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Now it is available to everyone in the Library (file #19837). 205 message(s) total. ************ ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 1 Tue Jun 25, 1991 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 22:19 EDT Let me clear up some misconceptions about the new Control Panel: - It _will_ work on all ST, MEGA, Stacy, STE, Mega STE, and TT Systems. Basically, if it is a TOS machine, it will run the New Control Panel. - The Configure CPX will change all of the CPX headers that you change. I just tested this. - The New Control Panel reports TOS version numbers and dates in the Status Box in the General CPX. The General CPX will report versions as they appear in the ROM. (There is a common misconception that people actually have TOS 1.4 in their machines.. They really have TOS 1.04. They mean the same thing.. however, somewhere along the line, everyone just started dropping the middle digit. Unfortunately for them, we are using that digit now) - The Shutdown option.. This will ONLY appear on machines that require it. If you have any questions, just ask away! -- John Townsend Atari Corp. PS. What do you think of this software? Inquiring minds want to know! ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 2 Mon Jul 29, 1991 J.ALLEN27 [FAST TECH] at 21:13 EDT If XCONTROL were to setup the sound chip in a certain way, and Spectre's code didn't uninit it, perhaps a conflict could occur? Who knows, if he's having a prob, and has tried all the easy fixes, maybe there is some real conflict mechanism. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 3 Mon Jul 29, 1991 CGEE at 21:51 EDT Problem is, only the sound.cpx will talk to the sound stuff. The Control Panel itself has nothing to do with it. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 4 Tue Jul 30, 1991 J.ALLEN27 [FAST TECH] at 02:08 EDT Now I'm puzzled. If I have Xcontrol installed, then how does the volume get set on boot? Does the Sound CPX set it up. If so, then maybe yanking out the sound cpx would be a good test to see if IT does an init to the sound chip that Spectre isn't exspectre'ing ;-) ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 5 Tue Jul 30, 1991 SFRT-ASST [Ken] at 09:52 EDT You may have to erase your Control.Inf file. Perhaps your control info file is locked or something? ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 6 Tue Jul 30, 1991 CGEE at 13:28 EDT At boot time or rez change, the cpxs can execute some code to do whatever they want. The sound cpx will set the sound stuff to its saved values. The Control Panel itself doesn't do anything with any hardware whatsoever. The CPXs are the ones that do all of the work. The control.inf file contains the path, the clock setting etc. It has nothing to do with sound, colors, serial ports etc. As for the time, it only displays whatever GEMDOS says the time is. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 7 Tue Jul 30, 1991 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 19:33 EDT Jim.. the SOUND.CPX does indeed set the volume when it is loaded and initialized. -- John ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 8 Tue Jul 30, 1991 J.ALLEN27 [FAST TECH] at 23:32 EDT Perhaps the setting the Sound.CPX does isn't completely undone by Spectre, and this poor guy is having no sound as a result. Sounds (hehe) like Dave needs to do some experimenting, and perhaps add on to the sound setup code in Spectre? ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 9 Wed Jul 31, 1991 F.OLIVAS [Fred O.] at 00:47 EDT Just a quick notice to all: The program BEEP.PRG, which replaces the bell with a digitized sound, doesn't work with the XCONTROL program. Fred O. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 10 Wed Jul 31, 1991 SFRT-ASST [Ken] at 01:51 EDT Is there a program that allows swapping analog sounds with sampled ones? ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 11 Wed Jul 31, 1991 DARLAH [RT~SYSOP] at 11:27 EDT Fred: Thanks for that information. I have been trying to get a sound play program to work with the TT. I tried the latest .ACC but it wouldn't work. I am going to check it out on the ST today. I have some really great sound files but haven't been able to usethem on the TT. Am I missing a program?? Could this be related to your problem with BEEP in some remote way? I know different machines...different problem. :-) ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 12 Thu Aug 01, 1991 S.JOHNSON10 [Steve] at 00:08 EDT SFRT-ASST [Ken] - What do you mean exactly by "swapping analog sounds with sampled ones?" One thing that bugs me about the STE's DMA sound engine is that the Yamaha sound chip is much louder than the digitized sounds, so I keep on having to adjust the volume on my monitor or amplifier (e.g. I'll play some SoundTracker .MOD files through the RCA jacks on my amplifier at a good level and then when I'm done and get the system bell for some reason, it's LOUD AS H*LL!!). Steve ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 13 Thu Aug 01, 1991 J.ALLEN27 [FAST TECH] at 01:11 EDT Sounds like a little resistor assistor is required...to quiet the situation ;- ) ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 14 Thu Aug 01, 1991 SFRT-ASST [Ken] at 12:24 EDT I'm having Mac envy. Instead of "beeps" and "boops" they can have Cpt. Kirk say "Warp Nine, Sulu!" Or a female voice say "Oooh..push _that_ one." ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 15 Sun Aug 04, 1991 E.KRIMEN [Ed Krimen] at 17:57 EDT Fred, try NewBell. Ken, take a look at the DigiStuf archive. The ST can have those custom sounds. Beware though, the programs don't work on the STe. However, the STe is supposed to have similar routines built-in to TOS, but no one has made use of them yet. :^( NewBell works on the STe though. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 16 Sun Aug 04, 1991 SFRT-ASST [Ken] at 19:14 EDT Aha! ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 17 Mon Aug 05, 1991 N.SAW at 22:15 EDT Speaking of Newbell, I'd like to see something similar to SoundMaster on the Mac for the STE. Since STEs and up have DMA sound... ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 18 Sun Aug 11, 1991 SANDY.W [RT SysOp] at 22:26 EDT Previous messages in this topic are available in file #20462. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 19 Wed Aug 14, 1991 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 20:43 EDT From sound to light - or rather darkness - I started using my new TT with TTM195 monitor about 4 weeks ago. Everything is fine until I want to leave the room: the screen saver supposedly built into MACCEL.CPX does nothing for this monitor, no matter how I configure it. (Believe me, I've tried EVERYTHING. I've been using the Codehead screen saver (Hotsaver) but have a few problems with that too, although it works most of the time. Is there anything I can do to get the CPX screen saver working? By the way, it's not anything else I have resident; the screen saver never worked even when I had _nada_ on the drive except what it came from the factory with. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 20 Wed Aug 14, 1991 OUTRIDER [Terry @ T2] at 22:42 EDT You do have MACCEL.PRG (in your AUTO folder) configured with the screen saver on, don't you? Just the CPX won't do you any good, as it only allows you to configure the resident PRG. - Terry - ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 21 Thu Aug 15, 1991 J.ALLEN27 [FAST TECH] at 06:15 EDT MACCEL only knows to diddle the normal ST/TT modes, it can't affect the VeryHires screen. Perhaps an MACCEL4 will be made that does, and also goes out and diddles the Moniterm/Matrix/Isac/Albert boards ;-) ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 22 Thu Aug 15, 1991 S.JOHNSON10 [Steve] at 18:22 EDT G.FUHRMAN - I think the screen saver doesn't work with monochrome monitors for some reason. It doesn't work with my SM124 hooked up to my STE, but it does work on my SC1224. Steve ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 23 Thu Aug 15, 1991 SFRT-ASST [Ken] at 19:59 EDT It works on my SM124 (vintage 1985, Dec... 21st). I went with a double sided drive when I bought me system too. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 24 Thu Aug 15, 1991 M.ABDULKAREE [ASX] at 22:13 EDT Terry, from what he described, MACCEL must have been in the AUTO folder. You can't access the CPX if you don't have MACCEL. It will tell you so. Nope Steve, It DOES work on mono (SM124) you probably don't have it configured properly. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 25 Fri Aug 16, 1991 S.JOHNSON10 [Steve] at 18:08 EDT M.ABDULKAREE - Hmmm...it didn't work the 2 times I had the screen saver on and I was using my SM124 rather than my SC1224. Actually, I think what it did on my SM124 is just reverse the colors! ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 26 Fri Aug 16, 1991 F.BELL1 [Frank @ Home] at 19:36 EDT Maccel works fine on my system too, Mono 832x624, or any other screen resolution for that matter. Frank... ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 27 Fri Aug 16, 1991 MIKE-FULTON [Mike @ Atari] at 22:20 EDT The screen saver built into the Atari Mouse Accelerator does not work with the TT high rez video mode. However, there are other screen savers, including John Eidsvoog's very fine Hot Saver, which should work just fine. Mike ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 28 Sat Aug 17, 1991 M.ABDULKAREE [ASX] at 03:48 EDT Steve, that is exactly what it does! MACCEL flips or reverses the colors on a monochrome and dims them on color. The readme file from Ken will tell you that... or your Mega STE manual. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 29 Sat Aug 17, 1991 T.ZENTHOEFE1 [Tom ] at 08:27 EDT Steve, I have an old style 520 upgraded to TOS 1.4, with 2meg of RAM a moment ago I set the screen saver in MACCEL3 with the control panel and after the required time it started switching the screen swapping black for white and white for black, just like it is wupposed to. