========================================================================= *********************************************************************** ========================================================================= Icon Juggler - Version 1.2 User Documentation ------------------ Software and Documentation by John Eidsvoog Copyright 1992 CodeHead Technologies Revision: Wednesday, March 25, 1992 Icon Juggler is part of the TEC Utilities Disk and is included with the purchase of the TOS Extension Card (TEC) or the TOS 2.06 chips (when purchased from CodeHead Technologies). If you have not purchased the TEC or the TOS chips from CodeHead, Icon Juggler is shareware and you should register your copy by sending $15 to John Eidsvoog at the address listed below. ========================================================================= *********************************************************************** ========================================================================= ------------ What it is ------------ Icon Juggler lets you create your own set of icons for Atari's NewDesk. The desktop uses the icons contained in the file DESKICON.RSC. You can load icons from any popular format and save them as your own personalized set. ------------------------- Installing Icon Juggler ------------------------- Icon Juggler is a standard Atari program and you can run it from any location (hard disk or floppy) by double-clicking on it or starting it from a program launcher. It does not function as an accessory at this time. It will run on any ST/TT in any resolution. -------------------- Using Icon Juggler -------------------- Icon Juggler is very intuitive. There is a Help screen available when you press the Help key. All functions are available from either the drop-down menus or as keypresses (selecting icons can only be done with the mouse). When Icon Juggler first runs, it looks on your boot drive for DESKICON.RSC and will load that file if it finds it. It also looks for NEWDESK.INF, and if that is found, you'll see check marks by any icons that are currently being used by your desktop. The GEM desktop assigns its icons by number (see "Numbers in Hex" below). For this reason, if you change the order of your icons or insert new ones, and save the file as DESKICON.RSC, you'll be reassigning the icons for your desktop. If you double-click on an icon, a box will appear listing the first five applications which are defined for that icon (or an alert box telling you that none are assigned). You should try not to disturb the order of the icons that are currently defined or you will have to reassign them from the desktop. Alternatively, you can use the editing features of Icon Juggler to make sure that your icons are assigned the way you want them. Icon Juggler runs in a window. You may use standard mouse operations to resize, move, or scroll the window. The title line of the window will show the name of the current file. The name will be updated when you load or save a set of icons. If you append, the title will not change. The info line of the window will show the total number of icons loaded, the number selected, and the number in the paste buffer. ----------------- Selecting Icons ----------------- You can select icons by clicking on them with the mouse. If you hold the mouse down and drag it, the icons will be selected in a block fashion, much like a word processor. If you move up or down by rows, all of the icons in between will be selected. Dragging the mouse above or below the window will cause it to automatically scroll and select. Deselecting icons is done in the same manner. If you click on an icon that is already selected, it will be deselected. The function of the mouse (selecting or deselecting) is determined by the state of the first icon upon which you've clicked. While holding the button down, all icons in the block area will assume the state of this first icon, regardless of their previous state. That is, when you are selecting and you pass over selected icons, they will remain selected instead of becoming deselected. --------- Options --------- Icon Juggler... [Help] A screen will appear, listing the keyboard commands and brief instructions on using Icon Juggler. Load: [L] ------------------- Icon Juggler will load any icon file with the following extensions: RSC, ICE, NIC, or ICN file. Loading will replace any existing icons you have loaded. Up to 500 icons may be loaded at once. Choose the file you want to load with the file selector. Due to the format of some icon files, there's no way for Icon Juggler to be sure that you've selected a valid icon file. If you select a non-icon file, you will see a number of icons shown as garbage on the screen. If this happens, you can simply select them and delete them. Append: [Control-L] --------------------------- Appending is just like loading except that the icons will be added to the end of the current set of icons. If the number of icons exceeds 500, the remainder of the append operation will be aborted. Save: [S] ------------------- This allows you to save the current set of icons. They will be saved as a resource file (RSC). Although up to 500 icons can be loaded into Icon Juggler, only the first 200 will be saved. This is due to a limitation of RSC files, which must be under 64K in length. You can save the file under any name, allowing you to create a library of icons. Saving with the name DESKICON.RSC in the root of your boot drive will replace your current set of icons for the desktop. Save Selected: [Control-S] --------------------------- This option will save the current set of selected icons as an RSC file, allowing you to save subsets of the loaded set of icons. In the process, a "Copy" operation will be performed, replacing the icons in the paste buffer with the selected set. Quit: [Q or Esc] -------------------------- An alert box will ask you if you want to exit, allowing you to return to Icon Juggler or exit. New: [N, Alt-N, ClearHome] ------------------------------------- This will clear the window of all icons without warning. Select All: [A or Alt-A] ---------------------------- This will select all of the icons currently loaded. Deselect All: [D or Alt-D] ---------------------------- This will deselect all selected icons. Cut: [X, Alt-X, Delete] ---------------------------------- This will move all selected icons into the paste buffer. They will be deleted from the current window. Previous items in the paste buffer will be lost. Copy: [C or Alt-C] ---------------------------- This will copy all selected icons into the paste buffer, but they will remain in the current window. Previous items in the paste buffer will be lost. Paste: [V, Alt-V, Insert] ---------------------------------- All icons in the paste buffer will be appended to the end of the current set of icons. If you want to insert icons somewhere other than the end of the set, you can hold down either Shift key and click the mouse on an icon. The icons in the paste buffer will be inserted at the point of the icon upon which you clicked and the rest of the icons will be pushed down. Numbers in Hex: [H] ------------------- Selecting "Numbers in Hex" will switch the icon numbering system between decimal and hexadecimal (base 16). When there is no check mark in front of this option, the icons will be numbered in decimal starting with number one. If there is a check mark, the icons will be numbered in hexadecimal starting with zero. This is the way the icons are numbered in your NEWDESK.INF file. ----------------------- The Shareware Concept ----------------------- If you have not purchased the TEC or TOS chips from CodeHead Technologies, Icon Juggler is a shareware program. The idea of shareware is that you may distribute Icon Juggler freely to anyone (please, as much as possible). This method of distribution saves money for you the user and me the developer by eliminating marketing, manufacturing, and production costs. If you make use of Icon Juggler, you are expected to register yourself as a Icon Juggler owner by sending a payment of $15 to the address below. I do not believe in releasing crippled versions of my shareware. In turn, you should not necessarily expect a written response to your registration fee, unless you send me a self-addressed stamped envelope. If you'd like to receive the latest version of Icon Juggler, please include a disk and postage enough for 2 ounces (currently 52 cents in the U.S.). Please note that even though Icon Juggler is distributed with products from CodeHead Technologies, it is not a CodeHead Technologies product. All CodeHead Technologies products are commercial items which must be purchased through normal commercial channels. CodeHead Technologies has never and will never release any shareware programs. Neither this document file (ICONJUGL.TXT) nor the program file (ICONJUGL.PRG) may be altered in any way. Copies of these files may not be sold, and this document may not be reprinted, without my written permission. I've tried to make Icon Juggler as bug-free as possible. Nevertheless, I cannot be responsible for any damages which may occur as a result of the use (or misuse) of Icon Juggler. Thank you for supporting shareware and please _buy_ CodeHead Technologies products: John Eidsvoog CodeHead Technologies P.O. Box 74090 Member of the IAAD Los Angeles, CA 90004 Independent Association of Atari Developers _______________________________________________________________ | | | If you don't own HotWire, you're doing things the hard way! | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------