DOCUMENTATION FOR ICCA II WRITTEN BY PETER BLOOM ON 29/03/91 In the first I want to thank you for taking the time to download this file. Icca is an abbreviation for "I can Capture Anything", the II stands for the second version (Icca I didn't use any GEM), and the A stands for American demo version. Icca is able to write input or output to/from a device to a file. Although this idea is not really new, I think that Icca is the first program that is really easy in use. The installation of Icca is really simple, just place the file ICCA2.ACC on the bootpartition of your harddisk and reboot. When everything went right, you get an entry with ICCA II under the desk. When you click on ICCA II the fun can start. You can select a device which you want to capture. The following devices are available. The following devices are available: Printer Better said, anything that is connected to your printer port, but mostly a printer is connected to that port. Printer-output is anything that's written to the printer, printer-input is anything that send from the device to the printer port. Normally printer-input is not used. Console Normally your console is the monitor connected to your ST. So Console input is normally keyboard-output, and console output is anything that's written to the screen in TOS mode. Serial A modem or an other serial device connected to the serial port of the ST. Serial-input and serial-output doesn't need any comment. Midi A device connected to your midi-port. After you selected a device, you are asked wether to capture input or output. There is also a possibility to capture both input and output. Then you choose between reroute or transparent. Reroute means that the captured data is only written to the selected file. This function only works when output data is to be captured. When input data is selected the reroute function makes no sense, it only works on output data. When you select transparent, the data is not only captured to a file, but also send to the selected device. Just like Reroute this function only works on output data. Then you get the fileselectbox, and you are able to select a filename. This is your last chance to cancel the program. When you are finished with capturing, just select Icca II another time, and the file will be closed. When you are not able to capture the selected device, don't blame me. For example, there are many printerdrivers (calamus) which don't send there data through the BIOS-calls, they just "poke around". Such a program doesn't work together with Icca, sorry. A fully functional version of Icca II is available on The Untitled BBS. The number and address are displayed when you click on Icca II from the main menu. For comment, or other messages, write to the following address: P. Bloom Kleihoogt 16 2651 KV Berkel en Rodenrijs (The Netherlands)