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 30 Sat Aug 17, 1991 S.JOHNSON10 [Steve] at 16:56 EDT M.ABDULKAREE - Yeah, I found that out before I wrote that message into Aladdin, but forgot to change it before it was sent. I didn't have the MACCEL3 doc file handy as I just have MACCEL3.PRG in my \AUTO folder and would have to re-extract the doc file from one of several dozen disks of archived files (and I just got the SM124 quite recently, so I didn't know before). Gee! I can't find my Mega STE manual anywhere! Maybe it's because I don't have a Mega STE, huh? Here's a joke question for you... Does the Mega STE and TT come with their own manuals or do they come with 1040STfm manuals with Mega STE and TT addendums??? {burst of laughter} How are the Mega STE and TT manuals, anyway? I've always hated the ST manuals because they're rather lame when compared to many other user manuals. It's about as informative as the manual I just got with my new toaster! ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 31 Sat Aug 17, 1991 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 19:25 EDT Steve, Unless I am entirely mistaken, the screen saver blanks the screen on the color monitor but merely reverses the video on the mono monitor. There *is* a mono blanker that I got from BIX but it scrambled memory and caused crashes (in my system and others, as reported on BIX). Al ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 32 Sat Aug 17, 1991 OUTRIDER [Terry @ T2] at 23:16 EDT There are several screen savers (HotSaver, for one) that will blank a mono screen. Probably the reason why Ken @ Atari went with simply reversing the video is because on a mono monitor it costs you 32k extra to blank the screen, because your screen has to be saved to memory prior to blanking. On a color monitor you can simply set all the color registers to black. - Terry - ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 33 Sun Aug 18, 1991 R.FLASHMAN [Rick@Gribnif] at 13:45 EDT Blanking a TT194/5 monitor would take 128k! Actually, the NeoDesk 3 screen saver defaults to "reversing" the mono screen, but includes a utility to have it "blank" it out by using the extra memory (32k for a regular mono, 128k for a moniterm like screen). Rick ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 34 Mon Aug 19, 1991 A.VALENT [Mike] at 07:45 EDT Rick, I use that utility on my Moniterm and consider it worth the 128k. Don't know that I'd have used it on my old 2.5 meg ST... moot question since Moniterm requires Mega. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 35 Mon Aug 19, 1991 G.T.GRAY [Gary Gray] at 19:39 EDT Steve the manual for the TT is very nice, much more comprehensive than anything before that. Thanks Gary Gray Megabyte Plus ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 36 Mon Aug 19, 1991 M.ABDULKAREE [ASX] at 21:48 EDT Err.. the Mega STE manual is different from the STs (no addendum stuff like you sarcastically mentioned.) It is not great but workable except for the HD section. The most striking example is that it mentions FLDRxxx program in the HD addendum. It says that to increase the 40 folder limit (a limit that Atari considers the majority will not need to worry about- HAH!) place the program in the auto folder... well, where is the average person supposed to get it from?! Sure the dealer probably has it but that is an inconvenience to the user. Plus, if the user is new to Atari then they're probably lost right there! And yes, not all dealers hand-train their customers. By the way, why was the folder problem not fixed in the 2.05 and 3.05 TOS? Surely you chubs knew that TT users would not be those in the "majority"? TT users usually go for higher capcity HDs... SOOOO?! ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 37 Tue Aug 20, 1991 OUTRIDER [Terry @ T2] at 00:06 EDT ASX, Why do you laugh at Atari's suggestion that the majority will not need to worry about the 40 folder 'limit' in Mega STe TOS? I don't worry about it on either my TOS 1.4 or 1.6 machines. In fact, unless you have 40 folders open AT THE SAME TIME (such as a path 40 folders deep :^), my guess is you wouldn't need to worry about it, either (providing you have TOS 1.4 or higher). The 'bug' WAS fixed -- in TOS 1.4. It used to be that simply opening 40 different folders (even if 39 of them were closed) would cause you a problem. Now, closed folders have their folder pool slot reallocated, so that 39 closed folders out of 40 would leave you with only 1 slot taken. Of course, this is all dependant upon Ken or somebody else from Atari not telling me I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. ;^) - Terry - ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 38 Tue Aug 20, 1991 CBARRON at 01:49 EDT Terry- For the record I don't have forty folders/files opened at once but on a disk intensive session I get a message to reboot my tos 1.6 system occasionally and that is with folder100.prg in the auto folder. Now atari did not fix the bug as that would break too many programs as I have heard but reduced immensely the probability of its occurrance and found a way to warn the user when it happens. I have not trashed a partition with tos 1.6, I trashed more than my share with tos 1.0! ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 39 Tue Aug 20, 1991 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 04:14 EDT If you have enough memory, just make FOLDRXXX.PRG "FOLDR999.PRG" if you like. Or use ICD's software to set the folder limit as high as you like. Al ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 40 Tue Aug 20, 1991 DOUG.W at 08:02 EDT CBARRON, Are you running POOLFIX3.PRG? The "Out of Pool" message can be caused by a number of things. Having 40 folders open at once is only one cause. Having a lot of memory blocks allocated at once is another. There is also a bug in the memory allocation routines which can also result in this message - it's this bug that is fixed by POOLFIX3.PRG. /\ Doug Wheeler, Member of the IAAD \/ Serving the Atari Community ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 41 Tue Aug 20, 1991 OUTRIDER [Terry @ T2] at 09:47 EDT CBARRON, As Doug said, if you're not using POOLFIX, that's almost certainly the cause of your problems. If you are using POOLFIX and still get the message to reboot, I don't know what to say. I have one computer (TOS 1.4) run a BBS 24 hours a day and the other computer (TOS 1.6) stays on 24 hours a day doing any number of things. Neither uses a folder fix of any kind and I've never had a _single_ problem with the folder 'bug'. - Terry - ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 42 Tue Aug 20, 1991 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 21:47 EDT Terry.. You don't know what the hell you are talking about :-) Actually, in all honesty you are correct. Congratulations! -- John ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 43 Tue Aug 20, 1991 M.EVERHART2 [MIDIMIKE] at 23:16 EDT I have found the new MegaSTE manual to be a league ahead of the ST manual, but still directed to the computer-phobic. It does not tell me much about the file structures, etc. for CPXs - I found out how configurations were stored by trial and error. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 44 Wed Aug 21, 1991 CBARRON at 01:35 EDT Doug - with all the poolfix'es around i use none at present. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 45 Thu Aug 22, 1991 E.KRIMEN [Ed Krimen] at 21:08 EDT MIDIMIKE, It seems as if Atari doesn't think a fair number of its computer owners want a lot of information about their computer shipped with it, and that's why there's a flimsy manual. It'd just be something Atari would have to spend more money on, and not too many people would use it, I guess. Unfortunately, they don't optionally provide a more robust manual with juicy details. :^) ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 46 Thu Aug 22, 1991 C.HERBORTH [Morpheus] at 21:42 EDT [One Aug.17/91 S.JOHNSON10 [Steve] complained about the Atari manuals...] Here here! I don't recall seeing "Press to refresh an open disk window on the desktop." ANYWHERE in the manual that came with my 1985 1040STf... In fact, I was closing the bloody windows, and then re-opening them for a couple days, 'til I noticed a friend quickly goose the keyboard, and voila... I really hope they've improved since then... I don't know HOW long it took me to figure out AUTO and ACC programs, too... And I don't remember how long it took me to realise that the CONTROL.ACC and EMULATOR.ACC were not vital parts of the system... Makes me wonder why I've kept the bloody manual! Maybe for comparison, I'm in school to be a Professional Writer... :-) -Chris- ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 47 Thu Aug 22, 1991 PDC.SW at 23:07 EDT Does anyone have any ideas if it's beneficial to blank out a screen rather than reverse it. Is there any difference in power required or stress on a monitor? For example, when the screen goes white again, the screen will adjust itself. Whatchu people tink? ...oscar ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 48 Fri Aug 23, 1991 M.JONES52 [Jonesy] at 06:56 EDT Here, here, encore! Seems to me the manuals could benefit from a page or two of helpful hints and tips, at the least. Needn't be long, shouldn't cost that much. To make it easier, print the STuf up as an addendum, and include it as a separate publication with the computer. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 49 Sat Aug 24, 1991 S.JOHNSON10 [Steve] at 01:51 EDT C.HERBORTH - There's also the SHIFT-Leftclick to highlight multiple files/folders in the windows! But yeah, that ESC to refresh the window really irked me when I found out about it. I'm not sure, but there's also a few other undocumented TOS features I think. Hell! The Atari 8-bit manuals are easily up to 5 times better than the ST manual. Also, I don't consider EMULATOR.ACC and CONTROL.ACC to be all that vital...I haven't used them in at least 3 or 4 years! The only .ACC I use regularly is CALL_UIS.ACC for Universal Item Selector III. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 50 Sat Aug 24, 1991 M.ABDULKAREE [ASX] at 13:28 EDT I love the new TOS and the Mega STE, more than the TT. But the manual really stinks, and I have this urge to suggest all the time.. Perhaps I don't know what "real" situation that may call for the FLDRxxx program. I brought it up (and in the tone) as a suggestion to keep in mind for TOS 10.00 How about an explanation-- precise, please? ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 51 Sun Aug 25, 1991 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 11:55 EDT I left this message in the UltraScript topic but received no reply: Has anyone had a compatability problem with UltraScript for the SLM804 and the extensible Control Panel from Atari? When I try to use UltraScript with XCONTROL, UltraScript loads but gives an error when it starts to process a PS file. If I remove XCONTROL, all is well. I have a MEGA 4 with TOS 1.4. ...Roger ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 52 Sat Aug 31, 1991 R.GOFF [Bob] at 17:03 EDT Roger, I use US and XCP together with no problem. (Mega 4, TOS 1.4) What sort of error are you getting? If it is a memory error, it's possible that loading XCP ate up just enough memory to cause US a problem; happened to me when I loaded a new version of STalker that ate 100k more memory. Bob ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 53 Sun Sep 01, 1991 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 10:58 EDT Roger: There is a little 'Ultrascript loader' PRG available from Atari that may help; it's necessary for running Ultrascript on the 68030 machines but isn't supposed to be needed on the earlier ones. No doubt it's available here somewhere - back to screen savers (I've been away and only just caught up on that discussion): I understand that the CPX screen saver won't work on my TTM195, and I'm now using Hotsaver. But this brings up another question: If Hotsaver can reverse the colors on the TT high res, why can't I do that manually? I got used to using WordPerfect (for instance) with white text on black on my Mega 4, and now I can't do that on the TT, despite all the fancy window-customizing gadgets! Seems like a step backward to me. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 54 Sun Sep 01, 1991 M.ABREU [Abe] at 12:48 EDT I've got a stock 1040ST color system with TOS 1.04 installed. I've got the 2 patch programs in my AUTO folder, and I run the time setting program (ICD). The only ACC I'm loading is XCONTROL.ACC and all the CPXs that came with it. When I double click on the modem port CPX my system reboots. Any ideas? ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 55 Sun Sep 01, 1991 SFRT-ASST [Ken] at 13:06 EDT Bad file? ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 56 Sun Sep 01, 1991 REALM [Joey] at 14:19 EDT Abe, I think Poolfix cuases the crash. I think somebody uploaded a new version that should work fine. Look in the library. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 57 Sun Sep 01, 1991 FB [ST Librarian] at 14:40 EDT Abe, Sounds like you need the TOS14FX2 patch program. The original TOS14FIX makes the modem CPX bomb. It is file 19959. Fred Beckman ST File Librarian ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 58 Sun Sep 01, 1991 M.ABREU [Abe] at 20:57 EDT Thanks Fred, that was *exactly* the problem. I had already downloaded TOS14FX2, so I re-read the .TXT that came with it. If someone would have added, "if you're using TOS14FIX.PRG, replace it with this version," I would have installed it when I first got it. Someone went to a lot of trouble on that .TXT file, but it wasn't clear to me exactly what I was suppoed to do with it (or if I needed it). When new patches are available, I wish Atari would simply ARC *all* the patches together and include a README explaining what's changed. A new ST/GEnie user wouldn't have any idea what they needed to download. I noticed XCONTROL.ACC (and the CPXs that work on 1040STs) uses more memory than the old CONTROL.ACC, so I'm sticking with the old one for now. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 59 Sun Sep 01, 1991 T.ZENTHOEFE1 [Tom ] at 22:42 EDT Either chnge your TOSFIX file to the newer one or do without it. There is a conflict between it and the modem control CPX. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 60 Mon Sep 02, 1991 CGEE at 02:22 EDT I'm could be wrong, but I believe that the conflict is with ( I'm --> I ) the original TOS14 fix and programs polling RSCONF with a -2. It's not necessarily the modem CPXs fault. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 61 Mon Sep 02, 1991 R.RICHARDS2 [Roger] at 10:05 EDT Bob, another UltraScript and XCP user responded (in the UltraScript Topic) that he had the same problem I do. Since then, I've tried XCP loaded into MultiDesk and have no problems with that combination. I don't think it is memory problems because I can run UltraScript (SLM version) in much less memory than my XCP tests. I've learned that UltraScript can be a "sensitive" program. I wish someone could look into this as I am curious which program is to blame. ...Roger ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 62 Wed Sep 04, 1991 C.HERBORTH [Morpheus] at 23:12 EDT I had XControl blow up on me in HiRes only... After installing TOS1.4, I went fastload crazy, and goosed all my AUTO and ACC programs... Since then, I've been told that fastloading your ACCs is generally a Bad Idea(tm)... Anyway, on my system, with the fastload bit of XControl set, it blew up (3 bombs) and rebooted me as soon as it tried to load the ACC... And only in HiRes. Worked fine still in MedRes... Strange, eh? Anyone know why fastloading ACCs would be a bad idea? Assuming they were all programmed cleanly (hahahahaha...), it should be no problem... -Chris- ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 63 Fri Sep 20, 1991 D.D.MARTIN at 01:36 EDT Some of you have been following my saga of the MSTE-4 FROM HELL in the STE topic. I have a problem with the XCONTROL.ACC. Running NO AUTO PRGS and the only ACC loaded is the XCONTROL and TOS 2.05 I get garbage in the drop down menus at the desk top. All I have to do is touch the menus and open them up and words are garbled, odd characters are tossed in at random and some items are missing completly. For example, in the Options menu "Set Preferences" might come up as "Set references". Makes no difference if the blitter is on or off. I'm not running Folderxxx or Poolfix. AND all periferals are physically disconnected from the computer (ie: printers, modem). I thought I might have a munged XCONTROL file so I just downloaded it again. Same problems. I've been having all kinds of trouble with my MSTE-4 since I bought it and have posted messages in the STE base. I'm thinking I probably have some bad ROM chips. Any ideas? hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 64 Fri Sep 20, 1991 CGEE at 01:53 EDT Does it still happen when there are no CPXs and just the XControl Accessory itself? ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 65 Fri Sep 20, 1991 STARFALL [Alan] at 05:05 EDT You also might try deleting CONTROL.INF. I had it get munged, and XCONTROL would bomb when the it was loaded. / / * / Alan * * ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 66 Fri Sep 20, 1991 D.D.MARTIN at 20:33 EDT CGEE - I removed all CPXs and still had the problem and it is especially noticable when the computer has been on for a couple hours. Alan - I had moved my entire boot drive over to another partition and started fresh with new AUTO folder, HD.SYS, NEWDESK and CONTROL.INF file. I'm thinking I got bad ROMS. Hugs....Swampy ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 67 Sun Sep 22, 1991 M.JENKINS9 [Mike Jenkins] at 17:00 EDT To any and all, I found the problem with Xcontrol & Specre -- Turn off (disable) STE_FIX.PRG and COPYFIX.PRG - Since I use a SM124, I didn't need STE_FIX.PRG. Weird. Thanks for the help. Mike J. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 68 Mon Sep 23, 1991 OUTRIDER [Terry @ T2] at 21:50 EDT Mike, If you have an STE (and if not, why would you have STE_FIX?), you don't _need_ COPYFIX.PRG, since the 'bug' that COPYFIX fixes was taken care of with TOS 1.4. - Terry - ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 69 Tue Sep 24, 1991 S.JOHNSON10 [Steve] at 02:32 EDT M.JENKINS9 - You also don't need COPYFIX.PRG. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 70 Thu Sep 26, 1991 BOB-BRODIE [Atari Corp] at 16:55 EDT DD, On a Mega STE (from hell, or anywhere else ) the general.cpx is what permits you to set the CPU speed, and enable a cache. I suspect that your cache chips are what have gone south. If you delete XCONTROL I bet your machine just works dandy, or if you run XCONTROL without the general.cpx it will work ok, too. If that's the case, it's most certainly a defective cache...return it to your dealer for a warranty repair/exchange. regards, Bob Brodie ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 71 Thu Sep 26, 1991 D.D.MARTIN at 20:38 EDT Bob -- You're probably right. XCONTROL can't work properly if the cache circuit or blitter chips are bad. :( hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 72 Thu Sep 26, 1991 CGEE at 22:39 EDT No-XCONTROL works just fine if the cache or blitter chips are bad. The General cpx though, will probably have fits. :-) Just trying to clarify things abit. :-) ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 73 Tue Oct 01, 1991 BOB-BRODIE [Atari Corp] at 00:09 EDT Cary, Touche! Your correct!! I'll consider myself clarified! ;-) ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 74 Sun Nov 10, 1991 GSCOTT-MOORE [Gerry] at 14:53 EST \\\--- This is probably the wrong place for this, but I've been unable to accurately store the color palate in my DESKTOP.INF file. I just got a new machine and still can't manage to do it. Surely I am doing something wrong. I load CONTROL.ACC. (or now XControl). I change colors. I save the DESKTOP file via the TOS drop-down menu. Then I copy it to the area where SuperBoot will look for it, as well as the area where I can load it via DESKSWIT. In any case the colors, once changed, are not represented in the new INF file(s). They represent the old colors. Seems the only way I ever managed to correct this was by hand-editing (after much experimentation) the three-digit color codes in the actual file. Well I've forgotten where those codes are located and which code represents pale green and periwinkle blue and all the rest. And another thing, when I run CONTROL (either of the two versions I have) when I exit every color drops to one less digit. Color 555 becomes color 444. If I run it enough times my screen gets dingier and dingier until it's black. Any thoughts on the matter? \\\--- Gerry ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 75 Sun Nov 10, 1991 M.ANGIER [Mike Angier] at 17:49 