!!! WARNING TO ALL SYSOPS & USERS !!! You've seen these before I assume but this is NO BULLSHIT its SERIOUS! The Fedz have captured yet another BBS that used to be a SKiLLiON site, and was now a CiPHER World HQ! BBS Busted: Divine Intervention - (209) xxxx-xxxx Sysop: Ace of Spades (A.K.A. Andy Magyar). Andy was busted on (Roughly) December 14th, 1993. Divine Intervention was a major site for many groups, Including his own, CiPHER, which made world-wide tracks. He got busted for distrobuting CiPHER Ads. The ads weren't floating around for even 2 weeks before he was snagged. Andy has called SEVERAL (313) Area Pirate Boards, and we urge you Sysops to DELETE HIS ACCOUNT. He has also hacked under others accounts, including my own, and may have that old information as well. (209) is basically fubared now.. The Feds know which boards are up as Pirate... We urge you, if you have ACE OF SPADES (Real Name: ANDY MAGYAR) >DELETE< his account before its too late! Some of my friends in (313), Lord Knight Hawk, and Pug Majere, Check your lists for this dude, as the feds have his whole IBM system, including PhoneBooks, Passwords, User Account info. Also, if you have CALLED Divine Intervention, and are a SysOp, BEWARE! They may be on to you! Andy had over 1.2 gigs of stuff online. Andy, if you ever read this, I'm sorry this happened.. It really sucks.. To All Sysops: THE BEST WAY TO MAINTAIN A GOOD FED-PROOF BBS SYSTEM IS TO HAVE USERS BY INVITE ONLY, WHICH YOU HAVE MET FACE TO FACE! We figured, since that Divine Intervention was such a big system, we'd let the world know exactly what was going on. Because of this incident, almost ALL PIRATE BBS SYSTEMS in the (209) Area code have either, Shut down, or gone SHAREWARE ONLY. To All Groups: If Divine Intervention was a site of yours, beware! You may already be tagged. Well, we can't keep this text file going forever, so we'll say our adieus. MiS will keep track of everything in the (209) A/C after this incident... We'll bring you whatever we can on the scene here. Until then, my friends, keep low. Also, ANY FEDS THAT ARE READING THIS, I HOPE YOU ARE PROUD OF YOURSELFS, YOU TWO-FACED JACK-ASSES! Andy: I'm sorry man... If I could have done more, I would.. Have fun all! Hi There, This is Johnny Rotten, wanting to add a little to The Wise words Spoken By our friendz.... Regarding: Feds if you Read this. I Hope your wife chokes on your neighbors cock, and your dog gets run over by a steam roller. Thanx friends