to get your- selves a copy of Atari ST Review each month as I intend to place adverts and also get some reviews of our latest disks in their PD section. LICENSEWARE ABOUT TO ENTER THE TUMBLEVANE CATALOGUE: Powerfist have signed on with us. They have several disks in the library at the moment with a further four due in the near future. All of their disks are graphic games (just as I've said that they have sent me a text adventure) and of a very high quality. All of their disks are priced at œ3:00 each.