31 December 1990 This compilation of numerous text files concerning various aspects of BBS laws, descrimination, legal battles, and comentary, was completed on 12/31/90 by Jestar The Wizard (co-Sysop) of the Belching Dragon Inn and Tavern (714)572-6069 (300,1200,2400, 8N1). It was my endeavor to make all this information available in just one file (vs. the 12 different ones I spent many costly minutes downloading from CompuServe). Some of the file names were expanded from their original CIS names, but the basic text remains unchanged. The main theme to all these files is to disseminate the current attacks on small, private BBS's around the country by various government and corporate organizations, and what can be done about stopping them. While there are probably many ideas on how to stop these attacks, the only one sure way to protect against them, is to have a knowledge of what is being done and who to talk with when it happens. That's right, WHEN it happens. While it still remains the isolated incident, these attacks will continue until protective laws and court cases won in our favor are established. I urge everyone to call or write to their local, state, and federal representatives and let them know your feelings on the matter. Many have not even been on line, so they have no idea what their proposed laws will do to us. Information is what we are trying to preserve, lets use it to help preserve our hobby! To those that might be in the unfortunate position of being attacked, please contact the EFF (as found in the EFF files in this archive), or one of the other BBS's found in this archive. Most have first hand knowledge about what to do or not do, and who to contact for legal representation. I am NOT a lawyer, just one of many concerned, modem-using, citizens, but I'll do my best to direct you to those that will be of more help. Anyone that has more information than what is contained here I urge to send me a message (file) with it. I can be reached via CompuServe ID# 71021,612 or via the Belching Dragon Inn and Tavern (714)572-6069 (2400,8N1). I'll be happy to include your information in my next compilation. I'll try to keep as up to date on these issues as possible. PLEASE help others by uploading this file to as many BBS's as possible. We need to get this information to the ones being affected by it! Thanks! Robert Romberger (Jestar The Wizard) The Belching Dragon Inn and Tavern (714)572-6069 (2400, 8N1) CompuServe ID# 71021,612