HISTORY OF DIARY (Diary's diary?) ---------------------------------- New for Version 1.7 (1/5/90) ------------------- 1) Full Search/REPLACE options. This includes entering hex byte values in either the search or replace strings to allow access to all 0-255 values. Hex digits must be entered in pairs or the string will be interpreted simply as a string of characters rather than hex values. 2) For registered users only: Alt-T toggles between normal Text mode and 'Hack' mode. Hack mode lets you see every byte of any file (or area of RAM that you loaded with Alt-V) and edit it as if it were a normal text file. It displays 64 bytes per line (32 in low resolution). 3) For registered users only: Alt-V lets you view/edit any part of your ST's memory by loading it into the edit buffer. You can either pick a specific block of ram to load or search ram for any text string or sequence of bytes; Diary will then load a block surrounding the found string. After editing, you can then copy the buffer back into ram at the same or a different location and/or save it as a disk file. This includes addresses from zero up to whatever your operating system thinks is the top of physical RAM (phystop). This includes all the system variables, screen ram, etc. However, with the ramdisk I use (Eternal2), phystop is lowered to fit the ramdisk above it, so phystop becomes lower than the actual top of physical ram. Note that copying from buffer to ram may crash your ST if you try changing something the ST is using at that moment. 4) Alt-E = Encrypt/Decrypt buffer using a password. 5) Tab: In overwrite mode tab now skips over text to get to the next tabstop, rather than erasing the text. 6) Added display of character index (first character in buffer is number zero), and character hex value. 7) Alt-X exits without querying whether you want to save or not (same as clicking on the window's close button.) Bugs Fixed in Version 1.7 ------------------------- 1) Fixed bug that I introduced in v 1.6 that didn't display whole window when 'fulling' a window that had been moved down from the top of the screen. 2) Made Diary more compatible with Quick ST, but not totally: There are fewer leftover cursor blocks lying around the screen. You will still get some 'mouse droppings' any time the cursor interacts with the mouse, but this should hopefully be just a minor inconvenience. Note that it all works fine with Turbo ST. 3) Word Wrap: Maybe finally I've zapped all the word wrap bugs??... such as when backspacing twice from the left edge of the screen. 4) Fixed mouse droppings that could occur when doing a page up/down if mouse overlapped cursor. 5) Fixed file selector bug that put two backslashes in the pathname when Diary was loaded from within a folder (such as is possible with MultiDesk by Codehead Software). One reason I hadn't noticed this is that I always use the Universal Item Selector, and that apparently corrects for certain funny things the ST operating system does with pathnames. Thank you, Bob Wenham for pointing it out to me -- now I've got to go back to all my other software creations to fix them! 6) Block marking with F1/F2: I changed/fixed it so that if you hit F2 when the cursor is before an existing marked block, the block is extended to the cursor position. It used to redefine the block to be from its old starting point to the cursor position. As always, you can mark blocks in either direction. 7) Fixed loss of mouse when you hit esc or F10. Hopefully this one wasn't in one of the more widespread versions. 8) No more occasional stray character at the end of a printout. (I had been going one character past the end of the text... oops.) 9) Clearing the buffer after loading part of a file that was too big for the buffer now resets things so that Diary knows you're working on something new that isn't part of a big file. New in Version 1.6 (12/10/89) 1) Select block with mouse, including highlighting the selected block. Moving the mouse to any edge of the window will scroll you in that direction while continuing to mark the block. 2) View/edit ANY length lines by paging right/left. 3) Zapped a couple more little bugs in word-wrap routine. 4) Revised dialog for loading of too-big files: allows 5 digits and quicker selection of which block to load. 5) Insert (merge) file, only available to registered users. New keyboard command, Alt-M, does this, or trying to open a file when one is already open also does it. Merge occurs at cursor. 6) Reduced size by 12K !! (then additional features added a little of this back again). 7) Toggling insert/overwrite mode now gives you a notice in the title bar letting you know that you've done so. (I found I occasionally hit the Insert key by accident, and it's nice to know when this happens.) 8) Toggle display of little 'cr' at end of lines by hitting Cntrl-Return. This is only available to registered users. 9) Tab stops are now hard set at every 5th column, rather than just moving five spaces from the current cursor position. 10) Fixed 'Find' and 'Open large file' dialog boxes so they don't get overwritten when you have lots of windows open underneath Diary. 11) Various other little fixes/enhancements. New in Version 1.5 (11/16/89) 1) The biggie: Edit ANY size file (up to 10 meg)!!! 2) Increased text buffer size to 10K. 3) Save block. 4) Allow appending to an existing file when saving. 5) Non-Ascii character output (all 0-255 funny characters). 6) Control character keyboard input (e.g., try typing ctl-H). 7) Fixed bug in Find dialog that wouldn't let you exit with Return key. 8) Fixed bug in file saving that could end up giving more than one file of the same name. (Sometimes the file wouldn't get closed properly). 9) Various other small fixes and enhancements. New in Version 1.4 10/31/89 1) Print Block. 2) Find (Search for) a string of text including end-of-line characters (carriage return = Control-M, and linefeed = Control-J). 3) No more "double menu" if you move the mouse quickly across the Diary Menu to the desktop (or application) menu bar. 4) Better handling of Help screens (no longer cares where you click). New in Version 1.3 10/23/89 1) Speeded up more of the text movement operations. 2) The delete key now deletes into the paste buffer, so it can be undone. 3) The undo key now works (for multiple character or line deletions, and block cuts, but not for multiple backspaces). 4) Greater compatibility with Turbo ST. (highly recommended) 5) Much improved (but not perfect) ability to deal with other windows being open and on top of the Diary window. 6) No longer crashes if you exit from an application before closing Diary, (unless you do it from within the Help screens). 7) Various other small bug fixes and enhancements. New in version 1.2 ------------------ 1) Full size window toggle 2) Faster scrolling 3) Block cut/paste