Stats: LlamaTekk Platforms BSP: ARCH.BSP ZIP: ARCH1196.ZIP Designed as a deathmatch level Smallish Size Bright Lighting Contains: 1 Single start 4 Co-Op starts 12 Deathmatch starts No monsters All weapons This level is basically a ledge surrounding a pool of water. There is a raised walkway above the ledge, supported by arches. Elevators offer access to the upper level from the 4 corners of the ledge, or the middle of the pool. Lighting provided by the sky, and by pairs of torches under each arch. Light weapons are available on the catwalk and the ledges, and heavy weapons are found underwater. There is a tiny amount of health, and no armor or special power-ups. To exit you must find the underwater passage, swim through, and then jump a barrier marked "Exit". Author: B-P Llama (Jason Attard) of LlamaTekk E-mail: Homepage: