Courtesy of TBE, The Big Experiment, Selkirk, NY TBE [M]AGAZINE: SWBELL UPDATE: SETTLEMENT OFFER ============================================================================= OPEN LETTER TO TEXAS BBS SYSOPS AND USERS Date: August 10, 1989 Dissemination: All BBS Operators and Users Meeting: Hobby Hilton Saturday September 16,1989 1 pm. Almost one year ago, a meeting was held at the Houston Grand Hotel in which over 200 sysops and users attended to discuss Southwestern Bell's application of business rates to BBS operations in the State of Texas. As a result of the meeting in October, 1988, an organization was formed under the name "COSUARD", standing for Coalitition of Sysops and Users Against Rate Discrimination. This group has received broad support throughout the Texas community and has established a voice phone line at (713) 686-2730 and established its own BBS operation at (713) 997-1301. As a result of COSUARD's involvement numerous letters have been received at the Texas Public Utility Commission from many users, concerned citizens and sysops throughout the United States. At present many bulletin boards and networks carry the COSUARD and Fight Bell conference. Inquiries have been made from Oklahoma and affiliate status has been granted to as organizational group in the State of Oklahoma. As a result of the October 1988 meeting, a formal complaint under Docket No. 8387 was filed with the Texas Public Utility Commission against Southwestern Bell. After the original complaint was filed by Reginald A. Hirsch, three parties, Glynne Tolar, Paul Hutmacher and Steve Conroy intervened in this matter, called "Petitioner's Group". Since that time a number of hearings have taken place in Austin, Texas. Southwestern Bell and the Petitioner's Group have engaged in active discovery in preparation of trial of this matter. After negotiations and discussions, Southwestern Bell has recently made a proposal, which is as follows: "The Company would agree to allow a BBS operator to subscribe to residential class rates provided that there is not more than ONE telephone line connected to the BBS and the BBS operator does not request any compensation in connection with the BBS services." Because of the issues raised in this proposed settlement, a prehearing conference before the Texas Public Utility Commission Friday, August 4, 1989 it was agreed that a community meeting would be held in Houston, Texas at 1:00 p.m. at the Houston Hobby Hilton, 8181 Airport Blvd., Ballrooms D and E, Houston, Texas on September 16,1989 Saturday for the purposes of discussion of this settlement proposal. Attending this meeting will be representatives of Southwestern Bell, Petitioner's Group, and counsel from the General Counsel's Office of the Texas Public Utility Commission. Because the outcome and determination of this complaint could effect all BBS operations in the State of Texas and because of the widespread interest in this matter, this meeting is of extreme importance. This may be the only opportunity for sysops and users to voice their thoughts regarding the aforementioned proposed settlement. Southwestern Bell has under consideration that in the event that this complaint is resolved, that this agreement would apply to all BBS operations in the State of Texas. Because of limited seating capacity, I am requesting that any individuals which intend to attend this meeting, please call my office at (713) 961-7800. Sysops and users from San Antonio and Austin, Texas are making travel arrangements and intend to attend this important meeting. Representatives of COSUARD will be in contact with members of the BBS community throughout the State of Texas in order to alert them of this meeting. It is my sincere belief that this meeting is historic in nature and extremely important to the continuation of BBS operations in the State of Texas and every attempt by users and sysops should be made to attend this meeting. The outcome of this meeting could very likely affect continued BBS operations in the State of Texas and I urge you to attend and to electronicly disseminate this message and this notice to all BBS operations in the State of Texas. For additional information, please feel free to contact any member of a COSUARD or NYSSOA BBS. Sincerely yours, Reginald A. Hirsch President, COSUARD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE BY KEVIN MCALEAVEY, TBE BBS: While the settlement described above is a major step towards a reasonable agreement on the protection of our hobby BBS's, I personally have concerns about one of the provisions, namely the "single line" stipulation. The phone companies have for a long time considered two telephone lines to a single residence as a normal residential situation and I am a bit concerned about allowing Southwestern Bell to obtain such a conditional "foothold" since the Texas settlement will serve as a de-facto guideline for the remainder of the United States. Texas has been considered a "test case" by many observers. Many hobbyist SysOps obtain a second line for voice and often use it for calling out. Were the phone company in a routine check to encounter two "data tones", would they make a good-faith effort to determine that the second line is NOT being used with the BBS? Would this constitute "dual-line" useage and thus result in SysOps being charged the "commercial rate" arbitrarily? What about the few hobbyists who run their systems with two nodes and do not charge for their services? Clearly these systems would be singled-out as "commercial" useage. Is this fair and appropriate? Perhaps we might want to attempt to persuade the parties in Texas to argue for SouthWestern Bell to modify their settlement to permit TWO lines. This would then to my mind be a reasonable settlement that would be applicable nationally with some degree of fairness to everyone. What are YOUR thoughts? TBE BBS will be changing its name as of September 3, 1989 to Friends and Lovers BBS in order to better identify itself to our members. The new BBS will continue to keep track of this case as it has in the past. Kevin McAleavey, Friends & Lovers BBS (TBENET node 1) 518-767-3316 *TBENET1*SWB09*082789*