WARNING - If you get offended easily and still read the rest of this post, you have only yourself to blame. This is a snap-shot of male life that most of you women will never get to see. --- Subject: More 'orrible jobs Date: Fri, 25 Feb 1994 04:15:05 GMT From: IVANOFF@gateway.atd.cra.com.au () Organization: Sodomites for Jesus Didn't think of this one when the "worst job in the world" thread ran last year, but I think this one would win hands down. I remember, when I was living in Sydney, there was a porn shop above a strip club that used to specialise in coin operated video booths where you get 5 or 10 minutes of video for so many coins. These things weren't much bigger than a coffin, say 2' square of floor space, lockable from the inside. Guys (myself included) would enter the booth, lock themselves in, watch their stick-flicks (there was a complete range from straight fucking to anal fisting and German scat films), jerk off and leave. No tissues, or in fact space to be able to use them, so the best you could do was avoid hitting yourself. As a result, your shoes would adhere to the floor and the walls would have cum splattered all over them, and you had to stand very straight and still when you whacked off so as not smear yourself with some strangers testicular evacuations. The whole place reeked of heavy duty deodorant to cover up the stench of gallons of male sweat and semen. It occurred to me on one of my visits, that due to volume constraints, the booths must get cleaned every now and then or they would fill up with layer upon layer of dried cum. Who's the lucky person that gets that job ? I found out eventually, and actually saw the bloke in action, on his hands and knees on the floor with a bucket of detergent/disinfectant, wearing rubber gloves and scrubbing away . The poor bugger was a refugee mainland Chinese, unable to speak a word of English, coming from a regime where you could get shot if you were caught with a Playboy, having to scrub cum out of these video booths showing the most disgusting and perverse pornography available. For $8 an hour. Theres probably someone out there who would actually get off on doing it. But it sure wasn't this guy. It occurs to me now that the bucket contents would be ideal for one of them monster pump action water pistols at a reclaim the night march ....Where's my resume...... Victor ======================================================================= | V_IVANOFF@am.atd.cra.com.au | "Reasons are for sippers", Abbo, | | Please E-mail followups of note. | Press Secretary, The Vulgarian | | Crappy, constipated news feed. | Rugby Union Football Club. | =======================================================================