SERIAL NUMBER DECODE POLICY The DDI/B does decode reverse control channel data if a good quality signal is presented to the DDI/B. The serial number for the mobile phone is NOT decoded by the DDI/B. With the serial number it would be possible for someone to easily commit fraud and steal phone service from the cellular providers. For this reason CCS does not decode the serial number in the standard DDI/B unit. The reverse channel data is not decoded in the DDI/B unit but rather is decoded at the PC using a diagnostic port. The software required to perform this task is quite complex and it would be very difficult for someone to write their own software with the DDI/B to decode the data. Some users have a need for a DDI with the serial number decode capability. CCS is now able to provide special software with this capability for authorized users. To ensure the users requesting this software are authorized a cellular provider must endorse the sale of an ESN decoding device to the requester. The following is the specific policy concerning the sale of the serial number decode capability: 1. Requesters must send CCS an original letter (not xerox or FAX) on company letterhead requesting the ESN capability on the DDI. A brief description of what it will be used for must be included. The letter must reference either a company PO number or my invoice number. The letter must also include the name and title of the individual to ship to and should include a management signature. 2. An endorsement from one of the local cellular providers must be given. This may either be an attached signed letter indicating the customer is authorized to handle ESNs (preferred) or a name and phone number of an individual at the cellular provider that may be contacted to verify the authorization. This is not required if the DDI is purchased from and shipped to a government agency. 3. ESN decode products will have a serial number that can not be modified and will be traceable to the original requester. Appropriate usage of the decoder is the responsibility of the endorsed requester. 4. A file of all the requests will be maintained at CCS. Copies of the entire file will be provided upon request to: * Any law enforcement agency. * Any cellular provider. * Any group representing cellular providers.