File to Pack Converter (FPCU) Version 2.2 Formerly released as CNVTLZH Copyright 1992 Larry Hartwell (Skip to *** if you're in a hurry. Just run the program if you're in a big hurry, it's easy to use!) So, what is this program anyway? The File to Pack Converter Utility (lets call it FPCU to save typing) is a fairly simple but useful program that will allow you to quickly select a directory of files and pack each selected file into a separate compressed file. It can use STZIP, LHARC, or ARC to do the compression. Each resulting file will have the original filename with the appropriate extender depending on the compression utility used. How did it come about and what good is it? FPCU was written to satisfy the need of a BBS operator. He had a bunch of .TXT files that he wanted to compress into .LZH form. The .LZH files were to be put online in his 'database' area... Well he raised the question: "Is there a way to have LHARC automatically create LZH files from these TXT files without doing each one individually?". He got quite a few responses, all negative. So I decided to see what I could do for him. My first effort was just a quick and dirty get it done program. It was not friendly or forgiving, but it accomplished the task. The BBS operator was very pleased so I started improving the program, making it more friendly and easy to use. FPCU is the result of the third revision. It's not only good for packing all those individual TXT files, but it's also very useful if you have a bunch of Midi files you want to pack separately (for uploading to your local BBS for example). Or SNG, or DOC, or any other type file. I now use it to pack my PageStream DOCs. I create a TXT file describing each on (fonts used, customer, notes etc.). Then I use FPCU to compress all the doc files and to compress all the TXT files. Since I'm careful to use the same filename for the corresponding DOC and TXT files they are automatically matched up into nice neat packages. Since it's inception this utility has continued to grow. The changes have been driven by user suggestions. FPCU version 2.2 has many more capabilities than those mentioned above. Enough of that. How is it used? You are presented with a title\credits screen. From this screen there are three options: Continue (with the program), Abort (the program), or HELP. Continue will of course continue on with the program. Abort will quit. HELP will present a brief summary of the programs use. Exit the HELP screen with any key or a mouse click (either or both buttons). *** The first time the program is executed you are asked to locate the three compression utilities. Just use the Item Selector to locate each utility. If you don't have all three available don't panic! Just select cancel from within the Item Selector. Once you have gone through the three selections a defaults file will be written to the path that FPCU was exectuted from. As long as the default file (CNVTPACK.CNF) is found you will not need to locate the compression utilities again except under circumstances outlined later. The next step is to select which type compression you want to use for the current operation. If you pick a compression type that you have not located for the program you will be given three options. Restart the operation, Quit, or Reconfigure. Reconfigure will take you to the utility location portion of the program and update the default file. Restart will let you make a different compression selection, and of course quit will exit the program. Once you have selected a compression method the program will confirm that it can be done and confirm the selection. LZH and ZIP will have additional options that you may choose. LZH: You may choose to use LH1, LH5, or AFX compression. AFX is special because with it the original file will be overwritten with a compressed with the same filename. This is an excellent way for users of AFX to compress their files! LH5 is the default selection. ZIP: You may choose between 'Deflated' and 'Normal' Zip operation. Deflated is the default. This option requires version 2.x of STZIP or ZIPJR. If an earlier version of STZIP is used the dflate option will be ignored. Okay, now you're ready to get down to business. The next step is to select the DESTINATION path. This is the drive and directory you want the compressed files to be placed. If you select CANCEL from the Item Selector you will be given the opportunity to quit or try again. If you chose AFX you will be sent straight to the SOURCE path file selection since the source and destination are the same. Next you will be asked to locate the SOURCE path and filename(s) to process. You may use any legal type of wildcards to specify the filename(s). The program will do some checking to insure that the selection is valid. If there is a problem detected you will be presented a chance to correct it or quit. Once a valid selection is made you are given one more chance to change your mind. You can select continue, restart, or quit from this point. If you choose to continue the files will be processed. When the process is finished you will be presented with the status ie. the number of files processed. With the exception of AFX compression you will be given a chance to delete the original files. If you decide to delete the originals you will be given one more chance to change your mind. Now you can elect to do some more of the same type operation, restart from the compression method dialog, or quit. If you decide to do more you will be sent back to the point where you select the destination path. Although I have spent extensive time testing this program in every way possible (on machines from a Mega 2 to a TT and some in between) I can not guarantee that it is 'bug' free. It is very unlikely that any damage will result from it's use, but you use it at your own risk. This program is not Public Domain. It's ShareWare. If you find this program useful you are requested to pay a fee of as little as one dollar for registration. Registration may not have any benefit to you, but I will at least know that my efforts have been of use to others. Gift of Time donations on GEnie are highly acceptable. I can be contacted on GEnie as L.HARTWELL or on the Dusty ATTIC BBS at (714)-656-3707 My address is: Larry Hartwell 15684 Arnold Blvd Riverside, CA 92508 FPCU was developed with GFA BASIC version 3.5E and compiled.