EST In the Xcontrol color panel, there is an entry marked SAVE...use this to save default colors. RELOAD will load the defaults from disk, erasing any changes since the last save. Later, Mike ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 76 Mon Nov 11, 1991 BOB-BRODIE [Atari Corp.] at 13:37 EST Gerry, What Mike said...and just to be on the safe side, save your desktop after saving the control.inf file. regards, Bob Brodie ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 77 Mon Nov 11, 1991 D.D.MARTIN at 20:01 EST I purchased NEWDESK ICON.CPS at the WAACE show and have since downloaded the patch (needed for TOS 2.0.5 and up) in the ST library. I'm here to tell you it's really neat seeing all my familiar NEODESK icons on the MSTE desktop! With a little work around, you can use the NEODESK icon editor to create or change icons then import them into the NIC.CPX editor. Just a warning, make a back up of your current NEODESK RSC and INF files _before_ you start hacking at this. If anyone is interested, I could upload my Deskicon.RSC file to the library. Hi BOBBIT!! I'm having so much *fun*!....grin Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 78 Mon Nov 11, 1991 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 20:02 EST Just to make people aware.. The Color CPX saves the color setup into itself. It no longer uses the DESKTOP.INF file nor does it save any kind of configuration file (i.e. CONTROL.INF). In the new Control Panel, there are calls available to CPX modules to store information inside themselves. There are quite a few that already take advantage of this feature. -- John Townsend, Atari Corp. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 79 Mon Nov 11, 1991 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 21:35 EST Please do upload your DESKICON.RSC files if you have interesting icons. Another thing.. You could upload individual icons in .ICN format. The CPX from Scott Sanders will write out the .ICN file for you (I think!)... -- John ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 80 Mon Nov 11, 1991 T.MCCOMB [=Tom=] at 21:42 EST The Reversi CPX does! ;-) -Tom ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 81 Mon Nov 11, 1991 S.SANDERS2 [SDS] at 22:21 EST D.D.MARTIN: Thanks for the positive comments on the CPX! If you have any icons you'd like to share I'd be happy to see them uploaded here. I'm compiling and converting as many public domain icons as I can and I will be uploading them shortly. I recommend uploading in .RSC format for now since the .ICN file will lose the character placement, mask, and color. As soon as I receive your registration card you'll receive a copy of the 'SDS News' which informs you of an upcoming update which has some great new features like clipboard support, icon assignment, and a new individual file format (.XIC). Thanks again for your support. -Scott @ SDS Member IAAD P.S. We have a support topic here on GENIE Cat 2., Topic 39 if you have any more question. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 82 Tue Nov 12, 1991 M.DRYSDALE [Drys] at 19:52 EST Yes! Upload your Icons! ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 83 Tue Nov 12, 1991 D.D.MARTIN at 20:29 EST SCOTT -- Gee, I sent the registration card in right after getting home from WAACE. Knowing the US Snail, I don't wonder that you haven't received it. I will Email you all my registration info, including serial number if that's okay. Great program to have. Most of the icons that I am using are colleced from many of the NEODESK.NIC files that have been uploaded here. I will ARC and upload my .RSC file this weekend. JOHN -- Huh? Don't confuse me. .ICN file? I'll let you guys hack my .RSC file... LOL Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 84 Tue Nov 12, 1991 D.D.MARTIN at 21:05 EST I just uploaded my DESKTOP.RSC file (41 icons) to the library. It should be file# 21548 when it's released by the sysops and is called SWAMPY.ARC. Enjoy! Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 85 Tue Nov 12, 1991 S.SANDERS2 [SDS] at 22:49 EST Sorry Dee Dee, I do have your registration card. I checked today. When I said 'When I receive your registration card...' I meant if I hadn't already received it. Glad you like the CPX! -Scott @ SDS Member IAAD ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 86 Wed Nov 13, 1991 GSCOTT-MOORE [Gerry] at 05:00 EST \\\--- To those who addressed my color concerns: There seems to be confusion over my problem. Yes apparently the XControl does not read the DESKTOP.INF file. But I don't run with XControl loaded anyway. (I said I thought this might be the wrong area for this.) Again. I modify colors (either with XControl or the crummy old CONTROL.ACC). Then I save to the DESKTOP.INF file. Later I periodically run DESKSWITH.PRG to read this file after other programs have reset my palette to an undesirable set-up and have not recorrected it on their way out. But the colors that it resets to are not the last ones I saved, unless I go in there and start hacking my way into the file. Why? \\\--- Gerry ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 87 Wed Nov 13, 1991 ST-REPORT [Lloyd Pulley] at 16:22 EST I've gone back to using the old Control Panel. Since I got MultiDesk Deluxe (yes, I know they're not the same...but for my use, they might as well be the same), I just didn't need to waste the extra memory. Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 88 Wed Nov 13, 1991 D.D.MARTIN at 19:15 EST Lloyd -- Waste memory? The CPX is a great tool. I remove the CPX's I don't need (color, printer, modem etc) when I don't need them. I really don't see that much difference in the amount of memory when all I'm 'running' are the General and Config CPX's. And I do run XCONTROL from MultiDesk as an MDX file. Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 89 Thu Nov 14, 1991 ST-REPORT [Lloyd Pulley] at 08:49 EST D.D., What do I need XControl for (now that I have Multidesk)? What does it give me that the normal Control Panel doesn't? Most of the CPX's that I was using were the type of things that I can now load/unload through Multidesk...i.e., disk formaters, file handlers, etc. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 90 Thu Nov 14, 1991 D.D.MARTIN at 18:49 EST LLOYD -- The use or non-use of XCONTROL depends largely on the TOS you are using and the model computer. Yes for the normal stuff like setting printer and color palatte, key stroke, blitter, set clock etc, either control panel will do. The XCONTROL offers the ability to change run speed on the MSTE from 8mhz to 16mhz and to run 16mhz with or without cache. It also allows you to configure the _two_ serial ports. I'm sure it has other uses on the TT. The MSTE has been shipping with TOS 2.0.5 (or is it 2.05/2.5?) which lets you put icons on the desktop (ala NEODESK). One of the current CPX modules available for the XCONTROL panel is an icon editor (from SDS Software). Short of having a developers kit and/or accesse to the Atri resource editor, this CPX is the only other way you can edit or add/delete these icons. BTW, I just uploaded a Desktop icon RSC file to the library with 41 new icons. Search on SWAMPY.ARC If you don't have an MSTE or TT and do not use TOS 2.5, then you are right, the XCONTROL panel is just another jazzed up control panel, but there are some neat games and utilities either now available or in the works for XCONTROL. Like a fun 'Reversie' type game. Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 91 Thu Nov 14, 1991 CRAIG.S.THOM at 21:34 EST Why would you ever want to run at 16 MHz without a cache? ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 92 Thu Nov 14, 1991 ST-REPORT [Lloyd Pulley] at 23:26 EST D.D., If I had a MegaSTe, TOS205/206, or a TT I might feel XControl was worth the extra memory. But since I'm one of the 'unwashed masses' (i.e., one of the vast majority that have TOS 1.4 or under ), it has little to offer me. As far as the CPX that is an icon editor and/or the games, utilities, etc., those would work equally as well as either a program or acc. But after a 30 minute fight...oops, discussion ...with Ralph this morning, I now have XControl installed as a MDX inside of MultiDesk. This way, I can pull up a CPX if/when I ever need one. For some reason, it never occured to me to install XControl inside of MultiDesk. Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 93 Fri Nov 15, 1991 REALM [Joey] at 00:01 EST Craig, Vidi ST doesn't work with the Cache. We had to run the old version of DynaCADD with the Cache off on the TT because it wouldn't acknowledge the protection Cartridge. Those are just a few I've run into... ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 94 Fri Nov 15, 1991 J.COLE18 [John Cole] at 03:09 EST Lloyd, also, the Sound CPX for the 1040 STE's works nice and is a good reason for having CPX. Also, its I continue to use the FSM Gdos Cpx's even though MDD can use the ACC version, I dont have to have all of them in MDD to use them all! I like having both! (dont know what I would do with out either now :-) John ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 95 Fri Nov 15, 1991 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 21:28 EST BTW.. Since most of the 'crew' that developed XControl used MultiDesk on a regular basis, it was important that it work properly inside MultiDesk. And for those that don't know.. It will work as a MDX as well. -- John ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 96 Fri Nov 15, 1991 D.D.MARTIN at 21:53 EST LLOYD --- hahahah that Ralph sure can be convincing, can't he? And I do know what you mean about running with lower versions of TOS. My old 1040 still has TOS 1.0 (or what ever the original version was) and John's Mega 4 runs with TOS 1.2. And ain't that new Multi Desk Deluxe wonnerful stuff? Yeah CRAIG T. When I first got my MSTE, I found a couple things that wouldn't run at 16mhz with cache. 'Course at the time I didn't realize the cache chip/handler was screwed up on my MSTE from Hell. Now that I got a new MSTE CPU, all seems to be fine. I've heard there were some games that wouldn't run at 16mhz with cache tho. Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 97 Sat Nov 16, 1991 J.RICE5 [Joe Rice] at 01:19 EST Craig, Some programs (Cubase) for one won't run if the cache is enabled. For Cubase this is because of the copy-protection. For other programs I think it has to do with self-modifying code. Joe ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 98 Sat Nov 16, 1991 R.SENNEMA [Rudy] at 02:30 EST About the CPX control panel and setting colors. I have xcontrol as a MDX and have MultiDesk Dlx initialize it at boot up (using -I in the MDX title program). It sets up whatever your last saved configuration was (Colors,Sound,KeyClick rate,etc). See page 30 in the MDD manual. Of course you can still call it as an MDX to change it. Works for me! ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 99 Sat Nov 16, 1991 CRAIG.S.THOM at 08:13 EST But what benefit is gained from running at 16 MHz without a cache? 3%, maybe? And why not just turn off the accelerator when the copy protection is being checked, then turning it back on? What good is gained from running at 16 MHz with no cache? ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 100 Sat Nov 16, 1991 REALM [Joey] at 15:33 EST Craig, There isn't anything gained from running without a cache except that some software won't run at all with it on. The only good that comes from it is the fact that a program that doesn't run at all runs at 16mhz instead of 8mhz. I can tell the difference in the desktop Windows between 8mhz and 16mhz no cache so it does help some.:-) ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 101 Sat Nov 16, 1991 J.ALLEN27 [FAST TECH] at 20:49 EST Craig, the SW typically checks the copy-protection dongle randomly during operation, how in the world are you supposed to know when to do all this switching. Apparently your unaware of the methods employed by Cubase and Notator, you should familiarize yourself with them for future reference. Both companies should do what Ditek did with Dynacadd, a MUCH better method that is unaffected by processor speed. Neither company seems interested in altering their methods to accomodate new technologies. At least Hybrid Arts has decided to build in support to automatically switch speeds from 8-16-8 when needed, on the MegaSTE, and Adspeed. Rather than invent a new 3rd method, I have a special version of the T20/25 that impliments Adspeed compatible autoswitching for Hybrid Arts customers. If Cubase and Notator customers could only convince those companies to do the same. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 102 Sun Nov 17, 1991 CRAIG.S.THOM at 07:53 EST Jim, that still doesn't answer my question: why run at 16MHz with no cache? ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 103 Sun Nov 17, 1991 J.ALLEN27 [FAST TECH] at 12:11 EST If it's the only speed increase you can get, while still being able to operate, WHY NOT? Should the user drop down the other 10% just cause you don't think it's of value? ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 104 Sun Nov 17, 1991 WAYNED. [Wayne] at 13:15 EST Craig, One of the main reasons for incompatibility with using the cache is self- modifying code from what I've been reading in a couple other topics. If the code is in the cache and needs to be 'self-modified' by the program it doesn't modify the code in the cache, but the *real* code in main memory. Since the processor is working with the code in the cache it never sees the modifications(or at least not until the next time the cache needs a 'refill') and this breaks the software. So you don't get the full speed of 16mhz with cache you're still running at 16mhz, just not with the cache which adds more speed. Wayne ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 105 Sun Nov 17, 1991 J.ALLEN27 [FAST TECH] at 16:01 EST I don't know about others, but the T16 and T20 ar immune to self-modifying code. Only the 68030 chip itself is susceptable to self-modifying code problems, because the dat and instruction caches are seperate, something sucked in as an instruction into the cache is NOT altered by a data operation modifying that item in ram. So the copy in the instruction cache is now out of sync with ram, and the old, un-modified in struction will be executed. I have done testing with T20 caching during he research phase, and by mimicking precisely the 68040 cache design, it becomes a self-modifying code detector ;-) Using an 040 with alot of the ST SW out there is going to be a real pain. It is a bit faster to have seperate data/instruction caches, but not if you are using TOS 1.4 or older...it's not an option. Otherwise Fast Tech would have done just that. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 106 Mon Nov 18, 1991 CRAIG.S.THOM at 20:12 EST Right, self-modifying code should not be a problem for any properly designed accelerator that uses a combined data/ instruction cache. AdSpeed has no problem with this. As Jim said, only accelerators with separate data and instruction caches can be hit by self-modifying code. But writing code that won't work on higher-level CPUs in the same family is a pretty short-sighted idea. Programmers should know better. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 107 Sat Mar 07, 1992 B.GOCKLEY at 16:03 EST Does anyone else have troulble with their double click settings getting changes. I have had this problem on TTs MegaSTes in a variety of configurations. Just out of the blue, I'll have trouble getting a response, and I'll look in the General Setup and find that the click rate has been boosted to 4! I asked Towns about this at WAACE and he had not encountered it. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 108 Sun Mar 08, 1992 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 15:24 EST What programs are you running? It is possible that someone else (i.e. Another Program) is setting the click rate. Any program can set the click rate, but I highly recommend that they don't. I really like the idea that the sets up their pallete, sound settings, keyclick settings, double click speed in the Control Panel and the applications just use what the user has already set. -- John Townsend, Atari Corp. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 109 Sun Mar 08, 1992 RRWELDIN [Ron Weldin] at 23:44 EST B.GOCKLEY, Yes I have had the double click setting change on my 1040 and 520. It doesn't happen often so I haven't taken the time to track it down. I suspect it is one of the programs I'm using but I'm not sure which one. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 110 Mon Mar 09, 1992 B.GOCKLEY at 20:43 EST Hi John, It must be an other program, but I don't know which one. Those rats at Atari have made it so easy to do things with key commands that I sometimes don't touch the mouse for a bit. Maybe Wordflair or Tracker, I use them a lot. Or perhaps its part of that 'missing window' or 'system is out of memory' mystery. Keep on looking though. Brian D Gockley ST Informer*s ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 111 Fri Mar 13, 1992 E.GOEBEL [ERG] at 23:18 EST From reading this topic I have learned that a CPX may save settings into itself. I would like to know if the Extensible Control Panel saves anything to itself. I would like to DC Squish it, if possible... ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 112 Sat Mar 14, 1992 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 13:44 EST Please don't! I don't know what will happen if you do, but I would not recommend it. -- John ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 113 Sat Mar 14, 1992 T.ZENTHOEFE1 [Tom Z.] at 15:16 EST > From reading this topic I have learned that a CPX may save settings into >itself. I would like to know if the Extensible Control Panel saves anything >to itself. I would like to DC Squish it, if possible... Erg, I just squished XCONTROL.ACC and changed the clock from 24 hour to 12 hour and back saving it each time and had no trouble loading and reloading it in MultiDesk Deluxe. XCONTROL.ACC does not seem to save anything to itself. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 114 Sat Mar 14, 1992 E.KRIMEN [Ed Krimen] at 21:10 EST I couldn't remember if I had squished XCONTROL, so I checked. Yes, I have it squished, and haven't had any problems with it. I'm pretty sure I've had it squished ever since it's been released, without a problem on an STE or Mega STE. I don't think squishing causes any problems; it's the fastload bit which may cause them (on desk accessories). ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 115 Sun Mar 29, 1992 J.ZORZIN [Joe] at 15:21 EST I think I asked this once before but it didn't sink in. What exactly is the extensible control panel? ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 116 Sun Mar 29, 1992 DARLAH [RT~SYSOP] at 22:39 EST Joe: What it means is it is capable of being extended through the use of CPX's. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 117 Mon Mar 30, 1992 JEFF.W [ST Sysop] at 01:28 EST Joe, The Extensible Control Panel is a replacement of Atari's original Control Panel. It will control all the same functions as before and more. Instead of the Control Panel itself controlling the functions, these are controlled via Control Panel Extensions (CPXes) that are individual modules that you can use or not use, depending on your system configuration. It's easiest to compare the Extensible Control Panel to the Macintosh's Control Panel and the CPXes to the Mac's CDEVs. But, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. And what can give you a better picture of the Extensible Control Panel than the real thing itself? It's in the Software Library as CPX.ARC (file #19837). It's not a large file, so you can download it and check it out for yourself. It will work on any Atari ST/STe/TT system. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 118 Thu Apr 02, 1992 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 00:37 EST When I am in certain programs and access the XCONTROL panel and try to select a CPX, it will not allow me to access it. It loads it from the drive but will not let me into the CPX module. What causes this? ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 119 Thu Apr 02, 1992 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 16:29 EST The program you are using is grabbing all of available free memory. When XControl uses a CPX, it mallocs memory to load the CPX. When there is no memory, it won't do anything.. One solution: Make your CPX a resident CPX. This way it will be loaded into memory at bootup and will always be available. -- John ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 120 Fri Apr 03, 1992 D.D.MARTIN at 18:09 EST R.WATSON -- After "moving" the new CPX into the ACTIVE table, you must use the "RELOAD CPX's" option to be able to access the newly selected CPX. Click on the icon that looks like a floppy disk with an arrow pointing to a computer. Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 121 Fri Apr 03, 1992 D.D.MARTIN at 18:59 EST JOHN T. -- "mallocs"? it "mallocs" memory to load the CPX? You're typos are getting as good as mine! :-) Hugs...Swampy ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 122 Fri Apr 03, 1992 K.SCHAFER4 [Necromancer] at 22:24 EST you could also use a "free memory" option such as in Flash or Freeze Dried Terminal. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 123 Sat Apr 04, 1992 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 00:33 EST D.D., Mallocs is what it's called, I think. Al ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 124 Sat Apr 04, 1992 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 01:54 EST "malloc" is a standard C system call that means allocate a block of memory and give me back the pointer to that block (or return an Error). Malloc is short for Memory Allocate. -- John PS. No typos here. -- John ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 125 Sat Apr 04, 1992 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 09:49 EST John, Thanks. Will set them as memory resident. I wondered if that would fix the problem but never got around to trying it. D.D., Not quite what I was talking about but, thanks for the reply. John hit the nail on the head. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 127 Sat Apr 11, 1992 R.GLOVER3 [Rob] at 21:43 EDT Hi... after having my Mega STE for a week, I've come to find a short lacking in the Sound CPX. I'd like to see two volume controls -- one for the DMA sound, and one for the old 3-voice Yamaha chip sound. See, when playing good DMA sound, it's often nice to have the volume up when listening to it, but then something makes the system bell ring or something, and it startles you out of your seat, with your ears ringing! Make sense? Rob ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 128 Sun Apr 12, 1992 J.WILES1 at 15:32 EDT Speaking of mouse click increases, I've noticed that every time I load SuperCharged Easy Draw, the mouse click increases by one. This is the only program that does this for me. Jeff ---- ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 129 Fri Apr 24, 1992 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 20:10 EDT Would it be possible for the XControl Panel to have some way of indicating how much RAM is available and how much of that is used? ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 130 Fri Apr 24, 1992 JEFF.W [ST Sysop] at 22:00 EDT Bob M., The XControl Panel already shows how much free RAM is available. Click on the STATUS button in the General Setup. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 131 Sat Apr 25, 1992 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 03:18 EDT XControl already does that. Click on the "Status" button in the top left corner of the General CPX. -- John Townsend, Atari Corp. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 132 Sat Apr 25, 1992 M.ABDULKAREE [ASX] at 17:48 EDT What does the cookie $9a21c in the cookie jar mean? This thing comes up even when I bypass the hard disk driver on my TT (I also found a similiar cookie in the STE). ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 133 Sat Apr 25, 1992 R.MORROW10 [Bob M.] at 22:09 EDT Well, waddya know! It shows 245089 bytes free. Thanks. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 134 Sun Apr 26, 1992 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 14:53 EDT No problem, Bob! Glad to help.. -- John Townsend, Atari Corp. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 135 Tue May 05, 1992 E.GOEBEL [ERG] at 00:59 EDT RE: Squishing XCONTROL Two for, one against. Well, I decided to give it a try one day after reading these replies and backing up the HD. A couple of weeks have gone by with no apparent ill effects. If something really nasty eventually happens, I'll let you know. BTW, I use XCONTROL only as a non-resident ACC inside MultiDesk Deluxe so I can't say what would happen in any other configuration. Thanks for your replies! Sorry for the time lag between my original post and this reply, but I don't log on GEnie as much as I used to... ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 136 Wed May 06, 1992 E.KRIMEN [Ed Krimen] at 23:18 EDT Hmmm, I didn't see the original post, but I've always had XCONTROL squished. In fact, I just checked it 'cause I couldn't remember. No problems at all. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 137 Sun May 17, 1992 A.KELLOGG2 [Flakes] at 18:56 EDT Is there any program that will convert .ACC files to .CPX files? ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 138 Sun May 17, 1992 R.GLOVER3 [Rob] at 20:41 EDT Flakes: Unlikely. Atari or someone in the know: Where can I get info on writing CPX's without having to purchase the [expensive] developer's kit? ROb ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 139 Mon May 18, 1992 S.SANDERS2 [SDS] at 06:24 EDT Converting an .ACC to a .CPX would not be possible at the .ACC level. I've actually considered writing a shell that a programmer could recompile a CPX with another object file to create a runnable .ACC. That would be possible, but I don't promise anything :) -Scott @ SDS Member IAAD ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 140 Mon May 18, 1992 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 16:17 EDT The Developer's Kit isn't expensive. Also, you can buy individual documents from Atari that used to be only available in the Kit. You should call Gail Bacani at Atari and speak with her. She can provide you with the information you need. You could also send mail to MIKE-FULTON (Atari's Developer Support person here on GEnie) and ask him. -- John ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 141 Mon May 18, 1992 D.MCNAMEE [Dan @ Atari] at 19:21 EDT Rob, The only way to get the developer CPX information is by becomming a registered developer. Sorry. Dan ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 142 Wed May 20, 1992 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 02:15 EDT CPX Modules are best left as CPX modules. And the shell that Scott describes exists. It is called the Control Panel ;-) -- John ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 143 Sat May 23, 1992 B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 15:02 EDT Hi Towns, I continue to have a blast with this new Control panel, and it always makes me think of John jainschigg's remark... "Similar to the mac's, Atari's new XCONTROL is much more orthagonal." You really gotta laugh with that guy. Anyway, I was wondering if you could tell if it is possible to rename the control panel a la Multidesk. I keep trying to get my DA's in alphabetical order, but XCONTROL and STalker insist on coming in last. I figured renaming it would put it alphabetically at the en d where it already is. I'm sure that DA reordering is not exactly a top priority, but heck, I thought I'd ask. BTW, it turns out to be easy draw that kicks my double click rate up to max It's usually so well behaved! THanks, and keep up the good work. Brian D Gockley ST Informer ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 144 Sat May 23, 1992 WAYNED. [Wayne] at 19:30 EDT Brian, 1st if you really want them in alphabetical order you could get MultiDesk Deluxe. It allows you to have them show up in alphabetical order. The only other suggestion I have is it seems to me that the normal DA slots load in reverse order, i.e. the last on the disk gets loaded in the first slot, and the first on the disk gets loaded into the last slot. It may just be a fluke, but I noticed that once or twice in the past. MultiDesk Deluxe is by far the best option IMHO. :-) Wayne ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 145 Sun May 24, 1992 J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 10:52 EDT Brian, Wayne is right about MultiDesk. however, if you try his other suggestion and it does not work don't worry, accessories have a mind of their own and sometimes even the load backwards rule is borken. BTW it almost always works for me. >> Joe Meehan << ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 146 Sun May 24, 1992 STARFALL [Alan] at 16:58 EDT I believe the order accs appear in the menu has to do with when they register themselves with the AES. Some do it right away, but others do a few other AES calls first, which allows other accs to sneak in ahead of them. / / * / Alan * * ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 147 Sun May 24, 1992 WAYNED. [Wayne] at 19:15 EDT Alan, I've been told that that is in fact how the Acc's appear, but a majority of the time it does appear in inverse order to the way they load off the disk. It's not 100% as you and others pointed out, I gave that to him in hopes that it would allow him to do what he wants. If not that's why I suggested MultiDesk Deluxe. I do KNOW that they'll appear in alpabetical order there. :-) Wayne ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 148 Mon May 25, 1992 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 18:52 EDT You can rename the Control Panel file to anything you want. I would recommend that you try to stay with something close to CONTROL.ACC tho.. That way when you forget that you named it something different, you will remember what the file is and not delete it! ;-) -- John ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 149 Tue May 26, 1992 T.GIRSCH [T.J.] at 01:57 EDT Also, to build on what Alan said, some accessories wait until you get all the way to the Desktop before they finish initializing. Ramdisks are notorious for this... ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 150 Fri Jun 26, 1992 D.A.BRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 20:44 EDT XCONTROL and Steinberg 24 don't seem to get along. Has anybody discovered a work-around short of disabling XCONTROL? ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 151 Sat Jun 27, 1992 C.HERBORTH [-Chris-] at 12:59 EDT Dot, You could always go the other way and not use Steinberg 24... ;-) -Chris- ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 152 Sat Jun 27, 1992 D.A.BRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 13:47 EDT That would certainly be my choice, Chris, but this is on my MIDI-minded husband's machine. ;-) ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 153 Sun Jun 28, 1992 RRWELDIN [Ron Weldin] at 00:01 EDT kidprgs, I don't know if this will help but...I had problems with some programs that were set to Autorun. I was able to clear up the problem by use a delay program. Another way was to NOT Autorun any programs. busiprgs ;-) ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 154 Sun Jun 28, 1992 SM [Music<>MIDI] at 03:43 EDT If it's a Steinberg product, Dot, forget it -- Steinberg tends to do bizarre things in programming and the only DAs and auto stuff that cohabits is stuff written by Steinberg. Check out the Steinberg category in the MIDI RT for more data. Bill Black of Steinberg-Jones is online as STEINBERG. >>>>>>Steve ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 156 Wed Feb 10, 1993 W.JESSOP [WARREN PHOTO] at 22:29 EST Are there any PD "Corner Clock" CPX's around? I loved having one in my NeoDesk Control Panel, but can't see taking up another DA slot just for the Corner Clock. Thanks & aloha, Warren ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 157 Thu Feb 11, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:08 EST Warren, There are some good corner clocks. One really neat one is Zeitgeist, available here on GEnie, which is called SDS_ZEIT.ACC. (It's not German, despite the name.) It can be turned on and off from the keyboard using rshift-alt-lshift, which is very handy. It's a standard accessory, not a CPX. But this doesn't mean it takes up one of your slots, since all you need to do is have MultiDesk Deluxe install it as a resident DA. If you are not using MultiDesk, it is the very first thing you should purchase. It's available everywhere fine software is sold.... :) Al ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 158 Thu Feb 11, 1993 SANDY.W [sysop] at 16:35 EST Unfortunately, you can't run a .acc clock from MultiDesk without turning on the timers button, but it the timer's button is on, you lose your screen saver. We very much need a corner clock that is a auto run program. There are at least a couple of these in the Software Library, but they will not run in TT high resolution. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 159 Thu Feb 11, 1993 SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 20:25 EST Hotwire has a corner clock. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 160 Fri Feb 12, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 18:37 EST Sandy, SDS_ZEIT works in all TT resolutions, and does not interfere with the screen savers (any of them). Al ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 161 Fri Feb 12, 1993 SANDY.W [sysop] at 18:52 EST Yes, SDS_ZEIT is a very nice clock. There is also a very nice German accessory clock that works in TT high among other resolutions. Unfortunately both are _accessories_. Therefore you either have to use an accessory slot for it, or put it in MultiDesk. If it is in MultiDesk, you have to use the timer button. If you use the timer button, you loose your screen saver that is also in MultiDesk, or it must take up the accessory slot. I don't have the extra accessory slot. I really need a TSR program or CPX clock that will work in TT high. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 162 Sat Feb 13, 1993 REALM [Joey] at 02:21 EST Whats wrong with the clock in the top of XCONTROL? You can't see it 24hours a day but it works wherever you have a Menu Bar. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 163 Sat Feb 13, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:41 EST Sandy, Well, Hotwire's corner clock works great in TT high. I suppose that would be an unusual reason for buying Hotwire, though. :) gnox ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 164 Sat Feb 13, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 11:02 EST Sandy, You don't lose the screen saver in MDD, if you disable it and run another one. I normally use SilkMouse (just got my registered version), sicne it is the only screen saver I have tried that works without a problem with everything else that is running, and the mouse accelerator built into SilkMouse is absolutely the best, period. Al ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 165 Fri Feb 19, 1993 T.KOLAKOWSK2 [TomKo] at 22:57 EST NeoDesk 3.03's corner clock is the best. You can configure each program as to wether or not to have the corner clock displayed! A great new feature added by Dan! ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 166 Sat Feb 20, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:46 EST But Neo's corner clock is only configurable when you are running Neo. SDS-ZEIT works all the time, and can be switched on or off from the keyboard. Also shows the date by pressing the shift key. Al ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 167 Sat Feb 20, 1993 G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 07:00 EST > You can configure each program as to wether or not to have the corner > clock displayed! A great new feature added by Dan! Hotwire has the same feature, except it's not new. :) Also has hotkeys to toggle it on/off and time/date at any time. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 168 Sat Feb 20, 1993 T.EVANS21 [] at 13:11 EST >Message 167 Sat Feb 20, 1993 >G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 07:00 EST > >Hotwire.... Also has hotkeys to >toggle it on/off and time/date at >any time. >-------- gnox, Thank you! I had forgotten or missed that in the manual.. I can use those hotkeys... =) Later, <-:}Ted{:-> Saturday, February 20, 1993 - 8:39:10 am ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 169 Sun Mar 21, 1993 BOB-BRODIE [Atari Corp.] at 00:43 EST I use the corner clock from the IDLE.ACC screen saver, I think that Gribnif shipped it with STalker 3 in the extras folder. That works in TT high, and gives a nice clock in the upper right hand corner. And, I get the nifty screen saver, with a spining Fuji across the stars on a big 19" monitor! regards, Bob Brodie ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 170 Sun Mar 21, 1993 AEO.5 [Ed Krimen] at 19:29 EST Okay, all you eXtensible Control Panel experts out there, I've got a dilemma. I can't figure out why when I do a Reload from my COLOR.CPX that it switches to a brown palette! I can resurrect the normal (white, black, blue, green, red) palette by invoking the NeoDesk Control Panel; then, I can save those colors using the Save button in COLOR.CPX, but when I reload, it goes back to shades of brown. COLOR.CPX is not set to read-only. I'm using a TT with TOS 3.06. Any ideas? ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 171 Sun Mar 21, 1993 TOWNS [John@Atari] at 22:19 EST Get rid of the NeoDesk Control Panel and see what happens. XControl and the NeoDesk Control Panel are probably conflicting.. -- John ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 172 Sun Mar 21, 1993 J.RENNER1 [Jim] at 22:55 EST Sound like it is changing the bank of colors you are using. I checked my CP and bank 7 is a group of tan/brown colors. Why your reload isn't loading what you saved (or vise versa) i don't know, but check the banks? Try a new copy of the CPX. Jim. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 173 Mon Mar 22, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 06:49 EST Ed, Does this happen only when the NeoDesk Control Panel is running? If so, it seems clear that you have two competing programs setting colors. Choose one or the other -- NeoDesk or CPX. Al ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 174 Mon Mar 22, 1993 AEO.5 [Ed Krimen] at 23:08 EST I should have been more clear. The NeoDesk Control Panel is -not- loaded. I just run it as a program to reset the colors. The bank of colors is -not- changing. The colors in bank 0 are changing -- the other banks remain the same. Your help is appreciated! ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 175 Tue Mar 23, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:09 EST Thanks, Ed. You are fixing the colors back to where they should be by running the NeoDesk Control Panel as a program, right? (Why not just pull down the cpx and do the same thing? I think you had said that even when you do that, it refuses to reset color 0, yes?) Mystery to me. When, exactly, does color 0 change? Let us know more. Al ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 176 Tue Mar 23, 1993 D.MCNAMEE [Dan @ Atari] at 16:50 EST Ed, Have you tried to reset color 0 to whatever you want and saving the CPX? Dan ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 177 Wed Mar 24, 1993 AEO.5 [Ed Krimen] at 21:30 EST The colors in bank 0 of Color.cpx change to brown when I reload, hit OK, Cancel(!), and the close box from within the CPX. I tried what Dan suggested: changing a few colors and saving it, and that works. Doing a reload maintains the colors, but on only those that I changed! Really weird. The others turn to shades of brown, like before. I don't expect a fix or any sane solution to come of this. I guess I just have to write down (eeek!!) what the color values are, and manually change and save them. (Resetting the colors with NeoControl Panel and saving from the CPX doesn't work, strange enough. They'll just go back to brown after a reload.) ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 178 Thu Mar 25, 1993 D.MCNAMEE [Dan @ Atari] at 13:20 EST Ed, Maybe your color CPX got munged somehow, then. Try downloading a new copy and see if that fixes it. The Xcontrol package is here in the file library somewhere. Search under Xcontrol. Dan ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 179 Fri Mar 26, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:43 EST Ed, To help you feel like you are not crazy, I've seen the same problem on my TT. If I change one color and save the config, the colors behave. It's a mystery to me, too. Al ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 180 Sun Mar 28, 1993 F.GORON [Frank] at 00:14 EST Ed, Just out of curiosity, if you don't run Neodesk, does Xcontrol have the proper colors in bank 0? Or are the brown shades already there? If you have the colors you want and THEN after running Neodesk, you end up with the brown shades, then I'm at a loss. But if the brown shades are there w/o running Neodesk, then perhaps at some point when scrolling through the banks of colors, you might have accidentally saved that bank of brown shades into your bank 0. Just a thought. Frank ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 181 Sun Mar 28, 1993 AEO.5 [Ed Krimen] at 14:16 EST Frank, When I bring up the Color CPX, the colors look fine, until I touch a button. Then they turn brown. I use NeoDesk just to reset them. As I recall from the last time I played with it, the colors turn brown, but the RGB levels remain at their proper settings (for the normal colors). Really strange. I guess I could upload a screen shot if anyone's interested. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 182 Sun Mar 28, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 18:55 EST Ed, I guess we're not clear as to why you reset the colors from NeoDesk, and not from the control panel cpx. The control panel is losing the color settings in some way, it seems; at least, I've seen that on my system. I just go into the cpx and zap it back. I've made up a CodeKeys macro for it, too. Al ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 183 Wed Jun 09, 1993 R.VOORNEVELD [BOB] at 18:02 EDT Bob Brodie, The CPX's that came with my TT have since been revised with newer versions. I was wondering where I can obtain the latest Atari CPX versions? Regards Bob ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 184 Sat Aug 14, 1993 D.FREELAND [SAXMAN] at 18:07 EDT My Falcon came with TOS 4.04 and XCONTROL ver 1.2. I have read here and there that 1.3 is the current version. If it is, what is the difference and how can I go about getting the latest version? David ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 185 Sun Aug 15, 1993 L.BUDNICK [Lorne] at 15:02 EDT Question: Is there a need to run both of the following CPX's? They appear to provide the same function. color.cpx - ver. 1.06 colorvdi.cpx - ver. 2.10 Thanks in advance, Lorne.... ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 186 Sun Aug 15, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 19:53 EDT Lorne, Colorvdi is for Ataris that have an extended palette, like the Falcon. Al ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 187 Thu Aug 19, 1993 ATARI.BENLUX [W. Kilwinger] at 10:35 EDT D.FREELAND [SAXMAN], > >My Falcon came eith TOS 4.04 and XCONTROL ver 1.2. I have read here and >there that 1.3 is the current version. If it is, what is the difference and >how can I go about getting the latest version? Actually 1.32 is the latest version. What's new ?: XCONTROL Version 1.3 -------------------- 1) All CPXs will be allocated dynamically unless specified to be resident. Previously, the INF file specified if all CPXs were to be allocated dynamically, OR, to allocate at boot time, the largest amount of memory required by the largest CPX. 2) The option to set the minimum number of slots has been removed. This option has caused a lot of misunderstanding. From now on, the number of slots allocated will be 1-1/2 times the number of active CPXs. If there are no active CPXs, 5 slots will be allocated. This means that at least 5 CPXs can be 'Reloaded' without having to reboot the system. 3) The Control Panel now uses malloc() instead of Malloc(). Under MultiTOS, Malloc() allocates a minimum of 8K which is not suitable for our purposes. Were to get it ? I'll check with my US colleagues if they can upload it here. Regards, Wilfred ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 188 Thu Aug 19, 1993 D.FREELAND [SAXMAN] at 10:53 EDT Thanks Wilfred David ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 189 Fri Aug 20, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:29 EDT Thanks for the info on the new Xcontrol, Wilfred. You're a font of helpful knowledge. Al ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 190 Sat Aug 21, 1993 MIKE-ALLEN [NM~SysOp] at 02:37 EDT Well, XControl 1.31 finally got here. Thanks, Mike Fulton. Now, I've got some questions. I am using a MSTe with TOS 2.05. 1) What is the BCOLORS CPX for? 2) Should I use the COLOR CPX or the COLORVDI CPX? Or Both? 3) Why does the new SOUND CPX (1.2) insist that my MSTe doesn't have stereo sound? I know better and its earlier versions did too. (No, I'm not confusing it with the FSOUND CPX.) 4) I have the SDS Clipboard CPX. Should I keep on using it or should I switch to the Atari Clipboard CPX? 5) The sub-menus CPX leaves me cold? I haven't the foggiest idea how to use it. Running MTOS of course, won't work without MTOS on my machine . Ya see, Atari, the more goodies you supply, the more questions you are going to get, but PLEASE don't let that stop you posting the most recent stuff! It IS appreciated. Mike Allen ST HelpDesk~SysOp ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 191 Sat Aug 21, 1993 A.DIPIETRO at 23:15 EDT And finally...I got v1.31 with MultiTOS....should I d/l v1.32...I like to have the latest of everything!!! :-) Thanks...Anthony... ps: thanks too for continuing to upgrade the ControlPanel....! ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 192 Sun Aug 22, 1993 J.RENNER1 [Kheldar] at 00:10 EDT I also downloaded 1.31 and the sound.cpx gave me the "no stereo sound available". So i went to the old sound CPX but it doesn't get along very well with MultiTOS. Anyone have an answer? Kheldar. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 193 Sun Aug 22, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 15:50 EDT A.DIPIETRO at 23:15 EDT >And finally...I got v1.31 with MultiTOS....should I d/l v1.32...I >like to have the latest of everything!!! :-) The version here is 1.31. ~~~~Brian ... Written on Sunday 22 August 1993 at 00:57 a.m. ADT ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 194 Sun Aug 22, 1993 O-ZONE [Flakes] at 16:04 EDT I also tried the new sound.cpx with my Mega 4 STE and got the "no stereo sound available" and I'm not running multi-tos. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 195 Sun Aug 22, 1993 BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 16:31 EDT Add me to the list of no Stereo sound. I had the European version (1.31) before and it worked OK. ~~~~Brian ... Written on Sunday 22 August 1993 at 04:52 p.m. ADT ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 196 Sun Aug 22, 1993 L.SMITH30 [LOUIS] at 16:35 EDT You say that the latest version of XCONTROL is 1.32 while the file for downloading from Genie is Ver 1.31. Can you tell me whether you will be posting your version for downloading or whether I could get it from you by post? If this is possible let me know the procedure and the address to send any money. Louis (from The Rock of Gibraltar) ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 197 Sun Aug 22, 1993 A.DIPIETRO at 19:24 EDT Hi all....sorry, I have v1.3...not 1.31...I was still wondering if there is any major difference between the two...I assume not...I also have the updated CPXs so I'm wondering if the ones loaded into the v1.31 file has any better or updated CPXs??????? Thanks again...sorry for the confusion.... Anthony ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 198 Sun Aug 22, 1993 J.TRAUTSCHOL [jtrautschold] at 20:16 EDT Kheldar... Interesting. I got the same result with the new sound.cpx on my TT030. I too returned to the old cpx and it too reports "No stereo sound available", even though it used to work. I tried doing a hard reboot and a reset, but it didn't help any. I suspect that the new cpx wrote some data to the GI chip that is not affected by either a reboot or reset. No doubt if I turn the computer off, the old cpx will boot up just fine. Hmmmm.... John Trautschold Missionware Software ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 199 Mon Aug 23, 1993 ATARI.BENLUX [W. Kilwinger] at 04:03 EDT It was me who informed you about 1.32. Mike uploaded 1.31. I mentioned 1.32 since that is what we use in europe but it seems to be een european version. 1.31 is accurate at your side. Regards, Wilfred ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 200 Mon Aug 23, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 18:03 EDT Don't they check these things out for compatibility before they release them? Sounds like I wasted a download since I have a MSTE. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 201 Mon Aug 23, 1993 E.ROSEN [Ed Rosen] at 22:14 EDT Many people have stated seeing the "No stero sound available" message. Has anyone actually _listened_ for stereo? Just curious. ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 202 Mon Aug 23, 1993 F.LAWRENCE2 [FRANK] at 23:24 EDT Hey Guys, I also get the 'No Stereo' message with my TT. I also tried playing with the WCOLOR.CPX see if any changes, seems to work but would not click on and ativate the right 'bar' on the closed directory so no change can be made at location, all the rest took. Frank ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 203 Mon Aug 23, 1993 F.LAWRENCE2 [FRANK] at 23:54 EDT Ed, The Sound CPS loads but when you bring up the control panel to click it on I get the 'No Stereo Available', then we are unable to get into the CPX for any options etc. Frank ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 204 Tue Aug 24, 1993 P.GRIFFITH2 [PGRIF] at 00:55 EDT I got the "no stereo sound available" message also, and the Sound CPX refuses to run. Substituting the old one works fine. I'm not sure what benefit I derive from having the "latest and greatest" version of software, I guess it makes up for my lack of new hardware. What does the new XCONTROL do for me that the old didn't do? Paul ------------ Category 14, Topic 27 Message 205 Tue Aug 24, 1993 L.TRAPANI [Lou @Machine] at 04:26 EDT Yup, add me to the ever growing list of people who got "No Stereo Sound" message from the new Sound CPX on my TT030. I found this annoying (even though I hardly use this CPX) and I replaced it with my original Sound CPX which works fine. What is the story with the new Sound CPX and why it is reporting "no stereo sound" on everyone's stereo computers? The CPX just refuses to work. Perhaps it is meant just for MTOS (which I do not have yet)? --Lou T.-- Written: Tuesday, August 24, 1993 02:04 a.m. EDT ------------