Title : CJB_KOM (King of the Mountain) Filename : cjb_kom.bsp Date : 11/17/96 Author : Jeff Blaine Email Address : jblaine@nda.com Description : KOM, which stands for King of the Mountain, is a 2 or 3 player map. Basically, it's a dual-level tall arena with a cross of supports halfway up the arena. I mostly made this because my roommate "SlyDog" and I were having a blast in teamplay mode with the rocket launcher one day. Our normal "us vs. the Reaper Bots" deathmatch turned into "Ignore the Reaper Bots, try to knock each other off of pedastals and play king of the mountain." At any rate, there's a main platform which rises from the cross to a series of tricky floating stones way up in the air which you have to navigate to get to the top of the hypothetical mountain. If you reach the top, spike traps rain down on the player who didn't make it to the top until he/she can knock you off the "Death Spikes From Above" trigger (the top of the "mountain"). If any player falls off of any of the platforms or the cross, he/she ends up in the bottom of the arena which is rife with spike traps (and ammo for the rocket launcher...). So, you end up killing each other by "spiking" each other to death -- knock your opponent off of the safety areas into the spikes below and try to get to the top of the mountain and camp. If you're opponent can't get you off the mountain, he or she sucks. Gameplay Notes: Turn on teamplay mode (type "teamplay 1" at the server console). Players should have the same color pants. Rocket launchers are at the 2 ends of one of the crossbars. They're in a dark area, so aren't very visible. The object of the game is to have the highest number of frags by the end of the game, as usual. But the catch is, you're in teamplay mode, so you have to kill each other by knocking each other off of various standing spots, which does two things: 1) You get hurt from falling to the bottom of the arena. 2) Once at the bottom of the arena, spikes fly like crazy, but there is a teleporter to get you back up onto the cross. * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Quakematch 2-16 Player : Yes (2 or 3 players probably best) New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : None. Level from scratch. Editor(s) used : Thred Known Bugs : Please report any to jblaine@nda.com Map Building Time : About 6 actual hours, but if you count the 60 or so hours I've spent getting up to this speed, then 66 hours. * Copyright / Permissions * If any distribution is to happen via CD-ROM, floppy diskette, Internet FTP or WWW sites, BBS, etc, you must distribute both of the unaltered files named cjb_kom.bsp and cjb_kom.txt. I repeat, the filenames may NOT be changed, and the file contents may not be altered.