Contents Page Introduction 2 The Double File Selector 2 File Operations 3 The Options 3 Displaying CMC Information 4 Future Enhancements 4 License 4 Registration 4 Shareware Payments 4 Disclaimer 4 1. Introduction FileTOOL is both a file manipulation accessory and a replacement file selector. It is based on a double file selector, with both a source and destination selector displayed. With FileTOOL many simple file manipulations may be performed within a GEM based application. FileTOOL is intended to form part of ACCTOOL v2.0, to help produced a better quality product the components of ACCTOOL v2.0 are released as they are written. The next part will be VirusTOOL, and will be available from 12/91. 2. The Double File Selector To understand how to use FileTOOL it is best to explain how the double file selector works. Selecting a single file - to select a single file click on it's entry in the file selector. Selecting multiple files - hold the shift key down and click on each file. To select all files in the selector click on the open button (top right of the selector). Changing directory/folder - click on the folder which you would like to enter. Alternatively click on the folder labelled ".." or the close button (top left) to go up to the previous directory. Viewing file information - clicking on the horizontal scroll bar (bottom of the selector), displays the size, time and date of creation. Re-displaying the folder - to redisplay the contents of a folder (eg. after a disk change) click on the bar across the top of the file selector. Changing the current drive - to change the current drive click on the drive letter next to the file selector. When using the file selector you will notice a set of highlighted arrows at the bottom of the screen. File copying will take place in the direction of the arrows; also the current drive you are working on will be the direction the arrows are pointing from. So if the arrows point left to right, files will be copied from the left file selector to the right one and the current file selector is the left one. You can change the direction by clicking on the other set of arrows. 3. File Operations Now that you (hopefully) understand how to use the file selectors this section will explain what FileTOOL can actually do. Copying files - this is the main reason for having a double file selector. To copy files simply select them (see section 2), making sure the direction indicator is correct, then click on the COPY button. Moving files - simply select the appropriate files then click on the MOVE button. Deleting files - select the appropriate files then click on the trashcan icon (it is a good idea to select the confirm option first). Printing files - select the appropriate files then click on the printer icon. Renaming a file - select the appropriate file, remember that the renaming takes place in the direction of the arrows. Enter the new name in the current-file-box underneath the other file selector then click on RENAME. Creating a new folder - simply click on the FOLDER button and enter the name of the new folder, remember that the folder will be created in the current file selector. Deleting the current folder - simply click on the trashcan when inside an empty folder. 4. The Options The options menu is obtained by clicking on the OPTIONS button. Options available in the current version of FileTOOL (1.0) are :- * Confirm - confirm all file actions. * Form feeds - send a form feed after each printed file * Header - send a one line file header before each file * Install - (accessory only) install as file selector When INSTALL is selected and the OK or SAVE button is selected then the system file selector is replaced by FileTOOL. By deselecting INSTALL then selecting OK or SAVE you can restore the system file selector. If you click on SAVE the current options will be saved in FILETOOL.INF in the current drive. 5. Displaying CMC Information Information about registration and copying can be found by clicking on the copyright message at the top of the screen. 6. Future enhancements Several enhancements are planned for FileTOOL, including a SORT option (to decide how files are sorted), a set of wildcards to choose from (eg. *.* *.DOC *.PRG) and a file attribute changer. 7. License The license for FileTOOL should be supplied with FileTOOL in the file LICENSE.CMC; this software is covered by the SHAREWARE section of the license. 8. Registration To receive support, upgrade information and details of new products please send œ5.00 (cheques made payable to Critical Mass Concepts). 9. Shareware payments Since Critical Mass Concepts is entirely dependant on shareware contributions, this is the important section. All people registered with Critical Mass Concepts will receive upgrade information and details of new products etc. however the level of support we give is entirely dependant on shareware contributions. Also if you have any sense of fairness you will realise that without your contributions we are wasting our time. How can you expect to get further products if we cannot afford to write them. If you do not support our shareware products we would have to resort to selling them as budget software. Shareware is best for all concerned so please support it. Ok begging over, now for a recommended donation level. Although FileTOOL is very useful I am currently only asking for donations of œ5.00 (excluding registration). Larger donations receive better support. 10. Disclaimer Although Critical Mass Concepts endeavours to produce reliable and safe software, we are not responsible for any damage or loss of data through use of this software. That said, we do however offer support and advice with any problems if a donation is made. *************************************************************** * * * * * ***** * * * **** ***** * ** ** ***** ***** ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** * * * * ***** * * * * ***** ***** ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** * * * * * **** * * **** * * * * ***** ***** "ANY MORE WOULD BE TOO MUCH" Critical Mass Concepts The Fishergate Centre 4 Fishergate YORK, YO1 4AB. (0904) 670876