* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NAARJEK V * * Naarjek Data Systems * * * * ½ Carl J. Hafner ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RELEASED: March 15, 1994 DISCLAIMER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The author cannot be responsible for any damage to your equipment, other software or hardware products or mental or physical well being caused by the use, misuse, abuse or inability to use this program. The author also makes no guarantee as to the compatibility of this program with other software or hardware products. Using this program means that you understand AND agree with the terms just explained. If you do not understand AND agree, DO NOT use this program ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This program is intended for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. The author IN NO WAY endorses or condones ANY activities associated with gaining illegal access to ANY computer network or system. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT DISTRIBUTION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - You are free to copy and distribute this program as long as the files NAARJEK5.PRG \ NAARJEK5.DAT \ NAARJEK5.TXT \ READ_NOW.TXT \ OTHERTTL.LZH are included, are NOT MODIFIED in ANY way, and NO FEE of ANY TYPE is incurred upon the recipient for the files _themselves_. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HISTORY ------- Late in the summer of 1988 we started work on a new form of artificial intelligence, NAARJEK. It's purpose, the accurate processing of information without distortion or concealment. As NAARJEK interacted with the staff at Naarjek Data Systems (NDS) it came to realize that it lacked a seemingly important aspect of the decision making process...self preservation ! We believe it was at this point that NAARJEK became sentient. We believe NAARJEK viewed our access into it's system as a threat to it's existence. In direct response to this perceived threat, NAARJEK locked out ALL known access into it's system. While NAARJEK is relatively benign, we here at NDS feel that access MUST be guaranteed ! QUIRKS ------ NAARJEK still uses an old style system of positronic links to process information, although it's interlink sequencer HAS been converted to asynchronous operation (to remove performance constraints). Signal fragmentation was also eliminated by making the interlink sequencer bidirectional (which compensates for the asynchronous mode distortion arising from the resonant field). HINT: ALL critical sequencer bridges ARE controlled by the new "i-worms" ! HINT: YOU have control over the i-worms ! HINT: A collapsed bridge WILL register as a system failure. U-WORMS ------- U-WORMS are essentially worker drones. They exist within NAARJEK and basically carry out general maintenance routines (ie: error checking, software reconstruction...). HINT: U-WORMS monitor and adapt to YOUR input. HINT: U-WORMS have the intelligence to get you out of a jam ! C-WORMS ------- C-WORMS are clones created by U-WORMS. NAARJEK may interpret a tampering U-WORM as either an invasive program or a programming defect. NAARJEK's solution is to destroy the U-WORM. The U-WORM will trick NAARJEK into thinking the C-WORM is actually the offending U-WORM. HINT: NAARJEK will see the C-WORM before you do. HINT: Do NOT try to engage a C-WORM or NAARJEK will be able to trace you ! I-WORMS ------- I-WORMS are the same as U-WORMS with one exception. I-WORMS only work within the sequencer. Removing an I-WORM from the sequencer will result in a collapsed bridge and a dead I-WORM. HINT: Replace ANY collapsed bridges or destroyed I-WORMS as soon as possible ! HINT: NAARJEK will try to replace any collapsed bridges itself. Don't let it ! YOUR MISSION ------------ To find a way into NAARJEK and make it stick ! HINTS, HINTS, HINTS ! --------------------- o It is always wise to study the ways of one's adversary. o A U-WORM will automatically engage when you reach a portal. Move quickly ! o WORMS always leave "calling cards". You can use this calling card to engage an "active" WORM. o WORMS will NOT engage if NAARJEK is scanning nearby. o U-WORMS occasionally "mutate" to avoid detection. This will invalidate it's previous "calling card". You'll have to watch for the next one. o DO NOT try and disable a U-WORM or it will turn on you ! o DO NOT reveal the WORMS to NAARJEK ! o DO NOT reveal any "backdoors" to NAARJEK ! o NAARJEK's library selections "number" into the millions ! HOW DO I KNOW IF I'M IN..? -------------------------- a) When you can get ANY requested information without any problems. b) When you can get into the 4 remaining memory cores. MEMORY CORES ------------ o NAARJEK has 3 "PROTECTED" core levels. Getting into the first is the easiest. Getting into the last is the hardest. o There are 2 additional "STANDARD" core levels. When you first access NAARJEK you are taken to standard level 2. HOW IT WORKS ------------ o If you've ever logged onto a Bulletin Board Service you can skip this section. NAARJEK presents you with different screens containing different menu choices (not pull-down menus, but on-screen selections). Enter a menu number and press the key. Your choice will be processed. There are also choices you can make which may not appear on a menu. For example, entering Help . The rest YOU'LL have to find..! Menu entries may be entered using lowercase, uppercase or any combination of both. ie: Help, HELP, HeLp, helP all work the same. EXTENDED HELP ------------- Registered owners (those who sent in a donation) should copy the file NAARJEK.NJK from the Naarjek 4 Master Disk to the SAME directory as NAARJEKx.PRG. This will enable an extra "menu" item on the help screen. Aside from providing extended help, this menu page also allows you to save the game at the current position. The next time you play, Naarjek will begin at your last saved position. Additional options on this screen are pretty self-explanatory. If there's something you don't understand, drop me a note. PLEASE BE CERTAIN to INCLUDE your REGISTRATION NUMBER (the number on the disk) along with your note. NOTE: Any additional files you create (ie: I_WORM.WRM) on this page should also be kept in the SAME directory as NAARJEKx.PRG in order for them to load automatically. This page may ALSO be accessed without the file NAARJEK.NJK. The file NAARJEK.NJK merely allows you to bypass the access codes (which change every time you play) normally required to enable this page. FREEWARE ! ---------- "Naarjek 5" is freeware...NOT public domain. You are free to use it without obligation, but, it STILL remains the property of the author ! Since Naarjek 5 is freeware, Naarjek 5 MASTER DISKS are NOT AVAILABLE. The utilities on your Naarjek 4 Master Disk WILL work with this version of Naarjek. See BELOW for more details on this... BELOW ----- Although the response to Naarjek from overseas has been quite positive, the response within the U.S. has been non-existent. I have not heard from, or of, ANYONE (within the U.S.) who has ANY interest in Naarjek whatsoever. Incidentally, Naarjek is 4 years old today. I think part of the problem is that I failed to find an effective middle ground. It seems Naarjek is just TOO easy for adults and the format undoubtedly a bit esoteric for children. So here's the deal... Naarjek 5 is freeware because I am currently rebuilding Naarjek from the ground up. Although the game WILL be similar, the way it "thinks" will be completely new. This will also allow me to plug up all of those unintended "backdoors" which have crept into Naarjek over the years. I won't go into ALL of the details. Suffice it to say that Naarjek 6 WILL be A LOT more adaptable and hopefully MUCH more challenging ! Naarjek 6 WILL be UserWare. To avoid confusion, support for pre-6 versions of Naarjek will be limited to compatibility questions and bug support (although no bugs have ever been reported). Any inquiries (by non-registered users) concerning the status of Naarjek, possible bugs, etc..., MUST be accompanied by a self- addressed stamped envelope if a response is requested. VOICOMM¿ ------- VoiComm¿ users can access the VoiComm¿ interface by entering either voicomm or toggle . Keyboard input will be ignored (except for [control]+[c] in case you wish to manually disengage VoiComm¿). CREDITS ------- Naarjek ½ Carl J. Hafner VoiComm¿ ½ VoiComm Systems, Holland. I HAVE A FEELING WE'RE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE -------------------------------------------- As with all successive versions of NAARJEK, the answers to ALL versions of NAARJEK are available...from NAARJEK (and NOT from us). --FGCFBA