This program findreg.ttp finds all complete file names in a given folder tree, which are ascii and contain a given regular expression. This program uses a port of Henry Spencer's regexp routines to do the real work, a port of SYSV unix's ftw() function to walk the directory trees. This short note does not explain regular expressions. See regexp.arc for source code to regular expression analyser and complete definition. (not needed to do simple searches!). PROGRAM USUAGE findreg EXAMPLES find all ascii files containing fopen or fclose on drive a to screen. findreg (fopen)|(fclose) a:\ con: above to file b:\filename.txt findreg (fopen)|(fclose) a:\ b:\filename.txt This program contains HENRY SPENCERS REGEXP ROUTINES I take no credit for these! GENIE:CBARRON CIS:75066,3204